Common Campus Housing Policies RA/PM Online Training.

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Transcript of Common Campus Housing Policies RA/PM Online Training.

Common Campus Housing Policies RA/PM Online Training

Presentation Overview• Overview of RA/PM Role in policy

enforcement• Definitions• Alcohol• Contract Cancellation• Drugs• Guests• i-Card• Lockout & Loaner Key• Quiet Hours• Sexual Misconduct• Tobacco• Wrap-Up

RA/PM Role in Policy Enforcement• Know these key

policies (almost to the point of memorization) so that you can communicate them clearly to residents.

• Know where to direct residents so they can educate themselves on the policies (student handbook and campus housing website).

• RAs and PMs should write incident reports (IRs) at all times to report potential policy violations.

• Incident reports can be filed online at the Housing Dock website:

• RAs and PMs should maintain confidentiality at all times when handling policy violations.

• RAs and PMs should make their RDs aware of all policy violations.

Resident Student Handbook

Once on the website, click“Resident Resources” under the “Current Students” tab.

Under the “Student Housing Basics Heading” click “Resident Student Handbook Download (PDF)”.

The full link is

This handbook also includes the Resident Student Code of Conduct (RSCOC). Familiarize yourself with each code.

Definitionso IR: incident report

(official documentation of an incident or policy violation. This is an online form that RAs, PMs, residents, and Campus Housing staff can fill out at any time.)

o RSCOC: Resident Student Code of Conduct (the policies outlined that set the standard for resident behavior)

o EAO = East Area Office (front desk area where resident swipe to enter the residence halls)

o WAO = West Area Office

o SAO = South Area Office

o Central Office = the place where administration for the department happens. Central Office is located on West Campus in the 2nd floor of SRH above Subway and the coffee shop.


Alcohol Policy“The possession, purchase, consumption or transportation of alcoholic beverages by any person under twenty one (21) years of age is illegal under Illinois law.

Students who are 21 years of age or older are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages in moderate quantities in residence hall rooms; however, students are not permitted to consume alcoholic beverages in public places or to dispense alcoholic beverages at functions.”

Alcohol Policy Enforcemento Review RSCOC 1o Students over 21

are not allowed to drink in the presence of students under 21.

o Drinking games or drinking devices are not allowed.

o When on rounds, listen out for loud gathering that may include alcohol. Always document these situations.

o When documenting alcohol situations, call for a backup RA/PM and be sure to include the type and quantity alcohol present in the IR.

o Alcohol bottles are confiscated and brought to the confiscation closet by the residents. RAs/PMs don’t touch residents’ alcohol.

Contract Cancellation

Contract Cancellation Policy“Once the contract period begins, if a student cancels his/her contract before the end of the contract term, he/she will be responsible for room & board charges up until the time of check-out plus all the following contract cancellation penalties:

o Loss of $100 housing deposit

o $100 cancellation fee

o Payment of 75% of the remaining contract cost (housing portion only)

If a student would like to cancel his/her contract, that person must come to the Campus Housing Office to complete the necessary cancellation paperwork.

Contract Cancellation Policy EnforcementContract Cancellations are handled in the central office with the area coordinator of administration.While there is not enforcement of this policy at the RA/PM level, it is helpful for you to know this information in case residents ask. Direct them to contact Central Housing at 312-355-6300.


Drug Policy“The possession, sale, production, purchase or use of marijuana, habit-forming barbiturates, amphetamines, hallucinogens, narcotics, prescription drugs without a valid prescription, or other addictive or illegal drugs on university property is prohibited. The following conduct is expressly prohibited:

a. Being in the presence of illegal drugs.

b. Possession or use of drug paraphernalia (E.g., bong, pipe, vaporizer, or other device or object used to facilitate the use of drugs).

c. The manufacture, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs. This includes sharing or otherwise distributing prescription drugs.

Drug Policy Enforcemento Review RSCOC 2.o Marijuana is a

common substance documented by Campus Housing Staff.

o When documenting situations involving drugs, call for a backup RA and be sure to include the type and quantity drugs potentially present in the IR.

o If you smell marijuana in a building, call a second RA/PM to come verify the smell.

o Attempt to pinpoint the exact room the smell is coming from.

o Escort residents to the nearest toilet to flush marijuana down the toilet.

o If large amounts of marijuana are present, call the RD on duty.

o Always call RD on duty for other drugs.


Guest Policy “Each resident is allowed up to three (3) guests at a time in their room, as long as the guests are abiding by the Guest Hosting policy in the current Resident Student Handbook.

Resident students are always responsible for the actions of their guests. Guests must be signed in at all times and escorted by the resident host at all times.”

“Overnight guests may stay no more than three nights in any two-week period in Campus Housing facilities.

Only one overnight guest is permitted per room.”

Guest Policy Enforcemento As a campus

housing staff member, it is your job to remind residents to sign their guests in and out properly at the front desk.

o Guests need government- issue photo identification to be signed into our system. RDs can make exceptions to this rule.

o Overnight guests must be at least 10 years of age.

o RSCOC 10 covers the guest policy in great detail. Review this code.

Guest Policy Enforcemento Residents often

remember to sign their guests in, but forget to sign their guests out

o When this happens, RAs on duty go and check rooms to verify that the guest has left. These verifications are documented in the daily duty log.


i-Card Policy “To enter our residence halls, you will be required to show your i0card and swipe to verify residency to our security staff. Without this ID, your identity will have to be verified by either a current roster or by the RA on duty after the office closes.”

o Failing to possess and/or present a valid i-Card when requested or misusing/misrepresenting a form of identification is a violation of RSCOC 3c.

i-Card Key Policy Enforcemento Residents with

lost or stolen i-Cards should contact UIC Police, report their i-Card lost or stolen, and write down the police report number they are given.

o A police report number will allow the $20 i-Card replacement fee waived at the i-Card office.

i-Card Key Policy Enforcementi-Card offices:

Student Services Building (SSB) Suite 17901200 W. HarrisonMon-Fri 8:30am-5:00pm

Student Center West (SCW)Room 241828 S. WolcottMon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm

o Students who are missing i-Cards MUST get them replaced at one of these two locations.

Lockout/Loaner Key

Lockout Policy“If you are locked out of your room, you can sign out a loaner key from the desk to gain access to your room.

If you are locked out of your room after the Front desk is closed, you may contact the RA on duty for lockout service. There is no charge for asking the assistance of the RA on duty although the request will be documented and added to the loaner key record.”

Lockout Policy Enforcemento RAs on duty will

be called between midnight - 8am for lockouts.

o When called, the RA should ask the resident to meet him/her at the EAO/SAO/WAO.

o Upon arrival, the RA should ask for the resident’s i-card and verify their room number on with the printed roster in the binder or using the Resident Search function in the Campus Housing Dock.

o After the resident has been verified, the RA will then enter the key box and retrieve the master key and escort the resident to their door to unlock it.

o RAs will document their lockouts in their duty log. These lockouts will be recorded and residents can be subject to a conversation with the RD for excessive lockouts in one semester.

o Peer Mentors do not have key box access and therefore cannot open unlocked doors.

o Residents who are locked out and who do not have any identification with them must be verified with their key cards:

The RA should meet the resident at the EAO/WAO/SAO and

retrieve the resident’s key card. The RA should then ask the resident their mother’s maiden name and listen for the correct response before opening the door.

Loaner Key PolicyRSCOC 6c:“Failure to return a loaner key within one hour of checking it out. The loaner key is issued for one hour and there is no charge for borrowing it for this time period. If the loaner key is not returned within the one-hour time limit, you may be charged for the core of your locks to be changed and for replacement keys to your room.

If you live in a suite, cluster or apartment, you may be charged for all of the affected doors.”

Loaner Key Policy Enforcemento Residents who are

locked out from 8am – midnight will visit the EAO/WAO/SAO to check out a loaner key for their room/cluster.

o Loaner keys must be returned within one hour of checking it out.

o Residents have a limit for the number of times they can use the loaner key service.

o “Students may only check out loaner keys 5 times per semester. Students are subject to a meeting with their RD after 3 loaner key checkouts” – RSCOC 6d

o Housing staff will pull loaner key reports that RDs check monthly to see who may be approaching 3 or 5 loaner key usages per semester.

Quiet Hours

Quiet Hours Policyo The following is

prohibited: “Causing excessive noise and/or disruptive behavior, failing to abide by quiet hours, and/or disturbances of others living in the halls. Behavior of this nature will not be tolerated due to the close proximity of academic buildings, retail vendors, and the educational role of the residence halls.”

Quiet Hours:

Sun – Thurs: 10pm-8am

Fri – Sat: 1am – 10am

Last Week of Classes & Finals Week: 24 hours per day

Courtesy Quiet Hours: 24/7

Quiet Hours Policy Enforcemento RAs/PMs should

emphasize quiet hours during floor meetings and ensure they are publicized and enforced consistently.

o RAs/PMs may ask residents if they would like to extend quiet hours but not shorten them.

o Document excessive or repeated quiet hours offenders in an incident report.

Sexual Misconduct

Sexual Misconduct Policy“Sexual misconduct is sexual activity between any two persons without consent and is expressly prohibited. The Campus Housing sexual misconduct policy applies to all individuals regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex.”

Sexual Misconduct Policy EnforcementThis will be covered more extensively in RA/PM fall training, but here are the basics: o RSCOC 5 outlines

the entire policy. Review it.

o Consent means permission—a clear “yes”—and is necessary to engage in sexual activity.

o RAs/PMs cannot promise to keep information confidential.

o RAs PMs should alert a RD immediately if they encounter a resident who has been involved in sexual misconduct. The situation should be documented in an incident report.


Smoking Policy“UIC is a tobacco-free campus (including smokeless tobacco products). “Tobacco Products” is defined as all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookahs), chew, electronic cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco products.”

Smoking Policy Enforcement o During cold-

weather months, residents who are smokers may try to smoke cigarettes or marijuana inside the residence halls.

o It is the RA/PM responsibility to confront these behaviors and document the incident in an IR.

o It is difficult to pinpoint the exact location of smoke inside because smoke often travels through the vent system.

o Residents also attempt to smoke outside the residence halls (i.e. in the doorways, in the auto courts, etc.). This is also not allowed since UIC is a smoke free. Ask residents to move to a public sidewalk to smoke.


Policy Enforcement Wrap-upo RDs are on duty

24/7 and are available to assist during incident confrontations.

o When in doubt, always write an incident report for a potential policy violation.

o Read through the resident student handbook to refresh yourself on the policies 1-2 times per semester.

o It is helpful to carry a notebook on rounds so you can record all details related to a policy violation. The incident report should include as many details as possible.

o RAs and PMs must be comfortable with confronting policy violations.

You have now completed this training module. Please move on to the quiz.