Concert hall Acoustic

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  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    The normalized ACF is defined by

    p() = p() /p(0) (2)

    As a manner shown in Figure 1b, the value of e isobtained by fitting a straight line for extrapolation ofdelay time at 10 dB, if the initial envelope of ACFdecays exponentially. Therefore, four orthogonal andtemporal factors that can be extracted from the ACFare p(0),1,1,and e.

    Auditory-Temporal Window

    In analysis of the running ACF, of particular interestis so called an auditory-temporal window, 2T inEquation (1), that must be determined. Since the initial

    part of ACF within the effective duration eof the ACFcontains the most important information of the signal,thus the recommended signal duration (2T)r is givenby

    (2T)r K1(e)min[s] (3)

    where (e)min is the minimum value of e obtained byanalyzing the running ACF, K1 being the constantaround 30 [7]. The running step (Rs) is selected asK2(2T)r, K2 being selected, say, in the range of 1/4 3/4.

    Factors extracted from the IACF

    The IACF is given by

    where pl ,r(t) = p(t)l,r*s(t), p(t)l,r being the soundpressure at the left- and right-ear entrances. Thenormalized IACF is given by

    lr() = lr()/[ll(0)rr(0)]



    where ll(0) and rr(0) are autocorrelation functions( = 0) or sound energies arriving at the left- and right-ear entrance, respectively. Spatial factors extractedfrom the IACF are defined in Figure 2 [2].In analyzing the running IACF, 2T is selected byEquation (3) also. For the purpose of spatial design forsound fields, however, longer values of (2T)rmay beuseful, because it is essentially time independent.



    Let us now consider primary sensations. Loudness sLis given by

    sL= f[p(0), 1, 1, e, D] (6)

    where D is the duration of sound signal as isrepresented by musical notes. It is worth noticing that

    the value of 1corresponds to pitch of sound and/or themissing fundamental as discussed below. Since thesampling frequency of the sound wave is more than thetwice of the maximum audio frequency, the value10log (0)/ (0)ref is far more accurate than the Leqwhich is measured by the sound level meter.

    Scale values of loudness within the critical bandwere obtained in paired-comparison tests (with filterswith the slope of 1080 or 2068 dB/octave) under thecondition of a constant p(0) [2,4]. Obviously, when

    sound signal has the similar repetitive feature, ebecomes a great value, as like a pure tone, then the

    greater loudness results. Thus a plot of loudness versusbandwidth is not flat in the critical band. Thiscontradicts previous results of the frequency rangecentered on 1 kHz [5].


    The second primary sensation applying the ACF isthe pitch or the missing fundamental of the noise. It isgiven by

    sP= f[p(0), 1, 1,e,D] (7)

    (4)lr() = 12T




    FIGURE 2.Definition of independent factors IACC,

    IACCand WIACCextracted from the normalizedIACF.


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    When a sound signal contains only a number ofharmonics without the fundamental frequency, we hearthe fundamental as a pitch. This phenomenon is wellexplained by the delay time of the first peak in the

    ACF fine structure, 1[6,7]. According to experimentalresults on the pitch perceived when listening tobandpass noises without any fundamental frequency,the pitch spis expressed by equation (7) as well, underthe condition of a constant (0). The strength of thepitch sensation is described by the magnitude of thefirst peak of the ACF, 1. For a signal of short duration,factor D must be taken into account.


    The third primary sensation, timbre that includes

    pitch, loudness, and duration, might be expressed by

    sT= f[p(0),e, 1, 1, D] (8)

    It is worth noticing that the intelligibility of singlesyllables as a function of the delay time of singlereflection is well be calculated by the four orthogonalfactors extracted from the running ACF analyzed forthe piece between consonant and vowel sounds [7]. Arecent investigation, clearly show that timbre ordissimilarity judgment is an overall subjective responsesimilar for the subjective preference of sound fields inconcert hall.


    The forth-primitive sensation, which is introducedhere, is the perception of signal duration, which isgiven by [12,13]

    sD= f[p(0), 1, 1,e, D] (9)

    One of experimental results has been expressed inrelation to 1, 1, and D [8]. Table 1 indicatessummarization of primary sensations in relation tofactors extracted from the ACF and physical signalduration D.


    Directional Sensation

    If ll(0) rr(0), then the perceived direction of anoise source in the horizontal plane is assumed to bedescribed as

    Factors Primitive Sensations

    Loudness Pitch Timbrea) Duration

    ACF p(o) X x X X

    1 X X X X1 x X X X

    e X x X xD xb) xb) Xb) X

    X and x : Major and minor factors influencing the correspondingresponse, respectively.

    a). Timbre in relation to all of temporal and spatial factors is underinvestigation.b). It is suggested that loudness, pitch and timbre should beexamined in relation to the signal duration.

    s = f[LL, IACC, IACC, WIACC] (10)


    LL = 10 log [p(0)/(0)ref] (11)

    And p(0) = [ll(0)rr(0)]1/2, and ll(0) and rr(0)

    being ACFs at = 0 (sound energies), of the signals

    arriving at the left and right ear-entrances. In fourorthogonal factors in Equation (10), the interauraldelay time, IACC, is a significant factor in determiningthe perceived horizontal direction of the source. Awell-defined direction is perceived when thenormalized interaural crosscorrelation function has onesharp maximum, a high value of the IACC and anarrow value of the WIACC, due to high frequencycomponents. On the other hand, subjective diffusenessor no spatial directional impression corresponds to alow value of IACC (< 0.15) [9].

    Of particular interest is that, for the perception of asound source located in the median plane, the temporal

    factors extracted from the ACF of sound signalarriving at the ear-entrances may act as cues . It hasbeen shown that three factors, e, 1, and 1 as afunction of the incident angle greatly differ, but fewdifferences may be found in the head-related transferfunctions [10].

    A remarkable finding is that there are neuralactivities at the inferior colliculus corresponding to theIACC and sound energies for sound signals thatarriving at the two-ear entrance [11]. Also, it isdiscovered that the LL and the IACC are dominantlyassociated with the right cerebral hemisphere, and the

    Table 1. Primary sensations in relation to factors extractedfrom the autocorrelation function and the interauralcrosscorrelation function.


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    The Preferred Acoustic Parameters

    for a Javanese Gamelan Performance Hall

    J. Sarwonoa,b

    and Y.W. Lama

    aSchool of Acoustics and Electronic Engineering, University of Salford, Brindley Building,

    Meadow Road Site, Salford M7 9NU, UK. E-mail: Physics Department, ITB, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia.

    This paper discusses the application of a method based on human subjective preference to the acoustic design of a Javanesegamelan performance hall. Some important distinctions between Javanese gamelan ensembles and Western classical orchestraare the tuning system, orchestral blending process, and technique of playing. The results of subjective preference test using therank order method showed that the subjects preferred 30 ms for ITDG, 600 ms for RT, and the smallest value of IACC. These

    results, except for the IACC, agree with the acoustic parameters from the room responses measured in a traditional pendopo inIndonesia, which is not a common concert hall but an open-sided hall.


    Javanese gamelan is one of the Indonesian

    traditional music ensembles. There are several

    important differences between the gamelan and the

    Western symphony orchestra including tuning systems,

    orchestral blending systems, and playing technique.

    According to Ando[1],by using human preference

    approach through a psychoacoustic test, four

    orthogonal factors for designing concert hall can be

    determined. Those four factors are the listening level

    (LL), the initial time delay gap (ITDG), the subsequent

    reverberation time (RT), and the Inter-Aural Cross-

    Correlation (IACC). So far, this theory has mostly been

    applied for designing concert halls for Western

    classical music.

    This paper will discuss an application of the

    approach to design the preferred acoustic conditions

    for performing Javanese gamelan in an enclosed hall.

    Three preferred parameters, ITDG, RT and IACC will

    be discussed in this paper. Measurement data from a

    pendopo, an open-sided hall where Javanese gamelan

    usually played, in Indonesia will be provided as



    The research combines three major methods, acomputer based analysis and simulation, in situ

    measurements and subjective preference test in an-

    echoic chamber. A computer-based analysis has been

    used to obtain the most appropriate gendhing for the

    whole subjective preference test, while computersimulation process was mainly used for preparing the

    test samples. In situ measurements were conducted in a

    pendopo in Indonesia to provide comparison for the

    subjective preference tests.

    All the subjective preference tests were carried out

    in an anechoic chamber, using a configuration of 7loudspeakers to simulate several sound field conditions

    to be judged by listeners. All the listeners were

    university students with several nationalities, inclusiveall genders. The subjective preference test has been

    carried out using the rank order method.

    A studio recordinggendhingfrom the closingpart of

    Kebogiro Glendeng, with minimum e= 27.59 ms (2T= 2 s, interval 100 ms), was used in the subjective

    preference test. The duration of the stimulus was 9.3 s.

    All stimuli were stored in a PC, which was also

    functioned as stimuli player. Seven identical

    loudspeakers were used to produce the sound. All

    loudspeakers were placed at distance of 1.35 m fromthe listener. The horizontal angles of the loudspeakers

    were 0o, 45

    o, 67.5

    o, and 135

    o. The vertical angles

    of the loudspeakers were 0o, except the rear

    loudspeakers for the ITDG and RT tests, which were

    elevated 6o, relative to the subject's ears. The detail

    configuration is shown in Table 1.

    Table 1. Detail of Test Configuration




    Refl. Reverb. Refl.




    Stimuli Listening



    ITDG 0o 45o 67.5o, 135o 1 dB -3 dB 15, 30, 50, 80, 160 ms 73 dBA 6

    RT 0o 45o 67.5o, 135o -1 dB 2 dB 0, 0.45, 0.6, 1.2, 2.5, 4.5 s 73 dBA 17

    IACC 0o 45o 67.5o,135o vary vary 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.75, 1 73 dBA 10


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    It was shown that there was a low value preference

    for ITDG (Figure 1) as well as for RT (Figure 2), withthe most preferred value of 30 ms and 600 ms,

    respectively. This means that the subjects preferred

    good clarity with an intimate sound field for listening

    to Javanesegamelanin an enclosed hall. These results

    agree with the ITDG and RT of pendopo Puro

    Mangkunegaran[2], as shown in Figure 3. It shows the

    ITDG and RT of thependopoat 5 measurement points,

    including the centre of the hall (centre), the audience

    area (10, 11, 15), and the VIP area (king).

    Figure 4 shows that the lower the IACC the higher

    the subjective preference. This shows that a

    spaciousness and enveloping sound field is preferred

    for listening to Javanese gamelan in an enclosed hall.

    However, this is not in agreement with the measured

    IACC of pendopo Puro Mangkunegaran, (IACC = 1)

    as it is an open-sided hall.


    The preferred parameters for Javanese gamelan

    performance hall were 30 ms for ITDG, 600 ms for

    RT, and the smallest value of IACC. These agree with

    the acoustic parameters, except for the IACC, from the

    room responses measured in a traditional pendopo in

    Indonesia, which is not a common concert hall but an

    open-sided hall.


    1. Ando Y, "Architectural Acoustics", Springer Verlag,New York, 1998.

    2. Sarwono, J. and Lam, Y.W., "The Acoustics of aPendopo: A Typical Open-sided Hall for Javanese

    Gamelan Music Performance", in proceeding of IoA,

    2000, Volume 22 Pt 2, pp. 305 - 313.

    FIGURE 1.Preference for ITDG

    FIGURE 2.Preference for RT

    FIGURE 3. ITDG and RT of PendopoMangkunegaran

    FIGURE 4. Preference for IACC







    15 30 50 80 160

    ITDG (ms)








    0 450 600 1200 2500 4500

    RT (ms)













    centre 10 11 15 king

    Measurement points


















    0.3 0.4 0.5 0.75 1




  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    The Application of Neural Network Analysis to Auditorium


    F. Fricke

    Department of Architectural and Design Science, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

    Neural network analysis (NNA) is a relatively new research and design tool that has been used in many fields from structuralengineering to finance. So far very little use of the technique has been made in architectural acoustics. In this paper the NNAtechnique is outlined and examples of its use in auditorium acoustics are given to demonstrate its potential. These include the

    prediction of reverberation time and sound levels in auditoria and the acoustic quality of halls using both acoustic and physicalparameters as inputs. The advantages and limitations of neural network analysis are also outlined.


    There are at least two approaches to the study of

    concert hall and auditorium acoustics. One is academic

    and the other design oriented. The academic approach is

    directed at finding out what it is that makes concert halls

    good and what influences opinions about the acoustics of

    halls. It is also about measuring and calculating various

    acoustic quantities in halls and trying to apply results of

    perception experiments, carried out in anechoic rooms,

    to more complex situations such as that which exist in

    concert halls. In the second approach the architect or

    designer wishes to define the acoustics of a space in

    terms of its size, shape and surface finishes.While the approaches of Beranek [1], Ando [2] and

    others shows great understanding of the academic

    requirements these approaches do not give designers the

    tools they want. These tools are simple rules of thumb

    that ensure excellent acoustics. Such simple rules almost

    certainly do not exist but more complex ones possibly

    do. For instance, the most basic rule of thumb used

    seems to be the volume per seat even though the volume

    per seat varies between good halls (Boston Symphony

    Hall has a V/N of 7.14 while Meyerson Hall has 11.6.).

    A more complex rule may, for example, involve the

    optimum volume per seat as a function of the length of

    the hall. Ultimately the aim of the present work is toinvestigate whether such complex rules exist and if so, to

    present them in a designer-friendly form.


    Very briefly, neural network analysis (NNA) is a

    computer-based technique which learns to recognize

    patterns. These patterns are usually in numerical data butcould be in the juxtaposition of pixels or the pitch of

    notes. The general technique and its applications have

    been described in many texts eg [3],[4] and its

    application to a number of architectural acoustics

    issues has been described in a several papers by

    Fricke eg [5],[6] and Nannariello eg [7],[8].

    The method is based on the way the brain works

    where neurons are connected by synapses. In a

    simple NNA the inputs (eg length and height of a

    room) neurons are interconnected to a layer ofhidden neurons which in turn are connected to an

    output (eg the reverberation time or acoustic

    quality of a room) neuron. The network is trained,

    using data (cases) from existing situation where the

    inputs and outputs are known. The error between the

    actual and predicted values of the output isminimised by systematically changing the weights on

    the connections between the neurons.

    The advantages over other approaches are that

    NNA can handle more than 6 input variables (usually

    considered the maximum possible number for a

    conventional analytical approach) and can deal withnon-linear relationships. Its disadvantages are that it

    is never possible to determine whether an optimal

    solution has been found and when a solution has been

    found it cannot easily be used in the form of an

    equation though it can be easily used in a spreadsheetformat. Often there are not enough cases available to

    accurately train, verify and test a network and the

    validity of the analysis is only within the range of theinput variables. Also, where there are more than 6

    inputs, it is very difficult to represent the output

    graphically or to produce rules of thumb from theanalysis.



    Of the two approaches tried for the prediction of

    acoustic quality of rooms the acoustic input

    approach [6] gives better results (Standard Deviation


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Ratio, SDR 0.2) than the geometrical input approach

    [5] (SDR 0.9). This is not surprising given the large

    number of geometrical inputs required to define an

    auditorium (though many of them are related to one

    another). The geometrical approach required 10 inputs(V, S, N, L, W, H, SDI, MRA, SH and SE) while the

    acoustic approach required only 6 (5 of Beraneks input

    parameters EDT, G, IACC, TI, BR and SDI - and

    either N or V) where V = room volume, S = room

    surface area, N = number of seats, L, W and H are the

    maximum length, width and height respectively, SDI =

    surface diffusivity index, MRA = mean rake angle of

    seating, SH is stage height and SE = stage enclosure.

    One modified geometrical approach which has givenuseful results involves categorising halls into two

    groups; those with an AQI of 0.7 or greater and those

    with an AQI of less than 0.7. With this approach there is

    > 90% success rate using N, L/W, H/V1/3, MRA andSDI/SE as inputs.

    Another approach is based on Nannariellos work [8]in which acoustical parameters, such as IACC and RT,

    are obtained from geometrical inputs. These can then be

    used to calculate AQI. The efficacy of this method

    should not be in doubt given Nannariellos results for G,

    RT, and IACC, (and the certainty that room acoustic

    parameters are dependent on size, shape and surfacefinishes of rooms), but the final analysis has yet to be

    carried out.


    NNA can be used to predict the acoustic quality of a

    concert hall or an auditorium though the accuracy of the

    geometrical approach leaves something to be desired.

    Both the geometrical and acoustical NNA

    approaches are useful in understanding the influences on

    the acoustic quality of auditoria and giving an estimate

    of acoustic quality early in the design process. It appears

    likely that much better predictions of acoustic quality,

    using geometrical inputs and more complex networks,

    will be developed soon. Once such a network has been

    developed and the network embedded in a spreadsheet

    for designers to use.Likewise, NNA can be used to predict acoustical

    quantities in auditoria such as RT (or EDT), IACC, G,

    BR and TIprovided that the space in which the quantities

    are to be predicted falls within range of the training

    data for the neural network.

    There are limitations on the method and if NNA is

    to be a success there is a need for a data base on the

    web where information can be made available toeveryone. This is necessary as it is doubtful if any

    one person is ever going to be able to undertake all

    the measurements needed on halls in order to carry

    out satisfactory neural network analyses.

    As a final comment it must be stated that NNA

    should not be considered as a new branch of

    architectural acoustics but rather as a new fertiliser

    which may help the existing branches bear more



    1. Beranek, L. L., Concert Halls and OperaHouses, Acoustical Society of America, Woodbury,

    NY, 1996

    2. Ando, Y., Concert Hall Acoustics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985.

    3 Fausett, L., Fundamentals of Neural Networks:Architecture, Algorithms & Applications, Prentice

    Hall, New Jersey, USA, 1994.

    3. Statistica Neural Networks, (1999) TechnicalManual Version 4, StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK.

    4. Fricke, F. R. & Han, Y. H., (1999), A NeuralNetwork Analysis of Concert Hall Acoustics,

    Acustica, 85, 113- 120.5. Fricke, F. R., (2000), Concert Hall Acoustic

    Design: An Alternative Approach, Building

    Acoustics, 7, 233-246.

    6. Nannariello, J. & Fricke, F. R., (1999), ThePrediction of Reverberation Time Using Neural

    Network Analysis, Applied Acoustics, 58 (3), 305-


    7. Nannariello, J. & Fricke, F. R., (2001),Introduction to neural network analysis and its

    application to building services engineering,

    Building Services Engineering Research &

    Technology Journal, 22, 61-71

    8 Nannariello, J. & Fricke, F. R., (2001), ThePrediction of Reverberation Time Using suitable

    Neural Networks, Proceedings 17 ICA, Rome


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Objective evaluations of chamber music halls in Europe and Japan.

    Takayuki Hidaka*, Noriko Nishihara*

    * Takenaka R&D Institute, 1-5-1, Otsuka, Inzai, Chiba 270-1395, Japan

    Abstract:The room acoustical parameters - Reverberation time RT, early decay time EDT, clarity C 80, strength G, initial timedelay gap ITDG, and interaural cross-correlation coefficient IACCE, were measured in 18 major chamber music halls in Europeand Japan employing the procedure in accordance with ISO 3382 [1]. By combining architectural data, the intrinsic parametersfor the acoustics of chamber music halls are examined.


    For symphony halls and opera houses, the results ofmeasurements of current room acoustical parametershave been reported in the literature [2,3]. There areonly limited numbers of similar studies on chambermusic halls [4]. There is no assurance whetherexisting data or design guidelines for large symphonyhalls are also suitable for smaller sized spaces,therefore it seems meaningful to assemble theacoustical data and to survey their features. In thispaper, 9 highly-reputed halls of traditional design inEurope and 9 major halls of contemporary design inJapan are compared and studied.



    The measured halls, which are regularly used forchamber music in each city, are listed in Table 1.European and Japanese halls respectively can beclassified as those of traditional style and those ofmodern construction and materials. The seatingnumbers, N, in these 18 halls vary from 207 to 844,while the volumes, V, and reverberation times(occupied) vary from 1070 to 8475 m3and 0.9 to 2.0 s,respectively. Many of them (15 out of 18 halls) areshoebox, or at least have rectangle floor plans. Thesuffix L, M and 3 associated with the measuredquantities mean the average over 125/250 Hz, 500/1kHz, and 500/1k/2k Hz, respectively. The occupiedvalues were transformed from measured unoccupiedvalues using the method in [5]. The measurements were executed without audiencesand with no instruments on the stage (sometimes apiano existed at the corner of the stage). Themeasuring procedure is exactly the same as in [3,5] andcoincides with that of ISO 3382 [1]. The correlationmatrix for the objective measures shown in Table 2indicate that the independent parameters are RTM, G,IACCE3, BR, and ITDG. This same correlation matrixis also found in symphony halls and opera houses [3,6].

    RT : The volume per person on average is 6.4 m3 fortraditional halls and 9.1 m3 for modern halls, thus the

    volumes of the latter are about 40% larger. The reasonfor the size differences appears to come from the factthat modern architects prefer medium-upholsteredchairs for greater comfort. Because such chairsabsorb more sound, even when occupied, the roomvolume is larger in modern halls so as to adjust the RTto the volumes shown. The approximate equationwith the form, AoccM SVKRT /, = , is plotted in Fig.

    1, where relevant Kvalue falls between 0.13 and 0.14for chamber halls, similar to the value of 0.14 forsymphony halls [2], and RTs seem to converge to ca.1.8 s.C80, EDT : C80and EDT are variables not independentfrom RT, but all these are very highly correlated.However, the subjective impression of clarity inchamber halls is frequently of major concern. Asshown in Fig. 2, C80s (occupied) may be classifiedinto two groups, (3.50.4) and (0.11.6) dB. The

    latter coincides with the optimal range for Mozartmusic which was proposed by Reichardt et al. [7].Obviously every hall exceeds the lower limit of -1.5dB.G : Strengths G in dB for traditional and modern hallsare moderately different from each other, except forhall SG, with the largest capacity N=844 (Fig. 3). GLand GMof the former are respectively about 4.5 and 3dB larger than the latter on average, which is probablycaused by the difference in volume, e.g., Beranek hasshown G is proportional to 10log(EDT/V) [2].BR : The bass ratios for occupied condition aredistributed from 0.87 to 1.12 and from 1.07 to 1.24 for

    modern and traditional halls (median values are 1.02and 1.14), respectively, which are narrower ranges thanthat of the concert halls, 0.92 to 1.45 in spite of thewider range of V/N. BR highly correlates with GL(r=0.8), although Bradley and Soulodre find that GLismore significant [8].[1-IACCE,80] : [1-IACCE] is also an independentvariable for chamber halls but the variation range isextremely narrow, 0.67 to 0.77. This range is same asthe subjective difference limen by [9], namely it can besaid that every chamber hall has similar binauralquality, provided [1-IACCE,80] is still valid for chamberhall. This situation is quite different from that for a


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    large symphony hall or opera house, where thevariation range is 0.39 to 0.72. Physically, there arevery many lateral reflections within the first 80 msec inevery hall. If we assume that binaural correlationplays a significant role for sound quality in small halls,it is possible to separate them using [1-IACCE,30],where only the information within the first 30 msec isused (Fig. 4). Although there is no precise evidenceat the present moment as to why the integration shouldbe limited to 30 sec, the possibilities may be (1) earlyreflections after 20 msec may deteriorate thelocalization of stereophonic sound [10], and (2)audiences may relish more detailed information fordelicate chamber music.


    RT, G, BR, ITDG, and IACCE are independentparameters in the chamber halls studied. However,their values for traditional and for contemporary hallshave different ranges except for IACCE,80. IACCE,80

    varied within narrow range so that the integration limitof IACCE should be reduced to the first 30 msec toseparate each hall suitably. Further research isrequired to verify its subjective foundation.


    [1] ISO 3382: 1997, Acoustics - Measurement of thereverberation time of rooms with reference to otheracoustical parameters. [2] Beranek, L. L., Concert andOpera Halls,Acoust. Soc. Amer, 1996. [3] Hidaka, T. andBeranek, L. L., J.A.S.A., 107, 368-383 (2000). [4] Barron,M.,Auditorium Acoustics and Architectural Design, E and FNSpon, London, 1993. [5] Hidaka, T., et al., J.A.S.A. 109,1028-1042 (2001) [6] Hidaka, T., et al., J.A.S.A., 107, 340-354 (2000). [7] Reichardt, W., et al., Acustica 32, 126-137 (1975). [8] Bradley, J. and Soulodre, G., J.A.S.A., 98,2590-2597 (1995). [9] Cox, T. J., et al., Acustica 79, 27-41

    (1993). [10] Bech, S., 100thConvention AES, Copenhagen(1996).

    Fig. 4Plot of [1-IACCE,t] against thenames of halls (not rank-ordered).Integration limit, t, was varied from 30to 80 msec.

    Fig. 3Plot of GLs (occupied) vs. BRs (occupied).

    Fig. 2Plot of C80s (occupied) vs. EDTMs(unoccupied).

    Fig. 1Plot of RTs (occupied) vs. volumedivided by the acoustical area of audience.

    Table 2Correlation coefficients among acoustical factors in 18 chamber halls.

    Table 1Chamber music halls for which objective measurements are available.

    RTocc, M vs. V/SA





















    5 10 15 20V/SA (m)





    V N V/SA RTocc, M EDTunocc, M BRocc. C803B GL GM 1-IACCE3 ITDG

    m3 m sec sec - dB dB dB (80msec) msec

    AC Amsterdam, Kleinersaal in Concertgebouw 2,190 478 9.4 1.25 1.49 1.21 1.5 13.7 12.9 0.69 17

    BS Berlin, Kleinersaal in Schauspielhaus 2,150 440 9.0 1.08 1.33 1.24 2.0 12.2 10.9 0.67 11KH Kanagawa, Higashitotsuka Hall 3,576 482 8.6 1.18 1.11 0.87 3.1 5.4 8.7 0.72 10

    KM Kirishima, Miyama Conceru 8,475 770 15.8 1.84 1.80 1.12 -0.1 8.2 8.3 0.75 26PM Prague, Martine Hall 2,410 201 18.4 1.76 2.19 1.12 -1.9 12.6 12.6 0.68 11

    SG Salzburg, Grossersaal in Mozarteum 4,940 844 11.5 1.66 2.06 1.07 -1.6 9.9 9.6 0.69 27SW Salzburg, Wiennersaal in Mozarteum 1,070 209 8.4 1.11 1.33 1.09 1.7 14.9 14.3 0.77 15

    TC Tokyo, Casals Hall 6,060 511 17.8 1.67 1.79 1.00 -1.3 7.6 9.4 0.71 15

    TD Tokyo, Harumi Concert Hall 6,800 767 13.3 1.66 1.83 1.09 -0.1 9.8 10.8 0.71 24TH Tokyo, Hamarikyu Asahi Hall 5,800 552 14.7 1.67 1.82 0.93 0.0 7.1 8.8 0.71 15

    TI Tokyo, Ishibashi memorial Hall 5,450 662 14.9 1.70 1.84 1.10 -0.8 9.2 10.8 0.75 19TM Tokyo, Mitaka Arts Center 5,500 625 13.3 1.73 2.28 1.02 -2.2 9.1 11.1 0.75 17TS Tokyo, Sumida Small Sized Hall 1,460 252 9.7 0.93 1.08 1.03 2.8 8.1 10.6 0.73 8TT Tokyo, Tsuda Hall 4,500 490 12.5 1.33 1.42 0.90 0.8 7.6 10.7 0.71 20

    VB Vienna, Brahmssaal 3,390 604 10.0 1.63 2.37 1.16 -2.8 12.8 1 3.6 0.77 7

    VM Vienna, Mozartsaal in Konzerthaus 3,920 716 9.1 1.49 1.79 1.14 -0.2 11.6 10.8 0.70 11VS Vienna, Schubertsaal in Konzerthaus 2,800 336 15.6 1.98 2.54 1.14 -3.3 14.7 13.6 0.77 12ZT Zurich, Kleinersaal in Tonhalle 3,234 610 9.3 1.58 2.11 1.18 -1.8 14.1 13.2 0.70 18













    GL vs. BR





















    0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3







    C80,3B,occ vs. EDT
























    1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0

    EDT (sec)







    unocc occ unocc occ

    RTM, unocc -

    RTM, occ 0.93 -

    EDTM 0.98 0.88 -

    C80,3B, unoccu. -0.96 -0.87 - 0.98 - Bold: > 0.6

    C80,3B, occ. -0.91 -0.94 -0.92 0.95 -

    GL 0.30 0.05 0.37 -0.33 -0.12 -

    GM 0.21 -0.05 0.32 -0.30 -0.10 0.89 -

    IACCE3 -0.25 -0.19 -0.19 0.19 0.15 -0.07 -0.25 -

    BR 0.27 0.08 0.30 -0.25 -0.07 0.80 0.56 0.11 -ITDG 0.21 0.37 0.12 -0.14 -0.23 -0.18 -0.34 0.07 -0.04 -

    Width -0.03 0.16 -0.16 0.20 0.07 -0.56 -0.65 0.20 -0.34 0.49 -

    V 0.39 0.61 0.26 - 0.29 - 0.44 - 0.57 -0.67 -0.08 - 0.29 0.66 0.66 -

    N 0.40 0.43 0.28 -0.28 -0.28 -0.29 -0.46 0.08 0.03 0.64 0.61 0.75 -


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Optimum Design of a Concert Hall by Genetic Algorithms

    A. Takizawaa, K. Otorib, T. Hayashib, H. Sakaib, Y. Andob, and H. Kawamuraa

    aDepartment of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Kobe University, Rokkodai 1-1, Nada, Kobe, Japan

    bGraduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University, Rokkodai 1-1, Nada, Kobe, Japan

    Abstract: Recently, Genetic Algorithms (GA), which is one of the evolutionary computing, are applied to various complexengineering problems. An optimization system of a concert hall by employing GA with four orthogonal preferences and three

    models are discussed. The model 1 is that the form is based on the general shoebox type, and its proportion is optimized. Themodel 2 is that its plan is optimized. The model 3 is that the form is also based on the shoebox type but each wall is divided intotriangles and their vertex positions are optimized. The sound simulation was performed by the image method. The results show

    that the optimized form of the model 1 is similar to Grosser Musikvertinssal. Those of the model 2 have different characteristicsdepending on the preference. Those of model 3 are various and complex ones, but they have high sound preferences.


    In the field of concert hall design, there is anestablished theory that a shoebox form has high sound

    efficiency. On the contrary, if such simple form doesnot fit to architects sense, circular or elliptical ones

    with the inevitable problem of sound focus have oftenbeen used. Recently, Genetic Algorithms (GA) [1],which are one of the evolutionary computing, areapplied to various complex optimization problems. Inthis paper, GA are applied for a concert hall design in

    order to search a form having good sound performancefree from such preconception.

    In the following sections, three optimization models

    and results are discussed. Four orthogonal factors in

    relation to subjective preference, LL, Dt1, Tsub, and

    IACC [2], were employed as fitness functions. The

    sound simulation was performed by the image method.

    The model 1 and 2 used motif-B, and model 3 used

    motif-A for evaluation.


    Firstly, the proportion of shoebox form is optimized.

    Width of the initial form is 20m, stage length is 12m,

    seats length is 30m, and height is 15m. The sound

    source is put on the center of the stage and 72 listening

    points are prepared. Each moving range of sidewalls

    and ceiling is 5 m from the initial form, and each

    moving length of them is coded on a chromosome of

    GA. Two values of 1S and 4S which are averaged

    subjective preferences of LLand IACC by all listening

    points are employed.

    The results of optimization by 1S and 4S are shown in

    figure1. Widths and lengths are almost same with each

    other, but heights show opposite characteristic. Table1

    shows the comparison of proportions between the

    results and Grosser Musikvereinssaal which is famous

    as having very good sound performance. Length/width

    ratios are almost same. The height/width ratio of

    Grosser is middle of the results. The subjective

    preferences employed here seem to be appropriate for

    evaluating a concert hall.

    FIGURE 1. Results of the model 1: (a) the result by 1S ,

    (b) the result by 4S .

    Table 1. Comparison of proportions between theoptimized forms and Grosser Musikvereinssaal.

    length/width height/width

    (a) The result by 1S 2.50 0.71

    (b) The result by 4S 2.57 1.43

    Grosser Musikvereinssaal 2.55 0.93


    Next, the initial form of the model 1 is changed a little.

    Front and rear walls are divided vertically to two ones,







    S :

    Initial model = -0.70 Optimized = -0.55

    1 Lager is better. S :

    Initial model = -0.30 Optimized = -0.26



  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    and each sidewall is divided to 5 ones. The coordinates

    of two bottom vertexes of each surface are

    parameterized. The moving range of each vertex is

    2 m in the direction of the surfaces normal line.

    Figure 2 shows the results. Front and rear walls have

    opposite characteristic between (a) and (b). If 1S is

    considered, sounds should be reflected to seats directly.

    This means the decrease of 4S .

    FIGURE 2. Results of the model 2: (a) the result by

    1S , (b) the result by 4S .


    The model 3 uses a little complex model. Shown at 1ststep of figure 3, the model is consists of a ceiling, a

    front wall, a rear wall, two sidewalls, a stage, and afloor. At the 2nd step, vertexes for triangle division are

    plotted on each surface except for the stage and floor.At 3rd step, each surface is divided to some trianglesby connecting the vertexes. Two connection patternsare supposed. The coordinates of each vertex areparameterized and optimized. A value that fourpreferences are summed and averaged by 20 listeningpoints is used for evaluation.


    Side wallFront wall

    Rear wall

    Stage Floor

    1st Step

    2nd Step


    1 2 3


    3rd Step

    Connection pattern 1

    29 10m

    45 10m

    15 5m

    Connection pattern 2

    FIGURE 3. The optimization model 3.

    Combination of each surfaces connecting pattern

    produces eight different initial models. They were all

    used for GA optimization. Table 2 shows their details

    and evaluation values. Figure 4 shows the optimized

    result of md2. Center of the each wall except for the

    ceiling is swelling outside. The ceiling is folded along

    the centerline of the hall. Two protuberances circled in

    figure 4(b) supply sound especially to the corner of the

    seats just beside the stage.

    Table 2. Each models connection pattern andevaluation value

    number ceiling sidewall front/rear wall evaluation value

    md1 1 1 1 -0.55

    md2 1 1 2 -0.49

    md3 1 2 1 -0.60

    md4 1 2 2 -0.52

    md5 2 1 1 -0.53

    md6 2 1 2 -0.52

    md7 2 2 1 -0.60md8 2 2 2 -0.60


    (c)FIGURE 4. The result of model 3 (md2): (a) the

    whole view, (b) the front view, (c) the left view.


    In conclusion, we would like to state the following

    three points.

    (1) The subjective preferences used here seem to be

    appropriate for evaluating a concert hall from the

    similarity of proportions between the optimized

    form of model 1 and Grosser Musikvereinssaal.

    (2) There is a tradeoff on a concert form between the

    preference 1S and 4S .(3) There could be many complex and various forms

    having higher preference values than the

    conventional shoebox form.


    1. J. H. Holland, Adaptation in Natural and Artificial

    Systems, The University of Michigan Press (1975)

    2. Y. Ando, Architectural Acoustics, Springer-Verlag New

    York (1998)


    S1=-0.20 S4=-0.15


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  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic



  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Effects of Scattered Reflections by Array of Columns

    Measured after Construction of the Tsuyama-Music-

    Cultural Hall

    Y. Suzumuraa,b

    and Y. Andoa

    aGraduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe, 657-8501, Japan,

    bUrban Design Union, Harbor Land Center Bldg. 1-3-3 Higasi-kawasaki, Chuo, Kobe, 650-0044, Japan

    The acoustical design of the Tsuyama-Music-Cultural Hall was made based on the theory of subjective preference. The hall iscalled Bell Fort Tsuyama due to a number of circular columns, realizing the similar effects of scattered reflections by trees ina forest for the sound field of this hall. The array of these circular columns is designed to obtain scattered sound field and to

    decrease the value of IACC in the audience seats. In order to examine the quality of the sound field, the four-orthogonal-acoustic

    parameters of the sound field were analyzed using the system developed based on the subjective preference theory. From themeasurement of the IACC after construction, it is shown that the sound field of this concert hall is much improved by existing thearray of circular columns.


    The purpose of this work is to show that the sound

    field in this concert hall is improved by the array of 52circular columns (diameter: 30 cm) installed in front of

    the walls both in the audience area and in the stage

    enclosure. Effects of these columns on the sound field

    in the audience area have been discussed reconfirmed

    by a previous study using the 1/10 scale model [4,5].We described in the study that values of IACCdecreased and the initial time delay gap was prolonged

    due to the effects of the columns. To calculate the

    effects of scattered reflection on sound field is

    extremely laborious, in this reason, we adopted the

    experimental method to evaluate the sound fieldinvolving scattered reflections.


    The measurement after construction was made under

    the similar condition to 1/10 scale model experiment

    previously performed [4,5]. Unfortunately, we couldnot make the measurement without the columns array

    in the real hall. An omni-directional loudspeaker was

    placed at a height of 1.2m above the center of the stage

    as the sound source. Sound signals were recorded

    through two microphones at ears entrance of a real

    head at 15 seat positions. After obtaining the impulse

    response, four-orthogonal-acoustic parameters were

    analyzed, and scale values of the subjective preference

    were calculated. These four orthogonal acoustic

    parameters are listening level (LL), initial time delaybetween the direct sound and the first reflection ( T1),

    subsequent reverberation time (Tsub), and magnitude

    of the inter-aural cross-correlation (IACC). FIGURE 1

    shows the plan ofBell Fort Tsuyama with the array of

    circular columns and the15measurement points.















    FIGURE 1: Plan of the Concert Halland Measurement Points

    Measurement points

    Column 5m


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Table 1. Values of IACC Calculated by use of Architectural Scheme and Measured in the Real Hall

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    Simulation withoutColumns and Reflectors at

    0.52 0.24 0.28 0.28 0.57 0.36 0.27 0.24 0.58 0.52 0.34 0.22 0.45 0.56 0.26

    Real Hall with Columns

    without reflectors at 500 0.41 0.34 0.36 0.19 0.26 0.40 0.28 0.25 0.15 0.30 0.27 0.28 0.21 0.16 0.20

    Simulation without

    Columns and Reflectors at0.45 0.16 0.25 0.20 0.51 0.27 0.18 0.10 0.44 0.35 0.21 0.24 0.28 0.51 0.31

    Real Hall with Columns

    without reflectors at 1000 0.31 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.08 0.23 0.13 0.13 0.23 0.15 0.08 0.12 0.26 0.23 0.09

    Simulation without

    Columns and Reflectors at0.19 0.31 0.18 0.08 0.26 0.24 0.09 0.20 0.30 0.23 0.18 0.23 0.33 0.47 0.37

    Real Hall with Columns

    without reflectors at 2000

    0.13 0.14 0.14 0.11 0.13 0.09 0.13 0.09 0.14 0.07 0.14 0.07 0.09 0.09 0.08

    Calculated and Measured 15 seating Position


    Table 1 compares results of the simulation by the use

    of architectural scheme (without columns) and the

    measurement in the real hall (with columns). These

    comparisons can be summarized as follows:1. Values of IACC decrease in side area near

    the sidewalls (No.9 15) more than the center area

    (No.1 8).

    2. The maximum value of IACC appears, in thereal hall, at the center area near the stage at 500Hz.

    3. Measured results shows that values of IACCbecome small as the frequency increases. And,

    number of audience seats obtaining smaller IACC

    increases with increasing frequency due to

    columns. These results may be as a typical

    scattering effect by columns.


    The acoustical design of this hall was made at three

    steps based on the theory of subjective preference. Thefirst is the basic shape planning based on the theory ofsubjective preference, the second is the case study of

    the shape of this hall using a computer simulation

    system, and the third step is the study about the effects

    of the columns array using the scale model of this hall

    [5]. It has shown in the third study that the diameter of

    the circular column is effective on the frequency of

    scattered reflections above 1000 Hz. Columns array

    has large effects on the quality of the sound field in a

    concert hall and the values of IACC at the seats near

    the side walls become small by existing the array of the

    circular columns. It should be concluded, from what

    has been clarified in this measurement in the real hall,

    that these phenomena may be caused by the scattered

    reflections of the columns array. The array of the

    circular columns is effective on the values of IACC,

    especially at above 1000 Hz, and thus improves the

    preference of the sound field in this concert hall.


    The authors would like to thank I. Yamamoto, and T.

    Iizuka for their measurement works of this hall and

    Masanao Ohwaki for his cooperation.


    1. Y. Ando, Concert Hall Acoustics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1985).

    2. Y. Ando, Architectural Acoustics, Blending Sound Sources, SoundFields and Listeners, AIP Press/Springer-Verlag, New York


    3. H. Sakai, S. Sato, and Y. Ando, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 104, 1491-1497(1998).

    4. Y. Suzumura, Y. Ando, M. Oowaki, T. Iizuka, and I. Yamamoto,

    Forum Acusticum, Berlin (1999).5. Y. Suzumura, M. Sakurai, Y. Ando, I. Yamamoto, T. Iizuka, and

    M. Oowaki, J. Sound Vib. 232, 303-308 (2000)


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Blending Architectural and Acoustic Factors in Designing

    an Event-hall

    A. Takatsua, H. Sakaib, and Y. Andob

    aShowa Sekkei Co., 1-2-1-800 Benten, Minato-ku, Osaka 552-0007, Japan

    bGraduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan

    To blend architectural design with acoustic design, a design-process consisting of temporal and spatial factors is proposed. As anapplication of this design-process, a multi-purpose-event-hall, which is the part of complex-architecture, is demonstrated. To

    examine the sound field, acoustic measurement was conducted to obtain temporal and spatial factors in a sound field afterconstruction. One goal of this project was to solve acoustic problems caused by the round shape of the event hall, where the

    architectural design was previously determined by a certain competition of the complex, in which the architectural concept andtheme was proposed. Nevertheless, the acoustic problems have been solved without unduly affecting the architecture of the hall,and this process would have been considered to be successful. In addition, some knowledge of methods to solve acoustic

    problems, caused by the round shaped architecture, was obtained through the designing with the process blending architectural

    and acoustic factors.


    A process of designing halls and theatres, in which

    the temporal and spatial design of architecture is

    demonstrated by the temporal and spatial factors of

    acoustics, is proposed (Fig. 1). A round-shapedmulti-purpose event hall, the ORBIS Hall (Fig. 2) in a

    complex (Kobe Fashion Plaza), was designed using

    this process. The sound field was measured to examine

    acoustic factors [1,2] after construction.



    Both of architectural design and acoustic designwere processed by temporal design and spatial factors.

    In order to blend architectural design and acoustic

    design, it is necessary to consider blending temporal

    and spatial design of architecture with temporal and

    spatial design of acoustics mutually as shown in Fig. 1.

    (1) Blending the temporal factors of architectural

    design with those of acoustic design

    In order to control appropriate Tsubfor any kind ofevents, a hybrid-reverberation control system was

    adopted. The subsequent reverberation time Tsubof this

    hall is initially designed for speech. The target value at

    500 Hz was 0.7 s in the designing stage. In line with

    this, in order to accommodate not only speech but also

    events of acoustic sound, an additional system

    enhancing subsequent reverberation, which consists of

    a reverberation-control-room and an electrical acousticsystem, was designed.

    (2) Blending the spatial factors of architectural design

    with those of acoustic design

    Various equipment and devices including reflectorswere designed to improve IACC and get uniformity of

    SPL in the seat area.


    requirement of customers

    social condition

    natural condition








    (1) (3) (2)


    t1 IACC

    Tsub SPL



    FIGURE 1. Design process blending architectural designand acoustic design.

    (3) Blending the temporal and spatial factors of

    architectural design with those of acoustic designUnder-floor space was taken into consideration in

    designing a sound field at each seat, since the sound

    field below the ears is equally important as well as that

    above ears. To eliminate the SPL-dip in the lowfrequency range, sound path to under-floor space,

    which is considered as one of the temporal factors

    controlled by architectural design, was effective [2]. In

    the area in front of end-stage, a perforated floor with5-mm diameter holes in its grid of 15-mm was

    designed in order to fuse above- and under-floor space.

    The seating areas to the side and in the back have


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    movable chairs that can be stored into the under-floor

    as convenient storage. At the steel plates of the chair

    basement under the chair legs, there are drilled holes

    of a 25% ratio, to the extent that strength permits. This

    also allows sound waves to pass through to theunder-floor space, eliminating the dip of

    low-frequency-range. In addition, a room for mother

    and baby directly facing the end-stage was designed to

    prevent echo-disturbance, whispering gallery effect



    reversible reflecor

    back stage

    m eetingroom room dressingroom

    officeticket office

    cloak room



    bar corner

    room for m othersand children

    guest room


    seating area

    center diffusion panel

    sm all diffusion panelreversible reflector

    heavy-bass speakerunderfloor space

    reflecting panel aboveend-stage

    FIGURE 2. Plan and section of ORBIS Hall with variousacoustic equipment.



    After construction, acoustic measurement wasperformed. In the results, the various problems, which

    are usually occurred by the round-shaped form, wereexcluded. It is thought that efficiency of the proposed

    design-flow was verified, because acoustic problems

    could be solved without breaking the architectural

    concept under such a worst acoustic condition.

    Efficiencies of the various equipment and methods

    of acoustic to eliminate acoustic problems of round

    shaped hall, are as follows.

    (1) Through the temporal design both of architectureand acoustic design, efficiency of the hybrid-

    reverberation control system, which consists of

    architectural- and electric-acoustic, was verified inmulti- purpose event-hall.

    (2) Through the spatial design both of architectural

    and acoustic design, the reflector panels in the side of

    stage and seating-area are clarified to be efficient to

    decrease IACC and to get uniformity of SPL [4].

    (3) The room projected at the rear-end of the hall,which has 4.0 m in width and 3.0 m in depth, is

    effective to eliminate echo disturbance whispering

    gallery effect.

    (4) Through both temporal acoustic design and spatial

    architectural design, the SPL-dip in the low-frequency

    due to the reflection from the floor improvedeffectively by the perforated floor (Fig. 3) [5].









    0 200 400 600 800 1000

    Frequency [Hz]







    6 m

    8 m

    10 m

    FIGURE 3. Relative SPL as a function of frequency up to

    1kHz. (a): Relative SPL on the perforated floor; and (b):Relative SPL on the hard floor.


    1. Ando, Y ., Concert Hall Acoustics, Springer-Verlag,

    Heidelberg (1985).2.Ando, Y.,Architectural Acoustics, Blending Sound Sources,

    Sound Fields, and Listeners, Springer-Verlag/ AIP Press,

    New York (1998).

    3.Takatsu, A., Sakai, H., and Ando, Y., Journal of Building

    Acoustics7(2), 113-125 (2000).

    4.Takatsu, A., Mori, Y., and Ando, Y., The architectural and

    acoustic design of a circular event hall in Kobe Fashion

    Plaza, in Music and Concert Hall Acoustics, Conference

    Proceedings from MCHA 1995, edited by Y. Ando and D.

    Noson, Academic Press, London, 1998, Chapter 30.

    5.Takatsu, A., Hase, S., Sakai, H., Sato, S., and Ando, Y., J.

    Sound Vibration232(1), 263-273 (2000).


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    The Acoustical Renovation of the Palais des Beaux-Arts

    Concert Hall in Brussels

    D. Commins

    commins acoustics workshop, 15, rue Laurence Savart, F-75020 Paris, France,

    Originally, the acoustics of Salle Henry-Leboeuf in Brussels was renowned. Over the years, poor maintenance and clumsy

    renovations contributed to the deterioration of its acoustics and aesthetics. In the 1990s, measurements were performed and an

    extensive investigation of Hortas archives, notes and drawings, was conducted. Most of the details built by Horta were thenexplained and, on this basis, a new renovation programme was decided with, as main goal, the restoration of the originalacoustics of the hall. According to users and audiences, the original acoustics seem to have been recovered.


    The main Belgian concert hall, the so-called Salle

    Henry le Boeuf of the Brussels Palais des Beaux-Arts

    has been inaugurated on October 19, 1929. At the

    time, it was considered to be one of the very best

    concert halls in the world[1].

    The concept and the actual detailed design were led

    entirely by the architect himself, Victor Horta, a key

    figure of the Art Nouveau school.

    Enquiries conducted in 1945 by F. Winckel and

    around 1960 by L. Beranek, in particular by

    questioning major orchestra conductors, hasconfirmed the reputation of this concert hall: the Salle

    Henry le Boeuf was rated then at the level of theGrosser Muzikvereinsaal in Vienna, the

    Concertgebouw in Amsterdam and Symphony Hall in


    The Palais des Beaux-Arts concert hall was famous

    for its rich bass response, its intimacy and its warmth

    and for enhancing the sound of the violin. This

    particular characteristic is of importance since, in

    those days, the Belgian school of violin was

    considered, with Moscow, to be the best.

    Over the years, the hall has been transformed and new

    technology has been introduced. Its acoustics

    deteriorated: it became dry and lost its extraordinary

    bass qualities. The complex wooden stage was

    replaced by a concrete box.



    The cross-section of figure 1 shows some detailsintroduced by Horta, including a genuine resonant

    chamber under the stage.

    FIGURE 1: Original stage cross-section by Horta.

    The main parameters are as follows: number of seats

    NA : 2150, public area SA = 1300 m2,stage So = 186

    m2, total area ST = 1486 m

    2, V / SA = 8.4 or 9.4

    according to various estimates, V / NA = 5.8 or 6.5

    according to various estimates, SA / NA = 0,60, heightof the stage: 92 cm above main floor, first row.

    The materials were as of May 1997: ceiling: 75 %

    plaster on metal grid, 20 % in heavy glass on heavy

    metal structures, damped by a wire mesh (cf. Horta),

    5 % of light systems; walls: plaster on brick residue,painted; columns: plaster on concrete; main floor: pine

    on 75 mm sleepers on concrete; upper floors: pine

    glued directly on concrete; stage floor: wooden floor

    on concrete floor ( under the concrete floor Horta

    designed a large resonant cavity; originally the floorwas pine with oak veneer as top layer); carpeting:

    thick carpet on foam in the stalls, balcony and boxes

    (the original carpet was presumably thin or non-

    existent); seats of the stalls, dress-circle, balcony and

    boxes: absorption on all sides, thick seat and back (not

    the original); galleries: upholstered seats, thick woodlayer under the seat and thin wood layer on the back.


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic




    Numerous changes have taken place: an absorptivecarpet has been installed; the seats have been replaced

    several times; the original orchestra wooden stage has

    been destroyed in the early seventies and replaced by a

    concrete stage with a wooden floor on thin sleepers; a

    makeshift orchestra pit has been introduced, probably

    around 1975, in an attempt to make the room

    multipurpose; the room has been painted and even

    redecorated several times; the original organ, which

    did not seem to be a success when it was inaugurated

    in early November 1930, has been destroyed; lightsand other electrical equipment have been modified

    several times and many openings have been made in

    the ceiling for cables and lights.


    Extensive acoustical measurements have been

    performed and a thorough investigation of Hortas

    archives has been conducted before renovation.

    Measurements before renovation

    Most of the MLS tests were performed in the empty

    hall but also with a full audience[2].

    The hall was found to be quite dry. It is partly due to

    the relatively small volume but it is also theconsequence of various low, medium and high

    frequency absorption mechanisms that did not exist in

    the original design. The room impulse response was

    close to the typical response expected from a good

    concert hall of elliptical shape.

    The renovation

    From this data, a very careful renovation was planned

    by Architect Georges Baines in an attempt to recover

    the original Art Nouveau aspect of the hall and itsoriginal acoustical qualities. The key elements were:the reconstruction of a genuine wooden orchestra

    stage with a resonant cavity, a genuine wooden floor

    on sleepers in the stalls, the elimination of openings of

    various nature, indirect air intake and exhaust,

    acoustical insulation.

    Measurements after renovation

    The measurements performed after completion of the

    renovation demonstrate that most of the originalacoustical characteristics have been recovered.

    FIGURE 2.View towards the stage

    FIGURE 3.Measurements before and after


    Careless renovations of concert halls and opera houses

    may considerably alter the acoustics. The example of

    the Salle Henry le Boeuf shows that it may be possible

    to recover most of the original features.

    The author wishes to thank the Palais des Beaux-Artsand the Horta Museum for giving him the opportunity

    to analyse this problem. Special thanks are due to Prof.

    G. Vermeir for positive contributions during the

    construction phase.


    1 L. Beranek,How they sound, concert and opera halls, Woodbury:Acoustical Society of America, 1996, pp. 189-192.

    2.D. Commins,Proc. Institute of Acoustics, 19, 213-220 (1997).








    125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000



    RTBF 1961

    Raes 1961






  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Dissimilarity Judgments in Relation to Temporal and

    Spatial Factors for the Sound Field in an Existing Hall

    Takuya Hotehama, Shin-ichi Sato and Yoichi Ando

    Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University, Rokkodai, Nada, Kobe 657-8501, Japan

    To examine the relationships between the subjective attribute and physical factors of sound fields, dissimilarity judgments fordifferent source locations on the stage were performed. This study is based on the model of the auditory-brain system, which

    consists of the autocorrelation and crosscorrelation mechanisms for sound signals arriving at two ears and specialization of

    human hemispheres. There are three temporal factors (1, 1, e) extracted from the autocorrelation function and four spatial

    factors (LL,IACC, IACC, WIACC) from interaural crosscorrelation function of binaural signals. In addition to these temporal andspatial factors, the orthogonal factors of the subjective preference for the sound field were taken into account. The relationships

    of the scale value of dissimilarity and these acoustical factors were analyzed by means of the multiple regression analysis. Theresults show that the calculated scale value of dissimilarity agrees with the measured scale value.


    A theory of primary sensations and spatialsensations to environmental noise that is based on themodel of the auditory-brain system was previouslyproposed [1, 2]. Primary sensations -loudness, pitch,

    timbre and temporal duration- and spatial sensationscan be described by temporal and spatial factors

    extracted from the autocorrelation function (ACF) andthe interaural crosscorrelation function (IACF)

    respectively. From the ACF analysis, effectiveduration of the envelope of the normalized ACF (e),

    the delay time of the first peak (1), and its amplitude

    (1) were extracted. From the IACF analysis, thelistening level (LL), IACC, interaural delay time at

    which the IACC is defined (IACC) and width of the

    IACF at the IACC (WIACC) were extracted. It has beenshown that the environmental noises can becharacterized by these factors [3, 4]. The speech

    intelligibility of spoken syllable and the delay time ofa single reflection of sound fields can be calculated bytemporal factors extracted from the ACF [5, 6]. In

    concert hall acoustics, the theory of subjectivepreference allows us to calculate the scale values ofsubjective preference in terms of four orthogonalfactors as follows: LL, the initial time-delay gap

    between the direct and the first reflection (t1), thesubsequent reverberation time (Tsub) and IACC [1].

    In this study, dissimilarity judgments for differentsource locations on the stage in an existing hall wereperformed in order to examine relationships betweenthe subjective attribute and the physical factors based

    on the auditory-brain system of sound fields and thetheory of subjective preference by means of

    multivariate analysis.


    Dissimilarity judgments were performed in the"ORBIS Hall" with 400 seats (Figure 1). An anechoicsource of orchestra music ("Water Music" Suite No.2 -Alla Hornpipe by Handel) was used as a source signal.

    Six loudspeakers were placed on the stage. Twentylisteners were divided into four groups and seated at

    the specific positions. Without moving seat to seat,dissimilarity judgments were performed while

    switching the source locations to obtain a scale valueof dissimilarity. The listeners were asked to judge thesubjective difference between the paired stimuli on ascale that have opposite ends: "not different" and"extremely different ". The judgment consisted offifteen pairs that is the possible combinations of sixsound fields at each listener's location. The duration ofthe source signal was 4 s, and the silent interval

    between stimuli was 1s. Each pair of sound fields wassepareted by an interval of 5 s, and the pairs arearranged in random order. This session was repeatedfive times.

    FIGURE 1. Plan of the "ORBIS Hall". A~D: listeners

    locations. 1~6: source locations.


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic



    In order to examine the relationship between thepsychological distance and physical factors obtained

    by acoustical measurements, the data were analyzed bythe multiple regression analysis. For the explanatoryvariables, a distance between paired stimuli wasintroduced by applying the factors extracted from therunning ACF and the running IACF analysis ofrecorded sound signals. In this analysis, the acoustical

    factors in relation to subjective preference wereincluded in the explanatory variables, because the

    property of sound fields must be taken into account [1].

    The explanatory variables were: (1) DLL, (2) D1, (3)

    D1, (4) DIACC, (5) DIACC, (6) DWIACC, (7) Dt1and (8)DTsub. In order to construct scale value of dissimilarityamong sound stimuli for the dependent variable, the

    original data obtained by dissimilarity judgment werecategorized to seven categories, and a method ofsuccessive categories was applied to the categorizeddata. Correlation coefficients among explanatoryvariables were examined (Table 1). The results showed

    that the DWIACC highly correlated with the DIACC. Toavoid the effect of multicollinearity, the DWIACC, whichless correlated with the dependent variable than the

    DIACC, were also eliminated from them.In the multiple regression analysis, the distances

    for factors were combined linearly due to theexpression given by

    D = aDLL+bD1+cD1+dDIACC+eDIACC+fDt1+gDTsub(1)

    where a, b, c, d, e, f and gare the coefficients to beevaluated. The coefficients were obtained by a step-

    wise regression method.

    TABLE 1. Correlation coefficients among explanatory



    By applying the multiple regression analysis to the

    dependent variables and the explanatory variables,regression coefficients were obtained. The partialcorrelation coefficients indicated that the effect ofDIACCwas maximum among all. The D1and the Dt1also contributed to the dissimilarity significantly.

    The relationship between the scale value obtained

    by dissimilarity judgments and the calculateddissimilarity at each group of four seats is shown in

    Figure 2. The correlation coefficient was 0.85 (p 80ms). The frequencies used were the 125 - 1000Hz

    octaves, except for the early reflected measurement,

    for which the 250 - 1000Hz octaves were used. Ratios

    are expressed in dB averaged over the frequency



  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Table. Means and standard deviations of front/back ratios in the two concert halls

    Bridgewater Hall, Manchester Waterfront Hall, Belfast

    Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev.Early front/back ratio (dB) 5.7 2.7 6.0 2.3

    Late front/back ratio (dB) 2.3 0.5 2.0 0.8

    The two halls are different in design, theManchester hall is parallel-sided whereas the Belfast

    hall follows the vineyard terrace scheme. However the

    front/back ratios are remarkably similar in the two

    halls, see Table. The early and late results for the

    Belfast hall are shown in the Figure. The earlyfront/back ratio decreases from the front to the rear of

    the hall. We would expect this behaviour due to the

    direct sound. However the early reflected sound also

    behaves in a similar way, decreasing as one movesaway from the stage. A possible explanation is that

    when one is close to the stage, early reflections comefrom the front of the hall; when one is towards the rear

    of the hall many reflections arrive from behind.

    The behaviour of the late front/back ratio came as a

    surprise: it is basically constant. Though the constant

    value indicates uniformity, the mean value of 2dB

    shows that more reverberant energy arrives from infront. This is not true diffuse behaviour and is, as far

    as is known, a new result.

    The original hypothesis was that late sound from

    the rear might be weak near balcony overhangs. A

    weak rear sound would produce a high front/backratio. In the figure there is no evidence of this, the

    opposite appears to be more the case with lower values

    of the ratio at overhung seats than elsewhere.


    On the evidence of this preliminary exercise, there is

    no indication that the front/back ratio matches the

    subjective observation of reduced envelopment

    perceived near balcony overhangs! The perception oflistener envelopment and sound from behind is clearly

    subtle. The differences of view on listener envelop-

    ment among researchers needs of course to beresolved. There is also a major need for subjective

    evidence from real concerts of perceived LEV and

    sound from behind.The measurements reported here provide

    interesting new evidence concerning the directional

    distribution of reverberant sound in concert halls,

    though results from more halls would be welcome.


    I am grateful for the help of Dr. J.Y. Jeon during the













    0 10 20 30 40

    0 10 20 30 40

    Exposed seats:

    Overhung seats:

    Regression line

    Source-receiver distance (m)

    Source-receiver distance (m)









    FIGURE. Individual measured front/back ratios in the

    Waterfront Hall, Belfast.


    1. P. Damaske, Acustica 19, 199-213 (1967)

    2. A.H. Marshall, J. Sound Vib. 5, 100-112 (1967)

    3. M. Morimoto and Z. Maekawa, Proc. 13th ICA,Belgrade, 2, 215-8 (1989)

    4. J.S. Bradley and G.A. Soulodre, J. Acoust. Soc. Am 97,

    2263-71 and 98, 2590-7 (1995)5. M. Barron Applied Acoustics 62, 185-202 (2001)

    6. M. Morimoto and K. Iida, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 93, 2282(1993)

    7. M. Morimoto, K, Iida and K. Sakagami, AppliedAcoustics 62, 109-124 (2001)

    8. P. Evjen, J.S. Bradley and S.G. Norcross, AppliedAcoustics 62, 137-153 (2001)

    9. T. Hanyu and S. Kimura, Applied Acoustics 62, 155-184(2001)

    10.H. Furuya, K. Fujimoto, C. Young Ji and N. Higa,Applied Acoustics 62, 125-136 (2001)


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Investigation of the Factors Most Important for Determining

    the Acoustic Quality of Concert Halls

    Y. J. Choi* and F. R. Fricke

    Department of Architectural and Design Science, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia,


    The purpose of this study is to investigate the acoustic factors that contribute to the overall acoustic quality of concert halls(AQI). The analysis was undertaken using Beranek's six orthogonal parameters (EDT, TI, IACC, Gmid, SDI, and BR) and other

    factors such as the number of seats and the hall volume. A neural network analysis was used with inputs of Beraneks parameters

    over the frequency range 125-1000Hz. Various combinations of acoustic factors were tried to determine which of Beraneks sixparameters are most significant in accurately predicting AQI and what other facotors are important. It is shown that Beraneks sixfactors can give good prediction of AQI. It is shown that some other combinations of parameters can give predictions as good as

    those using Beraneks parameters.


    Recently, Beranek [1] suggested six acoustical

    features that must be provided for achieving good

    acoustics: EDT (Early Decay Time),IACC(Inter-Aural

    Cross Correlation), Gmid (the average intensity of the

    sound at mid-frequencies), Time to the first reflection(TI), Bass Ratio (BR) and Surface Diffusivity Index

    (SDI). Moreover, he indicates how each feature

    contributes to the overall acoustic quality of a hall and

    provides the preferred values of six features as follows:

    IACCE3of 0.3, Gmidof 4 to 5.5 dB, EDT of 2.2 s, TIof

    20ms or less, BR of 1.8 s and SDI of 1.0. Beranek's work is based on Ando's investigation[2]

    but with two additional factors, BR and SDI. Ando[3]expressed concern about the two added factors and

    their orthogonality.

    This study is aimed at determining the combination

    of factors required for a good concert hall. As a firststep, an independent evaluation of Beranek's approach

    was undertaken using Neural Network Analysis. Also,

    a modified version of Beranek's theory that used a

    combination of some of Beranek's parameters with

    geometrical parameters, was examined to see whether

    this might give better results.


    In the past two decades, Neural Network Analysis

    has been extensively studied and applied in solving a

    wide variety of problems. NNA is useful for solving

    non-linear problems that are not well suited to

    traditional methods of analysis. In particular, NNA[4]

    is good at pattern recognition and as robust classifiers,

    with the ability to generalize in making decisions about

    imprecise input data.

    The following figure shows the neural network

    architecture of this research. In the present study, eight

    inputs and one output were used. A neural network

    with one hidden layer containing two neurons was


    FIGURE 1. Diagram of the neural network architecture.

    RESULTS Neural Network Analyses were undertaken to

    investigate the factors which contribute to the

    prediction of the acoustic quality of concert halls.

    Using the data on 20 halls from Beranek's book[1],

    neural networks having different combinations of

    inputs were trained over the frequency range 125-


    Networks having different combinations of acoustic

    and geometric input parameters were trained. These 17

    networks are No.1 (Beranek6+Geo2), No.2

    (Beranek6+N), No.3 (Beranek6+V), No.4 (Beranek6),

    No.5 (Beranek6-BR+N), No.6 (Beranek6-BR+V),

    No.7 (Beranek6-SDI+N), No.8 (Beranek6-SDI+V),

    No.9 (Ando4+BR), No.10 (Beranek6-TI), No.11

    (Ando4-TI+SDI,V), No.12 (Ando4-TI+SDI,N), No.13

    (Ando4), No.14(Ando4-TI+SDI), No.15 (Ando4-

    TI+BR), No.16 (Ando4-TI+N) and No.17 (Ando4-

    TI+V). Before a Neural Network Analysis was

    undertaken, the correlations between the input values

    were checked using Statistica software to determine the

    orthogonality of the inputs. The inputs are

    approximately orthogonal. The correlations in each

    octave are slightly different, EDT and Gmid are the

    most highly correlated for every frequency band.









    Input Hidden OutputLayer Layer Layer


    Index (AQI)


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    The results are summarized in Table 1, with standard

    deviation ratios (SDRs), over the seven frequency

    bands. The SDRs show the degree to which the data

    has been fitted (A standard deviation ratio of 0.1 or

    lower indicates very good regression performance).The network models that are shown without their

    SDRs in Table 1 indicate poor prediction

    performances. The SDRs indicate quite different trends

    over each octave band, even though the network has

    the same input variables.

    Table 1.Standard Deviation Ratios (SDR) for 17 Networksover the four octave bands 125Hz-1000Hz and threecombined frequency bands. (No.4 is Beranek's model and

    No.13 is Ando's model)

    According to the results, Beranek's model shows a

    mostly good performance over the each frequency

    band. In addition, there are several other network

    models that gave good prediction of AQI. The model

    having EDT, 1-IACCE3 , Gmid , BR and SDI is good

    enough to predict AQI and some factors of Beranek'ssix inputs combined with geometrical data (EDT, 1-

    IACCE3 , Gmid , BR, SDI and the number of seats or

    volume) show good performances as well.

    However, the SDRs do not indicate the interaction

    between the inputs. To better understand the

    relationships between inputs, Fig.2 presents the AQIresponse surface for the factor of Gmid andN on the

    best trained network in the 250Hz octave, using a

    modified version of Beranek's approach (EDT, 1-

    IACCE3, Gmid, BR, SDI and the number of seats).

    The results indicate that the low IACC gives thehighest AQI, as per Beranek and an EDT of 1.71s

    would tend to be good. As shown in Fig.2-1, the

    highest Gmid of 8-9 dB is preferable, while the

    preferred value of TI of 12 ms is the lowest. The

    preferred value of SDI would be 1.0. Finally, Fig.2-2

    indicates that the preferable value of N would seem to

    be 2000-2400 though the relationship with the N is



    In conclusions, there are several network models,

    besides Beranek's model which present a goodperformance to predict AQI. Further more, those

    models consist of some of Beranek's factors together

    with the number of seats and the volume. This

    indicates a possibility that geometrical factors could be

    one of the significant parameters as well as the

    objective parameters to lead to good acoustics quality.

    Even though Beranek's model presents one possibility

    to give a good prediction of AQI, there is still a

    considerable need for further practical investigation of

    Beranek's approach on the preferred values and



    The authors would like to thank Prof.Y.Ando,

    Dr.J.S.Bradley, Prof.A.C.Gade, Dr. T.Hidaka, Prof.G.

    Vermeir and Prof. M.Vorlaender for allowing access to

    the measurement data on specific halls.


    (1) Beranek, L.L.,Concert Halls and Opera Houses: How theysound, American Institute of Physics, Woodbury, 1996.

    (2) Ando, Y., Concert hall Acoustics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1985.(3) Ando, Y., Architectural Acoustics: Blending Sound Sources,

    Sound Fields, and Listeners, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1998.

    (4) Bishop, C., Neural Networks for pattern Recognition, OUP,Oxford, 1995.

    Frequency BandsNo.

    125Hz 250Hz 500Hz 1kHz125-



    1 0.05 0.45 0.21 0.10 0.16 0.09 0.24

    2 0.19 0.16 0.11 0.26 0.07 0.23 0.16

    3 0.35 0.21 0.52 0.02 - - 0.10

    4 0.28 0.17 0.02 0.02 0.14 0.14 0.07

    5 0.14 0.09 0.36 0.29 0.31 0.11 0.34

    6 0.47 0.14 0.03 0.10 0.38 - 0.13

    7 - - - - - - -

    8 - 0.22 - - - 0.20 -

    9 - - 0.21 - - - -

    10 0.28 0.03 0.07 0.14 0.05 - 0.12

    11 0.35 0.09 - - - - -

    12 0.39 0.05 - 0.10 - - -

    13 - - - 0.52 - - -

    14 - - 0.25 - - 0.05 -

    15 - - - - - - -

    16 - - - - - - -17 - - - - - - -

    Fig.2-1AQI as a function of Gmidand EDT

    Fig.2-2AQI as a function of N and EDT

    FIGURE 2. AQI Response Surfaces for the best network in

    the 250Hz using a modified version of Beranek's model.


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic


    Analysis and structural adjustment performed to improve

    the acoustics of the "Strehler Theatre" in Milano

    G. Zambon and E. Sindoni di Scienze dell'Ambiente e del Territorio, Universit degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 20126 Milano, Italy

    The analysis and the structural adjustment performed to improve the acoustics of the "Strehler Theatre" in Milano is discussed.

    The theatre was originally designed only for drama and, later on, when the Management decided to perform chamber music andlight opera as well, the inadequacy of the acoustic hall soon arose. The Acoustics Laboratory of the Milano-Bicocca University

    was addressed to solve the very serious problem.


    In 1997 the new theatre "Strehler" was opened inMilano. The theatre was originally designed only for

    drama and, later on, when the Management decided to

    perform chamber music and light opera as well, the

    inadequacy of the hall acoustics soon arose. Not only

    the concerts and the opera have been heavily criticized

    in the news, but many critics complained even about

    the quality of the acoustics for drama performances.

    For this reason the Acoustics Laboratory of the

    Milano-Bicocca University was addressed for finding a

    possible solution to improve the acoustic performance.


    Reverberation time (T30 )The reverberation time averaged over all the

    positions of the theatre hall versus frequency is plotted

    in Figure 1.

    FIGURE 1. Reverberation time averaged over all the

    measurements positions.

    It can be noticed that while the T30 values are right

    for drama and opera, they are inadequate for concerts,

    especially considering that the lower values are taken

    when the source is placed in the orchestra pit.

    Sound pressure level (LP )The LPvalues decrease very fast with distance from

    the source. From the formula of the sound distribution

    within a room an approximate value of 0.8 for the

    absorption coefficient is obtained and therefore the

    theatre hall is fundamentally sound absorbing.


    In order to improve the acoustics of the theatre a

    series of operations to be carried out gradually was

    proposed. The first operation consisted in the

    replacement of the absorbing material placed on a largeportion of the side walls (heavy cloth) with a reflecting

    material (wood). A second operation was the

    replacement of the fitted carpet of the stalls with a

    wooden parquet. Thanks to these operations the

    reverberation time improved as shown in Figure 2.

    FIGURE 2. Increment of reverberation time after the two


    An additional result was the improvement in the

    distribution of LP .





























    Frequency (HZ)


    source on stage

    source on pit orchestra































    Frequency (Hz)





    first operation

    second operation


  • 8/12/2019 Concert hall Acoustic



    The first changes improved the acoustic quality of

    the theatre, but the result was not yet optimized for

    some kind of performances such as musical events. A

    more accurate characterization of the hall was obtained

    by measuring the acoustical parameters: C80, D50,

    IACC, ITDG and RASTI in the displayed positions.

    FIGURE 3. Position of the receivers.

    Table 1 shows the parameters values calculated from

    the impulse response.

    Table 1. Acoustical parameters in the theatre.

    Pos. D50[%] C80[dB] IACC ITDG[ms] RASTI01 40.98 0.19 0.82 35.72 0.90

    02 37.66 1.41 0.55 19.91 0.86

    03 33.85 0.35 0.59 25.72 0.85

    04 35.87 1.01 0.42 39.51 0.69

    05 31.82 2.46 0.54 38.86 0.63

    06 43.91 2.14 0.63 25.39 0.6907 44.84 3.50 0.48 31.89 0.65

    08 57.73 3.57 0.56 17.06 0.67

    09 50.94 5.26 0.50 35.74 0.66

    10 62.83 4.43 0.40 10.51 0.64

    Clarity and Definition index(C80, D50)

    The analysis of the data shows that the values eitherfor C80and D50 are low at the first rows but grow to

    unacceptable values for concert and symphonic music

    away from the stage and the center of the hall. This

    behavior is due to the excessive theatre width, the

    presence of a leaning-out gallery and a poorly

    reflecting ceiling, whose main effect consists in the

    severe reduction of the delayed reflections. Near the

    stage, where there are no close reflective surface, few

    early reflections and many delayed ones generated

    from the stage itself are measured. Moving away from

    the center and the front of the hall the contribution of

    early reflections, coming from side and rear walls,

    grows up, while the stage contribution decreases. A

    further confirmation of this hypothesis is supported by

    the comparison between the shape of the impulse

    response of the nearest positions and the farthest ones.

    Inter-aural cross correlation (IACC)The values of IACC are rather high away from the

    walls and even higher near the symmetry axis of the

    stalls. Moving away from the symmetry axis as far as

    the sector of the theatre where the seats are turned
