Concorde lnternational Study English in England · new grammar functions and vocabulary, and also...

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Transcript of Concorde lnternational Study English in England · new grammar functions and vocabulary, and also...

Concorde International, Hawks Lane, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2NU,UK

Tel : +44 1227 451035 Fax : +44 1227 762760 Email :

Study English in England Breaking your language barrier Accreditation UK

Concorde lnternational

Dates 01 July to 26 August 2018

Flexible enrolments - start every Sunday

Duration 1 - 8 weeks

Ages 18 years +

Course General English 15 (AM) or 25 (AM & PM) hours per week

Residential accommodation

University Summer Courses - City Centre Campus in Canterbury

• Average class size 8 - 10, with a maximum of 12

• Optional social programme with excursions to London, Cambridge, Oxford and Brighton.

• Local visits to Leeds Castle, Dover White Cliffs, Broadstairs, Margate and Whitstable seaside

• Weekly BBQ and Pub visits

• Theatre or Cinema pay as you go

• Punting on the River Stour through the city

• Located in Canterbury, internationally famous for its Cathedral, UNESCO World Heritage sites

Price per week

15 Hours £252

25 Hours £312

AM 15 hours - Monday to Friday

9.00-10.30 Focus on Grammar

and Accuracy

10.30-11.00 Coffee Break

11.30-12.30 Focus on Skills

and Fluency

Morning classes focus on the accurate use of English. Students learn and practise new grammar functions and vocabulary, and also develop their knowledge of English using set course books and authentic materials. • Grammar in real-life contexts • Pronunciation practice • Written and spoken accuracy • Skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking

PM 10 hours - Monday to Thursday

13.45-15.15 Focus on


15.15-15.30 Tea


15.30-16.30 Focus on Skills

and Fluency

Afternoon classes focus on improving oral communication and fluency, vocabulary extension and skills for real-life purposes.

Accommodation Price per week

Single room, en‐suite £162

Single room, sharing facilities £147

Includes £10 meal voucher on arrival