complexogram cut sheet v1

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of complexogram cut sheet v1

your industry specialists


Electron provides new and advanced technologies in the medical industry by combining innovative ideas and highly experienced medical and engineering teams.

Our medical and development teams work closely together to deliver simple and effective solutions to fundamental health problems with a large focus on cardiology, haemodynamics and ophthalmology.

Our target is to provide innovative solutions in the medical market for the early detection and monitoring of various pathologies. Our medical devices allow clinicians to reduce diagnosis times and costs for hospitals and clinicians in different sectors in the medical care including: general practitioners (GPs), hosp i ta ls , p r i va te c l in ics , c r i t i ca l ca re , accidents and emergency, ambulances and more.

The ECG-Complexogram is a new electrocardiogram (ECG) monitor dedicated specifically to the early detection of coronary disease, myocardial infarction, and therefore acute coronary syndrome (ACS). It is very simple to apply it to the patient and the outcome of the readings is presented within seconds.

The financial impact, both on the NHS and the wider economy, is significant. Figures from 2009/10 suggest that, when direct healthcare expenditure is added to economic losses, the burden of ACS is approximately £3.6 billion per year.


Electron Solution’s Complexogram is quick and simple to use, perfectly suited to the busy medical environment; the patient does not require a stress ECG exam, they only need to sit or lay down still for only a few seconds.

Comp lexogram ana l ys i s ’s the da ta and presents the results in a very simple form; therefore, the clinicians do not need long extensive technical trainings to get used to the device.

The product has shown in the clinical trials how it can detect abnormalit ies and signs of myocardial infarction and coronary disease in a very few seconds from the start of the test. The architecture of the electronics mixed with the software make this device an essential tool to simplify the diagnosis for ACS.




In order to overcome the low sensitivity and specificity of the standard ECG and to increase its diagnostic power in assessing “silent” heart disease, Electron Solutions has designed a new, portable ECG device, named ECG- Complexogram, which is mainly dedicated to detecting myocardial infarction. Complexogram has been tested during clinical trials with real ECG data and has proven to increase the diagnostic skill of conventional ECG recorders.

The ECG-Complexogram uses high-definition and high-speed microelectronic components. Additionally, to simplify the reading of the results, the software analyses the incoming ECG data and provides a single index, which alerts the physician to evaluate more accurately the patient, particularly when the standard ECG is normal or ambiguous.

The Complexogram device is an innovative opportunity to provide the healthcare system with a new device which will allow clinicians to detect acute coronary syndrome (ACS) at early stages. Therefore saving people’s l ives, prevent ing them f rom deter io ra t ing and significantly reducing healthcare costs, which

annually increase due to the late detection of ACS.

The high level of innovation in this device will increase the sensitivity and specificity of the ECG to d iagnose such acute coronary syndromes as unstable angina and acute myoca rd i a l i n f a rc t i on , and t he seve re ventricular dysfunctions that current ECG machines might not identify or pick up – and therefore inducing the physicians to give a wrong evaluation of the patients’ symptoms. Hence, this device presents high commercial and scientific innovation. The latest ECG machines with automated software for the detection of heart beat anomalies can only detect general anomalies that are already visible to the cardiologists when they ana l yse the pa t i en ts ’ ECG waveforms. But none of them is able to detect early detections of ACS which would normally be hard to detect by good cardiologists; hence, the high interest from distributors and clinicians to our device.



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