Community Chest Children's Day 2016

Post on 20-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Community Chest Children's Day 2016

About Sharity Sharity is the cuddly pink elephant that is Community Chest’s mascot. Sharity’s name is a combination of the words ‘share’ and ‘charity’.

True to his name, Sharity regularly cares for and shares with the underprivileged. With Sharity leading the way, Community Chest seeks to encourage children and youth to be compassionate towards the less fortunate in the society. community.

Sharity’s Story When Sharity was little, he was mocked at simply because he was pink and looked different. He was very sad but instead of sulking, giving up or running away, he put on a brave front and continued doing all the things he loved.

When Sharity played a game, he included everyone. When he snacked on his favourite peanuts, he shared with his friends. And when he received his pocket money he remembered those who were not as lucky as he was and put aside some to give to the less fortunate.

Every other week, he made new friends, volunteering with his family and making a difference in someone’s life. Slowly, through his caring gestures, he won over the hearts of everybody, even those who had initially laughed at his appearance. He had become his own hero! Not only had he changed his life, he had impacted so many others in the community through his thoughtful acts.

Today, we first see his warm ways and big heart before we even realise that he is indeed a strikingly bright pink!

1. Ever Youthful Sharity: Sharity will always be seven years old even though he has been caring and sharing for over 30 years.

2. Sharity’s Birthday: Sharity’s birthday falls on Children’s Day! It is a double celebration every year and he has a great time. But it does not stop with him enjoying and receiving. It is about giving too.

3. Sharity’s Mantra: Sharity always follows his heart. Even though he’s only a kid, he knows that he can make a big positive difference in everyone’s lives, including his own.

4. ‘Hands On’ Sharity: He uses his pocket money to give and takes time out of his schedule to help others.

5. Charity is a Habit: To Sharity, charity is a habit and he practices what he says. Giving and caring for those less privileged is part of his routine and everyday life.

(1) Family Time with Sharity Fun Packs (Only for Primary 1s)

P1 Students are encouraged to perform at least 4 acts of service (out of the 12 indicated in the Fun Pack) at home.

Upon completion, paste these stickers on the activity sheet provided.

Thereafter, get a family member to pen down an encouragement at the bottom of the activity sheet and submit their completed activity sheets to their teachers by early November. Upon completion of these acts, receive a limited edition Sharity badge.

(2) Care & Share Interactive Posters (Only for Primary 1 Classes)

All Primary 1 students are encouraged to pen down their Care & Share thoughts or actions via the grids provided to facilitate classroom interaction and sharing of values.

Teachers may share these written acts with the rest of the class to encourage students to try out some care and share acts contributed by their fellow classmates.

(3) Sharity Papercrafts (Primary 1 to 6 – 1 per student)

All students are encouraged to discuss what they can do to be as compassionate and inclusive as Sharity.

Students can either build their papercraft model with the help of their family members as part of family bonding or build it on their own.

They are also encouraged to take a photo of their completed model together with their family members and submit it as a submission entry for our Build, Care, Snap and Share-A-Sharity Contest.

The top 5 submissions for this contest and the school with the most number of submissions will also be encouraged with special prizes.

Submissions can be made with the help of their parents via facebook comments on Sharity’s Facebook Page ( or via email to

Selected entries may be included in our publication and Sharity Facebook Page to encourage more to Care and Share in school, communities and at home.

Students are encouraged to submit their entries by 31st October with their name, class and school.

(4) The Donation Envelopes Place your pocket money in the donation envelopes. Fill in your particulars on the envelopes.

Do Not Use the envelopes for any public or door-to-door collection.

Return the envelopes by 10 October 2016.

Understanding the Significance of Caring and Sharing

Gift -

appeal 2016

“Being Rich is not about how much we have, but how much we give”