Comprehensive Photo Project

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Comprehensive Photo Project

By: Erin Garrity



Studying the inside of this building in an attempt to understand its architecture would be similar to structuralism because structuralism uses inner thoughts and

feelings realized via introspection to explore the mind.

We are studying the reactions between these chemicals purely to expand

the scientific knowledge base. This makes this type of research basic


These solutions are used in research that is trying to cure cancer. Because

the research aims to solve a specific problem it is applied research.

I am using naturalistic observation by observing these people in their

natural environment without controlling the environment itself.

The man is like a dendrite because he is receiving the money, just as a

dendrite receives a message.

The woman is like a axon because she is passing the man money just as an

axon passes on a message.

The people mover is like a myelin sheath because it speeds up the process

of moving things from one place to another.

The hot dog the boy is eating is like endorphins because it will most likely

bring him pleasure, just as endorphins have the ability to do.

This girl is unconscious. Her reticular formation, which controls her state

of arousal, is probably not very active when this picture was taken.

Donald Duck represents the cerebellum because he is balancing on several people and the cerebellum coordinates balance. He would fall without his


Glasses help people see just like the occipital lobe helps people see.

A telephone wire connects to different lines and enables messages to be transmitted just like the corpus callosum connects and carries messages between

the two halves of the brain.

This boy doesn’t notice I’m taking his picture because he’s looking for his


My sister fell asleep on a boat because it was past her bedtime, so her

biological clock told her it was time to sleep.

Because of dissociation, these people can walk and talk at the same time.

If these fireworks weren’t real but someone claimed to see them, their

hallucination might have been caused by taking LSD.

All of these alcoholic beverages are harmful to an unborn baby; thus they

are tetragons.

The first time I went on space mountain, it was really exciting and kind of

scary. The fifth time I went on it wasn’t nearly as thrilling.

Even though I can’t see my friend who is behind this wall, I still know that

she exists.

These people have formed emotional ties with each other. These emotional

ties are indicative of attachment.

Though he didn’t notice the subtle smiley face printed behind the text in

the paper, he became externally happy because of this priming.

I can hear the phone ringing because the ring is above my absolute


My sister will only notice the change in the volume of the TV if it is turned up at a certain constant proportion, not if it is consistently turned up by two


This battery powered fan converts electric energy into chemical energy

which becomes physical energy as thee fan moves.

My rods help me see this building because it is nighttime and rods pick up

more visual stimuli in dark conditions.

Cones enable me to see vivid details and colors in bright conditions such as


Retinal disparity allows me to see the rows of jelly beans and acknowledge

that some containers are farther away from me than others.

These magical lights on the ground made it seem like the ground was

moving when the lights brightened, dimmed and then disappeared.

Big bird used to scare me when I was young. My fear became generalized

and I grew to fear all birds, not just big yellow ones.

These people are all smiling because the lady at the counter is smiling at


My Dad thinks he’s punny (he expresses humor through the use/overuse of

puns), and when we laugh at his puns he is encouraged to tell them more often.

When finished with his work, this man’s stress is relieved. The reduction of

this unwanted feeling pushes him to work productively.

After every three boat rides a passenger takes, the passenger receives one free ride. It is on a fixed-ratio schedule because the free ride is only given after a

certain number of rides.

You can get a red light after any number of traffic lights you come across on your drive. This pattern of reinforcement after a random number of responses

means it is on a variable-ratio schedule.

The boat comes to pick people up every 20 minutes. It is on a fixed-

interval schedule because it comes after a consistent period of time.

Lines at Disney run on a variable-interval schedule because you never really

know how long you’ll have to wait in a line before you can actually get on a ride.

I remember and can describe my trip to Disney World over April vacation.

This makes it an explicit memory.

My uncle sees my sister waving to him and recognizes who she is because he has

seen her before. However, when he talks about her, he doesn’t recall her name.

The thing I remembered most from our last trip to Disney was the image

of the Mickey Mouse waffles that we ate at the character brunch.

Since the variety of candies in these machines is so wide, I will probably only remember the names of the first and last few kinds of candy. This is a result of

the serial position effect.

Lauren Sachs is the salutatorian. Though she is strongest in math and science courses, she also excels in English class. This makes a strong case for the idea

that a general intelligence factor is measured in many tasks.

If someone who was of below average intelligence had the ability to draw

this picture from memory, they might have savant syndrome.

Gardner came up with the idea of eight intelligences. In this picture, Goofy clearly indicates strong bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, yet he does not possess

linguistically intelligence.

One of Sternberg’s three types of intelligence was creative intelligence. Whoever came up with the concept of a cell phone clearly had significant creative intelligence even if they did not have analytical intelligence because cell phones were at one time a novel and original idea.

The AP test scores give scores based on how well a student does compared

to how well a whole group did. This means the AP tests are standardized.

This woman is a good mother. If she took a test before she had a child and results indicated that she would be a good caretaker, the test would have

predictive validity.

If Morgan takes this test a second time and receives a score that is similar to her first score, then the test is most likely consistent in its measurement of students’


This ruler always measures inches correctly. This means that its

measurements are valid.

My mom eats ice cream because she is hungry. She is trying to satisfy her

hunger drive.

These people have maintained their current weight for most of their adult

lives. This may indicate that they have an above average set point.

This man is completely focused and lacks self awareness when he draws

because he loves it so much.

The idea of getting this little chocolate cake motivated my dad to walk to

walk to the fudge store. The mini cake was the incentive.

Caity’s test is triggering her blood pressure to rise. This in turn triggers her


Hearing that Julia and Colleen will be missing class triggers Miss

Corcoran’s blood pressure to rise while simultaneously experiencing anger.

Colleen is happy because she is smiling.

Because of Paul Ekman’s research we can tell that Marybeth’s smile is not a

real, or a Duchene smile.

For someone with nothing, shopping at Goodwill may seem great. For rich people, shopping at Goodwill would be subpar compared to shopping at the

fancy, expensive stores they usually like.

Though I have more than most people, I feel like I have nothing compared

to the princess that lives in this castle.

Because this girl is irritable, competitive, impatient, and aggressive, she

probably has a type A personality.

This machine checks and records patient blood pressure, heart

rate, temperature, and oxygen levels, all of which have to do with a person’s

physiological state.

These men’s ids seem to be in control and leading them to make bad decisions as they drink heavily. Their ids are encouraging them to seek immediate

gratification through their actions, such as drinking too much.

Jill experienced the spotlight effect when Mrs. Tyler called her out for doing her psych homework during English class. She overestimated the amount the other

students noticed that she’d been reprimanded and was embarrassed.

A patient is shown this image and asked to describe what they see. This is a projective test because the image is ambiguous, so anything they saw must come

from his/her subconscious.

These students are being driven by their superegos to study because it

provides discipline and standards for future aspirations.