Commercial and Residential Electrical Permit

Post on 27-Oct-2021

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Transcript of Commercial and Residential Electrical Permit

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Commercial and Residential Electrical Permit

Log into your account. Select “Permits”.

Once you have read the “General Disclaimer”, check the “I have read and accepted…” box and then click the “Continue Application” button. If this box is not checked an error message will display at the top of the page saying that the box must be checked in order to continue the application.

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Click the drop-down arrow to bring up the selections.

Select your contractor number and then click “Continue Application”.

Select your Record Type and click “Continue Application”. In this example I selected “Electrical Commercial”.

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Step 1 is the “General Information”. It consists of the “Job Information”, “Address”, “Parcel”, and “Owner” sections.

Detailed Description Pertinent information should be entered here. For instance, if there is not an address, a description of the property should be entered here, i.e. SW corner of Virginia Beach Blvd and Birdneck Rd.

Then you need to fill out the “Address” section.

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If the address you entered results in finding multiple addresses, you will be presented a list of addresses, where you can make your selection. After selecting the address, scroll down and click “Select”.


Street No: *Red asterisk designates this is Required ‐ enter only the address number i.e. 925 – Click the “Search Button” located at the bottom of the Address section and a screen will return with all addresses that have 925 as the number – select the applicable address and this will auto-populate all of the Address Information, Parcel Information, and Owner Information

Direction: if applicable select from dropdown

Street Name: *Red asterisk designates this is Required ‐ enter either a partial street name i.e. RU – Click the “Search Button” located at the bottom of the Address section and a screen will return with all addresses that have RU as the street name – select the applicable street name and this will auto-populate all of the Address Information, Parcel Information, Owner Information or enter the full street name i.e. RUDEE – Select the “Search Button” located at the bottom of the Address section and a screen will return with all addresses located on RUDEE – select the applicable street name and this will auto-populate all of the Address Information, Parcel Information, Owner Information

Street Type: select from dropdown but not required – this will auto-populate when selecting either Street No. or Street Name

Unit # (Start): if applicable enter the unit # – this will auto-populate when selecting either Street No. or Street Name

Unit # (End): if applicable enter unit # – if only one unit enter the same Unit # (Start)

City: Will auto-populate

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State: Will auto-populate

Zip: Will auto-populate The “Search” button is used for searching and the “Clear” button is used to clear all fields populated in the “Address” section.

Parcel GPIN: *Red asterisk designates this is Required – enter either a partial GPIN i.e. 2417 – Select the “Search Button” located at the bottom of the Parcel section and a screen will return with all GPINs that have 2417 – select the applicable GPIN and this will auto-populate all of the Address Information, Parcel Information, Owner Information or enter the full GPIN i.e. 24179069490000– Select the “Search Button” located at the bottom of the GPIN section and this will auto-populate all of the Address Information, Parcel Information, Owner Information

Lot: If available, auto-populated

Block: If available, auto-populated

Plat Instrument Nbr: If available, auto-populated

Council District Name: If available, auto-populated

Legal Description: If available, auto-populated

Improved Value: If available, auto-populated

The “Search” button is used for searching and the “Clear” button is used to clear all fields populated in the “Address” section.

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Owner Name – enter either a partial owner name i.e. CA – Select the “Search Button” located at the bottom of the Owner section and a screen will return with all owners that have CA as the owner name – select the applicable owner name and this will auto-populate only the Owner Information or enter the full street name i.e. CABERO – Select the “Search Button” located at the bottom of the Owner section and a screen will return with all owners whose names are CABERO – select the applicable owner name and this will only auto-populate the Owner Information

Address Line 1: If only entering Address i.e. 13 RUDEE – Select the “Search Button “and the screen will return with the owner(s) name – Select the applicable owner name – this will only auto-populate the Owner Information

Address Line 2: If applicable this will auto-populate

City: Will auto-populate

State: Will auto-populate

Zip: Will auto-populate The “Search” button is used for searching and the “Clear” button is used to clear all fields populated in the “Address” section.

When you are done completing this page, click “Continue Application”.

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You will be taken to the “General Information > Contact Information” screen. Here you will enter the “Applicant”, “Mechanics Lien”, and “Licensed Professional”. The “Licensed Professional” will auto-populate but you do have the option to edit that. Click the “Select from Account” button for the “Applicant”.

Select the appropriate entry for the “Applicant”. In this example I will select the “Contractor” and then click the “Continue” button.

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The “Applicant” and “Licensed Professional” has been filled in. Now click the “Continue Application” button.

Now we come to Step 2 which is “Application Information”. It consists of the “Additional Information”, “Application Specific Info” and “App Spec Info Table” sections. Additional Information

Job Value ($) – *Red asterisk designates this is required, the contract value of the work being performed Number of Units – *Red asterisk designates this is required, this should be “1” Number of Buildings – *Red asterisk designates this is required, this should be “1”

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Application Spec Info

Electrical Release Date – leave this blank, our Staff will fill this in when they review the application

BuildingType – *Red asterisk designates this is required, you will need to click the drop-down arrow and make a selection from either “Addition”, “Existing”, “Moved” or “New” Release Required – *Red asterisk designates this is required, it defaults no, our Staff will change this field if necessary upon their review Type of Heat – you can click the drop-down arrow and make a selection from either “Electric” or “Gas”

Generator – *Red asterisk designates this is required, it defaults to “No” Transfer Swtich – *Red asterisk designates this is required, it defaults to “No” Additional Information – you can enter any additional information here

Application Spec Info Table

You need to click “Add a Row”.

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Then click the drown-down arrow for “Description”.

Make your selection. In this example I am selecting “0-30 AMP CIRCUIT” and entering “3” as the “Circuit_Amps_Each”. Then I clicked “Submit”.

If you need Edit or Delete a row, click “Actions” and make your selection. Otherwise if you have no more rows to add, click “Continue Application”.

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The screen will now display “Step 3: Attachments>Attachments”. If you have documents you want to attach to the permit, click the “Add” button.

You will then see the “File Upload” screen. Again, please click on “Add”.

A Windows Explorer window will open so you can go and find the document you wish to attach. Highlight the document and then click “Open”.

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You will then be taken back to the “File Upload” screen. If you do not have more to add, click “Continue”.

You need to use the drop-down for the “Type” to select the type of document you are saving. Once you have selected the type of document you can enter some text in the “Description” box to explain about the document if necessary; i.e. EIFS Checklist. Once done, click the “Save” button. You also have the option to add another document or remove them.

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You will see a green box letting you know the attachment/upload was successful. Now click the “Continue Application” button.

The screen will now display “Step 4: Review”. From this point you can edit any section. If you are satisfied with everything, click the “Continue Application” button.

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You will see a screen with a green box letting you know that your application has successfully been submitted. You will be assigned a permit number. At this point you can select the “Search Applications” option.

You will see your new permit. Next, the permit application will be reviewed by Permits & Inspections personnel. If everything is ok, they will assess the fees.

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Once they have done that, an automatic email (similar to the one above) will be sent to the Applicant’s email address informing them that fees may be paid.

At this point if you refresh your “Search Applications” screen you will notice a “Pay Fees Due” message in the “Action” column for the permit you just entered. Click on the “Pay Fees Due” link.

You need to review the fees. If they are correct, click the “Check Out” button.

* If there is any question about the fees, please call our office before the fee is paid.

This is very important.

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You will then see your shopping cart. If you have other permits to do click the “Continue Shopping” button. If you are done, click the “Checkout” button.

This is the Official Payment Corporation (OPC) screen which is the City’s third party vendor for use of Credit Cards – please note that there is a Convenience Fee that is charged by a graduating scale depending on the amount of the Permit Fee – this money does not go to the City of Virginia Beach – you will need to either “Decline” or “Accept” the Official Payments Terms and Conditions – if you “Decline” then it will end the session – if you “Accept” it will move to the next screen.

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This is Summary screen of your account information. Your email address is required as well as re-entering your email address (this should auto-populate with the email address when you signed up for your account or you may change it). Additionally, you need to select what type of credit card you would like to pay the transaction, enter the credit card number (NO DASHES) and select the expiration month and year and click the “Continue” button.

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You will then see a verification page. If everything looks correct, click the “Submit” button.

You will then see a screen saying it is processing for a few seconds. It will then be followed by the screen above letting you know your payment has been completed successfully. Please note – this is the only chance you will get to print out your receipt. Click on the “Print Confirmation” icon in the upper right of the screen. You cannot print a receipt at the Permits and Inspections website. So at this point, print the receipt, you may need it in the future. Click “Continue”.

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You will be taken back to the Permits & Inspection website. Again, even though there is a “Print/View” button, you permit application will not print.

You will also receive an email from Official Payments with your confirmation number. It will look similar to the one above.

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At this point we need to wait for the Permits and Inspection Office Staff to review the permit and “Issue” it. So at this point you can log out and wait. If you want to check on it, click on “My Records”.

You should see permit in the list. For instance the one we just did is 2017-ELEC-01970. Notice the “Status” is “Pending”. Once the staff has finished reviewing it they will issue it. That will change the “Status” to “Active” at which point you can schedule Inspections.

Once it has become “Active” you can click on the permit number.

You can now print out your application by clicking on the “Print/View” button under the “More Details” section.

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A PDF formatted document will be displayed. You can print or save this.

If you want to see more information about the permit, click on the “More Details” caret.

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Open up the section you want to see by clicking on the “+” in front of the name.

In this instance I opened them all up to view.

If you want to see even more info. Click “Record Info” at the top. You will then see a drop-down menu appear. You can select anyone of these options to view. For this example, I will click “Processing Status”.

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You can open this up further by clicking on the carets to the left of the Process names. The green checks mean these Processes have been completed. The hourglass means it is In Process. Here we can see “Intake” and “Issuance” have been completed. We can see that “Inspection” is In Process.

Let’s say you want to schedule an inspection. Click “Record Info” at the top. You will then see a drop-down menu appear. Select “Inspections”.

Select the “Schedule or Request an Inspection” link.

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Select the Inspection Type. In this example I choose “Final”. Then click “Continue”.

A calendar will appear. Click on the day you want your inspection. Note, you can only go 5 working days into the future.

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Once you select your day, it will appear yellow on the calendar. Make sure to click the “All Day” radio button and then click “Continue”.

If you do not need to change the contact, click “Continue”.

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If you need to leave a note, click the “Include Additional Notes” link. In this example I will go through the motions of leaving a note. If you do not have a notes to enter, click “Finish”.

An additional box opens up where you can type in notes. Once you are done, click “Finish”.

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We can see our inspection has been scheduled and we can also see the Inspector’s name.