Commerce August 2012

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Transcript of Commerce August 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    Supporting Sust in ble Future


    NAPA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONNECTING COMMERCE TO COMMUNITY 1556 First Street | Napa CA 94559 | 707.226.7455 |

    Battle of the Sexes Infographic Employment Situation Summary Retailers Participation: NV Film Festival

    The Rise of the 1099 Economy Your Childs Early Education 16th Annual Golf Tournament Recap


    See NasDaq on page 3

    NOVATO, CA Bankof Marin Bancorp

    (NASDAQ: BMRC), parent company of Bank of Marin (collectively, the Company), rang TheNASDAQ Stock Market Closing Bell on August1. The Company is celebrating a strong secondquarter with record earnings of $5 million and hasannounced an increase in their dividend to $.18 pershare. The Company has paid a dividend for 28straight quarters.

    We were honored to be invited to ring theclosing bell at NASDAQ, said Russell A.Colombo, President and Chief Executive Of cerat Bank of Marin. This was a special event forour organization. Our employees, customers andshareholders all played a big part in making us thesuccessful community and business bank that weare today.

    Bank of Marin opened its doors in 1990 with twobranch of ces in Marin, and has since grown to17 branches across Marin, San Francisco, Sonomaand Napa. The Company has been traded on theNASDAQ exchange since December 23, 1999.At that time, the Company started with 2,260,339

    B nk Of M rin R ngNaSdaq Closing Bell




    Exertec Health & Fitness Napa Recycling & Waste Services

    Home Depot Hawthorn Suites by Wyndham

    Travis Credit Union Mark Coleman, State Farm

    Napa Planner Financial Group

    Comcast Bank of Marin

    Silverado Resort and Spa Napa Valley Marketplace Magazine

    Bank of Napa Net-Flow Corporation

    Infuence Interne t

    The Valleys Daily News Source


    See FUTURE on page 4

    No matter how old or young you are,there are some basic things you can do tobetter manage and protect your money.Here are recommendations from FDICConsumer News.

    Comparison shop for nancialservices. Just as you would do forany major purchase, look at what isbeing offered by your bank and a fewcompetitors, then try to nd the best dealto meet your needs. For instance, with amortgage, credit card or other loan, youmay be able to negotiate the interest rate

    Cre ting Strong Loc l Economy

    BERKELEY A new analysisgives Californiansgood reason to beoptimistic about thegreen credentials of the states proposed

    high-speed rail project, due to begin constructioin 2013 thanks to funding recently approved bystate legislators.

    Arpad Horvath at the University of Californi

    Berkeley, and Mikhail Chester at Arizona StateUniversity compared the future sustainabilityof California high-speed rail with that of competing modes of transportation, namelyautomobile and air travel. They determined thatin terms of energy consumption and greenhousegas emissions, a mature high-speed rail systemwins out when it deploys state-of-the-art trainspowered by greener electricity. This was trueeven after accounting for the emergence of morfuel-ef cient airplanes and automobiles.

    The study, published July 26th in the journalEnvironmental Research Letters, comes threeweeks after lawmakers authorized $4.7 billionin state funds, which freed up an additional

    and other terms. This can save hundredsor thousands of dollars over several years.

    Start by comparing the AnnualPercentage Rate (APR) on a loan orcredit card. The APR is the cost of creditexpressed as a yearly rate, includinginterest and certain fees. Many peoplelooking for a loan only focus on thedollars theyd pay each month instead of the APR and, because of that, they dontrealize how much the loan will cost andthey could pay too much, said Rae-AnnMiller, special advisor on consumer

    Pr ctic l a vice for Everyone onHow to S ve n M n ge Money

    See save $ on page 5

    Future Of C liforni High-Spee R il Looks Green

    Image courtesy of the CaliforniaHigh-Speed Rail Authority.

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    August 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 2 |

    While the economy has beenmiserable for small business, and manylarger ones as well, the ranks of the self-employed have been growing. Accordingto research by Economic ModelingSpecialists International, the number of people who primarily work on their ownhas swelled by 1.3 million since 2001 to10.6 million, a 14% increase.

    This rise is partially re ective of hardtimes, and many of the self-employedearn only modest livings in elds suchas childcare and construction. However the shift to self-employment is likely toaccelerate in the future, and into higher-paying professions, for reasons includingthe ubiquity of the Internet, which makesit easier for some types of business touse independent contractors, as well asthe reluctance of large rms to hire full-time employees with bene ts.

    Urban analyst Bill Fulton, who haslooked into this issue, concludes wemay be seeing a fundamental changein how the economy operates. Eventhough there may not be jobs in the

    conventional sense, there is still work, Fultonnotes. Thats the whole idea of the 1099economy. Its just a different way of organizingthe economy.

    If the 1099 economy is the wave of thefuture, which regions and industries arecurrently at the forefront? We turned to EMSIfor the data. We looked at the change inself-employment numbers for the nations30 largest metropolitan statistical areas from2001 to the present, and also from 2008,when the economy rst nosedived and peoplestarted to scramble.

    The results of EMSIs research arefascinating, and somewhat surprising,perhaps giving us a glimpse of where thefuture of economic growth may be takingshape. The biggest changes have takenplace in four metro areas where the number of self-employed workers expanded over 10% growth between 2008 and 2012. Two of them, Houston and Seattle, have done verywell in our previous rankings of economicperformance, and the other two, Phoenix andRiverside- San Bernardino, Calif., sufferedgrievously from the housing bubble.

    By: Joel Kotkin

    The Rise of The 1099 Economy: More Americans Are Becoming Their Own Bosses

    Social Media Marketing Made Simple

    Hosted by the Napa Chamber of Commerce in partnership with ConstantContact! Speaker Karen Rice, Regional Development Director for NorthernCalifornia will lead the series.

    Join us for this vital workshop!We will review the essential strategies and best practices a businessor organization should understand in order to successfully get started

    with social media marketing. We will talk about:What social media marketing really is and why its important .Various social media networks and tools: how they interact, ways toleverage their strengths, and how to evaluate them for best use for yourbusiness or organization.How other businesses are using these low-cost tools to gain visibility ,develop relationships, drive sales and engagement.How to incorporate it into your business life without losing productivity,while growing your reach .

    Next Class Dates & Topics:September 13 : Brand Identity Strategies: Promotions & Marketing

    October 11 : Growing Your List & How to Speak to Your AudienceNovember 13 : Holiday Themed Marketing

    August 14, 2012

    8-10 a.m.

    1030 Main St

    Napa Valley Opera House

    Doors Open: 7:45 amRegistration: | 707.226.7455

    Pricing: Advance Package- Includes all Workshops

    Members $80 | Future Members $120

    Individual Classes: Members $25 | Future Members $35

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    Members Making News

    August 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 3 |


    shares outstanding which has more than doubledto 5,336,927 at December 31, 2011. The stockprice has also increased signi cantly from$12.56, the low in 2001 (adjusted for stock splitsand dividends), to a high of $39.85 in 2011.

    Bank of Marin has consistently beenrecognized for its strong nancial performancewith numerous awards, including being namedagain to the KBW Honor Roll. Bank of Marin isone of only 45 banking institutions to have madethe 2011 list, just published in June 2012.

    Bank of Marin webcasted the NASDAQclosing bell festivities in each of their branches.

    NasDaq continued from page 1...

    New Improvements In Your Childs Early Education

    Childrens Cottage Preschool & InfantCenter is hosting an Information Night onFriday August 10th from 5:30-6:30pm attheir school on 1078 East Ave in Napa. Theywill be discussing the improvements beingmade to your children and grandchildrensearly educational experience as well as an

    overview of Montessori Philosophy andhow children will be better prepared fora lifetime of learning in the new worldeconomy. A short informational videowill be shown highlighting Montessoricurriculum, a demonstration of lessonsas they are presented to the children inclass, as well as a Q & A session. On sitechild care will be provided for all parentswho need it. Childrens Cottage has beena Napa Chamber member for 19 yearsand was voted best child care in the NapaValley. They serve children as young as 6weeks old through entry into First Grade.Please call (707) 224-3825 to let themknow you will be attending and visit theirwebsite at

    NAPA, CA Channel the spirit of the dada with anight of ready-made fun and frolic as di Rosa presentsits 11th Annual Bene t Art Auction Dada di Rosa!

    The evening kicks off with sparkling wine at theGatehouse Gallery and viewing of the art for Live andSilent auction. The fun continues across the lake in diRosas Main Gallery, transformed into a Supper-Clubwith cocktails, live performance, and a Dada-licousdinner. The centerpiece of the night is the Live Auction,featuring outstanding work by nationally-recognizedartists such as Enrique Chagoya, Lewis deSoto, HungLiu, Tom Marioni, Raymond Saunders, Canan Tolon,

    and William Wiley. Back at the Gatehouse, the partyheats up, with Silent Auction bidding accompanied byscrumptious desserts, music, and dancing.

    This annual event stands apart as an occasion for spirited fun and a dynamic gathering of art enthusiastsand collectors who celebrate our regions talent.

    Event Date: October 20, 2012, 5:00 pmmidnightTicket Prices:Supper Club Tickets: $300-$500 each / $3,000-

    $5,000 Table of 10: Includes full event access:cocktails, seated chefs dinner with premium wines, andlive entertainment in a unique art- lled environment,followed by Live & Silent Art Auctions, and After-Partywith live music and dancing. Entry at 5:00 pm, plus VIPaccess to October 6th Preview & Artists Party

    Speakeasy Tickets: $100 each: Participation in Liveand Silent Art Auctions, and After-Party with live musicand dancing. Entry at 7:00 pm.

    Preview Party hosted by Onward! Young Collectors:October 6, 6:00 9:00 pm

    The auction artworks will be on view in theGatehouse Gallery October 6 19, 2012. A completelist of artists and images will be available online in earlySeptember.

    Contact: or 707-226-5991 x17 for information andsponsorship opportunities.

    DADA DI ROSAThe 11th Annual Bene t

    The inaugural Walk for Animals is anexciting new family event offering aone-mile route through Downtown Napa(with or without a pooch) in supportof companion animals throughout theNapa Valley.

    From L-R: Christina Cook, Chief Financial Of cer; KevinCoonan, Chief Credit Of cer; Nancy Boatright, Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary, Russ Colombo,President and Chief Executive Of cer, Bob Gotelli, Senior Vice President and Director of Human Resources, and Peter Pelham, Executive Vice President, Director of Retail Banking.The group is joined by Cris Farrell from NASDAQ.

    Heavenly Yogurt is a family-ownedbusiness not a f anchise so we are able

    to listen to our customers and makechanges with our yogurt avors andtoppings that include fresh fruit chopped

    daily. We are a self-serve yogurt shopwhere you create your own masterpiecefor $.43 per ounce. We have 8 avors of

    yogurt and rotate them frequently with50 toppings to chose from!

    Create your masterpeice today! 707 Lincoln Ave.

    Sun - Thurs 11:30-9:00Fri - Sat 11:30-10:00

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    August 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 4 |

    FUTURE continued from page 1...$3.3 billion in federal funds, for the high-speed rail project.The system promises to link Sacramento, San Francisco, LosAngeles and San Diego with trains traveling at a top speed of 220 mph.

    The bill, signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown last week,allows initial construction on the 768-mile rail system to beginnext year.

    Were showing that if this high-speed rail system isdeployed, it is likely that California will reduce its transportationenvironmental footprint, said Chester, who began this workas a UC Berkeley post-doctoral researcher. But to reap thoseenvironmental bene ts, the state will have to wait until thesystem becomes fully operational, which could take anestimated 20-30 years after groundbreaking.

    What had been missing from the public debate is this long-term planning horizon, said Horvath, UC Berkeley professor of civil and environmental engineering. Comparable high-speedrail systems in Europe and Japan have been in place for 30-50years. Why would we expect Californias system to provide areturn on investment in a short period of time? I would comparewhere we are now to circa 1950, around the start of commercialair travel. Did anybody know then how many passengers LAXor SFO would eventually see in a year? Air travel has sincegrown into a massive industry.

    To assess sustainability, the researchers conducted anexhaustive life-cycle assessment that inventories the full range of environmental effects associated with each mode of transportation.Included in the analysis are the cradle-to-grave environmental

    costs associated with extracting, manufacturing and distributingthe materials such as concrete, steel and asphalt needed tobuild and maintain the vehicles, freeways, tracks, stations and otherintegral components of the travel systems.

    Construction of an initial portion of Californias high-speedrail system is scheduled to begin in 2013. The researchersconsidered different scenarios, such as varying levels of ridership and renewable energy use, when calculatingemissions of greenhouse gases and conventional air pollutants,acidi cation and impacts on human respiratory health.

    Assuming that the electricity needed to operate the high-speed rail system comes from renewable sources, a goal setforth by the California High-Speed Rail Authority, the biggerimpact of the project comes from infrastructure and supply

    chain processes. For instance, approximately 67 percent of infrastructure emissions attributed to high-speed rail are theresult of cement production for concrete used in construction.

    If the high-speed rail project uses low-CO2 concrete, itcould reduce the infrastructures environmental footprint by 15percent, said Chester, now an assistant professor at ArizonaState University with joint appointments there at the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Environment, and theSchool of Sustainability.

    The new study updates a 2010 analysis by Chester andHorvath with newer, more realistic system descriptions, data andprojections, including forecasts for cleaner electricity. Read the study here:

    Battle of the Sexes: How Men and WomenDiffer in Smartphone Usage[INFOGRAPHIC pictured left]Not long ago, the folks at Inneractive, an appmonetization exchange, came up with a coolinfographic that highlights many of the differenceson how men and women use their smartphones.We thought wed share the infographic with yousince it has so many cool stats. Enjoy!

    Report From June 2012 The national employment situationheld steady in June, while theunemployment rate remainedunchanged at 8.2%. The private sector added 80,000 jobs, while professionaland business services saw the largestsurge in employment with 47,000 jobscreated. Learn more from the recentemployment report from the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics.Major Industry Employment: Construction: + 2,000 Manufacturing: + 11,000 Retail Trade: - 5,400 Professional & Business Services:

    + 47,000 Education & Health Services: + 2,000 Information: - 8,000 Transportation: - 2,200 Government: - 4,000Brought to you by:

    Express Employment ProfessionalsFor more

    Dear Napa ValleyBusiness Owner, We invite you toparticipate in our popular Passholder Perks Program whichtakes place during theFestival, November 7-11, 2012. Lodgings,restaurants, wineries,

    retail, spas and other businesses canparticipate. Your commitment by Aug.13 is needed. For more info on whatthe Passholder Perks entails and how toparticipate please contactkerry@napavalley lmfest.org707.226.7500

    Now Open! K. Lawrence ~ Luxury & Lather 800 A School Street, (707) 255-HAIR

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    August 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 5 |

    save $ continued from page 1...issues in the FDICs research division. Forexample, she said, payday loans (unsecuredloans that borrowers promise to repay outof their next paycheck or regular incomepayment) and car-title loans (secured bythe borrowers car) may be quick and easysources of cash, but they also have an APRas high as 300 to 400 percent.

    When you consider opening checking

    and savings accounts, compare the AnnualPercentage Yield (APY) offered by severalnancial institutions. The APY expresses

    Sharpen You Speaking Skills with This Toastmasters Series!

    What will you gain from attending?

    Small business owners will improve their business skills in the followingpublic speaking areas:

    1. How to hire quali ed employees.2. How to improve peer-to-peer advertising.3. How to motivate and inspire employees.

    4. How to communicate effectively with dif cult clients.5. How to increase referral business .

    6. How to effectively increase sales .7. How to plan and measure business results (conversion rates).

    Improve your public speaking skills, register online today or call 707.254.1145!

    Dates: Thursdays - 8/2, 8/9, 8/16, 8/23, 8/30, 9/6Time: Noon to 1:30

    Where: Napa Chamber Board Room - 1556 First Street, Napa, CACost: $30 Chamber Members $60 Future Chamber Members

    (The cost covers all six workshops!)

    For more information, please contact:Napa Chamber of Commerce

    707-226-7455 or

    or Christine Hannah, Napa Toastmasters707-257-6000 or

    the annual interest rate you will earnon a deposit account, depending on thefrequency of compounding. However,keep in mind that fees such as those forATM withdrawals, account maintenanceand checks returned because of insuf cientfunds arent factored into the APY. Feescan make a big difference in how muchyou actually earn from money you have ondeposit.

    You should be monitoring your creditreports to correct errors or omissions thatcan leave bad marks on your credit history.

    Inaccuracies in your credit report canneedlessly reduce your credit score and,in turn, may cost you hundreds of dollarseach year due to higher interest rates ona loan or credit card and protect yourself against identity theft.

    Under federal law, you are entitled toone free credit report every year from eachof the nations three major credit bureaus.To order your free reports or for moreinformation, go to AnnualCreditReport.coor call toll-free 1-877-322-8228.

    Try to save more and spend less. First, ifyou dont already have a monthly budget,consider preparing one to get a betterhandle on your income and expenses fornecessities, such as housing, utilities, foodand transportation. This is how a budgetcan help you commit to saving a littlemoney every month and splurging a littleless, said Kincaid.

    She also said that a budget doesnt havto be complicated or scary, and that whilethere are budgets you can easily create on

    computer, a notebook and a pencil can beenough to get you started.Keep banking costs down. With plannin

    you can sidestep some of the more costlyfees and penalties. Examples:

    With your checking account, avoidfees for insuf cient funds and bouncedchecks. Record every deposit andwithdrawal in your checkbook especialremember your debit card purchases andATM withdrawals, said Reynolds. Itis important to know how much moneyyou have in your account so you wontoverdraw your balance.

    Understand your FDIC insurancecoverage so you can be fully protected if your bank fails. If you (or your family)have $100,000 or less in all of yourdeposit accounts at the same insuredbank, you dont need to worry about yourinsurance coverage. Your deposits are fullyprotected under federal law because thebasic insurance coverage is $100,000 perdepositor per insured institution.

    You also may qualify for more than$100,000 in coverage at one insured bank.For example, the money you have in your

    individually owned accounts (not includingyour retirement accounts) is insured up to$100,000 separately from your share of any joint accounts at the same bank. Depositsdesignated to pass to named bene ciariesupon the death of the owner, such as inpayable-on-death accounts, also can beinsured for more than $100,000 undercertain circumstances. And, some retiremenaccounts (notably Individual RetirementAccounts) are insured up to $250,000.

    For guidance about your FDIC insurance, including howmake sure that all your funds are protected, go

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    W elcome N eW m embers !

    August 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 6 |

    E xclusivE M EMbEr b EnEfits :

    Accounting Winery Accounting & Compliance Jeremy Abbott, 707-945-0233

    Attorneys Access Court Services Christopher Loizeaux,

    Automobile Dealers Mercedes Benz of Fair eld David Long, 707-430-0101claudiaversaggi@mercedesfair eld.comwww.mercedesfair

    Barber Shop K. Lawrence ~ Luxury & Lather 800 A School Street707-255-4247

    Bed & Breakfast Accommodations White House Inn & SpaKim Fox,

    Cable Television Services Comcast Geraldo Bayawa,

    Comcast John Trujillo, 707-637-7669


    Design Centers Design ShowcaseCathy Reat,

    Restaurants Eagle Vines Grill Nicole Marino,

    Frati Gelato CafeRon DeLay,

    The Thomas & Fagianis Bar Marion Emmanuelle,

    Retail Stores Poor HouseMelissa Schmitt,

    Wine Tasting Rooms Bello Family VineyardsChris Bello,

    Spas Mais Oui SpaDennis Dhuning,

    Transportation Flex Wine ToursJames Matuszewski, 707-815-8088info@ exwinetours.comwww.

    Health Care Services Bay Area OsteopathicSusan Cislo,

    Marketing Consultants Augustine IdeasErika Bjork,

    Motorcycle Rentals NVR AdventuresJason Rafael, 707-567-4371

    Non Pro t Organizations Help Along The WayDavid Long,

    Outdoors in Napa Decktime Candles LLCBruce Riddell,

    Photographers Christine Tomlinson

    Real Estate - Property Management Hedgerow Property Management Mary Marsey,

    Do you know a business that would benefit

    from a Napa Chamber M embership? Please contact:

    Sherrell Harper - 707.257.4598

    Connect with us...

    A B enefit for A ll n ApA C hAmBer m emBers An d t heir e mployees !

    A re y ou u sing y our d isCounts ?The Napa Chamber of Commerce Member2Member Discount Savings program is aimed atsupporting our Chamber member businesses and keeping shopping dollars local. Save money

    on products and services you purchase regularly from over 100 local businesses!For a complete list of participating businesses, visit /dir_member2membe r .

    EvEry Chamber member business AND their employees areeligible to receive Member2Member discounts!

    Spending your dollarS

    in napa valley helpS create a

    Strong local economy!

    Buy Locally!

    M e m b e r M e m b e r t

    h r u 2 0 1 0


    c r e a t i n g a s t r o n g l

    o c a l e c o n o m y n

    a p a c h a m b e r.c o m

    M e m b e r M e m b e r 2

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    April 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 7 | NapaChamber.comAugust 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 7 |

    Thanks again to all of our wonderful sponsors,

    golfers, silent auctiondonors, mixer attendees,volunteers and staff for a job well-done at the 16th

    Annual Bene tGolf Tournament!

    MIXPO... the Valleys premierAfer-Hours Mixer and Mini-Expo

    M I X P O is a combi ned A f t er -H our s M i x er w i t h a M i n i - E x p o.

    For more information visit NapaChamber.comor call 707.226.7455

    Attendee Admission$10.00 - Members

    ($30.00 - Future Members) $40.00 - Table Registration*

    Thursd y,august 23, 2012

    5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

    SpringHill Suites by Marriott

    101 Gateway Rd

    )*Table price includes one worker, each additional worker

    must pay the appropriate entrance fee.


    Golf Photo Rec p!

  • 7/31/2019 Commerce August 2012


    August 2012 | COMMERCE | Page 8 |

    Debra Dommen, Chair of the Board ..........................................Treasury Wine EstatesCherie Knox, Chair-Elect ........................................................... redwood C edit UnionKen Frank, Vice-Chair Advocacy .................................................La Toque Restaurant Kent Kuhlmann, Vice-Chair Resources ............. ........... Kuhlmann Associates Financial Richard Rybicki, Vice-Chair Membership ................................ Rybicki & AssociatesPamela Gleeson, Treasurer ...........................................................Business Consultant Ryan Gregory, Immediate Past Chair ......................Riechers, Spence and Associates

    Napa Chamber of CommerceM I S S I O N

    To promote, support, and advocatefor our members and strengthen theeconomic climate of the Napa Valley.

    BENEFIT from being member of the N pCh mber of Commerce

    For membership information call Sherrell Harper - 707.257.4598

    Providing Network Building Opportunities

    to Create Business Relationships Representing the Interest of Business

    with Government Creating a Strong Local Economy Supporting a Sustainable Future Promoting the Community Political Action

    COMMERCE editorial is exclusively produced by the Napa Chamber of Commerce,1556 First Street, Napa, CA 94559. 707.226.7455

    EDITOR : Angelica MancusoPlease email submissions to

    Chris Messina, President & CEO 707.254.1146 Sherrell Harper , Membership Services 707.254.1142 Paula Wick, Client Relation Services707.226.7455 Lynn Page, Operations Manager 707.254.1145 Angelica MancusoMarketing & Communications Coordinator

    707.254.1144 Scott Adams , Comcast ; Tom Buck , Beau Wine Tours & Limousine Service; JohnCardinale , State Farm Insurance; Sandy Elles , Napa County Farm Bureau; Jeri Gill ,Sustainable Napa County; Clay Gregory , The Napa Valley Destination Council; PaulHicks , Payroll Masters Inc; Cathy DAngelo Holmes , Coldwell Banker Commercial;Bill Lockhart , Edward Jones; Barry Martin , City of Napa; Kevin Massie , Napa Ford Lincoln Mercury; Beth Painter , Balanced Planning; Linda Parks , Lixit Corp.; JaimePenaherrera , Queen of the Valley Medical Center; Suzanne Shiff, Napa Valley Coalition of Nonprofit Agencies; Don Shindle , Westin Verasa Napa; Dr. PatrickSweeney , Napa Valley Uni ed School District; Kevin Teague , Holman Teague Roche

    Anglin LLP.; Cindy Webber , Napa Valley Register, dba Napa Valley Publishing

    N p Ch mber of Commerce


    W e ll meet you there !

    For more information call 707.226.7455or visit our website at

    E veNt c aleNdar

    N p Ch



    Oct. 17

    Save the date!Economic


    500 First Street (formerly Copia)

    August 23


    SpringHill Suites by Marriott 101 Gateway Rd

    5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

    $10 Members$30 Future Members

    $40 Table Registration

    Bring Plenty of Business Cards!

    Business Develop& Dine

    Compadres Rio Grille505 Lincoln, Napa

    11:30 - 1:00 p.m.

    $30 Members$60 Future Members

    Sep 7

    August 2-Sep 9

    Speechcraft Series1556 First Street

    Napa Chamber Boardroom Noon - 1:30 p.m.$30 Members

    $60 Future Members( covers all workshops )

    August 14-Nov 13Marketing Series

    1030 Main Street First Street

    Napa Valley Opera House 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.$80 Members

    $120 Future Members( covers entire series )

    Sep. 27

    All MemberBriefng

    1556 First Street Napa Chamber Boardroom

    8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.

    No fee to attend, registeronline at