COMPASS 10pm.docx  · Web viewSouth Wishaw Parish...

Post on 07-Mar-2018

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Transcript of COMPASS 10pm.docx  · Web viewSouth Wishaw Parish...

South Wishaw Parish Church

VISION STATEMENTWe endeavour to be a friendly and welcoming church which promotes God’s Kingdom within our Parish and

Community MISSION STATEMENTThat all members of our Congregation will engage in providing facilities and activities as will encourage

and attract people of all ages to participate in events where they may experience a welcoming Christian atmosphere encouraging the measurable growth of

our Church

The CompassDEC 2017 - MARCH. 2018

No. 53The Magazine of South Wishaw Parish

Church of ScotlandA record of where we have been and where we are


SWPC COFFEE MORNINGThis year’s Charity Coffee Morning was held on Saturday 2nd September 2017 between 10am and 12noon.

As was said prior to the Coffee Morning none of us knows if, or when, we will be needing the support of this Charity. We probably all know someone who has benefitted from the care and attention offered and freely given by the dedicated Nurses involved.

Over the past few years we have given them our financial support through this venture and the help has been gratefully received.

This year we secured an undertaking that anything we raise will be used in the work undertake in Lanarkshire.

The Grand Total raised this year was £927 a great achievement

We are a fantastic congregation when it comes to important fundraising and support. Please, for the sake of those who need Macmillan’s Support, don’t ever change!! Every year we think we can’t possibly get as much money as last year and almost every year we do. In the present financial climate it is truly superb. Here’s to next year!!?? ( JD)

Saint Andrews Hospice Capital AppealWe have received a letter of grateful thanks from the Hospice for the sum, in excess of £1300, we raised at the Saturday Night Live concert given by the City of Glasgpw Accordian Band. Again we wish to thank everyone who helped make that evening the fantastic evening it was. Another great SWPC Charity Event to help such a worthy cause.

COMMUNION: The Morning Communion Services on 3rd December will be at 11am and the Afternoon Service will be at 3.30pm.

This is to allow our Monthly NOW CHURCH to run from 2pm until 3.15pm giving time for the Minister to be available for both


GuildFellowshipSharing CircleKingdom KidsLife Group (Thursday)Wednesday WelcomeNow Church

8th January 2018 7.30pm8th January 2018 7.30pm11th January 2018 12.30 – Lunch Day7th January 2018 11am11th January 2018 8pm10th January 1.30pm7th January 2018 (Lunch 1.30pm)


Name Address Date of FuneralMima Dobble Airbles Road Centre 20/11/17

“In my Father’s House are many mansions”


Name Address DateSophie Lang Kirk Road 26th November 2017

“The Lord Bless You and Keep You”

_Church Register:

ONCE A MONTH CLUBThis venture, started to augment the success of our summer and Easter Holiday Clubs, was started in October of 2017.

We had 30 children who came along and we ran the day along similar lines of our Holiday Clubs and fall into the existing Holiday Club age range i.e. anyone in P1 to P7 of the current school year.

We intend to run the Club on the third Sunday afternoon of each month with Club Type activities on one month and showing a Full Length film, suitable for the Clubs age range, on alternate months.

The first of our Film afternoons was on 19th November when the film Nativity 3 will be shown.

The Existing Holiday Club Team is at present running the OAMC but we really need to expand this Team in order to prevent burn out. If you can give a couple of hours once a month on a Sunday afternoon this would be a great help and would be much appreciated.

Contact any of the Holiday Club Team Staff.

The next club will have a Christmas Activities Theme and is on Sunday 17th

December between 2 and 4 pm.

The new session commenced on Sunday 20th August. After a very successful holiday club, it is important we carry on with the fun atmosphere created in that Club. This will require a session with contemporary worship songs, art and crafts activity, Bible teaching and a game, which follows the church lectionary, and therefore will be based on the same theme as adults will be receiving in church.

We need to give a huge thanks to the faithful leaders and helpers who help with our KINGDOM KIDS PROGRAMME

The THURSDAY LIFE GROUP continues to operate on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 7.30 to 9.30pm in the Church Lounge, Tea and biscuits in abundance! There is a steady attendance of members but always room for more! Come along for fellowship, open and honest conversations and prayer. There is no ‘expert’ in

the group, just a collection of people who want to grow more in their personal faith


Not been at the Saturday Cafeteria recently?Why not drop in and sample the new menu, in addition to the old and trusted favourites

Fancy a change from a Chapman’s pie? Well now you can have Salad filled rolls, Scrambled egg on

Toast, A Bacon filled Roll, you can even add a side portion of beans with a pie or why not beans on toast? And, of course, you may wash this all down with Tea (decaffed if you want), Coffee or even a Cappuccino; Of course you will also find a large variety of home baking available, all freshly made.Why not come along and enjoy a wee blether with others from the Church and Community.

Saturday Mornings between 10am and 1pm. You will be most welcome

Prismatic Wind ConcertDoes that sound a bit High Brow to you

for Wishae? Well you are not alone. In fact when our Organist, Robert Neweth, suggested that he arrange such a concert there were a few raised

eyebrows. The Event was held and it turned out to be a most pleasant evening. We listened to very talented young musicians, all masters of their instruments, as they made there way through a very interesting and varied programme. Much to Robert’s surprise around

55 people turned up and all voted the event a rousing success.Well done Robert.


Our Gift Service, for Women’s Aid, is being held on Sunday 26 th November 2017. The generousity of the SWPC Congregation in our giving of Gifts suitable for Women and their Children who find themselves in difficult circumstances at Christmas is always greatly appreciated by the recipients.

As usual, we are looking for your generous support and any gifts you feel able to give should be brought to the Service on 26 th November each labelled with an indication as to whom the gift would be suitable i.e. Woman, Boy Child (Aged ?), Girl Child (Aged ?) and place in the allocated place in the Church on that day.

Once again our grateful thanks to all who give this valuable help at Christmas.


The Sharing Circle continues to meet every Thursday at 1.30pm. Although our numbers have dropped we still have our faithful members but we would not object to you joining with us. Our next venture is our Christmas Dinner in the Wishaw Golf Club. Perhaps we might have the pleasure of your Company in mid-January (ID)

EXPLORING THE GOD QUESTIONAround a dozen of our members spent 6 weeks in September/October 2017 watching a series of Video presentations that asked us to

Consider the Wonder! i.e. Of our being Ask the Questions! I.e Of how everything came about Decide: Chance or intention? i.e Is our existence just a freak?

We saw world renowned theists and atheists explore and evaluate the evidence for and against the existence of God.

Each night we had a discussion following the video and some great points were aired by all those in attendance. Did it change or enhance our own beliefs. You’d have to ask those who attended. But one thing was clear: it made us all think.

Church Roll Review 2017

The Review of the church roll was finally completed in September, the final figures were as follows:-

Number of members requesting transfer to the Supplementary Roll was 33

Number members requesting deletion from the roll was 22

Number of transfers to other churches was 2

Number of letters sent out to which we received no reply was 48

This totalled 105 members who were removed for the above reasons.

At the beginning of the year the number on the roll was 396

No. of persons who joined 10

No. of person who died: 8

No. of persons transferred: 2

No. on roll prior to review: 397

The current total on roll: 291

We wish to thank all members for their cooperation in this exercise and particularly the pastoral visitors






4th Wishaw Scout Group

The group has been very busy since we started back in August. Cubs & Scouts attended a camp at The Craigs Scout Camp site in Torphichen. Everyone who attended had a

great time learning new skills and taking part in outdoor activities; and we all enjoyed the camp fire on Saturday evening where the youngsters learnt camp fire songs from other groups.

In September the group had the celebration of 90 years of Scouts in this church Cubs were started 3 years later and Beavers in 1989. This celebration was attended by members past and current, it was fabulous to see old acquaintances renewing their friendships, we had visitors from as far apart as Isla & Inverness and one gentleman travelled from Holland to join us. Lots of memorabilia was available for folk to reminisce over and a great evening was had by all. Thanks must go to Terry for his support and also to Sabah and Liz Main for their invaluable help in the kitchen, also to Chapmans Butchers for their ongoing support.

The Calder District swimming gala took place on Saturday 11 th November and 4th Wishaw was represented in all sections. Huge congratulations to our Beavers who won best overall Beaver Colony.

The group continues to grow and all sections are flourishing. Beavers meet on Mondays 6.30 – 7.45 Cubs on Fridays 6.30 - 8 and Scouts on Fridays from 7- 9. If you know of any boys or girls who wish to join the group please encourage them to come along on the appropriate evening and try Scouting.

If anyone has any enquiries about the group please feel free to contact me.

Ian Lindsay

Group Scout Leader

Remembrance Sunday Service 2017

Our Annual Remembrance Sunday Service attracted a near capacity Church attendance at Morning Worship on that day.

We were welcomed to the Service by the Session Clerk who made a point of also welcoming the Boys and Girls from the Guide and Scout Groups who meet in our Church.

A special welcome was also expressed to the Coalburn Silver Band who led our praise as they have done since the Union in 2004 and for many years prior to that in the former Thornlie Church.

The Congregational Wreath was laid by Mr Jim Smellie in

a very dignified manner as befitted the occasion as did the Scout and Guide members who laid wreaths on behalf of their respective Groups

Bang on 11am our Minister, Rev Terry Moran, read the Tryst followed by a bugler from the Band playing, very effectively, the Last Post. The Congregation then stood in Silence for 2 minutes and not a sound was heard. Reveille was sounded to mark the end of the Silence followed by a Prayer which marked the end of the Act of Remembrance. A very moving experience.

The Service then followed our usual Sunday Worship pattern but with the emphasis on remembering those who gave their lives in the cause of freedom. The Prayers of Intercession that day specifically reflecting what we were all felling. Our thanks to Agnes Irvine who led these prayers on that day.

The Scripture Readings were capably read by a young member of the Scout Group and by a girl from the Guide Group. Both readers doing a great job in front of the very large attendance.

The Minister’s Sermon was delivered in Terry’s usual style leaving us all quite moved and, as always, we were left to ponder what we had heard and challenged to try and remember our Christian commitment to forgive others even when we feel badly aggrieved.

Many people have commented very favourably on the Service which was a joy to attend. Thanks to all involved. The Congregational singing was inspiring and our National Anthem sung with great gusto. (Anon)


The town Act of Remembrance took place at 1pm on Remembrance Sunday at the War Memorials in Belhaven Park.

The picture shows the Memorial to the Lanarkshire Yeomentry and this is where the wreaths were placed on that day.

The short Service was attended by around 60 people and was conducted by our Minister Rev Terry Moran. The attendance was perhaps a disappointing turn out but publicity for the event leaves a great deal to be desired and needs to addressed.

Wreaths were laid by various persons representing differing groups but, for example, there was none from Local Churches. Perhaps a place for Wishaw Churches together getting involved


The GuildThe Guild has almost reached the end of the first part of this session. This year’s Theme is the last year of the three year plan “Be bold Be strong” and is titled “Go in Love.” The theme was introduced by our minister Rev Terry Moran which got us off to a good start that has been followed by

speakers telling us of experiences singing at weddings with a big band, an insight to the regime at Shotts prison, a local initiative to help farmers in Northern Malawi, a Guild project to help a charity dealing with people with learning difficulties and a trip to the island of Harris and Lewis via a slide show. We now look forward to our Coffee Evening and some Crafts before our Christmas dinner with the Fellowship.

The second half of the session starts on 8th January when again we will be entertained and informed of the work of the Food Bank, dealing with Offenders in London, Project in Haiti, Community Policing, Recovering From Cancer, Massage, Use It or Lose It, there are also three nights when we will be entertained by various groups and these will be announced in the church.

Come along and join us in the Session Room on a Monday night at 7.30. In addition to our speakers there is the statutory tea or coffee and time for a chat. Come along you will be very welcome.

The first meeting of our New Session was on 2nd October when the speaker was Roy Preston who gave us a talk on photography. He described the equipment he used and showed us excellent photographs of people and birds explaining the technique he used to take them.

The next meeting was an afternoon visit to the Motherwell Fire Station of the Scottish Fire and Rescue. We were welcomed by the Red Shift Manager, Ross Hamilton who introduced us to three firefighters. At the time of the visit there was one fire engine and a rescue vehicle in the station. The fire engine was equipped with extending ladders capable of reaching seven storeys. The platform at the top carried a large nozzle to drench fires. The fire engine carries 1,400 litres of water, foam, fire extinguishers, breathing apparatus, stretcher, defibrillator and a tray of equipment for taking into tower blocks. Rescue comprises about half of the work of the service and the area covered by the Motherwell rescue vehicle, with its trailer mounted rigid inflatable boat, includes Dumfries. Special lifejackets are supplied to assist rescuers when swimming.

On 30th October Robert McGill talked about the Kruger National Park in South Africa which was founded in 1902 and covers 4,700 square miles (about the size of Wales). One day Robert saw an elephant in the pool of his cottage drinking water. In addition to the wide variety of animals, visitors are attracted by the 400 species of birds and 150 migratory species. He described a beautiful country with many attractions but there is a political party which wants whites removed from South Africa and consequently there has been a series of farm murders reaching 64 in 2015. The farmers are protesting by blocking roads and on the day of the talks Johannesburg was brought to a standstill.

A short DVD of the countryside was shown. (A McC)

PASTORAL VISITING CHANGESThe Pastoral Visitor who has delivered to you a Communion Card (if you attended the last Communion) and the latest edition of our Church MagazineYou should be aware that the reasons for this are:

1. Communion Cards are no longer required to be issued by the Church of Scotland

2. Our Church Magazine ‘The Compass’ will be available for uplifting from the Church, on a quarterly basis, on Communion Sundays or it may be downloaded from our Church Web Site Alternatively, if we have your email address it can be sent to you for viewing or printing at your convenience.

3. Please note that your Pastoral Visitor may well continue to visit you by mutual consent. Your Pastoral Visitor’s phone Number is


4. We have a ‘NOW CHURCH SERVICE’ on the 1st Sunday afternoon of each month and changing the Communion afternoon Service to a Wednesday at 12 noon clears a time window for our Minister to be available to conduct both Services and keeps the afternoon option for Communion for those who prefer the less formal and shorter Service.

5. We will be forming a Pastoral Visiting Team for anyone who may be housebound or infirmed and Care Homes and hospital visits.

6. The Minister will, of course, continue visiting the bereaved and carry out Home Communion visits, on a Rota basis, Hospital Visits and to offer pastoral care to members and adherents. This, of course, can only happen if he is aware of your circumstances.

Communion Services will, from January 2018, be held on the first Sunday of each month at 11am. Sunday afternoon Services will be discontinued from the same date and be replaced by a Communion Service on the third Wednesday of each month at 12 noon. The Service on Wednesdays only lasts an hour and is followed by lunch which you would be welcome to attend.

Church Contact Numbers

MINISTER:Rev Terry Moran

3 Walter Street -767459Mobile: 07766007171

Church 375306

PROFS ACTION GROUPProperty, Finance and Stewardship

John McGeary381579

Session ClerkJohn Irvine,

59 Coltness Road – 381512Mobile: 07941 193543

FACE ACTION GROUPFundraising, Activities

Communication, and EventsLesley Mitchell


Depute Session Clerk -Jean Dawson

27 Louisville Avenue – 383380

MODE ACTION GROUPMission, Outreach, Discipleship and

EvangelismTerry Moran

Mobile: 07766 007171

Treasurer:Peter McLaughlan,

12 Hillfoot Gardens –07799 812529



Roll Keeper: Agnes Irvine,

59 Coltness Road - 381512

Compass EditorEmail:

01698 375306

Convener ofChurch Maintenance Team

Tom Dawson27 Louisville Avenue – 383380

Kingdom Kids and YouthSabah Moran

Mobile: 07741 300052

WFO EnvelopesRichard McIntyre

21 Avon Avenue, Carluke01555 770614

Gift AidBarbara Vincent

25 Mossland Drive – 384884

South Wishaw Parish Church WEB

There is a link to our Facebook Page on the contacts page of web site

Letter from the ManseHallowe’en, Guy Fawkes Night, Remembrance Sunday and now full-steam ahead towards Christmas! Of course before we get there we will have a number of events, parties and church services, all of which give us the opportunity to invite non-Christian friends and family to join with us as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and to consider for themselves whether his birth, life and death has meaning enough to change their thinking and their habits. Why do I say this? – Well, the church will only grow in numbers if we invite people to join us. Surely that much is obvious. And they will only stay if they find a reason to do so beyond our nagging or pleading with them simply because we are concerned about our future. It’s their future that matters – their eternal destiny! Ours is already assured through our faith in the resurrected Jesus, the Son of the living God. Our task as believers and followers of Jesus Christ (see Matthew 28:16-20 The Great Commission) is to get alongside people and share with them the truly good news that everyone celebrates at Christmas time. And what better opportunity to do so than to invite them to one or more of the many activities that you will read about in this magazine. But there’s a problem. The problem is that few who profess to be Christians, even those who attend a church regularly, really believe Christmas to be anything more than a good story around which we hang a winter holiday season. No wonder churches are emptying throughout our nation! So what about you? What do you really believe about the Christmas story? And what difference does it make to the way in which you live and share your life story with others? If you are not sure, may I invite you to attend one or all of the events and services we have planned over the next few weeks? And if you are sure, can I encourage you to invite others to do so, for the sake of the continuation – nay, the growth of the kingdom of God in this town of Wishaw and its surrounding communities.Have a blessed Christmas and New Year.Your brother in Christ,




The first Sunday of every month NEXT MEETING 3rd December

2pm or 1pm for Lunch----------------------------

Are you looking for a more meaningful experience of worship? Are you eager to sense God’s Spirit moving in and through your life? Then NOW! CHURCH is for you.

NOW! CHURCH is a contemporary expression of Christianity with high-

energy worship music, a powerful message you can apply to your life and an

opportunity to build lasting friendships.

Venue: South Wishaw Parish Church (hall)East Academy Street, Wishaw ML2 8BG

Time: 2.00-3.30pm(Come early for lunch at 1.00pm)

For more information call: Terry on 07766 007 171





East Academy Street

Wishaw ML2 7DG

01698 375306


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in South Wishaw Parish Church



Wednesday Welcome1.30pm-3.30pm

In South Wishaw Church HallProgramme for Nov/Dec 2017

15th: Film: Jolson Sings again22nd Nov. Entertainer

29th Nov:Christmas Crafts6th Dec: Christmas Karaoke

(Sing a Long Christmas Songs. You won’t be asked to sing solo: (but you can if you wish)

13th: Christmas Party (with Lunch)We restart on 10th January 2018

Wednesday Welcome is a social activity

running throughout most of the year.

There is something to please everyone withbig-screen movies, bingo, seated keep-fit, entertainers,

line-dancing, crafts & card making and much more.

All for only £2.00 per week (incl tea & goodies!) So why not join us for some fun and friendship

– You will be made to feel most welcome.

Our lunchtime mid-week service is held each Wednesday between 12.00 pm and 12.30 pm

and is a more informal gathering than our Sunday services. 

All are welcome to attend, particularly those who live or work nearby and would

like to join us for a few minutes away from the busyness of life.

After the service you are welcome to join us in the Hall for a light lunch.

South Wishaw Parish Church hall East Academy Street Wishaw ML2 8BG

NATIONAL STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN(We make no apology for reprinting this)

As a Congregation of the Church of Scotland we are obliged to participate in The National Stewardship Campaign.

The programme is a result of a General Assembly Instruction in 2011. The programme offers resources for congregations as they teach and encourage their members in the giving of their time, talents and money to maintain and resource the mission and ministry of the Church of Scotland. Congregations are encouraged to have stewardship on the agenda of every Kirk Session meeting. This is vital in helping us cultivate our gifts, share them sacrificially and return them to God with increase.

In order that the Congregation may be aware as to where we can use our TIME and TALENTS, which we ALL have, there is printed below some areas where we can use our TIME and TALENTS in the Service of our Church

CAFETERIA TEAM Requires us to be involved from 10am until 1pm once in a five week cycle. Or we could bake some cakes on a regular

basisCLEANING TEAM Once every 5 weeks (even less if we can extend the

numbers involved) for 2 hours a week

Sunday Teas Once every 5 weeks at the moment to set up before a Service and to serve and clean up afterwards

Maintenance Team To offer your services in areas of DIY as necessary and as your skill permits

Welcoming Team Greet members and visitors at the Church Door distribute Orders of Service and take up the Offerings. Rota Duty

Magazine Production Word Processing skill is necessary. A couple of days every 3 months to help with the Compass Production

Bible Reading Read the selected Bible passages during the Service on Sundays. Adequate prior notice is given of the passages.

Prayers of Intercession

Lead the Church Prayers of Intercession during the Service. You may draw these up yourself or use the books that are

available. Once every few weeksFlower Delivery Enjoy seeing the pleasure when the Church Flowers are

delivered to the Housebound or bereaved members. ROTA