COMUNlTA'ITALIANA - Backhill online

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Transcript of COMUNlTA'ITALIANA - Backhill online


l SommarioServizi Speciali

- ContentsMarzo/March 1995

Entertainment, Leisure & SportI

La "Super influenza"Young CriminalsMessaggio dell'On. AgnelliNo More War?Ecclesia Nostra

Regular Features

Due ParoleThe HillCronacaDall'ItaliaEurofocusPensioni ridotte

Pausa PoeticaCinemaSportlightItalsport

BACKHILL Fantasy LeagueTempo LiberoMamma's Ricetta

Notices - A vvisi

Chiesa di San PietroCalendarioNoticeboard

March 95

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p. 14p. 19p.22p.23



An extract from a special photoin the Notaro family collection·

see page 10

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Due ParoleCari amici,

Padre Roberto Russo

Con i1 primo marzo' siamo entratinella Quaresima; e la Quaresima ciprepara alia Pasqua. Abbiamo rice­vuto le ceneri che ci hanno ricordatoche ritomeremo cenere quando mor­iremo. 11 nostro corpo ritomera" cen­cre ma la nostra anima salira" al Cieloperehe' la Pasqua e' la vittoria dellavita sulla morte. E" chiaro che ab­biamo i1 timore della morte ma eiconsola tanta fede che abbiamo inDio, Padre di misericordia.

E quindi in questa nostraQuaresima cerchiamo proprio di farcrescere sempre piu' in noi questo belrapporto di vita con i1 nostro Padre dimisericordia. Affidiamoci a Lui, chie­diamogli proprio che ci faccia pentiredei nostri peccati e che ei dia tantaforza e capacita' di fare i1 bene.


Lent is about preparing for Easter,when we celebrate the triumph of lifeover death, the triumph of God oversin, and the reality of Christ's risenlife in us. We can prepare by takingstock of where we are spiritually,emotionally and mentally.

It is time to think about the Godwho loves us and longs to have ameaningful relationship with us; longsto be involved in every aspect of ourlives.

It is a time to allow him to getelose to us, to show us the parts ofour lives that could do with a littlerc-ordering.

It is a time to let Him toueh uswhere we aehe in pain - whether it ispain ,from long ago or pain fromtoday.

It is also a time to give expressionto our own thoughts and fcelingsabout God.

We may lament the inadequacy ofour love and commitment to him, but


Veramente, e' tanto bello pensare afarc i1 bene nel proprio cuore e nellavita degli altri.

E cos;' io ho scritto qualehe puntopratico che ognuno si puo" aggiustarce vivere da solo 0 con gli amiei 0 conla famiglia.

1. Come e' importante per me i1mio rapporto profondo, intimo conDio?

2. Che cosa devo mettere in ordinenella mia vita? Basta che scclgo unasola eosa in questa Quaresima?

3. Quare' la prima cosa che miviene in mente se mi voglio avviein-,are a Gesu" - i1 mio amore 0 i1 miopeccato?

4. Pensiamo alle occasioni in cuiho offeso quelli a cui voglio bene;come mi scnto? C'e" pero' Gesu" ehe

we must not let ihat stop us drawingnc.1r to him. God will mcet us wherewe are, becausc the relationship wehave with him is two way and he doesnot expect us to battle on our own tokeep it going.

These meditations are designed tohelp you to rediseover your relation­ship with the God who loves you.

1. How import.1nt to you is yourrelationship with God?

2. What things in your life are youeonseious that you need to put right?

3. When you think about ap­pro.1ehing Jesus, what is the first thingthat eomes into your mind? His Ivefor you? Your sin? FC.1r?

4. What prevents you from receiv­ing things or love from others? Isthere a sense in whieh you arerejecting real relationships with them?

5. Think of occ.1sions' when youhave let down people you love. Howdid you feel?

Imagine Jesus looking at you in

mi guarda dispiaeiuto, pronto aI per­dono se io glielo ehiedo.

5. Che cosa hai 0 ehe cosa vuoi dibello e di buono dalla vita? Questecose ti avvieinano 0 ti allontanano daDio?

6. La tua fede e" veramente:la viadella tua vita?

7. Che cosa significa quando diciehe ami Dio?

Rieordiamoci ehe la nostra vitanon e" mai un mistero per i1 nostroDio Padre; quindi affidiamoci a Lui,apriamogli i1 euore e la mente eI'anima: questa e' la nostra buonavolonta" e Dio pensera' al resto.

sorrow, but ready to forgive you ifyou ask him.

6. What things of bc.1Uty or worthdo you have or want? Do they bringyou e10ser to God, or do they get inthe way?

7. Is your faith a very personal,pri­vate affair, or is'it something you arcglad to have and like to tell peopleabout? Do you regard it more like ahobby, or is it a way of life for you?

Buomi Quaresima!

March 95


"Super" Influenza


F. Spirito ~

Non c" eincsc,russa 0 giap­ponesc; pcro" e'c"H "tipo A" c it'''tipo B". E' I'in­f1ucnza chc hadccimato l'Italiancll'ultimo mcsccd e' stata chia­mata ·-·superinflu­cnza"'. Fortunata­mcnte gli cspertiparlano di sintomimcno acuti rispellO alle prcccdcnticpidcmie: fortc mal di tcsta, fcbbrc,dolori alle articolazioni c ai muscoli.La durata media dcll'indisposizionc c'di quallro-cinquc giorni. Scguc unpcriodo di indcbolczza in cui ilpazicnlc c' predisposto a compli-'cazioni gastrointestinali solilamcntesvincolatc da qllcstc patologic.

QllcstO e' comunqllc il momcntodi fulgorc dclla nllova ondata influcn·'z.1Ie. Mczza Italia c' stata a Iclloahncno a giudicarc dalla perccntualcdi assenze ncllc sCllolc c nci grandiumci. 11 dollor Mario Boni, presidcntcdclla Fcdcrazionc nazionalc dcimcdici di famiglia (chc in qucstcsilllazioni fungono da scntinclle nclscgnalare la prcscnza dci virus), con­fcrma. GIi studi sono afTollati dapazicnti ~hc lamcntano qucsto gcncredi malcssere, nclla maggior partedcllc siluazioni curabilc con farmacianlifcbbrili.

"E' impossibilc o.11colarc la pcr­ccntualc dcgli ilaliani influcnzati ,­dicc it dollor Boni -. Anchc pcrchc'spesso la diagnosi c' imprccisa cI'originc dcll'infczionc va allribuitaad allri agcnli patogcni. Basta unadiarrca c, crrono.1mcntc, si pens.1subilo all'influcnz.,".

L'infczionc qucst'anno c" arrivatain ritardo. L.:... sua prima. timida appa...rizionc in Halia ri~,lc all'inizio digcnnaio. 11 o.1S0 d'csodio c' statoscgnalato a Milano, dovc c' statoisolato il virns in IIn bambino dicinquc anni chc Imncntava fcbbrcalta, mal di gola c tossc SCcc.1. Sitrallava di un virns di ccppo B­Panama, comc ha slabililo I'Istitlltosupcriorc di Sanila" c come siprcvedcva sulla basc dcllc infor­mazioni arrivale al ministcro dclla

March 95

Sanita' daglia1lri Paesi cu­ropei. Ultimain ordinc ditempo la Fran­cia meridion­ale,. cosi"vicina ai nostriconfini.

A n corprima I'allarmeera stato lan­ciato dagli os­

servatori del continente australe, doveI'influcnza circola molto in anticiponci mesi corrispondcnti alia nostracstatc. A scltcmbrc l'Organizzazioncmondialc dclla sanita' (Oms) avcvagia' comunicato all'Occidcntc Ic in­formazioni ncccssaric per la prc­parazione di un vaccino. Un sccondoccppo virale e' stato invccc individu­.110, a Gcnova, dall'istiluto di igicncdircllo dal professor Crovari. Un tam­ponc Ihringco inviato dall'ospedale"Gaslini"t' rilevato su un trcntcnnc,ha pcrmcsso diidcntificmc un vi·,rns '''di tipo A, sot-,lotipo H3N2".

Si tralta di ducccppi dallc carat­tcristichc simili fraloro c simili aquellc dci virus cheli hanno prcccdutincgli ultimi ducanni. E: per qucslomotivo chc colpis-,cono con menoprepotcnza i nostriorganismi, gia' prc­parati ad alfronlarlic immunizz.1li naluralmcntc.

"In qucstc sCllimanc gli ospcdalici stanno inviando parecchic campionifaringci - dice la doltorcss.1 NadiaROS.1Ii, dcl gruppo di Crovari -. E' unchiaro scgnalc che la popolazionc c'molto colpila".

COIllUl1quc, non e'c" nessun graveallarmc - rassicura il profcssor FrancoSorice, dircltorc del dipaItimcnlO dimalallic infcltivc dcll'univcrsiL1' 1..1Sapicnza di Roma -. In passato,abbiamo spcsso avulo a chc Ihrc convirus molto pill' "callivi". Pcrcurarsscla. non ci sonO medicine.

Bisogna soltanto aspcltare chc passi.Oltre ad antifcbbrili chc abbassano laIcmperatura, aspirina c vitamine, so­praltulto la C, non c'e' a1tro daprendcre., GIi antibiotici non scrvono,a meno che ci si trovi di frontc acomplicazioni baltcrichc, paIticolar­mente tcmibili nclle personc anziane.FoItunalamente iI piu' dclle vollebasta restarc a casa e riposarsi,evitando g1i strapazzi. AI massimo nclgiro di una seltimana si raggiunge lacompleta gnarigione.

Non e' possibile dire precisamentequalc virus ha causalo dire la superin­flncnza. I medici hanno notizia dialmcno due, trc virus simili. C'e'anche quello di tipo A, soltotipoHINI" provcncicntc dall'cmisfcro ori­cntalc, Singapore. Non ha impomnzaperchc' si assomigliano tra loro e lecure sono identiche.

11 vaccino e' un rimedio efficacema ormai e' tardi perche' per ollenereI'immunita" vaccinale sono necessarialmcno venti giomi e ncl frattempo si

resta comunqueesposti all'infczi­onc. Si calcola .11massimo entro lamcta' di marzoqucsl'ondala diinflucnza si sara'C5.1Urita. Non c'c"piu' ragione perfarc profilassiadcsso. Non cidovrcbbero csscrcconlroindicazioniper iI vaccino. Lavaccinazione e'consigliala ai sog­gctti piu' esposli

c a quclli sllsccttibili di complicazioni.Qnindi bambini, anziani, diabetici,cardiopalici, pazicnti con problcmipolmonari. immnnodcpressi. Cautclasollanto per quanti sono allcrgici alleuova.

Ma per proteggcrsi esistono anchemisure naturali, scbbenc inattuabili dapaIte della genIc chc lavora c va ascuola. Le ricordano .11 Centro nazion·'alc per l'inlIucnza dcll'lslituto superi·ore di Sanila': cvitare i luoghi chiusi ealfollati, Icncrsi alia larga da personcchc mostrano sinlomi respiratoril









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Young Criminals SirJohn Smith

In this third in a series of extracts taken from a recent speech entitled "Young Criminals"Sir John now examines the origins of delinquent behaviour and criminality.

The Background toCriminaIity

To attempt to prevent such deeds occurring, we must learn torecognise those elements in a child'shistory and early family' experiencethat ean predispose that child tocriminal behaviour and violence.

Childcare experts might have beenless stunned than many of us to hearthe seemingly incomprehensible ae-·tions of those two boys in Liverpooland Yummy Sandifer in Chicago hadthey been aware of the commonfactors in their backgrounds before­hand.

We must acknowledge that violentabuse, poor parenting and deprivationduring childhood and adolescence cancreate the potential for serious crimi­nal activity at a very young age. Thisfearful thought and events likethe callous murders I have de­scribed should urge us to takeaction.

The authorities in Chicagohad known of Yummy Sandifcrfor' years. He had committed acrime a month during the yearand a half leading to his dc.,th.

Cook County public guardianPatrick Murphy was quoted aOerYummy's dc.,th as saying: "Ifcver there was a case where thekid's future was predictable, itwas this ease".

Sandifer's mother was a tccn­age drug addict who had the firstof her eight children at IS. His fatherwas in prison for most of Yummy'slife and is currently serving scntencesfor drugs and weapons convictions.

Not yet 30, Yummy's mother hasfaced several charges of child neglect- the first for fhiling to get an eyeinfection in her older son trc.,tedwhich eventually resulted in blind­ness. She has alrc.,dy been arrested 41times, mainly for prostitution.

Yummy's life was a catalogue ofabuse and deprivation. He was burnedand bc.,ten as a baby and had anerratic and unsuccessful time at


sehool - missing more days than theyattended. He spent his childhood in avariety of homes and detention cen­tres and finally safe houses kept byhis gang, the Black Diseiples.

As a small boy his mother waspronounced unfit to care for him so hewas sent to live with his grandmother,herself described"as having a "severeborderline personality disorder".

Just onc year ago, a psychiatristevaluated Yummy as '''emotionallyflooded"; he saw a child full ofself-hate, lonely, illiterate and wary.Some who knew him saw belter inhim. A neighbour said he could bepolite, kind, loved animals, basketballand messing around with bikes andcars - like any other kid.

Others described him as a bully,.extortionist and a fierce fighter pre­pared to take on bigger children.

The family histories of the boyswho killed Jamie Bulger, according toreports, bc.,r many similarities. Thewere also violent, disordered andchaotic. Both boys were brought up infhtherlcss homes. In onc case the boywas bc.,ten by both his elder brothersand his father, until his father leO.Onc had an alcoholic' mother and onca mother who felt so unable to copeon her own in diseiplining her sonthat she would take him to the localpolice to do it for her.

One of the boys had one sibling incare and another who had asked for

the same treatment. Both boys spentmore time truanting from sehool thangoing.

These common background factors- disordered and emotionally inad­equate family lives, educational fail­ure, emotional .and physical abuse,truanting; petty crime and violence ­arc not by any means excuses for theappalling crimes commilted by allthese boys.

But they do provide an insight, anexplanation perhaps, of their behav­iour. It is my strong belief that it isonly by gaining such an insight thatwc can start to address ourselves tothe question of preventing such be­haviour.

A child psychologist was quotedin a newspaper as saying that he isnow sceing more violent and dis­turbed behaviour in children. The

problems are different now, hesaid, involving more desperationand brutality. He stresses theimportance of looking at thechild's early life - the founda­tion of his or her existence - andthe relationship \vith the parents.

Unhappily, good parenting islacking or inadequate in theearly years of a gro\ving numberof our children.

Emotional stability, a senseof well-being and high self­estcem all depend on the qualityof family relationships in child­hood. Moral development alsorests on these c.,rly experiences.

Children learn behaviour by exampleand from role models.

They value themselves accordingto the value placed on them by themost significant people in their earlylives - their parents - and from theinterest shown in them.

I believe that the origins of delin­quent behaviour and criminality canbe traced back to these childhoodyears. Each further stage of a child'sdevelopment rests on the success orfailure of the previous stages.

March 95


Messaggio dall'ltalia Susanna Agnelli

Pubblichiamo un messaggio rivolto ai connazionali residenti all'esterodall'On.Ministro Susanna Agnelli

Colgo I'occasione delmio inse<!ia­mento .11 ministero degli aITari esteriper rivolgere a voi tUlli, ilalianiall'estero, un sincero ed aITelluososalulo.

L'llalia si trova oggi ad a1fronlare,in un 1II0ndo allraversato da grandicambiamenti, una stagione di sfideimpcgnative e di rapide trasfor­mazioni. In questa complessa fasedella vila nazionale I'apporto diquanti come voi, in diverse regionidel mondo, avete &1pUtO costruire ungrande patrimonio di posizioni diconosccnzc ed esperienzc, non potra'ehe costituire un forte fatlore disostegno e di incoraggiamento aneheper il supcramento delle nostre atlualidiffieolla" .

Con convinta fidueia nelle ca­paeita' e nelle potenzialita' del nostropacse, tengo a sotlolineare con pro­fondo orgoglio che guardo a voi comerappresentnti di una comunita' na..zionale le cui doti di cre.11ivita',­tcnacia c vitalita' testimoniano i vat...ori piu" elevati di quella "italianita""

ehe ha saputo conquistarsi it rispetlO eI'ammirazioni di tulle le societa' incui s'i e manifcslata.

Sono anche ben consapevole dellelegitlime aspellative e delle esigenzedegli italiani nel mondo.

11 govemo ed io personalmente,anche in fona della delega ricevutaper gli italiani nel mondo, intendiamocontinuare a dedicarvi la massimaallelizione ponendo I'impegno per ris­pondere ad esse nei modi e con glistrumenti piu' appropriati, nella pros­pelliva di un continuo approfondi­mento e consolidamento dei legamicon la madre patria.

In laic contcsto tengo a sollolin­care I'importanza che iI govemo at­tribuisce al voto all'estero anche inrelazione al dibatlito parlamentare incorso sulla materia, allo sviluppodell'informazione e alia duffusionedella lingua e della eultura italiana, almiglioramento qualit.1tive dei scrvizida perscguire anche sulla base di unaprogressiva razionalizzazione dellarete consolare.,

Ritengo infalli che i nostri conna­zionali abbiano iI dirillo di scntirsicilladini a pieno tilolo sia per quantoriguarda i scrvizi che dcbbono esscreloro assicurati sia per quanto conccmela loro partecipazione alia vita po­litica, socialc c cu\turale del paesc. Aquesto fine tengo altresi' a sollolin­care I';mpegno a svolgere ogni neces­sario sforzo per promuovere la piu'rigorosa ed eflicace utilizzazione dellerisorse disponibili e per adeguare lastrullura e le capaeita' d'intervcntodella nostra rele diplomatico-conso­lare alle crescenti e nuove esigenzedelle nostre collellivita'.

In questo spirilO desidero fargiungere a tulli gli italiani all'cstero imiei piu' cordiali saluti e fervidiauguri di buon lavoro e di personalescrenita', nell'auspicio che le nostreaspellative e gli sforzi che insiemecontinueremo a sostenere per iI perse­guimento dei comuni obiellivi incon­lrino il migliore successo.

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The Hill Olive Besagni

jobs, purely by chance, was distraughtat the loss of his cherished son.Nanella has very clear memories ofthat sad time. The baby was laid outin one of the rooms at home, and in

her own words; '''To me as achild, it looked like a stage,with big candles at each end,(my mother must have bor­rowed them from the church).He was.a beautiful child withthick curly hair; mother haddressed him in a little whitesuit, his tiny hands wereclasped like this, across hischest". The sight of her babybrother lying there looking sobeautiful, is so clearly im­pressed' on her memory.

However, God smiled onthem and in 1930, Filumenagave birth to a second son,who naturally was named,Aniello. Teresa was born in1932.

Apart from the black dayswhen they lost tile baby,Nanella's memories of life in

'11 Quartiere Italiano' were of happydays spent playing with her schoolfriends, Ines Birri and Rina Rieorda.When she. started school, she couldn'tspc.1k a word of English, but neithercould so many of her little friends. Itwas such a close community. Theparents probably had trouble enoughunderstanding the many different dia­lects in the small area that wasLondon's Little -Italy. In any eventthey rarely mixed with anyone outsideof the community. Some of you willremember the small playing areas inthe school; apparently there was onelittle yard that was adjacent to a smallarea behind the Nuns' house, whereon sunny days the nuns would hangtheir washing out. She giggled as shetold me of the times when the littlegirls would spot the nuns' long under­Wc.1r pegged on the line and theywould probably be guessing whichpair belonged to whieh of the Sisters.

Pasquale worked hard and wasvery often working away from home,but there was always plenty of foodon the table in the Notaro home.

After Teresa's birth conditionswere getting rather crOWded, so thefamily moved up to L10yd BakerStreet a turning off Kings Cross Road

Baker's Row' and a job .as a tin ­smith. When Nanella' was 18 monthsold Pasquale sent for them and theyarrived in London, improved livingquarters were found· on a. top floor in

a house in Leicester Place where theylived above Famiglia Sartori. Pasqualehad found a better job with FamigliaVecchione as a parquet floor layerwith the Vigas Company.

Nanella looks back on her child­hood days in Leceister Place!'Werethey happy days"? I asked. "Ohyes" she replied, and I could tell thatin spite of the conditions that pre­vailed, she really mc.1nt it.

Her little sister Lena was born in1926, followed in 1927 by babyAniello. The birth of the first son wasa source of gre.1t joy for her father asNanella explained to me, "for aNc.1politan man it's important to begeta boy, in order to give him the nameof his own f.1ther. However their joywas short lived when at the age ofeighteen months baby Aniello wast.1ken ill. Within a day the baby'scondition worsened, so, at lOam in themorning Filumena sent for the Doctor.Unfortunately, he never arrived untilthe night time. Filumena,who wasnormally, a gentle placid soul, was soenraged with the Doctor because he'darrived too late to save her baby thatshe ehased him downstairs brandish­ing her broom. Pasquale who hadarrived home from one of his away

L<>u the publicanpfthe Coach & Harses and men fromthe Hill priar to setting offon a days outing

in the late 1930s

Do you remember the photo of theMammas with their babies that wastaken in the year 1930? At the timethe photo was published, the August1993 issue, I asked for readers tocontact me, if they recog-nised their mothers or otherfamily members in the pho­tograph. Through 'The Hill'grapevine, we were able. toname almost all of the fami­lies in the photo. One of theex residents of '11 Quar­tiere' contacted me to saythat not only was hermother in the photo, butthat she, with her' 'littlesister Lena, were to be seenseated in the front of thepicture.

The lady in questionwas Anna (Nanclla) Corradinee Nataro. Nanella is veryhappy to talk about the olddays when she lived inLeicester Place, the littlecourtway facing St Peter'sSchool in Saffron Hill.

I made her'search her memory andwe traced the family backed to theyear 1895.

Famiglia NotaroPasquale Notaro was born in Peck­

ham in 1895. His parents AnielloNotaro with his wife Anna (neeEsposito) had earlier emigrated toLondon from the little town of Savi­ano in Southern Italy. When Pasqualewas two years old his young mother,Anna, was taken terminally ill. Inthese circumstances there was noalternative but to return to their nativeSaviano. After the dC.1th of hismother, Pasquale remained in Savianowhere he was taken eare of byrelatives. In 1922 he married Filu­mena TuJhno a local girl, and in thenormal course of events, in 1923,Filumena gave birth to baby girl,Anna (Nanella), who, of course, wasthe little girl in the above mentionedphoto'. Shortly after the birth ofNanella, the shortage of employment,found Pasquale bidding his wife andchild a sad goodbye as he set of forEngland in sc.1rch of work and hopingthat it wouldn't be too long before hecould send for them.

On arrival in London he foundlodgings, over a provision shop in

10 March 95


Nonello'sount's Wedding -1928

Mazzoni, the little tiny bridesmaid isLena. The lady holding the baby isFilumena: she's holding baby Aniello(the baby they 10st).Standing behindthem is PasquaJe.

Down the 'illThat's all for now amici. except to

say: Don't forget my play 'Down The'ill '; March 22- 25th. Look out for theposters. The play is a musical and itdeals mth some aspects of life in '11Quartiere ltaliano' during the 1930swhen unemployment was rife. You'llhave a good laugh. maybe even sheda tear. The music and lyrics werespecially written for the play byRomano Viazzani and Mark Bird. 1wrote the play 7 years ago mth cowriter Mark Bird, simply because I'dalways been fascinated by stories thathave been told and retold by the oldresidents of 'The Hill'. They weretold to me first by my father GiuseppcFerrari and later by my husbandBruno Bcsagni. Further informationand tickets may be obtained on 071837 4830. 1 look forward to seeingsome of you , on the St LukesConference Centre in Central Strcet.which lies betwcen Old Strcet andThe Angel. It is a very comfortablethcatre. so if you make it. you willhave an enjoyable evening. Profits wilbe going to St Peter's Italian Church,Emergency Roof Fund.

long time after) but, Pasquale hadtaught his girls. never to acceptpresents from young men. Nanellawas always afraid that he would findout that she was accepting gifts fromRemo. Later, when her father met

Remo he took tohim. He was in­troduced to theCorradi's whocame from Mon­astero in theprovince of Pia­cenza. The fami­lies got on well.After all. he wasItalian wasn'thel Nanella mar­ried her Remoon 2nd June1952 and in1954 their mar­riage wasblessed "ith thearrival of a b.,byson Renato.

After we fin-NOIlc1la & Remo's Wedding 1952 ished our chat,

Nanella producedthe f.1mily box.

(everyone has one) and out came thephotographs. Apart from Nanella'sown wedding photo. 1 couldn't resistthe group photo. of Nanella's aunt'swedding. which took place in the year1928. Carolina Notaro is the bride, thegroom is Sabato Perreta. Nanella isthe bridesmaid standing next to thebride. Seated beside her is Maria

an area where several other Italianfamilies were settling.

Bruno, Nanella's youngestbrother was the only member ofthe family to be born outside of '11Quartiere'. The following yearspassed uneventfully.

With outbreak of WW2, Filu­mena and tile children were evacu­ated to a small village in Suffolk.They were lucky to be billeted in asmall cottage by themselves.where they spent the war years.

By the time the war endedNanella was in her late teens. Shewas only allowed out to danceswith her brothers and sisters orcousins. Pasquale was a typicalItalian father: he kept a strict eyeon his daughters' activities, theywere never allowed to stay outlate.

One night in January 1951, at"The Notre Dame" a club wheremany young Italians gathered todance, she met a young Piacentain.Remo Corradi. The young couplewere attraeted to one another. but shenever mentioned it to her fhtherbecause his attitude towards hisdaughters was, that if they brought ayoung man into the home they eithermarried him or hewas out. On February14th a Valentine Cardarrived at her home.When she retumedfrom work. her fathersaid to her "There's aleUer for you. upthere on the nlantel­piece." He added c'c'itlooks to me like ital­ian handwriting, openit". 1 told him c"it'sfrom a young manthat I've been danc­ing with at the club.("If you ask me" shesaid, "He alreadyknew that I'd metsomeone. He'd foundout; he knew I wentto the club. But yousce we were afraid tosay anything"). Hethen asked about the boy's r.,mily. Hecould find no fault with Remo, whohad a good job. He was a 1st ClassSteward on the Mauritania. He usedto bring home presents from America.for Nanella: glass nylon stockings (theyoung girlS were wild about luxuriesof that nature. they had been sodeprived during the war and for a

Marzo 95 11

12 Marclt 95




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Cronaca Attivita'" deJla comunita'"

It f:omUa~odell'Associat,'onee insieme agli ospi!i d'onore

AssociazioneCasanova Valceno

11 Dinner and Dance di capodanno,svoltosi jlresso iI Royal Lancaster Hotel,prospieiente Hyde Park, proprio nel cuorc diLondra, ha registrato di piu' di cinquccentopersone ollre agli ospiti arrivati per l'occa­sione da Bardi, fra i quali iI sindacoGiancarlo Eridano e iI direttore deUa localeCassa di Risparmio di Parma e Piacenza

"Renato Toschi.

Nel suo intervento iI prcsidente dell'Associazione,Bruno LUsaTdi, ha fatto iI punto della situazioneriguardo gli impegni dell'associazione e l'intenzione diproseguire 'nell'azione di eoUegamento e sostegno deUaeomunila' iialiana di Bardi presenle a Londra.

11 sindaco Eridano ha POrlato iI saluto dell'amminis­trazione di Bardi. 11 ragioniere Toschi ha confermatoper l'anno '95 l'attenzione deUa banca che diventera'ancora piu'" grande in seguilO aU'accordo con iI CrcditoCommerciale, aUe esigenze agli emigrati italiani aU'estero.

I1fortunato vincitore del prima premio della lotteria


La fesla e' proscguila con iI baUo, lariluale ricca lotleria, che annoveravaqucst'anno come primo prcmio un weekendper due in Portogallo, l'immancabile brindisidi mczzanotte, baci e abbraci:i a non finircper Salulare ilnuovo anno c scambiare imigliori auguri in un· clima di grandcfralemila' C ottimisticllC' prospettive per iI1995.

Una parte del 'top tablc' alia fcstacasanovcse di capodanno

March 95



St. Peter's Youth Club Football )Thc Youth Club havc now increased their foolballing potential by starting up an under 11 team in addition to their

undcr 18 sidc. St. Pctcr's would Iikc 10 thank "Food Housc" for their generous sponsorship which has provided theopportunity for these youngsters to play football. Even though our under Il's arc playing in an under 12's league theyarc currently in sevcnthposition (out of 14) andstill in all thc cup compe­titions. A grcat aehicvc­mcnt as this is only thcirfirst scason. Ray andLuigi (joint managcrs ofboth tcams) would Iikc tothank somc of thc 'parcnts'- you know who youarc!!! - who rcgularly hclpout wilh transport, kit,pUlling nets up ctc: .. Yourhclp is invaluablc.

Last scason was thcundcr 18's first and thcyfinishcd second from bot­tom. Howcvcr this did notdampen their spirits. Thisseason thcy arc currcntlyin fourth position havinglost only thrcc malches(to thc tcams lying immc­diatcly abovc thcm).Hopefully, these pointscan bc pulled back whenthey play thesc tc.1msagain. Thcy arc still in allthc cup competitions andarc looking strongcr atcvcry match!

( Un Gruppo di Amici )Un sabato scra ci siamo riunili aleuni Amici nel Club per una feslicciola uffieiale organizzata dal Club per iI Club.E: stala una ccnella scnza prctesc, ma buona c simpalica, con un mangiarc appetitoso ed una compagnia allcgra: si e'passatp un po' di tempo insicmc c tutlo scrvc per farc nascerc un poco di amieizia c per pulirc qualche ruggine sc e'c'.

Ci sono gia' aleunc Associazioni ed aleunc feste chc si org.1nizzano in questo modo molto scmplice, con un buonmangiarc, un here allcgro, poca spesa e tanta amicizia.

Marzo 9S 15


)ConsorelIe( Anchcquest'anno ci siamo fatti iI bel" party natalizio con 'Ic nostre belle egiovani Consorellc del Sacro Cuore.

Ricordiamo sempre che queste nostre Consorellepregano per le vocazioni s.1cerdotali, cioc' pregano iISignore perche' i Sacerdoti siano veramente degni diquesto nome e perche' iI Signore mandi persone chescelgano iI Sacerdozio come vocazionc dclla loro vita:e questa preghiera e' specialmente dedicata alia nostraCongregazione dei Padri Pallottini perche' inquest'anno ricorre iI duecentesimo annivcrsario delnostro Fondatore San Vincenzo Pallotti, che ha volutoquesta Chiesa Italiana qui ..1. Londra: e a questoproposito farcmo anche un pellegrinaggio' aRoma:potete chiedere le informazioni all' uffieio parrocehiale.

Inoltre i'anno 1995 e'"I'aimo della donna:'la donnacome portatrice 'di pace, in se stessa, nella' famiglia, nelmondo: quindi le Consorelle -sono le portatrici dellapace, almonD in questo anno. .

E soni capaci di portare la pace, perche' sono state.capaei di portare tanta serenita" durante iI loro party. Ci siamo divertiti, abbiamo mangiato e bene, bevuto non troppo,cantato moUo ebullate: siamo la potenza perche' abbiamo la pace nella nostra coscienza.

Italiani Nel Mondo - Pro Chiesa Itaiiana


-" --

Comitato deg/i Italiani llcl MQlldo

Domenica 15 Gennaio 1995 Italiani nel Mondo con I'aiuto di amici hanno sponsorizzato un Sunday-Lunch per irestauri del tetto della Chiesa Italiana.

Oltre 100 persone hanno partccipato a questo avvenimento cha ha prodollo 2062,72 sterline che sono stateconscgnate a Padre Russo per i restauri tello.

Italiani nel Mondo wish to express our thanks to thefollowing for their generous contributions to this event:

Cav. Tony Perolli e Ass. Pedina; MOL. Edovardo eAda Pini; Mr. Tony Melina; Mr. Giovanni Antonioni;Mrs. Patrizia; MOL; Elidio Salussolia; Mr. FrancoFormica e Vcechia Firenzc Restaurant; Gino West EndFood; Mr. Ascanio e Maccarone Jazz Restaurant; Mr,Vinicio Cava e Ass. A.MJ.R.A.; Mr. Guido Cifariello;Mr. Pino Belloni; Mrs. Maria Sistina; Mr. LeonardoDiodati e La Bocca Restaurant

Grazie per la loro prescnza a. Presidenti di altreAssociazioni: Luigi Bas.1nese, Ass. AMICO; MartinoCartella, Ass. Bergamaschi nel Mondo; Egidio Badini;Ass. Amici di Gropparello; Ass.Amici Valceno e ElidioZanelli

Si ringraziano tUlli i partccipanti che con entusiasmosono st.1ti presenti e tullo il Comitato che ha donoto elavorato per la buona riuscila di questo incontro.

16 March 95




Cav. Giovanni Cavaciuti11.8.1934 - 28.1.1995

Giovanni Cavaeiuli nascc a Rustegbini nella Parroc­cbia di Pcdina, Comune di Morfasso (PC) nel 1934.

Aneora giovanissimo conoscc. come milioni di suoicompatrioti, la piaga dell'einigrazione e si lrasferisee aParigi dove impara presto "quanto sia duro il s.11ire escenderc l'altrui scale".

Arriva a Londra negli anni '60. Inconlra la sua fedelecompagna della vila c celebra it suo matrimonio nellaChies.1 italiana di S. Pietro. La feliee unione e' coronatadalla nascita delle trc figHe,

Egli si inserisce subito nclle atlivila' volontaristiehedella colonia italiana con la partccipazione atliva alcomitato scuola-famiglia di King's Cross e ad altre'molleplici attivita' per la raeeolla di fondi per operesociali e religiose. Ma it suo cuore e' sempre a Pedina eagli inizi degli anni setlanla. con alcuni parenti ed amici,fonda I'Associazione Pedina Val d'Arda, alia qualedediea it meglio di se stesso. nonostante le condizionidis.1giate di s.11111" cbe 10 lormenteranno per benventicinqlle anni, Con la sua Pedina ha occasione diinvitare a Londra sia il Parrocco Don Luciano cbe itsindaco di Morfasso prof. Molina con i quali intratlieneIIn rapporto costruttivo e sineero scmpre a favore dellaslla terra di origine, dimostrando uno spiecato scnso dialto civismo. 11 SilO cuore cbe, come ha detlo I'amicofraterno Toni Perotti. "era piu' grande della slla forza....10 ba tradito nel sonno. Il risveglio e' stato oltrcmodoangoseioso per la moglie, le figlie, i generi. sorelle,nipoti e tanti parenti cd anehe per noi suoi amici ehe.dopo la slla dipartita da noi, si scntono molto e moltopiu' poveri.

Alia vcdova Rita, alle figlie DOlllenica, Nadia e Sandra, agli amatissimi nipotini Andrca, Stefano e Danielegillngano le piu' sincere condoglianze da tUlIi gli amici di BACKHILL.


Si informa alia collettivita" italiana che nel mese di dicembre 1994 la Commissione AffariCostituzionali della Camera ha approvato il disegno di legge di proroga del terminG previstodall'art. 17 della legge 91. 5/2/92 in materia di riacquisto della cittadinanza italiana.

Eventuali dichiarazioniagosto 1995,

Marzo 95

di riacquisto di cittadinanza potranno essere presentate sino al 15

Luca Brofferio11 Console Generale



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Dall'ltaliaMichclangclo Antonioni has beenvoted an honorary Academy Aw;ud.Antonioni, 82, received Oscar nomi­nations for directing and writing"Blow Up" in 1966.....His visualstyle has ensured him a place as oncof the greatest artists of our time"said Arthur Miller president of iheAc.1demy. The OSc.1r will be pre­sented at the 67th Ac.1demy Awardsceremony on 27 March.

Jail call: Prosecutors have demandeda two-year jail sentence for celebratedtheatre director Giorgio Strehler whois charged with fraud. Stie!lIer andthree other officials from. Milan'sPiecolo Teatro, Italy's 1c.1ding stagecompany,~ are accused of siphoningabout 700 million lire from a 2.2billion lire Europc.1n Union, fund fortraining young actors. Strehler, whohas built the Piecolo into one ofEurope's most critic.1l1y aeclaimedcompanies, denies the charges and hasnot attended the trial, whiel\"began in1993. A verdict is expecte.d to be­delivered this month.

Rome: The birth of a girl two yearsaftcr her mother's death has sparked afierce battle over the ethiCS; of test­tube technology. Eggs from th~

child's mother were fertilised andthen frozcn, The mother'later died ina C.1r crash. Gynaccologist PasqualcBilotta thcn implanted the cggs in thchusband's sistcr's womb. Thc birth ofElisabelta has outraged thc Churchand rcvived c.111s for Icgislation ban­ning so-c.1l1ed "designer babies",prompted by post-mcnopausal womengiving birth.

Fugitive returns: A Sociafist politi­cian convictcd of corruption and Onthe run sincc last Octobcr has turnedhimself in to police.

Waiter Armanini, a former Milancity councillor who disappc.1red theday after his five-and-a-half-yc.1rprison sentence was confirmed byItaly's highest court, surrendered topolice in Orvieto, ~central Italy. Ar­mnnini.- who worked as a businessconsultant, dis.1ppc.1red last Octoberafter the court of c.1ss.1tion confirmeda mling to sentence him to prison foraccepting $200.000 in bribes in ex­change for state contracts. Armaninihas always denied the charg~cs.

Marzo 95

Massimo D'Alema, the head ofItaly's Democratic Party of the left(the former Communist Party), wasquestioned by prosecutors about ille­gal payments made by co-operativesthat ii controlled. D'Alcma, the par­ty's secretary gcncral, was asked toexplain a payment of $231,000 madeby Unieco, an agricultural co-opera-tive in central Italy. ~

His predecessor, Achillc Ochctto,was also expected to testify. Bothmen, who have denied any impropri­ety, are being investigated in connec­tion with a nationwide inquiry intoparty finances. Undcr particular seru­

.tiny arc allegations that co-operativescontrolled by the party transferred toparty accounts large amounts of agri­cultural subsidies they had receivedfrom the EU.

Mediterranean countries wereamong the world's hottest touristdestinations last year, according topreliminaiy results published by Ma­drid-based -World Tourism Organisa­tion. Italy reported a 15.4% increasein hotel nights. while arrivals to Spaingrew by 9.5%. Arrivals in the wholeof Europe wcnt up by 1.9% - sixmillion tourtists - compared with1993. Worldwide tonrism grew bythree 3%. 1% highcr than 1993.

Informers charged: Thc row ovcrhow much freedom to grant Mafiainformers was rekindled whcn threecollaborators wcre aecused of murder­ing a policeman while undcr policeprotection. Thc informcrs - AlccoBartalueci and brothcrs Ciro andCmnillo Romano - arc accused of1c.1ding a gang that killed the police­man in a bank robbcry in Verona on190ctobcr 1994. They arc also underinvestigation for up to 200 robberies.

The Fiat groul) of Italy is to ce.1sesclling its AIr.1 Romeo cars in NorthAmcric.1 from the cnd of the yc.1r inthe r.1ce of mounting losses. Salcs ofAlfa Romco cars in the US more thanhalved last yc.1r to only 565 froin1.325 in 1993 and have r.1l1cn frommore than 8.000 in the mid-1980s.

The move. which comcs a decadeaftcr it stopped selling cars undcr theFiat brand namc in the US. 1c.1ves thecarmakcr with ~ only the Ferrarimarqnc in North Amcrica.

news 'from Italy

Economists at the organisation forEconomic Co-operation and Develop­mcnt warned Italy that it must tightcnpublic spending or miss budget targctsfor the next two years.The intcrnational think-tank said indi­cators suggest that Italy would ovcr­shoot this year's governmcnt dcficittarget of L138,O!lO billion ($87bn) byas much as LJ3;000 billion.Abolishing Italy:s 15% 'laic on privatepension contributions might hclp tocum the deficit, the organisation said.

Ski deaths: An, avalanche near theChampoluc resort in northwest Italykilled two people. Giorgio Franco, 63,and Umberto Bernardi, 64, were killedwhen a wall of snow crashed downnear the resort in the French-speakingVal D'Aosta.

lIelieopter crash: Six people diedwhen a hclicopter laking touristsskiing crashed in the mountainousregion of Alto Adige. rescue servicessaid. Thc helicopter was spottcd atthe bottom of a gorgc six kilomctrcsnorthwcst of the ski resort of Canazci.The pilot and his passengers. includ­ing a 5 yc.1r-old child. wcre Italians.

Visitors to Turin ncxt summcr \\i11be able to hire electric Fiat Pandas inthe Piazza Vittorio for the cost of aparking space, -No booking will benccessary. and space will be providedfor the uscrs' convcntional c.1rs. InLivorno last year, five electric Pandaswcre hired out for a total of 1800hours and 12.500 km. Rcsearchcrswill be watching to sec if pollutionIcvcls declinc.



No More War? Michael Scotto SAC

Wouldn't it be wonderful if therewere no more wars and famine. If welived in peace and harmony With ourfamilies, friends and even people thatwe don't know? Is it possible? I thinkthat the answer is more a positiveresponse than a negative one. So whatstops us? The first· thing is trust. Welearn from very early on in life tonover trust another person. From this~eason wc learn to justify our greed,Jealousy and pride. Since wc eannottrust other people, we begin to try tobetter ourselves at the expense ofothers. Wc also remain insecure aboutourselves and the world around us andso \Jy also to· manipulate the situa­tions that we fiiid ourselves in.

This is a very negative way oftrying to cope with the problems thatwc arc dealing with. This kind ofbehaviour of "dog eat dog" becomesthe only response that we can, giveand wc never leave the vicious circlethat wc arc in. Perhaps we respondthis way because from early on some­one did us wrong and we have neverbeen able to put it behind us. Thereare many possibilities for why wc actthe way we do. Again I ask, is itpossible to change the situation. Ibelieve that it can be done. So now,let's look at a few ways to deal withthe problem.

It might not be possible to changethe world around you but you eaRchange yourself. By becoming moresecure in ourselves and realising' thatif someone does something wrong tous it is a reflection on that. person andnot on us. I must take responsibilityfor myself and only ,myself. I mustalso look at the situation that I am inand sce' if I have any fault in it. If Ihave some culpability in a siluation, Imust try to right the wrong as fhr as Iam able; It is important to try to be as·objective as possible with regards tooneself.

Something else that I can do is toget to know and understand myself asmuch as possible so that I C<'1n move'more towards my own personal fulfil­ment. When I know mysclf I am inbetter control of all of my rC<'1ctionsan emotions and will always be ableto think more clearly. When I am ableto put more perspective into the


things of my own life I will thenbecome more able to understand oth­ers. This is also an important key tomaking the situations in life morepleasant. If I understand better why aparticular person acts the way he orshe does, I will be better able to copewilh that person. In doing so I havealready begun to create a better worldaround me just by starting with my­self. So, as wc now see understandingand compassion are very essential formyself to myself, as well as formyself to'others.

Don't wait for an Angel to hit youover the head with a trumpet

It is always true that niany of usare not quite at the level of the Saintsin dealing wilh others. 'But if wcrc.'1l1y look at their lives wc will findthat they did help ·to crc.'1te a betterworld' around them. Even in all oftheir adversities and trials they alwaysresponded good for evil. Shouldn't we'try also to do the same?

Wc also have to remember thateven the most evil person will respectthe concept of good. I know 'no oncrc.'1I1Y wants to be' labelled as a "badperson". This is also a good sign andgives sonic hope to ihe situation.

In Ameriea I remember the storyof Fr. F1anagan who founded the first"Boystown" in the midwestern states.Flanagan &'1id that lIiere was no suchthing as a bad boy and we!lt ?bout

proving his statement. He had atremendous success and "Boystown"has grown and even flourished up tothis very day. He was someone whoresponded with good to every situa­tion and changed the lives of thou­sands of problem children. In mybook the man is a saint; his examplegives me 'the inspiration to do thesame.

I think at this point wc can alsosay that it is part of our vocation asChristians to try to be in peace andharmony here on carth. Wc must allaspire to be Saints and endure eventhe most difficult of situations withpatience, tranquillity and love. Be­lieve mc, I know how difficult it is totreat people with kindness and loveespecially if all they want to do isbutt you. I fcel that at times like theseit becomes a grcat challenge to myown self. I try to look at the situationin the most positive way possible andI leave all to God by asking His helpto make a truly Christian response toevery siluation that I may find myselfin. I know that God will noverabandon anyone who calls upon Hisname Wilh sincerity and goodness.Also if you. ever feel alone in yoursituation, never forget that God isalways wilh you. St. Paul says "IfGod is for us, who can be againstus", Or, in the Psalms il states,"Yaweh, I know that you arc near,standing always at my side. Youguard me from the focand you lead,me in ways everlasting". '

In my love I also become moredisposed to charity. I will actuallybegin to really help others and actu­ally be concerned for their well being,Just imagine that, if I started trying tochange the world, eventually someoneelse might follow my example... andanother... and another and another...

So you see thal il is possible toimagine the world without wars andfamine - for our families, friends andeven people wc don't know - to livein peace and harmony. Think about illAnd don't wail for an Angel to hityou over the hc.1d with a trumpeteitherll

March 95

La Vita della nostra ParrocchiaSono nati alia vita di Dio con iI Santo Battesimo

Mirclla Van Balen: Daniel Van Balen e Bruna GiannottoVancssa Isabcl Lanzoni: Mauro Lanzoni e Valentina Bordyniouk

Bianca Simona Ottmann: Mitchell Otlmann e Sonia Di TianaMirko Santillo: Elio Santillo e Anna Maria Passegio

Marco Santino Cordara: Antonio Cordara e Susan CordaraAntonio Evangcslista: Silvio Evangelists e Graziell~ Di PonteAngelo Douglas Monni: Salvatore Monni e Marllaret Monni

Mario Mastantuono: Luigi Mastantuono e Mafia OrlandoStefano Riccardo Iannuoci: Michacl Iannuoci e Rita Bemardinis

Sophie Sadhia Saia: Scbastiano Saia e Emmauela GocmaereElena Dainotto: Giorgio Dainotto e Cristina Minoni

Pollyanna Cox: Matthew Cox e Angela CatalanoLucia Emma Palluotto: Antonio Palluotto e Candice Cook

Gene David Carini: Gianmarco Carini e Jacqueline HenncssyMarco Omero Morcna: Pasquale Morcna e Thercsa Wilson

Sofia Scalco: Giovanni Scalco e Carol BattersGianfranco Iozzi: Claudio Iozzi e Mariannina Iozzi

Giovanni Damiani: Vinccnzo Damiani e Rosa ViocilaGeorgina Rose Wieteska: Wieslaw e Andrcina Wieteska

Alexander Ieri: Franccsco Ieri e Janet McArdell .Hemi Grimm: Charles Riclmrd Grimm e Aurora Lombardi

Danilo Antonio Cardosi: Giuliano e Karcn CardosiGino Andre' Costa: Anilitos Costa e Rosina Scsto

Sonia Marie Paganuzzi: Renato e Gilbcrta Paganuzzi

..~1 Riposano nella Pace del nostro Signore

~.... '\ Antonio Vignali.', Florinda Dadomo-. Giovanni Cavaciuti

Vittorio Moruzzi. '. Carlo Mario Cocio


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Marzo95 21



Notizie deJla U.E

La Commissione sidifende

Il rapporto 1994 della Corte deiconti critica apert.'1mente la gestionedel bilancio comunitario da .partedella Commissione curopca.

Anchc se, per la prima volta; laCorte ha ammesso chc la stragrandemaggiomnza dei problcmi c' da impu­tare asli Stali mcmbri che gestiscono1'80% dci fondicomunitari, ha -tutta..via accusato la Com­missionc di spcrpcr­are iI denaro dei cit­tadini.

La· Commissioneha rc.1gito vivamcntcallc accusc attravcrsoiI suo scgrctario gcn­erale, David William­son, chc riticnc chc laCortc, da c.'1si partico­lari abbia tratto con­clusioni gcncraJi,avanzato affcnnazioniinganncvoli car­gomcntazioni supcr­atc che non tcngonoconto dci progressicompiuti.

La Cortc ha' indic.'1to che, nonos­tantc critichc rcitcrate, ha constalatomancanzc :slrullurali pcrmanenti.Qucsta affcrmazionc' gcncrale noncorrispondc alia rc.1Ila'" ha ribaduto laCommissione c ha ricordalo chc haprowcdulO ad una, rifornia dclla po­Iilic.'1 agricola comunc c dci Fondistrutturali, chc ha inlrodotto un sis­tcma intcgrato per iI conlrollo dcllcsowcnzioni agricolc c chc ha Crc.1toun'unita' antifrodc.

Ricorda chc ha inoltre istituilo unnumcro vcrdc per permcllcre a tutti icittadini curopei chc 10 desidcrano, ditclcfonarc gratuitamentc alia Commis­sionc pcr dcnunciarc frodi contro iIbilancio comunitario.

Dalla crc.1zionc di questo nuovoservizio, che pcr iI mon1<:nto funzionasolo in modo sperimcntalc, sono gia'slate rcgistratc' un ccntinaio di chia­mate.

Non c' cscluso chc se dara' buonirisullati, in futuro vcrra' ricompens.1tochi fornira' informazioni utili.



Ricchii Lussemburghesi

Il Lusscmburgo c" iI paesc diCuccagna dcl nostro pianeta: in tcr­mini di potcrc d'acquisto (SPA c

standard del potcre d'acquisto), iIprodotto intcrno lordo (PIL) del Gran.ducato, nel 1993 avcva raggiuntoI'indice di 160, sulla media comuni­titria di lOO, distanziando gli USA

(143) c iI Giapponc (121). Lo .SPA c'un'unila' artiIiciale, che permctte dicliminarc gl; cffetti delle differenzc dilivello dei prczzi c di. effettuarc unraffronto in valorc rcalc.

Lc stalistichc cosi' ottcnutc per­mcttono' quindi una valutazione piu'·prccis.'1 c rC<1Iistic.'1 dclle diversc gran­dczzc cconomichc.

NclJ'Unionc curopca, dopo iILusscmburgo, altri sei paesi si siluanoaf di sopra dclla media comunitaria,pur rimancndo a distanza: iI Bclgio(113), la Danimarca (112), la Francia(110) c la Gcrm3liia (108), che paga iIprczzo dclla riuniIicazione. Il fanalinodi coda, la Grceia, col suo 63, ha unpotcrc d'acquisto pcr abitantc oltrcduc voltc c mczzo infcriorc a qucllodcl Lusscmburgo.

Scttimana di lavoro

Tra iI 1989 c iI 1994, la scttimanadi lavoro mcdia nc; ncgozi dcll'Un-

ionc curopca (comc dcIinito dai con~

tratti collcttivi) non e' cambiata: si c'manlcnuta a 39 orc sccondo datiappcna pubblicati. L'evoluzione nonc' stata la stessa oVllnque. In moltipacsi la durata scttimanaIe del lavoroc' aumcntata mentre in allri c' dimi­nuita. Ncl corso degli ullimi cinqueanni Ic ore di apertura dei negozisond andatc prolungandosi in tutti ipaesi· osscrvati, tranne in Portogallo.Il fenomcno c' stato piu' rilcvantc inItalia e in Gran Brctagna. In molti

pacsi, ha notato la Commis­sionc, la diminuzionc dclladurata dcl lavoro perdipendcntc congiuntamente .11prolungamento delle orc diapertura ha prodotto una situ­azionc favorevole alia crcazi­onc di posti di lavoro.

Britannici piu'laboriosi

Ncl 1992, per I'insicmcdci diffcrcnti tipi di impegnoc occupazione dell'Unionc, ladurata media sellimanale dellavoro c' St.1ta di 40,3· ore edha confcrmato la costante tcn-dcnza alia diminuzionc rcgis­

trata nella maggior parte dcgli StatimcmbCi, ad cccczione dclla GranB'rctag,;a, dovc dal 1993 e' aumcntatadi un ora, dcll'lrlanda, dovc c' au­mcntata' di 0,2 ore e della Francia,dovc c' rimasta stabile. Non c'c'quindi da stupirsi sc la G. B. c' iIpaesc in cui la scttimana di lavorl? ~'

la piu' lunga con 43,4 ore. Ogg., .1Bclgio c' il paesc in cui si lavora dimcno 38,2 orc, scguc l'llalia con 38,S,

Anchc considcrando gli uominiisolamcntc, la Gran Bretagna resta ilpacse in cui si lavora di piu', con 45,1orc alia scttimana. Le donnc brit.1n­nichc non sono da mcno dei loromarili c, con Ic loro 40,2 orc aliasettimana sono Ic sole a supcrarc lasoglia dcllc 40 ore.

Questi dati tcngono conto di tullcIc orc normalmcntc prcstate dal lavo­ratorc, ivi comprcsi gli straordinari,pagal; 0 no. Non sono inclusi i tcmpiimpicgati per spostarsi tra I'abilazioncc iI luogo di lavoro, Ic pause c iltcmpo per iI pasto di mczzogiorno.

March 95

Pensioni Ridotte Pietro MoJle

"Chi dice che fare il pensionato e' una pacchiao non sa cosa dice, oppure non c'e' ancora arrivato".

Fare if pensionato non e' una pacchia

I. I'abolizione, a partire dal 1991,deU'Art. 9bis deUa legge 638/83 chepermetteva ai pensionati residenti aI­I'estero di perccpire altri redditi gen·crati nclla nazionc in cui risicvedano(sia da lavoro che da pensione) Senz.1che questi iuOuisscro suI diritto aUaintegrazione al minino;2. la C<1rCnz.1 di assicumzione clTet­liva vers.1la in Italia (un anno <1.111991, cinque <1.11 1992);3. ('cntmla in vigore del Regola·mcnto cOlllunitario n. 1247/92 cheaddebita ·alla nazionc di residenz.1tutte qucUc preslazioni non contribu­tivc cbc inlegrano le pensioni;3. I'aumento deUc quote di pensioniperccpitc all'cstcro Cmis.1to daUa sval·utazionc dcUa lim.

Voglio farvi notarc che c' faciledimostmrc che l'Istitulo Italianosbaglia e sbaglia di grosso neU'appli·c.1zione non solo deUa normativacomunitaria ma anchc di queUa nazi·onalc ma non c' questo iI momento.Vorrei pero' comunicarvi la mia rab·biosa impotenza di fronte a questasituazionc.

Noi ci troviamo di frontc ad un

Immancabilmente, qucsta e' la ris- permettem" di spendere con tmnquil­posta che mi viene ricordata da Iita' quei pochi soldi che oggi riccveGiuseppe, uno degli anziani piu' dall'lNPS perche' non e' sicuro se unconosciuto della nostra comunita' di '. domani, non lroppo lontano, dovm'Londra, ogni volta chc io, dimenti- restituirli.c.1ndo, 10 s.1luto con la solita frase: NeUa maggior parte dei casi simili','Ia vita e' fatta per tc, ora che sei a queUo di Antonio, I'INPS giuslificapensionato". le proprie decisioni faccndo rifrimento

E Giuseppe non si riferiva ai seguenti dispositivi:solo agli acciaechi che I'eta'"ahime\ porta con se' mn aliasorte sccllerata di cssere unpcnsionato INPS in convenzi­onen~

Non si c.1piscc poi, pcrche"e' divenuta ormai prassi cheogni anno, a Natalc, qucstoistiluto presneta un regalo che iIpensiouato italiano, se potesse,rifiuterebbe con tutto iI cuore;Ho gia' avuto modo di trattareI'argomento degli indebiti mavisto che l'Istituto Italiano, inuna rcccntc occa.sionc, ha SOt­

passato ogni ritegno, seulo I'ob-bligo di parlarvene ancora.

Si tratta dcl Siguor Antonio, unpcnsionato di prima cmigrazione.Pochi giomi fa ha riccvuto dall'INPSdi Battipaglia iI Modulo CI28 con iIqualc I'INPS 10 informa chc:

-'-'la sua pensionc c' stata ric.:'l1co..­lala dalla dccorrcnza originaria, sec­ondo Ic disposizioni intemationali vi­gcnli. I uuovi importi sono quelliindic.1ti nell'allegato prospetto. Talcric.1lcolo puo' aver determinalo siasommc a suo dcbito che sommc a suocrcdito'-'.

II ric.1lcolo gli addebita un importodi Lit. 60.067.020 (dico sessanla mil­ioni SeSs.1ntasettelllila e venli lire),somllla che Anlonio deve restituireall'INPS.

II Signor Antonio ha versato inItalia 323 contributi elTettivi e 90accrcdilati per servizio militare cd hariccvuto la pcnsionc ilaliana di vcc..chiaia sin dal 1983.

Qucsta decisione, a prcscinderedalla fondalezza legislativa, ha provo­C.1tO in chi I'ha ricevula non soloamarczz:'l c punico ma anchc insicu-­rezza perche' in questo modo, nes­suno, ripcto, ncssun pcnsionato si


INPS cbc cinicamente c sistematica­mentc dal 1991, sta riduccndo lepensioni vecchie e nuove pagate a cbiha avuto la sfortuna di dover emigmreaU'estero.

Questa ultima fmse non la dico perfare iI solilo piagnistco ma solo perfarvi notare due cose:

I. Colu; che lavora in differcntistati, paga la propria contribuzi·onc assicurativa a diffcrenti isti·tutil assicuratori. Questo fatto diper se' e' una sfortuna percbeI'importo deUa pensione che nederiva a questa fmzionata anzian·lia' contributiva e' semprc inferi·ore a qucUo a cui avrebbe dirittose egli avcsse Vers.1to lutta lacontribuzione ad un solo istituto.

Questa situazione e' aggm-,vata per chi ha lavomto in GmnBrelagna perche' in questa nazi­one I'importo deUa pensione basec' di gmn lunga infcriorc a quellapagata dagli allri St.1ti curopei.

2. Om, per owiare a questidi~,gi, la normativa italiana nazionale(anche quella reccnte) c quella comu­nitaria hanno prcdisposto alcune valv·ole di sicurezza che vcngono sistem­atic.1mente ed arrogantemente ignoratedall'INPS (Vcdi la cristallizzazionedegli importi della pensione al1.1.1991.; vedi la irrcperibilita' del­I'indebito prima del 1991; vedi ladefinizione di prcstazionc data daircgolamenti comunitari; vedi la csclu­sione dal campo di applicazione deircgolamenti comunitari di alcuneprestazioni britanniche, ecc).

E. noi cosa stiamo facendo? Inverita' i Patronati come l'ACLl ed iscrvizi sociali di alcuni Consolatihanno sollevato e continuano a soll­evare quesli probelmi nei modi di lorocompetenza, a volle anche nas­condendo I'imbarazzo di non avereuna spiegazione plausibile da dare alpensionato che seduto davanti allavolo dice:' "io dove vado a trovarctulli questi soldi?",

Ma dove sono, ora, i sindacati deipensionati? Dove sono le AssociazoniNazionali? Dove sono i Comites?dov'e' iI CGlE?





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Pausa Poetica


Elisabetta Puglisi Gisarra

A vollc ncanchc' Ic parolc possono svclarc i vcriscntimcnt del nostro animo quando sono troppi intcnsi,io ho provato parlando di ricordi cari dclla miainfanzia, ricordi cbe non mi lasccranno mai.Parlo in questa poesia dclla mia casa di campagna dovcho trascorso dci giomi'stupcndi, chc non mi apparticnc

'Iliu.....Vccchia Casa di Campagna

Come sarai?Uguale: piu' vecchia 0 abbcllita?Quanto tcmp<!. e' trascorsoma io ti vedo sempre uguale.La piu' bella,piu' bella di un manieroarroccato su una collinaescluso alia vista di tUlli,piu' liella,di un palazzo di cristalloin fondo al mare.

Sei mia, 10 sarai per scmpre.vorrci spczzarc i tuoi muri,ogni angolo di te, .vorrei spezzme gli albcri,le loro fronde, i loro frulli,togliere'i resti del mio cuorccite vi sono rimastc dcntro,che sono rimaste a'soffrire...

Ricordi di bambole vecchie, sbiaditema bcnchc' mute parlavano,vecchi sediliiI trono del mio regno,spiazzi di pietraemno le mic piste di danza,cavallcttc vaganliazzurrc, fosse, vcrdile piu' strane dcl mondo,un vecchio canccllo arrugginitoche si e' chiuso a me per scmpre.

Ho scritto qucstc pocsic. pcr commcmorare i nostridcfunti chc ncl ciclo ci protcggono c ci amano.

La mortc non cancclla mai I'amorc, nc' 10 afficvolisccc mia madrc morta a solo 33 anni, c' scmprc ncl miocuore.

11 Vollo di Mia Madrc

L'immobilita' dclla morteera suI viso di mia madre,quclle ciglia lungheabbassate pcr sempre,iI suo sorriso radioso sigillato,iI suo vollo .quello di una bambola di era dormiente.

L'ullimo viaggio devc csscre la nostra mcta piu' bcllac la piu' agognata, (,oiche' nientc ci puo' rcndcre piu'felici dclla costantc vicinanza di Dio.

L'Ullimo Viaggio

Cipressi verdcggianti sulla strada,I'ullimo viaggio dclla nostra vila,taccle con rispello al nostro arrivo,chinate rivcrenti iI voSlro capoal giungere dcl Signore dcllc gcnti.Quel Dio Onnipotenle che ci allcndea cui noi tutti appartcniamo,rispondiamo obbedienli al suo richiamo,alle gocce divinc del suo amore,che sc.1turiscono ardcnli dal suo cuore.

La nostra vita c' un grandc dono c nicntc ci dcvescoraggiarc c nc' ci dcve fcrmarc nclla grandc imllfesadi trovare colui che ci possa capire c amarc.••

Resta nel Mio Cuore pcr Me


-- ==---'--~---- Quando t'inconlrai

non cra la prima voltn,da anninon ricordo da quandolu cri ncl mio cuore...

In un aogo] della mia anima nascosto,IIci mCo1ndri dclla mia mCllte protello,nei mici sogni mai svclati,Dei mici sogni incantati.. ...

Venivi per dirmichc lu e'eri,che esislevi davvcro,chc vivcvi per mc,cite mi avrcsli amaIO...che non mi avrcsti mai lasciato...

March 95



Agrifoglio Boseo

.Jim Correy i. undoubtedly the nameof 1994. 1Ii. three films hove allgro$$ed over SWOrn; Pet Ventum:Ace Detective. The Ma.k and hi. latest($fe here "ith CD-.tar JefJ Danieb)Dumb and Dumber.

When the Academy decide to Certainly director Edward Zwick didselect those worthy of nomination a good enough job considering histhen I will decide to diseuss the only other real credit is TV's ThirtyOscars. Unfortunately, it's just onc of something. The performanocs arcthose years. The qucstion is not so more than adequate. Onc can trulymuch who will win but who hasn't believe a family destroyed by Or­even made the short list. Where is mond, and Brad Pitt isn't just a prettyDenis Quaid for his Doc Holliday in face. (Or the sexiest according toWyatt Earp? And I can only assume People magazine). But somehow itCrissy Rock was overlooked bec.1use doesn't quite work. I can't say Inone of the Ac.1demy members got fidgeted through the film. There wasround to secing her amazing perform- too much beautiful scenery for thatance in Ladybird Ladybird. For but if my friends were going to sec itonce, I have to agree with the critics. onc Saturday evening, I think I would

Still, I have not come .111 this way mcct them after­to waste my time on the inevitable but wards for a give you an idea of what may be At the otherworth spending a Saturday on. extreme is LQ.

Immortal Beloved is a tribute to Waiter MatthauLudwig van Bccthoven. Written and plays Albert Ein­directed by Bernard Rose it stars Gary stein (and a deadOldman as the legendary composer. It ringer at that) inis his secretary's mission (Jerccn this romanticKrabbe) to discover who his immortal comedy directedbeloved was and tracks down the by Fred Schepsi,loves in the macstro's life, played by Meg Ryan (ovcr­Valeria Golino, Johanna Ter Steege looked by Iheand Oldman's real-life love 15<1bella Academy forRoscllini. Biopics can be so mundane When A Manbut Immortal Beloved takcs an enter- L 0 v e s Ataining, .if not entirely accurate, ap- Woman) stars asproach and shrewdly does not waste a Einstein's niecemoment to fill the auditorium with who falls in lovesome wonderful music; Though .111 the with loc.11 autoperformances are competent (look out mechanic (Timfor Barry Humphrics', camco) I think I Robbins) whilstwill be rc.1ching for the CD of the engaged to fellowsoundtrack rather than the video when university profes·it is relc.1scd. sor Stephen Fry.

Anothcr two·hour-plus film is With Ryan ap-Legend of the Fall, This epic story, prising her Sleep­taken from the novella by Jim Harti- less in Seattlcson, dc.1ls with the Ludlow family - role, this time itthree brothers and thcir father and a'. is Uncle Albcrtwoman who changcs their lives. who deeides to play Cupid, with help

Anthony Hopkins plays the father, from his fellow geniuses. If you don'tCol. William Ludlow - another wasted expect anything more than boy-meets·.performancc. The brothers arc: Alfred girl-boy-cnds-up-w!th.girl intermin·(Aiden Quinn), the eldcst, dutiful but gled with a few jokes then I.Q: couldwith a will of his own. The youngest, be quite an easy evening out. Dcfi·Samuel (Hcnry ·"E.T. ". Thomas) is nitely not for the scrious mindedthe epitome of turn-of-the-ccntury among us.idc.1lism. And Tristan (Brad Pitt) ... Just before wc werc about to belike no other. Growing up they arc cursed with Gumpism, Nellism rearsinscparable but then Tristan brings its head. Nell deals with a younghome SU5<1nnah Finnc.1nnon (Julia Or- hermit who has lived her entire life inmond) and so the tragedy begins. a remote woodlands cabin but who is

I c.1n't quite put my finger on forced to dcal with civilisations. Jodiewhat went wrong with this film. Foster stars as thc wild woman, Liam


Nccson as the rural doctor who "dis­covers" her and Necson's real·lifewife Natasha Richardson as a rivalscientist also interested in Nell. Nellhas been accused of being somewhatscntimental. However, this is not anaeeusation I would necessarily directtowards it. William "Shadowlands"Nicholson manages to walk that par­ticular tightrope with his scrccnplayadapted from Handley's play. WhatNell really suffers from is the fact thatit has Oscar written all over it forFoster and therefore may cloud the

judgcment some­what or perhaps itwas the penultimatescene in the court­room that was just atouch contrived.(How it moved therest of the audienceto tears I can onlyput down to pro·longed exposure tothe Pacific climate).

Just to spoil youlet's add in a lastoffering. This makesit the 5th big screenversion of theLouisa May Alcottnovcl LittleWomen. WinonaRyder plays Jo, themost outspoken ofthe bunch. Trini AI­varado, ClaireDanes and KirstcnDunst play her sis­ters with SusanSarandon asMarmie. GabrielByme is Professor

Bhaer and Christian Bale is Lauric.Robin Swicord has done wonders withthe scrcenplay and has made this byfhr the best version of the book I haveseen. Thcse sisters arc not all sugaryand sweet - they arc far more threedimensional than that and there islittle I ean £1ult in Rydcr's perform­ance. A must for any tcenage niece!!

Hope there's something for every­one and if you do insist on watchingthe Oscars live (as I do) then findyoursclf a S<1tcllite dish and tunc in toGerman or Dutch television.




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Ecclesia Nostra G. Crocetti 5.5.5.

Signore Pieta'e

Gloria a Dio

Vediamo scparatamcntc questc ducmirabili prcghicre. '

1. "Signore, picta"', 0 "Kyrieclcison".,

Ritroviamo spcsso frasc analoganci Vangcli, sulla bocca di individuichc si rivolgono a' Cristocon fede. I duc cicchigridano' a Gesu': "Figliodi Davide, abbf pic.ta' dinoi" (Mt 9,27); la cana­nca, che avcva la figliaammalata, si mise a gri­dare; "Pieta' di me, Si­gnore, Figlio di Davidc"(15,22); it padre del raga­zzo epilellico si gclla inginocchio davanti a Gcsu'e gli dice: '''Signore, abbipieta' di mio figlio"(17,14); i dicci Icbbrosialzano la voce dicendo:"Gcsu' macstro, abbi pi­eta' di noi" (Le 17,13).

Per la Iiturgia,HSignorc, picta'" c' unc.,ntico col quale i fedcliacclamano iI Signore c implorano lasua miscricordia.. Siamo davanti aliaprima prcghicra rivolla a Gesu' .. chia­malO "Signore", 0 risorto c vivcntcin quanto Dio in mczzo al suo popolo,e ·~.cristo", cioe' Mcssia venulo. Inquanto distaccata dai contesti evangc­lici visti sopra, ed anchc, in certamisura, dal rito pcnitcnziale prec­edcntc, la formula acquista, propriopcr la sua indcterminatczz." una por­tata univcrs.,lc, e abbracci' a tUlli ctUllO. La stcssa ripctizionc - che puo'esscrc anchc aumcntata di voUc - la fasccndcrc ncl profondo dcll'animo, cvi infondc fiducia, scrcnita', suddi­tanza. Sc vicne cantata, come esigcr­ebbe, non e' proprio it caso che iorimanga a bocca chiusa.

2. "Gloria a Dio"

E' un inno antichissimo e vencra­bile con it quale la Chiesa, radunala


ncllo Spirito Santo, glorifica e sup­plica Dio Padre e I'Agnello. Lo sicanta 0 si recita nclle domeniche fuoridel tempo di Avvento e di Quarcsima;come pure nelle solennita' e feste e inparticolari celebrazioni piu' solenni.

Data la sua macstosita' e profon­dita' meritcrebbe un ampio com­mento; qui ci limitiamo a dame pocopiu' che 10 schema; I'introduzione,una strofa che inneggia a Dio Padre,l'aUra strofa chc inneggia a DioFiglio.

L'introduzione proviene dal cantoche gli angcli hanno intonato a Bet­lemme sulla culla del nalo Messia:"Gloria a' Dio nell'aUo dei cieli epace in tcrra agli uomini di buonavolonta'" (Le 2,14).

La prima strofa, che inncggia aDio "Noi ti lodiamo , ti benediciamo,ti adoriamo, ti glorifichiamo, ti ren­diamo grazie pcr la tua gloria imcnsa.Signore Dio, Re del ciclo, Dio Padreonnipotcntc".

In essa lodiamo, benediciamo,adoriamo, glorifichiamo, rcndiamograzie a Dio p<,drc. Qucsti nostriallcggiamcnti, e non solo iI ringrazia­mcnlo, hanno iI loro motivo nclla"gloria'" di Dio: "pcr la tua gloriaimmcnsa". "Tuna la tcrra c' picnadclla sua gloria" cantavano i scrafininella visione di Isaia (Is 6,3). Laseconda, strofa, che inneggia a DioFiglio, suona cosi': "Signore, Figliounigcnito, Gesu' Cristo. Signore Dio,

Agnello di Dio, Figlio dcl Padre: tuche togli i pcccati del" mondo, abbipieta' di noi; tu che togli i pcccati delmondo, aci:ogli la nostra supplica; tuchc siedi alIa destra dcl padre, abbi'pieta' di no;' Perche' tu solo iI Santo,tu solo it Signore, tu solo I'Allissimo:'Gesu' Cristo con 10 Spirito Santonella gloria di Dio Padre. Amen".

GIi appcllalivi di questa prcghicrncistologica sono stupcndi, e in partesono quelli dati al Padre: Dio, Sanlo,Altissimo. Altri tre li ritroviamo nel

Nuovo Testamcnto esono rivalti a Cristo;cioe" ,USignorc","Agncllo di Dio" (Gv1, 29.36), "Figlio delPadre" (2 Gv 3). Ci sisforza di dire, quasibalbettando, chi e'Gesu', sia in se stessochc pcr noi.

Quasi alia finc, unrapido accenno alloSpirito Santo fa as­sumcre all'inno unastrullura trinitaria. Purnella sua brevita',qucsto inno ci richi-'ama verita' fondamcn­tali dclla nostra fede,chc noi professcremofuori della chiesa

scnza rossorc.La Prcghicra Conclusiva dci Rili

di IntroduzioncDopo it "Gloria'\ it saccrdote

invita it popolo a pregare.11 silcnzio che segue dcve csscre

utilizz.,to pcr prcndcre coscicnza diesscre alia prcscnza di Dio e pcr potcrformulare ncl proprio cuore la prcghi­era pcrsonale.

Dopo it silenzio, it sacerdote dicel'orazione, chamata cornuncmcnte"collctta". Pcr mezzo di essa vicneespresso iI c.,rattcre dclla celcbrazionee con le parolc dcl sacerdote sirivolge la preghicra a Dio Padre, pcrmezzo di Gesu' Cristo ncllo SpiritoSanto.

Tralto dal "dieci Calechesi suI/aMessa" di Giuseppe Crocelti s.s.s.

March 95



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Marzo95 31



Richard Evans


Unfortunately football is back onthe front rather than the back pages ofour newspapers again for all thewrong reasons.

I was intending to come homeemly so as to watch at least thesecond half of the Ireland - Englandgame. Unfortunately the pressures ofwork (all doubters please note) pre­vented this and it was 7.45 pm beforeI walked through my own front door.I was promptly greeted by my sixyear old daughter, Aless.,ndra, askingme if I knew what had happened.-"Papa\" she 5.l"\id "the English f.:.'1nshave been, throwing chairs onto thepitch and they have stopped the game.It is just not on". I had to agree withhcr, it was dcfinitcly not on andhighly "on".

The question which is now beingasked is whcther the European Cham­pionships should be hcld in thiscountry in 1996. My. immediate replyis "yes'" and that"is not just because Ihave already applicd for my tickets.

Thcre arc a number of reasonswhy I feel strongly on this point.

The dis.,sters in Brussels, atHillsborough, and the appalling be­haviour of England fans in Luxem­bourg and Holland ultinmtcly led tothe exclusion of English clubs fromforeign competition. It was a blowwhich hit .hard and many clubs andsupporters suffered as a result. If thepurpose of the exclusion was to act asa deterrent and prevent a repetition ofsuch events, it has s.,dly not worked.

The reason is that this is not rc.,llya footballing problem. It is a socialproblem and not just restricted tothese shores. The most recent pressreports make it clear that thcre was anorganised campaign aimed at embar­rassing the British Govcrnmcnt iil itspc.,ce negotiations with Ireland. Whatpossible rclevance c.,n chants of "nosurrendcr to the IRA" have to afootball match? Everyone is agreedthat the crowd behaviour wils totallyunrelated to anything which happenedon the pitch even though Kelly hadjust scored to put the home tc.,m I - 0up. The British police had actuallypredicted that there would be troublewhen the Natioual Anthcms weresung. In Germany, the frighteuing riseof neo-naziism has manifested itselfin many forms not Ic.,st throughfootball hooliganism. Let us not forgetthat the match between Germany and


England fixed for last year was can­celled because it coincided with Hit­ler's birthday. Wc all aecepted thedecision at the time but take a stepback - what an astonishing reason fornot playing a football matchI InHolland, the supporters arc rapidlygaining a reputation to match theEnglish and sadly, even in Italy it' isdeveloping into a major problcm

Moro WOes for Graham Kellyafld theFootball Associatio1l

To vicw this narrowly as a foot­balling problem is only ever toscratch the surface and ncver allackthe root of the problem. This is aworldwidc social disease which mani­fests itself particularly among speeta­lors at football matehcs. What is'worse - the disc.,se is sprc.,ding. Oncof my partncrs has just returned fromfollowing the cricket Down Underand was appalled by the behaviour ofwhat the media nicknamed the"Barmy Army". These were notcricket followers. These were drunkenlouts engaging in fights outsidc thegrounds and in thc eitics thcy visitcd.What will bc gained, thcrefore, bystopping thc Europc.,n Championshipsfrom being played in England. Thconly peoplc who will be punished willbe thc truc football fans who supportsIhcir tc.,m and would ncvcr drc.,m ofIhrowing eV,cn a ,crisp packct onto thepitch. It will not dctcr thc hooliganand his socially unacceptablc bchav­iour.

Thc only rc.,son, in my view, forpreventing thc Championship goingahc.,d is if Ihe EngliSh police couldnot give a guarantee of crowd s.,fcty.

Howevcr, I belicvc t1mt thc police'svast expericnce will overcomc anymajor difficulties. > So the EuropeanChampionship should go ahead inEngland.

Meanwhile, ,on a happier note, Iwas proud and privileged to attend alunch at thc' Grosvenor House Hotellast Monday to mark the 80th birth­day of Sir Stanlcy Mallhcws. Theother speakers were Tom Finney" NatLofthouse and Jaekic B1anchllowcr. Ievcn mamiged to get my mcnu signedby all four of thcm and I am makingno pretcnce that thc autographswercfor thc bencfitof my son. They are·for iuc. .

Listening to thcm spc.,k and wal­100ving in thcir nostalgia broughthomc to mc how football haschanged. Thcre have always beenhard men and rough tacklcs. I rcmem­ber going to a gamc in 1965 betweenArscnal and Liverpool in thc fifthround of thc FA Cup whcn Ron Ye.,tsand Joc Bakcr wcre both sent off.This was thc first timc I had ever secnsuch an ineidcnt on a football pitch.Nowadays, my tcn yc.,r old son willscc somcbody sent off almost evcryweck. Is the gamc Iha! much morevicious and dirty? Of eoursc, it is not.I have touched upon this subjcet inpast issucs. Wc arc, expcrienCing,officialdom gonc mad. Yes, it isnecess.,ry to outlaw malcvolcnce andperhaps not enough has been done inthc past to achieve that cnd. I am inno doubt, howcver" that the directivesgivcn to our rcfcrecs this sc.,son havegonc too far. Supportcrs go to a gameto sce the star playcrs perform. Theyhave been short changed if they cndup seeing nine men play eleven as inthe c.,se of Arsenal v- ShcffieldWednesday and it is high time thatbasic common sense was restored toour national game. The spotlightshould be on the playcrs- not thereferees.

It has not been a good month. Letus hope for a bellcr cnd to the season.

P.S. My secrctary who types thisarticle every month has added thisrider of hcr own - If Ihe FA didsomcthing about thc players them­selvcs when they wcre violent e.gkicking Ihns in the stmlds and bitingpeoplcs noses - thcn maybe the r.,nswould respect them more and watchfootball for what it is - a game - andnot a fight. (I.T.)

March 92



Sandro PratoliFormula 1: "Sc non vinciamo qual­rosa qucst'anno sara' meglio chc ccnc andiamo tUlli a casa, prcsidcnlccscluso naturalmcntc": Luca Mon­tczcmolo, prcsidcntc dclla Fcrrari,I'ha bUllata Ii' comc una ballula, forscindirizzata schclZOsamcntc a JohnBarnard. Jc.1n Alcsi tardava ad arriv­arc per via dclla ncbbia c Mon­tczcmolo stava ccrc.1ndo d'intrallc­ncrc gli ospili ncl gran giorno dcllaprcsentazione dclla 412T2 con cui sidisputcra' iI prossimo campionatomondiale di Formula I.

Calcio: 11 Pcrugia e' stato condannatodal prctorc dcl lavoro Giordano alpagamento ai scllc giocatori chc nchanno fallo richicsta de! prcmio pro­mozionc, pallilo per iI 5.11l0 in B ncl'92-'93, promozionc poi canccllala daDisciplinarc c C1f, per la viccndadclla ccna tra iI prcsidente Gaucci cI'arbirtro Scnzacqua, prima dclla par­Iila Siracusa-Pcrngia.

Auto: E" morto a Milano n marchcscAntonio Brivio Sforza, uno dci migl.iori piloti di automobilislllo dcgli anni'30. Bicllcsc, classc 1905, Brivio fu alvolantc dcllc Allh Romco ufficiali,trannc una parentesi con la Bugalline! 1934. Vinsc la Millc Miglia, laTarga Florio c garc in circuito.

Formula 1: "Abbiamo riportato iIn.l in ltalia a Ponzano Vcucto".Cosi' parla Flavio Briatorc, managcrdclla Bcncllon, squadra con Iiccnzainglcsc, ma idcc c finanziamcnti ital­iani, in ocec'lsionc dclla prescntazionedclla nuova 1II0noposto Benncllon­Rcnaull. Piloli iI cmnpionc dcl mondoMichacl Schumachcr c Johnny Hcr­bert, collaudatorc Jos Vcrstappen.

Calcio: Invcrvcnlo chirurgiro per Ru·ben Sosa. L'lnlcrista c' stalo operatoa Roma in artroscopia al ginocchiodcstro dal1'cquipc mcdica dclla Lazio.

Slittino: L'azzurro Armin Zocggclcrha vinto iI titulo mondialc di singoloai Mondiali" dispulali sulla pisla 01­impica di Lillchammcr, davanti aHacki (Gcrmania) c Pock (Aut).Quarto I'altro azzurro Wilfricd Hubcr.

Scherma: Coppa del mondo di 110­rcllo: a Goppingen villoria di Gio­vanna Trillini: a Parigi sccondo postodi Slcfano Cerioni, ballulo in finalcdal franccsc Plumcnail.


Calcio: Roberto Baggio c' tomalo adallenarsi, anchc se a ritmo ridollo, epOlrcbbe ricntrare fra poco: speriamoche sia la voila buona. Baggio haspiegalo la differenza fra la Juvc diLippi e quella di Trapalloni: "Orac'e' una mentalita' diversa e ci sononuovi giocatori. ·con voglia di.vinccrcH

Sci: Un giornale svedcsc, !"'Express.sen'·'J ha accusato Tomba di "barare'"alia partenza dellc gare, rubandospazio, nella tenda riscaldata, agliallri concorrenli, con la compiacenzadella FIS. Dura replica del manager diTomba. "A meno che questa non siauna squallida e indccorosa deforrnazi·onc di una rc.1lla' chc e' completa­lIIenle diversa (a queslo proposilobasta la Tv, ehc Ih vederc Tombasemprc fuori della tenda), si dovrebbepensare che gli svedesi non riescano adigerirc la grandc supremazia diTomba e che qunidi cerchino a tulli icosti di mellerc in risallo i beneficiche Alberto avrebbe dalle istiluzionidello sci: e' vero il conlrario".

Ciclismo: Gianni Bugno e" torn.1to acorrerc sulle stradc italiane dopo seimesi da quel lerribile 17 agosto,Coppa Agostini, chc ha rischiato diporre termine alia sua carriera.

BOle: Giovanni Parisi, iI migliorpugile italiano del momento, coro·nera' iI suo sogno di comballere perun titolo iridato. L'8 aprite, suI ringallestito al Caesar's Palace di LasVegas, affronlera' il messicano JulioCcsar Chavcz, delentorc della coronaWbe dei leggeri junior.

Calcio: La Car' ha respinto it reclamopresentalo dal Cosenza contro la pe­nalizzazione di' novc punti in c1assi·fica comminata dalla Disciplinarc. Lacommissione d'appello federale haanche confernmto la squalifica percinque anni di Bonavenlura Lamac­chia e Vincenzo Cristofaro, rispelliva.menle ex presidenle ed ex diregentcdel COSCn7.3.

Auto: E" durato sinG all'alba it sognodella Ferrari di lornare a vincere la 24ore di Daytona, gara di apertura dclcampionato IMSA. Le vellure sport diMaranello hanno tenuto it comandoper circa 14 ore ma poi sono statecoSlrelle al riliro per noie meccanichec il suecesso finale e' andato aliaPorsche Spider K8 dell'cquipaggioforrnato, d.1l1'italiano Giovanni Lav·aggi, dai lcdeschi Lassing e Werner edal francesc Bouchul. Tcrzo iI sellan·tennc allor Paul Newman al volante diuna Ford Mustang Cobra Con MartinKendal-Brockman.

Sport: La "Ga=tta dello Sport"premiala a Barcellona, scde dell'ul·tima Olimpiade estiva, "per la mi·glorc opera di divulgazionc giomalis­tica sullo sport nel '94 tra i quotidianieuropei". 11 premio, istituito dal quo­tidiano "El Mundo dcportivo"" c"stato conscgnalo d.11 presidenle delComitalo olimpico inlernazionale,Juan Antonio Samaranch.

BOle: Nino La Rocca, 37 anni, si c'affiliato alia Fcderazionc francesedopo it rifiuto delle autorita' italiane aconccdergli, per Iimiti di eta', laIicenza: comballera' in marzo.

Tcnnis: 1..1 nazionalc azzurra, ballutala Repubblica Ceca, c' passata aiquarti di finale della Coppa Davis, Iquallro moschellieri italiani: Pescoso­lido, Gaudenzi, Brandi c Furlan. Gau­denzi si c' inserilo nel "Top 20'"nclla graduatoria del computer ATP.


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March 95








.8 .~23 ·6

• '7'11


l.21':ll 12 I~,

............l6 --..JI~

,11 •19'-.1 .18 .14

Z1 2'. .'[2'




Fill in the areas marked with a dot. Join the dots in the numbered sequence.


I1)1) )

nh ;::) ..-.


\> ....i J0

Solution to last month's"Spot the Difference"

Not rabbit stew again !U It's no use, you are not seeingdoctor lVithout an appointment !


The two pictures have 7 items in common. Can you spot them?

lIfarzo 95 37


Mamma's Ricetta Mrs M.G.



A RichiestaFrappe, GaIani, Chiacchere ecc


500 gr farina30 grburro50 gr zucchcro scmolatoI uovo + 2 tuorli150 gr di VIno biancoI prcsina di sale


Preparate la farina a font.-lOa e mettcte ncl ccntro 10zuechcro appena fuso, I'uovo, i due tuorli, iI sale eimpastate con iI vino bianco. Lavorate la pasta finche'&1ra' di giusta consistenl'a. L1sciatcla ripo&1re per circ.1 30minuti. Stcndctela molto fine e tagliatela a striscc con larotella. Potcte dare a loro varic formc: strisce lunghc 0eorte, Jaspe, 0 nodi ccc:Fate friggere le frappe in abbondante olio bollentc, finche"avranno ottcnuto un bel colore dorato. Lcvatcle , scolatelc,e spolveril'l'atele con zucchcro a velo. Possono csscrescrvite calde 0 frcdde.

FritoIe Istriane


400 gr di farina300 gr vino bianco50 grburro50 gr zucchcro scmolato2 cucchiaini c.1nnclla2 cucchiaini nocc mOSc.1ta7 cucchiai di Maraschino, Rum 0 altro IiquoreI buccia di Iimone gratuggiataI cucchiaio di Iicvito&11e


Fate scioglicre iI burro ncl vino sui fuoco Icnto. Toglictedal fuoco e, scmpre mcscolando cncrgicamcntc, unite lafarina.Aggiungctc iI Iiquore, cannclla, la nocc mOSC<1ta, 10zucchcro, iI &11c, la buccia di limone cd iI Iicvito sciolto in2 cucchiai di acqua tcpida. Mcscolate bene tUlli 'gliingrcdicnti.Coprite iI rccipicnte e lasciate riposare il composto pcrclrc.; 2 ore. Fatelo friggcre a cucchiate in abbondantc olioc.11do finche' ottcrrcte dclle fritolc dorate.Scolatcle e tenetele al c.11do mcntre cueinate le altrefritole. Sj>olveril'zatele con zucchcro scmolato e scrviteleealde.


By special request"Frappe, GaIani, Chiacchere etc.,"


lib flour'1 1/2 ol' buttcr2 ol' c.1ster sugarI egg + 2 egg yolks5 fI oz white winepinch of &11t


Make a well in the ccntre of the flour and add sugar, eggs,mclted butter, &11t arid the wine. Work the flour with yourfingertips until you obtain a smooth dough.Allow dough to stmld for about 30 minutes. Roll out thedough until it is vcry thin. Cut into strips with a pastrycutter. The strips c.1n be cut into various shapes and·sizes.Fry thcm in plcnty of hot oil until a light golden colour.Drain and sprinkle with icing sugar. Thcy can be eatcn hotor cold.

Istrian Fritters


140z flour1/2 pint dry while wine2 oz butter2 oz castcr sugar2 tspns cinnamon2 tspns nutmcg1 rind of lemon, grated7 tbspns Maraschino, Rum or any liqucurI tbspn dried yc.1Stpinch of &11t


Melt the buttcr in the wine over a low hc.1t. Rcmove fromhc.1t and gradnally slir in the flour. Bc.1t until smoothAdd Iiqucur, cinnamon, nutmcg, sugar, &11t, lemon rindand yc.1St dissolved in 2 tablespoons of warm watcr.Covcr and allow to stand for about 2 hours.Fry tablcspoons of the mixture in plenty of hot oil unlilgolden brown.Drain and keep thcm Wantl while cooking the remainingfritters.Sprinkle with extra caster sugar and scrve while warm.

Marc" 95



, \



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Afarzo 95




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