Computers in hotel

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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use of computers in hotel industry

Transcript of Computers in hotel


To have a successful hotel industry today, it is not enough to provide great services with regards to room maintenance and meals. You need to be always up to date with what your customers want. In the world of technology and communication as well. The days are over when a hotel just had to worry about their own computers that helped with the running of the business. Now a great hotel will offer Internet access to its guests.

'Indian Hotel Industry' is adding about 60,000 quality rooms, currently in different stages of planning and development and should be ready by 2012. This is only possible due to introduction of computers.

Today, when we enter a hotel it is observed that each and every work,system and procedure is totally computerized. Now, It is normal to see computers on the front desk of a hotel where they help with hotel management.

Importance of Computers in HotelsIf you are a hotel owner or manager, then you should really consider making use of computers to help you run the business - that is if you are not yet using them. This is because even just one PC can already give you an edge in the very competitive accommodations industry.

One of the reasons why computers are important in hotels is that they can help you become more organised. With a PC, you can have all your data in one place. You will not have to shuffle papers and logbooks anymore to find the important tally, schedule, or inventory you need. Additionally, searching for particular information would be a lot easier and faster with the use of the computer's search function. Moreover, you can do your inventory and accounting on the computer, which would be more convenient and accurate.

Aside from that, if you have Internet connection, then you can easily purchase your hotel supplies online. This would definitely give you more time to focus on other business issues such as taking good care of customers. Furthermore, you can establish an online presence for your hotel to attract more customers. As you can see, having a computer for your hotel is very much invaluable.

Apart from using computers to run your business though, you should also consider providing your tenants with easy access to a PC and Internet connection. This will surely boost the ratings your customers will give you, and with that you are certain to have more business from them' So, if you do not yet have a computer unit in your establishment, it is very much time to get one!


In today’s machine age, we can’t imagine activites of hotel industry without computers. But there was a time where hotel industry was handled without computers i.e. manually. But it had various drawbacks they can be mentioned below:-


Time consuming :-

There was a time when people use to perform their work without computers, because of this the speed & pace of work is very low. So it was time consuming.

Increment in paper work :-

Every industry has to maintain records and there was no availability of computers so, they had to maintain the records on paper rather than the computers.

Problems in updates:-

Now a day’s every hotel wants to be on first position, so they update their self again n again with new technologies. But it was very difficult without computers.

Difficulties to maintain accounts: - It was very difficult to maintain the accounts of years without computers.

No online reservation:-

Due to demand of reputated hotels people reserve their rooms in advance, but when there were no computers online reservation is difficult.

Lack of securities:-

Security is not possible because there were no computers and without computers it is difficult to connect computers and there were lack of security on luggage as there is no record.

Difficulties in payment:-

In this age where plastic money plays an important role, but it is very difficult to pay money without computers.


Computers have proved to be a great boon for hotel industries. Introduction of computers have changed the total scenario of hotel industry and had made it completely computer oriented. Although computers are essential in all the form & size of hotels but its uses are different for different hotels

E-booking facility:-

Now-a-days E-Booking facility has emerged. We can reserve rooms through e-booking. This facility gives advantage to tourist.

Computerized orders:-

It’s very easy to take orders through online and they can also maintain the record of orders so that it’s an evidence for income tax.

Computerized payments:-

Now we can pay the money through online and there is no fear of cheat in accounts because each and every entry is recorded by the computer.

Maintain records of staff:-

The hotels maintain the records of each & every employees whether the worker is still working or left the job.

Making tariffs:-

Tariffs refer to brochures that contain total information about the prices which varies according to the seasons. These tariffs are designed & recorded in computers.

Security and checking:-

Security plays an important role in hotels because the hotel provides us all luxuries and visitors also having precious things. To avoid any robbery they maintain all record in computers.


Cameras are very essential because hotels having big premises it’s very difficult to see over every corner of hotel. So they use cameras and they all connected with each other on one or more than one screen.

Computerized lift system:-

Lifts are also work by computers. Today we don’t need to operate the lift through operator because everything is possible through computers.

Keeping track of guests

Computers are also helpful in maintaining and updating the records, details and list of their regular customers.

Conducting meetings:-

Various meetings are conducted between the managers and owners of the company. These arrangements of meetings, notices etc. are prepared by computers.

Preparing reports for hotel owners

All the reports such as monthly reports, sales reports taxation reports are prepared through computers.


Better Security:-

All the details of customes relating to their check-in and check –out timings must be recorded for security purpose. So that it can be used when required.

Proper updates :-

Much of the hotels are still unaware of the latest available softwares. They must update the latest softwares as per their benefit.

Computerised thumb-print technology :-

Computerized thumb print technology must be used for recording the attendance of the staff.

Accurate & updated internet information:-

The information published must be updated and also be accurate. Fake information must be avoided.


With all the above information we may conclude here with that without the computers the hotel industry cannot put further plans into the action.

Due to different facilities provided in hotel industry because of computers, online services, avalibility of high-tech softwares. Computers have made the hotel industries to develop & modernized...