Community Sector Training - Southern Health and …. Community Sector Training Team ... This report...

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Transcript of Community Sector Training - Southern Health and …. Community Sector Training Team ... This report...

Annual Report






CONTENT Introduction…………………………………………………………. 3

Summary of Achievements 2009/10…………………………..… 4

Structure of the Project …………………………………………… 5

Part 1: Child Protection Training Programme ............................................................... 7

Training Delivered ................................................................... 8

Evaluation ............................................................................... 9

Indicators of Success ..............................................................10

Outcomes for the Community .................................................11

Post Training Evaluation .........................................................13

Part 2: A Community Development Approach to Health Issues in Northern Ireland

Delivery of Training ................................................................16


The Future...............................................................................20

Appendices 1. Management Group. 2. Community Sector Training Team 3. Community Reference Groups 4. Breakdown of Groups Trained in Child Protection 5. Categories of Groups Trained, Graph, Pie-Chart and Map 6. Community Development Approach to Health Training



INTRODUCTION This report provides a summary of the Community Sector Training (CST) programme in 2009/10. CST is an integral part of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust’s (SHSCT) Promoting Wellbeing Department focused on:

• Improving health and wellbeing

• Reducing health inequalities

• Working in partnership with community, voluntary, statutory and public sector agencies to maximise health improvement and user involvement.

The mission statement of the CST Project is: ‘To improve health and wellbeing by sharing expertise through community education.’ Community Development and involvement is central to health improvement and the work to reduce health inequality. Working in partnership with local groups and communities to identify needs, develop capacity and resource and plan and develop services are key elements within this work. The CST programme seeks to build knowledge, skill, capacity and resource that will assist local groups, organisations and partners to maximise their role in this work. An external Evaluation Report was completed in 2009, which stated that an important outcome for the Project was its: ‘demonstration of a model of good practice in terms of effective community engagement and of the value of a partnership approach between organisations and sectors.’ CST provides training in a way which is developmental and empowering, offering the community sector a shared knowledge base from which to work with the statutory and voluntary sectors. The positive evaluation also underlined the ‘evidence of added value to Health and Social Services’ provided by CST and its cost effective model of working. This Annual Report will concentrate on a summary of this year’s achievements, resources and impact.


SUMMARY OF ACHIEVEMENTS 2009/10 This year the Annual Report is brought up to date with the commissioning cycle to March 2010, but including information on the groups trained from July 2008 to March 09. From July 2008 to March 2010 CST has provided Child Protection and good practice training, including training in the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995 to 1304 participants in the SHSCT area. This involved a total of 95 courses provided to 261 organisations. These included two Designated Person’s course delivered to participants from thirteen groups. In total, approximately 7,300 participants have received Child Protection training in the Trust’s area since 2000. CST also provides training in Community Development Approaches in Health and has provided tailored courses to 8 groups during this period.

CST continues to aim to reach new groups and groups that have never had training before. Refresher Courses are provided for groups who were trained more than three years ago. There is also return need from groups with new members/volunteers. We have seen an increased interest from sports groups, arts based groups and various BME groups. Other groups trained by CST include community associations, community development groups, church groups, sports’ groups, bands’ groups early year’s groups and youth groups. The community development approach in the training, involving close liaison with groups to suit their needs, is crucial to successful engagement with them. The networking opportunity provided by bringing groups together, as well as the exchange of information and shared learning, is very much appreciated by the participants. A group from Drumellan, Craigavon completed the Open College Network’s (OCNNI) accredited version of the course, and gained eighteen credits at Level Two. For this participants are required to undertake a significant amount of home study and complete a portfolio. Programme evaluation with participants and groups has highlighted the value of training in relation to supporting groups in their practice, building confident communities that are able to protect the children they work with and undertake a wide range of activities successfully and safely.


STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT The Project Management Structure within SHSCT area is as follows:

The role of the Management Group is as follows:

• Strategic Management.

• Decisions on direction and development of project.

• Decisions regarding community training needs and access.

• Formal links to Child Protection Panel

• Links to Promoting Wellbeing locality teams and to community sector representatives.

• Dissemination of monitoring evaluation and outcomes of the project to Trust, Board, Community and Voluntary Sectors.

The Management Group meets quarterly, and since 2004 has strengthened broad based representation from community, which is vital in the successful engagement of the community in the Project. (The current membership of the Management Group is listed in Appendix 1). The Project Manager and Administrator facilitate and support the CST training team (Appendix 2).

Diagram 1: CST Project Management Structure

*The Head of Service reports to the Assistant Director of Promoting Wellbeing.

Management Group

Head of User Involvement and Professional Lead for Community


Project Manager Administrator

Community Reference Groups in each locality in an advisory capacity.


Community Reference Groups (CRGs) The CRGs based in the three localities of the Trust have helped extend the project and develop existing links within the community. They have brought the training to the attention of a wider range of local community groups. At the CRG meetings, evaluations from courses are available to the group. The CRGs also look closely at gaps in those receiving training in their locality, and develop plans to address these. They also provide a networking opportunity for groups in the locality areas. Participants of CST’s courses are welcome to join the CRGs if they wish. The membership of the CRGs is detailed in Appendix 3 CST representation on other fora CST has been represented on a number of relevant coordinating bodies such as the Southern Area Child Protection Committee’s Education and Training Sub Group, the Regional Child Protection Co-Ordination Forum, the Craigavon and Banbridge Community Forum. This year the Project Manager joined the Protect Life Training Advisory Group and is joining the Investing for Health Education and Lifeskills sub group. As the External Evaluators discovered these contacts improve ‘strategic linkages, informing training content and maintaining the currency and relevance of training’.



Training Programme

Courses offered by CST include the Six-Session Course in Child Protection Awareness and the Children (Northern Ireland) Order. Trainers can also provide an additional session on policy development, to help groups finalise their own policies and procedures, once a group has completed the course. The sessions are as follows: Module 1 - Basic Child Protection Awareness Module 2 - Policy & Procedure Module 3 - Children (NI) Order (1995) Module 4 - Protecting Yourself Module 5 - Recruitment, Selection & Supervision of Staff/Volunteers Module 6 - Keeping Children Safe on Residentials Two additional courses are also available: 1) Parents’ Course – Keeping Children Safe in today’s world 2) Designated Persons’ Course The Southern Health and Social Services Board developed the module on the Children’s Order. The other modules were adapted from the training pack ‘Keeping Safe’ which was developed by ‘Away from Home and Safe’ and the Northern Ireland Volunteer Development Agency. The training pack has been updated to include new statistical material from the Southern Area Child Protection Committee and PSNI, new scenarios and information on the Vetting and Barring Scheme and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). Open College Network Accreditation The Child Protection Course is accredited with Open College Network NI (OCNNI). The accredited course will be available for those groups or group members who are interested in gaining a recognised accreditation for personal development reasons. This year it was decided to highlight the benefit of the accredited course for those interested in a career in childcare or youth work, as a prelude to further study.


Participants from Drumellan Community Activity and Resource Centre who received Open College Network Level 2 certificates in CST’s Accredited Child Protection Course with trainers Elaine Wright, Michael McConville and Mary Murphy,


Training Delivered

For the year April, 2009 to March 2010, the breakdown of the Child Protection training provided to the three localities was as follows:

• 18 courses were held in Armagh and Dungannon for a total of

56 groups and 238 participants.

• 20 courses were held in Craigavon and Banbridge for a total of

42 groups and 259 participants.

• 19 courses were held in Newry and Mourne for a total of 41

groups and 235 participants.


Child Protection Training

0 50 100 150 200 250 300







Appendices 4 & 5 provide further information on the breakdown of groups trained.


Systematic evaluation and monitoring are an integral part of training courses. Evaluation of training provided was undertaken after each session and 2940 (100%) of the evaluations returned have been read and a random sample of 50% have been analysed for each module. The method of evaluation requires each participant to complete an evaluation form at the end of each module as well as a detailed final evaluation form. These were then analysed using Software Programmes for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Module

Evaluations analysed

1: Basic Child Protection Awareness 360

2: Policy and Procedures 326

3: Children (NI) Order (1995) 326

4: Code of Behaviour for Staff and Volunteers 313

5: Recruitment, Selection and Supervision 80

6: Awareness of Residential Issues 65


Indicators of Success

The following is a summary of the evaluations and positive outcomes for the community groups: As suggested by a couple of groups, CST will be able to provide the training using digital projectors, where the equipment is available to trainers/groups. In the External Evaluation process groups were asked to consider the aspects of the training they felt made it effective for them. The key responses highlighted the importance of the community based trainers:

• ‘the trainer was local and knew the area well’

• ‘opportunity to build the relationship with the trainer…’

• ‘there was time available for one-to-one help for each participant’

• ‘the trainer was approachable’

Members of Creggan Hall Management Group at Child Protection Training pictured with trainer Brenda Lennon.




















Above Average

Below Average

No Response


Outcomes for the Community

Module 1 - Basic Child Protection Awareness

• 98.3% of participants indicated that they would be able to define the term ‘abuse.’

• 97.5% of participants now felt they would be able to explain who can abuse.

• 96.9% of participants felt they would be able to identify signs/symptoms of concern.

• 93.6% of participants felt they could begin to develop guidelines for dealing with disclosures within their group.

Module 2 - Policy and Procedure

• 97.9% of participants felt they could help their group develop a child protection policy.

• 99.4% of participants felt that they knew what confidentiality in relation to Child Protection means.

• 99.1% felt that they had a better understanding of the procedures for disclosure.

• 97.9% of participants knew more about issues of support for staff/volunteers who report concerns/disclosures of abuse.

• 99.1% said that they now know how to record incidents/concerns.

Module 3 - Children Order

• 99.4% of participants felt that they know more about the aims of the Children Order.

• 99.1% of participants felt that they know more about ‘Children in Need.’

• 97.9% of participants felt that they understood what was meant by ‘family support’ and how this might affect community groups.

• 96.9% of participants are now aware of the role of Children's Services Planning.

Module 4 - Protecting Yourself

• 99.4% of participants had a clearer understanding of what is meant by self-protection for workers.

• 92.3% of participants felt they know more about developing a code of behaviour.

• 98.7% of participants felt they could develop a child centred approach in their work.

• 98.7% of participants felt they could now manage activities to ensure children are protected.


Module 5 - Recruitment, Selection and Supervision

• 100% of participants felt that they could identify the basic elements of the Recruitment and Selection process.

• 98.8% felt that they knew more about AccessNI.

• 98.8% of participants felt that they understood the purpose of supervision.

• 100% of participants felt that they could identify support systems available to them should a concern arise.

Module 6 - Keeping Children Safe on Residentials

• 98.5% of participants felt that they could now help their group identify key tasks when preparing for residentials.

• 95.4% of participants felt that they had a better awareness of issues specific to different types of residentials.

• 98.5% of participants felt that they had an understanding of policies and procedures relevant to residentials.

The primary outcome for the community is being made aware of child abuse and its effects, and being enabled to help in the prevention of abuse. Community groups are given they knowledge, through the provision of information about Family Support services available locally, to help parents and children access support in their areas before a situation reaches crisis point. The External Evaluation Report remarked on the ‘increased community awareness of Child Protection matters and positive impact on participating groups’ Child Protection policy development and practice.’

Members of Kinallen Rural Development Association with trainer Anne McCusker and Mary Murphy, Project Manager


Post Training Evaluation

There have been some measurable changes in the practice of groups due to the training. In a post training evaluation questionnaire 70% (20) of respondent groups stated that they made or were making substantial changes in the running/management of their groups as a direct result of the course. Those who did not make changes indicated that they already had policies and procedures in place, mostly through earlier training from CST, and this training highlighted the importance of these. Changes made included:

• New child protection policies developed and everyone involved made aware of them.

• Full Child Protection Policy plus supporting procedures.

• Appointment of Designated Officer.

• Policy and Procedure notices.

• Now aware of how to handle and report to authorities if required.

• New vetting procedures being put in place for all coaches via AccessNI.

• Child protection policies being revisited.

• When running events, new and improved safeguards were introduced.

• New staff members are now more aware of the reasons for policies.

• All staff members more confident about handling situations.

• With new policies and procedures in place events ran more smoothly and with confidence.

44% of the responding groups take children away on trips. Changes made as to how they prepare include; only people who have completed the training are allowed to supervise day trips/residentials; information received will be used in the setting up of new youth group in the community centre; check lists are now more informed; staff more aware and confident; improved knowledge and guidance for the volunteers; aware how problems could arise.


27% of the groups who responded undertook the Recruitment and Selection Module. Changes included; enhanced checks and background screening; policies will be reviewed and updated. 55% of the groups said that they would consider supervision for volunteers and staff. Reasons stated included; keep new members updated; due to the precarious nature of child supervision; as part of the support mechanism put in place for all volunteers/staff; to better protect the needs of the group. 89% of the groups who responded said that they would now feel confident in making a referral to social services. There is some fear of loss of anonymity if referring someone from the community. One group said that they would prefer to talk to the NSPCC first.

Members of Hartford Cultural and Community Development Association with trainer William Bradshaw

receiving certificates on completion of their Child Protection Training.


General comments received: ‘Broad knowledge of child protection based issues. Legislative framework. Good networking opportunities with other local providers. Confidence to deal with issues more professionally.’ Creggan Hall Management Committee ‘The training provided a great team building exercise for all involved.’ Special Needs & Parents, Kilkeel ‘The training brought us up to date with all the necessary and legal requirements to run a successful club and protect our members and volunteers.’ Kilmore Archery Club, Lurgan ‘Aware of Policies and Procedures, Aware of Guidelines. An excellent course and excellent tutor.’ Derrynoose Community Centre ‘Immense! Greater awareness of child safety and protection: ….need to ensure that we are very careful in our won appointments and practices.’ Conradh na Gaeilge Lurgan ‘Accessible training that is easy to organise and very accommodating to the needs of the groups involved.’ Craigavon Borough Council Rural Community Groups ‘Raised awareness of child protection issues ….Also gave useful guidelines on actions to take and what signs to be aware of.’ Banbridge Junior Rugby Football Club ‘Reiterated and made us more aware of potential problems faced with any organisation.’ Portmore Comhaltas (Refresher Course)



Delivery of Training

Since CST started to deliver the Community Development approaches to Health programme in Autumn 2002, - (in line with the Southern Health and Social Service Board’s Community Development Strategy 2000, and its Action Plan 2005 – 2009 to ‘promote community development values, principles and practice and the provision of training to the community and voluntary sectors’ in the Southern area) - the training in full or in part has been delivered to 56 community groups. During this period 600 people have undertaken training. This year the short themed courses were provided to 98 people in 8 groups with issues and materials chosen to suit the needs of the group. Appendix 6 provides details on the groups trained in-year.


This year the courses were individually tailored to suit the needs and interests of the groups involved. This approach means that the trainer takes a lead from the groups as the course progresses, and allows issues that arise to be dealt with as fully as possible in the time allocated. The groups were also alerted to their right to be involved under Personal and Public Involvement. The courses focussed on the Social Model of Health, raising awareness of the effects of social issues on the health of individuals and communities, and the positive impact of community engagement and collective action. The participants took the opportunity to discuss these issues and express their views in a supportive and encouraging environment. They reported an increase in their confidence and capacity to take action on some of these concerns, and plans to be more involved in their communities. The groups involved ranged from a group for people with a range of physical disabilities, a group with special needs, to a Travellers Advocate Group. Because of some literacy difficulties some of the


feedback was more oral and visual, using a wheel evaluation and group feedback with a care worker.

The feedback continues to be very positive. People enjoy the opportunity to discuss issues of interest, learn from each other and look at health and wellbeing from a different perspective. Participants report an increase in their confidence to participate in their communities and communities of interest. Participants’ overall assessment of this session Session 1 2 3 4 Excellent 55% 58.8% 57.1% 56.3% Good 45% 41.2% 42.9% 43.7% Average 0 0 0 0

Session 5 6 Short

Course Final

Evaluation Excellent 63.2% 76.5% 60% 42.9% V. Good - - - 42.8% Good 31.6% 17.6% 40% 14.3% Average 5.2% 5.9%. 0 0

Please Note: Final Course Evaluation only gave Very Good as an option

Participants Overall Assessment of Sessions




1 2 3 4 5 6












Very Good



Learning Outcomes Met

• 80% of participants could identify the medical & social models of health

• 80.7% could describe factors/determinants that could influence health


• 65.3% could state the difference between equality and equity

• 79.1% could understand the health divide

• 66.7% could describe the links between power and participation

• 67.9% could state the key principles of community development

• 75% could understand how health issues could be viewed from a community development perspective.

Participants were asked a number of questions at the end of the course: What were your expectations of this course? ‘To learn how to be more confident’ ‘To understand health issues and obtain contacts of organisations I may refer to’ ‘Guidance and support …in relation to accessing services’ ‘To learn how to keep ourselves healthy and safe’ Which sessions or activities did you enjoy the most? and Why? ‘Each individual sharing their thoughts’ ‘The talk on rural areas and how to stand up for your rights’ ‘Listening to the trainers stories’ ‘group work – each participant feels relaxed and confident to speak out especially during the case studies’ What do you think are the main things that you have learned from doing the course? ‘To keep going to the women’s group and learn more about my community’ ‘….People might listen to you more if you speak as a group instead of just one person’ ‘To become more confident’ ’positive action to take about making decisions’ ’Feel strong able to cope better, relate back to things I picked up’ What have you done differently as a result of your learning on the course? ‘We have asked the Manager in Prospects if we can do more sessions on healthy eating & exercise’ ‘I would be more sure of myself and to talk up’


Do you have any plans to use what you have learned here in your own work or in your community? Please give details. ‘Yes be more assertive’ ‘The women’s group are intending to start a community pharmacy project which will engage and encourage the Traveller community to take part. This community project will work with a local pharmacist and other local service providers to break down barriers on both sides’ ‘Would be interested in a more intensive specialised course’


The themes of this course continue to be relevant for the community sector. Materials will continue to be adapted to meet need. The external Evaluators stated that the benefits of the training included: ‘Added value to Health and Social Services in Promotion of community capacity including for positive user and public engagement’; ‘Promotion of community responses to the wider determinants of health through the provision of training based on a social model’; ‘Opportunity to capitalise on the model of working demonstrated by CST in order to address the effective communication of other key health and well-being messages.’ The Government’s initiative on Personal and Public Involvement (PPI) makes ‘engagement, active participation and partnership-working’ a statutory duty for the HPSS. Ensuring communities are informed of the issues and skilled up to be enabled to have a real voice in the promotion of wellbeing, and collective involvement in action to tackle problematic health issues is key to the Trust’s approach to PPI. The provision of the course has encouraged partnership working in the Southern Trust’s area, such as the link between Community Sector Training, and a range of statutory, voluntary and community partners. This approach has worked well to engage the community and promote social inclusion.


The External Evaluators gave some striking examples of the outcomes achieved in this training: ‘Movement on to higher education or further training’ ‘New or increased involvement in community projects’ ‘Improvement in employment prospects and examples of individuals enjoying increased job-mobility’ ‘Increased political awareness and increased involvement in local community action’ This year although the courses run were of short duration, they have sparked some very positive action:

• One group got involved in becoming advocates for their own community.

• One group involving participants with learning disabilities requested more sessions on healthy eating and exercise.

• One carer’s group was strengthened by the training resolving to be more assertive.

• A women’s group are intending to start a community pharmacy project.

• Participants got involved in an operational group for their sector. This training helps to encourage and enable participation and citizenship by promoting the confidence and capacity of local groups to participate in efforts to enhance the health and wellbeing of their local community, and address underlying issues which adversely affect it. It aims to be part of the skills building of groups to enable their involvement in the development of health and social care services.

The Future

The recent External Report concludes that CST is a model of partnership working between the community, voluntary and statutory sectors, which should continue; and influence other programmes aiming to engage with the community

The CST Management Group has undertaken a review of its role and responsibilities with an aim of ‘strengthening of the partnership’s identity and purpose.’ In a post evaluation workshop an action plan has been put together by the Management Group that will form the basis for the future development of the Project..


This year the CST base was moved into the Promoting Wellbeing Department at St. Luke’s Armagh. The training continues to be provided by community based trainers in community venues and the ethos of the project is and will remain the same. CST will continue to meet the training needs of the community sector in relation to child protection, safeguarding and community development, taking budgetary and logistic considerations into account. We will continue to engage closely with the groups being trained and maintain an overall consistency in quality of training. The Training materials will be regularly updated to include the most recent statistical material and any new legislative information. This year new material is being included about the Sexual Offences Order and the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups’ Order, as well as Area Child Protection Committee’s obligations in accordance with the ACPC’s Regional Policy and Procedures. The Project Manager will maintain links with relevant Trust wide and Regional Fora. This raises the profile of CST as well as providing vital links and information. She will also continue to promote the work of CST at community networking events and to relevant Trust panels, local Councils and Education Sectors. We will seek to fit elements of the Community Development and Health programme into other training being provided through the PWB department, liaising closely with groups to ensure relevance. CST will seek to involve the umbrella organisations in helping to target groups and agree topics from the programme that interest the community. Comprehensive evaluations will continue to be undertaken to inform the ongoing development of CST programmes and to maximise the potential contribution of community development in promoting health and wellbeing and reducing health inequalities across the southern area.



Martin O’Neill (Chair) Kevin Lenehan Senior Community Development Team Manager Advisor and Co-ordinator NSPCC Health & Social Care Board 910 Carn Drive Tower Hill Portadown Armagh Carolyn Agnew Laurence Bradley Head of User Involvement and Newry and Mourne Professional Lead for Community Confederation of Community Development Groups Promoting Wellbeing Department 28 Cornmarket SHSCT Ballybot House St. Luke’s Newry Armagh Una Walsh John McGuinness Chair person Director Women and Family Health Community Network Craigavon Initiative 22 Church Street Tullymacrieve Road Portadown Mullaghbane BT62 3LQ Newry Janis Geary Loraine Griffin Director Network Development Officer Zero-8-Teen COSTA Moylinn House President Grants Homestead Legahory Centre 45 Dergenagh Road Brownlow Dungannon Craigavon Fintan McAliskey Daphne Johnston STEP Multi-Disciplinary Training Officer Unit T7 Dungannon Business Park SHSCT 2 Coalisland Road Newry Teachers’ Dungannon Newry


Denise Cranston Mary Murphy Community Development Worker Project Manager TADA Rural Support Network Community Sector Training 19 Carn Business Park Promoting Wellbeing Department Portadown SHSCT

St Luke’s Armagh

Emma Abernethy until June 09 Geraldine Harvey until Sept 09 Training & Translations Senior Social Worker Administrator Child Protection Team STEP SHSCT Unit T7 Dungannon Business Park Lisanally Lane 2 Coalisland Road Armagh Dungannon Carmel Creaney until Nov 09 Development Manager Tada Rural Support Network 10 Carn Business Park Portadown



Manager Administrator Mary Murphy Alexandra Irwin Child Protection Trainers: Aine Harrison Lynne Harvey Marian Dorman Anne McCusker Brian Groves Derrick Mathews Michael McConville Mary Wright Fiona Mullan Roberta Reilly Alison McConville Iris Mathews Leontia Keogh Sandra Wilson Roisin McAliskey Veronica Gray Brenda Lennon William Bradshaw Elaine Wright Kathleen Murphy Community Development Approach to Health Issues Trainers: Teresa Nugent Roisin McAliskey Leontia Keogh Fiona Mullan Aine Harrison Elaine Wright Michael McConville Lynne Harvey


APPENDIX 3: Community Reference Groups (CRGs)

Armagh and Dungannon CRG Brenda Lennon Charmain Jones Clady Tiny Tots Co-ordinator 15 Blackquarter Road REACT Cladymore 8 Victoria Street Armagh Marian Cully until August 09 Majella Murphy Promoting Wellbeing Dept N.I. Rural Women’s Network SHSCT Forkhill Women’s Centre Lisanally House 29 Main Street Armagh Forkhill Seamus Donnelly Emma Gribben until Oct 09 Manager Keady and District Armagh and Dungannon Community Initiative Volunteer Centre Unit 3, The Old Mill Armagh Keady Mary Murphy Helen McCabe Community Sector Training Keady and District Community Initiative Promoting Wellbeing Dept Unit 3 The Old Mill SHSCT Keady St Luke’s Armagh Craigavon and Banbridge CRG Donna Stewart Bernie Burns Craigavon and Banbridge Drumellan Community Activity Volunteer Centre and Resource Centre Brownlow 11 – 12 Drumellan Court Craigavon Craigavon Anne Hanlon Liz McClarnon Mourneview and Grey Estates Albert Street Residents Association 12 Princeton Drive 10 Albert Street Lurgan Lurgan


Geradette McVeigh until Dec 09 Anne McCusker until June 09 Promoting Wellbeing Dept TASSK Brownlow Health Centre Old Technical College 1 Legahory Centre Banbridge Craigavon Mary Murphy George Thompson Community Sector Training Promoting Wellbeing Dept Promoting Wellbeing Dept Brownlow H&SS Centre SHSCT Legahory Centre St Luke’s Craigavon Armagh Newry and Mourne CRG Pat Quinn Colette Ruddy Confederation of Community Newry Volunteer Bureau Groups Ballybot House Ballybot House 28 Cornmarket 28 Cornmarket Newry Newry Martina Flynn Brian Groves Promoting Wellbeing Dept. Newry and Mourne SHSCT Community Transport John Mitchell Place Armagh Road Newry Newry Kathleen Smith Pamela Frazer Newry and Mourne Women South Down Family Health Initiative Ballybot House Warrenpoint Community House 28 Cornmarket 20 Thomas Street Newry Warrenpoint Barry Fegan until March 2010 Mary Murphy Orana Surestart Services Community Sector Training 2 Warrenpoint Road Promoting Wellbeing Dept Newry SHSCT, St Luke’s Armagh Cathy McMahon Neighbourhood Renewal Ballybot House Newry


APPENDIX 4: Breakdown of groups trained in Child Protection

The following tables show names and categories of Groups who accessed the CST Child Protection Training in the Southern Trust area. These are split into the 3 Trust Areas:

• Armagh and Dungannon

• Craigavon and Banbridge

• Newry and Mourne

For further clarity, the groups are identified through 7 categories:

1) Community Groups/Development Associations 2) Early Years

3) Church Groups

4) Youth Groups

5) Sports Groups

6) Voluntary Organisations

6) Other

(Where there are no groups in a category it is omitted.)

The Map is based on the Noble Report (2001) which identified measures of Deprivation in N.I. It is overlaid with locations of CST training. The tables following include information from Noble also.


APPENDIX 5: Categories of groups trained in Child Protection

Armagh & Dungannon

Category 1: Community Groups/Development Associations

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Coalisland Training Services (4 groups)

14 4 7/7/08 13/8/08 5/42.57

Carricklongfield Cultural Assoc 20 4 80 2/7/08 30/9/08 7/38.92 React (7 groups) 24 4 96 21/4/08 2/10/08 84/14.84 Derrynoose Community Development Association

15 6 90 6/6/08 6/10/08 65/18.99

Step (3 groups) 12 4 48 18/9/08 7/11/08 23/29.55 Armagh Child Contact Centre (3 groups)

14 4 56 4/9/08 17/11/08 10/37.59

Ballygawley Road Community Association (6 groups)

13 6 78 13/10/08 19/11/08 7/38.92

Drumnaleg Community Association (2 groups)

13 4 52 19/6/08 7/1/09 104/10.20

Hartford Cultural & Community Development Assoc (6 groups)

16 4 64 27/11/08 8/2/09 84/14.84

Saver Naver (3 groups) 18 4 72 17/11/08 5/3/09 55/20.80 April 09/March 10 Redrock Development Partnership (5 groups)

18 4 72 20/1/09 1/4/09 68/18.39


Community Groups/Development Associations cont.

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

Drumbreda Community Association (6 groups)

13 5 65 1/4/09 23/5/09 25/28.92

Coalisland Training Services (2 groups)

13 4 52 9/4/09 2/6/09 5/42.57

Lisanally & Alexander Project 9 4 36 28/4/09 16/6/09 98/11.95

Caledon Regeneration Partnership

15 4 60 19/6/09 5/10/09 60/20.07

County Armagh Community Development Association (10 Groups)

20 4 80 9/11/09 16/1/10 55/20.80

Spring Trust Ltd (4 groups) 12 4 48 21/9/09 4/2/10 10/37.77

Coalisland Training Services (2 groups)

12 4 48 22/10/09 09/2/10 5/42.57

Clonoe Community Group (Refresher) (3 groups)

8 2 16 8/10/09 27/2/10 5/42.57

Totals 279 79 1169


Category 3: Church Groups

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Ballenon & Ballylane Reformed Presbyterian Church (5 groups)

20 5 100 23/9/08 12/11/08 22/30.60

Totals 20 5 100

Category 4: Youth Groups

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Keady Unattached Youth Group 16 5 80 10/1/09 24/3/09 21/31.09 April 09/March 10 Seal Spraoi Coalisland (5 groups)

21 4 84 13/3/09 17/10/09 46.22.69

Totals 37 9 164

Category 5: Sports Groups

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

April 09/March 10 St. Brigid’s Camogie Club 10 4 40 27/10/09 7/1/10 36/27.45 (3 groups) Totals 10 4 40


Category 6: Voluntary Organisations`

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Niamh Louise Foundation 11 4 44 25/7/08 30/8/08 31/26.47 April 09/March 10 Breakthru 16 4 64 8/2/10 25/3/10 92/13.32

Totals 27 8 108

Category 7: Other

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

April 09/March 10 Portmore Comhaltas 16 4 64 4/3/09 09/6/09 64/19.12 Armagh Rural Transport Ltd 11 4 44 26/5/09 29/7/09 25/28.95 South Tyrone Empowerment Programme (community interpreters)

10 4 40 21/9/09 26/9/09 23/29.55

Derryoghill Flute Band Benburb (5 groups)

16 4 64 09/6/09 18/11/09 73/17.97

Galbally Drama Group 10 4 60 22/5/09 30/1/10 32/26.17 Totals 63 20 272


Designated Person Training Organisation Total

participants Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 React (9 groups) 18 2 36 29/9/09 14/1/09 84/14.84 April 09/March 10 React (4 groups) 8 3 24 12/12/09 02/3/10 84/14.84 Totals 26 5 60


Craigavon & Banbridge

Category 1: Community Groups/Development Associations

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of Enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Albert Street Residents Assoc (2 groups)

15 6 90 10/8/08 14/10/08 41.24.06

Drumellan Community Assoc (Accredited Course)

14 6 84 4/6/08 3/11/08 2/47.02

Community Network Craigavon (6 groups)

16 4 64 24/11/08 3/2/09 37/25.10

Kinallen Rural Development Association

12 5 60 17/2/09 28/3/09 102/11.26

April 09/March 10 Community Network Craigavon (5 groups)

16 4 64 28/1/09 6/5/09 37/25.10

Craigavon Borough Council for Community groups (7 groups)

11 4 44 25/2/09 12/5/09 12/37.29

Lurgan Foyer (2 groups) 11 4 44 26/3/09 26/5/09 6/46.23 Gaelic League 11 2 22 29/1/09 3/6/09 99/11.85 Blackscull Community Assoc 12 4 48 7/4/09 9/6/09 12/38.50 Adapt Eating Disorder Assoc (3 groups)

9 4 36 21/1/09 29/6/09 11/37.59

The Place Initiative 12 4 48 15/5/09 19/8/09 94/13.16


Community Groups/Development Associations cont.

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

Banbridge District Council for Community groups (3 groups)

14 5 70 12/11/08 24/9/09 33/26.17

Ballela Community Group (2 groups)

19 4 76 22/9/09 5/1/10 105/10.04

Community Network Craigavon 8 1 8 16/11/09 11/2/10 37/25.10 TADA (5 groups) 8 4 32 17/11/09 23/2/10 111/8.41 Totals 188 61 790

Category 2 Early Years

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

April 09/March 10 Zero-8-Teen 15 4 60 25/8/09 7/10/09 6/44.24 Totals 15 4 60

Category 3: Church Groups

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Clonduff Presbyterian Church 40 4 160 18/12/08 14/1/09 54/20.89 April 09/March 10 Greater Life Pentecostal Church 8 4 32 12/2/09 3/4/09 63/19.61 New Life Ministries (2 groups) 13 6 78 17/2/09 3/6/09 99/11.85 Craigavon Baptist Church 21 4 84 21/8/09 8/11/09 6/44.24

Totals 82 18 354


Category 5: Sports Groups

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Banbridge Rugby Club (modified)

6 2 12 21/10/08 21/1/09 105/10.04

Kilmore Archery Club (4 groups) 12 5 60 16/2/09 25/3/09 83/15.06 Totals 18 7 72

Category 6: Voluntary Organisations

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Craigavon & Banbridge Volunteer Trust

12 4 48 12/11/08 23/2/08 12/37.29

April 09/March 10 Craigavon Traveller Support Committee (2 groups)

12 4 48 29/1/10 1/3/10 6/44.24

Totals 24 8 96


Category 7: Other

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09

Banbridge District Council (9 groups)

18 4 72 24/7/08 17/10/08 33/26.17

April 09/March 10

Phoenix Players Portadown 10 4 40 6/7/09 1/8/09 11/39.64

Mid Ulster Magic Circle 13 4 52 17/8/09 24/10/09 45/23.19

Key 2 Edward Street Hostel Lurgan 18 4 72 5/2/10 17/2/10 37/25.10

St. John’s Accordion Band & Orchestra

18 4 72 14/1/10 27/2/10 34/26.10

Totals 77 20 308


Newry & Mourne

Category 1: Community Groups/Development Associations

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 South Down Family Health Initiative (8 groups)

15 4 60 24/6/08 19/8/08 50/21.58

Model Viillage Community Association (5 groups)

11 4 44 10/4/08 3/9/08 14/35.83

Ballinran Community Association (4 groups)

10 4 40 14/8/08 10/9/08 47/22.68

Kitty’s Road Community Association (4 groups)

19 4 76 29/2/08 17/908 29/26.81

Burren Community Forum 14 4 56 4/9/08 7/10/08 89/13.64 MAST 13 4 52 2/9/08 14/10/08 50/21.58 Rural Health Partnership 6 4 24 26/8/08 22/10/08 9/38.13 SNAP 15 4 60 19/9/08 20/11/08 72/17.97 Confederation of Community Groups ( 9 groups)

12 4 48 10/11/08 9/12/08 8/38.56

Creggan Hall Management Group (3 groups)

14 4 56 12/9/08 19/1/09 9/38.13

Confederation of Community Groups (3 groups)

15 4 60 16/12/08 10/2/09 8/38.56

Lir Ladies 10 4 40 22/1/09 12/3/09 20/31.41

April 09/March 10 Women & Family Health Initiative

13 4 52 18/12/08 1/4/09 24/29.16


Category 1: Community Groups/Development Associations cont.

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

Confederation of Community Groups (3 groups)

8 4 32 4/3/09 21/4/09 8/38.56

Burren Community Forum 9 4 36 16/1/09 30/4/09 89/13.64 Cloughreagh Community Association

7 4 28 25/11/08 23/7/09 16/32.96

Greater Linenhall Community Association

9 4 36 11/6/09 17/08/09 22/30.60

Confederation of Community Groups (4 groups)

10 4 40 18/8/09 15/9/09 8/38.56

Irish National Foresters Mayobridge

32 4 128 1/10/09 5/11/09 54/20.89

Burren Community Forum (2 groups)

10 4 40 1/9/09 12/11/09 89/13.64

Confederation of Community Groups (5 groups)

10 4 40 19/8/09 1/12/09 8/38.56

Rural Health Partnership 10 4 40 21/6/09 7/12/09 9/38.13 Confederation of Community Groups (Refresher 2 groups)

8 2 16 19/11/09 10/12/09 8/38.56

South Down Family Health Initiative (2 groups)

7 1 7 6/1/10 9/3/10 59/20.10

Carnagat Community Assoc (Refresher)

6 1 6 22/2/10 30/3/10 16/32.96

The Meadow/Armagh Road Community Association (7 groups)

16 4 64 15/2/10 10/3/10 2/46.29

Totals 309 96 1181


Category 3: Church Groups

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Ballyroney Church Group (2 groups)

20 6 120 7/7/08 5/11/08 67/18.64

April 09/March 10 Rathfriland GB & BB (2 groups) 20 4 80 22/3/09 23/4/09 89/13.64 Totals 40 10 200

Category 5: Sports Groups

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

July 08/March 09 Leitrim & Kilkeel Jujitsu Clubs (2 groups)

16 4 64 22/5/08 2/8/08 50/21.58

Midway Football Club 13 1 13 1/12/08 6/1/09 89/13.64 April 09/March 10 Craobh Rua Hurling Club (modified)

14 2 28 21/5/09 17/6/09 13/37.37

Totals 43 7 105


Category 6: Voluntary Organisations

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

April 09/March 10 Kilkeel Royal British Legion 16 4 64 1/2/10 1/3/10 50/21.58 (3 groups) Happy Faces 18 4 72 3/2/10 11/3/10 72/17.97

Totals 34 8 136

Category 7: Other

Organisation Total participants

Sessions attended

Units of training provided

Date of enquiry

Date training began

Multiple Deprivation Indices (Rank/Score)

April 09/March 10 Kirknarra School of Dance (3 groups)

12 2 24 2/2/10 3/3/10 50/21.58

Totals 12 2 24


Armagh and Dungannon


84 40 64







Type of Group











GroupsYouth Groups

Sports Groups



Craigavon and Banbridge











Type of Group


its o

f T






Community Groups

Early Years

Church Groups



Newry and Mourne













Type of Group











GroupsChurch Groups

Sports Groups




Percentage of Units Trained in Each Trust AreaPercentage of Units Trained in Each Trust AreaPercentage of Units Trained in Each Trust AreaPercentage of Units Trained in Each Trust Area






N/MUnit = No. of Sessions x No. of Participants


APPENDIX 6: Groups trained in Community Development and Health Issues

Trust area and Group name

No. trained

Armagh and Dungannon Locality Coalisland Training Services Traveller Advocacy Group Coalisland Training Services




Newry and Mourne Locality Prospects Newry and Mourne Carers Bridge Women

11 12 15

Craigavon and Banbridge Locality Traveller Support Group


Trust Wide Fit for you Operational Group