Com guides/gijón/CitoCode Travel... · Gijón is a city with more than 2,500 years of history...

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Transcript of Com guides/gijón/CitoCode Travel... · Gijón is a city with more than 2,500 years of history...


• Compilation of the best places to visit in Gijón, including City Icons, Sights and Landmarks, Culture, Nature and the Coastal Route of the Pilgrim’s Way.

• Basic information to get around the city

• City guide and Free Mobile application (Android and iOS) included.

• Navigate without addresses, use the simple CitoCodes instead

Guide of must see places



FREETravel Guide




IntroductionPage 5

City IconsPage 12

Sights & LandmarksPage 18

CulturePage 24

MuseumsPage 27

Nature, Parks and BeachesPage 30

Pilgrim’s Way – Coastal RoutePage 34

Useful InformationPage 39

Welcome to Gijón with CitoCode! CITY INTRODUCTION

Gijón is a city with more than 2,500 years of history located on the shores of the Cantabrian Sea and is located directly on the coast of the Pilgrim’s Way and the northern border of the Silver Route in Asturias. Surrounded by enviable natural spaces that include wonderful squares and refreshing green paths, Gijón is a city with a mix of history, tradition and culture that give it a vibrant personality.

Gijón is also an ideal starting point to get to know the rest of Asturias and all its cultural wealth. Gijón is more than you expect.

I Introduction

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For everyone who want to know more about the different offers available to the visitors of Gijón, it is possible to find this information in two points of information that are distributed across the city. In these sites of Infogijón you can find information on the tourist card, the Gijón Gourmet voucher, maps, audio guides and the issuing and sealing of the pilgrim‘s credentials.

The service in the office of the Marina is provided throughout the year.

Infogijón Puerto Deportivo ....................................................... INFGIP

Infogijón Escalerona .................................................................. INFGIE




If there is a perfect combination of culture and nature that is Asturias. The first thing that will catch your attention there is its landscapes, some as spectacular as the National Park of the Picos de Europa and one of its most mythical places: The Lakes of Covadonga.

Besides the mountain, you can enjoy beautiful beaches in Llanes, or Gijón. Ideal places to look out at the multiple viewpoints or surf.

In the cultural aspect, you should not miss the Monuments of Oviedo and the Kingdom of Asturias declared World Heritage by UNESCO, and the cave sites and cave art museums of the area, with paintings and spectacular engravings that in some cases date back to 25,000 BC.

Discover these and more opportunities that the Kingdom of Asturias has to offer through the different travel guides that you will find completely free in our website:

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JBADJardín Botánico Atlántico de Gijón (Atlantic Botanical Garden of Gijón)

PDSLPlaya de San Lorenzo (San Lorenzo Beach)

The collections are organized in thematic areas, with the Atlantic Ocean as the common thread. The integration of exceptional examples of well-preserved natural forests, such as the River Peñafrancia Alder Grove and the

San Lorenzo Beach is probably the best-known beach in Asturias and is one of the most beautiful in northern Spain, bounded on the west by San Catalina Headland and on the east by the mouth of the River Piles. In all, a kilome-tre and a half highly frequen-ted by bathers with excellent facilities of all sorts. The beach has two beach volleyball courts and beach soccer is also played

Laboral City of Culture stands on a small promontory in the Cabueñes Valley. Bearing in mind the natural layout of the terrain and the direction of the winds, the architect

chose to orient the building so it is entered from the opposite direction of what would seem logical, if coming from Gijón.

1 City Icons

LABOLaboral Ciudad de la Cultura (Laboral City of Culture)

Carbayera de Tragamón ancient oak wood, and above all the mu- seums and media for interpreting the content present on the tour make these Botanic Gardens a unique and distinctive area.

here (by Steps no. 4). It boasts an almost three-kilometre-long promenade.

1312City Icons

PCSCParque del Cerro Santa Catalina (Cerro Santa Catalina Park)

MALMMonumento a la Madre del Emigrante (Monument to the Mother of the Emigrant)

MDFDMuseo del Ferrocarril de Asturias (Railway Museum of Asturias)

ADGAcuario de Gijón (Aquarium of Gijón)

The park has two well-known sculptures: at the top, “Elogio del Horizonte”(Praise of the Horizon) by Chillida, and at one of the entrances to the hill, “Nordeste” (Northeast), by Joaquín Vaquero Turcios. The Elogio del Horizonte

It is the first sculptural work of modern language installed in a public space of the city. As it will happen later, its formal trans-gression will provoke a lively de-bate among the gijoneses of this time. At the moment, it is one of

Located on the grounds of the old northern station of Gijón, the Railway Museum of Asturias is the centre dedicated to the conserva-tion, research and diffusion of the railway history of Asturias. The museum offers the visitor a broad vision of the relationship establis-hed between the railway and social, technical and economic history.

Gijón Aquarium offers a tour of 60 freshwater and salt water tanks that allow you to learn about the flora and fauna of the seas in detail. A journey through the seas of the world, starting with a Cantabrian river and freshwa-ter species such as sturgeon, otters, salmon and trout, to reach warm waters filled with coral and wonderful fish full of colour, as

is conceived from a small format model that has been “growing” until reaching 10 meters of height and a weight of 500 tons. It is made of reinforced concrete, from two pillars that act as supports of an open ellipse.

well as cold climes with penguins included and, of course, sharks, turtles, etc..

the most characteristic sculptures of the city, with a strong symbolic sense. Located in the Paseo del Rinconín, the Mother looks at the sea, towards which reaches one of her hands in a heart-wrenching way.

1514City Icons


Cimadevilla is a place filled with historical references, the shrine of popular memory, a mainly pedes- trian precinct capable of hosting

TRDCTermas Romanas de Campo Valdés (Roman Baths of Campo Valdés)

Campo Valdés Roman Baths are a site museum on Roman baths dating from the Early Empire, con-sidered one of the most important sites in northern Spain. They are located in front of the Church of San Pedro under Campo Valdés Gardens, at sea level. The baths were discovered in 1903, remai-ning hidden from the public until 1965. Located outside the Roman walls, the baths consisted of two distinct units: the household area and the area of the thermae.

craft workshops and leisure and entertainment establishments for all comers. The typical buildings found in any fishermen‘s quarter can be seen here, as well as the old Town Hall (nowadays, the Alvargonzález Foundation).

ISPAMGIglesia de San Pedro Apóstol Mayor de Gijón (Church of St. Peter Apostle Mayor of Gijón)

The church of St. Peter, built between 1945 and 1955 by the architects Francisco and Federico Somolinos, occupies the place of the temple of the XV century that operated like parochial church of the city until the end of the century XIX. The current church is

inspired by the pre-Romanesque temples of Asturias, from which it takes the perpendicularly overlapping vaults, the slender buttresses, the elevated transept and decorative elements such as the latticework, the loft of the columns and the trifloral windows.

1716City Icons


PLAMAPlaza Mayor (Mayor Square)

La Escalerona is one of the most famous public buildings in the city and a meeting point for the people of Gijon who are close to the Playa de San Lorenzo. In 1933, the City Council of Gijón reformed the access to the San Lorenzo beach and commissioned the municipal architects, José Avelino Díaz and

In 1858, Andrés Coello designed the new Consistorial House and the square that would link the historic centre with the new urban areas. In 1864 the project of Coello

The Square of the Marquis is na-med after the title given in 1707 by Felipe V to Carlos Miguel Ramírez de Jove, the first Marquis of San Esteban del Mar de Natahoyo and perpetual regidor of the town of Gijón. Linked to the activities of the sea, this space received between the III and IV centuries

a salazonera industry destined to the interior trade. After the construction of the port, begun in the reign of the Catholic Mon-archs, the well of La Barquera was opened, where it was announced the election of members of the council between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.

PLAMARPlaza del Marqués (Marquis Square)

2 Sights & Landmarks

Fernández Omaña, whose design is a tribute to the Modern Movement, which is fully valid in the European urbanism of the moment.

was modified by Luis Céspedes and Lucas Maria Palacios, intro- ducing a decorative style that breaks the classicist rigor in favour of a freer historicist interpretation.

AYUGIJAyuntamiento de Gijón – Casa Consistorial (City Hall)

It is due to a project of the archi-tect Andrés Coello although with some modifications of the techni-cians who directed the works, Luis Céspedes, first, and Lucas Ma. It is a three-storey cubic block located

in an unfinished arcaded square by one of its cradles. Of historicist character, marked by the square where it is located, it was remodel-led in 2002.

1918Sights & Landmarks

CAVACampo Valdés

CDCSCiudadela de Celestino Solar (Citadel of Celestino Solar)

CDSJCapilla de San Juan Bautista (Chapel of St. John the Baptist)

FCPRFundación Cajastur – Liberbank – Palacio Revillagigedo (Revillagigedo Palace)

Restructured about 5 years ago, to facilitate the contemplation of fragments of the wall and remains of Roman baths. The upper level is characterised by its walking area, benches and trees. The lower level is marked by its importance in the Roman past of Gijón.

The Citadel of Celestino Solar, also known as “Citadel of Capua”, presents one of the models of working housing in Asturias. The citadels were inhabited by the gijonesa working class in the late

It was founded in 1699 by D. Luis de Jove Ramírez who died in 1713, prior of the cathedral of Oviedo and uncle of the first Marquis of San Esteban. The Baroque style Temple was designed by the Asturian architect Francisco Menénedez-Camina Carreño and completed by Pedro Muñiz Somonte in 1723.

The Palace, looking onto Gijón Ma-rina and the statue of King Pelayo, is an 18th-century building, al-though one of its two towers dates from the 15th century. The design of the building we see today can be attributed without doubt to the architect Francisco Menéndez Ca-mino, who remodelled the original

tower and elevated the rest of the construction.

nineteenth century and during much of the twentieth century. In Gijón more than two hundred citadels were documented, the most representative being that of Celestino Solar.

PDTEPlaza de Toros El Bibio (El Bibio Bullring)

The bullring of El Bibio is one of the few examples in Gijón of Neomudéjar architecture, the prevailing style in the construc- tion of bullfighting in the last quarter of the 19th century. Inaugurated on August 12, 1888, it has been declared a Histo-

rical-Artistic Monument since March 20, 1992. It belongs to the Neomudéjar current “imposed” by the old bullring in Madrid, which has already disappeared, a trend that was considered suitable to translate into the Peninsular rings.

20 21Sights & Landmarks

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CCAICentro de Cultura “Antiguo Instituto Jovellanos” (Cultural Centre “Antiguo Instituto Jovellanos”)

VRDVVilla Romana de Veranes

The “Old Institute” Culture Centre occupies the building built at the end of the century XVIII as the seat of the Royal Institute of Nauti-cal and Mineralogy, promoted by Jovellanos. The traces of the building are of Juan de Villanue-va, being realized the first plant and at the end of the century XIX the building was finished by the architect Ricardo Marcos Bausá. In 1974 it was declared a National

The archaeological remains that can currently be visited at Veranes belong to the pars Urbana of a large villa-type establishment built during the Late Empire (4th century AD) over the remains of an Early Roman Empire agricultural estate of considerable impor- tance. This large manor house, which belonged to a dignitary who

Conceived as a historicist key, the church of San Lorenzo was built between 1896 and 1901. Its author, Luis Bellido y González (1869-1955), is one of the most important Asturian figures of architecture from the nineteenth

to the twentieth century. The church of San Lorenzo is inspired by the Late Gothic medieval Spanish and includes abundant stained glass, warheads and pinnacles, with Latin cross plan, masked towards the outside, and flat headboard.

IDSALIglesia de San Lorenzo (Church of St. Lorenzo)

3 Culture

CDNSECapilla de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios

Gijón is in the coastal passage of the Way of Santiago, known as “Way of the North”, in whose route there were hostels and hospitals for pilgrims. In Gijón, this work

was carried out by the hospital of pilgrims to Compostela or “corraxos”, whose origin seems to go back to the fifteenth century. The chapel of Our Lady of the Re-medies was linked to this hospital. Later it happened to denominate Hospital of Our Lady of the Reme-dies, maintaining its assistance function until 1836.

Monument and in 1991 the Town Hall began to rehabilitate it to become a cultural centre.

must have been called Veranius, presents three different phases of reforms and architectural exten- sions that took place throughout the 4th century AD).

SITI“Sin Título”

It is a large piece, 12 meters, in which Herminio again expresses concern about the weightless balance. It is a geometric Piece

based on a seemingly impossible balance. The force of gravity is balanced with the magnetic force producing a work in tension.


CICACentro de Interpretación del Cine en Asturias (Centre of Interpretation of the Cinema in Asturias)

The Cinema Interpretation Centre in Asturias is housed on the fourth floor of the Asturias Casino, where formerly the “general” locations of Cine Hernán Cortés were located.


Made of stainless steel, it weighs three and a half tons and is made up of four cylindrical shapes as in-terlacing links. A chain that means union, but also freedom, because the links of that chain are open, do

It has an audiovisual and confe-rence room with a capacity of 33 seats, equipped with the latest projection and sound technologies.

The Pueblo de Asturias Folk Museum was created in 1968. It comprises an area of 30,000 square metres that three buildings have been moved to: the 17th-century house of the Valdés family; the house of the González de la Vega family (bagpipe museum) and the Pavilion of Asturias at the 1992 World‘s Fair in Seville.

MDPDMuseo del Pueblo de Asturias (Museum of the Town of Asturias)


The Bagpipe Museum displays a collection of bagpipes from North Africa and Europe, especially France, Britain and the Iberian Peninsula (Asturias, Galicia, Mallorca, Aragon and Tras-os-Montes). It has a room dedicated

MDLGMuseo de la Gaita (Bagpipe Museum)

to the bagpipe and other instru-ments to the rest of the musical tradition in Asturias, from the simplest (rattles, castanets, tam-bourines) to mechanical players popularized in the late nineteenth century (organ, phonograph, etc.).

SODLSombras de Luz

Fernando Alba Álvarez has thought to reflect the plates on the floor, as in a mirror, and to fit in the pavement the redondeles or “planets” of iron extracted from the plates. Such projections are not all the same length, although the “planets” in their size are equal; The longest is the winter,

and the shortest, the summer, according to the position of the sun, which together would form a solar temple.

not lose their independence, their formal autonomy. In “Solidaridad” the stainless steel, hard against the weather, becomes soft and mouldable appearance, with a glossy finish. Solidarity seems to retain the light and expel it to the four winds.


The museum is located in the former Pola Asylum, designed at the beginning of the 20th century by Luis Bellido and built under the supervision of Miguel García de la Cruz. It is devoted almost exclusively to the work of this artist from Gijón who died in 1978,

The museum has four floors, with a large entrance hall to observe and enjoy the full height and lumi-nosity of the building. The work of Juan Barjola, centred between the mid-1950s and late 80s, is exhi-bited on the three upper floors. The oldest paintings are displayed on the top floor. The ground floor serves as the setting for one of the

This museum houses the work that the artist Evaristo Valle (Gijón, 1873-1951) conserved until his death. Visitors may view his first paintings done in Paris from 1903 onwards, portraits of relatives, carnival scenes, country life and other themes, as well as paintings from his final years. The muse-um also conserves an important

Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos was one of the leading figures in the Spanish Enlightenment. The Birthplace Museum that bears his name is located in a mansion built between the late 14th and early 16th century, where the writer was born in 1744. He was to die in the

MNPMuseo Nicanor Piñole (Nicanor Piñole Museum)

MUBAMuseo Barjola

FMEVFundación Museo Evaristo Valle (Foundation Museum Evaristo Valle)

MCNDMuseo Casa Natal de Jovellanos

Campa Torres Archaeological and Nature Park occupies 50,000 square metres of coastline in the borough of Gijón. The hill fort con-sists of several distinct areas: The

PADLParque Arqueológico-Natural de la Campa Torres (Archaeological-Natural Park of the Campa Torres)

at the age of a hundred. The gene-rous donation from the painter‘s widow, Enriqueta Ceñal Costales, and interest on the part of the institutions, facilitated the creation of this museum which preserves a large collection of more than six thousand drawings.

collection of drawings, documents and manuscripts from his literary work, an interesting collection of shells, etc.

reception building, located at the entrance to the park, the archaeo-logical site and the main building, built in an old bunker dating from the Spanish Civil War.

Asturian village of Puerto de Vega in 1811. Since its opening, the mu-seum‘s programming has focused on the study and dissemination of this Enlightenment figure, as well as on the conservation, documen-tation, research and dissemination of local artistic heritage.

great paintings in the exhibition, “The Other Wailing Wall”, as well as housing the museum reception and offices.


Tragamón Oak Grove is one of the best examples of oak groves remaining today. It is a small grove with a local road running through it, south of which stands a group of ancient oak trees forming a copse, where the trees are separated

from one another with no young trees growing among them. North of the road the trees are closer together and there are younger specimens, along with other spe-cies such as sycamore, ash, willow and elder.

CDTRCarbayera del Tragamón

5 Nature, Parks and Beaches

PDILParque de Isabel La Católica (Park of Isabel the Catholic)

Arbeyal Beach was in disuse for years, in poor condition and rele-gated to the background in favour of local industry in the districts of El Natahoyo and La Calzada. It re-opened for bathing in 1995 after a major regeneration effort. Today it is a golden sand beach

PLDAPlaya del Arbeyal (Arbeyal Beach)

PLDEPlaya de Estaño (Estaño Beach)

A bathe in a natural pool carved into the rock. Small, with dark sand and shaped like an isthmus. That‘s Estaño Beach, a semi-ur-ban cove just five kilometres from

about 400 metres in length bathed by calm waters. It is very crowded and boasts very good amenities. A venue for many sporting events; beach volleyball and water sports like sea kayaking are habitually practised here.

Gijón. With good amenities and a heavy swell, bathing is advisable on the left-hand side of the beach, although you must take care because of its rocky bottom.

Projected in 1941, it is the green space of greater extension in the city. In its 151,857 m², different environments coexist. Its lakes, flanked by a great variety of trees and villages of geese, swans and wild birds stand out. The central space is the rose garden, of French style, where the peacocks inhabit, sign of identity of the park. Other areas of interest are the meadow next to the avenue of Castile and the zone of children‘s games.

Atlantic Botanical Garden of Gijón

31Nature, Parks and Beaches


Peñarrubia Beach is a very popular strip of gravel and sand surrounded by high cliffs that contain major fossil riches. It is complicated to access and it can be dangerous because of the possibility of land- slides, which sometimes lead to it being closed. Frequented on-and-off, it is popular with nudists. It is a perfect beach for water sports like spearfishing, diving, surfing, wind-surfing, longboarding and paddle surfing. What‘s more, its surroun-dings are perfect for hiking.

La Ñora Beach is a small sandy beach flanked by cliffs, with golden sand and a strong swell. Usually crowded, it is easy to access and has several car parks.

The river of the same name flows into the sea here, forming the bor-der between the boroughs of Gijón and Villaviciosa.

PDSYPlaya de Serantes (Serantes Beach)

PLDCEPlaya del Cervigón

PLLCPlaya de La Cagonera (La Cagonera Beach)

It is a windy, fine sandy beach with a moderate swell located in a country setting with easy access and a small car park. It is very popular with families and among sport fishing and diving enthusiasts, though it is not usually very crowded.

Cervigón or El Rinconín Beach is, as its name suggests, the eastern corner of San Lorenzo Beach, a

Serín Beach and its neighbour-ing beach, La Cagonera, are two small, secluded coves just five kilometres from Gijón. Difficult

PLPEPlaya de Peñarrubia (Peñarrubia Beach)

PDLNPlaya de la Ñora (Ñora Beach)

PLDPOPlaya de Poniente (Poniente Beach)

Poniente Beach is an artificial beach created in the mid-90s which has become a hub of acti-vity, especially in the summer months. Located in the marina area of Gijón, it occupies an area formerly taken up by old shipyards. Its waters, permanently flying a green flag, are ideal for water sports, especially for beginners, and for children to bathe in. It also has a children‘s playground right on the beach. It is usually crowded and boasts very good amenities.

Peñarrubia Beach PDS

Playa de Serín (Serin Beach)

to access, Serin is frequented by nudists. It has very little sand and you must be bathe with caution, due to its rocky bottom.

small cove of sand and rocks at the end of the promenade. It is much frequented and well equip-ped. Formed by rocks and dark sand, caution should be taken when bathing.

32 33Nature, Parks and Beaches

6 Pilgrim’s Way – Coastal Route

Nature, Parks and Beaches34

One of the routes of El Camino de Santiago, the Way of the Coast or the North, passes through Gijón. Throughout its passage through the city it is possible to appreciate the rich historical and artistic heritage that is distributed in the rural and urban areas in the almost 20 kilo-metres of route of the Pilgrim’s Way in Gijón.

ACDLAntiguo convento de las Agustinas Recoletas – Fábrica de Tabacos (Former Cloister of the Agustinas Recoletas – Tobacco Factory)

The building has its origin in 1670, when the cloister was founded for the Congregation of Agustinas Recoletas, first monastery of the city and girls school. It was finished in 1679, being made the church in 1684, all under the order of the masters of stonework Ignacio de Palacio and Juan San Miguel. In

1842 the cloister was transformed into a tobacco factory, so it be-came known as “La Tabacalera”. It was the first industry of impor-tance in Gijón and its staff was composed of women. Its activity lasted from the middle of the 19th century until 2002.

FMEVFundación Museo Evaristo Valle (Foundation Museum Evaristo Valle)

This museum houses the work that the artist Evaristo Valle (Gijón, 1873-1951) conserved until his death. Visitors may view his first paintings done in Paris from 1903 onwards, portraits of relatives, carnival scenes, country life and other themes, as well as paintings from his final years. The museum also conserves an important collection of drawings, documents and manuscripts from his literary work, an interesting collection of shells, etc.

It was built between 1931 and 1933, within a Neo-Asturian historicism. It is the first creation

ISJSIglesia San Julian de Somió (Church of St. Julian of Somió)

of Juan Manuel del Busto González.


It consists of two pieces, distanced a few meters: a family composed of man, woman and child with a bicycle leaning on a railing, with their backs to the city, facing the avenue of Justo del Castillo, eques-trian and recovered river beds; And a few meters behind, the trunk of a hollow tree. The trunk of the tree represents “the projection of the father‘s thoughts, perhaps the nostalgia of his sailor past, his feelings of lost time.

3534Pilgrim’s Way – Coastal Route

PDTEPlaza de Toros El Bibio (El Bibio Bullring)

MNPMuseo Nicanor Piñole (Nicanor Piñole Museum)

AHMEAntiguo Hogar Maternal e Infantil (Old Maternal and Child Home)

The bullring of El Bibio is one of the few examples in Gijón of Neomudéjar architecture, the prevailing style in the construction of bullfighting in the last quarter of the 19th century. Inaugurated on August 12, 1888, it has been declared a Historical-Artistic Monument since March 20, 1992. It belongs to the Neomudéjar current “imposed” by the old bullring in Madrid, which has already disappeared, a trend that was considered suitable to translate into the Peninsular rings.

The museum is located in the former Pola Asylum, designed at the beginning of the 20th century by Luis Bellido and built under the supervision of Miguel García de la Cruz. It is devoted almost exclusively to the work of this artist from Gijón who died in 1978, at the age of a hundred. The generous dona-tion from the painter‘s widow, Enriqueta Ceñal Costales, and interest on the part of the insti-tutions, facilitated the creation of this museum which preser-ves a large collection of more than six thousand drawings.

After twenty-five years of ope-ration of the former Institute of Childcare and due to the lack of some services, a new building was erected, the Maternal and Child Home, which began its journey in 1949. The building, designed by Pedro Cabello (1888-1973), is part of the architectural trend of the Modern Movement and combines elements of rationalism with an expressionist air that gives it the circular tower.

LGDLLa Gota de Leche

ISJDIglesia San José de Gijón (Church of San José de Gijón)

In 1925 opened the Institute of Childcare, popularly known as “The Drop of Milk” as the the first service provided was that of free distribution of milk for children in need. The building is the work of the municipal architect Miguel Garcia de la Cruz and Laviada (1887-1935). The Institute had

The present church replaces ano-ther destroyed during the civil war. The first temple was built between 1893 and 1897 following the project of Nicolás García Rivero, architect

different services, such as mater-nity, day care for working mothers and polyclinics for children. It also started the school of childcare, one of the first founded in Spain, in which were formed matrons, doctors, nurses and nursery teachers.

responsible, also, of the parish of Sama de Langreo. The current building is a work of the architect Enrique Rodríguez Bustelo inspi-red by the colonial baroque.

3736Pilgrim’s Way – Coastal Route

MDFDMuseo del Ferrocarril de Asturias (Railway Museum of Asturias)

DDMADólmenes del Monte Areo (Burial Mounds of Monte Areo)

Located on the grounds of the old northern station of Gijón, the Railway Museum of Asturias is the centre dedicated to the conser-vation, research and diffusion of

This necropolis of burial mounds, one of the main concentrations of these funerary structures of the Cantabrian coast, is located in the mount Areo to few kilometres of the urban nucleus of Gijón, to-wards the neighbouring council of Carreño. In 1990, archaeological

the railway history of Asturias. The museum offers the visitor a broad vision of the relationship establis-hed between the railway and social, technical and economic history.

surveys revealed 30 tombs, divided between two different sectors: Los Llanos and Les Huelgues de San Pablo, which according to the researcher M.A. De Blas are grouped according to a “certain monumental order”.

Transportation and mobility

Asturias international (+34) 902 404 704 (+34) 91 321 10

7Useful Information

TrainThe train station has regular lines with several cities in Spain. www.renfe.comTel: (+34) 902 32 03 20

3938Useful Information

The Transcantábrico tourist train has one of its stops in Gijón. More information can be found at:

Bus (+34) 985 181 105

TaxiRadio Taxi Gijó (+34) 985 141 111

Radio Taxi Villa de (+34) 942 33 33 33

Radio Taxi Ciudad de Gijónwww.radiotaxiciudaddegijon.comTel: (+34) 985 34 66 66

BicycleThe City of Gijón has created a program aimed at Spanish citi-zens and residents wishing to tour the city using a bicycle for free. More info:


In case of illness you can attend to any health centre or, in the case

of an emergency, the Accident and Emergency section (“Urgencias”) of hospitals. You can call the free toll number 112.

Medicines can be bought at Pharmacies, which are usually identified by a green cross outside the shop.


The weather in Gijón is type ocea-nic, therefore it is smooth and very humid all year-round. Temperatu-res oscillate between 20 ºC during the summer months and 10 ºC in winter. Gijón offers its visitors one of the most stable mild weathers in the Cantabrian coast.

Useful telephone numbers

Emergencies ...........................112Local Police .............................092Civil Guard ..............................062Red Cross .................. 985 170 707Firefighters ............... 985 181 440; .................... 080 for emergenciesPost ........................... 985 176 806Red Cross Hospital .... 985 195 000Jove Hospital ............. 985 320 050Municipal Office for Con- sumer Defence ...985 151 356/357

Lost and Found .......... 985 181 100Emergencies and Infor- mation on Beaches ... 985 335 257

Business hours

Usual shopping hours are from Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 1.30 pm and 4.00 pm to 8 pm. Large stores and shopping centres tend to open all day long, from 10 am to 9 pm or 10 pm, and even open on some public holidays.


The official currency in Spain is the Euro (€). There are eight different coins: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 cents, and 1 and 2 euros. There are six different notes: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 y 500 euros. You must consult in the banks or savings banks, whose usual hours of opening are Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 2 pm.different notes: 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 y 500 euros. You must consult in the banks or savings banks, whose usual hours of opening are Monday to Friday, 8.30 am to 2 pm.


Sweden .................. SVEGIJ

Finland .................. FINGIJ

Hungary ................. HUNGIJ

The Netherlands .... NEDGIJ

Panama ................. PANGIJ

How to call – Telephony System

If you are calling Gijón from another country, dial the exit code of the country of origin then 34 (Spain), then the telephone number in Gijón (9 figures).

If you are calling another country from Gijón, dial 00 (Spanish exit code), then the code of the country you are calling followed by the telephone number.

If you are calling within Spain, the number you dial should always have 9 digits.

4140Useful Information


EDITOR: CITO System GmbH Berliner Allee 26 :: 13088 Berlin,Germany

CitoCode: CITO

Juan David Jaramillo SalamancaCountry Manager Spain and LatAmE-Mail: jdj@citocode.comTel: +49 30 – 55 65 0661

TEXTS:The descriptive texts of all attractions and public sites contained in this guide have been acquired thanks to the Open Data initiative of the City Council of Gijón and the Kingdom of Asturias.

DESIGN AND LAYOUT:Yvette NajorkaE-Mail:

PHOTOCREDITS:Cover Manuel Alvarez, Shutterstock Inc. | Page 2 Vit Kovalcik, Shutterstock Inc. | Table of Content goodluz; leonardo2011, Shutterstock Inc. | emei, Shutterstock, Inc. | Arturo Limon, Shutterstock, Inc. | tichr, | Philip Lange, Shutterstock Inc.| Francisco Javier Gil, Shutterstock Inc. | Philip Lange, Shutterstock, Inc. | Page 4–5 Dar1930, Shutterstock Inc. | goodluz; leonardo2011, Shutterstock Inc. | Page 6–7 cineuno, Shutterstock Inc. | Page 10–11 emei, Shutterstock, Inc. | luisrsphoto, | Year of the Dragon via Wikimedia Commons | Tomás Fano via Wikimedia Commons | inFocusDC, | Page 12–13 jorisvo, Shutterstock, Inc. | Davroiz via Wikimedia Commons | Year of the dragon via Wikimedia Commons | Tomás Fano via Wikimedia Commons | Page 14–15 Arturo Limon, Shutterstock, Inc. | villorejo, Shutterstock, Inc. | trabantos, Shutterstock, Inc. | Alberto Grazi via Wikimedia Commons | Page 16–17 jaimedetorres via flickr | Yearofthedragon via Wikimedia Commons | villorejo, Shutterstock, Inc. | Page 20–21 tichr, | jorisvo (2), Shutterstock Inc. | Tiia Monto via Wikimedia Commons | Page 22–23 L‘irlandés via Wikimedia Commons | L‘irlandés via Wikimedia Commons | Philip Lange; Manuel Alvarez, Shutterstock Inc. | Page 24–25 Tony Rotondas via Wikimedia Commons | trabantos, Shutterstock Inc. | Year of the dragon via Wikimedia Commons | Page 26–27 Year of the dragon via Wikimedia Commons | Tiia Monto via Wikimedia Commons | Ana del Castillo, Shutterstock Inc. | Page 28–29 Francisco Javier Gil, Shutterstock Inc. | villorejo, Shutterstock Inc. | Diego Delso via Wikimedia Commons | Olaf Speier, Shutterstock Inc. | Page 30–31

Tiia Monto via Wikimedia Commons | Arturo Limon, Shutterstock Inc. | Page 32 Philip Lange, Shutterstock, Inc. | Marco Govel, | Page 34–35 villorejo, Shutterstock, Inc.

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Avila | Avilés | Burgos | Camino de Santiago en Castilla y León | Gijón | Las Palmas | Llanes | Madrid | Málaga | Oviedo | Pamplona | El Camino de Santiago – Navarra | El Camino de Santiago – Asturias | Pirineos de Navarra | Salamanca | Santander | Segovia | Valladolid

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