Composting Presentation

Post on 25-Dec-2014

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How to compost

Transcript of Composting Presentation

Home Composting

Compost Bins

There are numerous types of compost bin

They can all work just as well as each other

3 Main Steps to Composting

Step One - Placing your bin

Step Two - What can go in

Step Three - Making good compost

Step One - Placing your bin

The bins are best sited on a level, well drained spot

This allows excess water to drain out This allows better aeration Worms can get in easier Placing a compost bin in a partially

sunny spot can help speed up the composting process

Step Two - What can go in? The compost bin relies on what you put in

Vegetable peelings Fruit waste Tea bags Plant clippings Grass cuttings

These items are considered “Greens”. These provide

nitrogen and moisture to the compost heap.

Step Two - What can go in?

What else can go in?

Cardboard Egg boxes Scrunched up paper Fallen leaves

These are called “Browns”. They rot a lot slower and

provide fibre and carbon. This material also allows

pockets of air to form.

What Cant go in?

x No cooked food No diseased plants No animal faeces No nappies Limit the amount of leaves

Step Three - Making Good Compost

Essential to get the right mix This means right mix of Greens and

Browns If the compost mix is to wet then

add more browns If its to dry then add more greens Air can be added by adding

screwed up paper

Compost Essentials

Air Water Food

The items we add to the bin provide these. Air, water

and food are essential in order for the materials to break


The materials biodegrade, this means to rot down.

What else is in a compost bin?

Worms Beetles Ants Slugs Centipede Earwigs

The general rule is the more diversity of creatures in your compost bin the more quickly it will break down.

Worms and Beetles

Q. What do they do?

A. Worms eat away at the matter in the compost bin and break down the material. They also help to add air to the soil.

Beetles and Flies also eat away at the matter and work together to turn this waste into compost.

Problems with the mix

If there is not enough air in the compost bin then the

waste will become anaerobic.

Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen. This is when biodegradable waste will start to produce methane. Methane is a greenhouse gas which is contributing toward climate change.

Composting Quiz

Question 1

Which of the following should not be added to a

compost bin? (please select one).

Plastic bottle Grass Card Paper Egg Shells

Question 2

Do worms need to be added to a compost bin?



Question 3

It requires a lot of time and expensive equipment to

start composting.



Question 4

Moisture is necessary for the composting process to




Question 5

Anaerobic means in the absence of oxygen.



Question 6

Can leaves be put into a compost bin?



Question 7

Please select which items are examples of what we call

“Green” materials.



Vegetable peelings

Question 8

Please select which items are examples of “Brown”



Fruit peelings


Question 9

Please select which of the following is essential for

successful composting.

Air Moisture Food

Thank you for listening