Concho Valley Council of Governments Committee... · 2020. 3. 20. · The Homeland Security Planner...

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Transcript of Concho Valley Council of Governments Committee... · 2020. 3. 20. · The Homeland Security Planner...

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The Concho Valley Council of Governments (CVCOG) represents the following 14 counties in West Texas; Concho, Coke, Crockett, Edwards, Irion, Kimble, Mason, McCulloch, Menard, Reagan, Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton and Tom Green Counties. The CVCOG assists the Homeland Security Grant Division of the Office of the Governor (HSGD) throughout the grant year. CVCOG Executive Committee appoints members of the region to the Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee (EPAC). The EPAC is authorized to review and prioritize grant applications, make funding recommendations to HSGD. In addition, the EPAC develops and implements local policies regarding the grant application process, attendance requirements for prioritization meetings, risk methodology ,methodology, prioritization of grants applications, and the scoring process. The EPAC evaluates each funding proposal and makes recommendations to the CVCOG Executive Committee. The application and scoring procedures are established for the review and scoring of applications for HSGD funds. The EPAC will review and score all applications within the CVCOG region.

Application Procedures

1. Contact the Homeland Security Planner. Contact the Homeland Security

Planner at the CVCOG for information about the grant application process and information regarding procedures or deadlines that are not included in the grant application kit.

2. Strategic Plan. Applicants for grant funds shall demonstrate participation in the

Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA)/State Preparedness Report (SPR)/ and Texas Homeland Security Strategic Plan-Implementation Plan (HSSP-IP) process or describe how the application addresses a Homeland Security priority as identified in the plan. For more information on the THIRA/SPR/HSSP-IP Plan or a copy of the THIRA/SPR/HSSP-IP Plan, please contact the Homeland Security Planner at CVCOG.

3. Grant Application Distribution. The Homeland Security Planner will

notify all prospective grant applicants when Homeland Security Funds become

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available. The Homeland Security Planner maintains a mailing list of all current grantees and prospective grantees.

4. Application Workshop. All applicants are required to attend a mandatory grant application workshop. An independent grant writer may attend but must be accompanied by someone from the applying organization. The Homeland Security Planner has the information on the meeting dates, times, locations. At the workshop, application kits and other required forms will be distributed. If an applicant cannot attend a workshop, then a one-on-one application training session can be scheduled at the convenience of the CVCOG Homeland Security Planner. Attendees will be provided an application kit consisting of an overview of the application process, timelines, scoring instruments and other information needed to complete the grant application.

5. Grant Application. The Homeland Security Planner at CVCOG can provide technical assistance to potential grantees by telephone or by a personal visit. Technical assistance may be provided any time during the year as needed by the grantee. The potential grantee needs to thoroughly and carefully read the grant application.

6. Application Deadlines. Application submission deadlines will be announced

each year for the grant programs funded through Homeland Security Grant Division (HSGD) of the Office of the Governor. The Homeland Security Planner will also notify potential grantees of the application deadlines. Applications will be submitted directly to HSGD via eGrants.

7. Application Procedure After Submission. After submitting grant applications to HSGD through eGrants, HSGD will review the grant applications for eligibility. Applications that are ineligible will be removed, and those applications that are eligible will be forwarded to CVCOG for review and prioritization by the EPAC.

8. Prioritization by EPAC. Eligible applicants received from HSGD will be

reviewed and prioritized by the EPAC. All grantees applying for funds must attend the EPAC prioritization meeting. Presentations will be grouped by each Homeland Security Division category. Order of presentation will be decided by the Homeland Security Planner by lottery. A representative from each applicant agency is required to give a maximum of ten (10) minute uninterrupted oral presentation on their application. EPAC may have up to thirty (30) minutes with each applicant to ask questions on their presentations. After all presentations in a funding category

are made, each EPAC member scores those applications using the Committee’s Application Review Instrument. The scoring sheets are collected and computed by the Homeland Security Planner. Each Computation will have the highest and lowest scores thrown out, with the rest of the scores being averaged for a final score. Tie scores will be decided by the chairperson. EPAC members are prohibited from discussing scoring of the grants with grantees from the application due date until the awards are finalized.

9. Conflict of Interest. EPAC members must abstain from

voting/commenting/questioning on or lobbying for any application in the funding source, other than a grant application submitted by a COG, during the prioritization process if the member or a relative within the third degree by blood or within the second degree by marriage.

a. is employed by the applicant agency and works for the unit or division

that would administer the grant, if awarded; b. serves on any board that oversees the unit or division that would

administer the grant, if awarded; c. owns or controls any interest in a business entity or other non-

governmental organization that benefits (directly or indirectly) from activities with the applicant, if awarded;

d. receives any funds, or a substantial amount of tangible goods or routine services, from the applicant agency as a result of the grant, if awarded.

10. Executive Committee. The priority list will be presented to the CVCOG

Executive Committee within the next month, after the EPAC prioritization meeting. The Executive Committee will approve or disapprove the prioritization recommendations of the EPAC.

11. Notification. The Homeland Security Planner will notify all applicants of the

approved priorities in writing within ten (10) calendar days of the Executive Committee’s decisions. The notice will state: “After the EPAC prioritizes the grant applications and the COG’s governing body approves the priority listing, the COG submits the written priority listing to HSGD. Based upon the COG’s priority listing, HSGD will verify the eligibility, reasonableness and cost effectiveness strategy of the proposed project, and the availability of funding, and will render final funding decisions on these grant applications. The COG will notify grantees of any changes in the funding recommendations. Pursuant to the provisions of the Texas Administrative Code, after EPAC prioritizes the grant applications and the COG’s governing body approves the priority listing, the COG submits the written priority listing to HSGD. Based upon COG’s priority listing, HSGD will verify the

eligibility, reasonableness and cost-effectiveness strategy of the proposed project, and the availability of funding, and will render final funding decisions on these grant applications. The COG will notify grantees of any changes in the funding recommendations.”

12. Appeals. An applicant may appeal the decision of the EPAC scoring by

following the written appeals procedure.

13. Meetings. All meetings will be posted based on the Texas Open Meetings Act.

14. Funding Decisions Made by HSGD. After review by HSGD, a decision to completely fund, partially fund, or deny funds for the grant application will be made by HSGD. These decisions are completely at the discretion of HSGD. Once the final funding decision is made, HSGD will notify the applicant directly either with a Statement of Grant Award or with a denial letter.

15. Post Award Grant Management Workshop. The Homeland Security Planner

will provide a post award grant management workshop. The workshop will follow through with the reporting requirements for HSGD and Public Policy Research Institute (PPRI). Attendance is not mandatory but recommended.

EPAC Approved 9/9/1511/09/16 Executive Committee Approved 10/14/1511/09/16 _______________________________ ______________________________ Executive Committee Chair Executive Committee Secretary

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Summary Budget Comparison - DIR-Grant 701, Head Start 16-17

From 6/1/2016 Through 9/30/2016

Account Code Account Title YTD Budget $ YTD Actual

Current Period


YTD Budget $


Percent Total

Budget Used

701 Head Start FY16-17 06CH7116-03-00

004 Revenue

4134 HHS-ACF Head Start 16-17 CFDA 93.600 5,849,559.00 1,553,203.07 480,842.03 (4,296,355.93) 26.55%

4411 IK Contributions 562,632.00 76,026.86 76,026.86 (486,605.14) 13.51%

4414 Delegate InKind 899,783.00 292,595.91 207,524.62 (607,187.09) 32.51%

Total 004 Revenue 7,311,974.00 1,921,825.84 764,393.51 (5,390,148.16) 26.28%

400 Head Start Rural

5110 Salaries/Wages 1,096,212.00 366,431.84 88,383.40 729,780.16 33.42%

5119 General Double Time 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 100.00%

5150 Leave Time Benefit 178,654.00 71,737.73 17,256.69 106,916.27 40.15%

5151 Medicare Tax 15,927.00 5,078.82 1,221.18 10,848.18 31.88%

5172 Worker's Comp Insurance 6,656.00 2,224.95 556.28 4,431.05 33.42%

5173 SUTA 2,378.00 730.00 192.77 1,648.00 30.69%

5174 Health Insurance Benefit 280,522.56 90,029.83 20,279.18 190,492.73 32.09%

5175 Dental Insurance Benefit 12,005.00 3,535.95 459.19 8,469.05 29.45%

5176 Life Insurance Benefit 10,279.00 3,915.91 900.02 6,363.09 38.09%

5181 Retirement 122,915.00 41,243.47 9,943.15 81,671.53 33.55%

5199 Indirect Costs 294,646.00 94,225.15 22,424.85 200,420.85 31.97%

5291 Contract Services 25,500.00 4,600.00 4,600.00 20,900.00 18.03%

5293 HS Health & Disab Svc 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00%

5294 HS Policy Council 2,500.00 1,358.38 1,180.18 1,141.62 54.33%

5296 HS Parent Service 700.00 90.75 0.00 609.25 12.96%

5308 Head Start T & T A 28,352.00 15,639.33 1,693.67 12,712.67 55.16%

5309 Travel-In Region 3,000.00 1,196.43 508.84 1,803.57 39.88%

5310 Travel-Out of Region 2,000.00 1,179.93 1,179.93 820.07 58.99%

5410 Other Facility Rental 852.00 358.10 76.00 493.90 42.03%

5411 Rent 23,735.00 8,278.40 2,069.60 15,456.60 34.87%

5413 HS Site Rent 31,955.00 8,800.00 2,200.00 23,155.00 27.53%

5431 Utilities 4,000.00 880.97 16.71 3,119.03 22.02%

5433 HS Site Center Utilities 23,000.00 6,629.68 1,454.12 16,370.32 28.82%

5451 Bldg Maintenance 3,795.00 1,324.52 331.13 2,470.48 34.90%

5453 HS Site Center Bldg Maint 31,781.00 13,726.13 3,547.40 18,054.87 43.18%

5510 Supplies 6,000.00 1,509.02 1,012.31 4,490.98 25.15%

5512 HS Class Room Supplies 13,211.88 14,136.83 924.95 (924.95) 107.00%

5514 HS Medical Supplies 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00%

5515 HS Disability Supplies 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00%

5632 Copier 4,000.00 3,984.78 558.29 15.22 99.61%

5711 Insurance 1,500.00 853.80 0.00 646.20 56.92%

5721 Printing 2,500.00 639.36 0.00 1,860.64 25.57%

5722 Ads & Promotions 1,500.00 543.95 90.00 956.05 36.26%

5751 Training 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00%

5753 Dues and fees 1,500.00 1,037.56 0.00 462.44 69.17%

5760 HS Site Center Communications 6,000.00 2,930.38 835.92 3,069.62 48.83%

5761 Communications 3,994.12 264.92 68.46 3,729.20 6.63%

5762 Postage/freight 2,000.00 599.91 181.22 1,400.09 29.99%

Total 400 Head Start Rural 2,247,770.56 769,916.78 184,145.44 1,477,853.78 34.25%

Date: 11/1/2016, 2:17 PM Page: 1

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Summary Budget Comparison - DIR-Grant 701, Head Start 16-17

From 6/1/2016 Through 9/30/2016

Account Code Account Title YTD Budget $ YTD Actual

Current Period


YTD Budget $


Percent Total

Budget Used

701 Head Start FY16-17 06CH7116-03-00

407 Head Start Rural Nutrition

5295 HS Nutrition Service 2,754.44 2,754.44 2,754.44 0.00 100.00%

Total 407 Head Start Rural Nutrition 2,754.44 2,754.44 2,754.44 0.00 100.00%

409 Head Start Rural InKind

6791 InKind Other 562,632.00 76,026.86 76,026.86 486,605.14 13.51%

Total 409 Head Start Rural InKind 562,632.00 76,026.86 76,026.86 486,605.14 13.51%

422 HS SAISD Delegate Agency-Head Start

5116 Delegate Salaries 1,711,519.00 304,391.73 142,937.28 1,407,127.27 17.78%

5153 Delegate Fringe Benefits 522,625.00 69,971.25 36,873.52 452,653.75 13.38%

5290 HS Delegate Contract Services 5,000.00 3,650.00 3,650.00 1,350.00 73.00%

5297 HS Delegate Health & Disb 10,000.00 375.00 375.00 9,625.00 3.75%

5299 HS Delegate Parent Svc 1,400.00 145.20 80.13 1,254.80 10.37%

5306 HS Delegate T & TA 31,935.00 31,049.31 24,669.62 885.69 97.22%

5316 HS Delegate Travel 6,000.00 571.68 89.91 5,428.32 9.52%

5364 HS Delegate Vehicle Maint 1,500.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00%

5432 HS Delegate Utilities/Phone 120,000.00 13,857.53 0.00 106,142.47 11.54%

5455 HS Delegate Bldg Maint 40,000.00 5,046.69 273.06 34,953.31 12.61%

5507 HS Delegate Disability Supplies 2,051.00 0.00 0.00 2,051.00 0.00%

5508 HS Delegate Class Room Supplies 31,344.00 9,932.96 704.05 21,411.04 31.69%

5509 HS Delegate Supplies 24,000.00 8,285.03 225.80 15,714.97 34.52%

5517 HS Delegate Technology/Imaging 4,266.70 2,456.15 1,440.00 1,810.55 57.56%

5710 HS Delegate Insurance 2,103.30 2,103.30 0.00 0.00 100.00%

5720 HS Delegate Printing 1,669.00 1,332.63 72.00 336.37 79.84%

5750 HS Delegate Training 1,400.00 0.00 0.00 1,400.00 0.00%

5752 HS Delegate Dues & Fees 9,400.00 3,925.27 0.00 5,474.73 41.75%

Total 422 HS SAISD Delegate Agency-Head Start 2,526,213.00 457,093.73 211,390.37 2,069,119.27 18.09%

423 HS SAISD Delegate Agency-Early

5116 Delegate Salaries 764,944.00 245,070.01 63,960.16 519,873.99 32.03%

5153 Delegate Fringe Benefits 215,243.00 59,892.57 16,138.90 155,350.43 27.82%

5290 HS Delegate Contract Services 650.00 486.00 486.00 164.00 74.76%

5297 HS Delegate Health & Disb 1,000.00 482.50 385.00 517.50 48.25%

5298 HS Delegate Nutrition Svc 8,000.00 48.96 0.00 7,951.04 0.61%

5299 HS Delegate Parent Svc 600.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00%

5306 HS Delegate T & TA 25,395.00 2,064.10 1,278.91 23,330.90 8.12%

5432 HS Delegate Utilities/Phone 15,000.00 2,856.41 0.00 12,143.59 19.04%

5455 HS Delegate Bldg Maint 5,130.00 1,727.00 93.63 3,403.00 33.66%

5507 HS Delegate Disability Supplies 1,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00%

5508 HS Delegate Class Room Supplies 15,471.00 5,314.12 65.84 10,156.88 34.34%

5509 HS Delegate Supplies 10,715.08 1,008.85 120.30 9,706.23 9.41%

5517 HS Delegate Technology/Imaging 48.20 48.20 0.00 0.00 100.00%

5710 HS Delegate Insurance 461.70 461.70 0.00 0.00 100.00%

5720 HS Delegate Printing 3,103.02 3,103.02 0.00 0.00 100.00%

5750 HS Delegate Training 500.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00%

5752 HS Delegate Dues & Fees 5,560.00 874.68 23.04 4,685.32 15.73%

Total 423 HS SAISD Delegate Agency-Early 1,072,821.00 323,438.12 82,551.78 749,382.88 30.15%

Date: 11/1/2016, 2:17 PM Page: 2


Summary Budget Comparison - DIR-Grant 701, Head Start 16-17

From 6/1/2016 Through 9/30/2016

Account Code Account Title YTD Budget $ YTD Actual

Current Period


YTD Budget $


Percent Total

Budget Used

701 Head Start FY16-17 06CH7116-03-00

429 Head Start SAISD InKind

6298 InKind Head Start Delegate Agency 631,553.00 126,240.46 118,716.80 505,312.54 19.98%

Total 429 Head Start SAISD InKind 631,553.00 126,240.46 118,716.80 505,312.54 19.99%

430 Early Head Start SAISD InKind

6299 InKind EarlyHead Start Delegate 268,230.00 166,355.45 88,807.82 101,874.55 62.01%

Total 430 Early Head Start SAISD InKind 268,230.00 166,355.45 88,807.82 101,874.55 62.02%

Total Expenditures 7,311,974.00 1,921,825.84 764,393.51 5,390,148.16 26.28%

Total Revenue over Expenditures 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00%

Rural Head Start 2,250,525.00 772,671.22 186,899.88 1,477,853.78 34.33%

SAISD Head Start 2,526,213.00 457,093.73 211,390.37 2,069,119.27 18.09%

SAISD Early Head Start 1,072,821.00 323,438.12 82,551.78 749,382.88 30.15%

Total Federal 5,849,559.00 1,553,203.07 480,842.03 4,296,355.93 26.55%

Total Non-Federal 1,462,415.00 368,622.77 283,551.48 1,093,792.23 25.21%

Grand Total HHS Head Start Expenditures 7,311,974.00 1,921,825.84 764,393.51 5,390,148.16 26.28%

CVCOG Rural Admin 51,731.31

CVCOG Indirect 94,225.15

SAISD Admin 165,459.83

SAISD Early Admin 17,135.73

Total Non-Federal Admin 0.00

Total Administrative 328,552.02

Head Start Budget 7,311,974.00

Administrative Percentage of Approved Budget 4.49% 5.19% 4.06%

Note: Administrative Maximum Percentage is 15% CVCOG SAISD

Percentage of Non-Federal to Total Required 20.00% 19.18% Current Non-Federal %

Date: 11/1/2016, 2:17 PM Page: 3

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Balance Sheet - Balance Sheet

As of 8/31/2016

Current Period Balance


Wells Fargo General Bank Acct 109,793.98 1111

Senior Companion Wells Fargo Bank Account 234,088.07 1114

Wells Fargo P-Card 41,495.20 1199

HSGD Contract 2,931.00 1204

Grant Receivable, 2-1-1 59,643.19 1205

Grant Receivable, 9-1-1 26,137.95 1211

Grant Receivable, AAA 92,957.00 1212

State Contract, CJ Planning 3,402.39 1214

Grant Receivable, CJ Purchase of Services 748.05 1217

Grant Receivable, Foster Grandparent 22,912.21 1219

Grant Receivable, Senior Companion 17,264.73 1220

CEDAF 7,356.00 1224

Homeland Security CCP 2,573.23 1227

Homeland Security SHSP 24,919.27 1232

Grant Receivable, CACFP Head Start 7,366.21 1243

Grant Receivable, Head Start HHS 425,999.98 1249

Economic Development District 6,457.16 1290

CV Transit District AR 233,826.88 1329

Accounts Receivable-General 830.78 1391

Staff Travel Advance 674.75 1392

CJ Uniform Receivable 997.00 1393

Prpd Worker's Comp 4,514.19 1591

Prepaid General Expenses 83.77 1593

Investment General CD 49,212.22 1613

Investment 911 Wells Fargo Bank Account 391,804.53 1616

Leasehold Improvements 75,000.00 1730

Other Assets - Project Equipment 528,752.51 1811

Total Assets 2,371,742.25


AP 279,560.05 2111

AP Clearing 15,643.24 2112

AP Wells Fargo P-Card 44,335.43 2114

Payroll Payable - Administration 152,196.21 2151

Federal Witholding Tax 16,859.45 2311

Medicare Payable 5,618.33 2321

SUTA Payable 505.00 2323

Health Insurance Payable 5,137.79 2412

Employer Pension Plan Payable 60,713.91 2422

Employee Contr to Pension Plan 37,724.23 2423

Deferred Income Plan Withheld 1,105.00 2431

United Way Payable 117.63 2441

Child Support Payable 792.04 2442

Accrued Annual Leave 143,067.01 2521

Deferred Income-General Fund 14,149.60 2911

Deferred Income - 911 Program 278,430.35 2917

Deferred Income - Regional Law Academy 37,801.70 2926

Deferred Income-Solid Waste 45,493.80 2938

Deferred Income - Intrado Services 97.40 2942

Total Liabilities 1,139,348.17

Date: 10/24/2016, 9:57 AM Page: 1

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Balance Sheet - Balance Sheet

As of 8/31/2016

Current Period Balance

Fund Balance

Unassigned fund balance 276,274.64 3000

Long Term Debt - Annual Leave (143,067.01) 3105

Investment - Capital Assets 603,752.51 3110

Restricted - USDA Note Available 23,850.00 3202

Assigned - CEDAF 20,961.63 3203

Assigned - Faith in Action 35,283.38 3204

Assigned - Information Referral 211 45,876.54 3301

Assigned - Area Agency on Aging 7,046.39 3401

Assigned - SCP Visiting Program 12,713.72 3402

Assigned - Caregiver 2,213.65 3403

Assigned - Housing Finance 94,568.73 3404

Assigned - Homeland Security 80.23 3405

Assigned - CJ Planning 49,354.42 3501

Assigned - CJ Law Enf Academy 116,420.52 3502

Restricted - CV Medical Reserve Corp 4,394.67 3602

Total Fund Balance 1,149,724.02

Excess Revenue over Expenditures FY 15-16 82,670.06

Total Liabilities and Fund Balance 2,371,742.25

Date: 10/24/2016, 9:57 AM Page: 2

Concho Valley Council of Governments Cash Flow

Beginning Balance: 478,773$ 177,776$ 711,526$ 49,176$ CVCOG 104,122$ 614,574$ 145,391$ FY 15-16 Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Interest Outflows Balance Inflows Interest Outflows Balance Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance

October 1,184,486 (1,211,048) 452,211 111,739 (62,622) 226,894 - 23 (221,621) 489,929 - - - 49,176 1,218,209 - (104,122) (0) 373,109 (464,685) 522,998 4,402 - 149,793 November 1,058,911 (998,310) 512,812 31,146 (99,560) 158,480 - 17 (107,895) 382,050 - - - 49,176 1,102,518 - 144,550 (300,175) 367,372 2,247 (14,446) 137,594 December 1,368,215 (816,755) 1,064,272 122,699 (67,813) 213,366 - 13 (104,447) 277,616 - 12 - 49,188 1,604,442 - - - 690,559 (480,657) 577,274 30,450 (23,936) 144,108 January 850,015 (1,272,412) 641,874 82,629 (105,139) 190,856 309,768 21 (15,768) 571,636 - - - 49,188 1,453,555 - - - 674,422 (548,252) 703,444 12,739 (6,961) 149,885 February 911,635 (945,719) 607,790 30,115 (60,231) 160,740 - 18 (187,356) 384,298 - - - 49,188 1,202,016 - - - 67,085 (254,446) 516,083 104,327 (100,000) 154,213 March 1,399,451 (1,725,939) 281,302 118,059 (61,245) 217,554 297,179 13 (86,806) 594,684 - 12 - 49,200 1,142,740 - - - 876,835 (389,021) 1,003,897 27,728 (16,191) 165,749 April 1,091,777 (1,208,137) 164,943 80,239 (66,270) 231,523 - 19 (100,830) 493,874 - - - 49,200 939,540 - - - 283,678 (391,515) 896,060 2,246 (15,439) 152,556 May 1,007,270 (617,465) 554,748 71,384 (56,587) 246,320 - 18 (54,148) 439,744 - - - 49,200 1,290,012 - - - 299,064 (413,396) 781,728 3,539 (13,944) 142,150 June 1,156,733 (1,388,831) 322,650 76,263 (126,020) 196,563 - 14 (83,991) 355,767 - 12 - 49,212 924,192 - - - 538,468 (329,701) 990,495 15,944 (13,390) 144,704 July 1,513,823 (1,273,874) 562,599 182,228 (158,296) 220,495 156,168 17 (20,592) 491,360 - - - 49,212 1,323,667 - - - 268,167 (740,508) 518,154 13,093 (4,911) 152,886 August 1,931,476 (1,846,980) 647,095 55,696 (42,103) 234,088 - 16 (99,572) 391,804 - - - 49,212 1,322,199 - - - 278,115 (375,942) 420,327 107,884 (105,254) 155,515 September - - 647,095 - - 234,088 - - - 391,804 - - - 49,212 1,322,199 - - - - - 420,327 - - 155,515

Note: Interest Rate at .05% eff. 10/01/11 Note: Interest Rate at 0.1% eff. 09/21/15, maturity date 3/19/16

Beginning Balance: 469,279$ 129,601$ 651,675$ 49,127$ CVCOG 531,695$ -$ 142,465$ FY 14-15 Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Interest Outflows Balance Inflows Interest Outflows Balance Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance

October 1,240,864 (1,154,266) 555,877 83,105 (74,708) 137,999 - 20 (392,736) 258,959 - - - 49,127 1,001,962 130,704 (329,835) 332,564 - - - 3,308 (15,241) 130,532 November 977,171 (1,231,882) 301,167 93,088 (59,155) 171,932 - 8 (73,961) 185,006 - - - 49,127 707,232 198,461 (193,275) 337,750 - - - 1,344 (43,500) 88,375 December 1,093,350 (975,096) 419,420 105,496 (96,987) 180,441 - 2 (168,111) 16,897 - 12 - 49,140 665,898 320,002 (452,441) 205,310 - - - 133,714 (104,641) 117,448 January 1,153,687 (1,163,731) 409,376 25,627 (51,376) 154,692 391,081 11 (126,278) 281,711 - - - 49,140 894,919 1,098,838 (986,259) 317,889 - - - 12,939 - 130,387 February 1,151,802 (1,175,069) 386,110 101,835 (73,971) 182,556 - 8 (110,022) 171,697 - - - 49,140 789,502 463,244 (437,446) 343,687 - - - 4,147 (31,706) 102,828 March 1,646,173 (1,527,444) 504,838 57,680 (46,639) 193,596 500,000 5 (98,760) 572,943 - 12 - 49,152 1,320,529 632,001 (263,253) 712,435 - - - 43,987 (22,968) 123,847 April 884,708 (1,052,201) 337,345 70,138 (60,679) 203,055 91,492 22 (115,439) 549,017 - - - 49,152 1,138,569 354,096 (322,804) 743,727 - - - 104,416 (107,733) 120,529 May 1,071,011 (995,892) 412,464 85,100 (90,011) 198,144 - 18 (146,332) 402,703 - - - 49,152 1,062,463 348,484 (153,162) 939,049 - - - 2,247 (4,869) 117,907 June 1,390,839 (1,195,090) 608,214 65,094 (52,084) 211,154 370,941 12 (131,462) 642,195 - 12 - 49,164 1,510,727 327,867 (450,774) 816,142 - - - 16,868 (151) 134,624 July 1,129,244 (1,011,692) 725,766 149,810 (168,490) 192,475 - 24 (61,710) 580,509 - - - 49,164 1,547,913 198,269 (474,081) 540,329 363,312 - 363,312 12,904 (2,824) 144,703 August 1,353,203 (1,569,869) 509,101 56,750 (42,955) 206,270 - 18 (161,756) 418,770 - - - 49,164 1,183,304 24,817 (457,673) 107,473 498,588 (221,236) 640,663 18,368 (16,430) 146,641 September 1,730,668 (1,760,995) 478,773 28,494 (56,987) 177,776 580,984 16 (288,243) 711,526 - 12 - 49,176 1,417,252 - (3,351) 104,122 326,855 (352,944) 614,574 103,084 (104,334) 145,391

Note: Interest Rate at .05% eff. 10/01/11 Note: Interest Rate at 0.1% eff. 09/26/14, maturity date 3/25/15

Note: Interest Rate at 0.1% eff. 09/21/15, maturity date 3/19/16

Beginning Balance: 767,938$ 88,198$ 223,605$ 49,067$ CVCOG 247,928$ -$ 153,679$ FY 13-14 Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Interest Outflows Balance Inflows Interest Outflows Balance Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance Inflows Outflows Balance

October 1,235,165 (1,665,208) 337,895 165,495 (97,190) 156,503 527,228 23 (329,042) 421,815 - 12 - 49,079 965,291 137,762 (251,768) 133,922 - - - 113,856 (120,102) 147,434 November 1,046,174 (1,164,275) 219,794 74,056 (92,608) 137,951 - 13 (81,318) 340,510 - - - 49,079 747,335 295,838 (158,863) 270,898 - - - 1,977 (11,157) 138,254 December 1,145,670 (653,259) 712,205 82,244 (73,423) 146,772 - 10 (97,562) 242,959 - - - 49,079 1,151,015 265,532 (172,906) 363,524 - - - 16,191 (10,796) 143,649 January 847,291 (1,367,361) 192,135 71,699 (70,162) 148,309 310,567 19 (94,051) 459,494 - 12 - 49,091 849,029 669,191 (375,028) 657,687 - - - 15,727 (13,689) 145,687 February 837,940 (916,748) 113,327 32,637 (79,398) 101,547 - 14 (84,392) 375,117 - - - 49,091 639,083 361,830 (264,339) 755,178 - - - 103,557 (111,954) 137,289 March 1,476,963 (1,001,613) 588,677 71,248 (67,914) 104,881 - 11 (199,215) 175,913 - 12 - 49,103 918,574 260,301 (284,898) 730,582 - - - 2,849 (8,934) 131,204 April 787,532 (1,138,490) 237,718 78,429 (64,634) 118,676 291,406 14 (62,739) 404,594 - - - 49,103 810,091 261,180 (272,810) 718,951 - - - 13,902 (8,820) 136,286 May 928,740 (723,227) 443,231 77,179 (83,508) 112,347 - 13 (112,244) 292,363 - - - 49,103 897,044 273,392 (336,398) 655,944 - - - 1,587 (8,529) 129,344 June 2,421,564 (2,090,945) 773,850 76,061 (60,501) 127,907 - 8 (121,361) 171,011 - 12 - 49,116 1,121,883 254,533 (274,000) 636,477 - - - 1,487 (2,647) 128,184 July 865,866 (1,334,605) 305,111 80,507 (86,067) 122,348 385,625 17 (88,237) 468,416 - - - 49,116 944,990 427,454 (563,227) 500,703 - - - 107,438 (105,810) 129,812 August 1,273,073 (1,158,798) 419,386 69,405 (51,663) 140,089 - 15 (164,533) 303,898 - - - 49,116 912,489 404,928 (283,132) 622,499 - - - 11,813 (4,076) 137,549 September 1,375,252 (1,325,359) 469,279 72,015 (82,503) 129,601 454,844 17 (107,084) 651,675 - 12 - 49,127 1,299,683 260,075 (350,879) 531,695 - - - 15,944 (11,027) 142,465

Note: Interest Rate at .05% eff. 10/01/11 Note: Interest Rate at 0.1% eff. 04/04/14, maturity date 09/26/14

In compliance with PFIA 2256.023 and CVCOG Investment Policy section XI

Signature on hardcopyCVCOG Executive Director/Investment Officer

Signature on hardcopyCVCOG Director of Finance

Hardcopy signed 9/7/16Date

Account Closed

Senior Companion (000's) 9-1-1 Trust Account (000's) General Investment CD (000's) CVTD (000's)

CVCOG General Fund (000's) Senior Companion (000's) 9-1-1 Trust Account (000's) General Investment CD (000's)

Wells Fargo

CVEDD (000's)CVTD (000's)Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Texas Bank Texas Bank Wells FargoWells Fargo

CVCOG General Fund (000's)

Wells Fargo Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo

CVCOG General Fund (000's) Senior Companion (000's)Wells Fargo Wells Fargo

Wells Fargo

General Investment CD (000's) CVTD (000's) CVEDD (000's)

CVTD (000's) CVEDD (000's)CVTD (000's)

Wells FargoCVTD (000's)

Wells Fargo

9-1-1 Trust Account (000's)Texas Bank Texas Bank

Texas Bank Texas Bank

SCHEDULE OF REVENUES BY SOURCE YEAR ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2006October 1, 2015 -August 31, 2016 Pass Thru

State Sr. Centers &CVCOG Administered Program Local SAISD & Fringe Benefit Total Total Excess Revenue

Grant No Grant Name Federal Federal State Income Revenue In-kind Membership CVEDD & CVTD & Indirect Revenue Expenditures over Expenditures Notes033 TDHCA Housing - - - - 394.22 - - - - 394.22 1,478.84 (1,084.62) Using prior year funds totaling $94,568.73040 Economic Development District - - - - - - - 108,417.39 - 108,417.39 108,417.39 - 541 Caregiver Program - - - - - - - - - - - - 580 CV Testing & Training Center - - - - 166.00 - - - - 166.00 165.00 1.00 Excess funds, use through year582 CEDAF - 7,356.00 - - - - - - - 7,356.00 4,805.99 2,550.01 Excess funds, use through year653 Head Start FY 14-15 (3,103.80) - - - - - - - - (3,103.80) (3,103.80) - 654 9-1-1 FY 14-15 - - 1,082,861.22 - - - - - - 1,082,861.22 1,082,729.78 131.44 Excess funds, interest earned668 Homeland Security Y2014 - 58,722.15 - - - - - - - 58,722.15 58,698.65 23.50 Excess local funds, recognize as revenue673 Head Start FY 15-16 4,389,445.71 - - - - 547,470.07 - 1,271,259.14 - 6,208,174.92 6,208,174.92 - 674 Senior Companion Prg FY 15-16 165,552.44 - - - 20.00 19,565.02 - - - 185,137.46 187,364.97 (2,227.51) Time worked on new grant, local funds required675 Foster Grandparent Prg FY 15-16 293,234.41 - - - 20.00 43,560.26 - - - 336,814.67 337,562.45 (747.78) Time worked on new grant, local funds required680 9-1-1 FY 15-16 - - 1,193,034.42 - - - - - - 1,193,034.42 1,193,034.42 - 683 2-1-1 FY 15-16 - - 173,356.84 - - - - - - 173,356.84 173,356.84 - 684 CJ Law Enf Training FY 15-17 - - 50,395.88 34,056.51 38,932.38 - 57,339.21 - - 180,723.98 180,723.98 - 685 CJ Purchase of Services FY 15-16 - 24,883.78 - - - - - - - 24,883.78 24,883.78 - 686 CJ Planning FY 15-16 - - 39,141.83 - - - - - - 39,141.83 18,751.94 20,389.89 Excess funds, recognize as revenue687 Area Agency on Aging FY 15-16 - 828,680.00 92,275.00 - - 458,973.65 28,333.00 - - 1,408,261.65 1,395,834.56 12,427.09 Admin Matching funds 688 Head Start NTR FY 15-16 - 168,377.90 - - - - - - - 168,377.90 173,569.14 (5,191.24) Will bill in September689 Solid Waste FY 15-17 - - 66,071.75 - - - - - - 66,071.75 66,071.75 - 691 HSGD Contract - - 17,586.00 - - - - - - 17,586.00 10,298.96 7,287.04 Excess funds, recognize as revenue692 Homeland Security SHSP FY 15-16 - 76,709.88 - - - - - - - 76,709.88 76,709.92 (0.04) rounding693 Homeland Security CCP FY 15-16 - 12,309.41 - - - - - - - 12,309.41 12,309.41 - 694 COSA- Fire Training Center - - - - - - - - - - 3,381.97 (3,381.97) Will bill on deliverables695 Foster Grandparent Prg FY 15-16-STATE 5,000.00 - - - - - - - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 - 696 Senior Companion Prg FY 15-16 -STATE 5,756.00 - - - - - - - - 5,756.00 5,756.00 - 700 AAA MIPPA - 15,085.41 - - - - - - - 15,085.41 15,085.41 - 701 Head Start FY 16-17 1,072,361.04 - - - - - - 85,071.29 - 1,157,432.33 1,157,432.33 - 702 Foster Grandparent FY 16-17 38,555.15 - - - - - - - - 38,555.15 38,555.15 - 703 Senior Companion FY 16-17 30,732.20 - - - - - - - - 30,732.20 30,732.20 -

CVTD AR Expenses - - - - - - - 2,612,480.35 - 2,612,480.35 2,612,480.35 - 101 AAA Non Project Expenses - - - - 50.00 - - - - 50.00 2,011.19 (1,961.19) Using prior year funds totaling $4,842.07096 Property Management - - - - - - - - 45,760.03 45,760.03 39,355.94 6,404.09 Excess funds, use through year097 Non Project Expenses - - - - 283.40 - 7,205.00 - - 7,488.40 5,787.92 1,700.48 Excess funds, use through year098 Fringe Benefit - - - - - - - - 750,129.28 750,129.28 728,967.74 21,161.54 Excess funds, use through year099 Indirect - - - - 561.11 - 6,704.34 - 794,461.21 801,726.66 776,538.33 25,188.33 Excess funds, use through year

5,997,533.15 1,192,124.53 2,714,722.94 34,056.51 40,427.11 1,069,569.00 99,581.55 4,077,228.17 1,590,350.52 16,815,593.48 16,732,923.42 82,670.06

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