Communal helpers

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Communal helpers

CredLocTeam: Communal Helpers

Group Members: Kaitlyn Greene, Jennifer Jimenez, Megan Superville,

Shane Mangubat

Too many high school students in the New York State do not have enough credits(hours) for community service to graduate.

When high school students look for community service opportunities they soon find out that they are either too young or the location is way too far.

When high school students do community service most of the time their time is not being counted for.

There is no app in google play that helps the high school students in the New York state find community service near their location.

The Problems that we are addressing :

How does CredLoc solve these problems?

Targets the high school students who need community service hours to

locate community service opportunities near the customer's(student's)


Includes a credit counter that keeps track of the amount of credits earned

by completing a community service activity.

A wide variety of community service opportunities keeps customers

interested in continuing the use of our app.

We can become the next big thing in the teenage world of apps, this app

will be the new talk and can help create awareness of community

service and helping the community in general.

CredLoc solves these problems by

App Description

Physical Features/ Effects

•App will contain a login page •After the login page there is a screen that you input your information •App will include a variety of community service categories to choose from or you can search specific community services • App contains a zip code search bar to find community service near your location•Credit counter will also be included


Screen One

-Welcome to CredLoc

Add Account

Screen Two

-App has the ability to be personalized


Screen Three-Credit


Zip code Search

Screen four-Enter zip code

to find community

service opportunities

near your location

•High school students and high school teachers

Target Market


CredLoc Other Apps

Targets the high school students Do not give directions

Improve graduation rates Do not have a main target

Can be personalized Can not be personalized

Directions to locations Does not have a target market

Increases moral character Customer has to become a member

CredLoc is awesome! Most apps were not located in the U.s

A chat room where you can add people you know and you can setup meeting and do community service together

A reminder you can set when you want the app to remind you of when the community service is

Badges can be given to each customer after they have exceeded a certain amount of community service hours

Future Plans


CredLocTeam: Communal Helpers