Communication Technology in 2025

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Communication Technology in 2025

The Future of Communication

Technology – 2025By: Marc Fridley

Year 2025 In the past ten years, we have taken great strides in communication technology, with the invention of the smartphone, to improvements to the internet, the list can go on forever.

In 2025, life on Earth will be much more advanced than it is today.

Every bit of technology we use will be linked with each other to make humans lives much easier in the long run.

Evolution of Cars• With the idea already in place, smart cars will soon

takeover the market as users seek this feature to not have to worry about other distractions such as phone calls, text messages, or even grabbing a quick bite to eat.

• When first created, most people were skeptical, as they were unsure whether they could trust a “robot” to drive a car rather themselves.

Cars (cont.)However, as manufacturers continued to make improvements from the first model, they became actually safer than human drivers

With the robots running the car completely, it takes out the human error that causes most wrecks and therefore will result in less accidents.

Critical Mass Theory

Definition : “A small segment of the population that chooses to make big contributions to the public good.” (Grant, 2014, p. 25)

With more and more people seeing the success and safeness of the self-driven car, the demand of this product will only increase in the future.

This theory stands true to because the small amount of people that believed in this, continued to drive and manufacture them knowing they will be a successful contribution to our society.

Evolution of the Smartphone

• With the smartphone making immense strides of improvement in the past ten years, it is only true that they will make the same levels of improvements in the future.

• The smartphone is one of the most talked about devices in the future, as the improvements made will make individuals lives easier.

• It will be able to connect to other devices and allow you to access many different features just by the touch of a button.

Smartphone (cont.)

• By 2025, the majority of your smartphones will now operate in 3D.

• You will be able to get an actual three dimensional view of whatever you are viewing on your phone.

• Your phone will also have the ability to check your vitals, and other health concerns just by the touch of your finger tips and being in your hands

• This will benefit our society in many ways, such as: making GPS more helpful, Generating a more real face to face conversation with others, and helping to maintain a healthier person.

Media System Dependency

TheoryDefinition: “an ecological theory that attempts to explore and explain the role of media in society by examining dependency relations within and across levels of analysis.” (Grant, 2014, p.27)

In the future, humans will depend on their smartphone for more than they do today.

This reason is because there will be more features on smartphones that will apply to humans way of living, that will in turn, make their lives easier

With our society now already having much dependency on smartphones in today’s world, it is only evident that as advancements occur in our smartphone’s technology, so will the dependency of the smartphone itself.

Evolution of the Television

• Television technology has changed drastically, in the past 20 years, from where people had access to 10 channels, and now to where people have access to thousands of channels of their choosing

• With the high demand of video streaming occurring in today’s society, these types of networks will eventually take over the television networks.

Television (cont.)• By 2025, apps like Netflix,

Hulu, and HBOgo/now will take over the television services as they broaden their horizon of what they air.

• This will, in turn, bring to the end the days of the dreaded Time Warner Cable as well as the satellite companies.

• Users will rely on their “smart TV” to watch each app with a small monthly fee that will eventually cost less than cable/satellite companies today.

Diffusions of Innovations

TheoryThis theory relates well with the evolution of the television because it shows how the television has overcame many different figures in the past.

This theory occurs through multiple members over a period of time, which in turn, diffuses to one central system.

With the ever rivalry between satellite and cable companies, apps such as Netflix, Hulu, & HBOgo will overtake both companies as viewers find themselves enjoying these better than their previous television companies.

ConclusionAs it is impossible to predict what the future holds for technology, it is always interesting to think what could actually occur in ten years from now.

I look forward to seeing what exciting inventions our future society brings into the world.

Hopefully they will help society as a whole, as well as make life easier for humans who desire that sort of cause.

ReferencesGrant, A., & Meadows, J. (2014). Understanding Communication Technologies. In Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals (14th ed., pp. 22-28). New York, New York: Focal Press.

Ureno, A. (2013, December 24). Smartphones of the Future: The Technology We Want. Retrieved from

Larsen, R. (2013, January 24). The Big Netflix Interview: On the Future. Retrieved from