Connemara West plc...the year. 3. Office Services Since the mid-1980s, Connemara West provides a ......

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Transcript of Connemara West plc...the year. 3. Office Services Since the mid-1980s, Connemara West provides a ......

Connemara West plc is a

community owned and

managed rural development

company based in Letterfrack

in North West Connemara. It

was established in 1971 to

promote the social, economic

and cultural development of

the area. We have come a long

way since 1971. Today,

Connemara West plc is

engaged in the following


1. Renvyle ThatchedCottages

Built in 1973, these 9 thatched

cottages in the village of

Tullycross are rented to

traditional tourists and are also

home to students and

Professors from 4 US colleges

who base their study abroad

programmes in Tullycross.

2. Teach CeoilEstablished in 1977, the Teach

Ceoil in Tully village is a centre

for Irish culture particularly

traditional music, song and

dance, which hosts the Seisiún

in the summer and music, song

and dance classes throughout

the year.

3. Office ServicesSince the mid-1980s,

Connemara West provides a

range of office services to the

public such as colour printing

up to and including A3;

photocopying; faxing; ring/slide

binding; laminating; e-mailing;


4. GMIT LetterfrackSince 1987, Connemara West

plc has partnered with GMIT

Letterfrack to deliver honours

degree specialising in Furniture

Design and Manufacture;

Furniture and Wood

Technology; Teacher Education.

GMIT Letterfrack is the National

Centre of Excellence for

Furniture Design and Wood


5. Conservation|Letterfrack

Established in 2000, this is a

workshop which provides a

conservation and restoration

service throughout Ireland, to

the highest international

standards for furniture, wooden

artefacts and architectural


6. Tigh na nÓgCommunity Creche

Built in 2006, this community

crèche offers a range of child

care services to the catchment

area of North West Connemara.

7. Developmentpartnerships with other

local and non-localorganisations

Throughout the past decades,

Connemara West plc has also

partnered with many other

organisations to provide social

housing; community services;

sports facilities; community

radio; adult and continuing

education; and rural

development and social

inclusion programme delivery

to the people of North West


For contact &information:

Phone: 095-41047



Facebook: Connemara West plc

Share TransfersIf you have any queries about

shares or would like to transfer

shares please do not hesitate to

contact Janet on 095 41047 and

she will be happy to assist you.

We have had a steady flow of

requests for share transfers over

the past few years. The Board of

Connemara West are delighted

with the continued interest

shown by people in the

company and the transfer of

shares continues to bring new

shareholders into the company

which will prove vital support

for Connemara West in the


Connemara West plc

Connemara West AGM – ELLIS HALL, LETTERFRACK -WEDNESDAY 23rd September 2015 at 8pm.

It was a busy year again for thecottages. In addition totraditional tourists at the heightof the season, throughout therest of the year three Americancolleges - Aquinas College,Maine Maritime College andKirkwood Community College -brought students and Professorsto Tullycross for their studyabroad programmes. The regionof Letterfrack, Tullycross and theRenvyle peninsula is rapidlygaining a reputation as thedestination of choice for collegesand Universities from the UnitedStates wishing to bring studentsand Professors to rural Ireland fora learning and culturalexperience. In 2016, two othercolleges, Lourdes University andSt. Louis University will bringstudents to Tullycross also.

This growth in US collegesand students coming toTullycross is part of ConnemaraWest’s education-basedtourism strategy. In February2015, Minister of Rural AffairsAnn Phelan TD visitedTullycross to see, at first hand,what Connemara West wasdoing in relation to this and talkto students in the cottages.

In addition to study abroadprogrammes coming toTullycross, Connemara West isalso encouraging othereducation-based visits to thearea. For example, in early June2015, 20 Professors fromAquinas College and Lourdes

University attended a microconference called‘Interchanges’ in Renvyle HouseHotel, which was held inconjunction with ConnemaraWest plc. The President ofLourdes University, Dr. DavidLivingston and his wife Joanattended and, in addition to theUS participants, personnel fromGMIT Letterfrack, Teagasc andConnemara West plc presentedat the conference. It isenvisaged that the conferencewill be held every year and willgrow from strength to strength.Over the week, participants atthe conference also wenthiking in Connemara NationalPark and fishing on WesternKingfisher from Cleggan as wellas socialising in the bars andrestaurants in the area. All theparticipants stayed in thecottages.

In late June 2015, 70 graduatestudents and their Professorsfrom a selection of US,Canadian and EuropeanUniversities arrived inLetterfrack for a site visit as partof their 2 week InternationalComparative Rural PolicySummer Institute. This instituteis held in a different country inthe world each year and thisyear was Ireland’s turn. After aseries of morning workshops inthe Connemara West centre,the group visited ConnemaraCommunity Radio; GMITLetterfrack and Conservation|Letterfrack. Following lunch inthe Cloverfox bar andrestaurant in Letterfrack, thesummer institute participantsvisited Kylemore Abbey andConnemara National Parkbefore returning to Letterfrackto hear 3 local businesses,Connemara Carpets Ltd.,Marty’s Shellfish and Artisan

House Publishing, share theirexperiences of doing businessin rural Ireland. After dinner inVeldon’s Seafarer bar andrestaurant in Letterfrack, thevisitors enjoyed some eveningentertainment with localmusicians.

The visits by US colleges anduniversities are one part of abroader education-basedtourism strategy beingpromoted by Connemara Westplc. For over 40 years, AquinasCollege has sent students andProfessors to Tullycross for 4months to study Irish Literature,History and Culture. In recentyears, Connemara West plc inpartnership with AquinasCollege has encouraged 3other US colleges to sendstudents and Professors to thearea for periods ranging from10 days to 4 months, in additionto events like the microconference and the summerinstitute mentioned previously.The plan is that by 2017student numbers coming tothe region will be doubled, inthe process increasing theeconomic and social impact onthe community. Anotherexciting element of thisstrategy includes theopportunity for students fromConnemara to study at thesecolleges in the US. The firststudent from Connemara wentto the US in early 2015.

The Cottages

Minister Ann Phelan talkingwith US students in thecottages in Tullycross

Irish and US participants atthe recent Interchanges

micro conference in RenvyleHouse Hotel

Conservation| Letterfrack C o n s e r v a t i o n | L e t t e r f r a c kcontinues to attract a range ofinteresting objects to theworkshop for conservation andrestoration. We have also to workwith museums on mounting anddisplaying objects and alsolarger interior projects.

RMS LusitaniaMay 2015 marked the centenaryof the sinking of the RMSLusitania by a German U-Boat offthe coast of Cork, Ireland, duringthe First World War. The Lusitaniawas en route to Liverpool fromNew York and 1,201 people losttheir lives in the tragedy.Lusitania had made a total of 202trans-Atlantic crossings.

Wellington’s Death MaskAnother unusual project was tomake a display case for a plastercast of the death mask ofWellington for the BritishEmbassy in Merrion Road. ArthurWellesley 1st Duke of Wellingtonwas born in Merrion Street inDublin in 1769. He is today morefamous as a soldier than as apolitician after his defeat ofNapoleon at the Battle ofWaterloo in 1815 which put himin the top rank of Britain'smilitary heroes. He was alsoBritish Prime Minister from 1828to 1830 and again in 1834.

National Gallery of IrelandC|L removed the carved doorframes from the Milltown Wingof the National Gallery in 2014and the frames are nowundergoing restoration inpreparation for reinstallation inthe Gallery towards the end of2015. The frames were carved byCarlo Gambi, a woodcarver fromSienna, Italy. Carlo Gambi had alarge workshop with aninternational reputation inSienna and was commissionedby Thomas Manly Deane toexecute decorative woodworkfor a number of buildings inIreland including the NationalMuseum, the National Libraryand the Milltown Wing of theNational Gallery.

This unique, inscribed Hard Tack Biscuitwas taken from a Lusitania Lifeboat by J.Law, Templebreedy. Now on display forthe first time in Cobh Museum as part ofthe "Lusitania: A Day in May" exhibition,it captures the reality of survival on thatday. C|L supplied the custom made caseand mounted it for the exhibition.

A wooden deckchair which was washedup on Garrettstown strand 3-4 days afterthe Lusitania sank. It is most likely fromthe Lusitania. C|L conserved the chairand rebuilt some parts to complete thechair ready for exhibition in Cape Clear

Island Heritage Centre.

Death mask Wellington

St Mel’s Cathedral,LongfordThe timber statue of St. Thereseof Lisieux located in the westtransept survived the fire on the25th December 2009 in St Mel’sCathedral, Longford althoughsuffered damage. The 2.4 metrestatue was brought to Letterfrackfor restoration and will be re-installed in the Cathedral inSeptember 2015.

Marsh’s LibraryWas founded in the earlyeighteenth century byArchbishop Narcissus Marsh(1638-1713). Designed by SirWilliam Robinson (d.1712) theSurveyor General of Ireland, it isone of the very few 18th centurybuildings left in Dublin that is stillbeing used for its originalpurpose. Many of the collectionsin the Library are still kept on theshelves allocated to them byMarsh and by Elias Bouhéreau,the first librarian, when theLibrary was opened.Conservation Letterfrackinvestigated structural issues inrelation the bookcases and howto stabilise a number of thebookcases.

Furniture surveys in thePhoenix ParkConservation Letterfrack carriedout their 5th furniture survey inFarmleigh since 1999. C|L havealso carried out a furnituresurvey in the AmericanAmbassador’s residence in thePhoenix Park.

Left and above: Restoration in progresson the carved door panels of the

National Gallery of Ireland.Made by Carlo Gambi 1899 in Sienna. The Library in Farmleigh

Bookcases in Marsh’s Library

St Therese of Lisieuxbefore and after restoration

Heritage DayConservation|Letterfrack heldtheir 10th open day for Heritageweek on the 23rd of August 2015.This has become a popularfeature of our annual calendarand we were delighted towelcome visitors from all overIreland and abroad. Visitors havethe chance to view a range ofheritage objects and furnitureand also to get advice on thecare of the furniture and even trytheir hand at woodturning orother traditional skills.

Connemara West CentreConservation|Letterfrack weredelighted to be the chosencontractor to restore 73 windowsin the Connemara West Centre. Itwas important to the workshopto be able to put the skills andknowledge learned working onprojects all over Ireland to bearon our own buildings inLetterfrack. Due to the volumneof windows we were unable tohost Open Day for Heritage Weekin August 2014.

U.S. Ambassadors Residence

Windows for the Connemara West Centre in the workshop -conservation and restoration.

The Letterfrack Youthreachprogramme established in 1989,is going from strength tostrength, proving Training,Education, and work experienceopportunities to the youngpeople of the North WestConnemara area.

The courses provided are QQIFETAC Awards at levels 3 and 4,in Employment Skills andComponent Certificates in avariety of subjects, includingFashion Design, Woodwork,Animal Production Science,Computer Applications,Entrepreneurial Skills, Personaland Interpersonal Development,Engineering Technical Drawing,Catering and Cooking skills,Career Guidance, Mathematics,

Communications, Agriculture.The programme also offers

the Leaving Certificate Appliedcourse, with excellent resultsagain this year. Four studentsreceived a Distinction results,one student was awarded a Merit

result, one received a Pass resultand one an award of credits.

A number of students haveprogressed onto Apprentice-ships and Further EducationColleges in Galway and Mayo tocomplete their education.

Youthreach, Letterfrack

On Friday, October 17, 2014 Staffand students in GMIT Letterfrackwere delighted to receive a visitfrom the President of IrelandMichael D Higgins and SabinaHiggins. The first couple visitedthe Furniture Gallery andmachine halls on campus, andthe President delivered a speechto students and staff.

GMIT Letterfrack has a well-established connection with Árasan Uachtaráin involving formerPresidents Mary Robinson andMary McAleese as well asPresident Higgins.

Students and graduates of thecampus have produced uniquefurniture pieces that are nowpart of the fabric of the buildingin Áras an Uachtaráin; graduateJohn Lee designed and made theinauguration chair for PresidentHiggin’s inauguration ceremonyin November 2011, and anumber of lecterns designed and

made by students and staff in2008 are in use in the Aras today.

Farmleigh Gallery in thegrounds of the Áras hosted aunique exhibition of work bystudents, graduates and staff inNovember 2012, marking thecampus’ 25th anniversary.

Earlier this year, timber thatwas felled in the grounds of Árasan Uachtaráin during the winterstorms last year, was very kindlyoffered for use in studentprojects by Sabina Higgins.

Dermot O’Donovan, Head ofGMIT Letterfrack, says: “Thetimber included wood from oncemajestic Oak, Ash and Beechtrees, some of which are over acentury old, and have beenwitness to the foundation of theState, overseen nine Presidentsand 13 Taoisigh, lived throughtwo World Wars and two worldeconomic collapses, and 25episodes of Father Ted”.

“In the coming academicyears, when the timber is suitablyseasoned we hope PresidentHiggins and Mrs Higgins willcome back to view an exhibitionof the student work created fromthat timber.”

The President and MrsHiggins were presented with twounique pieces designed andmade by students Sean Burns,Donnchadha O’Connor and DaleCopeland, and staff JeremyMadden and Samantha Flaherty.

Following lunch on campus,President and Mrs Higgins wenton to launch the 30th anniversaryof the Conamara Sea WeekFestival.

Presentation to thePresident and Mrs. Higgins

Connemara West Staff, GMIT & Conservation|Letterfrack Staff & Boardmembers with President Michael D. Higgins and Sabina Higgins L-RMichael O’Neill,Head of Education of Connemara West; SamanthaFlaherty, GMIT Student Administrator; Janet O’Toole, Administrator ofConservation President & Mrs. Higgins; Dr. Kevin Heanue Chairman and

Breda Coneys, Manager of Connemara West

President Michael D. Higgins withMichael O’Neill Head of

Education Connemara West

The President of Ireland, MichaelD Higgins and DermotO’Donovan, Head of GMIT

Letterfrack, meeting students andstaff on the Connemara campus.

Student Awards

2015 Furniture Makers Awards

Three FDM students have wonfour separate awards in thisyear’s Future Makers Awards withprize money totally €4,000.Gabriel Hielscher has won one ofthe key awards - the innovationaward with Darragh Sinnottwining a training support awardand Conor Sweeney winning amaterial support award. Thedetails of the awards are asfollows:

Gabriel Hielscher – TheInnovation Award & MaterialsSupport was presented toGabriel Hielscher, who isstudying Furniture Designand Manufacture in GMITLetterfrack and combinesvery precise, clean joinerywith vibrant sculpturalelements in his work.

Darragh Sinnott – TrainingSupport - Darragh Sinnott, asecond year student in GMITLetterfrack studying FurnitureDesign and Manufacture

Conor Sweeney – MaterialsSupport - Conor Sweeney, asecond year student in GMITLetterfrack studying FurnitureDesign and Manufacture.

Cian Mulligan fromDublin, selected for Irish

TeamA student at GMIT’s NationalCentre for Excellence in FurnitureDesign & Technology inLetterfrack was identified asIreland’s most promising youngcraftsperson in Cabinetmakingand was selected to join an IrishTeam that competed in theWorldSkills 2015 Competitiontaking place in São Paulo, Brazilfrom 12 to 16 August.

The IrelandSkills andWorldSkills co-ordinator for GMIT

Letterfrack, lecturer AnthonyClare, said: “This is a fantasticachievement for Cian and it willbe the experience of a lifetimefor him. All the staff in GMITLetterfrack are delighted for himand wish him the competition.Cian has clearly demonstratedthat he has incredible skill andability and is a worthy memberof the Ireland team competing inWorldSkills 2015.” Cian was toprovide Anthony correct whenhe was ranked 6th in theCabinetmaking WorldSkills finalsand won a Medallion forExcellence for his outstandingperformance. Congratulations toCian from all in GMIT Letterfrackand Connemara West – you havedone us all proud.

Paul Sweeney wins for hisproduct ‘WoodBows by

Paul’Bow ties made from wood, aunique product created by aFurniture Design student inGMIT’s Letterfrack campus, haswon the top prize. The StudentInnovation Awards Final (2015)which took place in GMIT Mayothe week of Thursday, 16 April2015.

Dermot addresses President Michael D. Higgins & Sabina Higgins,students and staff of GMIT –The Furniture College

President Michael D. Higgins and Sabina Higgins shakes hands with Dr.Kevin Heanue Chairman, Board of Connemara West

Paul Sweeney fromMountbellew, a fourth yearstudent on the Bachelor ofScience (Hons) in FurnitureDesign and Manufacture,scooped the top prize,sponsored by Shell, for hisstunning selection of bow ties

which come in a range ofhardwoods, complemented bytextile design details. Each bowtie is hand finished and handstitched by Paul, resulting in aunique product of trueoriginality. The 24 year old’sbusiness start-up is called

Woodbows by Paul. He and threeother student teams whocompeted in the GMIT finals arenow through to the nationalfinals of the Enterprise IrelandStudent Innovation Awardswhich take place in Dublin inJune.

Furniture design &manufacture student winsaward for designingprocess to produce curvedforms

The flexibility of wood wasdemonstrated by studentsthroughout Ireland at the 2015Third Level Student WoodAwards hosted by the WoodMarketing Federation (WMF) inDublin recently. The topinnovation award went to GMITLetterfrack student Sean Burnsfrom Claremorris for designing aprocess that can produce curvedforms.

Sean, who is in the final year ofa Bachelor of Science honoursdegree in Furniture Design andManufacture, was presented withhis prize by Minister of State TomHayes at the formal awardsceremony in the NationalBotanic Gardens, Dublin earlierthis month (July).

This is a fantastic achievementfor the students in question andGMIT Letterfrack.

More details can be foundon the GMIT Letterfrack

Facebook page.

Breda Coneys, Manager of Connemara West meetsPresident & Mrs. Higgins

President Michael D. Higgins addresses students and staff GMIT – TheFurniture College, Letterfrack

Tigh na nOg Community Crèchehas had a busy year. We have 65children attending the crèchethroughout the week, catering toover 50 families in NorthConnemara. We provide full day-care, pre-school and after-schoolservice. All meals are cooked bystaff who are HACCP trained andprepare nutrionally balancedmeals.

The crèche operates thefollowing schemes:

• Community ChildcareSubvention (CCS) Programme(allowing reduced fees forfamilies on lower incomes)

• Early Childhood Care andEducation (ECCE) Programme(free Pre-School Year)

• Childcare Education andTraining Support (CETS)Programme (for participantson VEC or FAS training)

• After-school Childcare (ASCC)Programme (Afterschool carefor parents on JB or JA or OneParent Family)

• Community EmploymentChildcare (CEC) (forparticipants on CE schemes)up

Proof of eligibility is required forall adults These schemes must

have the appropriate paperworkwith them like proof of what youare eligible for, i.e. are you onJobseekers, One parent family,and copy of medical card orletter from VEC saying you areeligible for a course.

The snapshot week forparents applying for subventionis mid October. Parents mustprovide proof of eligibility duringthis week.

If you require moreinformation on these schemesand eligibility please call Miriamon 095-41908.

We are currently looking forstaff for our relief panel to coversick days and holidays if you areinterested and have Fetac Level5 in Childcare please contactMiriam on 095-41908 for moreinformation.

Parents CommitteeWe have a brilliant andenthusiastic parents committeewho did a lot of work fundraising.It can be very expensivereplacing equipment, buyingnew equipment, buying arts andcrafts materials. This year ourChristmas raffle which raisedover €1,000.00 in total.

Some parents have left thecommittee due to othercommitments or their childrenleaving the service and we hopeto invite new parents on board inSeptember 2015.

Our new GardenAs well as updating ourequipment and art supplies wewere able to build a new gardenfor the children with funds fromthe fundraising. We have startedto sow vegetables, herbs andflowers and even though it is justat the beginning we have startedoff quite well. Any donations toour garden are welcome.

Puppet MakingDuring the summer we hadPignut Productions in fromGalway who did puppet makingwith the pre-school room andafterschoolers. The childrenloved it and Jay the puppeteerwas very funny and great withthe children and they had apuppet show afterwards.

Tigh na nOgCommunity Crèche

Puppet Making with Jay the puppeteer The Crèche Garden

GMIT Letterfrack has beenawarded an international GreenCampus Flag by An Taisce. TheMayor of County Galway, CllrMary Hoade, officially raised theflag at a ceremony on campus(Tuesday 21 October) attendedby students, staff and specialguests.

Students and staff from bothGMIT and Connemara West haveworked tirelessly over the pasttwo years, implemented a rangeof sustainable initiatives aimed atreducing waste and increasingrecycling. Their work has resultedin a 48% decrease in waste goingto landfill, a 144% increase inrecycling of paper, a 34%reduction in paper usage and a30% reduction in waste costs.

Letterfrack is the secondGMIT campus to be awardedGreen Campus status; GMIT,which was one of the first ITs inthe country to be awarded aGreen Flag, was formallyapproved for its second flag inFebruary. Both campuses areamong only seven Irishcampuses to have Green Flagstatus.

Dermot O’Donovan, Head ofDept, GMIT Letterfrack, saysstudents and staff are not restingon their laurels. ”We are alreadyworking on the theme ofBiodiversity which involved usestablishing a native woodlandplot in conjunction withConnemara National Park earlierthis year.”

“International students fromVirginia Tech, USA, participated inthe planting of more than 3,000native trees on a site adjacent toour campus. The CommunityEducational Woodland will helpto inform students and thecommunity about the

importance of trees and thesustainable management offorestry for timber production.”

“We’re really delighted to seeall our hard work pay off andwhat can be done when peoplework together for a commoncause. This has helped to raiseawareness of the importance ofthe environment andsustainability in all our workinglives. To see students and staffand stakeholders engage in thevarious projects has been veryrewarding,” says Mr O’Donovan.

“Also, the reduction in ouroperating costs is an added

bonus and shows how theimplementation ofenvironmental policies can helpto save companies money in thelong run. I wish to congratulateall involved.”

Patricia Oliver, Director of AnTaisce’s Environmental EducationUnit, paid tribute to the studentsand staff: “The leadership whichhas been exhibited by the Green-Campus Committee will be, I amsure, an example and inspirationto many more third-levelinstitutions not only in Irelandbut throughout the entirenetwork of FEE countries.”

Green initiatives result in48% decrease in waste to landfilland 144% increase in recycling

Karl Elliffe, Head Student Representative, lecturers Sean Garvey andHugh Mullan, Dr Michael John O'Mahony, An Taisce, Michael Curtin,GMIT Student Representative, Dermot O'Donovan, GMIT Head of

Department, and Janet O'Toole, Chair of the Green Campus Committee

After 15 years of negotiations,lobbying and cajoling the finalbreakthrough in the provision of13 Social Housing units in thevillage of Letterfrack has beenachieved. The project is now inthe hands of Clúid HousingAssociation who will beresponsible for the construction,fit out and allocation of thehouses. The sod turningceremony was performed byEamon O Cuiv T.D. who was veryactive in arranging the transfer ofthe land to Diamond HillHousing and in subsequentnegotiations. Work began inmid-July and the scheme isexpected to be completedtowards the end of 2016.Applicants for the houses mustbe on Galway County Councilhousing list or if returningemigrants be on the Safe HomeProgramme housing list inMulranny, Co. Mayo.

When the present housingscheme is completed andoccupied a new application forfunding will be submitted for aphase-two development ofeleven additional houses.

Meanwhile both recently

developed pitches continue tobe used extensively for matchesand training. Each yearsubstantial maintenance work iscarried out on both pitches toensure that their high quality ismaintained.

Planning of the final project inthe development of the landcontributed by St. Jarlath’sDiocesan Trust, Tuam, andConnemara National Park is

ongoing. At the end of last year2014, it was a matter of gravedisappointment when a grantapplication to the LeaderProgramme was unsuccessful.However, the project has nowbeen redesigned and will besubmitted for planningpermission in early September. Ifthe planning application issuccessful and if a fundingpackage can be put togetherand secured then the redesignedCommunity Services and LeisureCentre will go ahead. The Centrewill include dressing rooms,showers and toilets, a sports halland fully equipped gymnasium,physio and kitchen facilities anda large storage area

Situated between the twoexisting pitches it will be afabulous facility for both youngand old in the community.

Astro Turf Pitch, LetterfrackRing 095-41047 or drop in to

Connemara West to book yourplace on the Astro or the Main

Pitches Schedule

Social Housing and CommunityServices & Leisure Centre

Pictures from sod turning ceremony – personnel from Cluid, Burns Buildersand Diamond Hill Housing Association with Éamon Ó Cuív

A very successful Seisiún seasonin the Teach Ceoil has recentlyended. Once again visitors fromaround the globe enjoyed a feastof what is best in Irish music,song and dance. One of the verypleasing aspects of recent yearsis the number of patrons whoreveal that they first attendedSeisiún in the Teach Ceoil aschildren with their parents andnow 30 years later they are backwith their own children.

The standard of musicianship,singing and dancing has neverbeen higher and it is mostencouraging to see all of theyoung talented musicians whoare emerging from local classes.Great credit is due to theirteachers for the time and effortthey invest in teaching and inpreparation for FleadhannaCheoil etc.

One of the great drawbacks inthe past was the fact that localmusicians rarely had theopportunity to meet, play withand listen to young traditionalmusicians from all parts ofIreland and abroad. Thankfullythat has all now changed thanksto Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireannand the Fleadh Cheoil thoseopportunities arise regularly.

The 2015 Seisiún Groupinclude Marie Walsh, Liz andYvonne Kane, Marie Sheridan,Luke Gannon, Doireann

Sheridan, Seamus Flaherty, RianSheridan, Loretta Coyn, KirstyMcCoy, Caitlyn Sammon, StevenCoohill, Helen King, NathanPilatski and Producer MichaelO’Neill. Lighting, Sound andProjection were in the capablehands of Paddy Kane whiletickets and CD and DVD saleswere the responsibility of MayO’Neill.

Nathan Pilatski gave someoutstanding performances ofOttawa Valley Step-dancing tothe delight of the audience eachnight. He was joined by hisbrother John from Canada onthe final night for a memorableperformance.

Special congratulations aredue to Seamus Flaherty newlycrowned All-Ireland under 18

Harp Champion and to all themembers of the group whoperformed in the All-IrelandFleadh Ceoil in Sligo.

It is hoped to organise classesin two instruments initially,accordion and concertina, forbeginners and improverscommencing in October andrunning through till thefollowing May. More detailedinformation on cost, times etc.,will be circulated through theschools later.

The group is presentlyconsidering an invitation toperform in Fort Morgan,Colorado, U.S.A. the hometownof band leader of the 1930’s and1940’s Glen Millar. A possibledate for the tour would be Spring2017.

The Teach Ceoil

DirectorsKevin Heanue ChairmanKathleen Kane SecretaryJenny Conboy Gerard CoyneCathy Keane Paddy KanePadraic Lyden Patrick SammonPaddy Walsh Mary GannonAdvisors to the BoardAnn Pollington Breda ConeysMichael O’Neill Janet O’TooleConnemara West Staff - Full-TimeAnn Pollington AccountsBridget Lydon Reception/AdminPaddy Kane CE SupervisorMalachy Higgins Librarian GMITPart-Time & Occasional Michael O’Neill Head of Education, Training

and DevelopmentBreda Coneys Development WorkerJanet O’Toole AdministrationAnne Jack Cottages SupervisorBrid Staunton AccountsCarol Cronnelly Temp Reception & Exhibition

SupervisorGeraldine Heanue Exhibition Supervisor

Peter Coyne Craft Assistant – GMITJoe Mortimer Caretaker-CWest & GMITCecilia Kellogg Aquinas College Intern- Jan –

April 2015

Conservation|Letterfrack – Full Time StaffSven Habermann ManagerSimon Brown Senior Conservator/RestorerThomas Flaherty Conservator/RestorerKate Aughey Conservator/Restorer

Part-Time & Occasional Janet O’Toole AdministrationPhillippe Homburger: UpholstererThijs Vorstenburg Intern – August-Dec 2015Lucy O’Malley Intern May 2015

Crèche – Full Time StaffMiriam Lee ManagerPatricia Glynn Deputy ManagerGeraldine Walsh Food HandlerSiobhan O’Neill Aisling JoyceAmanda Kearney Leigh Birchmore

Crèche – Part Time StaffMary Walsh Carmel WalshGrainne Coyne Annabella LydonCarrie Graham Anita Aya

Connemara West Directors & Staff

Funding – last year was anuncertain time for the radio. Theradio had been funded through theLocal Community DevelopmentProgramme through theDepartment of Environment,Community and Local Governmentas were Forum Connemara.Connemara Community Radio hadto go forward and put in anexpression of interest for the CountyGalway bid but as expected theradio was not successful in the initialround and did not qualify to make abid. The radio were successful,however, in securing support underthe Community ServicesProgramme through theDepartment of Social Protectionand administered by POBAL. Thestaff and Board are working hard toensure that we meet all the criteriaset down by the new programmeand most importantly that wecontinue to deliver qualitybroadcasting services to the peopleof North West Connemara.

People make radio programmesand Connemara Community Radiois lucky to have a large group ofwilling and enthusiastic volunteers.Next year will be the radio’s 21st

birthday and we intend to have agreat celebration.

Membership is important in everyway as it generates much neededrevenue for the radio in theserecessionary times but alsomembership is one of the measuresused by the Broadcasting Authorityof Ireland and other funders ofsupport locally for the radio.Membership is €25 per annum andif you contact the radio directly theywill send you a membership form.

Come by the Hills has been sosuccessful that it has gone into itssecond run. The CD contains 54tracks of Poetry, Song and Musicmade by people living inConnemara who have cometogether to celebrate their talents.The CD was the brainchild of theteam who produce and present The

West Wind Blows which is broadcaston Connemara Community Radioon Sunday evenings. The CD hasproved to be a bestseller with localsand visitors alike.

This CD makes an ideal gift forfriends at home or abroad and isavailable directly from the radioor in most local shops for €15.00.Connemara Community Radiobroadcasting on 87.8 and 106.1fmand also on the . Phone uswith news or suggestions on 095-41616 or email us

Connemara Community Radio

Printed by Clódóirí CL, Casla, Conamara. 091-506597