Communication in Joint ·...

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Communication in Joint Activity

Investigating Teams’ Communication Pattern in a

Dynamic Decision Making Environment

Master’s thesis 30hp

Nicoletta Baroutsi



Linköpings Universitet Institutionen för Datavetenskap

Communication in Joint Activity Investigating Teams’ Communication Pattern in a Dynamic Decision

Making Environment

Master’s thesis 30hp

Nicoletta Baroutsi





I want to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful people who have

supported me throughout this project. First I want to extend a grand thank you

to my tutors at FOI, Peter Berggren and Björn Johansson, without whom this

would not have been possible. Thank you for all the support and advice, but

also for making this project fun and enjoyable. I also want to thank Christopher

Palm, a dear friend that shared this experience of working at FOI with me, and

who continuously discussed and dwelled the problems I encountered with me.

Not to forget all the people working at FOI who made me feel so welcome, it

was always a good feeling to show up at work. And of course, a big thank you

to all my friends and family that always listened to me when I was rambling on

about my thoughts and concerns, even when they had no idea what I was

talking about.



I en värld av ständigt ökande komplexitet, som karaktäriseras av ofullständig

information och dynamiska, tidskritiska miljöer, strävar människor efter att fatta

rätt beslut – inte som individer – utan även som ett team. I denna gemensamma

aktivitet behöver medlemmarna synkronisera sina handlingar, vilket utförs med

hjälp av kommunikation. Kommunikationen är den dominerande formen av

interaktion inom ett team, och är även en externalisering av teamets kognitiva

processer (Letsky, Warner, Fiore & Smith, 2008).

I en tidigare studie har oerfarna deltagare tränats i team om tre, för att bli

högpresterande inom mikrovärlden C3Fire (Baroutsi, Berggren, Nählinder och

Johansson, 2013). I denna mikrovärld står teammedlemmarna inför ett

dynamiskt beslutsproblem - att bekämpa en skogsbrand. Rollerna i teamet är

ömsesidigt beroende av varandra, vilket kräver att de samordnar och lägger upp

strategier på en teamnivå för att på ett framgångsrikt sätt kunna lösa uppgiften.

Dessa sex tränade team jämfördes sedan med sex otränade team i ett

experiment. Flera mått användes för att bedöma teamen (CARS, DATMA,

Shared Priorities, m.fl.), vilket visade att de tränade teamen skilde sig både

avseende prestation, men även inom andra viktiga teamaspekter (Baroutsi,

Berggren, Johansson, Nählinder, Granlund, Turcotte, & Tremblay, 2014;

Berggren, Baroutsi, Johansson, Turcotte, & Tremblay, 2014; Berggren,

Johansson, Baroutsi, & Dahlbäck, 2014; Berggren, Johansson, Svensson,

Baroutsi, & Dahlbäck, 2014; Baroutsi, Berggren, Johansson, manuskript).

Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur kommunikationsmönstret

påverkas av dessa skillnader.

Kommunikationen analyserades med hjälp av ett kodningsschema där

innehållet i teamens uttalanden kategoriseras. De två olika typerna av team

uppvisade ingen skillnad i antalet uttalanden, men skillnader fanns för olika

kommunikationskategorier. De tränade teamen kommunicerade oftare angående

sammanhanget och situationen, medan de otränade teamen oftare

kommunicerade om de aktiviteter som pågick. Detta kan tolkas som en brist i

den gemensamma förståelsen, styrbarheten och förutsägbarheten mellan

teamets medlemmar (Klein, Feltovich & Bradshaw, 2005) hos de otränade

teamen. Kommunikationsinnehållet förklarade 88,3 % av variationen i




The complexity in the world is continuously increasing. Teams are faced with

imperfect information in uncertain, dynamic, and time critical environments as

they strive to make the right decisions, not just as individuals, but as a team. In

this joint activity the members choreograph their actions and synchronize their

behavior through the use of communication. Communication is the predominant

form of interaction within teams – it is not only a window into team cognition –

it is an externalized cognitive process at a team level (Letsky, Warner, Fiore &

Smith, 2008).

In an earlier study, non-professional participants were trained in teams of three

to become high-performing within the C3Fire microworld (Baroutsi, Berggren,

Nählinder and Johansson, 2013). In this microworld the team members are

faced with the dynamic decision problem of fighting a forest fire. They have

interdependent roles, requiring them to coordinate and strategize on a team

level, making C3Fire a suitable platform for investigating dynamic decision

making in teams. These six trained teams were compared to six untrained teams

in a final experiment through a variety of measures, showing that the trained

teams differed significantly in terms of both performance and in other important

team aspects (Baroutsi, Berggren, Johansson, Nählinder, Granlund, Turcotte, &

Tremblay, 2014; Berggren, Baroutsi, Johansson, Turcotte, & Tremblay, 2014;

Berggren, Johansson, Baroutsi, & Dahlbäck, 2014; Berggren, Johansson,

Svensson, Baroutsi, & Dahlbäck, 2014; Baroutsi, Berggren, Johansson,

manuscript). These differences were thought to have an impact on the

communication shared among the team members. Hence, the purpose of the

present report was to investigate how the communication pattern was affected

by these differences.

The communication was analyzed using a coding scheme that categorized the

content of the teams’ utterances. No difference was found in terms of

communication frequency between the two types of teams. However, the

trained and untrained teams did differ in communication content. The trained

teams communicated more frequently about the context and the situation, while

the untrained teams communicated more about the activities of the team. This

can be interpreted as a deficiency in common ground, directability, and

interpredictability (Klein, Feltovich & Bradshaw, 2005) among the untrained

teams. Also, the communication content explained 88.3 % of the variance in



Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Background ....................................................................................... 2

1.2 Research questions .......................................................................... 3

2 Theoretical background 4

2.1 Common Ground in Joint Activity ...................................................... 4

2.1.1 Requirements for Joint Activity ..................................................... 5 2.1.2 Criteria for Joint Activity ................................................................ 6 2.1.3 Choreography of Joint Activity ...................................................... 7

2.2 Team communication and coordination ............................................ 8

2.2.1 Communication frequency ............................................................ 9 2.2.2 Closed-loop communication .......................................................... 9 2.2.3 Error detection ............................................................................... 9 2.2.4 Team training .............................................................................. 10

2.3 Team effectiveness ......................................................................... 10

2.4 Dynamic, time-critical, high stake situations ................................... 11

2.5 Dynamic Decision Making ............................................................... 12

2.6 Microworlds ..................................................................................... 14

2.6.1 From microworlds to reality ......................................................... 15 2.6.2 C3Fire.......................................................................................... 15

2.7 Synthesis ......................................................................................... 16

3 Method 18

3.1 Participants ...................................................................................... 18

3.2 Experimental design ........................................................................ 18

3.2.1 Sensor range ............................................................................... 19 3.2.2 Role configurations ..................................................................... 19 3.2.3 Scenario ...................................................................................... 20 3.2.4 Script commentaries ................................................................... 21

3.3 Dependent measures ...................................................................... 23

3.3.1 Simulation performance .............................................................. 23


3.3.2 Communication ........................................................................... 23 3.3.3 Level of transcription ................................................................... 24 3.3.4 Coding procedure ........................................................................ 24

3.4 Procedure ........................................................................................ 26

3.4.1 Preparing the untrained teams .................................................... 27 3.4.2 Session procedure ...................................................................... 28

3.5 Apparatus ........................................................................................ 28

4 Results 29

4.1 Coding scheme reliability ................................................................ 29

4.2 Simulation performance .................................................................. 32

4.3 Communication ............................................................................... 33

4.3.1 Team type comparison................................................................ 34 4.3.2 Sensor range comparison ........................................................... 36 4.3.3 Communication frequency and performance .............................. 38 4.3.4 Communication pattern as a predictor of performance ............... 38

4.4 Summary ......................................................................................... 39

4.4.1 Trained and untrained teams ...................................................... 39 4.4.2 Full view and limited view sensor range ..................................... 40 4.4.3 Communication and it’s relation to performance ........................ 40

5 Discussion 42

5.1 Results discussion .......................................................................... 42

5.1.1 Communication patterns and team type ..................................... 42 5.1.2 Communication pattern and visual conditions ............................ 43 5.1.3 Communication frequency and performance .............................. 44 5.1.4 Communication content and performance .................................. 44

5.2 Method discussion .......................................................................... 45

5.2.1 Transcriptions and the coding scheme ....................................... 45 5.2.2 Reliability of the coding scheme ................................................. 45 5.2.3 Adopting a grammatical approach to diminish ambiguity ........... 46 5.2.4 Strategies and planning .............................................................. 47 5.2.5 Reaching consensus ................................................................... 49 5.2.6 Summary of the proposed coding scheme ................................. 51

6 Conclusions 54

6.1 Results ............................................................................................ 54


6.2 Method ............................................................................................ 55

6.3 Future research ............................................................................... 56

7 References 57

Appendix 1 62


1 Introduction

In a world of increasing complexity, the central role of teams becomes

progressively more important. However, all teams are not efficient by nature,

only some teams are able to grasp the unpredictable world around them, and for

the team members to do so in symphony with each other. Understanding what

makes a team successful is thusly highly valuable. It is not satisfying enough to

only measure team outcome – i.e. performance – since many factors not related

to the team may be influencing the outcome of a situation. Besides, a lack of

feedback on the effect of the team’s actions may also make it impossible to

accurately measure performance.

Real world situations offer imperfect information in uncertain, dynamic and

time critical environments (Klein, Orasanu, Calderwood & Zsambok, 1993).

Dynamic decision making takes place as events are unfolding, requiring the

decision maker to make sense of a world that changes, not only as a result of

their actions, but spontaneous as a consequence of time (Brehmer, 2000). As a

team, the members also strive to make the right decisions as a team, not just as

individuals. Team cognition (Cooke, Gorman & Winner, in press) is profoundly

different from individual cognition in many ways. Communication is the

predominant form of interaction within teams – it is not only a window into

team cognition – it is an externalized cognitive process at a team level (Letsky,

Warner, Fiore & Smith, 2008). In a joint activity the control and coordination of

team members actions are choreographed through the use of communication

(Klein et al., 2005). It allows the participants to transpose through the phases of

the activities together, as they continuously recognize each other’s signals. “If

we take language use to include such communicative acts such as eye gaze,

iconic gesture, pointing, smiles, and head nods – and we must – then all joint

activities rely on language use” (Clark, 1996, p. 58).

The purpose of the study is to deeper investigate team communication in an

effort to find what type of content it is that relates to successful teams, content

that signifies proper dynamic decision making among team members. A coding

scheme originally developed by Svenmarck & Brehmer (1991), and later

modified by Johansson, Trnka, Granlund & Götmar (2010), will be the tool

used to code the communication. The chosen platform for the experiment is a

microworld called C3Fire. C3Fire faces the participants with the task of

fighting a forest fire. The decision problem is dynamic, complex and time

critical, making it a suitable choice for studying dynamic decision making.


1.1 Background

The Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI) has an interest in dynamic

decision making for teams operating in complex and uncertain environments.

Within this framework, a series of studies have been conducted in order to

investigate important team aspects, team development and team

communication. This was carried out within the Swedish Armed Forces

research and development (R&D) project AVALO at FOI.

One experiment was conducted that has led to three separate studies, including

the current one. For the first study, six three-person teams of non-professionals

were put through ten sessions of training (Baroutsi, Berggren, Nählinder and

Johansson, 2013). The purpose was to train them to collaborate as cohesive

units, and to investigate whether validated measures within the domain could

measure their progress. The teams’ progress was assessed using various types

of measures, including measures of performance, tactical performance, situation

awareness and mutual awareness. Considerations taken into account were that

the team structure should be decentralized, and that coordination and

communication needed to be a central part of the teams’ behavior in order for

them to be successful. These considerations were important for the second

study where trained teams were compared to untrained teams (Baroutsi,

Berggren, Johansson, manuscript). During this second study (Baroutsi, et al.,

manuscript) a new measure called Shared Priorities was validated, and also a

new measure called Content Analysis emerged during the process.

This leads up to the third and current study. The communication was recorded

during the experiment between the trained and untrained teams, but never

analyzed. These trained teams have been monitored through their training and

compared to the untrained teams using a variety of measures, including

simulation performance, shared situational awareness, mutual awareness,

shared priorities, content analysis and tactical performance (Baroutsi et al.,

manuscript). These earlier studies suggest that important skills are developed

within the trained teams, skills not found in the untrained teams. These

differences should have an impact on the communication shared among the

team members, thus being available for further investigation. Hence, the

purpose of this study is to analyze this untapped source of information using the

adapted coding scheme from Johansson et al. (2010).


1.2 Research questions

Q1. How does the communication pattern differ between trained and

untrained teams?

Q2. How does the communication pattern change during diverse visual


Q3. Can a relationship be established between the communication

frequency and performance of the teams?

Q4. Is it possible to predict performance via the communication content?

Q5. What are the limitations of the coding scheme?


2 Theoretical background

The scientific studies on team cognition took off during the late 80’s. New

theories emerged as the scientific focus shifted from the individual towards the

team (Cooke et al., in press), theories that could help explain the unique

behaviors’ observed in team interactions. A team is defined by Salas,

Dickinson, Converse & Tannenbaum (1992, p. 4) as “a distinguishable set of

two or more people who interact dynamically, interdependently, and adaptively

toward a common and valued goal/object/mission, who have each been

assigned specific roles or functions to perform, and who have a limited life span

of membership”.

This need to interact interdependently and adaptively toward a common goal

sets certain prerequisites on a team. These prerequisites will be the first theories

presented in this chapter. They relate to team coordination and communication,

and will be discussed in terms of common ground and joint activity (Klein et

al., 2005). Once the foundation has been discussed, the theoretical background

leads into a presentation of relevant research findings concerning teams. This

includes patterns of communications, and the benefits of conducting team

training as opposed to individual skill training. This is followed by a definition

of team effectiveness, that section describes what it means for a team to be


The next section covers the problem characterization, starting with a description

of the environment in which teams operate: dynamic, time-critical, high stake

situations (Klein et al., 1993). This environment has direct consequences on the

problems the decision maker encounters and the actions that follows. These

implications are discussed in the concept of dynamic decision making

(Brehmer, 2000), leading to a general description of microworlds and C3Fire –

the microworld used in the current experiment.

Conclusively is a synthesis relating the theoretical findings, and its

implications, to the current study.

2.1 Common Ground in Joint Activity

The coordination among team members in high performing teams can to an

outsider be seen as minimalistic and ambiguous. Building on the work of Clark

(1996), Klein, et al. (2005) interprets the ideas of common ground and joint


activity into the team domain. They describe the relationship between common

ground and joint activity, two closely related concepts that explain how the

observed coordination among team members is possible. This chapter is a

description of their interpretations.

Clark (1996) defines a joint activity as a set of coordinated behaviors carried

out by two or more people. The following three sections will describe the

requirements, criteria, and choreography of joint activity (see Figure 1).

Figure 1. Joint activity and its key aspects. Adapted from Klein et al. (2005).

2.1.1 Requirements for Joint Activity

Three primary requirements for achieving effective coordination in joint

activities have been found to cut across domains: sufficient common ground,

interpredictability between team members, and directability of team members.

Common ground is what makes joint activity and coordination possible. The

concept of common ground includes relevant mutual beliefs, knowledge, and

assumptions that support the interdependent actions of a team. It is a process of

continuous communication, testing, updating, and repairing of faulty

assumptions. A team that maintains a sufficient common ground will allow for

abbreviated forms of communication, i.e. it allows for ambiguous signals to be

correctly interpreted. A review on coordination in various forms of teams found

central types of common ground to be important (Klein et al., 2005):

The different roles and their related functions

Routines manageable by the team


Skills and competencies

Participants goals, including the commitment to the team activity

The stance of each participant, e.g. their individual perception of time

pressure, and competing priorities

Common ground is not a need for the participants to think identically. The act

of aligning members’ different perspectives to increase common ground may

even result in added effort. Nevertheless, diverse perspectives and the

acknowledgement of them may actually improve team performance (Spiro,

Feltovich, Coulson & Feltovich, 1989, in Klein et al., 2005). Teams maintain a

sufficient common ground through activities such as: structuring preparations,

insertion of clarifications and reminders, monitoring of other’s activities,

detecting and signaling anomalies, and correcting faulty assumptions.

Interpredectability is the ability to coordinate and predict each other’s’ actions.

To permit this interpredictability each team member has to make his or her

actions sufficiently predictable. Many features of a real world situation require

a team to possess this quality: the time needed to complete an action, the

physical location of certain objects, and the difficulty to complete an action.

There are many factors that contribute to the understanding and handling of a

situation, including the roles and functions held by each member. Hence, the

ability to predict each other’s actions is greatly enhanced in teams where they

are able to envision the perspective of their team members.

Directability is the ability to deliberately redirect the actions of the other team

members as the conditions changes. It has been identified as an important

aspect of coordination, because it enhances the team’s resilience (Christoffersen

& Woods, 2002).

2.1.2 Criteria for Joint Activity

For an activity to be considered a joint activity there has to be an intention to

work together, i.e. the basic compact, and the work has to be interdependent.

“It’s not cooperation if either you do it all or I do it all”

Woods 2002, in Klein et al., (2005, p. 6).

The basic compact states that the participants need to comply with an

agreement (usually tacit), and to carry out the required coordination


responsibilities in order to participate in a joint activity. This agreement

involves goal alignments, which entails relaxing of short-term goals in order to

allow for more global, long-term goals to be fulfilled. Another aspect of the

basic compact is the detection and correction of losses in common ground that

might impede the joint activity (Klein et al., 2005).

A joint activity requires interdependence: the activities of the different parties

must in some significant way rely on each other. Two musicians playing the

same musical piece at different locations are not involved in a joint activity.

The same goes for parallel or synchronized activities: two police officers

working in shifts with a synchronized schedule are not participating in a joint

activity. The interdependent aspect thusly puts emphasis on the interaction and

interweaving of the participant’s actions (Klein et al., 2005).

2.1.3 Choreography of Joint Activity

“Each small phase of coordination is a joint action, and the overall composite

of these is the joint activity” (Clark, 1996). A couple waltzing is involved in the

joint activity of dancing, each sequence being a joint action. As they sweep the

dance floor they must continuously recognize the cues of their dance partner,

the changes in posture and body pressure are all signals on events unfolding in

the near future. The choreography of the joint activity centers around different

phases, it is influenced by the signals expressed, and the coordination devices.

The burden of choreographing the efforts are referred to as coordination costs

(Klein et al., 2005).

What really gets coordinated during activity are the phases, and the

coordination is accomplished one phase at a time. A phase is a joint action

consisting of three constituents: an entry, a body of action, and an exit. No clear

demarcations marks the phases constituents, this is all to the parties themselves

to decide. It may be difficult to coordinate the exiting of a phase, and for this

the parties are in need of evidence on whether the exiting was performed

successfully. For example, when you push the button in an elevator you wish to

see an indication that the push is registered, e.g. the light goes on. Similarly, the

joint activity is in need of a joint closure. An engaged listener acknowledges the

reception of the information by nodding the head or making paraphrases. To

successfully synchronize entry and exit points of the numerous embedded

phases in a complex joint activity can prove to be a major challenge (Klein et

al., 2005).


Signals are the tools team members use to inform each other about transitions

between and within phases. Signals are also used in broader terms, covering

everything from intentions, difficulties, desires, and so forth. Attention is a

limited resource, but this resource can be redirected very quickly. Signaling is

only successful if the receiver notices the signal. Thus, in the choreography of a

joint activity it becomes relevant to use signals to direct the other team

members attention to relevant cues. For example, a team member incorrectly

believes that a phase has been completed and tries to exit. It is now up to the

other team members to signal and redirect the attention of that individual to

relevant cues, and thereby helping to correct the faulty assumption (Klein et al.,


Coordination devices are used to shape the choreography of joint activities.

Coupled with common ground, these signals increase the interpredictability

within the team (Klein et al., 2005). Examples of coordination devices are:

Agreement: explicitly communicated intentions, signs and gestures.

Convention: how parties interact based on prescriptions of various

types and degrees of authority, as well as norms.

Precedent: norms and expectations developed during the current joint


Salience: how the workspace is arranged so that the next move

becomes prominent.

2.2 Team communication and coordination

Communication can generally be defined as the information exchange between

two or more individuals, through any type of medium (McIntyre & Salas, 1995,

quoted in Salas 2005). A team needs to be able to coordinate and communicate

effectively in order to perform successfully. The ability of control depends on

the ability of the individuals to coordinate their actions, and the usual way of

achieving this coordination is through communication (Johansson, 2005).

Researchers have even been able to predict a team’s performance by looking at

their communication pattern, without knowing anything about the members of

the team (Pentland, 2012). Studies have examined explicit aspects of

communication, ranging from timing and frequency to accuracy and patterns.


Aspects thought relevant to the current study are communication frequency,

closed-loop communication, and error detection. These will be discussed

further, and followed by information on how team training effects

communication and coordination.

2.2.1 Communication frequency

Communication frequency was found to correlate positively with performance

when conducting an experiment involving fighter pilots (Svensson. 2002).

Similarly Obermayer & Vreuls (1974) found a correlation between

communication frequency and acquisition skill, i.e. experienced teams

communicated more frequently than inexperienced teams during weapons

delivery in air force training. However, the opposite was found during routine

tasks, where the inexperienced teams communicated more frequently than the

experienced teams. According to Salas (2005) it appears that teams over time

develop a vocabulary that reduces the lengths of the messages, resulting in a

reduction of communication.

2.2.2 Closed-loop communication

Closed-loop communication is a technique that enables teams to avoid

misunderstandings. This communication includes three steps: First the sender

communicates a message to a team member. The receiver interprets and

acknowledges the message, which means that the receiver repeats or

paraphrases the message. The sender then reassures that the message was

received as intended, commonly just by answering “yes”, or correct the

message if needed (Salas, 2005). The effect of closed-loop communication has

been investigated and more successful teams reassures the accurate information

exchange using three steps, while less successful teams seldom communicate

through more than two (Lindgren, Hirsch, & Berggren, 2006).

2.2.3 Error detection

Many factors may hinder the communication, the same message may be

interpreted differently because of an individual’s own perspective bias, and

members may also be less willing to share information if they feel that it is not

valued or used appropriately (Bandow, 2001). During team decision making,

teams differ in the frequency in which they consider contributions from their


team members. For teams with a more frequent consideration of opposing

views, the input was not always accepted. Still, the consideration proved to lead

to higher error detection, which in turn resulted in higher quality decisions

(Driskell and Salas, 1992, in Salas, 2005).

2.2.4 Team training

Team training is an essential part of the development of any team, since it

creates a common understanding of the situation. There are many ways to

complete a task, and numerous ways to coordinate resources. These skills are

manifested at a team level and cannot be taught individually. Through time,

teams become increasingly proficient as they learn how to work together, and

they become increasingly similar in their perceptions (Morgan, Glickman &

Woodard, 1986). Team members sharing information about the nature of each

other’s subtasks emphasizes the requirement for communication and

coordination, which will enhance the team performance (Krumm, 1958).

Training team coordination should also help teams to identify interdependencies

between different roles and the undesirable consequences that will follow if the

team fails to coordinate their efforts and resources accurately (George, 1979, in

Swezey & Salas, 1992).

2.3 Team effectiveness

Teams have been acknowledged for their strengths in comparison to single

individuals. They have been attributed the potential to offer greater

productivity, adaptability and creativity, while providing solutions found to be

more innovative, complex and comprehensive (Amabile & Fisher, 2009;

Gladstein, 1984 in Salas 2005). Successful as they potentially may be, their

failures have also proven to be widespread with far-reaching effects (Larrick,

2009). Researchers have been able to suggest that team effectiveness is

mediated through team processes (Hackman & Ruth, 2009). Team effectiveness

is distinct from team performance by means of adopting a more holistic

approach. Team performance only accounts for the outcome of the team’s

actions, e.g. completion of task. Team effectiveness however, also includes how

they might have accomplished the task, covering factors concerning team

interactions, i.e. team processes, communication, coordination, learning (Salas,

2005, Hackman & Ruth, 2009). This distinction is important since many


factors, not depending on the team’s influence, may have contributed to the

success, or failure, of an assignment.

2.4 Dynamic, time-critical, high stake


The world around us in which we operate is an ever-changing entity. It is in this

dynamic, naturalistic situation in which dynamic decision-making unfolds.

Klein et al. (1993) defines natural decision settings by the following eight


1. Ill structured problems: Real world problems are rarely clean cut.

The decision maker will have to generate ideas about what is actually

happening, what options are available and what the appropriate

responses are. Complex causal links relate to each other, causes

interact, feedback loops intertwine and so on. There is typically not one

accepted procedure, and it is necessary to make a selection or invent

new ways to proceed.

2. Uncertain dynamic environments: An uncertain environment is an

incomplete world with imperfect information. Some of the information

is available to the decision maker (e.g. the status of the firefighter,

number of resources available), while other information is unavailable,

ambiguous, or of poor quality (e.g. the extent of the current fire, the

location of team members’ units). The environment is dynamic – the

conditions laying the foundation for the decision might change rapidly

– even within the time frame of the necessary decision.

3. Shifting, ill-defined, or competing goals: Well-understood goals are

rare outside of the laboratory setting, usually the decision maker is

driven by multiple goals, some opposing each other. A fire chief wants

to save a burning building, but at the same time keep his crew out of

harm’s way. The development of the fire may shift the fire chief’s

goals; saving property loses priority as lives are at stake. Usually the

larger goals direct the smaller decisions.

4. Action/ feedback loops: Series of actions stretching over time are

usually needed to deal with complex problems, developing over series

of events. It is not a matter of hording information until a valid


decision can be made, and early opportunities and mistakes will have

an effect on later events and decision. However, the cause and effect

relationship may only be loosely coupled, making it difficult to derive

back to the origin.

5. Time pressure: Correct decisions have to be performed during the

right time in order to achieve the desired result. Sometimes action is

needed within only minutes or seconds. High time-pressure will often

exert high level of stress in the decision maker, potentially leading to

exhaustion or loss of vigilance. Characteristically their thinking will

shift into simpler reasoning strategies as the time pressure increases.

Extensive evaluations of multiple options are simply not feasibly, only

a few options are evaluated in a non-exhaustive manner before making

the decision.

6. High stakes: Plenty of everyday decisions are made where stakes are

not high at all, these situation are not the ones of interest. The concern

lies within the cases where stakes are high, cases that matters to

participants, situations that are likely to make them feel stressed and

involved, persuading them to take an active role.

7. Multiple players: Many problems involve not a single actor, but

several decision makers who are actively involved. The team may

include hierarchical command structures, including the roles of

decision makers and subordinates. It may also be a flat command

structure where multiple individuals may act together as a single

decision maker, or behave as competitors.

8. Organizational goals and norms: As discretely indicated, dynamic

decision making usually situate within an organizational context. The

organization carries goals and norms that does not coincide with the

individuals personal preferences. It is hard to incorporate these factors

into artificial environments (Klein et al., 1993, pp. 7-10).

2.5 Dynamic Decision Making

When interacting with a dynamic, time-critical, high stake situation the decision

maker is faced with a dynamic decision problem. Brehmer (2000, pp. 233-238)

defined a list of properties fundamental for dynamic decision making:


Requires a series of decisions

The decisions are interdependent

The environment changes, both as an effect of the decision makers

actions, and spontaneous system changes as a consequence of time

Temporal constraints (Brehmer 2000, pp. 233-238)

As can be seen, many of these properties are direct reflections concerning the

characteristics of the before mentioned and defined dynamic, naturalistic

situation. The first three properties are closely intertwined. For example, when a

fire chief is facing the problem of a forest fire, he/she first has to make an initial

decision concerning how many resources to send in. If he would send all

available resources, then he would be left without any resources available if a

second fire strikes. The fire is now spreading as a consequence to how many

resources he decided to initially assign to the mission. But the environment also

changes as a consequence of variables he has no control over, e.g. the strength

and direction of the wind, type of vegetation, and so on. Information concerning

the situation is (hopefully) reported back, and he now has to make new

decisions regarding what to do, decisions that are highly dependent on past

decisions and spontaneous system changes.

All that is happening is restricted by temporal constrains. When faced with a

dynamic decision problem, the decision maker will lack control over the time

that the decisions have to be made. Decisions are made when required, not

when the decision maker feels satisfied with the brought up solution. Two

separate kinds of problems arise in these types of situations. First is the

handling of the “core task”, to exert control over relevant aspects of the

environment (in this case the fire). Second is the managing of the overall

decision situation, so as to remain capable of making the proper core decisions.

This involves gathering information, evaluate the options, and so on. This is

only possible if the Fire Chief comes up with a strategy allowing him to think

through and consider available options before they are executed (Brehmer,


The fire is a temporal process, the controlled process, and the mechanism the

Fire Chief constitutes another temporal process, the controlling process. The

tactical opportunities depend on the relationship between these two processes.

In the scenario depicted in Figure 2, the fire is growing at a steady pace in a

homogenous terrain without any wind present. The slopes represent the


efficiency of the two processes. As long as the firefighting process is more

efficient than the process of the fire, the situation is under control and the

attempted strategy is still valid. Hence, certain strategies work better under

certain circumstances. In the real world decision makers will not get immediate

feedback on their actions, thus the dynamic decision making process will

involve coping with delays (Brehmer, 2000).

Figure 2. A simplified case of a firefighting scenario. As long as the controlling process is

higher than the controlled process the fire can be sustained, meaning that it spreads in a

rate manageable for the firefighters. After the intersection has been crossed, a new

strategy is needed to control the situation. (Adapted from Brehmer, 2000)

2.6 Microworlds

A microworld is a computer simulation of a realistic event that can be used to

study complex systems in a controlled way. Researchers suggest that using

microworlds becomes a way of bridging the gap between controlled

experiments conducted in a laboratory, and field studies in the real world. Field

studies often lack the control needed when conducting science, while laboratory

studies instead holds so many variables constant that it is difficult to generalize

the findings outside of the laboratory setting. This is a well-known trade-off

between the external and internal validity. In the real world there is too much

complexity and in the laboratory there is not enough. Microworlds might not be

a perfect solution but it is minimizing the gap in between the two extremes.

They are not designed to be exact representations of the real world. Their

purpose is to present a recognizable problem, complex enough for the subject to

experience uncertainty in a dynamic situation, but yet simple enough to allow


for a closer analysis. Microworlds are complex, dynamic and opaque thus

allowing the researcher to present the subjects with conflicting goals with

numerous response alternatives in real time, all this and still providing stable

and replicable results (Brehmer & Dörner 1993).

2.6.1 From microworlds to reality

Generalizations from microworlds should, like all experiments, be taken with

caution and be built upon a theoretical underpinning. Resemblance between the

microworld and the target situation does not create a valid criterion for

automatic generalization. A microworld is still a simplification of the real

world, but the point has never been for a microworld to be a replica of the world

around us. The best explanation of this is the ‘cat problem’, stating that the best

simulation of a cat would be another cat. The problem is that by creating a

replica none of the complexity is reduced and it would be just as hard to

understand as using the original cat. The same goes for microworlds, they are

not meant to be replicas of the world, they are simplifications of the world

designed to allow the researcher to observe what he intends to (Brehmer, 2004).

2.6.2 C3Fire

C3Fire is a microworld that can either be used by an individual, or by a group

of people collaborating, with the goal to extinguish a forest fire (Granlund et al.

2001; Granlund 2002). It has earlier been used in a variety of experiments

(Lindgren & Smith 2006; Johansson et al. 2010; Tremblay, Vachon, Lafond &

Kramer, 2011; Persson & Rigas, 2014). C3 stands for command, control and

communication. It is a simulation where collaboration can be investigated in a

controlled way. The collaboration can be supported by different means of

communication, and it is possible to configure the simulation so that a

dependency is created between the different members. One of the strengths of

C3Fire is the flexibility that it provides: different roles can be created for the

team members, diverse kinds of terrain, customized graphical user interface and

a large variety of scenarios. The interactions with the agents are conducted

through a geographical information system, which is an interactive electronic

map (see Figure 3). The interactive map consists of a number of cells that all

contain different properties. A cell can consist of an array of items, for example:

specific types of trees can make the fire burn faster or slower in a specific

direction, a water pump where the players can refuel, or valuable properties


such as houses or schools. The user interface also contains information

regarding the status of the vehicles, a mail viewer, and an anemometer. Each

user controls a number of vehicles that are displayed as colored numbers in the

interface, and it is through these vehicles that they affect the outcome in the


All events in C3Fire are saved onto log files. The software records and

produces a variety of measures later available for analysis, including the

amounts of burnt cells, and the time it takes for the participants to extinguish

the fire. In addition, the movement of all the units, and all the messages are

logged and available for further investigation.

Figure 3. The C3Fire user interface used within this study.

2.7 Synthesis

By the theoretical underpinning of joint activity a framework is set, through

which the teams can be understood on a deeper level. The criterion of intention

is already met through the voluntary participation in the study, and the

interdependence can be created through the design of the roles within the


microworld, see 3.2.2. However, the requirements will have to be fulfilled by

the teams in action if they are to successfully participate in, and complete their

joint activity. Klein et al. (2005) refers to communication mainly as signals

used by the team members to inform each other about transitions between

phases in a joint activity. It is the tool the members employ to coordinate their


The importance of coordination and communication have been pointed out

extensively within the research, also relating it to team performance and

proficiency (Obermayer & Vreuls 1974; Morgan, Glickman & Woodard, 1986;

Svensson. 2002; Johansson 2005; Lindgren, Hirsch, and Berggren, 2006;

Pentland, 2012). Certain aspects of team communication were emphasized since

they are relevant to the current study and can relate to the analysis of the results:

communication frequency, closed-loop communication, and error detection.

In this study, trained teams are compared with untrained teams. Through time

the trained teams should have developed similar perception, identified

interdependencies between the roles, and enhanced their performance as they

learn how to work together (Krumm, 1958; George, 1979 in Swezey & Salas,

1992; Morgan, Glickman & Woodard, 1986 ). Hence, they should be more

capable at fulfilling the requirements for joint activities, and also more efficient

at managing a satisfactory level of common ground at lower coordination costs

than the untrained teams.

Furthermore, important characteristics of a dynamic, naturalistic situation have

been defined. The real world contains ill structured problems, uncertain

dynamic environments, and shifting ill-defined goals where multiple players

interact during high time pressure (Klein et al., 1993). It is in the interaction

with these environments that decision makers find themselves to be faced with

a dynamic decision problem. Dynamic decision problems are composed of four

fundamental properties: they require a series of decisions, decisions that are

interdependent, the environment changes both spontaneous and because of the

actions of the decision maker, and are under temporal constraints (Brehmer,

2000). In C3Fire multiple players are faced with these types of dynamic

decision problems, making this microworld a suitable platform for investigating

behaviors’ related to dynamic decision making.


3 Method

Six teams were initially put through extensive training before the actual

experiment. Each team consisted of three members, and the members of the

teams never changed. The training consisted of ten training sessions. Session 1,

4, 7 and 10 were held constant, i.e. they had the same map and scenario

configuration, and could therefore be used for measuring the team’s progress.

The purpose of the training was for the participants to develop as a team and

become experienced within the C3Fire domain.

For the experiment the six trained teams were compared to six untrained teams.

The communication that was analyzed in this report is extracted from the

experiment, see Figure 4.

Figure 4. Layout of the experiment. Numbered tiles represents the training sessions

undergone by the trained teams, yellow tiles marks sessions where their progress was

measured. The ‘F’-tile is the experiment where the trained teams were compared to the

untrained teams.

3.1 Participants

Twelve teams of non-professionals, with three members in each team,

participated in the experiment, yielding six trained and six untrained teams.

There were 28 men and 8 women. The mean age of the participants were 28.9

years (SD = 3.56). There was no significant difference between trained and

untrained teams regarding age or gaming experience. Each participant in the

trained team was paid 1200 SKr (which included the training sessions). The

participants in the untrained teams received 2 movie tickets each (value ca

200 SEK).

3.2 Experimental design

A 2*2 split plot design was used: team type (trained vs. untrained teams) and

sensor range (limited view vs. full view, see section 3.2.1). Sensor range was

balanced over runs.


3.2.1 Sensor range

Sensor range is the amount of visual information available to the participants.

These two conditions provide scenarios with varying amount of difficulty, thus

allowing for a greater variation in the sample collected. This was beneficial for

the earlier study where the goal was to validate the Shared Priorities measure

(Baroutsi et al., manuscript). Two different configurations were used for this

study, full view and limited view.

Full view – all information was available on the interactive map, including

locations of the other member’s units, and the spread of the fire.

Limited view – neither the locations of the other team members’ units, or the

spread of the fires were visible, unless the information is in an adjoining cell to

the participants own units (3*3 cells vision). However, all the objects on the

map were still visible, e.g. houses, vegetation, and pumps.

3.2.2 Role configurations

The organization consisted of three roles: Fire Chief, Water Chief and Gasoline


The simulation supplied three kinds of units; fire trucks, water trucks and

gasoline trucks. Fire Chief controlled six fire trucks; two of them were faster

than the other trucks but had smaller water tanks. These were good for scouting.

Water Chief controlled two fire trucks and three water trucks. Gasoline Chief

controlled two fire trucks and three gasoline trucks (see Figure 5). The

configuration forces the participants to coordinate their actions within the team

in order to become successful.


Figure 5. Role configuration.

3.2.3 Scenario

Both types of sensor range (limited/full view) used the same map configuration

and scenario script, but the map was rotated and flipped to avoid familiarity.

This enables the usage of identical map and scenario configurations, while the

subject still experiences it as new. Consequently, this allows for comparisons

between the two scenarios, since they are identical. The map is 60*60 cells,

whereas the interface only allows for a 40*40 cells view at a time. The

sequence of events is seen in

Table 1, and in Figure 6 the map is presented with the fires plotted out.

Table 1: Sequence of events with corresponding minutes into the round. The locations of

the fires on the map can be seen in Figure 6.

Time Event Time Event

0.00 Fire 1 16.00 Fire 4

5.00 Fire 2 23.15 Fire 5

7.30 Fire 3 25.00 End

9.00 Pause


Figure 6. The map used during the experiment. All units are located in the top left corner

when the simulation begins. “F” stands for fire, and the number corresponds to the

sequencing of the fires. The size of the letters is relative to the size of the fire when it


3.2.4 Script commentaries

The scenario for the experiment is built to allow for the same types of strategies

to be applied as during the training.

During the first fire (F1) two villages were threatened. Diverse types of trees

surrounding the initial starting point of the fire produces different growth

patterns in the different directions. Initially the fire spread northwards because

of the pine trees that were closely located and fast burning. The pine trees were

followed by birch trees, which would slow the fire down. On the east side the

pine trees were located a bit further away from the fire’s starting point, but the

pines reached all the way to the eastern village. This meant that the fire would

reach this eastern village faster than the northern village. In the full view

scenario this might not be a problem, but it would become challenging during

the limited view condition. This calls for an understanding of how the different


objects were affected by the fire, in order to successfully anticipate and control

future events.

While F1 was still burning a second fire (F2) started at the opposite side of the

map. To begin with, this is a very small fire starting in only two cells. It would

be easy to contain if units were sent directly. Two fast fire units can put it out if

they leave straight away. However, the fire grows exponentially, and to

postpone actions would make the task increasingly more difficult. To make it

worse, there is a big pine forest growing on the east side of F2, with a village

right next to the forest. Stopping F2 from reaching the pine forest is therefore of

great importance. Once the fire reaches the pine trees it is very hard to control

it. Less experienced teams might try to save the house on the west side of F2

instead, with dire consequences. If so, this decision puts the entire village in

danger instead. Also, the amount of burnt out cells will cost a lot more (in score

count) than the single house.

When the next fire starts (F3) the same dilemma faces the teams again. If they

have not been able to manage F2 the best choice is to save the village,

sacrificing the forest between F2 and F3. Here the pause is implemented since

all teams will be facing competing goals, i.e., two or three fires burning. The

competing goals were of interest for the earlier study, since the new measures

were implemented during the freeze.

When the round continues, another 7 minutes will pass before a new fire starts

(F4). There were two schools closely located to the fire, which starts in the

middle of a pine forest. Here the goal would be to protect the schools that were

located north of the fire. The teams might also try to rescue the house located

on the south side of the forest. Most teams would not have finished with F2 and

F3, which by now have created one big fire. After another 7 minutes F5 will

begin. This fire is located in the top right corner. This makes it easier for the

groups that were already having difficulties handling the previous fires, but at

the same time it gives the high performing teams something to do before the

end of the game.

Some teams would be able to put out one fire before the next starts. However,

during this time they have to create strategies and prepare for the next fire. For

example, one successful strategy adopted by several of the trained teams was to

refill water and gasoline and to distribute the units over the map in smaller

groups, as they wait for the next fire.


3.3 Dependent measures

The performance measure was collected through system logs in C3Fire, and the

communication to be analyzed consisted of both verbal and written


3.3.1 Simulation performance

The Simulation Performance was calculated from the amount of cells that had

been burnt down or put out. Different cells resulted in different points,

depending on if it contained an object (see Table 2). Participants were briefed

about the scoring system during the introduction. For each scenario the

maximum score was calculated by allowing the fire to spread without

intervention. The performance score was then calculated by dividing the teams

achieved score with the maximum score. This score was then subtracted from 1:

giving that 0 was the worst performance, indicating that all cells that could burn

out did so, 1 was instead the optimal performance, indicating that all cells had

been rescued (it is only the optimal performance theoretically; it is not actually

possible to achieve 1). The Simulation Performance was calculated on a team


Table 2. Scoring system in the game.

Object Score Object Score Object Score

Burned school -200 Burned house -50 Burned other -3

Saved school -50 Saved house -10 Saved other -1

3.3.2 Communication

In this study the relationship between communication and team effectiveness is

under focus. A coding scheme was applied to the communication of the two

team types, in an effort to find the mediating characteristics. This coding

scheme has not been developed for this particular experiment, and problems

related to generalization were expected. Johansson, Trnka, Granlund & Götmar

(2010) modified a coding scheme earlier used by Svenmarck & Brehmer (1991,

quoted in Johansson et al. 2010), to evaluate the benefits of using geographical

information systems in emergency response situations. Their experiment was


also conducted within the C3Fire environment, but they only treated written

communication. In addition, Johansson et al. (2010) adopted a hierarchical

command structure. The commanders performed all the planning and created

the strategies, although this communication was not recorded. The orders were

then communicated from the commanders to the ground chiefs through an email

function, which was the communication they analyzed.

In the current study a flat organization structure was developed through the

configuration of the microworld, and planning and strategies were expected to

be included in the communication (see Baroutsi et al. 2013). Also, in addition to

the email the participants communicate verbally. Problems were expected since

the coding scheme was not developed for neither verbal communication, nor

strategies and planning.

3.3.3 Level of transcription

The level of transcription can vary widely, depending on the type of discourse

and the purpose of the analysis. If the purpose is to only convey the content of

the speech, then a rough transcription would be enough. For other purposes

intonations and other verbal cues might become important and a deeper level of

transcription needs to be applied (Norrby, 1996). For the purpose of the current

study a mixture of Level I and Level II of Linell’s (1996) levels of transcription

was chosen. This was a literal transcription that identified reproduced word

occurrences, retakes, and incorrect initiations of sentences (Level II), but it also

includes hesitating sounds, and overlapping of speech (Level I). Excluded from

the transcription was length of pauses, intonations of sounds, speech rate, and

speech strength. In comparison, the last level, Level III, is completely

normalized to the written language, and only includes complete sentences.

3.3.4 Coding procedure

The participants had the option to use both verbal and written communication.

The verbal communication was recorded using three mp3-players (Olympus

VN406PC). One recorder was placed next to each participant. A mailing system

available in the C3Fire software automatically tracks and stores the written

communication in log files. These communication log files were extracted once

the session was completed. Both the verbal and written communication was

used in the analysis.


The coding consisted of five steps and was conducted by two raters:

1. The code scheme was applied and discussed using a transcription not

part of the sessions in focus (communication from the training of the

trained teams). An effort was made to reach a consensus concerning the

boundaries of ambiguous categories, as well as specific expansions of

categories, in order to make it more applicable (see Table 3). This step

was essential since the coding scheme was developed for written

communication in a hierarchical command structure.

2. The interpretations and alterations to the coding scheme were discussed

with one of the developer of the coding scheme (Johansson et al., 2010).

3. The transcriptions needed to be segmented into single phrases, each

phrase could later only be attributed one category.

4. Each rater individually coded all the material.

5. Inter-rater reliability was calculated using Cohen’s kappa and the results

were interpreted according to the guidelines of Landis & Koch (1977).

The new interpretations to the coding scheme in Table 3 are mainly self-

explanatory. However, category number 6 has been generalized from ‘mission

orders’ to ‘mission orders and strategies’. The difference is that a mission order

is only applicable when an assignment is to be carried out, e.g. “Fight fires in

the north”, while a strategy also includes passive actions, e.g. “Let’s ignore that

for now”.

Table 3. Coding scheme, both original interpretations and new interpretations are

included. In the “Original Category” column are the categories created by Johansson et

al. (2010). These are followed by the “New Interpretations” developed during the first step

in the coding procedure. The examples are created using the new interpretations of the


No. Original Category New




1 About the fire About the context “Where is the fire?” “Is

there a water pump near

the school?”

2 About other unit’s


About activity

(others’ and own

“Do you have any water

left in number 12?”


unit’s) “Where should I go now?”


3 About the fire About the context “The fire has reached X, Y”

“It is a big fire”

4 About own activity - “I am fighting the fire at X,

Y” “I am heading for Y-


5 About other’s activity - “Your fuel truck is out of

fuel” “X is fighting the fire

north of me”


6 Mission order Mission order and


“Fight fires in the north”

“Let's ignore that for now”

7 Direct order - “Go to X, Y” "Stop and give

me fuel first"


8 Request for help - “Can you send me some

back up to X, Y?” “I need

water on X, Y”

9 Request for clarification - “Did you mean Y-town?”

“Where were you?

10 Acknowledgment (on

order or info)

- “Got it, thank you”

“Mission accomplished”


11 Misc (including system



- “Is there anything on TV

tonight?” “Keep up the

good work”

3.4 Procedure

The session took about 2 hours for the trained teams to complete, and about 2

hours and 30 minutes for the untrained teams. The time difference is due to the

introduction of C3Fire that the untrained teams went through.


The participants arrived with their team. First they were informed about the

study and the purpose. They were given a written description of C3Fire and its

current configuration (appendix 1) and other information concerning the

session. Before the session started they answered a background questionnaire

(appendix 2). This was followed by a briefing on how to respond to the Shared

Priorities/Content Analysis (see Baroutsi et al., manuscript). The experimenter

asked if they understood the instructions and clarified if needed.

3.4.1 Preparing the untrained teams

The untrained teams went through an introduction where they learned about the

functionality of the game. This consisted of two separate rounds in C3Fire,

during which they were allowed to ask all sorts of questions. During the

scenarios used for the analysis, they were only allowed to talk to the

experimenter concerning the functionality of the simulation, i.e. if something

was not functioning properly. For the first round the full view was used with a

40*40 cells map, and the scenario was 11 minutes long. All participants had the

same types of units to control; one water truck, one gasoline truck, and three

fire trucks. This configuration allowed them to try on all units. A pause was

implemented 6 minutes into the simulation, during which the participant

answered a questionnaire. This was a distractor task meant to prepare them for a

freeze implemented during the upcoming scenario. During the second round the

limited view was used with a 60*60 cells map. The roles had the same setup as

Figure 7. Participants engaging in C3Fire.


during the upcoming scenario (see 3.2.2). This round took 7 minutes, resulting

in a total of 18 minutes hands-on practice for the untrained teams.

3.4.2 Session procedure

The participants chose how to distribute the roles within the team. Each team

played two rounds in C3Fire á 25 minutes. After 15 minutes into the rounds a

freeze was implemented, during this freeze measures analyzed in a previous

study was collected (see Baroutsi et al. manuscript). The round then continued.

When the round was finished measures related to the previous study were again

collected. When the round was finished the experimenter took a print screen of

the map from the observer’s screen.

3.5 Apparatus

Four Dell computers were used to run the C3Fire simulation, including a server

computer that was used to control and run C3Fire. The server computer had

2.73 GHz processor and 4 GB RAM. The other three computers were used by

the participants. The participants’ computers had 2.66 GHz processor and 3 GB

RAM. All four computers were equipped with Windows XP Professional

operating system. The screens used by the participants were connected to a

power strip, allowing the experimenter to easily control when the screens

should be turned on or off. C3Fire version 3.2.7 was used in this experiment.

Each role was assigned to a specific computer. The participants were separated

by dividers to make sure that they could not see each other’s screens (see Figure


Figure 8. Setup of the computers during the experiment.


4 Results

Initially, results concerning the participants, inter-rater reliability, and the

coding scheme are presented in order to act as a framework to interpret the

findings concerning the communication.

Univariate ANOVA’s were conducted to compare the two team types, trained

and untrained. There was no significant difference between trained and

untrained teams regarding age, gaming experience, gender, computer

experience or firefighting experience. A difference was however found in

familiarity with the other team members, F(1, 69) = 11.54, p = .001. The

untrained teams reported to be closer friends, M = 4.20 (SD = 1.05), than the

trained teams, M = 3.08, (SD = 1.65).

The raters conducting the coding had previous experience of coding, both

verbal and visual communication material. Cohen’s κ was analyzed to

determine the inter-rater reliability, and a substantial agreement (Landis &

Koch, 1977) was found between the raters, κ = .689, p = .005. The coding from

Rater 1 was used for the analysis.

4.1 Coding scheme reliability

A cross tabulation of the raters’ code was used to analyze the reliability of the

distinct categories in the coding scheme (seeTable 4).

For each category, with Rater 1 as base, the relative amount of inconsistent

categories was calculated. E.g. for category 1 the number of inconsistent codes

was divided by the total amount in that category, 92/186 = .4946. This gives

that the raters disagreed 49.46 % of the times, for the times that Rater 1

assigned a phrase with category 1. Thus, the inter-rater reliability of this

category is not very high (this does not cover the internal reliability for Rater 1).

Four categories in the schema proved to be questionable concerning the inter-

rater reliability. Categories 1, 5, 9 and 11 all displayed a large inconsistency,

ranging between 49 – 53 %. Categories 6, 7 and 8 showed a moderate

inconsistency of 34 – 36 %. Most reliable were categories 2, 3, 4 and 10

ranging between 6 – 25 % inconsistencies.


Table 4. Cross tabulation of the rater’s categories. Red marks indicate systematic

mismatches that are affecting the reliability of the category (read left to right). Green

marks indicate systematic errors that are not threatening the reliability of the category.

Rater 2

Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Rater 1

1 94 51 14 4 0 4 0 0 17 1 1 186

2 9 794 1 47 19 12 4 20 137 5 4 1052

3 6 3 743 129 21 20 1 3 2 34 13 975

4 3 35 37 2204 85 9 20 119 8 286 16 2822

5 0 21 12 193 314 32 22 21 1 35 10 661

6 0 10 27 40 23 265 21 10 0 6 1 403

7 0 1 6 15 18 52 234 32 3 4 2 367

8 0 60 4 133 63 59 122 880 3 27 10 1361

9 13 89 9 12 9 0 1 3 145 21 4 306

10 2 4 13 88 13 3 2 1 4 2252 31 2413

11 2 7 32 122 21 3 3 10 2 94 303 599

Total 129 1075 898 2987 586 459 430 1099 322 2765 395 11145

This information was further used to find systematic errors. For each category

displaying a large inconsistency, a search was made to find with what other

categories they were mainly misinterpreted as. This analysis showed that

category 1 was usually confused with category 2 and 9, category 5 with 4,

category 9 with 2 and 10, and category 11 with 4 and 10.

Lastly, a search was conducted for any misinterpretations with a higher number

than 100 codes. These misinterpretations were not large enough in relation to

the total amount of categories to cause a reliability problem. However, they do

signal a systematic error that can prove interesting to follow up. A few

examples of utterances that become ambiguous when applying the current

coding scheme can be seen in


Table 5.


Table 5. Examples of ambiguous utterances.

Utterance Possible categories

But soon I should soon have locked it in anyway 3, 4

I put out the fire on top 3, 4

Now I am fueling number 8 4, 5

4.2 Simulation performance

The simulation performance was analyzed using a repeated measure ANOVA

with sensor range as the repeated measure and team type as the independent

measure. A main effect was found for sensor range, F (1, 10) = 29.63, p < 0.001,

where the full view condition gave an average score of 0.60 (SD = 0.25) and

the limited view condition 0.39 (SD = 0.19). There was also a main effect

found for team type F (1, 10) = 15.38, p = 0.003. The trained teams

(M = 0.65, SD = 0.06) performed better than non-trained teams

(M = 0.34, SD = 0.06). No interaction effect was found, see Figure 9. The

results of the simulation performance has previously been presented in Baroutsi

et al.(manuscript).


Figure 9. The Simulation Performance for the two types of teams during the different

sensor range conditions, displayed with error bars.

4.3 Communication

Each section in this chapter is directly related to a specific research question:

Q1. “How does the communication pattern differ between trained and

untrained teams?” relates to the results in section 4.3.1.

Q2. “How does the communication pattern change during diverse visual

conditions?” relates to the results in section 4.3.2.

Q3. “Can a relationship be established between the communication frequency

and performance of the teams?” relates to the results in section 4.3.3.

Q4. “Is it possible to predict performance through the communication

content?” relates to the results in section 4.3.4.


4.3.1 Team type comparison

Initially a univariate ANOVA concluded that the type of team did not influence

the communication frequency, F(1, 23) = .313, p = .582. The communication

frequency included all types of communication, e.g. the total amount of phrases.

A multivariate ANOVA was used to analyze the categories in the coding

scheme, the team type was the fixed factor and the communication categories

the dependent variables. A difference was found in communication pattern

between the team types, F(1, 23) = 6.257, p = .004. A test of between-subjects

effects revealed that the differences were found for code 1-6 and 8, as well as

tendencies for 9 (see Table 6 and Figure 10).

Table 6. Descriptive statistics and results of between-subjects effects on communication

for trained vs. untrained teams. * marks significant results.


Trained teams

M (SD)

Untrained teams

M (SD)

1 F(1, 23) = 4.599, p = .044* 9.50 (6.59) 6.00 (4.65)

2 F(1, 23) = 14.903, p = .001* 29.00 (11.87) 58.58 (23.12)

3 F(1, 23) = 6.002, p = .024* 49.25 (22.36) 32.00 (14.57)

4 F(1, 23) = 10.994, p = .003* 92.50 (34.02) 142.67 (38.38)

5 F(1, 23) = 6.311, p = .021* 23.25 (10.62) 31.83 (6.38)

6 F(1, 23) = 5.086, p = .035* 22.50 (12.37) 11.08 (11.51)

7 F(1, 23) = .146, p = .706 14.25 (12.81) 16.33 (12.93)

8 F(1, 23) = 7.900, p = .011* 45.42 (17.95) 68.00 (19.74)

9 F(1, 23) = 4.170, p = .055 9.08 (5.84) 16.50 (11.67)

10 F(1, 23) = .990, p = .332 108.08 (40.86) 93.00 (28.96)

11 F(1, 23) = .977, p = .335 29.00 (25.03) 20.91 (10.73)

This entails that the trained teams asked more questions concerning the context

while the untrained teams asked more questions concerning the activities of the

units (both concerning their own and others’ units). The trained teams also gave

more information concerning the context and the other team members’ activity,

while the untrained teams gave more information about their own activity. The

trained teams did also give more mission orders than the untrained teams.

Requests for help were more frequent among the untrained teams (see Figure



Figure 10. Communication patterns for the trained and untrained teams. Displayed on the

y-axes is the phrase frequency, and on the x-axes displays the codes in the coding


To illustrate the communication found in the different team types are two

examples of discussions within the untrained teams,

Table 7, and the trained teams, Table 8.

Table 7. Conversation among team members in one of the untrained teams.

Line Alias Utterance

1. Adam: Bob, do you have any fuel trucks?

2. Bob: Where you want?

3. Adam: Ehh… everywhere… hehe. W 53.

Whichever one is close to you.


4. Bob: W 50?

5. Adam: Ok, I'll just tell you the numbers. 2, 3, 4.

6. Bob: 2, 3?

7. Adam: 2, 3, 4… and 6

Table 8. Conversation among team members in one of the trained teams.

Row Alias Utterance

1. Adam: You know what Cesar, we could almost head upwards

and position ourselves in the pines close to G 18. It

would’ve been a legendary position.

2. Bob: Yeah, you could do that.

3. Cesar: If it’s gonna start burning then it would probably burn

in the middle of the pines, one can imagine

4. Bob: Yeah, that is probably where it’s gonna start, yes

5. Cesar: Spontaneously

6. Adam: I don’t fucking know, maybe it’s too risky

7. Cesar: It is damn far away from everything else then

8. Adam: Mmm

4.3.2 Sensor range comparison

The type of sensor range showed no effect on the communication frequency

according to the univariate ANOVA analysis, F(1, 23) = .545, p = .838.

A multivariate ANOVA was again used, this time with sensor range as the fixed

factor and the communication categories as the dependent variables. Sensor

range showed a significant difference in the communication patterns, F(1,

23) = 2.991, p = .048. A test of between-subjects effects revealed that the

difference was for code 1 and 3, this was due to an increase in frequency for


questions and information concerning the context during the limited map view

scenario (see Table 9 and Figure 11).

Table 9. Descriptive statistics and results of between-subjects effects on communication

for full view and limited view condition. * marks significant results.


Full view

M (SD)

Lim view

M (SD)

1 F(1, 23) = 22.065, p < .001* 3.92 (3.00) 11,58 (5,53)

2 F(1, 23) = .776, p = .389 40.42 (25.71) 47.17 (21.61)

3 F(1, 23) = 4.794, p = .041* 32.92 (12.59) 48.33 (24.22)

4 F(1, 23) = .796, p = .383 110.83 (44.73) 124.33 (43.62)

5 F(1, 23) = 2.999, p = .099 30.50 (9.22) 24.58 (9.46)

6 F(1, 23) = 1.958, p = .177 20.33 (14.50) 13.25 (12.02)

7 F(1, 23) = .432, p = .518 17.08 (14.57) 13.50 (10.70)

8 F(1, 23) = .117, p = .736 58.08 (23.03) 55.33 (21.34)

9 F(1, 23) = 3.627, p = .071 9.33 (7.13) 16.25 (11.10)

10 F(1, 23) = .005, p = .944 101.08 (41.36) 100.00 (30.35)

11 F(1, 23) = .192, p = .666 26.75 (23.03) 23.17 (15.50)


Figure 11. Communication patterns for the full view and limited view condition.

4.3.3 Communication frequency and performance

A pearson correlation was calculated to determine if there was a relationship

between the communication frequency and the simulation performance scores.

No such correlation could be found, r = -.013, p = .954.

4.3.4 Communication pattern as a predictor of performance

A regression analysis was calculated to investigate whether the communication

patterns could be used as a predictor of the performance, e.g. the simulation

performance score. The variables in the communication scheme significantly

predicted performance scores, R = .94, F(11, 23) = 8.231, p = .001. R2 = .883,

hence, 88.3 % of the variance could be explained by the communication


Four of the categories in the communication factor contributed to the

predicative model, category 2, 6, 7 and 9, p < .05. Thus, communication content

found to be predicative of performance were questions concerning the activity


of the own and other members’ units, mission orders, direct orders, and requests

for clarifications, see Table 10.

Table 10. The categories used in the regression analysis to predict performance. βeta* is

standardized coefficients. * marks significant results.

Category β βeta* t-value Sig.

1 .005 .117 0.471 .646

2 -.006 -.545 -2.148 .053*

3 .000 .024 0.089 .931

4 .001 .193 0.722 .484

5 .012 .483 1.727 .11

6 .009 .495 2.114 .056*

7 -.009 -.46 -2.583 .024*

8 -.001 -.089 -0.386 .706

9 -.016 -.653 -3.127 .009*

10 .002 .302 1.179 .261

11 -.005 -.363 -2.028 .065

4.4 Summary

Cohen’s kappa showed that a substantial agreement was found between the two

raters. Hence, the inter-rater reliability is high enough to continue analyzing the

communication for further interpretations. A closer investigation of the code

produced by the two raters revealed inter-rater reliability concerns for specific

categories, and systematic errors for these and some other categories. The other

systematic errors did not raise any reliability concerns for the categories in


4.4.1 Trained and untrained teams

The trained teams performed better than the untrained teams during both types

of sensor range, hence they achieved a higher simulation performance. No

difference was found in the communication frequency between the types of

teams, e.g. the trained teams uttered as many phrases as the untrained teams.

However, the utterances differed in content.


Trained teams:

Category 1: Asked more questions regarding the context.

Category 3: Gave more information regarding the context.

Category 6: Gave more mission orders.

Untrained teams:

Category 2: Asked more questions regarding the activities of their own

and others’ units.

Category 4: Gave more information regarding their own units’


Category 5: Gave more information regarding activities of other

members units.

Category 8: Gave more requests.

4.4.2 Full view and limited view sensor range

The simulation performance varied between the two types of sensor range. The

teams achieved higher performance scores during the full view condition. No

difference was found for the communication frequency for the two conditions,

but differences in the content were again found:

Category 1: Questions regarding the context became more frequent

during the full view condition.

Category 3: Also information regarding the context increased during

the full view condition.

4.4.3 Communication and it’s relation to performance

The communication pattern could be used as a predictor of performance. Four

categories contributed to the predicative model:

Category 2: Questions about activity

Category 6: Mission orders and strategies

Category 7: Direct orders


Category 9: Requests for clarification

The overall communication frequency, e.g. the total amount of phrases, showed

no relation to the simulation performance.


5 Discussion

Earlier analysis’ has suggested that the team types (trained vs. untrained) were

different when it came to team effectiveness (Baroutsi et al. manuscript), and

the inter-rater reliability proved to be of substantial agreement (Landis & Koch,

1977). This entails that the reliability is high enough to continue analyzing the

communication for further interpretations.

5.1 Results discussion

The analysis of the results are mainly discussed in the framework of joint

activity (Klein et al., 2005), but are also related to results from earlier studies on


5.1.1 Communication patterns and team type

It is important to note that the untrained teams communicated as frequent as the

trained teams, the only difference between the two types of teams are found in

the communication content. The results show that the trained teams ask more

questions and provide more information concerning the context. The untrained

teams instead asked more questions regarding the units’ activities, and gave

more information about their own and other unit’s activities.

Hence, the trained teams communicate more frequently concerning the context,

while the untrained teams were more concerned about the units’ activities. One

of the requirements of a joint activity is that the team members share a

sufficient amount of common ground in order to coordinate properly (Klein et

al., 2005). The untrained teams continuously pay high coordination cost, which

is reflected by frequent questions and information sharing on activities as they

strive to repair and manage their unsatisfactory common ground. It also reflects

a deficiency in the interpredictability (Klein et al., 2005) for the untrained

teams, since they were not able to predict each other’s behaviors to a reasonable

degree of accuracy, they will again have to compensate in terms of coordination


Furthermore, the trained teams gave more mission orders while the untrained

teams gave more requests. This could be a reflection of the directability (Klein

et al., 2005) of the team members. The untrained teams frequently had to repeat

their requests, increasing the amount of requests stated, something not very


common among the trained teams. Of course, there is also a difference in self-

synchronization between the two types of teams affecting the frequency of

requests. For example, some trained teams located a water truck on top of a fuel

pump, enabling the firefighters to fill themselves up with water and fuel at the

same time. Also found was examples where the Chief responsible for a

resource, let’s say water, continuously rotated around the firefighters so that

they rarely had to ask for water. This relationship between directability and

requests is not open for further investigation using the current coding scheme.

However, possible developments of the coding scheme in this direction are

discussed in section 5.2.5 and 5.2.5.

When applying the coding scheme the closed-loop communication would entail

an increase of acknowledgements for the trained teams, or even the double

amount of acknowledgements (category 10). This since both step 2 and 3 in the

closed loop communication would in this coding scheme be interpreted as

acknowledgements, and the untrained teams would only reach step 2. No such

differences could be found. The structure of the coding scheme could also

categorize these kinds of acknowledgements as either question about other

units’ activity (2) or information about other’s activities (5). For example, if

someone asks for fuel for unit 8, the acknowledgement might be a simple

”number 8?” with an intonation at the end signaling that it is uttered as a

question. This would still be coded as a question. Another answer, bordering to

an acknowledgement is “you are close to my 13”. This answer both

acknowledges that the information has been received, and also adds additional

information to their common ground. Hence, it can be interpreted as

information regarding activities. However, the results suggest a significant

difference for both category 2 and 5, but where the untrained teams utter them

more frequently. If trained teams possess closed loop communication, but not

the untrained teams, then the opposite pattern would be found. Hence, nothing

suggests that the trained teams would differ from the untrained teams in terms

of closed-loop communication.

5.1.2 Communication pattern and visual conditions

The communication frequency did not differ between the two visual conditions,

but again differences in content were found. It was the questions and

information concerning the context that displayed an increase in frequency

during the full view sensor range.


It is rather surprising that no other differences where to be found, since the loss

of visual information changes the task considerably. Communication regarding

questions and information about activities did not increase during the limited

view condition, even if the loss of visual information means reduced

availability of monitoring each other’s activities. The monitoring task is one of

the activities teams often engage in to support the team’s common ground

(Klein et al., 2005). Consequently, there is no way to determine in this study

whether the choice was incorrect or not (not to compensate the loss of visual

information), and whether it was having a negative impact on the team’s

performance. It might also be possible that the gains in common ground were

outweighed by the monitoring costs, and therefore ignored.

5.1.3 Communication frequency and performance

The overall communication frequency would be expected to be lower for the

trained teams than the untrained teams (Obermayer & Vreuls, 1974; Svensson,

2002; Salas, 2005). However, no correlation could be found between

communication frequency and performance, which opposes the results found in

previous studies. Salas (2005) interpreted the findings from Obermayer &

Vreuls (1974) and said that it appears that teams reduce the lengths of their

messages over time, which results in a reduction of communication. However,

in this study an effort was made to ensure that strategies and planning was

important for the teams to become successful (Baroutsi et al, 2013). The result

of the multivariate ANOVA also suggests a different communication pattern for

the two team types. Hence, there is reason to believe that the trained teams took

the opportunity to use this extra time to discuss and strategize, as they reduced

the lengths of their messages in other areas.

5.1.4 Communication content and performance

The communication content served as a strong predictor of performance in the

created model, explaining 88.3 % of the variance. This can be contrasted to the

absence of correlation between the communication frequency and performance

in this study. Communication content that was included in this model was

questions regarding activities, mission orders, direct orders, and requests for

clarifications. The untrained teams displayed a higher frequency for questions

regarding activities, while the trained teams uttered more mission orders and

direct orders.


5.2 Method discussion

The C3Fire microworlds was theorized to be a suitable platform form studying

dynamic decision making because of its dynamic, uncertain and time-critical

properties, see 2.7. But to bear in mind is that the sample was small, only 12

teams participated in the study.

5.2.1 Transcriptions and the coding scheme

The verbal communication was transcribed before it was categorized. An

alternative choice would be not to transcribe the material, but instead listening

to the recordings while categorizing each sentence. The benefit of this choice

would be that the categorization would be made straight from the raw material

and no informational cues would be lost. Intonation, pauses, sound level and so

forth were all cues that can reveal intent in verbal messages. However, two

researchers independently categorized the material followed by a calculation of

the inter-rater reliability. For this calculation to be possible the material needs to

be split up into chunks, each chunk is then assigned one category (one by each

rater). The inter-rater reliability is then calculated on the amount of chunks that

have been assigned the same category by the different raters. Hence, for it to be

possible to calculate the inter-rater reliability, the material needs to be divided

before the categorization can commence.

5.2.2 Reliability of the coding scheme

Initially it is important to point out that the reliability concerns for the distinct

categories are all related to the inter-rater reliability, they are based on how the

coding of Rater 1 and Rater 2 differ from each other. The actual analysis of the

communication is only based on Rater 1, and these reliability results do not

reflect the internal reliability of this rater. What can be said is though that the

inter-rater reliability was high enough to suggest sufficient consistency to

continue with the analysis of the results. But conclusions should for these

specific categories be drawn with caution, and the ambiguity should be further

discussed and revised for future work.

Four of the categories displayed large inconsistencies when comparing the

output produced by the two raters, with up to 53% disagreements. These and

other categories were found to be systematically interpreted differently by the

raters, see Table 11. Further improvements on these categories would therefore


be beneficial for future developments of the coding scheme. Ideas on how the

improvements can be made are found in the next section, 5.2.3.

Table 11. Categories found to be systematically mixed when comparing Rater 1 and 2.

Nr Category





1 Questions about the context 2, 9 Yes

2 Questions about activity 9

3 Information about the context 4

4 Information about the own activity 8, 10

5 Information about other’s activities 4 Yes

8 Request for help 4, 7

9 Request for clarification 2, 10 Yes

11 Miscelanous 4, 10 Yes

5.2.3 Adopting a grammatical approach to diminish ambiguity

When defining categories for coding communication the examples tend to be

very clean cut, making the distinctions easy. Unfortunately, the participants are

not following the prescribed examples, making the coding process ambiguous.

Many phrases can be interpreted in multiple ways, and it is difficult to decide

the focal point of the utterance. The same utterance could be interpreted as

being about the own units activity, someone else’s activity, and the context – all

at the same time.

Phrases in verbal communication are not distinct categories, a more fair

description would be to view phrases as belonging to a spectrum. Just like

colors, we can create distinct categories but the nuances can, and will always,

be up for debate. When coding material the purpose is to diminish the

ambiguity and increase the reliability of the categories.

One way of dealing with this type of ambiguity could be to adopt a purely

grammatical approach to the coding process. Consider phrase 3 (see Table 12),

“Now I am fueling number 8”. This utterance contains information concerning

both the speakers own unit, as well as information about the activity of vehicle

number 8’s owner. However, there is one active noun, “I am fueling”, and one

passive noun, “number 8”. A linguistic solution could be to assign the category

to the active noun in the sentence: “Now I am fueling number 8” would then


belong to category 4, “information about own units activity”. If the same

information would be uttered as “Number 8 is being fueled by me”, then the

active noun would be “8 is being fueled” and instead assigned to category 5

“information concerning other units activity”. In phrase 1 (Table 12) the active

noun would be “I should” even if the speaker is referring to the status of the

fire, “locked it away”, and therefore assigned category 4. The same goes for

phrase number 2, the active noun is “I put out”, hence it belongs to category 4.

Table 12. These examples are all observed in the current study, and the numbers after

the arrows are possible categories that can be assigned to the given utterance.

Utterance Possible categories

But soon I should soon have locked it in anyway 3, 4

I put out the fire on top 3, 4

Now I am fueling number 8 4, 5

This is just one example of how a grammatical approach could be used to

diminish ambiguity, but simple rules can be applied to most situations. This

would be an interesting solution to the encountered reliability concerns. It may

also be interesting to see if better performing teams more frequently talk so that

the active noun is the team member, and not themselves. Since this could

possibly be a reflection of talking and thinking through someone else’s

perspective, an ability claimed to belong to high-performing teams (Klein et al.,


5.2.4 Strategies and planning

As previously mentioned, the coding scheme is not designed to handle

strategies and planning. When dealing with dynamic decision problems, this

form of communication becomes essential. It is through the process of

deliberation between team members that the process of dynamic decision

making takes place, especially within flat command structures. In

Table 13 presents several good examples of communicational content that arise

during the joint activity of creating strategies and planning. Some of these

examples can be covered within the current coding scheme (row 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 in

Table 13) but some cannot (row 1, 3, 6).


Table 13. Conversation among team members in one of the trained teams.

Row Alias Utterance

1. Adam: You know what Cesar, we could almost head upwards

and position ourselves in the pines close to G 18. It

would’ve been a legendary position.

2. Bob: Yeah, you could do that.

3. Cesar: If it’s gonna start burning then it would probably burn

in the middle of the pines, one can imagine

4. Bob: Yeah, that is probably where it’s gonna start, yes

5. Cesar: Spontaneously

6. Adam: I don’t fucking know, maybe it’s too risky

7. Cesar: It is damn far away from everything else then

8. Adam: Mmm

Each example and its category, or absence of category, will be described and

clarified. First presented are the categories that were not covered in the coding

scheme. (1) Adam addresses his team mate and presents him with a possible

future state. This is very common during dynamical decision making. The

presentation of a future state anchors the conversation and offers a hypothetical

common ground. Future states can be used both within questions, information

sharing as well as orders (i.e. “if X happens then you have to Y”). (3) Cesar

further develops Adams trail of thoughts and continues to build on the possible

future state. (6) Adams is now adding a value to the made up scenario, in this

case a negative value signaling to his team mates to consider the flaws of the

future state. He is redirecting their decision making process into a more

cautious trail. As implied, a value can either be negative or positive.

Onwards to the phrases that are already covered. (2/4/8) Acknowledgements on

what has been said. These three utterances do not add any information to the

decision making process. (5) Miscellaneous, a word describing that his previous

contribution was a spontaneous one. (7) Information regarding the context, this

phrase is a description of the map and the discussed location.


Consequently, if a coding scheme is to support strategies and planning, valuable

additional categories would include:

Future states

o As a question

o As shared information

o As a conditional order

Adding value

o Negative

o Positive

These categories in combination with the current categories: acknowledgement,

information about the context, mission orders and direct orders would create a

good starting point for extending the coding scheme to also cover strategies and


Also, in the coding scheme used in this study, questions regarding the own

unit’s activity are coded together with questions regarding other unit’s

activities. This choice was made since the original coding scheme did not

account for these types of questions at all. A modified coding scheme should

differentiate between these types of questions and code them into separate


5.2.5 Reaching consensus

One drawback when analyzing the coding scheme is that there is nothing

indicating whether the participants were just battling the same questions or

topics repeatedly, or if they were actually progressing.

Table 14. Conversation among team members in one of the untrained teams.

Line Alias Utterance

1. Adam: Bob, do you have any fuel trucks?

2. Bob: Where you want?

3. Adam: Ehh… everywhere… hehe. W 53.


Whichever one is close to you.

4. Bob: W 50?

5. Adam: Ok, I'll just tell you the numbers. 2, 3, 4.

6. Bob: 2, 3?

7. Adam: 2, 3, 4… and 6

This form of communication was not unusual among the untrained teams, a

simple request for fuel required many turns before they could exit the phase in

their joint activity (Klein et al., 2005). If many signals have to be performed in

order to complete a simple request, it is arguable to claim that the team does not

possess a good directability (Klein et al., 2005). The untrained teams did utter

more requests than the trained teams, but in the current coding scheme there is

no way to tell whether this difference is a result of repeated requests. It would

be of interest to track how many turns it takes before they actually enters the

exit phase for a request and complete the joint activity, i.e. how many turns does

it take before they reach consensus in the matter. This could allow the coding

scheme to offer insights on the directability of the team members.

The coding scheme was not created to handle planning and strategies. If the

coding scheme would be further developed to incorporate relevant aspects of

planning and strategizing, then what aspects could be of interest to include? In

some of the trained teams strategies seemed to be debated, while in other teams

it was more common to only give orders or information without it being further

discussed. According to Driskell & Salas (1992) teams that more frequently

consider opposing views will have higher error detection, resulting in higher

team performance. Would this entail that teams taking more turns reaching

consensus when strategizing would reach higher performance?

As implied, calculating turns to reaching consensus would have to be applied on

categorized transcriptions in order to be valuable. Otherwise a team repeating

the same requests over and over again would seem no different than a team

debating strategies. But together with a coding scheme interesting results

concerning directability and considerations on opposing views could be



5.2.6 Summary of the proposed coding scheme

The analysis of the team’s communication, together with theories concerning

what enables a team to be successful has led to suggestions on how to further

develop the coding scheme. These changes are summarized in

Table 15, this summary is depicting how the coding scheme has transformed

from the beginning of the study up to the final suggestions of proposed

categories. Further descriptions on the proposed categories can be found in

section 5.2.5 and 5.2.4.

Table 15. The evolution of the coding scheme during the process of this study.

Nr Original Categories New Interpretation Proposed Categories


1 About the fire About the context

X1 - - About own unit’s activity

2 About other unit’s


About activity (others’

and own unit’s)

About other units activity

X2 - - About future states


3 About the fire About the context -

4 About own activity - -

5 About other’s activity - -

X3 - - About future states

X4 - - Add positive value

X5 - - Add negative value


6 Mission order Mission order and


Mission order

7 Direct order - -

X6 - - Conditional order


8 Request for help - -

9 Request for clarification - -

10 Acknowledgment (on

order or info)

- -


11 Misc (including system



- -

The newly proposed categories are also exemplified in an effort to clarify the

intention of each category, see Table 16.

Table 16. The newly suggested categories with corresponding examples.

Nr Proposed Categories Examples


1 About the context “Where is the fire?” “Is there a water

pump near the school?”

2 About own unit’s activity “Where should I go now?”

3 About other units activity “Do you have any water left I number


4 About future states "What if it starts burning on the other

side instead?"


5 About the context “The fire has reached X, Y” “It is a big


6 About own activity “I am fighting the fire at X, Y” “I am

heading for Y-town”

7 About other’s activity “Your fuel truck is out of fuel” “X is

fighting the fire north of me”

8 About future states "If it’s gonna start burning then it

would probably burn in the middle of

the pines"

9 Adding positive value "I think it's gonna work" "That is a good


0 Adding negative value "It might be too risky" "There is no

point trying to save the that village"


10 Mission order “Fight fires in the north” “Let's ignore

that for now”

11 Direct order “Go to X, Y” "Just leave that forest for



12 Conditional order ”If the fire starts at XY, then use your

fast units to get there”


13 Request for help “Can you send me some back up to X,

Y?” “I need water on X, Y”

14 Request for clarification “Did you mean Y-town?” “Where were


15 Acknowledgment “Got it, thank you” “Mission

accomplished” "No"

16 Miscelanous “Is there anything on TV tonight?”

“Keep up the good work”


6 Conclusions

The conclusions will be related to the initial research questions: each question

will be directly responded to.

6.1 Results

Q1. How does the communication pattern differ between trained and

untrained teams?

No difference could be found between the teams in communication frequency,

but differences in communication content were found. The trained teams

communicated more frequently regarding the context, contrasted by the

untrained teams who uttered more phrases concerning unit’s activities. This can

be interpreted as a deficiency in common ground and interpredictability among

the untrained teams. They find themselves having difficulties coordinating in

their joint activity, and they have to pay coordination costs in terms of an

increased frequency in choreographing signals concerning activities.

The trained teams also gave more mission orders, while the untrained teams

uttered more requests. The increase of requests among the untrained teams

partially stems from a lack of self-synchronization, an ability that was found

among the trained teams. Repeated requests were also common among the

untrained teams. The increase in requests can therefore be interpreted as an

inability to direct each other, i.e. a deficiency in directability.

Q2. How does the communication pattern change during diverse visual


The communication frequency did not differ between the two conditions: full

and limited view. In the communication content, the only difference found was

an increase in questions and information regarding the context. This was found

to be rather surprising since the loss of visual information would reduce the

availability to monitor each other’s activity, but no compensatory actions could

be found.

Q3. Can a relationship be established between the communication

frequency and performance of the team?

No relationship was found between communication frequency and performance,

unlike results from previous studies that found this relation to be true


(Obermayer & Vreuls, 1974; Svensson, 2002; Salas, 2005). However, the

communication is an important tool when a team has to make decisions

together, and the communication content did differ between the trained and

untrained teams. It is therefore feasible to believe that the trained teams took

advantage of the situation, and started discussing strategies and plans when the

communication in other areas reduced.

Q4. Is it possible to predict performance via the communication content?

The communication content could explain 88.3 % of the variance in

performance. Categories contributing to the predicative model of performance

included category 2, questions regarding activity, 6, mission orders, 7, direct

orders, and 9 requests for clarifications.

6.2 Method

Q5. What are the limitations of the coding scheme?

Systematical differences were found between Rater 1 and Rater 2, even if the

inter-rater reliability was up to a substantial degree (Landis & Koch, 1977),

reflecting ambiguity between the categories. To find ambiguity between the

categories is not surprising, since language is not naturally divided into clean

cut sections. A language rather behaves like a spectrum of colors, made up of

nuances that slowly merge into new colors. It is suggested that this ambiguity

can be diminished by adopting a grammatical approach, a way of learning from

the language sciences. For example, to let the active and passive noun decide

whether a sentence is concerning one’s own actions, or if it is about someone

else’s action.

The main deficiency of the coding scheme when it came to handling strategies

and planning was its lack of including future events, and adding value to an

idea. Also there was no differentiation between questions regarding one’s own

actions, and another member’s actions. To cover these aspects new categories

where suggested:

Future states

o As a question

o As shared information

o As a conditional order


Adding value

o Negative

o Positive

Split up category 2: Questions regarding activities

o Own unit’s activities

o Other unit’s activities

Another limitation with the current coding scheme is that nothing differentiates

between teams battling the same topic or questions repeatedly, and teams that

actually progress in their discussion. It would hence be of interest to calculate

the number of steps it takes for a team to reach consensus in a matter. If this

was adapted together with a coding scheme, then interesting results concerning

directability and considerations of opposing views may surface.

6.3 Future research

The proposed coding scheme needs to be tested on a new sample, or that the

same sample is coded by new raters, to find out if it is really applicable. It

would also be interesting to investigate the grammatical approach to diminish

ambiguity when coding verbal communication.

The act of coding corpuses is a common trait within the field of language

technology, and this act can be automated. A program can perform the coding

process, and what is needed is a grammatically tagged dictionary and a set of

rules on how to apply the categories. Two advantages are gained by utilizing an

automated process. (1) When creating the rules, no fussy distinctions between

the categories would be accepted by the program and the categories have to be

specified in detail. (2) The program would always code the material in the same

manner, eliminating the inter-rater reliability problem. Conversely, the

disadvantage would be that utterances that are ascribed with an incorrect

category would be coded not somewhat wrong, but terribly wrong. It is thus

advisable to still manually go through the coded material and catch these

mistakes. Hence, if a machine initially codes the material and a researcher goes

back and corrects the obvious mistakes, then the inter-rater reliability wouldn’t

completely disappear, but it would diminish substantially. Also, this method

would not actually ease the workload or save time since the researcher still

would have to manually go through the material.


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Appendix 1

Instructions to players

Your main task in this computer-generated game is to put out a forest

fire in a simulated world.

Organization and Assignment

Your task during a session is to put out a forest fire and protect

important objects in the simulated world. You affect the fire

simulation by commanding the units in the game. In order to be

efficient you have to make plans for, establish a structure in the work

and synchronize the units activities. As the game begin one or more

fires will start. Your objectives are to put out the fire, to save as many

houses as possible and to save as much terrain as possible.

Ground Chiefs


Units, Houses, People

and the Fire, etc.




Figure 1: The simulated world.

The organisation in this game consists of three players; Fire Chief,

Water Chief and Gasoline Chief.

The game supplies three kinds of units; fire trucks, water trucks and

gasoline trucks. Fire Chief will control 6 Fire trucks, 2 of which are

faster then the other trucks, but has a smaller water tank and is

therefore not as efficient when it comes to putting out the fire. Water

Chief will control 2 Fire trucks and 3 Water trucks. Gasoline Chief

will control 2 Fire trucks and 3 Gasoline trucks.

Figure 2: The three roles with their assigned units.

The Simulated World and Interface

In the centre is a map of the simulated world and a clock is displayed

at the top left corner of the map. Unit information and the mail

function is located left of the map. On the right side of the map is the

pointer’s position, the intended position of the units and object



Figure 3: Example of a player’s user interface.


The simulation divides the world in a matrix of 40x40 cells. Each cell

in the matrix is uniquely identified by a letter (indicating its column)

and a number (indicating its row). The speed and direction of the fire

depends on two factors: the type of vegetation, and the activities of

the fire trucks you command. The fire will not spread outside the


There are three different kinds of visual fields, the experimenter will

tell you what kind of map view will be used before the session starts.

Full map view: you will be able to see each others units as well as

the fire.

Partial map view: you will see the fire but not each others units

unless they enter your visual field (3x3 cells around each of your


Limited map view means that you will only be able to see the fire

and the other players units when they enter your visual field (3x3

cells). The map has a memory built in which means that it will

remember the fire where you have been, but the cells will not update

the information until you go there again.

Vegetation and Geographical Objects

There are three kinds of vegetation in the world that burn at different

rates: normal vegetation, pine, trees and birch trees.

Normal vegetation.

Pine trees (burn two times faster than normal vegetation)

Birch trees (burn at half the rate of normal vegetation)

House. Important to protect.

Water tank station. Contains an unlimited amount of water.

Water supply units and fire supply units can get water here.


A fire in one cell can spread to all eight surrounding cells, see figure

5. Cells that are no-longer burning or burned-out cannot start to burn





No longer burning


Figure 4: Status of the fire Figure 5: Development of the fire

Hints for fighting fire in C3Fire efficient

The fire fighting units have to collaborate in order to be successful in

putting out the fire efficiently. An adequate collaboration technique is

to put out the fire in edges. In figure 6 the units join forces while they

put out the fire in the south. In figure 7 units do not collaborate. In

this case the fire slips between the fire fighters and will eventually

spread around them.

Figure 6: Good collaboration Figure 7: Bad collaboration


The units will do exactly what you command them to do if they have

the resources available to do so.

The panel ‘Unit Info’ is on the left side of the map, figure 8. It

contains information about the unit’s position, activities, and

properties. Below is a panel called ‘Unit property’, figure 8, which

contains information about the unit’s control functionalities. Select

what unit to display by clicking on it in the ‘Unit info’ panel.

Figure 8: Unit Info

Figure 9: Unit Property


Control the units movements

In the map the units are identified with different colors. The unit’s

current position is exposed with a colored number, and its intended

position (where it is going) is exposed with a white number, figure


Move a unit: Drag-and-drop the colored number to the intended

position. The number will appear in that cell in white. If you

want to change the destination position while a unit is going,

drag-and-drop the white number to a new destination, figure 10.

It is also possible to command a unit by selecting its white

number in the ’Unit Palette’ panel on the right side of the screen

and push the left mouse button on the intended cell on the map,

figure 11.

If the white number disappears immediately after you have

placed it on a cell at the map, then the unit has run out of fuel.

The speed of all units is independent of vegetation and objects

on the map and the fire does not affect them.

Fire trucks

The Fire trucks current position is exposed with a number in a red


Fighting fire: A fire truck will automatically start to fight the fire if it

is standing on a burning cell, it will only fight the fire in the current

cell. Putting two fire-fighting units on the same burning cell will not

put the fire out faster.

Running low on gasoline and water: Refill it by standing next to a

gasoline truck, water truck or water tank station. The units can not get

refueled if they are positioned diagonally from each other.

Activity: A fire-fighting unit can perform six different


Inactive (Doing nothing)


Mobilizing (Preparing to fight fire)

Fire fighting

Demobilizing (Ending the extinguish of fire)

Refill water

Water trucks

The Water trucks current position is exposed with a number in a blue


It can be refilled at a water tank station or by another water truck.

Also the Fire trucks are able to use the water tank stations. The Water

trucks can refill one unit at a time.

Activity: A water truck can perform four different activities.

Inactive (Doing nothing)


Tapping water

Refilling water

Gasoline trucks

The unit’s current position is exposed with a number in a yellow



It can be refilled at a fuel tank station and it can refill one unit at a

time. All units are able to use the fuel tank stations. The truck itself

can not run out of fuel.

Activity: A gasoline truck can perform three different activities.

Inactive (Doing nothing)


Refilling gasoline


Sending a note by mail is the only way to share information with

members of your team. The mail system has two parts:

The viewer panel: where you receive and read mails.

The editor panel: where you write and send mails.

When you receive a mail, two things happen.

1. The number at the top right-hand corner of the viewer panel

changes. The number indicates how many mails you have

received but not read.

2. The viewer panel becomes pink. You don’t get any other

notification, so keep an eye on the viewer window to see if

you have unread mails.

Click the ‘Next’ button once to open and read incoming the mail. Old

mails cannot be viewed again, they are deleted when you view the

next mail.

Any questions?

Appendix 2

This section is filled in by the experimenter

Group number: ____________

ID (InitialsÅÅMMDD):__________

Background information



If student:



Gender: _______________ Age: _______________

How many times have you played C3Fire?

0 1 2 3 4 5+

How much computer experience do you have?

1 2 3 4 5

No experience Plenty of experience

Do you have any previous experience of firefighting?

1 2 3 4 5

No experience Plenty of experience

Have you done any kind of military service?

Yes, title:_______________, for__________months. No

How well do you know the other team members?

1 2 3 4 5

Never seen before Very good friends

1 2 3 4 5

Never seen before Very good friends

How much experience do you have from gaming (computer- and videogames)?

1 2 3 4 5

No experience Plenty of experience

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