Conferences and Publications Andrea Meluch Tom Ballinger

Post on 14-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Conferences and Publications Andrea Meluch Tom Ballinger

  • Slide 1

Conferences and Publications Andrea Meluch Tom Ballinger Slide 2 Outline Conferences Andrea Publications Tom Discussion Slide 3 Getting Started with Conferences Plan your meeting. Check program online ahead of time. Figure out travel arrangements. Conference Theme: Learn. Present research. Network. Department Activities. Pre-conferences and workshops. Slide 4 Conference Networking Business Cards. Start small (regional-level) and re- meet people at larger conferences. (national/international). Join Sections/Divisions and attend their business meetings. Plan with your advisor regarding introductions. Mentoring Programs. Slide 5 Getting Involved and Presenting Do your research before submitting. Deadlines. Conference Theme. Requirements (e.g., abstract or paper, length limits). Types of Involvement. Presenter (individual paper/abstract session). Panelist. Poster Presenter. Discussant or Respondent. Moderator. Roundtable Participant (good opportunity for new scholars). Slide 6 How to Make the Most of Your Conference Presentation Slide 7 Tips for Conference Presentations Be enthusiastic about your topic. Try to avoid using distracting gestures. Speak loudly, without shouting. Speak slowly. Have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Define your terms. Explain your research without overwhelming the audience with too much information. Do not cut out important facts. Use PowerPoint and other visual aids appropriately. Slide 8 Final Tips for Surviving Conferences Do not try to attend every session. Take breaks throughout the day. Use the restroom prior to start of session. Wear layers. Bring Band-Aids and other essentials. Eat and drink lots of fluids. Try to get some sleep. Take notes during presentations. If you want to sightsee, arrive early or stay late. Slide 9 Travel Funding Options Kent State University Options: Graduate Student Senate (GSS): oDomestic Travel Grant (50% student incurred expenses up to $350; presenter preference*). oInternational Travel Grant (up to $1500 student incurred expenses; competitive award*). oResearch Award* Departmental Grants / Support. Student Organization Grants. Other Options: Conference Travel Awards. Graduate Student Volunteering at Conferences. Slide 10 30 th Annual Kent State University Graduate Research Symposium Friday, April 3, 2015 Slide 11 Academic Publishing Why is it important to publish? To share your research with academic peers. To enhance your academic and professional rsums. To obtain tenure (Becker, 2007; Maddux & Liu, 2005). Slide 12 What counts as a publication? Journals Research Articles Literature Reviews Book Reviews Proceedings Books Magazines Newspapers What about publishing in the public sphere? Slide 13 How do I know which publication route is best for me? Explore the journals in your field. Consult with your advisor and peers. Assess a journals impact factor. Look at the submission guidelines. Collaborate with others. Slide 14 Where to start? You need to have an original idea, method, response, argument, perspective, etc. Research what others have done and what hasnt been done yet. Make it a practice to regularly read many published research reports. Reading published research reports of others will inevitably provide many ideas for additional research (Maddux & Liu, 2005, p. 56). Slide 15 Research Design Decide which methodology/approach will best answer your research question. There are benefits and drawbacks to using all different types of methodologies (e.g. quantitative vs. qualitative). Mixed-methods Experiment with different methodologies and writing styles for class assignments. Slide 16 Writing Academic publications use formulaic writing. Structure and organization can be found by reviewing publications and talking to faculty. Use the required writing style (e.g. APA, MLA). Think of a concise, telling title. Keep track of your references. Discuss writing early on when working with multiple authors. Slide 17 The Submission Process Check publishers website for topics covered, specific formatting guidelines, deadlines, writing styles, and image preparation. Keep in mind blind review. Slide 18 Slide 19 The Submission Process Check publishers website for specifics. Consult the editor with brief, but specific questions. Submit manuscript in publications desired format (e.g. electronically through publisher, email to editor). Include all materials (e.g. complete manuscript, cover letter, ISBNs of books reviewed). Slide 20 Feedback Rejection The decision was difficult and we regret to inform you Revise and Rewrite/Resubmit While the reviewers were supportive of your paper they had specific concerns and based on their feedback we have concluded that your work should be revised and resubmitted. Acceptance Congratulations, your article has been accepted! Slide 21 What should I do while waiting for a response? Depending on your field it may be appropriate to acknowledge on your CV that you have a manuscript under review. Be patient. Continue research, stay curious. Do NOT submit identical manuscripts to multiple publications at the same time. Slide 22 Publication Trajectory VersionTimelineActivity 1Spring 2015Defend dissertation/thesis - raw material for article or first draft of article written. Summer/Fall 2015 Submit article, either directly from or rewritten version of dissertation/thesis, to conference as individual paper. Spring 2016Present conference paper. 2Summer 2016Rewrite based on comments from respondents at conference. Summer/Fall 2016 Submit to Journal A. Fall 2016Journal A rejects at editors desk without forwarding to reviewers. 3Winter 2017Rewrite based on Journal A editors comments. Spring 2017Submit to Journal B. Summer 2017Journal B invites major revise and resubmit. 4Fall 2017Submit revised version based on Journal B reviewers comments. Winter 2018Journal B accepts manuscript with minor revisions. 5Winter 2018Rewrite based on Journal B reviewers second round of comments. Spring 2018Published (online first, then months later in print). Adapted from Tracy, 2013 Slide 23 Complex Conversations in Academia Academic Rejection Slide 24 Complex Conversations in Academia Authorship Slide 25 Questions? Thank you and stay in touch! Slide 26 References Conferences Brann-Barret, M. T. Cape Breton University Communications. Kamler, B., & Thomson, P. (2006) Helping doctoral students to write, Routledge: New York KSU GSS Website: awards Rugg, G., & Petre, M. (2010). The unwritten rules of PhD research (2nd ed.). Open University Press: Maidenhead Smith, T. L. Tips for Attending Professional Conferences. Publications Becker, H. S. (2007). Writing for social scientists: How to start and finish your thesis, book, or article. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Maddux, C. D., & Liu, L. (2005). Publishing research findings: Some suggestions for junior faculty.International Journal of Technology in Teaching and Learning 1(2), 55-62. Tracy, Sarah J. (2013). Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell