Commemorating the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad in … fileperingatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1440...

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Transcript of Commemorating the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad in … fileperingatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1440...

Commemorating the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad in Pekalongan, President Jokowi Urges the Muslim Community

to Follow the Example of God’s Messenger President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo attended an event commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (saw.) and National Heroes’ Day at the Great Square of Kajen, Pekalongan Regency, Central Java, on the evening of Thursday the 22nd of November.

From right to left: First Lady Iriana Widodo; President Joko Widodo; GP Ansor Chairman H. Yaqut Qoumas; Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Association of Sufi Orders Habib Luthfi bin Yahya; and

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung

In his remarks, Indonesia’s Head of State invited all parties to reflect more deeply upon the significance of [the key Islamic teaching that] God sent the Prophet Muhammad (saw.) to be a

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source of universal love and compassion (rahmatan li al-‘alamin), and thus to bring humanity out of darkness towards the Light. “The Prophet Muhammad (saw.) fulfilled his mission in a way that was gentle and polite, employing methods full of love and compassion,” said the President. “As   the   people   of   the   Prophet  Muhammad,   it   is   fitting   that   we   follow   his   example.   This  includes   developing   noble   character,   fulfilling   the   mission   of   rahmatan   lil   alamin   (“a  blessing  for  all  creation”)  and  safeguarding  the  spirit  of  brotherhood  among  all  elements  of  society.   A   fellowship   that   does   not   discriminate   on   the   basis   of   religion,   social   status   or  political   views,   thus   following   the   Prophet’s   example   when   leading   his   community   in  Medina,”  the  President  continued.    In addition, the President reminded the audience to be consistent in safeguarding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). He urged the Muslim community to perform hijrah (i.e., “emigrate from,” or “leave behind”) egotistical behavior that seeks personal victory, to truly care about others. “Emigrate from (i.e., leave behind) a vengeful personality, to become one who is full of love and compassion. Emigrate from a wrathful personality, to become one who is full of patience. Emigrate from a brutish personality that loves confrontation and upheaval, to become one who is the embodiment of harmony and respect for others.” The President used this opportunity to express his pleasure to be in the midst of the Gerakan Pemuda Ansor family, because GP Ansor is always in the forefront safeguarding Pancasila; preserving the spirit of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (“Unity Amid Diversity”); guarding the Republic of Indonesia and its 1945 Constitution; and protecting Indonesia from separatism and terrorist acts. “Gerakan Pemuda Ansor is living proof that our nation stands heir to the courage of warriors and the sincerity of heroes. GP Ansor is not easily intimidated; that is the true spirit of Indonesia. [Like Ansor,] we must all bravely demonstrate that Pancasila is the foundational ideology of the Indonesian nation state and cannot be replaced by other ideologies, including imported  ideologies  [propagated  by  transnational  Islamist  movements].” At the end of his speech, the President advised Gerakan Pemuda Ansor to remain patient in facing every challenge. [Note: a veiled reference to recent provocations from Islamist radicals and their political allies.] The Head of State urged GP Ansor to always place the interests of the Indonesian people and the nation above the interests of the group itself, in order to perserve the dignity of ulama (Muslim religious scholars) and the complex web of organizations affiliated with the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU); and to continuously demonstrate the magnificence of Islam, and of Indonesia, by remaining steadfast in the performance of good works and the pursuit of peace and prosperity for all, thus following the example of the prophets, martyrs, saints and heroes [who devoted their lives to the well-being of others].

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"Never stray from the leadership of kyais (NU religious scholars), either in your communal life or in serving our nation. To all GP Ansor cadres: know that by following the Prophet’s noble path, our great nation shall, God willing, continue to progress. Advancing in our great work to bring social justice to all the people of Indonesia; advancing in our great work to improve the quality of Indonesia's human resources; advancing in our great work to transform Indonesia into a nation that is baldatun thoyyibatun wa rabun ghofur (“a safe, peaceful and prosperous nation that is the dream of all people, whatever their faith or ethnicity may be”), said Indonesia’s Head of State. At this event the President and First Lady, Mrs. Iriana Widodo, were accompanied by Habib Luthfi bin Yahya; Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung; Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo; Special Staff Coordinator for the President, Teten Masduki; Special Staff to the President, Abdul Ghofar Rozin; and Gerakan Pemuda Ansor General Chairman Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.    


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Hadiri Peringatan Maulid Nabi di Pekalongan, Presiden Jokowi Ajak Umat Teladani Rasulullah Oleh: Humas ; Diposkan pada: 23 Nov 2018 ; 17071 Views  

Presiden Jokowi menghadiri perayaan maulid Nabi di Alun-alun Kajen, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Kamis

(22/11) malam. (Foto: BPMI)

Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) beserta Ibu Negara Iriana Joko Widodo menghadiri peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1440 H dan Hari Pahlawan di Alun-alun Kajen, Kabupaten Pekalongan, Kamis (22/11) malam.

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Dalam sambutannya, Kepala Negara mengajak semua pihak untuk merenung lebih dalam bahwa Nabi Muhammad SAW diutus Allah untuk menjadi rahmat bagi semesta alam. Rasulullah juga membawa umat manusia keluar dari dhulumat (kegelapan) menuju nur (terang benderang).

“Sebuah tugas yang Nabi Muhammad SAW lakukan dengan cara-cara santun, dengan cara-cara lembut, dengan cara-cara yang penuh dengan kasih sayang,” ujar Presiden.

Sebagai umat Nabi Muhammad SAW, Presiden menuturkan, sudah sepatutnya kita mengikuti teladan Rasulullah. Antara lain teladan berakhlak baik, teladan mengemban misi rahmatan lil alamin, dan teladan dalam menjaga ukhuwah di kalangan warga masyarakat.

“Ukhuwah yang tanpa membeda-bedakan latar belakang agama, ukhuwah yang tanpa membeda-bedakan status sosial, ukhuwah yang tanpa membeda-bedakan pandangan politik, seperti yang beliau lakukan saat memimpin di Madinah,” lanjutnya.

Selain itu, Presiden juga mengingatkan kepada para hadirin untuk terus beristiqomah menjaga Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Ia pun mengajak umat untuk berhijrah dari sikap egois yang mau menang sendiri ke sifat yang perduli terhadap sesama.

“Hijrah dari sifat-sifat pendendam kepada sifat-sifat yang penuh kasih sayang, hijrah dari sifat-sifat pemarah kepada sifat-sifat yang penuh dengan kesabaran, hijrah dari sifat-sifat senang kegaduhan ke sifat-sifat yang penuh dengan kerukunan,” sambungnya.

Dalam kesempatan tersebut, Presiden menyampaikan rasa senangnya dapat berada di tengah keluarga besar GP Ansor karena GP Ansor selalu berada di baris terdepan dalam menjaga Pancasila, menjaga Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, menjaga NKRI, menjaga Undang Undang Dasar 1945, dan menjaga Indonesia dari aksi separatisme dan terorisme.

“GP Ansor menunjukkan bahwa bangsa kita mewarisi keberanian para pejuang, ketulusan para pahlawan. GP Ansor tidak mudah ditakuti, itulah semangat asli bangsa Indonesia. Kita harus berani menunjukkan bahwa Pancasila adalah ideologi bangsa Indonesia dan tidak bisa digantikan oleh ideologi-ideologi yang lain, apalagi ideologi hasil impor,” ucap Presiden.

Di penghujung sambutannya Presiden berpesan kepada GP Ansor untuk selalu bersabar dalam menghadapi setiap tantangan. Kepala Negara pun mengajak GP Ansor untuk meletakkan kepentingan bangsa dan negara di atas kepentingan kelompok sendiri, untuk terus menjaga marwah ulama dan organisasi, dan terus melakukan syiar keislaman dan keindonesiaan, serta selalu bermunajat dalam kebaikan, kedamaian, kesejahteraan, dan kemakmuran yang juga dilakukan oleh nabi, syuhada, aulia, dan para pahlawan.

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“Jangan pernah jauh dari para kiai, dari para ulama, baik dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat maupun bernegara. Kepada seluruh kader GP Ansor dengan mengikuti jalan kemuliaan Nabi, insyaallah bangsa kita yang besar akan terus bergerak maju. Maju dalam pekerjaan besar kita untuk menghadirkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia, maju dalam pekerjaan besar kita untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia Indonesia, maju dalam pekerjaan besar kita untuk menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara yang baldatun thoyyibatun wa rabun ghofur,” tutur Kepala Negara.

Dalam acara ini Presiden dan Ibu Iriana didampingi oleh Habib Luthfi bin Yahya, Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung, Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo, Koordinator Staf Khusus Presiden Teten Masduki, Staf Khusus Presiden Abdul Ghofar Rozin, dan Ketua Umum GP Ansor Yaqut Cholil Qoumas.