Connecting the Dots: How Open Health Data will Accelerate Care Delivery Innovation

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Connecting the Dots: How Open Health Data will Accelerate Care Delivery Innovation

Connecting the Dots Open health data accelerating care delivery transformation


Aneesh Chopra@aneeshchopra Aashima Gupta, Apigee@aashima1gupta


Aneesh Chopra

EVP, Hunch Analytics


Aashima Gupta




Agenda•  What is driving care delivery transformation?

•  How do open APIs, as nurtured through Project Argonaut, play a role?

•  How can you accelerate the open API journey through Apigee?

•  Q/A


Looking to the future•  This combination of consumer expectations and industry shifts puts external pressure on traditional

health providers to create differentiated value.

C ON S UM E R    E X P E C T A T I O N S  

I N D U S T R Y  S H I F T S  

Whoever  can  achieve  this  state  and  co-­‐create  value  across  the  con2nuum  will  win.    As  of  yet,  no  one  has  been  able  to  op@mize  the  con@nuum.  


T E C H NO L O G Y  T R E N D S  

Open Health Data and Project Argonaut ��


The Era of Precision Medicine Data-Driven Treatments at the Heart of Tomorrow’s Care Delivery System

“The Administration will carefully consider and develop an approach to precision medicine, including appropriate regulatory frameworks, that ensures consumers have access to their own health data – and to the applications and services that can

safely and accurately analyze it – so that in addition to treating disease, we can empower individuals and families to invest in and manage their health.”

A Steady March Towards Health Innovation Open Data + Interoperable Health IT + Payment Reform = Innovation Fuel

Source: Microstrategy, The Advisory Board Company,

HHS announces 2018 goal to shift 50% of payments towards “alternative models;” CMS opens up provider spending data; ONC publishes interoperability “road map” focused

on care coordination

Meaningful Use “Stage 3” Delivers on Vision Bold Proposal Seeks Input on Patient Data Access via APIs in Lieu of Portals


Offer Patients Data Access within 24 Hours (API, Portal)


2 “No Fee” for Use Expectation

3 HHS Seeks Comment on API Access in lieu of Portal Usage

“APIs provide the patient with access to their health information through a third-party application with more

flexibility than often found in many current "patient portals." From the provider perspective, using this option

would mean the provider would not be required to separately purchase or implement a "patient portal...”

A Promising Path for Healthcare’s Open API “Project Argonaut” a Public/Private Effort to Accelerate Open Data


Built upon R&D initiative leading the way in defining an open clinical API to fuel a growing

array of third party apps

“At this point in history we have an unprecedented opportunity…for query/response transactions in healthcare using the same type of technologies that Facebook, Google, and Amazon have already

implemented at scale” -John Halamka

Common MU Data Set

Source: Asthmapolis, Symcat,, Iodine, Apigee

CMS Provider Spending Data

Patient Feedback Apps

Predictive Diagnosis Analytics

Physician-Ordered Apps

Medication Adherence


Preventive Service


“Front-Door” Interop to Complete Patient Profile Built on API Management Best Practices

EMR  system(s)   Administra2ve  systems  



Apigee’s approach

Harnessing information for better healthThe foundation of personalized, consumer-driven health includes collecting, collating and curating information, moving from episodic to continuous engagement.

consumer interactions

BEHAVIORAL DATA (life style choices, preferences,

activities, quality of life)

PERSONAL“-OMICS” (Genomics, proteomics, transcriptomes,


SOCIAL DATA (friends, family, affiliations, communication, activities)

MEDICAL RECORDS (encounter, labs, Rx, medical devices, etc)

CONTEXTUAL Environment (temperature, pollen count, etc) Geographic (closest hospital, pharmacy, etc)

DEMOGRAPHICS (age, employer, address, industry)

Powered by APIgee

Remote Monitoring DevicesClinical-grade personal devices to remotely monitor clinical parameters

Digital Health Technology StrategyDigital Platform will be the central component of an entire “ecosystem” that will enable capabilities to securely exchange data, create insights, and connect the edge.

Wellness and Fitness DevicesConsumer devices monitoring activity levels and wellness parameters

Patient Mobile and Tablet AppsMobile Applications

External DataConnect to external data assets that give insights about me and my peers

Analytics EngineCentralized application server to perform analytic tasks

Eco System PartnersPeers in the healthcare industry (Payors, Providers, ACOs, HIEs)

Data RepositoriesData warehouses, including in-house and outsourced infrastructure

Digital Health Platform and Analytics

Legacy SystemsEMR , System of records, Claims, Pharmacy, outsourced infrastructure

Developer Adoption to Expand Reach!

Agility to Scale with the API Economy!

Channel Visibility to Innovate at the Edge!

API !Team!App!


App Developer API!

The Developer is the Key in the App Economy



1 2 3

Pearson: accelerating the shift to digital & services


“Developer communities, especially in the ed-tech market, are set for phenomenal growth, and we believe Pearson’s APIs are going to play a key role.” - Diana Stepner, Head of Future Technologies

Showcase apps using Pearson APIs


•  The world’s leading learning company

•  11+ external APIs, multiple internal APIs on the Plug & Play platform

•  Creating value by monetizing APIs

•  $2 billion from digital content in 2012

HealthCare: FHIR API-X Solution

Physicians    &  Other  Care  Professionals  

Hospital/  MOB  

Pharmacy   Imaging   Lab  

health  informa@on  

“Total  health”  informa@on  access  

health  informa@on  flow    

Apigee  API  Management  PlaOorm    •  Only  select  data  available  to  trusted  partners  •  “Unlock  the  data”  

data  in  

data  out  

FHIR  APIs  HIIPAA  compliant  solu2on      

Partners   Mobile  Web  Sites  Developers  Mone2za2on  HIE  Exchanges   Internal  Apps    

EHR  Systems    Epic,  Cerner,  MediTech  CCDA  -­‐>  FHIR  Converter  

Examples  of  data  captured  into  EMR  

Medica@ons   Care  Plans  Pa@ent   Procedures  Problems  Common  MU  Data  Record  –  16  elements    

FHIR  Connectors  


Apigee Edge Value Proposition

•  Unified platform for API exposure, discovery, consumption, and operations management

•  Transforms web services into manageable, elegant APIs •  Enables developers to self-discover and test APIs •  Protects systems from internet-based threats through rate

limiting, authentication, and authorization policies •  Provides visibility of digital interactions from backend to app

Apigee offers API management software that dramatically accelerates the production of engaging, innovative digital experiences – within the control of IT

Early Adopter Program (EAP)Objective : Create live proof of success of the patient FHIR APIs for common meaningful use data



q  Low risk trial.

q  Connectors for your EMR, HIS systems

q  Live patient app/portal or use case

q  Opportunity to shape the FHIR standard

q  Peer discussion and collaboration – as part of Apigee Healthcare Advisory Council

q  Access to highly skilled, API product and services team

Apigee Healthcare API-X EAP – Next Stepsq Sign up for EAPq Join Apigee Healthcare Advisory Council q  Initiate Discovery


Aneesh Chopra


Aashima Gupta



Join us at HIMSS Booth 8127 @Connected Patient Gallery for a live demo

Connected Health Session April 13th 4:45 pm

Thank you