Compliance Booster

Post on 17-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Compliance Booster

IntroducingILS Compliance Booster

I’m Tom Pharma.

Corporate training- what is it all about?

It’s not aboutskillsknowledgeperformanceor any of that stuff

It’s about getting it right

Getting that tick in the box

Before they get you

It’s aboutcompliance!

But is compliance training 100% reliable?

Now we can offer you something that is!


ILS Compliance Booster

One simple injection for each member of staff …

… provides a year’s knowledge, skills and attitudinal compliance

BeforeHave you finished

that Health and Safety module yet?

AfterMust go, darling,

I’ve just spotted a trip hazard!

Now we’ve managed to combine financial crime awareness, health and safety and equal opportunities vaccinations into one powerful triple dose!

It’s quick to administer andcost-effective.

It’s effectiveSay – you’re African

American! We’ve been working together for three months and I never even noticed!

(Thanks to ILS Equal Opportunities Compliance Booster!)

And when the authorities come knocking …

Or when litigation threatens …

A simple blood test from your staff proves that you provided all required training – you’re off the hook!

And your people will love itNo more hours

doing boring e-learning and stupid multiple choice tests!

We’re not resting on our laurels – we’re working on compliance sugarcubes …

… and our 2.0 enterprise viral version - where competence can be spread simply by sharing pens or shaking hands!

… gosh – I suddenly realise what a Money Laundering Reporting Officer does! How exciting!

So, calling all Compliance Officers

Don’t rely on haphazard overpriced time-intensive training that can’t be proven to work!

A little prick does the trick!

Compliance BoosterFrom ILS (Intravenous Learning Solutions)

Norman Lamont2010