computer-notes - I'd like a tool to watch a directory and...

Post on 10-Feb-2018

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Transcript of computer-notes - I'd like a tool to watch a directory and...


My notes about computer science, programming, and software - 2008-2009Jean-Marc Vanel

e-mail: Send your comments -My home page My FOAF URI:

Last update:

This is my blog. Sometimes I say things in French there, and sometimes inenglish here.

Parfois je dis les choses enFranais, et parfois ici en Anglais.

Table of contents -Years before: blog 2004-2007 ; 2008-2010 .

AIuse for software development : the new paradigm - EulerGUIDownload statistics - To view the EulerGUI downloads: EulerGUIFeature requests




Comparison of semantic modeling and object-oriented modeling


Hi I wonder if there is a vocab' for bug reports andenhancement requests ( probably in relation with DOAP)


Thanks tobyink ; added in

Asked on ##linux

Hi I'd like a tool to watch a directory and record the file sizes andtimestamps , so that later I can draw a plot of my activity

jmvanel: inotify tools

thanks , vlt ; that's rather low level , but can becertainly used ...

overbusy today with my Specifications for semantic hosting


Work on Semantic forms and related Banana-RDF bug


bbc rdf linked data yvesr


SPARQL extensions for Text Search

Enter a url below to convert the page to Markdown.


forms_play/ \

forms_play/app/controllers/Application.scala \

forms_play/build.sbt \



Hi new to Play but not to Scala ... started from the "Yournew application is ready." of play-2.2.1 ;

when adding with MyTrait to object Application , there aHTTP 500 error , and no special message on the console

jmvanel: you should probably start with the latest availableversion

was thinking of it :)

OlegYch, activator-launcher is doing its thing :)


TODO : bad # at end of URI for OWL :

eg test/simple_hierarchy.owl &

Testing Web-Karma FIX

I did this:

git checkout -b developmentgit pull origin development --verbosemvn installcd karma-webmvn jetty:run

It works !!!!!!!!!!


with the config. I set, I expected not for new resources :



beeing the base URI.


cwm foaf.n3 --n3=ps > foaf.nt

1,$g/^ $/d well started

( see the discussion )


javaws /home/jmv/Tlchargements/welkin.jnlp


EulerGUI, Protg, Web Karma, Datalift, ACEWiki, AceView

java -cp/home/jmv/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui/2.1-SNAPSHOT/*-13-jar-with-dependencies.jardeductions.runtime.swing.data_manager.DataGUI dbpedia:Taraxacum gvim examples/foaf_fr.n3java -cp/home/jmv/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui/2.1-SNAPSHOT/*-13-jar-with-dependencies.jardeductions.runtime.swing.domainApplication.DomainApplicationexamples/domain-app-all.n3 &


awfully busy with fixing EG test suite

then have to lay down a 2h pres on SW for tomorrow :(

NARS + semweb ? :!topic/open-nars/LEljijte



executing TDB updates in a single thread (TripleStoreTDBThread.scala)

TODO: test suite still bad (but this as important an useful step ): Testsrun: 244, Failures: 11, Errors: 34, Skipped: 0


- translate ITripleStore to Scala

- pave the way for executing TDB updates in a single thread(TripleStoreTDBThread.scala)

- in ProjectGUI comment out a SUSPECT call to rethrowEventsExceptListener(ApplicationKB.instance())

- just clean code in TripleStoreTDB.scala

- in , change wait before checking URIModifications ==> Thread.sleep(100);


COMMIT fixing Euler engine check for activating the button (now it's usingSWI Prolog on all platforms, but on Mac SWI is not provided in the EG jar)


back on Ubuntu 14.04

on my plate : try BigData ; update semantic_forms ;

in EulerGUI : JSON-LD export ; HTML generation ; loadproject without rule engine ( and get rid of old project format )

Troubles with EulerGUI parser

Euler rule engine now generates this syntax for prefixes:


Some EulerGUI features leverage on Euler to generate N3 syntax, like the OWL+ SWRL translator.

The issue is that it's not compatible with the current EulerGUI parser,writen by Luc Peuvrier, who tragically died 1 year ago.

The plan is to write a Scala parser for N3, that will populate the same datastructure that the current parser does.

Try BigData RELEASE_1_3_0

Load and query

In fact this page says last RELEASE is 1_3_0, I got a mail saying it's 1_3_1 .

The simple receipe is here :

svn checkout svn:// bigdataant start-bigdata

In fact I already had this Subversion working directory.

I was impatient to try this this Bigdata Workbench !

In UPDATE tab, I pasted my public FOAF:

then changed the "Type:" pulldown to "File path or URL"

Then pushed Update button.

Underneath, it says :

Modified: 56 Milliseconds: 494

Then in QUERY tab , the usual stupid query :

SELECT * where { ?S ?P ?O } LIMIT 10

I get an HTML table underneath.

Now, he usual stupid CONSTRUCT query :

CONSTRUCT { ?S ?P ?O } where { ?S ?P ?O } LIMIT 10

I also get an HTML table underneath, where the columns are named s,p,o .

I could load quickly a quite large N3 (95290 line ) :


Data loading...

Modified: 82500

Milliseconds: 8154

I suppose it's 82500 triples ?

what the EXPLORE tab does ?

Now I'm curious of what the EXPLORE tab does : maybe some graphic display la TouchGraph ?

Under "Enter a URI to begin navigation" I paste my personal URI :

But I get insults like this :

Error! error Encountered " "/" "/ "" at line 2, column 15.?Was expecting one of:? "(" ...? "!" ...? "+" ...? "-" ...? "exists" ...? "not exists" ...? "str" ...? "lang" ...? "langmatches" ...? "datatype" ...? "bound" ...? "sameTerm" ...? ...? "isBlank" ...? "isLiteral" ...? "isNumeric" ...? "coalesce" ...? "bnode" ...? "strdt" ...? "strlang" ...? ...? "if"

The SPARQL endpoint

So far, bigdata , not bad !!!!!!

I used their Web client .

Now it's time to test the SPARQL endpoint with EulerGUI client.

But the Web client does have not the same URL as the endpoint:


I cannot find it in the documentation, and the references in the source in


are hard to find, because they are at the end, after a bunch of historicinfo.

But my first guess is the right one :


This endpoint works fine with EulerGUI !

Smart features ...

I also want to test accepted prefixes, like EulerGUI does, but no !

Typing foaf: in UPDATE tab is not understood as downloading RDF from

like EulerGUI does; see a video I made on youtube :

The use of is demonstrated after minutes 2 , 10 and 14 .

Maybe the BigData guys do not know about the services, or they canintegrate my code using them.

The buttons marked


do not work well ! The text panel for SPARQL is not updated at once when onepushes them.

Moreover, a completion like in EulerGUI would be better thanarbitrary buttons for vocabulary.

The URI for bd on

is not the one that BigData creates.

and the URL is not deferentiable:


Next : inference capabilities

Next, I want to try inference capabilities with OWL, RDFS, N3 or SWRLrules.

I'm not sure what are the defaults of this server out-of-the-box, and whereis the relevant doc ...

I mean, there is a valuable general doc. :

but a practical one I could not find.

Alas, N3 is not implemented:

[java] WARN : /bigdata/namespace/kb/sparql[java] java.lang.RuntimeException: Expected an RDF value here, found '{' [line5][java] atcom.bigdata.rdf.sail.webapp.InsertServlet.doPostWithURIs(

Now, let's try OWL + SRWL :

I can load an OWL+SWRL , such as :

which is an often used example of OWL + SRWL.

Adding relevant data:

But the expected inference does not occur, that is, this query returnsnothing :

prefix : CONSTRUCT {?t0 a :BadChild}where {?t0 a :BadChild}

CONCLUSION: the defaults of this server out-of-the-box do not activate SWRL,is this is possible at all.

After reading the build.xml, I spotted this file about serverconfiguration:


where the relevent part seems to be :

## Setup for QUADS mode without the full text

With a bit of Googling , I came to

where I saw:


and from this I infered this confguration with all the bells andwhistles:

## Setup with the full

If I restart the server, and run again the query, nothing comes out.

I'm skeptical that it does it, because this returns nothing in~/src/BIGDATA_RELEASE_1_3_0 :

grep -i SWRL **/src/**/*.java

So there is left the possibilty to use the API or a shell script with curlto populate the database with the inferences.

ls -l **/src/**/rule*/*.java | wc118 1062 12694

to follow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nice features

The real list is longer !

The Multi-Tenancy API allows you to administer and access multiple triple or quad store instances in a single backing Journal or Federation.Managing database history : Bigdata is an immortal database architecture with a configurable history retention policy.


TODO : ajouter dans manuel EG: utiliser dot pour graphes


succeeded in running IsaViz

not bad, but no choice on graph layout

Finally, Welkin corresponded more to what I wanted : a cloud- like view.

here it corresponds to a more sun-like view, seems likea fine warm day ahead


was talking about

( actually 50% cloudy here )

I was comparing Welkin to IsaViz , which produces a defaultGraphviz layout, much like EulerGUI.


Hi anyone having the the magic touch to run the tabulator ?

I did both for "The Cross-Domain Browsing Problem" indicatedin

but no special message and no data showing !!!

on Firefox 28.0



triple store android

html5 timeline view

Hi I have probably chosen Scalatra over Play! and Lift forSemantic Web based application ; first will develop a form based on RDFproperties .

jmvanel: I've been working on semanic web apps in scalatra(or even raw servlet) over the years, e.g.

I think stefan has, too

pdxleif, that look nice ; I cloned your MusicPath

( also using Jena TDB )

My project is currently mainly Swing app :,

and I want to redo or reuse the RDF based forms, tables inHTML

But here in Paris it's midnight , I'll sleep ...

Hope you're in "good" time zone .


Vim regex

s!2005-\d\{2}-\d\{2}\)! import scala.xml import scala.xml

scala> val x = ggg x: scala.xml.Elem = ggg


Reading about Lift HTML templating :

e-book exploring Lift: READING !

using Mavens archetype:generate command to create theskeleton of our project ;

like in "Exploring Lift" ;

I'm surprised the default is scalaVersion: 2.7.7

quite old !

can I say 2.10.3 ?

why maven ?

lopex, it's mentioned at the beginning of in "Exploring Lift" :

jmv: I guess that's obsolete

I didn't dare to answer 2.10.3

works with defaults

trying 2.10.3 now


[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'jetty' in the currentproject and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo]available from the repositories [local (/home/jmv/.m2/repository), central(] -> [Help 1]

when running mvn jetty:run

jmv: use sbt

forget maven

mvn archetype:generate -U \ -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-blank \ -DarchetypeVersion=2.0 \ -DarchetypeRepository= \ -DgroupId=demo.helloworld \ -DartifactId=helloworld \ -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT


googlestore structured data


meanwhile I look at this :

can be very useful in EG applications

Compare lift & play framework


play is stateless and MVC oriented, inspired by Railslift is stateful, view first, lets you combine several pieces in tge pagethe trend in Web apps is to use JS, contrary to Lift & GWTI like Lift's HTML processing : ( from play-vs-lift-pain-points ) The HTML, known as Templates, is processed by Snippets that transform NodeSeq => NodeSeq. That may sound complex, but Lift has a DSL to make it really easy. Want to add a users name to a span? If it looked like: User name goes here

You'd have code like this in your snippet:

"#user-name *" #>

"a clean separation of web design from application logic" says

according to some (???) Lift is not necessarily stateful


I begin to find my way around in Banana-RDF ,

and came with a list of questions to Alex

Silk, a semantic web app in Scala

I just looked at Silk :

a semantic web app in Scala

I fdon't know exactly was it does though, and how flexible itis.

It should be here :

downloaded the source

git clone git://


in class GraphStoreTest:

// val graphStore = GraphStore[Rdf](store) val graphStore = store

After removing with git experimental/ and ldp/ , and correspondingparagraphs in build.scala:

> eclipse[info] About to create Eclipse project files for your project(s).[info] Successfully created Eclipse project files for project(s):[info] banana-jena[info] examples[info] banana-rdf[info] banana-rdf-test-suite[info] banana-sesame[info] patch

[info] Updating {file:/home/jmv/src/MISC_TESTS/banana-rdf/}experimental...[info] Resolving org.fusesource.jansi#jansi;1.4 ...[info] Done updating.[error] Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in {file:/home/jmv/src/MISC_TESTS/banana-rdf/}experimental:[error] org.scala-stm:scala-stm _2.10, _2.10.0[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last experimental/*:update for the full output.[error] (experimental/*:update) Conflicting cross-version suffixes in: org.scala-stm:scala-stm[error] Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in {file:/home/jmv/src/MISC_TESTS/banana-rdf/}experimental:[error] org.scala-stm:scala-stm _2.10, _2.10.0[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last experimental/*:update for the full output.[error] (experimental/*:update) Conflicting cross-version suffixes in: org.scala-stm:scala-stm[error] Modules were resolved with conflicting cross-version suffixes in {file:/home/jmv/src/MISC_TESTS/banana-rdf/}experimental:[error] org.scala-stm:scala-stm _2.10, _2.10.0[trace] Stack trace suppressed: run last experimental/*:update for the full output.[error] (experimental/*:update) Conflicting cross-version suffixes in: org.scala-stm:scala-stm

git clone

show full-classpath

show allDependencies

[info] examples/compile:fullClasspath[info] List(Attributed(/home/jmv/src/banana-rdf/examples/target/scala-2.10/classes), Attributed(/home/jmv/src/banana-rdf/sesame/target/scala-2.10/classes), Attributed(/home/jmv/src/banana-rdf/rdf/target/scala-2.10/classes), Attributed(/home/jmv/src/banana-rdf/jena/target/scala-2.10/classes), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-lang/scala-library/jars/scala-library-2.10.3.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/com.typesafe.akka/akka-actor_2.10/bundles/akka-actor_2.10-2.1.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/com.typesafe/config/bundles/config-1.0.0.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.scalaz/scalaz-core_2.10/bundles/scalaz-core_2.10-7.0.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/joda-time/joda-time/jars/joda-time-2.1.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.joda/joda-convert/jars/joda-convert-1.2.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryalgebra-evaluation/jars/sesame-queryalgebra-evaluation-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryalgebra-model/jars/sesame-queryalgebra-model-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-model/jars/sesame-model-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-util/jars/sesame-util-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-query/jars/sesame-query-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-rio-api/jars/sesame-rio-api-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-repository-sparql/jars/sesame-repository-sparql-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-repository-api/jars/sesame-repository-api-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-http-client/jars/sesame-http-client-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-http-protocol/jars/sesame-http-protocol-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-rio-ntriples/jars/sesame-rio-ntriples-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/commons-io/commons-io/jars/commons-io-2.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryresultio-api/jars/sesame-queryresultio-api-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/commons-httpclient/commons-httpclient/jars/commons-httpclient-3.1.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryparser-api/jars/sesame-queryparser-api-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryparser-sparql/jars/sesame-queryparser-sparql-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryresultio-sparqlxml/jars/sesame-queryresultio-sparqlxml-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-rio-datatypes/jars/sesame-rio-datatypes-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-rio-languages/jars/sesame-rio-languages-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryresultio-sparqljson/jars/sesame-queryresultio-sparqljson-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/com.fasterxml.jackson.core/jackson-core/jars/jackson-core-2.2.1.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-rio-turtle/jars/sesame-rio-turtle-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-rio-rdfxml/jars/sesame-rio-rdfxml-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-sail-memory/jars/sesame-sail-memory-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-sail-api/jars/sesame-sail-api-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-sail-inferencer/jars/sesame-sail-inferencer-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-queryparser-serql/jars/sesame-queryparser-serql-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-sail-nativerdf/jars/sesame-sail-nativerdf-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.openrdf.sesame/sesame-repository-sail/jars/sesame-repository-sail-2.7.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.jena/jena-tdb/jars/jena-tdb-1.0.0.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.jena/jena-arq/jars/jena-arq-2.11.0.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.jena/jena-core/jars/jena-core-2.11.0.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.jena/jena-iri/jars/jena-iri-1.0.0.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/jars/slf4j-api-1.6.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12/jars/slf4j-log4j12-1.6.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/log4j/log4j/bundles/log4j-1.2.16.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/xerces/xercesImpl/jars/xercesImpl-2.11.0.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/xml-apis/xml-apis/jars/xml-apis-1.4.01.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient/jars/httpclient-4.2.3.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore/jars/httpcore-4.2.2.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/ .ivy2/cache/commons-codec/commons-codec/jars/commons-codec-1.6.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j/jars/jcl-over-slf4j-1.6.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/com.fasterxml/aalto-xml/bundles/aalto-xml-0.9.7.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.codehaus.woodstox/stax2-api/jars/stax2-api-3.0.3.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/

[info] banana-rdf-test-suite/compile:fullClasspath[info] List(Attributed(/home/jmv/src/banana-rdf/rdf-test-suite/target/scala-2.10/classes), Attributed(/home/jmv/src/banana-rdf/rdf/target/scala-2.10/classes), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-lang/scala-library/jars/scala-library-2.10.3.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/com.typesafe.akka/akka-actor_2.10/bundles/akka-actor_2.10-2.1.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/com.typesafe/config/bundles/config-1.0.0.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.scalaz/scalaz-core_2.10/bundles/scalaz-core_2.10-7.0.4.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/joda-time/joda-time/jars/joda-time-2.1.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.joda/joda-convert/jars/joda-convert-1.2.jar), Attributed(/home/jmv/.ivy2/cache/org.scalatest/scalatest_2.10/jars/scalatest_2.10-2.0.RC1-SNAP4.jar))

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/http/impl/client/SystemDefaultHttpClientat com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.http.HttpQuery.execGet( com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.http.HttpQuery.exec( com.hp.hpl.jena.sparql.engine.http.QueryEngineHTTP.execSelect( org.w3.banana.jena.JenaSparqlHttpEngine.executeSelect(JenaSparqlHttpEngine.scala:30)at org.w3.banana.jena.JenaSparqlHttpEngine.executeSelect(JenaSparqlHttpEngine.scala:10)at org.w3.banana.SparqlEngine$class.executeSelect(SparqlEngine.scala:16)at org.w3.banana.jena.JenaSparqlHttpEngine.executeSelect(JenaSparqlHttpEngine.scala:10)at org.w3.banana.examples.SPARQLExample2$.aux$1(SPARQL.scala:42)at org.w3.banana.examples.SPARQLExample2$.main(SPARQL.scala:53)at org.w3.banana.examples.SPARQLExample2.main(SPARQL.scala)


Create Geographical Maps of gardens

jmvanel> Hi I need an Android app to create lon-lat points on the fieldand vocally associate a point with information; the use case is to map anarboretum

Marzatha, atm I don't need a GIS; I need an input app to createany convevient data format, preferably RDF/Turtle;

I want to say "Pinus sylvestris" when I I am near it, and theapp wil record my words and the position


warning: non-variable type argument in type pattern (, is unchecked since it is eliminated by erasuree

is there a script to generate part of pom.xml from asourceforge project ?


FIX compilation error in 2 comments in playlist/rmp/ :

[javac]/home/jmv/src/MISC_TESTS/lizzy-code/trunk/src/java/christophedelory/playlist/rmp/ unmappable character for encoding UTF8

( occured with Ant and JDK 7 on Ubuntu 13.10 )


Tritonus: Open Source Java Sound


Failed tests: testTooltip(eulergui.gui.TestEulerGUITooltip): ":
" does not match pattern: .*Comment for waza in the ex: namespace.* testAddNewN3SourceEditor(eulergui.gui.TestN3SourceInGUI): ts.contains(":Little_Richard" verifyPrefixes(deductions.runtime.TestRuleBasedApplicationWithCache): expected: but was:

Tests in error: testAddNewSPARQL(eulergui.gui.TestSPARQLInGUI) verifyXXX(deductions.runtime.swing.TestDataGUI): Wait AbstractButton with text "Country_music" loaded verifyXXX(deductions.runtime.swing.TestSWExplorer): Wait AbstractButton with text "Country_music" loaded

Tests run: 229, Failures: 3, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0

Thread [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-1]ProjectGUI$.setEulerGUIIcon(JFrame) line: 151WindowsFactory$.createWindow() line: 29BorderLayoutWindow$class.frame(BorderLayoutWindow) line: 13SemanticTransferHandler$DropTargetImpl.frame$lzycompute() line: 55SemanticTransferHandler$DropTargetImpl.frame() line: 55GUIApp$class.$init$(GUIApp) line: 11SemanticTransferHandler$DropTargetImpl.this(SemanticTransferHandler, N3Form) line: 55URILoaderImpl$class.deductions$runtime$swing$components$URILoaderImpl$$makeN3Form(URILoaderImpl, String, Set) line: 137URILoaderImpl$class.displayURI(URILoaderImpl, String) line: 151DataGUIApp.displayURI(String) line: 24DataGUI$$anonfun$2.applyOrElse(BoxedUnit, Function1) line: 22DataGUI$$anonfun$2.applyOrElse(Object, Function1) line: 21Future$$anonfun$onSuccess$1.apply(Try) line: 117Future$$anonfun$onSuccess$1.apply(Object) line: line: 32ExecutionContextImpl$$anon$3.exec() line: 107ForkJoinTask.doExec() line: 260ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.pollAndExecAll() line: 1253ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.runTask(ForkJoinTask) line: 1346ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue) line: line: 107

Tests with drag'n'drop in EulerGUI

New feature : Drop from EulerGUI N3 source buttons to EulerGUI buttonspanel


paste file URL from gedit


into EulerGUI buttons panel

getTransferData: file:///home/jmv/src/eulergui-code/eulergui/examples/materials-form.n3, java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor[mimetype=application/x-java-serialized-object;representationclass=java.lang.String]

paste N3 source from EG into EulerGUI buttons panel : rejected ! now DONEtest droping an URI as such into N3Form (implemented some days ago)

paste N3 source from EG into DataGUI TODO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Current situation for drag'n'drop in EulerGUI

What implementations exist?

drag from an EulerGUI N3 source button:

Transferable built in trait SemanticDragRecognizer and inner class N3Transferable;

implemented yesterday: in class ButtonsForN3Source :

editN3Button = new JButton() with SemanticDragRecognizer { addComponent(this) def getN3Source(): N3Source = n3 }

NOTE: some implementation could be reused in SourceFactory

drop to EulerGUI buttons panel:

current feature : drop URL or file path from a file manager or web browser or text editor (gedit)

implemented in DropURLTranferHandler

used in SourceFilesView.makeButtonsPanel()

drop : what is implemented for N3Form:

Transferable read in

SemanticTransferHandler, containing class DropTargetImpl(n3Form: N3Form) extends DropTargetAdapter

with trait URIOrTextTransferSupport, SemanticDropResult

new feature: drop URL or file path from from an EulerGUI N3 source button

no need to adapt what is implemented for N3Form, just created a


in SemanticDragRecognizer.N3Transferable.getTransferData(flavor: DataFlavor)


Exception in thread "main" (Aucun fichierou dossier de ce type)


Studying Portecle software

Reading of a .cert file (PEM) file occurs here:

CertificateFactory cf = CertificateFactory.getInstance(X509_CERT_TYPE);// "Normal" certificate(s)certs = cf.generateCertificates(in);


private static X509Certificate[] loadCertificates(URL url, String encoding)

in class X509CertUtil

where encoding==null

with version 1.50 of BouncyCastle.

NOTE: certificates formats are tested in this order : PKCS7_ENCODING,PKIPATH_ENCODING, null, OPENSSL_PEM_ENCODING }

in method X509CertUtil.loadCertificates(URL url)

Thread [AWT-EventQueue-0] (Suspended)X509CertUtil.loadCertificates(URL, String) line: 223X509CertUtil.loadCertificates(URL, Collection) line: 119DViewCertificate.showAndWait(Window, Object) line: 182FPortecle.examineCert(File) line: 2379FPortecle.access$9(FPortecle, File) line: 2365FPortecle$ExamineCertAction.act() line: 6363FPortecle$ExamineCertAction(FPortecle$AbstractAction).actionPerformed(ActionEvent) line: 6509JMenuItem(AbstractButton).fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) line: 1995AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(ActionEvent) line: 2318DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(ActionEvent) line: 387DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(boolean) line: 242JMenuItem(AbstractButton).doClick(int) line: 357BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(MenuSelectionManager) line: 809BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(MouseEvent) line: 850JMenuItem(Component).processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) line: 6289JMenuItem(JComponent).processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) line: 3267JMenuItem(Component).processEvent(AWTEvent) line: 6054JMenuItem(Container).processEvent(AWTEvent) line: 2041JMenuItem(Component).dispatchEventImpl(AWTEvent) line: 4652JMenuItem(Container).dispatchEventImpl(AWTEvent) line: 2099JMenuItem(Component).dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) line: 4482LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Component, int, MouseEvent) line: 4577LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(MouseEvent) line: 4238LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) line: 4168FPortecle(Container).dispatchEventImpl(AWTEvent) line: 2085FPortecle(Window).dispatchEventImpl(AWTEvent) line: 2478FPortecle(Component).dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) line: 4482EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(AWTEvent, Object) line: 644EventQueue.access$000(EventQueue, AWTEvent, Object) line: 85EventQueue$ line: 603EventQueue$ line: 601AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(PrivilegedAction, AccessControlContext, AccessControlContext) line: 87AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(PrivilegedAction, AccessControlContext) line: 98EventQueue$ line: 617EventQueue$ line: 615AccessController.doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction, AccessControlContext) line: not available [native method]AccessControlContext$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(PrivilegedAction, AccessControlContext, AccessControlContext) line: 87EventQueue.dispatchEvent(AWTEvent) line: 614EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(int) line: 269EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(int, Conditional, EventFilter) line: 184EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(int, Conditional, Component) line: 174EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(int, Conditional) line: 169EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Conditional) line: line: 122


new method N3JTable2.subscribeTripleAdded(classURI: String) to subscribe totriple added of the specified RDF class

TESTED in N3TableModelTest.runTestRuleBasedApp2()

InferenceSwingWorker.doInBackground (): class eulergui.inference.drools.DroolsInferenceEnginejava.lang.NullPointerExceptionat java.awt.Container.remove( eulergui.gui.view.SourceFilesView.doAddButtonForSearch(SourceFilesView.scala:110)at eulergui.gui.controller.ProjectGUI_Updater.n3SearchAdded(ProjectGUI_Updater.scala:31)at eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Search$1.apply(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:63)at eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Search$1.apply(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:63)at scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet.foreach(LinkedHashSet.scala:87)at eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport.fireAddN3Search(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:63)at eulergui.project.Project.addN3Search( eulergui.project.Project.setN3Query( eulergui.project.Project.useEulerArgumentPass( eulergui.project.Project.prepareDrools( eulergui.project.Project.doRunDrools( eulergui.project.Project.runDroolsTriples( eulergui.inference.drools.DroolsInferenceEngine.launch( eulergui.gui.inference.InferenceSwingWorker.launchAndDisplayErrors(InferenceSwingWorker.scala:42)at eulergui.gui.inference.InferenceSwingWorker.doInBackground(InferenceSwingWorker.scala:37)at eulergui.gui.inference.InferenceSwingWorker.doInBackground(InferenceSwingWorker.scala:20)at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$


Deprecating the Observer Pattern


Ingo Maier Tiark Rompf Martin Odersky



add checkNonDownloadableURI() in URILoaderImpl.scala

checks if url String startsWith("spotify:") or "isbn:"

if true , does not try to download the URI


mp3 : prefix not found on

@prefix mp3: .{ ?URI log:uri ?u . ?u string:startsWith "spotify:track/" .} => { ?URI a mp3:Track .}.

does not works with Drools:

when# $u == $URI eval( $u.toString().startsWith( "spotify:track/" .toString() ) )then java.lang.String $u = $URI.toString().replaceFirst( "^ DomainApplication2.main( Array("b","c") )UI nullRBApp b,cD2 [Ljava.lang.String;@4f96fdc

TripleComboBoxes.makeLinkingButton(...).new ActionListener() {...}.actionPerformed(): file:/home/jmv/Musique/Jimi%20Hendrix%20-%20Are%20You%20Experienced/06%20-%20I%20Don't%20Live%20Today.flac "I Don't Live Today"N3Form.N3Form(ITripleStoreRETE): in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat eulergui.rdf.TripleStoreHelper.extractClassURIs( eulergui.rdf.TripleStoreHelper.extractPredicatesURI( deductions.runtime.swing.N3Form.( deductions.runtime.swing.JTableButtonMouseListener.showURIinN3Form( deductions.runtime.swing.JTableButtonMouseListener.mouseClicked(


liste de morceaux synchronises, liste de proprits




HTML5 + JavaScript


I tried to find an alignment between FOAF and Nepomuk Contact (NCO).

I tried search with owl:sameAs filetype:rdf

Semantic Science is a new community portal to support the development ofSemantic Web technologies (guides/presentations, RDF/OWL ontologies, knowledgesystems) to facilitate the management, integration and discovery of scientificknowledge.


In SWExplorerWindow.scala, extract getTriplesAndFieldsFromTDB(urlString),downloadPredicatesDeclarations(urlString)


Mail from Richard C

2013/11/28 Richard Cyganiak

Hi Jean-Marc,

I watched the video, its a nice introduction to EulerGUI indeed.Good to see integrated in such a useful way!

Thanks for the compliment .

EulerGUI does in fact more (arguably too much) , but the other videos are infrench:

Work goes on now for configurable UI apps for end users, like contactsmanagement, blog, mind mapping, see:

You 're welcome for a demo :)

Questions about Scala


yerterday I was at a workshop on Haxe ; this gave me the idea of compiling Scala as JavaScript

there is such a project:

It seems to be in active development:

EulerGUI concatenated TODO's

I concatenated to do items since 2012-12-11


enable semantic D'n'D

ordinary URI display proeprties

property URI : addded to the form

class URI : created with URI with that class

N3 fragment : add to KB and store

what more ?

FIX Wikipedia combobox in DomainApplicationadd close button in DomainApplicationpersist last items in URI load text field

( idealy, update an ordered list )

add newly created URI's in URI load text fieldput a background image or text in text fields (e.g. Wikipedia combobox)show foaf:Image s as thumbnails ( use domain of property)play soundsremove old project format and the code that goes with itdesign a new architecture for multithread fures (download, convert to N3, parsing N3, starting the internal KB, compiling in Drools) leveraging on Scala capabilities: actors, modularity, ...

Already writen:

do something with newly created URI'sdistinghish "external" and internally created URI'sDomainApplication TODO add new widget : Google style searchmodularize existing components in DataGUI and SWExplorer :

Wikipedia combobox for downloading & displaying,

Wikipedia combobox for addind a dc:subject

text search on local database

global non contextual triple input

BUG: after 3 clicks on "Create New Id" button we get :

com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.transaction.TDBTransactionException: Checksum error reading from the Journal.

and after 1 more the app. is frozen !!!!

a vocabulary to describe architectures ; that is the first step to later assemble components semantically by configuration in TurtleMetadata for Naled Graphs are not distinguished from other properties of uri Strings, so they appear in N3FormAPI : store both in KB and TDB store (RuleBasedApplicationWithCache or new TripleStoreHybrid)import / export ML format like WekaWhen has already been loaded, should not load

but retrieve it from cache

D'n'D from an N3 or JSON-LD or XML string (also in DataGUI etc)N3Form mode without infering fieldsshow "reverse" triplesbutton to remove a tripleaccept page down key in DataGUIdisplay prefixes for propertiesWhen adding a triple such as : p:x a foaf:Person.

also add foaf: ontology to the KB

makes strange things in DataGUIaccept a for rdf:type2 phase prefix completions in comboboxURI or abridged URI keyboard input with combobox based on ontologyURI keyboard input with combobox based on dbPdepia disambiguation:

also in N3 editor

NLP analysis via web service NLP2RDF:

to add skos:subject to an ontology or N3 source (from analysing rdfs:label , rdfs:comment , etc

new inference engine: NARS ; for managing revisions & contradiction, learning; suitable for learning from user actionsRDF lists in TDB through EG APIperformance enhancement in N3 table view for large data set : probably make a new lazy TableModel with cacheoptimize simple queries using (parametrized?) Drools queriesnew builtins in Drools engine: language, datatypesee "intelligent agents ideas"


cd ~/src/eulergui-code/eulergui/time svn log --verbose > log.txt

EulerGUI dev

scala_translate n3_project/helpers

Last Appearance of java/deductions/runtime : Revision r3806


do something with newly created URI'sdistinghish "external" and internally created URI's


Hi how to launch Scala interpreter by API ?

EulerGUI dev


- simplify UI dialog for creating a triple : remove 1 useless click

so DomainApplication is no more resized after pushing "Choose property" insame window

DomainApplication TODO

add new widget : Google style searchfix addition of new triple in N3From after addition of new triple in N3Form ( works in SWExplorerWindow but not in DomainApplication)modularize existing components in DataGUI and SWExplorer :

Wikipedia combobox for downloading & displaying,

Wikipedia combobox for addind a dc:subject

text search on local database

global non contextual triple input

Thread [SwingWorker-pool-6-thread-1]N3Form.subscribeTripleAdded(String) line: 133N3Form.initialize() line: 128SWExplorerWindow.deductions$runtime$swing$explorer$SWExplorerWindow$$makeN3Form(String) line: 195SWExplorerWindow$$anon$1.doInBackground() line: 171SWExplorerWindow$$anon$1.doInBackground() line: 109SwingWorker$ line: line: line: 335ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker) line: 1145ThreadPoolExecutor$ line: line: 744


EulerGUI dev

Tests EulerGUI

Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL:,x.file.n3

x: dbpedia:odor dbpedia:Rosmarimus .

22:44:13 [AWT-EventQueue-0] [error] AWT-EventQueue-0: EyeHelper.reasonExternalProlog(): argumentsArray: [eye --nope --wcache \ /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/rules-documentor.n3_6341748443252265167.n3 \--wcache,, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/wgs84_pos#_5450553949685498359.n3--wcache, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/resource_4218514508449606604.n3--wcache, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/22-rdf-syntax-ns#_6528809142652776840.n3--wcache, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/yago_7899133846321376156.n3--wcache /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/rdf-schema#_4232508873863693382.n3--wcache, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/0.1_3259558706133898942.n3--wcache, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/owl#_7444740903005683145.n3, --wcache,, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/property_265963388524332107.n3,,,,,, /home/jmv/.eulergui/n3_cache/rules-documentorQ.n3_7296035134502101891.n3 \ --query

Problem for deploying snapshot:

[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from[INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot eulergui:eulergui:2.1-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on repository:, so will be createdUploading: scp:// uploaded (eulergui-2.1-20131125.151929-1.jar)[INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from[INFO] repository metadata for: 'snapshot eulergui:eulergui:2.1-SNAPSHOT' could not be found on repository:, so will be created[INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'snapshot eulergui:eulergui:2.1-SNAPSHOT'[INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from[INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact eulergui:eulergui'[INFO] Uploading project information for eulergui 2.1-20131125.151929-1[INFO] Retrieving previous build number from[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[ERROR] BUILD ERROR[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------[INFO] Error deploying artifact: Authentication failed: Cannot connect. Reason: verify: false

com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.transaction.TDBTransactionException: Checksum error reading from the Journal.


- dispose popups for entering new triples in TripleComboBoxes.scala

- fix "Create New Id" button : was not saving in TDB also

- fix default match case in AutoCompletion.keyPressed

TODO : after 3 clicks on "Create New Id" button we get :

com.hp.hpl.jena.tdb.transaction.TDBTransactionException: Checksum errorreading from the Journal.

and after 1 more the app. is frozen !!!!

Announce EulerGUI 2.0

Announce on EulerGUI mailing list

Swig list

I am pleased to announce the release 2.0 of EulerGUI, a development tool anda framework for the Semantic Web and rules, under LGPL license, in Java andScala.

Even if you're not interested in the business rule aspect, EulerGUI is aswiss knife semantic client .

One can type


to download the FOAF vocabulary,or use any prefix recorded in .

Then you can see the Turtle source in an editor with syntax coloring andvalidation, open a tree view using Hermit Description Logicsreasoner.

When you edit a new Turtle/N3 file, prefixes are automatically added , plus you can generate a skeleton vocabulary from the currenttriples in project.

Video :

EulerGUI has SPARQL queries, drag'n'drop, local cache, local Jena TDB triplestore, navigation from URI to URI, and other goodies.

The accent in this release is the new N3 file format for projects, that isOWL (and Protg) compatible. Here is an example:

@prefix : .@prefix owl: .@prefix rdfs: .

a owl:Ontology.

owl:imports . :isActivated false . # true by default

# the main N3 query :hasN3Query . :isMainQuery true .

# Import of an RDF or OWL document owl:imports .

:subproject . # recommanded suffix .n3p.n3 :postProcessing . # only one postProcessing

The current developments for 2.1 are towards 100% Scala code,modularization, quicker startup, and customizable domain applications.

For a complete list of changes, the change log is here:


DOWNLOAD a snapshot:;O=D

And the ever updated User Manual is here:

Drools list

[Announce] EulerGUI 2.0 - Sent on nov. 28

I am pleased to announce the release 2.0 of EulerGUI, a development tool anda framework for rules and the Semantic Web, under LGPL license, in Java andScala.

As was already told on this list, EulerGUI has Drools under the hood, plus 4other rules engines, and integration with controled (formal) english (ATTEMPTO). EulerGUI does not usePOJO classes for business data modelization, but Semantic Web triples.

The accent in this release is the new N3 file format for projects, that isOWL (and Protg) compatible. Here is an example:

EulerGUI has SPARQL queries, drag'n'drop, local cache Jena TDB triple storeand more...

The current developments for 2.1 are towards 100% Scala code,modularization, quicker startup, and customizable domain applications based ongeneric semantic -aware widgets.

For a complete list of changes, the change log is here:


And the ever updated User Manual is here:

Jena list

I am pleased to announce the release 2.0 of EulerGUI, a development tool anda framework for the Semantic Web and rules, under LGPL license, in Java andScala.

As was already told on this list, EulerGUI has Jena Core, ARQ and TDB underthe hood, plus rules engines, Hermit DL reasoner, and integration withcontroled (formal) english (ATTEMPTO). Alas Jena rule engine andsyntax is not yet integrated; we have currently N3, Drools, SWRL, ATTEMPTO,CLIPS.

EulerGUI has SPARQL queries, drag'n'drop, local cache, local Jena TDB triplestore, navigation from URI to URI, and other goodies.

Even if you're not interested in the business rule aspect, EulerGUI is aswiss knife semantic client .

One can type


to download the FOAF vocabulary,or use any prefix recorded in .

Then you can see the Turtle source in an editor with syntax coloring andvalidation, open a tree view using Hermit Description Logicsreasoner.

When you edit a new Turtle/N3 file, prefixes are automatically added , plus you can generate a skeleton vocabulary from the currenttriples in project.

Video :

The accent in this release is the new N3 file format for projects, that isOWL (and Protg) compatible. Here is an example:

@prefix : .@prefix owl: .@prefix rdfs: .

a owl:Ontology.

owl:imports . :isActivated false . # true by default

# the main N3 query :hasN3Query . :isMainQuery true .

# Import of an RDF or OWL document owl:imports .

:subproject . # recommanded suffix .n3p.n3 :postProcessing . # only one postProcessing

The current developments for 2.1 are towards 100% Scala code,modularization, quicker startup, and customizable domain applications based ongeneric semantic-aware widgets.

For a complete list of changes, the change log is here:


DOWNLOAD a snapshot:;O=D

And the ever updated User Manual is here:

Protg project list

I am pleased to announce the release 2.0 of EulerGUI, a development tool anda framework for the Semantic Web and rules, under LGPL license, in Java andScala.

Even if you're not interested in the business rule aspect, EulerGUI is aswiss knife semantic client .

One can type


to download the FOAF vocabulary, or use any prefix recorded in .

Then you can see the Turtle source in an editor with syntax coloring andvalidation, open a tree view using Hermit Description Logics reasoner.

When you edit a new Turtle/N3 file, prefixes are automatically added , plus you can generate a skeleton vocabulary from the currenttriples in project.

EulerGUI has SPARQL queries, drag'n'drop, local cache, local Jena TDB triplestore, navigation from URI to URI, and other goodies.

It is now possible to load an EulerGUI project into Protg and viceversa.

An EulerGUI project is saved in Turtle, using owl:imports and specificpredidates for URI's that are not understandable by Protg.

The accent in this release is the new N3 file format for projects, that isOWL (and Protg) compatible. Here is an example:

@prefix : .@prefix owl: .@prefix rdfs: .

a owl:Ontology.

owl:imports . :isActivated false . # true by default

# the main N3 query :hasN3Query . :isMainQuery true .

# Import of an RDF or OWL document owl:imports .

:subproject . # recommanded suffix .n3p.n3 :postProcessing . # only one postProcessing


filezilla -a . -s &

Hi In a General Discussion, what's the difference between"send email to create a new topic" and "Create Topic" ?

I guess the supporters are still in bed in California :(.

jmvanel: It's Sunday today, so there won't be much "officialsupport" today, anyway.

!businesshours business hours are approximately 13:00 to22:00 UTC, excluding weekends and holidays. Currently, it is Sun Nov 2411:28:04 2013 UTC.


My understanding is that "send email to create a new topic"sends a mail to project admins , and "Create Topic" directly creates the Topic.

I did "send email to create a new topic" and nothing happens, so I'll do the other action.

Scala Actor s example

From Daniel Westheide.

Looking at

, actors are hierachised like an army !

import scala.concurrent.futureimport scala.concurrent.Futureimport scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.globalimport

sealed trait CoffeeRequestcase object CappuccinoRequest extends CoffeeRequestcase object EspressoRequest extends CoffeeRequestcase class Bill(cents: Int)case object ClosingTimeclass Barista extends Actor { def receive = { case CappuccinoRequest => sender ! Bill(250) println("I have to prepare a cappuccino!") case EspressoRequest => sender ! Bill(200) println("Let's prepare an espresso.") case ClosingTime => context.system.shutdown() }}

import{ActorRef, Props}

case object CaffeineWithdrawalWarningclass Customer(caffeineSource: ActorRef) extends Actor { def receive = { case CaffeineWithdrawalWarning => caffeineSource ! EspressoRequest case Bill(cents) => println(s"I have to pay $cents cents, or else!") }}

import system = ActorSystem("Barista")val barista = system.actorOf(Props[Barista], "Barista")val customer = system.actorOf(Props(new Customer(barista)), "Customer")customer ! CaffeineWithdrawalWarningbarista ! ClosingTime


testAddNewN3SourceEditor(eulergui.gui.TestN3SourceInGUI): Frame Title Component Chooser ".*new_source.n3.*"


translate package eulergui/gui/controller into Scala with Scala IDE - testsPASS

maven run test one package only


FIX testSelectSPARQL(eulergui.gui.TestSPARQLInGUI) : now button for SPARQLtable is activated only when there are rows to show

the issue was that setAction() also calls setActivated(true)

TODO still one Error : testURLProject(eulergui.gui.TestJavaEditor): FrameTitle Component Chooser ".*employee.uml.*"


Thread [rethrowEventsExceptListener(ApplicationKB.instance())] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 99 in ButtonsPanel))ButtonsPanel.n3SourceEnablement(N3Source, boolean) line: 99ButtonsPanel.enableN3Source(N3Source) line: 85N3ConversionRefesher.updateN3(N3Source) line: line: 40N3ConversionRefesher.doN3SourceAdded(Project, N3Source) line: 79N3ConversionRefesher.n3SourceAdded(Project, N3Source) line: 59ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Source$1.apply(ProjectListener) line: 71ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Source$1.apply(Object) line: 71LinkedHashSet.foreach(Function1) line: 87ProjectChangeSupport.fireAddN3Source(Project, N3Source) line: 71Project.rethrowEventsPlease(ProjectChangeSupport) line: 1355ProjectChangeSupport.rethrowEventsExceptListener(Project, ProjectListener) line: 121Project.rethrowEventsExceptListener(ProjectListener) line: 1512ProjectGUI$$anon$ line: line: 744

Strange test error (does not happen in eclipse ) :

testSelectSPARQL(eulergui.gui.TestSPARQLInGUI) Time elapsed: 0.031 sec build.propertiesecho '' >> build.propertiesecho 'callimachus.password=jmv314' >> build.propertiescp src/callimachus-defaults.conf etc/callimachus.confant run

jmvanel, you might be interested in, which is aCallimachus application.

Also, there are some on that you canlook at. is something that you can at least use bysubmitting a public URL that holds information about an organization.

The demos on are read-only to thepublic, though. is still in progress, so there area lot of inoperative apps there at the moment.

jmvanel, you can also have a look at, but be awarethat we are working on it so it won't always be up.

Most interesting Callimachus applications run behindcorporate firewalls :(

Scala Future s

Scala Future s are not lazy; they start to run as soon as created:

scala> val f = future { println("running!" ) }f: scala.concurrent.Future[Unit] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise@12542011

scala> running!

scala> f.valueres0: Option[scala.util.Try[Unit]] = Some(Success(()))

It can be used as a convenient way for executing a block of codeasynchronously. But also one can register callback(s) about completion of thefuture.

Nice coffee example from nice Daniel Westheide series"the-neophytes-guide-to-scala" :

// Some type aliases, just for getting more meaningful method signatures:type CoffeeBeans = Stringtype GroundCoffee = Stringcase class Water(temperature: Int)type Milk = Stringtype FrothedMilk = Stringtype Espresso = Stringtype Cappuccino = String

case class GrindingException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)case class FrothingException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)case class WaterBoilingException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)case class BrewingException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)

import scala.concurrent.futureimport scala.concurrent.Futureimport scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.globalimport scala.concurrent.duration._import scala.util.Random

def grind(beans: CoffeeBeans): Future[GroundCoffee] = future { println("start grinding...") Thread.sleep(Random.nextInt(2000)) if (beans == "baked beans") throw GrindingException("are you joking?") println("finished grinding...") s"ground coffee of $beans"}

def heatWater(water: Water): Future[Water] = future { println("heating the water now") Thread.sleep(Random.nextInt(2000)) println("hot, it's hot!") water.copy(temperature = 85)}

def frothMilk(milk: Milk): Future[FrothedMilk] = future { println("milk frothing system engaged!") Thread.sleep(Random.nextInt(2000)) println("shutting down milk frothing system") s"frothed $milk"}

def brew(coffee: GroundCoffee, heatedWater: Water): Future[Espresso] = future { println("happy brewing :)") Thread.sleep(Random.nextInt(2000)) println("it's brewed!") "espresso"}

def combine(espresso: Espresso, frothedMilk: FrothedMilk): Cappuccino = "cappuccino"

def prepareCappuccino(): Future[Cappuccino] = { val groundCoffee = grind("arabica beans") val heatedWater = heatWater(Water(20)) val frothedMilk = frothMilk("milk") for { ground s"ground coffee of $beans"res0: String = ground coffee of caf


Scala Future s

Idiomatic scala performance compared to Java

tty1, About Scala performance , I found this article nice :

def sortList(list: List[Int]): List[Int] = list match { case Nil => Nil case head :: tail => sortList( tail.filter(_ < head)) ::: head :: sortList(tail.filter(_ >= head))}

Pasted from

Scala allows you to defer many aspects of design, implementationand execution relatively easily (with enough background reading andexperimentation :)

Deferred Design Features:

Abstract TypesExplicitly Typed Self ReferencesViewsMixins

Deferred Implementation Features:

Variance AnnotationsCompound TypesLocal Type Inference

Deferred Execution Features: (sorry, no links)

Thread-safe lazy valuesPass-by-nameMonadic stuff


~/src/dANN/projects/ % wc **/*.java

64573 240430 2473194 total

~/src/eulergui-code/eulergui/ % wc **/*.java **/*.scala

154940 480450 5074870 total

154940 480450 5074870 totaloem-laptop: ~/src/eulergui-code/eulergui/ % wc **/*.java **/*.scala

In praise of Maven

Maven allows to change very easily the version in one dependency; Maven allows to download dependency jars in a unified wayMaven takes care of multiple and recursive dependencies

Scala & Machine Learning

From their site:

Breeze used to have more components, but they are getting sharded out todifferent libraries. Their new homes are described below:

breeze-viz: a (barely maintained) visualization library in its own repository. It is available at (machine learning) is now in Nak.

breeze-process (natural language processing) has become Chalk.


Rvision de la dernire modification : 3818

Failed tests: testPostproc(deductions.runtime.RuleBasedApplicationWithCacheTest): expected: but was:

Tests in error: testN3SourcePrepare(eulergui.inputs.TestSPARQL): N3SourceFromSPARQLSource.doUpdate(): file:/tmp/eg-969356487577968251.n3 ; testSquall(eulergui.inputs.TestSPARQL): N3SourceFromSPARQLSource.doUpdate(): file:/tmp/eg-5090534439989680660.n3 ; testSelectSPARQL(eulergui.gui.TestSPARQLInGUI)

Tests run: 225, Failures: 1, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0

That's because of dbPedia :

The web-site you are currently trying to access is under maintenanceat this time.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this has caused.

Trying Callimachus, a semantic web application framework

Here is a .car (Callimachus archive) downloaded from the site:

% unzip ~/Tlchargements/schools.carArchive: /home/jmv/Tlchargements/ inflating: school-data.rdf inflating: schools.ttl inflating: School inflating: Ward inflating: school-edit.xhtml inflating: school-view.xhtml inflating: ward-list.rq inflating: ward-list.xhtml inflating: ward-view.xhtml

The file for a class (there is nothing for properties) :

% xmllint --format School

definition of school from legislation in here School

The file school-edit.xhtml for editing a class instance; note usage of RDFa ; some {} blocs are processedby the XSLT stylesheet.


{rdfs:label} Name ... Phase

also ordinary HTML attributes are used : id, rel, .

rel= is similar to property=

Here is the HTML to drop or create a Topic inside the Note object page. Notethe usage of the dcterms:hasPart property.


Journal and Note are declared rdfs:subClassOf/callimachus/1.0/types/Composite , but the type of parts is notdeclared, it's just a consequence of the XHTML serving to edit theComposite.

trying to use from git , but blocked at callimachus login

I'm not a callimachus developer

they are from the US and probably still sleeping there

I dislike that the install procedure demands to run asroot


I see what you mean

I deleted all dir. and redone , and I could login :)

Now I get this:

New Folder

Choose a recognisable label to be used in the URL


Not a legal boolean value:

Trying to create a Turtle ==> same message

plain bug !

Indeed ant test says:

integrationtest: [junit] Running org.callimachusproject.engine.EditResourceIntegrationTest [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 227,91sec

After all, just one test failing ...

but making usage impossible !

cd ~/src/callimachus/java -jar dist/callimachus-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar -c etc/callimachus.confnov. 21, 2013 11:28:01 AM org.callimachusproject.util.CallimachusPolicy applyInfos: Restricted file system access in effectnov. 21, 2013 11:28:01 AM initAvertissement: No Web origin is setup on this server

mkdir instancecd instanceunzip ../dist/ cp etc/callimachus-defaults.conf etc/callimachus.confsudo bin/callimachus-install.shsudo bin/ Using BASEDIR: /home/jmv/src/callimachus/instanceUsing PORT: 8080Using ORIGIN: http://localhost:8080Using JAVA_HOME: /home/jmv/apps/jdk/jreUsing JDK_HOME: /home/jmv/apps/jdknov. 21, 2013 11:36:55 AM org.callimachusproject.Setup updateRepositoryConfigInfos: Creating repository: callimachusnov. 21, 2013 11:36:55 AM org.openrdf.sail.keyword.KeywordSail initializeInfos: Reindexing keywords in /home/jmv/src/callimachus/instance/repositories/callimachusnov. 21, 2013 11:36:56 AM org.openrdf.repository.object.ObjectRepository compileSchemaInfos: Compiling schemanov. 21, 2013 11:36:57 AM org.callimachusproject.setup.FileUpdater createFileDataInfos: Uploading: http://localhost:8080/favicon.iconov. 21, 2013 11:36:58 AM org.callimachusproject.setup.FileUpdater createFileDataInfos: Uploading: http://localhost:8080/robots.txtnov. 21, 2013 11:36:59 AM org.callimachusproject.setup.CallimachusSetup createOriginInfos: Created http://localhost:8080nov. 21, 2013 11:36:59 AM org.callimachusproject.setup.SparqlUpdateProvider$1 updateInfos: Updating http://localhost:8080 Storenov. 21, 2013 11:37:01 AM org.callimachusproject.setup.FileUpdater createFileDataInfos: Uploading: http://localhost:8080/main-article.docbooknov. 21, 2013 11:37:05 AM org.openrdf.repository.object.ObjectRepository compileSchemaInfos: Compiling schemanov. 21, 2013 11:37:13 AM org.callimachusproject.setup.WebappArchiveImporter importArchiveInfos: Importing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/Parsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/callimachus-ontology.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/scripts/index.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/archive.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/article.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/book.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/change.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/class.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/composite.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/concept.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/creatable.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/credential.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/digest-user.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/digest.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/domain.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/editable.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/file.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/folder.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/font.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/graph.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/group.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/hypertext.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/image.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/invited-user.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/openid.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/origin.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/page.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/pdf.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/photo.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/pipeline.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/profile.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/purl.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/query.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/rdf-datasource.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/realm.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/relax.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/schematron.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/script.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/serviceable.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/sql-datasource.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/style.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/text.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/transform.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/vector.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/viewable.ttlParsing http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/types/xquery.ttlStoring http://localhost:8080/callimachus/1.3/assets/bootstrap/fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg ....Infos: Inviting user root@oem-laptopUse this URL to assign a password


* Using BASEDIR: /home/jmv/src/callimachus/instance * Using PORT: 8080 * Using ORIGIN: http://localhost:8080 * Using JAVA_HOME: /home/jmv/apps/jdk/jre * Using JDK_HOME: /home/jmv/apps/jdk * Starting callimachus


[WARNING] Expected all dependencies to require Scala version: 2.10.3[WARNING] eulergui:eulergui:2.1-SNAPSHOT requires scala version: 2.10.3[WARNING] eulergui:eulergui:2.1-SNAPSHOT requires scala version: 2.10.3[WARNING] org.scala-lang:scala-swing:2.10.3 requires scala version: 2.10.3[WARNING] org.scalatest:scalatest_2.10:2.0.M8 requires scala version: 2.10.0[WARNING] Multiple versions of scala libraries detected!

Failed tests: testPostproc(deductions.runtime.RuleBasedApplicationWithCacheTest): expected: but was:

Tests in error: testCreateProjectInGUI2(eulergui.gui.TestFacebookSearch): JFileChooser's window testCreateProjectInGUI(eulergui.gui.TestFacebookSearch): JFileChooser's window testSelectSPARQL(eulergui.gui.TestSPARQLInGUI) testURIInProject(eulergui.gui.TestCreateProjectInGUI): JFileChooser's window testAddNewN3Source(eulergui.gui.TestN3SourceInGUI): JFileChooser's window testAddNewN3SourceEditor(eulergui.gui.TestN3SourceInGUI): JFileChooser's window

Tests run: 219, Failures: 1, Errors: 6, Skipped: 0


I am migrating little by little my Java app. to Scala; and some things arenot as smooth as expected:

I there a way to call from Java a variant of a method with a defaultargument ?

InferenceSwingWorker.doInBackground (): class eulergui.inference.drools.DroolsInferenceEngineN3Source.N3Source(): file:/tmp/eg-8042989011521786779.n3>>>> n3SourceWidgets.getComponent(): javax.swing.JButton[,0,0,0x0,invalid,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.5,border=javax.swing.plaf.BorderUIResource$CompoundBorderUIResource@6c1dc04a,flags=296,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,defaultIcon=jar:file:/home/jmv/.m2/repository/eulergui/eulergui/2.0-SNAPSHOT/eulergui-2.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar!/eulergui/gui/main/sparqlTable.jpg,disabledIcon=,disabledSelectedIcon=,margin=javax.swing.plaf.InsetsUIResource[top=2,left=14,bottom=2,right=14],paintBorder=true,paintFocus=true,pressedIcon=,rolloverEnabled=true,rolloverIcon=,rolloverSelectedIcon=,selectedIcon=,text=null,defaultCapable=true]java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExceptionat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( eulergui.inference.drools.impl.DeferredMethodCall.doPperformMethodCall( eulergui.inference.drools.impl.DeferredMethodCall.doPperformMethodCall( eulergui.inference.drools.impl.DeferredMethodCall.performMethodCall( eulergui.inference.drools.impl.DeferredMethodCall.assign( eulergui.inference.drools.impl.DeferredMethodCall.assign( infrastructure_rules.Rule_DeferredMethodCall_188350bd1d514453b3a48975411ee4ec.defaultConsequence( infrastructure_rules.Rule_DeferredMethodCall_188350bd1d514453b3a48975411ee4ecDefaultConsequenceInvokerGenerated.evaluate(Unknown Source)at infrastructure_rules.Rule_DeferredMethodCall_188350bd1d514453b3a48975411ee4ecDefaultConsequenceInvoker.evaluate(Unknown Source)at org.drools.common.DefaultAgenda.fireActivation( org.drools.common.DefaultAgenda.fireNextItem( org.drools.common.DefaultAgenda.fireAllRules( org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.fireAllRules( org.drools.common.AbstractWorkingMemory.fireAllRules( unif.TripleStoreDrools.fireAllRules( eulergui.gui.controller.ApplicationKB.fireAllRules( eulergui.gui.controller.ApplicationKB.n3SearchAdded( eulergui.gui.controller.ApplicationKB.n3QueryAdded( eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Query$1.apply(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:79)at eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Query$1.apply(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:79)at scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet.foreach(LinkedHashSet.scala:87)at eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport.fireAddN3Query(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:79)at eulergui.project.Project.addN3Query( eulergui.project.Project.setN3Query( eulergui.project.Project.useEulerArgumentPass( eulergui.project.Project.prepareDrools( eulergui.project.Project.doRunDrools( eulergui.project.Project.runDroolsTriples( eulergui.inference.drools.DroolsInferenceEngine.launch( eulergui.gui.inference.InferenceSwingWorker.launchAndDisplayErrors(InferenceSwingWorker.scala:42)at eulergui.gui.inference.InferenceSwingWorker.doInBackground(InferenceSwingWorker.scala:37)at eulergui.gui.inference.InferenceSwingWorker.doInBackground(InferenceSwingWorker.scala:20)at javax.swing.SwingWorker$ java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ by: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionat java.awt.Container.remove( eulergui.gui.view.SourceFilesView.doAddButtonForSearch( eulergui.gui.controller.ProjectGUI_Updater.n3SearchAdded( eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Search$1.apply(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:63)at eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport$$anonfun$fireAddN3Search$1.apply(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:63)at scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashSet.foreach(LinkedHashSet.scala:87)at eulergui.project.ProjectChangeSupport.fireAddN3Search(ProjectChangeSupport.scala:63)at eulergui.project.Project.addN3Search( eulergui.project.Project.setN3Query( ... 41 morenov. 20, 2013 11:28:07 AM eulergui.project.Project translateN32DroolsInfos: >>>> after cacheObject( "file:/home/jmv/src/eulergui-code/eulergui/examples/BloodPressure.n3p.n3#rulebase" ) file:/tmp/eg-7251131875962686990.n3

Callimachus, a semantic web application framework


how to plug a rule engine?how to plug an new RDF storage, namely Jena TDB?is it possible to use an external local SPARQL 1.1 endpoint as persistence storage?

cd ~/src/callimachus/java -jar dist/callimachus-1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar

Missing required option: cusage: [options] -b,--basedir Base directory used for local storage -c,--conf The local etc/callimachus.conf file to read settings from -h,--help Print help (this message) and exit -pid File to store current process id -q,--quiet Don't print status messages to standard output. -trust Allow all server code to read, write, and execute all files and directories according to the file system's ACL -v,--version Print version information and exit


Thread [main]SourceFactory.addSource(URL, Project) line: 78CommandLineArguments.makeProjectFromEulerCommandLine(Array[String]) line: 159CommandLineArguments.makeProjectsFromUserArgument(Array[String]) line: 78RuleBasedApplicationHelper$.addKnowledge(RuleBasedApplicationStarter, Array[String]) line: 51RuleBasedApp$delayedInit$body.apply() line: 10Function0$class.apply$mcV$sp(Function0) line: 40AbstractFunction0.apply$mcV$sp() line: 12App$$anonfun$main$1.apply(Function0) line: 71App$$anonfun$main$1.apply(Object) line: 71List.foreach(Function1) line: 318TraversableForwarder$class.foreach(TraversableForwarder, Function1) line: 32App$class.main(App, Array[String]) line: 71RuleBasedApp.main(Array[String]) line: 8DomainApplication.main(Array[String]) line: not available


Thread [main]RuleBasedApplicationStarter.isKnowledgeAdded(URL) line: 132RuleBasedApplicationStarter.isKnowledgeAdded(String) line: 122RuleBasedApplicationWithCache.addKnowledge(String) line: 43RuleBasedApplicationWithCache.addKnowledge(N3Source) line: 114RuleBasedApplicationWithCache$$anonfun$addKnowledge$1.apply(N3Source) line: 119RuleBasedApplicationWithCache$$anonfun$addKnowledge$1.apply(Object) line: 119Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator, Function1) line: 727AbstractIterator.foreach(Function1) line: 1157IterableLike$class.foreach(IterableLike, Function1) line: 72AbstractIterable.foreach(Function1) line: 54RuleBasedApplicationWithCache.addKnowledge(Project) line: 119RuleBasedApplicationHelper$$anonfun$addKnowledge$1.apply(Project) line: 52RuleBasedApplicationHelper$$anonfun$addKnowledge$1.apply(Object) line: 52Iterator$class.foreach(Iterator, Function1) line: 727AbstractIterator.foreach(Function1) line: 1157IterableLike$class.foreach(IterableLike, Function1) line: 72AbstractIterable.foreach(Function1) line: 54RuleBasedApplicationHelper$.addKnowledge(RuleBasedApplicationStarter, Array[String]) line: 52RuleBasedApp$delayedInit$body.apply() line: 10Function0$class.apply$mcV$sp(Function0) line: 40AbstractFunction0.apply$mcV$sp() line: 12App$$anonfun$main$1.apply(Function0) line: 71App$$anonfun$main$1.apply(Object) line: 71List.foreach(Function1) line: 318TraversableForwarder$class.foreach(TraversableForwarder, Function1) line: 32App$class.main(App, Array[String]) line: 71RuleBasedApp.main(Array[String]) line: 8DomainApplication.main(Array[String]) line: not available

name clash between defined and inherited member: method getListCellRendererComponent:(list: javax.swing.JList[_