Common Security Services. Consolidation patterns for legacy components - Stefan Vladov

Post on 17-May-2015

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The concept of interface and implementation is not a new idea, but when you need to unify a number of server components that have been developed and refined for years, it might become a difficult pattern to follow. The talk is about the approach Software AG took in consolidating JAAS-based server components including dynamic loading of login modules and dynamic domain configurations. The login modules are bundles or POJO legacy implementations.

Transcript of Common Security Services. Consolidation patterns for legacy components - Stefan Vladov

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Common Security Services –

Consolidation Patterns for Legacy





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OSGi Server platform

• Our focus: • Enterprise JAVA applications and servers

• Migrating heavy legacy components to OSGi

• Components are tightly bound to core JAVA APIs

• Not well suited for the OSGi world

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Speaking of JAVA APIs…

• Java Authentication and Authorization Service

• JAAS class loading problems

• Key points

• Plugging login module bundles

• Preserving backward compatibility

• Configuration challenges

• RFP 123 – JAAS Integration

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JAAS Core functionality

• Focus on the authentication part of JAAS

• Frontend • Consumers of login capabilities

• Backend • Providers of login capabilities

• Configuration • Exposing dynamic JAAS configuration

• Retain backward compatibility

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General design

• We are focusing on the following JAAS framework


• Login modules

• Ensure dynamic OSGi disposal of login module bundles

• Proxy loading mechanism to cope with JAAS limitations

• Login contexts

• Control of login context creation

• Try to facilitate login module classloading

• Configuration

• Provide own JAAS configuration implementation tied to wrapped login


• Expose the configuration through standard OSGi API

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Login Consumer


Admin Service Managed Service


Login Context

Factory Service


Managed Configuration


Login Module Factory

JAAS Extender

(Generic Login Module

Factory Implementations)

Login Module Libraries

True OSGi Login Module Bundle

Login Module

Factory Impl

Login Module


Login Provider

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Login Consumer

• Access the JAAS through a LoginContextFactory:

interface LoginContextFactory {

LoginContext createLoginContext(String realm, Subject subject, CallbackHandler handler);


• Benefits: • Control and influence the creation of login contexts

• It really feels like to OSGi way communication between modules

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Login Consumer

• Legacy support:

LoginContext context = new LoginContext(…);

• Notes:

• Products are used to this API

• The proxy login module should be on the bootstrap classpath or on the thread

context classpath when the context is created by the JAAS framework

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Login Module Provider

• Login Module Factory

interface LoginModuleFactory {

LoginModule createLoginModule();


• Notes:

• Allows creation of custom login module implementations through the whiteboard

architectural pattern

• OSGi aware providers may implement and register own login module factories and

have full control over the instantiation of login modules

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Login Module Provider

• Login Module Libraries:

• Login module extender bundle will automatically register declared login modules

in bundle manifests (under the Jaas-ModuleClass header)

• Convenience for providers that wish to restrain from dependencies to the OSGi


• Using Extender pattern to plug libraries into the Whiteboard (cool eh?)

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• JAAS Realm configuration

• Realm name

• List of module entries. Each entry consists of:

• Module name

• Flag: required, sufficient, requisite, optional

• Set of key=value options.

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• Managed JAAS configuration:

• Replace the standard JAAS configuration

• Exposed through the OSGi service registry

• Merge with standard JAAS configuration file (using central configuration)

• Wrap configured login modules in proxy login modules (ClassLoader aware about


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• Using the Configuration Admin service to provide access

to the JAAS configuration dynamically, through OSGi API

• JAAS application configuration entries are pushed to the Managed configuration

when they have the „ “ persistent identificator

• Although the Configuration Admin service offers very basic API for managing the

JAAS configuration it has its benefits – Configuration will be available through any

generic tool / UI that supports the Configuration Admin

• A dedicated Realm configuration service should be evaluated in the future.

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Bundle structure


- LoginContextFactory <iface>

- LoginModuleFactory <iface>



Login module registry (Whiteboard)

Managed Configuration


- LoginModuleBundleTracker


- ConfigurationAdmin Service Tracker




- ProxyLoginModule

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Out of scope

• User Admin service – We want to stay focused only on the

pure JAAS API. Adopters are free to use whatever

security component they want, on top of JAAS.

• We are currently working on providing a common SSO

service in an OSGi server environment.

• Prototyping with OpenID and SAML

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