Communication ashley

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Communication ashley

Be able to communicate about media production

in discussions Task 1: Name Ashley Faulkner

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is communication using speech, sounds and words.

It is important In things such as meetings because you express your opinions and feelings to other people.

We use verbal communication everyday.

Non Verbal Communication

Non verbal communication involves using sign language, body language and other different gestures.

We use non verbal communication to help explain what we are trying to say.

Non verbal communication is important because it shows people how interested you are in what they are saying.

The newspaper challenge

We tried to build a tower out of newspaper and make it stand for 1 minute without touching it or leaning it on something

At the start we had 5 minutes to discuss what we would do then we had 15 minutes to build it in silence

It was difficult because we couldn’t talk to each other while we were doing it so it was harder to understand what the others meant and the newspaper tower kept falling down so it was hard to keep it up

We rolled up the pieces of newspapers into cylinders and started to construct a tower out of them

At the end we came in third place

The newspaper challenge

The newspaper challenge

Good Group Communication Skills

Listen to each other

Don’t repeat yourself

Put everyone’s ideas into consideration

Do research beforehand

Don’t swear at each other

Consequences of poor communication skills

Employee morale will be low

Wrong message

Performance will drop

Wont be able to function properly

Hard to understand

Discussion Guide:

Environment: The environment must be appropriate for speaking. Noises could interfere which is one of the bad factors. Use a microphone if the area is large

Supporting Resources: The people involved will feel prepared for what topics might come up. This also means that people will be inputting more informed opinions.

Discussion Ground Rules Resources:

Agenda: Make sure the topic is clear and everyone is aware of what the discussion is about. If it is unclear then people will get sidetracked.

Time: There should enough time for the discussion to cover all points. Points could be rushed in order to cover everything.

Discussion Ground Rules:

By setting ground rules everyone agrees with before the discussion it slims the risk of people becoming upset at other people. To avoid this set rules like people should take turns to speak.

Interacting with others: The Soler theory

In the form of non verbal communication, soler theory can be valuable when helping another person. Soler theory can make the other party feel cared for, involved in what is going on and feel respected and understood. Soler theory is used in counselling and other areas where one person is there to listen, help or comfort another; soler theory can also be learned by anyone who wishes to become a better listener.

Social Media Group Debate

1. You must decide upon an opening statement. This should state your opinion, position and the arguments you will be proposing.

E.g. Censorship is wrong because everyone has the right to free speech.

Opening statement: Social media is good because you can connect to people from all over the world and make friends

Questioning Your Opponent

2. You should have at least 10 questions that can be asked of your opponent. These should be on separate sheets of paper or on note cards for easy reference. The questions should be specifically directed to your opponent and should be concise and clear.  1. Why do you think social media is bad?2. How would you stop cyber bullying?3.         

Answering Debate Questions

3. You should have answers prepared which will be used to respond to your opponent’s questions. Imagine that you are from the other team and determine what questions may be asked of your team.           


4. You should have a final conclusive argument/statement drawn up which will be proposed at the end of your debate.

When you have determined who will be responsible for each portion of your team's debate, it is up to you to prepare yourself for the challenge that lies ahead. Only one team will win this debate. The winning team will: Have a solid background regarding all material. Have plenty of evidence to back up claims. Be creative/psyche out opponents. Outclass opponents/never give an answer of "uh...."