Comparison of SW flux profiles from CERES TRMM and …4/25/07 CERES STM 1 Comparison of SW flux...

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4/25/07 CERES STM 1

Comparison of SW flux profilesfrom CERES TRMM and Hadley GEM

Wenying SuScience Systems Applications Inc. Hampton VA

Alejandro BodasMet Office, Hadley Center for Climate Change, Exeter UK

Tom CharlockNASA Langley Research center, Hampton VA

4/25/07 CERES STM 2


• CERES TRMM FSW: monthly gridded radiative

fluxes and clouds;

• Hadley Center Global Environmental Model: AMIP

(Atmospheric Model Intercomparison Project) run;

• July 1998: clear and all sky.

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TRMM Diurnal Sampling Adjustment

• To adjust the TRMMdiurnal sampling issue,for each CSZA bin:

• Monthly mean flux:







F =1






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TRMM Diurnal Sampling Adjustment(cont’d)

• The CSZA weighting is not perfect;

• The TOA SW downwelling flux for a given latitude

still fluctuates a few watts across the longitude;

• Introducing a factor to scale the TRMM FSW TOA

downwelling flux to be equal to that of Hadely


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Validity of the Method

• The true monthly mean: run Fu-Liou model every 10minutes for a month for clear and cloudyconditions;

• The TRMM-style monthly mean: randomly pick afew samples every day from the Fu-Liou modelruns;– Sample number ranging from 60 to 300;

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Flux Difference Histogram

every bin is filled one bin is missing

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1. Northern Africa2. Red Sea3. Saudi and Oman4. Arabian Sea5. India6. Bay of Bengal7. Burma and Vietnam8. South China Sea and Pacific9. Mexico10. Gulf of Mexico and Cancun11. Caribbean Sea and Cuba12. Atlantic

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Surface albedo comparison



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Clear Sky TOA Albedo comparison 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 1

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Clear Sky Downward SW Flux

70 hPa 200 hPa

500 hPa Sfc

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MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth

Generated by Giovanni

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Aerosol forcing from SARB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 1

1. Northern Africa2. Red Sea3. Saudi and Oman4. Arabian Sea5. India6. Bay of Bengal7. Burma and Vietnam8. South China Sea and Pacific9. Mexico10. Gulf of Mexico and Cancun11. Caribbean Sea and Cuba12. Atlantic

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Clear Sky Heating Rate

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Clear Sky Heating Rate: Sfc to TOA

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All Sky TOA Albedo Comparison

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All Sky Downward SW Flux

70 hPa 200 hPa

500 hPa Sfc

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All Sky Heating Rate

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All Sky Heating Rate: Sfc toTOA

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Conclusions• The CSZA weighting method corrects the TRMM diurnal

cycle very well;• TRMM’s surface albedo is smaller than that of the model,

except over northern Africa;• For clear sky, TRMM flux is smaller than model flux at 70,

200, 500 hPa and surface. There is no longitudal variationfor 70 and 200 hPa, but for 500 hPa and surface, thedifference between TRMM and model is very large overnorthern Africa;

• For cloudy sky, TRMM and model flux agree well at 70 hPa.TRMM flux is smaller than model flux over the northernAfrica, the Arabian sea, and the Atlantic Ocean, and agreewell over the Pacific Ocean at 200, 500 hPa and surface.

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Backup Slides

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1. Northern Africa2. Rea Sea3. Saudi and Oman4. Arabian Sea5. India6. Bay of Bengal7. Burma and Vietnam8. South China Sea and Pacific9. Mexico10. Gulf of Mexico and Cancun11. Caribbean Sea and Cuba12. Atlantic

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 1

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Green is coarse mode aerosol!

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Clear Sky Downward SW Flux Difference

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Clear Sky Transmittance: @200 hPa

1. Northern Africa2. Rea Sea3. Saudi and Oman4. Arabian Sea5. India6. Bay of Bengal7. Burma and Vietnam8. South China Sea and Pacific9. Mexico10. Gulf of Mexico and Cancun11. Caribbean Sea and Cuba12. Atlantic

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 12 1

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Clear Sky Transmittance

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Clear Sky Heating Rate Difference

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All Sky Transmittance

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All Sky Downward SW Flux Difference

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All Sky Heating Rate Difference