Community life competence e nv3

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Community life competence e nv3

The Constellation Our starting point

 Ownership + strengths = local response

Let’s ask ourselves a question…..

…can communities progress in terms of HIV?

They can in Northern Thailand….

Source: HIV and Health Care Reform in Phayao. UNAIDS, Geneva, April 2000.

Source: Kamall et al. AIDS 2000, 14: 427-434

HIV prevalence rate among 13-19 year old in Masaka, Uganda

They could in Uganda…..

Progress also happens in Tanzania, Burkina Faso and other countries….

The key question is...

What distinguishes these countries from others?

In these countries, people have taken local ownership of the issue

“This is OUR problem and we are going

to do something about it!”

People drive effective responses to HIV

Health services are needed but don’t replace what people do for themselves

Once communities take ownership, they will respond locally to the issue

Local ResponseLocal Response

Local Response

Local ResponseLocal Response

Local Response

Local Response

Local Response

Local Response

Local Response

Local Response

Local Response

What does this mean for a HIV strategy?

Local ownership




Is a strategic pillar that


But, is local ownership enough to drive local responses? …..

…….No, because communities underestimate their capacity

“We know it’s a problem, but don’t have the resources to respond”

“We are waiting for the experts”

“We are victims”

Therefore, we must reveal their capacity & strengths

Once communities know their strengths, their self-confidence grows..…..

….and they’ll use their strengths to address their problems

“We can do this together!”


So what do Constellation coaches do?

Our coaches:  Foster reveal to stimulate

Ownership + strengths = local response

How do we do this?

Well, our experience around the world shows...

Communities are Stimulated to change behaviour when others

That is why our Way of Working is SALT

Appreciate their strengths

Transfer their learning to other contexts

Learn actively and link them to others

SALT reveals the community’s capacity to build a vision for the future, assess their

situation, act, adapt and learn

We call this cycle, the Community Life Competence Process.

The Community Life Competence Process (CLCP)

So communities think and act by themselves…

…and we support them & reveal strengths

You might think:Does this

really work?

UNAIDS Evaluation (2005) "between 83% and 87% [of AIDS Competence Process users] are satisfied and confident that the program achieves impact within communities.

WHO-UNICEF Evaluation Papua New Guinea (2009) “The AIDS Competence Process is an effective approach in combating HIV/AIDS through local empowerment. For its low-cost but often labor intensive input of resources, the output has been substantial.”

Roll Back Malaria / MACEPA Evaluation (2008)“The Malaria Competence process is very likely to foster a strong sense of community ownership and led to a surge in community-led initiatives”

And read hundreds of blogs from more than 20 countries on

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You might think:How much

does it cost?

The process is cost-effective“The AIDS Competence Programme was found to be highly cost-effective when compared to other programmes (0.10 to US$ 2.00 per person reached )” – UNAIDS (2005)

The Constellation is cost-effective “The administrative overhead costs of the Constellation in 2008 amounted to 5,8% “ - Belgian Ministry of Finance (2009)

Tools and online course can be accessed for free


1. Visit our website:

2. Join our online

3. Apply SALT today. Learn more

4. Contact Gaston to see how we can

And don’t forget….

You can start revealing strengths today!