Company Info

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Company Info

Preview Site Bugs

Add the stage of company to

drop down Menu

Should have a zip code here.

Same pic but different than

previous slide. And the full list of

members is not here.

On the “information Section” we should have a cutoff on the page and whatever

information is below it will have a scroll-down. (Can explain

to you when you read this)

Added a article to the “Investor Updates” on the vertical page when I sign-in as admin and

does not show up when I sign-in as an

investor and does not show up after I come

back later to site

When you click the investor sign up button, the new intro page does

not come up

Should have a way to sign in

when you first come to

the site instead of

having to go through the Admin side.

I get this page when I click on the “offerings”

tab on homepage

When you send a message, there is no confirmation

that it was sent. So ken kept clicking the send button and was sent 3


Once you read a message, this

should show that there are no messages

left in the inbox

Should have cut off on the page and it turns

into a scroll down

This is what I see when I sign in as


This is what I see when I sign in as investor under

the deal page

When I click on “Deal

Documents” it sends me to blank


All the news filtered here from CogRX and AboutOne, is

showing on dashboard but not

showing on the deal page news.

When I click the date, it shows up here.

No edit button

There should be place to

put zip code in

The vertical news should not be under the

Company news section of the deal page.

Media from another company should not be on a different company

There should be an area to add the link to the video.

Who is going to be the admin? Will we have the

functionality to choose an investor as being the


Can you explain pipeline? What is

difference between that and the list of companies

on this page

When will the new status

update form be through


Should you be able to update status

when your signed in as the super

admin when editing a company?

Or should you be only able to update status when your

signed in as investor?

When you click on the profile, it just

refreshes the page.

When I click on the event, it should

populate the event.

Should be a link where to add

the video

When I click on the event, it does not open up and there should be a cut off

with description.

Can you explain active deals? When does the

news populate onto your dashboard?

Should be ProSeeder Error message.

Status bar should

match the standard

Should be like this status bar

The bar does not move when you

either softcircle or commit money

For the GS site, we do not want to have

“offerings” in the bar. And format should be moved up in the silver


Have these 2 sections (Deal Post and Group

Post) section just called “Posts.” Should have

break down of Deal Posts and Group Post included within this section. And the sections should be

bigger size.

Lets Discuss the dropdown and what should be

included in Search area

Maybe say “Select

Search” and then they select the dropdown

This search should be in

the “Deal Room” and

here should just say “Search Documents”

Should have an “Add

Document” button for investors

You should be able to click anywhere to get to the Deal page for that

company and no have to click on the company


There are 2 dollar signs.

Need to change the stages from Levels

to Series.