Commercial Design Project

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Commercial Design Project


Submitted to Dezyne E’cole College towards the partial fulfillment

For the Award of Advanced Diploma in I.A.D

By Mr. Sumukh Khandelwal


106/10, civil lines, Ajmer-305001 Tel: +91 9887327076


106/10, civil lines, Ajmer-305001 Tel: +91 9887327076

The project of Mr. Sumukh Khandelwal has been checked and every aspect of design developed was seen and the overall grade is


Authorized Signature



“A little effort every day, give rise to a BIG success”

I am thankful to all those people who have helped me in creation of the project.

CONTENTS Commercial spaces: Visual merchandising and retail design Retail store Principal of retail design Layout Anthropometrics – Ergonomics Shop entrance and display New age retailing concept Requirement from a retail outlet Why customer needs retail outlets Link between the customer and retail outlet What is commercial space? How can design commercial space

Retail design project Brief of design Concept and mood board Data collection sheet About the plot Working drawing material


A commercial space is a strong consideration any building where items or services are bought and sold. This is significantly different from retail space, though people often confuse the two specialties. Interior designers can specialize in retail and commercial space or pick one of the two to concentrate on as a profession.

Commercial space refers to services more than goods. A store for example is a type of retail space. A commercial space can refer to a hotel, restaurant, nightclub or even a doctor's office. Depending on the type of commercial space the interior designer is working on, the job can be relatively simple or more complex.


Chapter 1


Define Retail outlet

Shopping is an experience and the successful store is designed to provide merchandise in addition to looking good.

A store is usually divided into two parts-

1. The store front 2. The interior

Store front- 1) the design of the façade must be very attractive to draw the customer in from the street. 2) Graphic identifications, bold colors, lighting, lettering, logos, and attractive display of merchandise should be done. In enclosed malls the show window displays are setup in large vestibule, perhaps elevated or on portable platforms and become part of the interior. The demarcation between the exterior and interior is not physical and rather the two are integrated. A retail shop should have:-

Shop name will be cleared Colors should be contrast Moving areas Ribbon also appear Color will be different Wallpaper/textures

Sediments also use Story Eco friendly location

Interiors - 1) Interior displays requires particular attentions because a merchandise display refreshes a client mentally and physically.

2) The space must be organized to help the customer in selling and exposing the customer to maximum amount of merchandise is a part of very good design. 3) Avoid monotony in circulation and display of merchandise. 4) Wherever possible do not hesitate to be bold or even shocking .this stimulates the customer and her urge to buy. 5) The location and design of the cashier and the wrapping unit are important and provide several persons to be serviced. Chapter 2

Principles of Retail design

In order to design satisfactory shops, the first requirement is an understanding of those potion of current merchandising theories, which affect the design problem.

Merchandising psychology consists of:- 1) Arousing interest 2) Satisfying it (food, shelter, and goods)

With staple goods the first phase is almost automatic when non staples, accessories or specifies other than “demand” goods are to be sold, methods of arousing interest may become more complex merchandising. The second phase the actual sale involves factors of convenience that are devisable in order to make buying easy ,to satisfy customer completely and to achieve economy of space & time for the store management. Both phases affect the design of retail source & are the closely interrelated .in some cases the planning problems involve cannot be segregated. The steps in the merchandising process; as they affect soft design are as follows-

(a) Attracting customers–this can be accomplished by means of advertising ,prices, show window displays or new or demodulate quarters, which occupies much of merchant efforts problems of arrangement with regard to merchandise, departments and routes of customer approach are involves. Relief from the repeated impact of merchandise sales affords and display is necessary in the most shops .experienced sales peoples can tell at a glance the customer who is satiated with shopping and to vewildered to buy. After he/she has been refreshed by a brief rest the customer interest can be captcrurd quickly. Such relations may be mental or physical or both.

(b) Conveniences -- Conveniences intended primarily for the customer benefit while not strictly alied to the problems of attracting trade or selling goods, are necessary to some types of source. A florist, for instance, provides a card writing or counter in her shop. In

other shop types particularly those whose prices are above the average, such extra provisions are often highly desirable conveniences of this kind include telephone boots, ringing, fountains, lavatories, desks for writing cards or checks. Stools or chairs at counters or in special sells rooms & vanity tables or triplicate mirrors for certain types of apparels rooms. In regards to finishes and equipment, the idea may be extended to include floor surfacing for comfort acoustic treatment of ceiling & possibly walls & illuminations of pleasant, sometimes special features. All these have been found profitable investment in various cases. Their necessity or desirability depends to an extends on the types of shops &to its locations.

Chapter 3 Layouts

There are two basic planning guidelines 1. Use 100 percent of the space allocated 2. Do not sacrifice function for esthetics There are six basic plans that can help the designer to carry them out; they form the foundation on which others can be created The six basic types are:

-Straight -Pathway -Diagonal -Curved -Varied -Geometric

Chapter 4 `


Anthropometrics literally means man (Anthropometrics) measurement (metric). It is the measurement of the size of human body, as well as parameters such as reach and visual rang capabilities. Anthropometrics enables us to properly size items, including system interfaces, to fit the user.


Ergonomics is a discipline that involves arranging the envioroment, to fit the person to it. When ergonomics is applied correctly in the work environment, visual and fatigue is reduced significantly.

CHAPTER 5 Shop entrances and displays:- Show windows cannot stop at merely attracting and stopping passerby. Patrons must be induced to enter the shop, and displays should be aligned with entrances. Angular walls also create niches for displays. Steps are considered inadvisable. When a change in grade is necessary, and it is too great for a ramp, the steps may be inside the store, well lighted. It is necessary to provide some form of protection from drafts at entrances, particularly in cold climates. Vestibules offer such protection, and may be made removable in summer months. Revolving doors are often essential where wind pressures are high, when volume of traffic is great, or when air conditioning is used. In order to maintain the air conditioning system’s efficiency at a maximum, a seal between indoor and outdoor air may be needed.

Features of new age retailing concept –

1) SHOP FITTING – Rationally host the biggest and most amazing stand constructions in the areas of shop design and shop fitting, lighting, flooring and materials. Materials - Classical material specialists like Plexiglas or 3a composites, with a long tradition of technical leadership in sheet materials for sign and display applications, field the material hole 10 together with many flooring solution from market leaders such as Armstrong forbo etc.. Lighting-It has to create emotion but it also has to be as cost effective an efficient as possible. Refrigeration-it is a cost driver in retail. Energy expenditure has been rising in retail sector. Visual Merchandising- It creates clear orientation in the store all inclusive visual merchandising describes the latest trends with the concept of slow line and fast line. The fast line is t he internet ,web shop, mail order, amazons but also discounter, which means quick and efficient service the slow line is more experience driven ,it’s the shopping experience in the special trade, the pleasure of spending an entire day there. Digital Signage - From electronic sound showers & perfumes showers to interactive solution in the digital signage area, the state of the art tech.conquerd the visual merchandise space. Information Technology - many s/w comp. Presented new retail abs for phones, but also solution for androgen or abs for mobile computing. Automation Of Cash Handling - these systems are aware of the exact quantity of cash in hand. Change is return automatically without errors and operator change over is possible any time without the need for interim cashing up, their by shorting the final cashing up time subcitanly.

Biometric Applications - In retail the deployment of biometric security system has not been wide spread yet unlike in security critically areas such as research in state and airports. In the long run, though, this tec. will become wide spread in retail “crows industry, 30 to 40 % of all IT infrastructure project are put out for tender with optional biometric systems even today”.

Requirements from a retail outlet:-

Flexibility means an adaptive sourcing strategy .the globalised market place has increased the information flow on both primary material price evolutions and ever moving manufacturing possibilities.

Sourcing the right product environments, based on a deep market and customer knowledge, will be key to success.

Instead of managing the inventory flow from an obscure back office, the modern merchandise planners and allocators (MP&A) now spend more time in the field observing, verifying and steering the masses of products.

Expectations: - retail organization will need to integrate their internal expertise to the maximum degree, from the earlier system it will completely change, disappear, and the buying –merchandise – supply –sales – marketing roles will be transformed in to multi disciplinary terms having the latest support tools , combined with a deep knowledge of the market and the customer. One will see open floors with massive ,wall street –like LCD screens flashing real time information’s on merchandise flows , customer feedback (e-tailing information’s ) and margins movements, enabling at the same time visual communications with flagship store managers who indicates exactly what they want & how they want it .

Why customer needs a Retail Outlet:-

A simple consumer cannot approach to wholesaler or a industry directly then he/she go to a retail counter, so the basic needs of retail outlet is

(1) Because a consumer requires variety of products thus they look for the right product that will fully satisfy them that’s y retail is very necessary for all consumers.

(2) It gives ability to compare price and features of different goods.

Retail out let is needs Due to some other basic necessities:-

He/she can easily discuss and chatting with outlet owner Time reduction Minimization of overall shopping Researchers identity Can take goods with choice and interest or a/c to their requirements and hobbies Easily replacement facility At last from here a producer can easily advertise their product in market.

The link between the customer and retail out let:-

Retail outlet is a place where consumer can easily approach .by this outlet medium a consumer can satisfy with his/her needs. By a retailing outlet consumer can easily buy and replace goods according to their hobby and requires. They can easily compare in b/w two and more than two items.

So these are some specific factors which correlate a consumer with a retail outlet.

Good behavior of both of them Advertisement and satisfaction Relationship between buyer and vendor Personal attention to customer. Convenience of time and place of presentation. High costs make it the most expensive form of selling. Negative consumer view of direct selling.

Different from earlier system and expectations of customer from new retail outlet systems:-

The old ‘ivory tower’ working on their own pace, according to their own set of rules, they followed barter system.

Barter System is that system in which goods are exchanged for goods. In ancient times when money was not invented trade as a whole was on barter system. This was possible only in a simple economy but after the development of economy, direct exchange of goods without the use of money, was not without defects. There were various defects in this system. These were the following;

1. Double Coincidence of Wants: Exchange can take place between two persons only if each possesses the goods which the other wants e.g., if a weaver needs shoes and he has cloth to offer in exchange he should not only find a cobbler who makes shoes, but find such cobbler who needs cloth and is prepared to give shoes in exchange for it. In this case, it was difficult to find such a person. 2. Absence of Standard Value: Under barter system there was no measure of value. Even if two persons met together who wanted each other goods, they could not find a satisfactory equilibrium price. Under such conditions one party had to suffer. 3. Indivisibility of Commodities: It was difficult to divide a commodity without loss in its value e.g., a man who wants to purchase cloth equal to half the value of his cow and other commodities for the rest half value of cow; he could not divide his cow. 4. Absence of Store of Value: Wealth cannot be easily stored for future use in the form of commodities because they perish in the long run. In the modern economy barter system cannot succeed. Money is indispensable for large scale

production. The functions of money are the same which were defects in barter system. Its functions in modern economy are:

a) Money is a matter of functions four b) A medium, a measure, a standard and Store Now it is clear that functions of money have removed those difficulties which were in barter system., but now days retail outlets working on just opposite rules it follows internet , e-commerce like high techniques.

Example like:-Online shopping is the process whereby consumers directly buy goods or services from a seller in real-time, without an intermediary service, over the Internet. It is a form of electronic commerce. An online shop, e-store, internet shop, web shop, web store, online store, or virtual store evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a bricks-and-mortar retailer or in a shopping mall. The process is called Business-to-Consumer (B2C) online shopping. When a business buys from another business it is called Business-to-Business (B2B) online shopping.

What are Commercial space ?

A commercial space is a strong consideration any building where items or services are bought and sold. This is significantly different from retail space, though people often confuse the two specialties. Interior designers can specialize in retail and commercial space or pick one of the two to concentrate on as a profession. Commercial space refers to services more than goods. A store for example is a type of retail space. A commercial space can refer to a hotel, restaurant, nightclub or even a doctor's office. Depending on the type of commercial space the interior designer is working on, the job can be relatively simple or more complex.

It is called commercial space because it is used for

For the purpose of profit At a commercial site Mainly for business , industry, office purpose On the risk of third party involvement Involvement of government

How we can design a commercial outlet:-

The first step in the process of designing a commercial space is for the designer to get a look at the space. This step is also known as the conceptualization stage as it's when the designer discusses possible plans with the owner of the property. The designer gets a basic feel for the layout of the building, the way things operate or run, and what the individual's concept is. One of the most important things an interior designer can do during this stage is talk with the client and shows them different ideas. The designer sketches plans for the space either on paper or using a computer program to create a 3-D model. This allows the owner to see exactly what the designer plans to do and offer their own feedback on the design. The point is for the designer and owner to find common ground or understand the client's specific needs.

The interior designer needs to see the way the commercial space works in its current state. This can be done by watching during the day as the employees and customers move around the space. If it's a new building not yet used, the designer may visit another similar space to get an idea of how things operate. The designer needs to know exactly what types of services the business provides, where the employees go and how the customers move through the space. Following this stage, the interior designer executes the plans for the commercial space. This happens only after the owner approves the final design plan. The interior designer will then seek out the specific items and services to make the design happen. This can include hiring an architect to tear down a wall, a plumber to lay pipes or a carpenter to create furniture. The designer also sets up the budget and takes steps to ensure that they stick to the budget throughout the project. Budget is one of the key aspects of designing a commercial space.


A retail store is one that sells to the public, so an outlet store is a retail store. Retail consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser. Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery. Retail consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser.[1] Retailing may include subordinated services, such as delivery. Retail consists of the sale of goods or merchandise from a fixed location, such as a department store, boutique or kiosk, or by mail, in small or individual lots for direct consumption by the purchaser.

Points to be considered in this category are: -

Brief of the design and structure of retail Concepts behind design – Tribal art, look of the restaurant Data Collection - main requirement, questionnaire ,data

sheet, and design process, Working drawing –plan , sections ,views of retail outlet Materials and textures used

Client Brief: My client Miss Archna Gupta requires a retail store which is based on a totally Tribal art concept to elite class of client. This is a retail store plan for traditional outfits. The look she requires or the ambience that he is looking for is elite and more of traditional classical look, can be old era inspired like Tribal art at Bhopal. The material that he wants to choose should be focusing the look adopted.

Concept behind retail design: For this retail store we select old era concept. we take Tribal art at Bhopal as concept. Characteristics of tribal art: wood, stone (Rough and Dull finished), mud, straw, sac, bamboo, iron age, brick, cow dual, lime. Color used :- (1) primary color (Green, Blue, Red).

Trick used in this tribal art:- pictography diagram

Sight is used to make feel the contemporary look taken –

(1) Five senses (2) Sight & touch (3) Touch glossy texture , surface, bright & sharp look is the concept that interests to design this project

& give life to this concept.

Concept board: concept based on tribal art. It is a central India city and the tribal of this place is not considered by me to design better I have used art of nearby states too.

Mood board: Style used contemporary to design my retail space. I worked on basis fact a customer’s wants to experience the product . We need to layout the product in such a manner so that maximum variety colors and texture are being used because is what attract the client the essence of tribal area has been clubbed with contemporary style in this retail space so that customers is routed to the Indian style i.e. traditional look with a feel of modern materials, texture, light of contemporary nature.

Concept board Mood board




Attracting Customers Store front is very attractive Show window Lead time 5 to 7 days Superior flesh tone durability and fine finish conveniences Simple and easy to clean Well equipped work area Elite look Contemporary look with tribal touch


From the data collection sheet the matrix diagram was prepared

Client name Designer’s name Archna Gupta Sumukh Khandelwal

1. Attractive show window 12’ x 8’ 2. Small sitting area 4’x5’ 3. Colour should be bright 4. Presentation the things 5. Proper Display unit 6. Lighting 7. Cash counter 8. New technology use in store 9. Material should high class



Things V. Important Important

Functional, easy to maintain

Contemporary style

Show window

Seating capacity for 4-5 people


It is a East facing plot located in the Bombay at parel. It is a corner plot. And have nice view in front of it.

Size of plot - 55’ x 51’ sq. ft. Area of plot - 2805 sq. ft.

LOCATION OF THE PLOT: Bombay (parel)

Plot location






This door made by me



Material specification:

Multifunction display –ALU’s latest display systems add a further layer to retailer’s need to communities and to display merchandise within highly flexible structures.

The latest display system designed by ALU is designed to meet the daily needs of retailers. its multi function attachment called slider support enables customization of product displays with ease and efficiency .it consists of a set of parallel tracks on which can be attached different sizes of cabinets ,graphics panels, and other accessories for enabling a wide display of a verity of products categories .

Technology and apps

Floors - AN intelligent flooring system that integrates technological advancements, and offers a sustainable, cost efficient, adaptable interior layout and design solution. it should be enviourment friendly.

Mainly such type material used for floor like steel raised floor, anti static European style, calcium sulphate panels etc.

The World Of Mannequins – Style And Refinement

Indisputable Landmarks :-La Rosa novelties’ on display include the female “Marylyn’ collection in 7 positions with a strong presence ;the male ‘Ricardo’ collection in 6 positions in realistic and molded –head versions ; and the ballerina male and female collection ,skin fully crafted for a strong visual impact . the company presented a combination of interchangeable models for life like ,dynamic retail enviourment as these groups create sensational scenes with their strong strange presence.

Trends In Shop Lighting:- LED can fully capitalize on their strengths of longevity and energy efficiency ,making them the choice for economical lighting concepts. Lights like ;-

Flat panel LED light-it’s a Homogenous light pattern Used at everywhere Gives choice of three color temperature

Its energy efficient

Aisle lighting - conventional lighting by fluorescent lamps and accentuating spotlights, have so far taken care of lighting needs of aisles and display shelves in store. Angora’s new Silica luminaries are designed for aisle area illumination in large retail spaces.

The spot light SI - This lamp features a simply yet innovative joint that enables the fixture to be aimed in virtually all directions without turning its body .It makes possible to create rich lighting solutions with a visually very calm overall impression.

Down light DI - down light DI meets the current need for energy saving and reducing maintenance cost .With its modern look and recessed style, the laminar creates general & accent lighting in stores and hotel applications. Its optimized for CDM lamps ,halogens and LED’s.

Grid light GI - Grid lights (multi-lamp systems) are commonly used in fashion stores and hotels because they combine different light points and different lamps types into one fixture, whilst each individual light point can be

aimed in the desired directions.

CFL down light CI - retail spaces need good standard general lighting solutions which are provided usually by compact fluorescent down lights . the clear appreciated benefits of this solutions are its compact dimension ,energy friendliness compared to halogens and the longitudes of the lamps.


:-Neap retail has translated emergent RFID technology into fashionable, user friendly, in store products. All in one store operations platforms allow retailers to control and steer their main in store processes. Security, operations, marketing & store management are combined in one online eneviourment.

As a made to solutions for fashion stores Neaps has introduced store! D the new RFID concept . it also means that retailers and their store managers will never be out of stoke as it enables in store identification of items.

SHOP SMART: - The Skye division of hefty & Wessel provides a wide range of mobile terminals to the retail sector.Faster mobile terminal and with more memory Robust hand held in PDA format with Smartphone qualities

SHOPPING CONVENIENCE: - Motorola solutions new devices can detect can detect mobile barcodes, and offer other innovative enterprise AUTO –ID services

and solutions for retailers to increase customers loyalty , and optimize inventory and ware house management.

New scanner for mobile bar coding applications-retail companies can use it to scan barcodes from mobile phone and smart phone screens of their customer and read in digital form.

Portable shopping system.-customer with the self –service terminal MC17 ,the heart of the portable shopping system from Motorola ,con scan their products directly after from the shelf and place them in the basket.

WORLD’S FULLY AUTOMATIC CASH COUNTER – Easy flow fully automated checkout can identify over 99% of the articles .utilizing leading age technology; it can identify products without a barcode. it is able to calculate price and weight during the process. From it easy flow identifies the product and displays to the customer price information on the screen.

The technology based on a unique combination of many different technologies like;

Image processing Weight Object sensor` Spectroscopy


Equipped with high resolution camera Compares different photos Can send photos to twitter and e-mail Count down before taking pictures 32 inch touch monitor Upgradable to RFID Collect e mail ids of customers Add logo to each photo Display on photo on start screen Choose own default language

Bibliography is a collection of address from where we can take help for reach to our destination & it provides a path and help to us.

A example of bibliography pattern is :- (for logos) (designed firm )