Communicating Sustainable Development 5 th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns...

Post on 29-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Communicating Sustainable Development 5 th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns...

CommunicatingSustainable Development

5th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns

“Taking the Commitments to the Streets”22 March 2007, Seville

What do we do?• Think

• cutting edge strategic thinking• advice and market intelligence

• Plan • creative ideas, • tactical blueprints and campaign strategies

• Do

• marketing communications including • public relations; web design; copywriting;

design and print; film and video

Who for?

Beyond the suspects

Empathy and imagination are power tools

The Right Message

Pleasure Principle

Who are we talking to?• 21% Settlers

– Security/sustenance driven, backward looking, yesterday was better

• 44% Prospectors– Esteem/outer-directed needs, ‘in the now’,

fashion, status, success

• 35% Pioneers– Inner-directed needs, ethical, self-exploration,

look forwards, like change and discovery

Source: Chris Rose and Pat Dade

• Sustainable development: what is it?

• Why communicate?• How to communicate• Stories from around the world


• 1972 “The Blueprint for Survival”• 1968 Moon landings• Brundtland 1987 definition• Earth Summit Rio 1992 • Jo’Burg World Summit 2002• Climate Change IPCC report Feb


A brief history of sustainable development

• Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (United Nations)

• Improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting ecosystems (IUCN)


• Improving the quality of life with a lower intensity of resource use, thereby leaving behind for future generations an undiminished or even enhanced stock of natural resources and other assets (World Bank) …yawn


Most people now know that climate change is happening, but don’t really know how it will affect them, or what they can do about it.

While 85% of UK businesses are aware climate change is a problem for the world:

• 46% of businesses think that it is blown out of proportion • Only 26% think it is a real threat to them

Understanding of sustainable development

Understanding of sustainable development


• Treating the world as if we intended to stay

• Reaping what we sow• Doing to others…• Common sense!

Put simply…

Why sustainable development?

• New way of thinking and doing• Motivation, promotion and dialogue• Radical policy change• Share good practice

… so how do I do it?

Why communicate?

What should I aim for?1. Raise awareness2. Change attitudes3. Change behaviour


Myth: Any communication is good


What doesn’t work

Myth: Communications cost

the earth

What doesn’t work

Myth: There is a rational man

What doesn’t work

Be Inspiring• Set an inspiring

goal• Link to the “big”

issues• Be compelling; a

modern storyteller

What Works

• Use emotions

Be inspiring

• Link action to positive desires

Make it personal and practical

• Use innovative channels

Make it personal and practical

Viet Nam• Target SCP issue• Target audience• Target campaign• Target message

& channel

Targeting works - agriculture

• Communicating Sustainability

• Compass

New developments and resources

• You do not need to be a professional communicator…

• Different countries; different needs

Over to you…

“Human history is a race between education and catastrophe”

The Ten Rules1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

5. Only stories work

6. Optimism

7. Glory button

8. Change is for all

9. We need more heroes

10.Personal circle

1. Big picture

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

5. Only stories work

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

5. Only stories work

6. Optimism

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

5. Only stories work

6. Optimism

7. Glory button

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

5. Only stories work

6. Optimism

7. Glory button

8. Change is for all

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

5. Only stories work

6. Optimism

7. Glory button

8. Change is for all

9. We need more heroes

1. Big picture

2. Technically correct

3. Be cool

4. Belong

5. Only stories work

6. Optimism

7. Glory button

8. Change is for all

9. We need more heroes

10.Personal circle

THANK YOU!Kirsty Gogan

PartnerFuterra +44 (0)20 7378 4000