Colton Courier September 04 2014

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Transcript of Colton Courier September 04 2014

By Anthony Victoria

Tiffany Guzman, 20, experi-enced hardship growing up.The San Bernardino Valley

College Biology student said itwasn’t her goofy attitude, nor herconservative church upbringingsthat made her life difficult.

At the tender age of 6, she foundout she was diagnosed with Cancer. “I was a hospital kid growing up,”she explained of always having tovisit the hospital to receivechemotherapy treatment. Guzman managed to remain posi-tive throughout, explaining that thenurses and doctors helped her copeby keeping her company. At age 10,

she underwent a Bone Marrowtransplant operation. For three months straight, she wasunable to see her parents. Guzmansaid it was the loneliest time of herlife. That would soon change, large-ly in part because of a fellow cancersurvivor and broker John Dudek,

By Anthony Victoria

Kent Taylor is looking to returnback to his old stompinggrounds.

Serving in the Colton Joint UnifiedSchool District for 12 years beforemoving to Southern Kern to becometheir district’s superintendent, Taylorwill be seeking a trustee seat on boardof education. He said he strives tomake a difference for kids in theColton area.“That is the core of why I servedbefore,” he said. “I want to make surekids have the best, safe schools, thebest education, and ensure we’re fis-cally solvent. These are the things thatdrove me to come back.”Taylor, 50, first moved to the Colton-Grand Terrace area in 1987 after com-pleting his teaching credential from theUniversity of California, Riverside. Hebegan working for CJUSD as aninstructional aide, eventually climbing

Cancer not an obstacle for SBCCDstudent trustee Guzman

Kent Taylor seeks return to ColtonJoint Unified School District board

Guzman cont. on next page


San Bernardino Valley College student trustee Tiffany Guzman (second from left) poses with the San BernardinoCommunity College District board members.

Taylor, cont. on next page

Features, Lifestyle & News You Can Use! September 4, 2014Vol 143, NO. 11

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Lennox School District Superintendent Kent Taylor.

Arrowhead RegionalMedical Center recentlycontracted with the

Southland Farmers’ MarketAssociation to host a weeklyFarmers’ Market. The overarchinggoal behind the Farmers’ Market isto bring healthy food into the com-munity; provide our patients andcommunity residents the opportunityto purchase fresh picked items,healthy breads and other snacks.According to the 2011-12 CaliforniaHealth Interview Survey, conductedby the University of California LosAngeles (UCLA) Center for HealthPolicy Research, in collaborationwith the California Department ofPublic Health and the Department ofHealth Care Services, 69% of adultswho live in San Bernardino Countyare overweight or obese. The per-centage of overweight and obeseadults is an indicator of the overallhealth and lifestyle of the communi-ty. Statistics show individuals whoare overweight or obese have a high-er risk of developing type 2 diabetes,gallbladder disease, heart disease,hypertension (high blood pressure),dyslipidemia (high cholesterol),osteoarthritis, stroke, sleep apnea,and even cancer. If you have anyquestions please feel free to callStaci McClane, Ethics andCompliance Coordinator,Arrowhead Regional MedicalCenter, 400 N. Pepper Avenue,Colton, CA 92324-1819. (909) 580-2198 phone (909) 580-2499 fax.

ARMC Farmer’sMarket




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DowntownSummer Festattracts many




Local groupaims to

reduce crimein San



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Communityshows supportfor Colton High’s

2014-2015football season

Page A2 • September 4, 2014 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers • Colton Courier


Tiffany Guzman (fourth from left) with members of the San Bernardino Valley Col-lege Associated Student Government from 2013-2014.


Tiffany Guzman with her older brother, David Guzman.

who would eventually becameher mentor.“We connected and developed a

deep bond,” Guzman said. “It gotme through a lot of stuff. You cansay that the past has shaped who Iam Today.”Guzman currently serves as the

student trustee for the SanBernardino Community CollegeDistrict--a position that gives astudent from both SBVC andCrafton Hills College the oppor-tunity to learn first-hand aboutbalancing the needs of their vari-ous constituency groups againstthe constraints of the state budget,while also having the opportunityto receive training in teamwork,leadership, planning and commu-nication.However, Guzman before being

elected as student trustee duringstudent elections in the spring

served as the Campus Events di-rector in the Associated StudentGovernment (ASG)--often havingto follow the proper procedure toorganize events or order supplies.Guzman called it the pains of trialand error.“It was tough having to deal with

all that paperwork and lack oftraining,” she said. “You have toknow the rules to navigate aroundthe bureaucratic process in orderto then come up with ideas. It’s allabout serving the students, thoughit may not be the best platform todo it.”Having experienced the diffi-

culty and frustration of theprocesses ASG had to deal withon a regular basis, Guzman feltshe needed to move on to biggerpastures. She said she feels shehas a greater influence sitting onthe board because it allows her tohave direct input on what is being

done throughout thedistrict.“I love it,” she said. “It allows

me to see what’s going on andwhat we could potentially change.I’m constantly trying to havemeeting with fellow trustees to tryto see how I can best address theneeds of the students.”As for her battle with Cancer,

Guzman was able to come out avictor. She said she is remissionand is considered cured by doc-tors. However, she mentioned theradiation and chemotherapy tooka toll on her health and left herwith a few scars.“I like to think everyone has

their own cancer. Whether it’sdrug addiction, a family or per-sonal issue. It’s something that af-fects them. I explain to people thatmy scars make me appreciate itmy life,” she said. “Maybe it willinspire people to keep going.”

Guzman cont. from front

COURTESY PHOTOKent Taylor, a longtime resident of Colton and Grand Terracelooks to make a comeback to the CJUSD board.


San Bernardino Valley College student trustee Tiffany Guzman.

Kent Taylor is looking to returnup the ladder to teacher, then prin-cipal, and finally to superintend-ent.He believes he is the best suited

for the position due to his “day-one” ready attitude. From the ex-perience he has gained from beingsuperintendent, he believes he canutilize his skills to provide a pos-itive impact on board. “I consider myself a “day-one”

ready candidate,” Taylor said. “Ihave the experience and formaltraining as far as being a boardmeeting. I’m not wondering whatCommon Core or LCAP is be-cause I have already dealt with

these initiatives.”Taylor currently has two chil-

dren attending school in theColton Joint Unified School Dis-trict. One is attending Grand Ter-race High School, while the otherchild attends Terrace View MiddleSchool. In addition to his formaltraining, he believes he has the in-sight to understand the passionparents have when it comes totheir children obtaining success.“Because you have kids in the

school district, you have a passionas far as kids achieving, it’s notjust a dream.” he explained. “Iwant that to occur, not only for mykids, but for all kids in the district.Want them to go to college, do

well, and be responsible. That’swhy it’s important we focus on in-struction to ensure they have a fu-ture.”Taylor said what makes the

Colton-Grand Terrace area standout from other places he hasworked in is the rich culture thathas always made the area unique.“You have great teachers that

spend their time with great in-struction and supportive parents interms of homework,” he said.“You also have classified workersthat range from clerks, secretaries,to maintenance crews. It’s a fam-ily out here. It’s what makes usrich. We are a community oflearners.”


Kent Taylor (left) with his family.Taylor cont. from front

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 4, 2014 • Page A3

Inspections of San Bernardino nursing homesreveals frightening results

By Harvey M. Kahn

Results of state-conductedinspections and first-handphysical observations

showed there's potential danger tothose living in one of the City ofSan Bernardino's 11 skilled nursingfacilities. Complaints and deficienciesagainst nursing homes in SanBernardino number well above thestate and national average. Califor-nia advocates for nursing home res-idents say it is a multi-billion dollarindustry filled with mismanage-ment and corruption at the highestlevels.When shopping around, expertsrecommend choosing an assistedliving-type facility, however thoseare usually for families with moremoney. In the end, health care offi-cials say when the funds go dry andfamily and friends disappear, mostof the population will end up in aMedicare/MediCal funded commu-nity care facility."You practically have to killsomebody before you can get any-one to listen," said Pat McGinnis,Executive Director of CaliforniaAdvocates for Nursing Home Re-form. "You have to follow themoney. Those who own nursinghomes are large corporations. Theyare in it for the profit." McGinnisspoke by phone from her office inSan Francisco, where she foundedCANHF in 1983. She teachesGerontology at San Francisco Stateand has testified before Congressand has been featured on PBSFrontline."You ask me if things have gotten

better in the last 30 years. No, theyhave not. There's not enough regu-latory oversight," said McGinnis.She explained that enforcement ofnursing homes needs to movefaster. "A complaint against a facil-ity can take years to be resolved. Bythen the patient could have died andthe family loses the chance to takeaction." McGinnis and others havebeen instrumental in getting com-munity care facility inspection re-sults posted on-line.Currently, someone shopping fora nursing home or assisted livingfacility can look at the number ofcomplaints and deficiencies thathave been filed against a home.There are in depth reports availablefor review posted by,and the California Department ofPublic Health. McGinnis and

CANHF also compiles and postsdata from numerous agencies.Owners of care facilities say theyare over regulated, with mounds ofpaperwork and do not receivemedicare payments in a timelymanner. Nursing home operatorssay government cutbacks have lim-ited their ability to provide neededservices.McGinnis pointed out that peopleare getting rich by owning nursinghomes and any red tape goes withthe territory. The most thorough in-spection reports comes from theDepartment of Health and HumanServices, Centers for Medicare andMedicaid Services. For instance,the 78-bed Shandin Hills nursinghome in San Bernardino showed

it's received 164 deficiencies andhas 342 complaints against it since2009.The 166-bed Waterman Convales-cent nursing home was written uplast year for failure to properly carefor patients and for not maintainingdrug records according to profes-sional standards. State inspectorswrote that Waterman Convalescentdid not have an adequate programto control infection. One patient didnot receive her required oxygen.Another patient claimed she layedin her urine soaked diaper for sixhours. Waterman Convalescent hasreceived 159 deficiencies and 322complaints since 2009.The 58-bed Arrowhead Home onNorth Sierra Way had a low num-ber of deficiencies and complaintsagainst it, however it was reportedto be negligent in keeping residentssafe from serious medication errors.It was said lacking in giving resi-dents a notice of their right's and fornot furnishing consent forms priorto treatment.Legacy Post Acute RehabilitationCenter has been allowed to remainopen despite being written up fornumerous health and safety infrac-tions. Inspectors wrote that doctorsat Legacy did not review resident'splan for care at every visit. Drugrecords were not properly recordednor labeled according to acceptedprofessional standards. Accurateclinical records of patients were notkept. A variety of food preparationareas were described as beingcoated with greasy residual.California Department of PublicHealth spokesman Corey Egelreplied in an email that nursing

homes are inspected about once ayear, but facilities with more com-plaints get surveyed more often.Egel said inspections are conductedwithout notice. He said any defi-ciencies must be answered in awritten plan of correction by theprovider within ten working days.Other notable nursing homes out-side of San Bernardino not includedin this random selection was SierraVista in Highland, who totaled awhopping 2059 complaints and 132deficiencies since 2009. BothBraswell's and the Vets Home inBarstow also accumulated disap-pointing inspection results.Most nursing homes rectify defi-ciencies immediately upon noticeand are cooperative, says SanBernardino County OmbudsmanVince Wrzalinski. "What is frustrat-ing, is to see those same problemsoccurring over and over again."Wrzalinski and his team of volun-teer's are the first to investigatewhen complaints arise at nursinghomes. If problems persist, the om-budsman can either notify state of-ficials, call for a police report, orseek counsel with the SanBernardino County District Attor-ney. Wrzalinski feels enforcingstate legislation is hard due to a lackof funding. A call to the CDPH, Office of Li-censing in San Bernardino, was puton hold four times. A person iden-tified as a supervisor (Donna) saidshe could not answer any questionsand did not know the name of theperson in her office who could an-swer. Attempts to get commentfrom local nursing home adminis-trators were not successful.


Pat McGinnis is founder andexecutive director of CaliforniaAdvocates for Nursing HomeReform.


Dr. Ronald Chapman is direc-tor of California State Depart-ment of Public Health.

By G. W. Abersold Ph.D.

Tony Bennett is unquestion-ably one of the greatestsingers of all time. He is

currently 88 years old. Frank Sina-tra referred to Tony as, “The bestsinger in the business.”He has sung for ten Presidents. Anoted painter, he has three of hispaintings in the permanent collec-tion of the Smithsonian Institute.His albums of songs number in themillions.He was in World War II and par-ticipated in the Battle of the Bulge.When he had to kill a young Ger-man soldier at close range, it af-fected him so much he became acommitted pacifist.Bennett has strong beliefs regard-ing racism. He is an avowed lib-eral, often marching in favor ofcivil rights.In a recent interview he was

asked what he considered thegreatest issue of today. Hisanswer involved an incidentabout himself and Ella Fitzgerald.They were good friends and oftentheir families spent holidays to-gether. He quotes her saying,“Tony, we are all here.”What she meant, he says in theinterview, “We are all here on thesame planet. No matter what ourrace, religion, culture or ethnicbackground is. We are all humanssharing the same space in the uni-verse.”He concludes with his affirminghis belief is what she said. He con-tinued by saying, “Until we realizeit we will never truly reach ourgoals as human beings.”Tony Bennett is not only a greatsinger, he is a great person.A CHANGE OF EMPHASISThere is a major conflict betweenreligion and science that has beengoing on for several hundredyears. The issue revolves aroundthe beginning of the universe andmore specifically our planet andstill more specific—us, you andme. A belief of many fundamental-ists Christians endorses the view ofBishop James Ussher (1581-1656)that the first day of creation wasOctober 23, 4004 BCE. Obviouslythis has been discredited with sci-entific discoveries.Science, in general, contends that“chance” is the source of every-thing. In Christianity there are asmany different views as there aredenominations. However, the com-

monality is an acceptance of a Cre-ator, reflected in such phrases as“Intelligent Design: or “RandomDesigner” or “Theistic Design.”William Paley was born in 1743and died in 1805 (62). An English-man he taught natural theologyand philosophy of religion atChrist’s College in Cambridge,England.His viewpoints are in line withPlato, Galileo, Copernicus andNewton regarding the order anddependability of the universe. Hewould have endorsed Albert Ein-stein’s statement in 1954, “I cannotbelieve that God plays dice withthe cosmos.”All of these men would challengethe view of many scientists andatheists who believe that the uni-verse is the result of CHANCE.The bottom line is Genesis 1:1“In the beginning God created the

heavens and the earth.”Back to William Paley. I find hisanalogy of the watchmaker verycredible. A paraphrase will suffice.Suppose several hundred yearsago you had never seen a watch.You were walking through a forestand see your first watch. You’venever seen one before and have noidea what it is. You pick it up andexamine it.It has a leather case and a smalldial. It has a spring and makes aticking sound. There are two handson the dial moving in a predictablepattern.You do not say, this thing ismerely the product of pure chance,coming from all over and fittingtogether to produce structure, sym-metry and order. It needs a maker-a creator.The universe is made up of laws.The speed of light, the Big Bang-

13-15 billion years ago, the law ofgravity, etc. Neil Armstrong wouldnever have made it to the moonwithout the predictability of theuniverse. Not chance.Using your process of logic anddeductive reasoning, you knowthat to have order there must be acreative mind and a maker. Thisprinciple is also applicable tobuilding a house-it need an archi-tect. An airplane needs an engi-neer; a song needs a composer; aGerman Chocolate Cake needs abaker. Any creation needs a cre-ator.The Bible in Genesis 1:1 says itall: “In the beginning God createdthe heavens and the earth.” And Imight add, and all within it, includ-ing you and me.Amen. Selah. So be it.

Words to Think About: Bennett, Religion, Science

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Page A4 • September 4, 2014 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

YOUR COMMUNITY COMMENTARY!All letters must be signed. Please include your name, address & phone number

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Eating. A sport for the truecompetitor.

And just in time, the Los AngelesCounty Fair begins its month-longrun, bringing gourmet bites, grilledup goodness and deep fried fren-zies to help fill the bellies of myfellow foodies and big time eaters.In fact, fair organizers released alist of new novelty dishes expectedto bring out the inner fat kid ineveryone.But before I go into the list of out-landish eats available this year, Ifeel I have to share a message thatI believe was personally written foryours truly.From the L.A. County Fair itself: “Did you know visitors could eatat the L.A. County Fair for everymeal every day of the fair and noteat the same thing twice?” Oh, fair people… I accept yourchallenge!Plus, it’s an automatic in into thefood lovers society. Think about it. Food, or something edible if youwill, that’s rolled, dipped, anddunked into stick-to-your-bonesbatter then tossed gracefully in hotbubbling oil. The moment you take a bite intothe crispy, lusciously moist con-coction, your taste buds are in-stantly sent into overdrive andsuddenly there’s a party in yourmouth.It’s like Pavlov’s Theory - thetaste of food, the sound of thecooking --just one bite-- makes mymouth water.It’s pure gluttony, too. I’ll eat untilI’m on the verge of blowingchunks. But hey, what’s life if you can’tenjoy the delicious things?So, along with annual favorites of

bacon-wrapped something or friedcookie dough (my number one)here’s a few things I’ll be shovel-ing in at this year’s fair:Ramen burgers – from creatorKeizo Shimamoto, a fresh USDAPrime ground beef chuck pattysandwiched between two craftilyformed buns made from freshly cutramen noodles. It’s also accompa-nied by a special shoyu glaze andchoice market fresh vegetables.Because you have to eat your veg-gies, of course.Bacon-wrapped zucchin. Noneed for an explination.Deep-fried Doritos – Nachocheese Doritos, dipped in batter,deep fried, served with ranchdressing. I’ll hold the ranch, sinceI’m trying to cut carbs and sugar.Chile relleno pretzel burger - aspicy chorizo patty, jalapeno jam,avocado, tomato, cheese, and awhole chile relleno in a soft pretzelbun.And for the true fair foodies: aTriple-decker Krispy KremeCheeseburger. Crazy enough, that’s just the shortlist. There are more than 300 choicesto chew on - so what’s your’s goingto be?Not really a food fan, no problem.There’s tons of other things to dothis year.You can see Zonkies, Mojo theCapuchin Monkey and friends andcheck out some of the new attrac-tions.Here’s a few highlights:HALL OF HEROES: Guests findthemselves in the Cityscape, asprawling metropolis of skyscrap-ers and super heroes. Learn aboutthe science behind superpowers,pose with popular superheroes andtime travel. A special portion of theexhibition is dedicated to real lifeheroes who have served our coun-try throughout history.LUMINASIA: The jewel ofLACF evening attractions, Lumi-nasia is a nighttime spectacular ofcustom built, larger-than-life Chi-nese lanterns. Guests are invitedinto a world of giant bloomingflowers, a massive pirate ship, tow-ering L.A. icons, the Great Wall ofChina, a walk-through pagoda andother enchanting features.Interested in discount tickets?The Humane Society of SanBernardino Valley is offering apromo code for tickets to the LACounty Fair at the discount price of$12 for adults and $6 for children 6to 12 years old. In addition to re-ceiving the discount, a portion ofthe ticket sales will benefit theHSSBV when the promo code isused.

Yazmin Alvarez

Eat. Eat. Repeat.The L.A. County

Fair is here!

There have been several lettersrecently approving the teaching ofcritical thinking and writing skillsand the Holocaust assignment. Iagree about the value of teachingcritical thinking and writing, butcannot think of a worse topic forthat assignment.

Not only is the suggestion thatthere is a factual basis for the de-nial of the Holocaust’s existence adespicable affront to the feelingsand emotions of millions, it is alsoan absurd affront to truth, and alogical argument that there was noHolocaust is impossible.

Thus, the call for critical think-ing of a controversial subject is notmet by such an assignment. Whynot ask the high school debatecoach what topics are being de-bated this year? Or ask each stu-dent to give their opinion of thegreatest American in history, sup-porting that opinion with facts andargument, then contrast it with asecond choice or with anotherAmerican which may be thechoice of other classmates?

What concerns me most aboutthe assignment is the unknown

source of the beliefs of some stu-dents that the Holocaust is a hoax.If the source is the Internet, thehistory and social science teachersshould examine it and be preparedto demonstrate the truth. If thesource is a teacher, they should beidentified. Such teachers would betoo ignorant of history and unableto recognize their ignorance as tohow the assignment could meetthe need to teach the critical think-ing they lack.

Edgar C. Keller,Redlands

Holocaust not a good subject for critical thinking

E-mail us your opinions,photos, announcementsto limited to

500 words

Yes, I think there are schools thatare in need of upgrade that wouldimprove learning, but we firstmust address our educationalteaching approach. What is Com-mon Core Standard? Is that a newway of saying No Child Left Be-hind? We need to address our chil-dren’s learning differences andbuild on teaching to effectivelyreach each child.

Yes, I am for smaller class sizesbecause each child would benefit.Each child would receive more in-dividual help where needed. Chil-dren learn differently — somelearn visually, some learn verbally,and some learn using actual handson.

Yes, the power of the teachersunions should be trimmed. Theirpower does not assure nor secureany educational improvement forour children.

Yes, yes, yes, our teachers areunder paid and they are receiving“no respect” for the value they addto the system. They are educators,not baby-sitters. We as parentsshould work with our teachers toensure the children are receivingthe very best.

Personally, I think our educa-tional system is failing our chil-dren. We need to bring back someof the great teaching of years ago.

For instance, if a child does notpass a grade proficiently, theyshould not pass until they do. Stopallowing this system to pass chil-dren who cannot read and/or domath at their grade level.

Make parents, teachers, adminis-trators, and the Department of Ed-ucation as a whole accountable forour children.

Teach our children some lifeskills that will assure the will beproductive citizens in the future.Teach our children to be produc-ers, not just consumers.

A. Larri,San Bernardino

Address learning styles to help kids

Pete Aguilar supports equal pay for equal workI used to work in the communi-cations field in the greater Los An-geles area. I started at anadvertising agency, and everyonewas entry level. But depending onwhat school you went to, the payscale varied. Since my bachelor’sdegree was from Cal State SanBernardino, I was not paid asmuch as my colleagues who grad-uated from UCLA or USC.

After some time, I moved on towork for a public relations firm,again at an entry-level position.My male counter parts at this jobearned more than I did and werenot reluctant to let me know. As ayoung woman, just out of college

and trying to make ends meet, thiswas not just unfair, it was debili-tating. I needed the money just asmuch as they did, but wasn’t earn-ing equal pay for equal work.

After several years working incorporate public relations and forinsurance companies, I decided togo out on my own. Now as an en-trepreneur in the insurance indus-try, I set my own income goals.

Women break barriers and glassceilings in our society. Womenwho work hard and do the samejob as their male counterparts de-serve equal pay for equal work.They shouldn’t have to settle formaking less or having to start theirown businesses just to make what

they deserve. The time is now forequal pay for equal work.

We face tough challenges as acountry and need to elect repre-sentatives to public office who willstand for what we stand for — rep-resentatives who will supportequal pay and women’s rights.That’s why I am supporting PeteAguilar for U.S. Congress in the31st District. He is the only candi-date in this race who has madeequal pay a platform of his cam-paign. He knows it’s the right thingto do for women and middle-classfamilies, and I trust him to havemy back in Washington.

Lorraine Enriquez,Redlands

Inland Empire Community Newspapers(909) 381-9898 • FAX 384-0406

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 110, Colton, CA 92324 • Office Location: 1809 Commercenter West, San Bernardino, CA92408Letters are printed in the order they are received and are subject to editing for clarity.

Deadline is Tuesdays at noon. Readers may also submit their perspectives online

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Colton CourierEstablished 1876.Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of gen-eral circulation by the Superior Courtof San Bernardino County, State ofCalifornia, case #73036 and thereforequalified to publish legal notices.

RIALTO RECORD Established 1910.Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of gen-eral circulation by the Superior Courtof San Bernardino County, State ofCalifornia, case #26583 and there-fore qualified to publish legal notices.

El Chicano Established 1969.Published weekly on Thursday. Adjudicated as a newspaper of generalcirculation by the Superior Court ofSan Bernardino County, State of Cali-fornia, case #154019 and thereforequalified to publish legal notices.

Inland Empire WeeklyEstablished 2005.Published weekly on Thursday. As a community newspaper ofgeneral circulation.

Inland EmpireCommunity NewspapersColton Courier • RIALTO RECORD El Chicano • Inland Empire WeeklyWe are award-winning newspapers, having been so recognized by the Inland Professional Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists

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Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 4, 2014 • Page A5

Project aims to reduce crime in hot spot areas in SB

By MJ Duncan

In a city beleaguered withcrime, organizations havesprouted up in San

Bernardino in the continued effortto reduce violence. One such or-ganization is the IPS (Institute forPublic Strategies) Byrne Project,launched in 2013 following a year-long planning stage. The Byrne Criminal Justice Inno-vation Program, funded by the De-partment of Justice, is chargedwith reducing crime and violencein hot spot locations. Coordinatorsof the project, including Institutefor Public Strategies regional di-rector Sandra Espadas, identified a20-block area in San Bernardinoconsidered to be a hot spot area. The half-mile-square neighbor-hood is located south of HighlandAvenue and west of Waterman Av-

enue bordered by Baseline to thesouth and Arrowhead/Sierra Wayto the east. It has twice the numberof crimes than other comparablehigh-crime areas of the city, ac-cording to local police. This areais not only one of the most violentin the city, but also one of the mosttransient.According to Espadas, consider-ations in hot spot identification in-clude multi housing units, alcoholoutlets and abandoned properties.Due to limited resources, the proj-ect focuses on hot spot locations inan effort to reduce crime and vio-lence in a small area to make apositive impact in that way.A community survey conductedin May of 2013 revealed the topthree concerns for residents in thearea: public use of drugs and alco-hol, homes in need of repair, andtheft in the neighborhood. Addi-tionally, the survey indicated a low

level of neighborhood responsive-ness, or willingness to intervenewhen negative behaviors are ob-served.“We work with the community tohelp them get involved and takeownership and pride of theirneighborhood,” Espadas said.“There has been a very positive re-sponse and individuals are takinghuge leadership roles in reachingout and inviting neighbors to jointhem and to mobilize.”There are currently three neigh-borhood improvement groupsformed which have identifiedareas around their blocks whowant to take charge and monitoractivities that occur, building com-munication with each other andwith appropriate law enforcementagencies.

Monthly meetings are held be-tween affected residents, busi-nesses and project coordinators tofurther become strategic, leverageresources and to work collabora-tively with the city’s Crime Inter-vention Partnership Program andother community stakeholders.Last month, on August 16,dozens of community volunteers

and residents from the IPS ByrneProject neighborhood joinedforces with Habitat for Humanity,Bank of America, and NabahoodCommunity Development to cleanup vacant lots in a 20-block areabordered by Baseline, Waterman,16th and Sierra Way. It was thesecond in a series of plannedclean-up events.


Nearly a hundred volunteers collaborated with the IPS Byrne Project, Habitat for Humanity, Bankof America and Nabahood Community Development to clean up a 20-block area in San Bernardinoknown for high crime on August 16.


On August 16 volunteers cleaned up vacant lots in a 20-blockarea bordered by Baseline, Waterman, 16th and Sierra Way. Itwas the second in a series of planned clean-up events.

C.A.S.A. of San BernardinoCounty to host Annual

Munchin’ at the Mansion

C.A.S.A. of SanBernardino County willhost their annual

Munchin’ at the Mansion event ac-knowledging their 30 year an-niversary at the Edwards Mansionin Redlands on September 17thfrom 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. Allproceeds from this event will sup-port the Court-Appointed SpecialAdvocate (C.A.S.A.) programwhich trains community volun-teers to advocate for the best inter-ests as well as mentor abused andneglected children living in fostercare. C.A.S.A. recruits, trains andsupervises volunteer adult advo-cates, who provide a stable andconsistent presence in the oftenturbulent lives of foster youth. Dr.Phil, National C.A.S.A.Spokesperson, says “C.A.S.A.volunteers also help to alleviatethe constant upheaval faced byfoster children. Research showsthat children with a C.A.S.A. vol-

unteer are substantially less likelyto be in long-term foster care, de-fined as three years or longer.When a C.A.S.A. volunteer is in-volved, a child is less likely tomove from home to home, andthey are 95% less likely to re-enterthe foster care system.” Join usand learn more about how you cansupport C.A.S.A..Festivities will begin at 5:30 p.m.when guests arrive and are greetedby C.A.S.A. Board members andstaff. The evening will be filledwith music, a showcase ofC.A.S.A experiences, raffles,youth performers, entertainmentand a message from Executive Di-rector, Cesar Navarrete. Be sure to come hungry and haveyour taste buds ready for an exqui-site array of gourmet wine andbeer, as well as a vast array of finefoods and desserts presented by;State Street Winery, Panera Bread,Rok N Fondue, Renaissance Ban-

quet Hall, Michelle’s Bakery, Au-gies Coffee House, Time in a Bot-tle, Arrowhead Country Club, LasFuentes, Dream Dinners, Brew-cakes, Mill Creek Cattle, ElKiosco, Jersey Mikes Subs just toname a few.Individuals wishing to pur-chase tickets to Munchin’ at theMansion may do so by visitingus on the web and clickingon the “events” tab, or by calling909-881-6760 or 760-515-7418.

C.A.S.A. of San BernardinoCounty would like to thank thefollowing supporters:Silver Sponsors – Children andFamily Services - San BernardinoCounty Bronze Sponsors – Children’sNetwork Contributing Sponsor – InlandEmpire United Way

VA Loma Linda to HostVeterans Town Hall

VA Loma Linda Health-care System senior lead-ership will hold a

Veterans’ Town Hall at 2 p.m.Sept. 18 in the auditorium of theJerry L. Pettis Memorial VeteransMedical Center at 11201 BentonStreet, Loma Linda, Calif.The town hall is designed to gainopen and honest feedback fromVeterans, their family membersand other beneficiaries.Senior leadership and other sub-ject-matter experts from the localVA healthcare system will be pres-ent to improve communicationwith and hear directly from Veter-ans and their families. VA also welcomes input fromcongressional stakeholders, Veter-ans service organizations, non-governmental organizations andother community partners at themeeting. Following the town hall, repre-sentatives from various VA pro-grams will be available to provide

assistance to veterans who maynot be enrolled in the health caresystem. “Caring for Veterans is a calling,and our first commitment is to pro-vide veterans and their families thetimely, quality care and benefitsthey have earned and deservethrough their service to our na-tion,” said Secretary of VeteransAffairs Robert McDonald. “As weseek continual improvement andto rebuild trust among veterans, itis critical that we continue to listenand learn directly from those whouse our system.”The Jerry L. Pettis Memorial VAMedical Center is the centerpieceof the VA Loma Linda HealthcareSystem. Opened in 1977, it is lo-cated ½ mile from its major affili-ate, Loma Linda University. VAalso provides primary care andmental health at outpatient clinicslocated in Blythe, Corona, PalmDesert, Murrieta, Rancho Cuca-monga and Victorville.

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Page A6 • September 4, 2014 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers








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City Council Meet-


Colton: First and third Tuesday,6 p.m.; 650 N. La Cadena Dr.Highland: Second and fourth

Tuesday, 6 p.m.; 27215 BaseLine. No meetings in August.Loma Linda: Second and fourth

Tuesday, 7 p.m. (check city Website as dates are subject tochange); 25541 Barton Rd.Redlands: First and third Tues-

day, 3 p.m.; 35 Cajon St.Rialto: Second and fourth Tues-

day, 6 p.m.; 150 S. Palm Ave.San Bernardino: First and third

Monday, 3 p.m.; 300 N. “D” St.

Afternoon DelightDance Socials

All seniors, couples and singles,welcome at free dance socials.Opportunity to make new friendsand remember music of ouryouth.Joslyn Senior Center: First and

second Tuesday 2 p.m., 21 GrantSt., Redlands (909) 798-7550.Redlands Community Center:

Every third Friday 2 p.m., 111 Lu-gonia Ave., Redlands (909) 798-7572.Highland Senior Center: Every

fourth Tuesday 2 p.m., 3102 E.Highland Ave., Highland (909)862-8104.


Mondays at 6 p.m.: Town &Country Toastmasters Club offersclasses in the Sequoia Room atArrowhead Regional Medical

Center, 400 N. Pepper Ave.,Colton. For more information,please call (909) 887-3472.

Democratic Lunch-eon Club of SanBernardino

The Democratic Luncheon Clubof San Bernardino meet at noonon Fridays at Democratic Head-quarters, 136 Carousel Mall (nearthe central glass elevator) in SanBernardino. For additional infor-mation visit website Schedule:8/22 Rafael Trujillo, CandidateSB Community College District8/29 DARK for Labor DayWeekend9/5 Connie Leyva, CandidateCalifornia Senate SD-20

Ballet FolkloricoCultural Classes

Mondays 5:30-6:30 5-11yrs,Mondays 6:30-8:30 11-adult. Nocharge. 951-233-7027. Knights ofColumbus, 740 Pennsylvania St.,Colton, Ca.

The Inland Em-pire Prime TimeChoraliers

Saturdays from 10am-12pmCome Sing with The Inland Em-pire Prime Time Choraliers asthey begin a new season on Tues-day, January 7, 9:00 AM. Re-hearsals are held each TuesdayMorning. at St. Paul’s MethodistChurch, 785 No. Arrowhead Ave.,San Bernardino, CA 92401 (cor-ner of Arrowhead and 8th).

Ballroom Waltzdance classes

Waltz lessons will be held be-ginning Monday, May 5, throughJune 2 at the Redlands Commu-

nity Center. The class runs Mon-days from 6:45 to 8 p.m. (Therewill be no class on Monday, May26, due to the Memorial Dayholiday.) Registration fee is $8per person for four weeks of les-sons. Partners are not required.No dance experience is neces-sary. Walk-in registration isavailable at the Redlands Com-munity Center or register onlinea additional information,please call instructor Joe Sidor at(909) 792-6076. All classes areheld at the Redlands CommunityCenter multi-purpose room.

Sa nBe rn a r d i n oFarmers Fair

& Market NightMondays-San Bernardino

Farmers Fair and Market Nightheld at Perris Hill Park, 1001East Highland Ave from 6:00p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For more infor-mation call (909) 844-7731.

San SalvadorChurch Fi-esta

Saturday, Sept. 13 & Sunday,Sept. 14- Sat. 3pm-9pm & Sun.12pm-9pm. Don’t miss out onfood, games and fun. 169 West“L” St., Colton. (909) 825-3481.

Annual BlackRose Ban-quet

Friday, September 12 - theSan Bernardino Black Cul-tural Foundation Inc. presentsthe 25th Annual Black Rose Hu-manitarian and CommunityService Awards Banquet at theNational Orange Show ValenciaRoom, 689 South E Street. Theevent starts at 6 p.m. with dinnerand program at 7 p.m.

Arts Connec-tion Confer-ence

Saturday, September 13 - theSan Bernardino Arts Connec-tion presents Arts ConnectionConference 2014 with the themeof "Professional Practices for Vi-sual and Performing Artists andAdministrators". The conferencewill be held at the Victoria Gar-dens Cultural Center, 1205 Cul-tural Center Drive, RanchoCucamonga from 8:30 a.m. to 4p.m. For sponsorship and regis-tration information visit:info@artsconnectionnetwork.orgor call 909.537.5809

Veteran’s TownHall

Wednesday, September 18 at2pm.- VA Loma Linda Health-care System senior leadershipwill hold a Veterans’ Town Hallin the auditorium of the Jerry L.Pettis Memorial Veterans Med-ical Center at 11201 BentonStreet, Loma Linda, Calif. Thetown hall is designed to gainopen and honest feedback fromVeterans, their family membersand other beneficiaries.

Re d l a n d ’ sOpera The-atre’s 3rd An-

nual Opera Gala andFundraiserSaturday, September 20.-

Doors open at 5pm and programis from 5:30-7:30. The eveningincludes beautiful singing, wineand delicious food, and a silentauction/opportunity drawingfilled with goodies! Our 2014Gala is located at a privatehome, when purchasing tickets,please provide us with your con-

tact information so we can pro-vide you with the Gala locationaddress.Tickets: General: $50Senior: $35 (65 &up)Student: $35 (valid id req. @

the door)Tickets can be purchased by

one of the following:· By emailing info@redland- · By visiting www.redlandsop- · By calling (909) 904-3572 · By mailing payment to Red-

lands Opera Theatre- PO Box8081 Redlands, CA 92375 The mission of Redlands Opera

Theatre is to serve Redlands, theCounty of San Bernardino andthe Inland Empire and to educateand entertain by providing highquality classical music throughcultural, educational, and com-munity activities. For more in-formation about this production,visit: or call (909) 904-3572.

San BernardinoSymphony ’ sAnnual Bach

to Boots GalaSaturday, September 20- This

year’s event will feature an au-thentic chuck wagon dinner pre-pared by cowboy chefs, dancingto the western sounds ElectricTumbleweeds, and lots of oppor-tunities to support the Sym-phony’s many worthwhileeducational and community pro-grams. This year, the Guild hasalso engaged the TombstoneLegends, a western re-enactmentgroup to bring a lively touch ofthe old west to what is always apopular evening. For Bach toBoots ticket information, contactCarrie Schmidt at (909) 534-2693


Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 4, 2014 • Page A7



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Page A8 • September 4, 2014 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Rafael Trujillo aims to bring political and community advocacy

experience to SBCCD boardBy Anthony Victoria

Rafael Trujillo, 36, of Ri-alto is a legislative aide toCalifornia State Senator

Norma Torres. The father of twowill be running for the District 2(Rialto and Muscoy) seat in theSan Bernardino Community Col-lege District in November’s elec-tion. His opponent is currentSBCCD Clerk and Trustee JosephWilliams, also of Rialto.

The Inland Empire CommunityNewspapers had the privilege ofinterviewing Trujillo on Wednes-day August 20 about his aspira-tions and goals if elected.

What type of experience do youhave in politics?

I’ve worked for three state legis-lators, two members of congress,and a First 5 county agency as apublic policy advisor. In each po-sition, I’ve been able to advocatefor my community and bring at-tention to the local issues that af-fect our residents. I’ve made acareer out of helping the govern-ment help the people. It’s some-thing that I want to take to theCollege Board. I want to be a goodadvocate, not only for students, butfor their families also as they try toimprove their lives.

Why did you choose to run forthe College Board? Are thereany specific issues that concernyou?

I’ve always been interested inmaking sure our youth are trainedfor the jobs of today and tomor-

row. So when they were speakingabout redistricting, they began toplan on having local voices on theCollege Board. It caught my atten-tion because I’ve always been ad-vocate for the city of Rialto andthe Muscoy area. At the time I de-cided that this would be a great po-sition for me. I can still provide

that voice in other ways and helpthe community in other ways. I’mcurrently on the parks and recre-ation commission in Rialto andalso the president of my neighbor-hood association. For me, helpingcollege students in our area is animportant cause. If you look at thedemographics of the Rialto andMuscoy area, half of the studentsgo to San Bernardino Valley Col-lege (SBVC) or Crafton Hills Col-lege (CHC); the other half goelsewhere. For me, it’s a signal forpeople to begin to get involvedwith the SBCCD. It sends a mes-sage that we need to improve theeducation at the campuses. If ourproperty taxes go there, a lot of theinvestments should be there. Weneed to look at how we can im-prove the services we give to thestudents. The more I learn aboutthe district, the more I believethere is the potential to bring inleadership and provide more op-portunities that are lacking.

Do you feel more attentionshould be put forth into work-force development or into trans-ferring students to four-yearuniversities?

The role of the community col-lege is to prepare students for suc-cess. That’s the mission. Sowhether students are going to a

four-year college or going into thejob market, those are options thatshould be readily available. Theaverage age of a college student atSBVC is 29. It means older work-ers are going back to get re-certi-fied or prepare them for the jobmarket that is always constantlychanging. When we talk aboutworkforce development, we’respeaking about those people whoare also losing jobs and going backto school. That’s something thatI’m committed to: making suretechnical programs have the toolsthey need to be competitive andget the jobs they need to succeed.

Have you spoken to studentsacross the community collegedistrict?

I’ve had meetings with youngstudents and older students. Withyounger students, they are havingissues with the straining resourcesat their SBVC and CHC. There areeighty positions yet to be filled. Ifyou don’t have the staff or coun-selors to assist them with ques-tions, you’re going to continue tohave long lines that wrap aroundthe student services center. That’ssomething that concerns me be-cause that’s a part of their collegeexperience and it is not a particu-larly good one.


Rafael Trujillo (center) with his wife and children.

SBSO heads for the OK Corral

The San Bernardino Sym-phony Guild has an-nounced Saturday,

September 20 as the date of theirannual Bach to Boots Gala to beheld at the picturesque Old GlenRanch in Lytle CreekThis year’s event will feature anauthentic chuck wagon dinnerprepared by cowboy chefs, danc-ing to the western sounds ElectricTumbleweeds, and lots of oppor-tunities to support the Sym-phony’s many worthwhileeducational and community pro-grams. This year, the Guild hasalso engaged the Tombstone Leg-ends, a western re-enactmentgroup to bring a lively touch ofthe old west to what is always apopular evening.“People often misinterpret asymphony event as one which isstuffy or requires everyone todress formally. But this is farfrom what we do at our perform-ances or at Bach to Boots!”quipped event chair CarrieSchmidt, adding “People come toconcerts and realize the focus isn’ton what the audience is wearing,it’s on the amazing live music, andas for Bach to Boots, well, It’sdefinitely tough to be stuffy hav-ing dinner wearing denim andcowboy hats in a horse corral!” The goal of the event is to raisefunds for the San BernardinoSymphony which provides fiveseason concerts, many communityconcerts, and music educationthrough the San Bernardino CityUnified School District’s morethan 60 facilities. Their Music inthe Schools program has intro-duced orchestral instruments tomore than 90,000 elementaryschool students. They also offerfree music workshops led by

Maestro Frank Fetta and orchestramembers and discounted studenttickets to all subscription concerts.In addition, this February, twofree student concerts will be per-formed for District students toaugment their studies relating toBlack History Month. For over30 years, the Guild has also of-fered the Symphony Debs andRed Tie Associates, a unique jobskills training program for localteens.“Our educational programs arepart of our commitment to the

community,” said SymphonyGuild President Judy Podskalan.“We are blessed to have been therecipients of an unparalleled levelof community support for 86 sea-sons; we owe our future audiencesthe experience of live symphonicmusic and music education to thegreatest possible extent we canprovide.”For Bach to Boots ticket infor-mation, contact Carrie Schmidt at(909) 534-2693

Call Today To Advertise Your Business!(909) 381-9898 Ext. 204

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 4, 2014 • Page A9

SB County Animal Control: Nearly 100 petssurrendered ready for new homes

By Yazmin Alvarez

Forty-seven rabbits, 30 dogsand among a dozen othercritters surrendered to San

Bernardino Animal Control lastweek are now ready for adoption.The animals were given up by a

Lucerne Valley couple after sher-iff’s deputies arrested the two onsuspicion of child cruelty and ani-mal cruelty, according to a Sher-iff’s Department news release. Thecouple was living at a residencewith their six children and about90 pets in what officials called,“deplorable conditions.”Considering the case, “the ani-

mals are well socialized and all ap-pear to have been well cared for,”said Brian Cronin, the county’s di-vision chief for Animal Care andControl. In addition to the rabbits and

dogs, which include a litter ofabout a dozen puppies, two chick-ens, two parakeets, three turtles,four hamsters and two cats are alsopart of the group looking for newhomes, he added.While most of the animals are

likely to find new homes, Croninsaid he is most worried about the

bunnies being adopted due to thelow numbers of rabbit rescuegroups.“Most people don’t traditionally

come to a shelter for rabbits, or

different species other than dogsand cats,” he said. “In this case, thelarge number of animals and typesof animals has impacted the shelterand we need adopters of all pet

types to come in.”While adoption for the animals is

the aim, the real message in thiscase is planning for pet responsi-bility, Cronin said.

“Luckily, the animals in this casewere turned over for help,” hesaid. “But folks have to rememberthat they should plan for the wel-fare of their pets the same as theywould plan for their children incase something happens.”All of the animals, with the ex-

ception of the dogs and their lit-ters, are available for publicadoption. The rabbits can beadopted for $5.Officials are looking for rescue

partners to take in the group ofpuppies along with their mothers.The Devore Animal Shelter is at

19777 Shelter Way in SanBernardino. Shelter hours are 10 a.m. to 6:30

p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursdayand Friday; 7 p.m. Wednesday;and 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.For more information call 909-

386-9820. The animals can also beviewed on Facebook

Yazmin Alvarez is a reporter forInland Empire Community News-papers and can be reached


Nearly 100 animals were surrendered to the San Bernardino County Animal Shelter in Devore. Allanimals are available now for adoption. The animals include 47 rabbits, 29 dogs and also cats,chicken, parakeets, hamsters and turtles.

San BernardinoCounty Animal

Shelter adptions


Brian Cronin, Division Chief for County of San Bernardino AnimalCare and Control, examines one of nearly 100 animals surren-dered to the San Bernardino County Animal Shelter in Devore.


One of nearly 100 animals surrendered to the San BernardinoCounty Animal Shelter in Devore by their Lucerne Valley owner.

What: 47 rabbits, 30dogs, two cats, twochickens, two parakeets,three turtles andfour ham-sters

Where: Devore AnimalShelter, 19777 Shelter Wayin San Bernardino.

When: 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.Monday, Tuesday, Thursdayand Friday; 7 p.m. Wednes-day; and 5 p.m. Saturdayand Sunday.

Information: 909-386-9820

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Page A10 • September 4, 2014 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Downtown Summer Fest attracts hundreds toCourt St square in Downtown San Bernardino

By Anthony Victoria

Local residents basked inthe sun over the LaborDay weekend, enjoying

free music, carne asada tacos, andlive art.It was part of the first annualDowntown Summer Fest that tookplace on Saturday August 30 andSunday August 31 at Court St.Square in San Bernardino. The festival’s goal was to attractcommunity members to SanBernardino’s downtown area byvirtue of entertainment. Accordingto Revolve Project member Cesar

Gomez, who organized the eventwith the help of the SanBernardino Black Chamber ofCommerce and San BernardinoGeneration Now, the overall goalis to revitalize the local economy.“It seems like nothing happens inSan Bernardino,” Gomez said.“It’s an awesome experience forthe people of the city. Hopefully inthe future we can bring more atten-tion and more revenue to the city.”The festival featured perform-ances from bands, What HandsAre For, The Body Rampant, Sea-side Audio, ZenTonic, Silver CityAnanathema, Endigo, as well asindividual performances fromGabriel Caves and David Utuone.John Lopez, the lead singer of

The Body Rampant, said he en-joyed playing in front of the com-munity and expressed that theevent is a good way for the youngresidents of San Bernardino to net-work.“Having more events like thesecan keep youth out of trouble,” hesaid. “This is good for everybodyto enjoy.”Tammy Martin-Ryles, one ofseveral organizers who helped putthe event together, believes morepeople need to take initiative inbringing the community together. “Whether its on Court St or not,events like this need to take placebecause we need more people of-fering solutions than complain-ing,” she said. “The hardest part is

getting it done. Even if you onlyhave three people show up, just doit and put it on.”Martin-Ryles, a prominent mem-ber of the Southern CaliforniaBlack Chamber of Commerce, didher best to hype-up residents in at-tendance of the Downtown Sum-mer Fest. She was successful ingetting Teresa Beltran, a residentof nearby Redlands to dance tosome reggae and participate in a“dance off” along with other peo-ple in attendance. “It’s all fun. You have to bringthese type of events to the commu-nity,” Beltran said. “It will upliftthe spirit of the entire community

and encourage residents to takepart.”Brandon Stone-Rosepink, 17, isusually shy and never dances. Hedecided to go “wild” and givedancing a try because he witnessedhow much fun the other peoplewere having. He said he was gladthe Downtown Summer Fest andsimilar events are taking place inthe city because it gives youthsomething to do.“I’m so glad they decided to holdan event like this,” he said. “Be-cause it gives us something to do.It shows youth that there is moreto do than just smoke and drink.”


Local residents David Cabrera (left), Teresa Beltran (center-left), and Brandon Stone-Rosepink(right) with San Bernardino Black Chamber of Commerce president Tammy Martin-Ryles (center-right) during the Day Two of the Downtown Summer Fest on Sunday August 31.


Daniel Baeza, lead singer of band “What Hands Are For” scream-ing into the mic during their performance on Day One of Down-town Summer Fest on Saturday August 30.

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Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 4, 2014 • Page A11

66ers earn first serieswin over Quakes

By Richard Dawson

It took all season but the In-land Empire 66ers finallywon a series against the Ran-

cho Cucamonga Quakes.Sherman Johnson homered andMark Sappington notched a hard-fought save to edge the Quakes 7-6 at LoanMart Field on Thursday,August 29. The starters for both teams werein a groove through the first six in-nings. Quakes starter Chris Ander-son held the 66ers to just one runover six frames, the lone run com-ing from a solo shot by Johnson,his 14th of the season. Clint Sharp was strong in hisown right for the 66ers, allowingjust two runs over six innings, hewould leave trailing 2-1 but afterthe 66ers offense came to life hefinished with a no decision. With one out in the seventh, CalTowey and Mark Shannon hit con-secutive singles off Anderson andExicardo Cayones walked to loadthe bases. Anderson followed withhis 10th strikeout of the night toget the second out of the inning.That brought the nine-hitter An-thony Bemboom to the plate andhe wasted no time, ripping the first

pitch from Anderson to left field totie the game 2-2. Anderson walkedJohnson to bring in a run and giveInland Empire the lead 3-2. RobRogers was brought in to relieveAnderson but he hit Chad Hin-shaw to score another run. Rogersstruck out Dennis Raben on awild-pitch and that allowed Bem-boom to score from third and pushthe lead to 5-2. The Quakes answered in thehome half of the seventh withthree runs off 66ers reliever DannyMiranda that tied the game 5-5. In the eighth, Inland Empire (58-78, 33-33) had three-straight left-handed hitters due up in Towey,Shannon and Cayones so Rancho(63-73, 31-35) brought in leftyGeoff Brown to try and gain plusmatchup. Tower and Shannonchanged that plan with back-to-back singles and then Cayonesroped a two-run double to right-center to put the 66ers up 7-5. Sappington picked up the save inthe ninth, but it didn’t come easy.Adam Law singled with one outand scored on a double by ErisbelArruebarrena to make it a one rungame. With the tying run in scor-ing position, Sappington induceda ground ball to first for the finalout of the game.


66ers starter Clint Sharp (second to the right) discusses how enda Quakes threat in the third. Sharp allowed two runs over six in-nings during a 7-6 win for Inland Empire during California Leagueaction on Friday, August 29.

Mexican Baseball League visitsSan Diego's Petco Park via Tijuana

By Harvey M. Kahn

Professional baseball has re-turned to Tijuana, givingfans on both sides of the

border the chance to analyze itshistoric brand of play. Becausethere is not much high schoolbaseball played in Mexico, it haskept its top level pro baseball justa notch below that of America.The Tijuana Toros are nearly fin-ished with its inaugural season. Itshome field is the 18,600-seat Gas-mart Stadium, just 30-miles fromSan Diego Padres Petco Park.

The well-financed 90-year-oldMexican Baseball League hasteam owners who have quietly be-come major stockholders of Amer-ican pro teams. Owners likeAlfredo Harp of the Mexico CityRed Devils is part owner of theSan Diego Padres. Harp is leadingan effort to merge regular seasonMexican League games with thoseof American MLB. The San DiegoPadres have hosted two at PetcoPark in the past seven years. Most

recently on Aug. 3 when Harp'sMexico City Red Devils playedTijuana. That game was played asthe nighcap to the Padres versusAtlanta Braves game. Those in at-tendance could watch both gamesfor one admission price.

A baseball partnership be-tween the two nations would bemutually beneficial say writers atESPN. San Diego and Tijuanashare millions of potential Mexi-can fans living on both sides of theborder. The San Diego Padreswould like to attract those fans,while Mexico League Baseballwould enjoy the exposure fromAmerican fans.

"On behalf of the Toros of Ti-juana, we would like to extendthanks to the San Diego Padres foropening the doors of Petco Park tous all," said Toros spokeswomanBlanca Uribe. In a prepared state-ment, Uribe said she hoped the re-cent game held in San Diegobetween Tijuana and Mexico Cityis seen as a symbol of union be-tween the communities of SanDiego and Tijuana. The Toros are

financed through her husband'sGasmart grocery store chain inBaja. Albert Uribe also owns thenaming rights to the Toros Gas-mart Stadium.

Mexico City General ManagerJorge Alum agreed with Uribe. "Itis a great event for all baseballfans, especially those from Mexicoliving on both sides of the border.We are hopeful this will be the be-ginning of many games that theRed Devils will play at PetcoPark."

San Diego Padres spokesmanTom Seidler said his organizationwas proud to bring back MexicanLeague Baseball for the fans in theSan Diego/Baja California region."We look forward to building asignificant regional partnershipand creating cross-border initia-tives that make a positive commu-nity impact." According to themost recent figures, Mexican play-ers are locked in to salaries not toexceed $96,000 per year. The cur-rent minimum American MajorLeague Baseball salary is$500,000 per year.


Tijuana Toros owner Alberto Uribe (Right) brought his team to San Diego Petco Park to play MexicoCity Red Devils in August. Toros manager Matias Carrillo is pictured with cap on left.

Page A12 • September 4, 2014 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers

Power outage ends Summit-Etiwanda game in a tie

By Richard Dawson

As the clock hit the 10-minute mark of thefourth quarter in the Eti-

wanda and Fontana Summit foot-ball game at Miller High School, apower outage forced the game toend with a 6-6 tie on Friday, Au-gust 29.The offenses for both teams

failed to find a rhythm in their2014 season opener. Etiwanda (0-0-1) looked poised

for a big evening, needing just twoplays to get on the board. Runningback Khaylan Thomas took ahandoff from quarterback Andrew

Katatsky and found a hole on theleft side leading to a 62-yardtouchdown. A two-point attemptby the Eagles failed when Thomaswas stuffed at the line of scrim-mage. On the ensuing possession, Ea-

gles cornerback Treyjohn Butlerintercepted a pass from KeshonFlemings at the Etiwanda 30. As the Eagles offense took over,

Katatsky scrambled for 30 yardsand was hit going out of bounds,tacking on another 15 yards to putthe ball on the Skyhawks 25. TheSkyhawks’ defense stood pat how-ever, forcing a turnover on downsafter the Eagles failed to convert afourth-and-1.

Summit (0-0-1) took over and onthe first play of the series, Flem-ings connected with Damian Al-loway deep down the left side ofthe field and Alloway ran the un-contested for an 83-yard touch-down. The extra point was blockedkeeping the score even at 6 with6:54 left in the first quarter.Flemings was forced from the

game after tweaking his ankle dur-ing the first play of the secondquarter and the Skyhawks’ offensestruggled with -40 yards in the re-mainder of the first half. The offensive struggles contin-

ued in the second half with bothteams combining for just four firstdowns before the outage.Summit gets another home game

and next plays against RedlandsEast Valley on September 5 atMiller High School.


Damian Alloway (#11) caught a touchdown and had an intercep-tion on defense for Fontana Summit's 6-6 tie with Etwanda. Thegame ended in the fourth quarter due to a power outage at MillerHigh School.


Summit QB Keshon Flemings (#8) stands in the pocket and con-nects with Alloway for an 83-yard TD in the first quarter.


Etiwanda DB Treyjohn Butler(#8) intercepts a pass duringthe first quarter. .

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Page A14 • September 4, 2014 • CC • IECN

Published in Colton CourierC-4508

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0007882The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: ABC LOCKSMITHS,INC, ABC LOCKSERVICE, ABCLOCKSMITHS, ABC LOCK, ABCLOCK & SECURITY, COMMERCIALLOCK & SECURITY, ONTARIOLOCK & SAFE, UPLAND KEY MAS-TERS, 9684 Foothill Blvd, RanchoCucamonga, CA 91730ABC Locksmiths, Inc, 9684 FoothillBlvd, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730This business is conducted by (a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in 3/3/1992By signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Dennis G VesselsStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino July 15, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4509

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008097The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: THOMAS FURNITUREMART, 8559 Mango Ave, Fontana,CA 92335Nicholas Thomas, 8559 Mango Ave,Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in 1/1/1973By signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Nicholas ThomasStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino July 21, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4510

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0007829The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: B.M.A. Trucking, 1435W 7th St., San Bernardino, CA 92411Hilda Resendiz Jaime, 1435 W 7thSt., San Bernardino, CA 92411This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Hilda Reseniz JaimeStatement filed with the County Clerk

of San Bernardino July 15, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4511

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008761The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: BLISS CATERING, 721Nevada St 407, Redlands, CA 92373Eva M Gutierrez, 1655 W. Rialto AveUnit 39, Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in 4/14/2014By signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Eva M GutierrezStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4512

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008686The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: TIRES “R” US, 18240Bonnie Ln, Fontana, CA 92335Jose Herrera, 18240 Bonnie Ln,Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Jose Herrera,Statement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4513

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008432The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: GALEANO PROFES-SIONAL OFFICE, 12150 RamonaAve Ste 11, Chino, CA 91710Denis Galeano, 12150 Ramona AveSte 11, Chino, CA 91710This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Denis GaleanoStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino July 29, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4514

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008503The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: ENDTERPRIZE CON-TRACTING, 14706 Ontario Cir,Fontana, CA 92336Brett C Endter, 14706 Ontario Cir,Fontana, CA 92336This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Brett Endter Statement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino July 30, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4515

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008572

state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4524

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008652The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: DAVID TRUNG D.NGUYEN. M.D. INC., 1869 N.Waternan Ave, San Bernardino, CA92404David Trung D. Nguyen. M.D. Inc.,1869 N. Waternan Ave, SanBernardino, CA 92404This business is conducted by (a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in 3/4/2009By signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Trung D NguyenStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 4, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4525

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008691The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: MOZA CAFE & GRILL,668 W. 4th Street, Unit C-D, SanBernardino, CA 92410Pranayan Chakma, 26627 6th St,Highland, CA 92346Mitoishi Chakma, 26627 6th St,Highland, CA 92346This business is conducted by(a/an):Married CoupleThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Pranatan ChakmaStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 6, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4526

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008666The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: GARY RICHARDSREAL ESTATE GROUP, 12189 7thStreet, Yucaipa, CA 92399Kenneth S Siegner, 1285 Holly Lane,Calimesa, CA 92320This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Kenneth S SiegnerStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4527

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008663The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as:INCOMESCENTS.SCENTSY.US,ALOTTAVELATA.VELATA.US, 12140Theodore St., Moreno Vally, CA92555Nedra J Davis, 12140 Theodore St.,Moreno Vally, CA 92555This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Nedra J DavisStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4528

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008697The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: PRECISE SMOG

The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: HAROLD RAFFORDSANDILANDS III, 1220 Zaragoza St,Colton, CA 92324Harold R Sandilands, 1220 ZaragozaSt, Colton, CA 92324This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Harold Rafford SandilandsStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 1, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4516

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008034The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: RUG LUV CARPETCARE, 16830 Cascades Pl, Fontana,CA 92336Michael J Garrett, 16830 CascadesPl, Fontana, CA 92336This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Michael J GarrettStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino July 18, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4517

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008346The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: MENDEZ T-SHIRTS &DESIGNS, 16205 Main St, Hesperia,CA 92346Maria Del Carmen Velasquez,15115Fir St, Hesperia, CA 92345Joaquin Mendez Elizalde, ,15115 FirSt, Hesperia, CA 92345This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Maria Del Carmen VelasquezStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino July 25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4518

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008442The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: PADILLA ENTERPRIS-ES, 846 East H St, Colton, CA 92324Saul Padilla, 846 East H St, Colton,CA 92324Armando Padilla, 846 East H St,Colton, CA 92324This business is conducted by (a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Saul PadillaStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino July 29, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4519

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008627The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: EASTON WINDOWFASHIONS, 1111 W Rialto Ave. Ste.A, Rialto, CA 92376Irene R Orellana, 19389 Easton St,Rialto, CA 92376This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as true

information, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Trene OrellanaStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 4, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4520

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008653The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: SNO-JAR TRANS-PORT, 3201C Ludwig Ct, TwentyninePalms, CA 92277James E Snow, 3201C Ludwig CT.,Twentynine Palms, CA 92277This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ James E Snow Statement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 4, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4521

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008649The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: HANNAH NAIL & SPA,107 Highland, CA 92411Tuan Dien, 2031 W 19th St, SanBernardino, CA 92411This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Tuan DienStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 4, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4522

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008647The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: BEST MASTER FURNI-TURE, 15101 Santa Ana Ave Ste 102,Fontana, CA 92337First Rate Furniture Inc, 15101 SantaAna Ave Ste 102, Fontana, CA 92337This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ MYTAStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 4, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4523

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008648The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: BFF PET RESCUE,16376 Jurupa, Ave, Fontana, CA92337Ricardo De Mello, 16376 Jurupa, Ave,Fontana, CA 92337Rachel S Fernandes, 16376 Jurupa,Ave, Fontana, CA 92337This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Ricardo De MelloStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 4, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,

CHECK, 17294 Valley Blvd Suite C,Fontana, CA 92335Marouf Kakaz, 9915 Placer St Apt B,Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Marouf KakazStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-5629

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008672The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: YUMMY #3 DONUTS &SUBS, 2525 Del Rosa Ave, SanBernardino, CA 92404William L Ung, 6795 N Escena St,San Bernardino, CA 92407This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ William UngStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4530

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008664The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: TIMM FINE ART, FINEART BARRON, 7890 Haven Ave #5,Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730Richard P Timm, 10445 CordonDrive, Alta Loma, CA 91701Nadine Timm, 10445 Cordon Drive,Alta Loma, CA 91701This business is conducted by (a/an):Married CoupleThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Richard TimmStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4531

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008670The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: LIMON TRUCKING,7781 Johnson Way, Fontana, CA92336Jose L Limon, 7781 Johnson Way,Fontana, CA 92336This business is conducted by (a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in 9/21/1998By signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Jose L LimonStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4532

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008671The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: CORE VANITY, 12550Main Street, Space #21, Hesperia,CA 92345Davetta K Butler, 12550 Main St, Sp21, Hesperia, CA 92345This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that all

information on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Davetta K ButlerStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4533

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008712The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: NEW FIT ALLIANCE,12544 Arlington Ln, Chino, CA 91710Richard L Sanchez, 12544 ArlingtonLn, Chino, CA 91710This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Richard SanchezStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 6, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4534

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008721The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: PINK CADILLAC, 6760Fairchild Ave., Fontana, CA 92336El Tesoro Investment Enterprises, Inc,6760 Fairchild Ave., Fontana, CA92336This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Maribel BarajasStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 6, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4535

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008727The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: AIREUM BELTS, 26667Hummingbird Ct, Loma Linda CA92354Trevor J Ohm, BELTS, 26667Hummingbird Ct, Loma Linda CA92354This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Trevor J OHMStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 6, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4536

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008792The following person(s) is (are) doingbusiness as: HD EQUIPTMENT ANDSERVICES, 5681 Dogwood St,Wrightwood, CA 92397Michael B Bershee, 5681 DogwoodSt, Wrightwood, CA 92397This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitious busi-ness name or names listed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all informa-tion in this statement is true and cor-rect. A registrant who declares as trueinformation, which he or she knows tobe false, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also aware that allinformation on this statementbecomes Public Record upon filing.s/ Michael B BersheeStatement filed with the County Clerkof San Bernardino August 7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name statementexpires five years from the date it wasfiled in the office of the county clerk. Anew fictitious business name state-ment must be filed before that time.The filing of this statement does not ofitself authorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in violationof the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published8/14,21,28/2014 & 9/4/2014

Petitioner or Attorney: SharonBlood, 1365 Crafton #1038,Mentone, California 92359. ProPer. Superior Court of California,County of San Bernardino, 247W. Third St., San Bernardino, CA92415-0210PETITION OF: Sharon Blood,FOR CHANGE OF NAME


Case Number: CIVDS 1411190TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: Petitioner: Sharon Bloodhas filed a petition with this courtfor a decree changing names asfollows:Present name: Seth AlexanderBlood to Proposed name: SethAlexander FrancisTHE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this mattershall appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of name shouldnot be granted. Any personobjecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a writ-ten objection that includes thereasons for the objection at leasttwo court days before the matteris scheduled to be heard andmust appear at the hearing toshow cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no writ-ten objection is timely filed, thecourt may grant the petition with-out a hearing.NOTICE OF HEARING Date:9/9/14, Time: 8:30 Dept: S36The address of the court is: sameas noted aboveA copy of this Order to ShowCause shall be published at leastonce each week for four succes-sive weeks prior to the date setfor hearing on the petition in thefollowing newspaper of generalcirculation, printed in this county:Colton CourierDated: JUL 29 2014JOSEPH BRISCOJudge of the Superior CourtPublished Colton Courier8/14,8/21,8/28,9/4/14 C-4555

Office (909) 381-9898 • COLTON COURIER LEGAL ADVERTISING • Fax (909) 384-0406

CC • IECN • September 4, 2014 • Page A15

Published in Colton CourierC-4561

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009433The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: LNT AUTOREPAIR, 867 Inland center Dr.,San Bernardino , CA 92408Rickey T Do, 867 Inland centerDr., San Bernardino , CA 92408This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Rickey T Do Statement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4562

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009439The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: EXPERTCOATINGS & GRAPHICS, 701South Gifford Avenue #104, SanBernarrdino, CA 92408Norman Cortes, 1917 Madison St,Redlands, CA 92374Sandra Day, 201 N Aveinda RioBravo, Anaheim, CA 92808This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Norman CortesStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4563

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009404The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: BACKCOUN-TRY MINING AND ENGINEER-ING, 6551 Mantova Drive, Phelan,CA 92371Joseph A Santore, 6551 MantovaDrive, Phelan, CA 92371This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Joseph A SantoreStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino Auguat25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4564

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009419The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: SVC TRUCK-ING, 1033 W. Moffatt St, Rialto,CA 92377Salvador V Ceja, 1033 W. MoffattSt, Rialto, CA 92377This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Salvador CejaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation of

this statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Juan P RuizStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4573

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009493The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: INDUSTRIALWOOD PRODUCTS, INC., 5123Brooks Street, Montclair, CA91763Industrial Wood Products,Inc.,5123 Brooks Street, Montclair,CA 91763This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 8/18/2009By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Jaime RamirezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4574

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009505The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: ACORN TAX &BOOKKEEPING, 24186 Lake Dr.Suite A, Crestline, CA 92325Connie S Bracher, 743Bergschrund Dr, Crestline, CA92325This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Connie S BracherStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4575

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009504The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: INDEPEND-ENT GEOTECHNICAL CON-SULTANTS, 743 BeergschrundDrive, Crestline, CA 92325Michael I Bracher, 743Beergschrund Drive, Crestline, CA92325This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Michael I BracherStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4576

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009494The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: RPM TRKG,16296 Merrill Ave Apt 121,Fontana, CA 92335Romeo Panigua MArtinez, 16296Merrill Ave Apt 121, Fontana, CA92335This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/A

the rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4565

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009407The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: BEST BUYCARPET&TILE, 15354 AnacapaRd. Ste C, Victorville, CA 92392Tim Andros, 15354 Anacapa Rd.Ste C, Victorville, CA 92392This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Tim AndrosStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4566

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009422The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: AMAPOLARICO TACO, 27627 Baseline St,Highland, CA 92346Amapola Rico Taco Inc, 1167 N MtVernon Ave, San Bernardino, CA92411This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Carolina GarciaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4567

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009405The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: SUPER ONEFOOD STORE, 9960 BloomingtonAve., Bloomington, CA 92316Avtar S. Gardia, 6559 Pimlico Pl.,Eastvale, CA 92880Harinder Kaur, 6559 Pimlico Pl.,Eastvale, CA 92880This business is conducted by(a/an):Married CoupleThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Avtar S GadriaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4568

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009408The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: BEST BUYCARPET & TILE INC., 15353Anacapa Rd Unit A, Victorville, CA92392 Best Buy Carpet & Tile, 9187 SVLBox, Victorviille, CA 92395This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 7/1/2012By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Tim AndrosStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious business

name statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4569

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009437The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: VET COMM,350 S Milliken Ave Suite T,Ontario, CA 91761Veterans CommunicationServices, Incorporated, 350 SMilliken Ave Suite T, Ontario, CA91761This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 9/4/1997By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Mark MontgomeryStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4570

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009425The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: RP-MARREALITY & INVESTMENTS, 5640San Bernardino St., Montclair, CA91763Rogelio C Quezada, 5640 SanBernardino St., Montclair, CA91763Martha Quezada, 5640 SanBernardino St., Montclair, CA91763This business is conducted by(a/an):Married CoupleThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 3/24/1889By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Rogelio QuezadaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4571

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009538The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: RICH INVEST-MENTS, 515 S. Ironwood Ave,Bloomington, CA 92316umar D Richardson, 515 S.Ironwood Ave, Bloomington, CA92316This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 12/16/2008By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Umar D RichardsonStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August25, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4572

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009487The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: VIDA ABUN-DANTE I. E. CHURCH OF GOD,2026 N Riverside Ave Ste. K,Rialto, CA 92377Juan P Ruiz, 1729 E G St Apt 8t6,Ontario, CA 92377This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information on

By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Romeo Panigua MartinezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4577

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009484The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: D & S BUSI-NESS SERVICES, 20238 Zuni RdApt D, Apple Valley, CA 92307Jerrika E Carter, 20238 Zuni RdApt D, Apple Valley, CA 92307This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Jerrika CarterStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4578

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-00095087The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: DRIP SAUCE,42011 Big Bear Blvd, Big BearLake, CA 92315Ryan L Spillman, 498 Division Dr,Big Bear City, CA 92314Matthew L Peairs, 1017 greenWay Dr, Big Bear City, CA 92314Chandler M Roberts, 41287Lawhonton Dr, Big Bear Lake, CA92315Lynda M Spillman, 498 DivisionDr, Big Bear City, CA 92314This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Ryan L SpillmanStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4579

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009510The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: PRESTIGEJEWELRY, 318 S. Mountain Ave.Unit #B-3, Upland, CA 91786Leang AI Pheng-Yi, 7109 FasanoPl., Alta Loma, CA 91701This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 3/11/1991By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Leang Ai Pheng-YiStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4580

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009491The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: SWEETCHEEKS WAX BOUTIQUE, 141West Foothill Blvd, Ste C Unit #16,Upland, CA 91786

Statement FBN No. 2014-0009593

The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: NYKKY’SBOUTIQUE, 531 Dorn Drive,Crestline, CA 92325-2215Nathan B Robinson, 531 DornDrive, Crestline, CA 92325-2215This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Nathan B RobinsonStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August28, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4585

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009608The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: D-UN3T, 11960Norwick Street, RanchoCucamonga, CA 91739Ofa Unga, 11960 Norwick Street,Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Ofa UngaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August28, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4586

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009589The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: KENNY’SPAINTING, 2348 State Lane, BigBear City, CA 92314Kenneth H Washabaugh, 2348State Lane, Big Bear City, CA92314This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 7/17/1998By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Kenneth H WashabaughStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August28, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4587

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009620The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: EAST VALLEYELECTRIC, 1554 Barton Rd.#238, Redlands, CA 92373Michael G Hayes,1554 Barton Rd.#238, Redlands, CA 92373This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 4/9/2007By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Michael G HayesStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August28, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Monica Sale, 9025 Balsa Street,Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730Raylynn Castro, 7247 HelenaPlace, Fontana, CA 92336This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Monica SaleStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4581

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009469The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: METAL ENGI-NEERING & MFG, 1642 S.Sacramento Ave., Ontario, CA91761Daniel J Markoski, 1426 PaseoManzana, San Dimas, CA 91773Petra C Markoski, 1426 PaseoManzana, San Dimas, CA 91773This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 8/1/2014By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Daniel J MarkoskiStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4582

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009500The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: MOVIE WIZ-ARD, 35012 Ave E, Yucaipa, CA92399Eric D Waterman, 35012 Ave E,Yucaipa, CA 92399This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Eric D WatermanStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4583

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009468The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: CHANGSHINGCOMPANY, 8656 Harvest Pl.,Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730Jason Vega, 1426 PaseoManzana, San Dimas, CA 91773This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or names list-ed above in 8/4/2014By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he orshe knows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Jason VegaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August26, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a ficti-tious business name in violation ofthe rights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4584

Fictitious Business Name

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Clerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4541

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008777The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: LIVINGABLISS, LAB HOME TECH-NOLOGIES, 1000 Sawtooth Dr.,Upland, CA 91786Michael H Azer, 1000 SawtoothDr., Upland, CA 91786This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Michael H AzerStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4542

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008764The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: KINGSATTIC, 16139 Foothill Blvd,Fontana, CA 92335Tamer Elmezian, 16270 FoothillBlvd. #52, Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Tamer ElmezianStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4543

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008788The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: THE COOKIEJAR, THE COOKIE BAR, 15218Summit Ave. Ste. 300-211,Fontana, CA 92336Andrea E Russell, 15218 SummitAve. Ste. 300-211, Fontana, CA92336Adrienne D Russell, 15218Summit Ave. Ste. 300-211,Fontana, CA 92336Allison D Metoyer-Lott, 15218Summit Ave. Ste. 300-211,Fontana, CA 92336This business is conducted by(a/an): General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Andrea E RussellStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4544

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008795The following person(s) is (are)

doing business as: PLANET FIT-NESS, 10200 Juniper Ave,Fontana, CA 92335Saber Fitness Fontana LLC,16392 Gothard St Unit G,Hunnington Beach, CA 92647This business is conducted by(a/an): Limited Liability CompanyThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Arvind PalStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4545

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008757The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: MOUNTAINHIGH APPRAISAL SERVICES,609 Sahuaro Way, Big BearLake, CA 92315Nelson N Stewart, 609 SahuaroWay, Big Bear Lake, CA 92315This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in 4/2/2003By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Nelson N StewartStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4546

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008831The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: DDSERA,18050 Arroyo Lane, Chino Hills,CA 91709DDSera, LLC, 18050 ArroyoLane, Chino Hills, CA 91709This business is conducted by(a/an): Limited Liability CompanyThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Wee-Mena TanStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August8, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4547

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008809The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: CASEDEPOT, 2800 E Riverside Dr#335, Ontario, CA 91761Ryan J Bujer, 2800 E RiversideDr #335, Ontario, CA 91761This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Ryan J BujerStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August8, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filed

Published in Colton CourierC-4537

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008803The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: C & D PRI-VATE SECURITY, 26185 HollyVista Blvd, Highland, CA 92346Charles A Welsh, 26185 HollyVista Blvd, Highland, CA 92346David E Foxworth, 26185 HollyVista Blvd, Highland, CA 92346This business is conductedby(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Charles WelschStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4538

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008789The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: EMPIREARTS, 1079 W Belleview Street,San Bernardino, CA 92410Eduardo Panuco, 1079 WBelleview Street, SanBernardino, CA 92410This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Eduardo PanucoStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4539

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008767The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: MARIACHILOS RANCHEROS, 1015 NBELDEN AV., RIALTO, CA 92376Alberto Barba, 1015 N BELDENAV., RIALTO, CA 92376This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in 7/16/2009By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Alberto BarbaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4540

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008774The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: PIX-IEBLOOM, 6290 Brandy Place,Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91737Ladan R Ziapour, 6290 BrandyPlace, Rancho Cucamonga, CA91737This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Ladan ZiapourStatement filed with the County

before that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4548

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008693The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: RTD TRUCK-ING COMPANY, 11709 DellwoodSt, Victorville, CA 92392Twila A Thomas, 11709 DellwoodSt, Victorville, CA 92392This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in 8/5/2014By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Twila A ThomasStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August5, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4549

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008435The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: RODRIGUEZINDEPENDENT DELIVERY, 748North Third Avenue, Upland, CA91786Apolinar S RodriguezThis business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Apolinar S RodriguezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino July 29,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4550

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008820The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: RODRIGUEZCARPETS, 2605 Union St, SanBernardino, CA 92410Fernando H Rodriguez, 2605Union St, San Bernardino, CA92410This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Fernando H RodriguezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August8, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4551

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008783The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: SUN SMARTSOLAR ENERGY, 2121 S HavenAve., Ontario, Ca 91761Sun Smart, Incorporated, 9465Garden Grove Blvd. #200,Garden Grove, CA 92844This business is conducted by(a/an): CorporationThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in 9/10/2012By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant who

declares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ John KimStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August7, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4552

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008625The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: DULCESKINCARE AND TANNING, 415West Valley Blvd #5, Colton, CA92324Maria D Osorio Lopez, 415 WestValley Blvd #5, Colton, CA 92324This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Maria D Osorio LopezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August4, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4554

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0007967The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: E & E LAND-SCAPE AND MAINTENANCE,9829 Carob Ave., Fontana, CA92335Edgar R Gonzalez, 12458Ironbark Dr., RanchoCucamonga, CA 91739Ezequiel P Mendoza, 9829Carob Ave., Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by(a/an): General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Edgar R GonzalezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino July 16,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4553

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008741The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: AMERICANALLIANCE APPAREL, 6094Orange Knoll Ave, SanBernardino, CA 92404Michael E Ferguson, 9829 CarobAve., Fontana, CA 92335Kenneth R Foxfoed, 9829 CarobAve., Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by(a/an): General PartnershipThe registrant commenced totransact business under the ficti-tious business name or nameslisted above in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is trueand correct. A registrant whodeclares as true information,which he or she knows to befalse, is guilty of a crime. (B&PCode 17913). I am also awarethat all information on this state-ment becomes Public Recordupon filing.s/ Michael E FergusonStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August6, 2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the coun-ty clerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itselfauthorize the use in this state ofa fictitious business name in vio-lation of the rights of anotherunder federal, state, or commonlaw (see Section 14400 et seq.,Business and Professions Code)Published 8/14,21,28/2014 &9/4/2014

Petitioner or Attorney:Vanessa Ireton, 13566 5thStreet, Yucaipa, California92399. In Pro PerSuperior Court of California,County of San Bernardino,247 W. Third St., SanBernardino, CA 92415.PETITION OF: VanessaIreton, FOR CHANGE OFNAMEORDER TO SHOW CAUSEFOR CHANGE OF NAMECase Number: CIVDS1410429TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: Petitioner: VanessaIreton has filed a petitionwith this court for a decreechanging names as follows:Present name: KaydanRyan Spalding to Proposedname: Kaydan Ryan IretonTHE COURT ORDERS thatall persons interested in thismatter shall appear beforethis court at the hearing indi-cated below to show cause,if any, why the petition forchange of name should notbe granted. Any personobjecting to the namechanges described abovemust file a written objectionthat includes the reasons forthe objection at least twocourt days before the matteris scheduled to be heardand must appear at thehearing to show cause whythe petition should not begranted. If no written objec-tion is timely filed, the courtmay grant the petition with-out a hearing.NOTICE OF HEARINGDate: 8/25/14, Time: 8:30a.m. Dept: S27The address of the court is:same as noted aboveA copy of this Order to ShowCause shall be published atleast once each week forfour successive weeks priorto the date set for hearing onthe petition in the followingnewspaper of general circu-lation, printed in this county:Colton CourierDated: JUL 11 2014JOSEPH BRISCOJudge of the Superior CourtPublished Colton Courier7/31,8/7,8/14,8/21/14 C-4447

APN: 0160-042-13-0-000 TS No:CA09001250-13-1 TO No: 1569867NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEEDOF TRUST DATED November 3,2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIONTO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, ITMAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE.IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIONOF THE NATURE OF THE PRO-CEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOUSHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. OnSeptember 16, 2014 at 09:00 AM, Room, OntarioConvention Center, 2000 EastConvention Center Way, Ontario, CA91764, MTC Financial Inc. dbaTrustee Corps, as the duly AppointedTrustee, under and pursuant to thepower of sale contained in that cer-tain Deed of Trust Recorded onNovember 14, 2005 as InstrumentNo. 2005-0851701 of official recordsin the Office of the Recorder of SanBernardino County, California, exe-cuted by JUAN GALLEGOS, A MAR-RIED MAN AS HIS SOLE & SEPA-RATE PROPERTY, as Trustor(s),MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS-TRATION SYSTEMS, INC. as nomi-nee for AMERICA`S WHOLESALELENDER as Beneficiary, WILL SELLAT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THEHIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful moneyof the United States, all payable atthe time of sale, that certain propertysituated in said County, Californiadescribing the land therein as: ASMORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAIDDEED OF TRUST The propertyheretofore described is being sold “asis”. The street address and othercommon designation, if any, of thereal property described above is pur-ported to be: 448 WEST MILLSTREET, COLTON, CA 92324-1009The undersigned Trustee disclaimsany liability for any incorrectness ofthe street address and other commondesignation, if any, shown herein.Said sale will be made withoutcovenant or warranty, express orimplied, regarding title, possession,or encumbrances, to pay the remain-ing principal sum of the Note(s)secured by said Deed of Trust, withinterest thereon, as provided in saidNote(s), advances if any, under theterms of the Deed of Trust, estimatedfees, charges and expenses of theTrustee and of the trusts created bysaid Deed of Trust. The total amountof the unpaid balance of the obliga-tions secured by the property to besold and reasonable estimated costs,expenses and advances at the timeof the initial publication of this Noticeof Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be$250,597.81 (Estimated). However,prepayment premiums, accrued inter-est and advances will increase thisfigure prior to sale. Beneficiary’s bidat said sale may include all or part ofsaid amount. In addition to cash, theTrustee will accept a cashier’s checkdrawn on a state or national bank, acheck drawn by a state or federalcredit union or a check drawn by astate or federal savings and loanassociation, savings association orsavings bank specified in Section5102 of the California Financial Codeand authorized to do business inCalifornia, or other such funds asmay be acceptable to the Trustee. Inthe event tender other than cash isaccepted, the Trustee may withholdthe issuance of the Trustee’s DeedUpon Sale until funds become avail-able to the payee or endorsee as amatter of right. The property offeredfor sale excludes all funds held onaccount by the property receiver, ifapplicable. If the Trustee is unable toconvey title for any reason, the suc-cessful bidder’s sole and exclusiveremedy shall be the return of moniespaid to the Trustee and the success-ful bidder shall have no furtherrecourse. Notice to Potential BiddersIf you are considering bidding on thisproperty lien, you should understandthat there are risks involved in bid-ding at a Trustee auction. You will bebidding on a lien, not on the propertyitself. Placing the highest bid at aTrustee auction does not automati-cally entitle you to free and clear own-ership of the property. You shouldalso be aware that the lien being auc-tioned off may be a junior lien. If youare the highest bidder at the auction,you are or may be responsible forpaying off all liens senior to the lienbeing auctioned off, before you canreceive clear title to the property. Youare encouraged to investigate theexistence, priority, and size of out-standing liens that may exist on thisproperty by contacting the countyrecorder's office or a title insurancecompany, either of which may chargeyou a fee for this information. If youconsult either of these resources, youshould be aware that the sameLender may hold more than onemortgage or Deed of Trust on theproperty. Notice to Property OwnerThe sale date shown on this Notice ofSale may be postponed one or moretimes by the Mortgagee, Beneficiary,Trustee, or a court, pursuant toSection 2924g of the California CivilCode. The law requires that informa-tion about Trustee Sale postpone-ments be made available to you andto the public, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If you wish tolearn whether your sale date hasbeen postponed, and, if applicable,the rescheduled time and date for the

sale of this property, you may at 800.280.2832 forinformation regarding the Trustee'sSale or visit the Internet Web siteaddress for infor-mation regarding the sale of thisproperty, using the file numberassigned to this case, CA09001250-13-1. Information about postpone-ments that are very short in durationor that occur close in time to thescheduled sale may not immediatelybe reflected in the telephone informa-tion or on the Internet Web site. Thebest way to verify postponementinformation is to attend the scheduledsale. Date: August 12, 2014 MTCFinancial Inc. dba Trustee Corps TSNo. CA09001250-13-1 17100 GilletteAve Irvine, CA 92614 949-252-8300Amy Lemus, Authorized SignatorySALE INFORMATION CAN BEOBTAINED ONLINE FOR AUTOMAT-ED SALES INFORMATION PLEASECALL: AUCTION.COM at800.280.2832 MTC Financial Inc.dba Trustee Corps MAY BE ACTINGAS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPT-ING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANYINFORMATION OBTAINED MAY BEUSED FOR THAT PURPOSE.P1108178 Published Colton Courier8/21, 8/28, 09/04/2014 C-4560



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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat the undersigned intends tosell the personal propertydescribed below to enforce alien imposed on said propertypursuant to sections 21700 -21716 of the CA Business andProfessions Code, CACommercial Code Section2328, Section 1812.600 -1812.609 and Section 1988 ofCA Civil Code, 353 of the PenalCode.The undersigned will sell at pub-lic sale by competitive biddingon Wednesday the 17th day ofSeptember at 1:30 P.M., on thepremises where said propertyincluding: household goods,tools, electronics, and personaleffects, have been stored andwhich are located at TrojanStorage of Colton, 2137 E. SteelRoad, Colton, County of SanBernardino, State of California,the following:Customer Name Unit #

Jesse Cowser B1Damon Dees C24Gary Harmon D49Diyanna Gever D205Erick Rosales D207Lenny Tidayoh D217Gempa Tidayoh D239Daniel Oty D253

Purchases must be paid for atthe time of purchase in cashonly. All purchased items sold asis, where is and must beremoved at the time of sale.Sale subject to cancellation inthe event of settlement betweenowner and obligated party.Dated this 4th day of September2014 and the 11th day ofSeptember, 2014.Andasol Management, Inc.Bond #: 79183C;310.372.86006

Published Colton Courier9/4/14, 9/11/14 C-4615



1400682To all heirs, beneficiaries,creditors, contingent credi-tors, and persons who maybe otherwise interested inthe will or estate, or both of:AURORA GARCIAA PETITION FOR PRO-BATE has been filed byRudolph Garcia & Cynthia J.Elizarraras in the SuperiorCourt of California, Countyof SAN BERNARDINO THE PETITION FOR PRO-BATE requests that RudolphGarcia & Cynthia J.Elizarraras be appointed aspersonal representative toadminister the estate of thedecedent.THE PETITION requests thedecedent's WILL and codi-cils, if any, be admitted toprobate. The will and anycodicils are available forexamination in the file keptby the court.THE PETITION requestsauthority to administer theestate under theIndependent Administrationof Estates Act. (This authori-ty allows the personal repre-sentative to take manyactions without obtainingcourt approval. Before tak-ing certain actions, however,the personal representativeis required to give notice tointerested persons unlessthey have waived notice orconsented to the proposedaction.) The independentadministration authority willbe granted unless an inter-ested person files an objec-tion to this petition andshows good cause why thecourt should not grant theauthority.A HEARING on the petitionwill be held on SEP 24 2014at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. S48located at 351 NorthArrowhead Avenue, SanBernardino, CA 92415.IF YOU OBJECT to thegranting of the petition, youshould either appear at thehearing and state yourobjections or file writtenobjections with the courtbefore the hearing. Yourappearance may be in per-son or by your attorney.IF YOU ARE A CREDITORor a contingent creditor ofthe deceased, you must fileyour claim with the court andmail a copy to the personalrepresentative appointed bythe court within four months

APN: 0160-421-25-0-000 TS No:CA08002086-13-1 TO No: 1561655NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OFTRUST DATED November 29, 2005.UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PRO-TECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BESOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOUNEED AN EXPLANATION OF THENATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGSAGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. On September 30,2014 at 01:00 PM, near the front stepsleading up to the City of Chino CivicCenter, 13220 Central Ave., Chino, CA91710, MTC Financial Inc. dba TrusteeCorps, as the duly Appointed Trustee,under and pursuant to the power of salecontained in that certain Deed of Trustrecorded on November 30, 2005, asInstrument No. 2005-0896706, of officialrecords in the Office of the Recorder ofSan Bernardino County, California, exe-cuted by FRANK A. ZERMENO ANDJERI L. ZERMENO, HUSBAND ANDWIFE; J/T, as Trustor(s), in favor ofHOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORA-TION OF CALIFORNIA as Beneficiary,WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TOTHE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawfulmoney of the United States, all payableat the time of sale, that certain propertysituated in said County, Californiadescribing the land therein as: ASMORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN SAIDDEED OF TRUST The property hereto-fore described is being sold “as is”. Thestreet address and other common desig-nation, if any, of the real propertydescribed above is purported to be:1220 ZARAGOZA AVE, COLTON, CA92324 The undersigned Trustee dis-claims any liability for any incorrectnessof the street address and other commondesignation, if any, shown herein. Saidsale will be made without covenant orwarranty, express or implied, regardingtitle, possession, or encumbrances, topay the remaining principal sum of theNote(s) secured by said Deed of Trust,with interest thereon, as provided in saidNote(s), advances if any, under theterms of the Deed of Trust, estimatedfees, charges and expenses of theTrustee and of the trusts created by saidDeed of Trust. The total amount of theunpaid balance of the obligationssecured by the property to be sold andreasonable estimated costs, expensesand advances at the time of the initialpublication of this Notice of Trustee’sSale is estimated to be $591,631.62(Estimated). However, prepayment pre-miums, accrued interest and advanceswill increase this figure prior to sale.Beneficiary’s bid at said sale mayinclude all or part of said amount. Inaddition to cash, the Trustee will accepta cashier’s check drawn on a state ornational bank, a check drawn by a stateor federal credit union or a check drawnby a state or federal savings and loanassociation, savings association or sav-ings bank specified in Section 5102 ofthe California Financial Code andauthorized to do business in California,or other such funds as may be accept-able to the Trustee. In the event tenderother than cash is accepted, the Trusteemay withhold the issuance of theTrustee’s Deed Upon Sale until fundsbecome available to the payee orendorsee as a matter of right. The prop-erty offered for sale excludes all fundsheld on account by the property receiver,if applicable. If the Trustee is unable toconvey title for any reason, the success-ful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedyshall be the return of monies paid to theTrustee and the successful bidder shallhave no further recourse. Notice toPotential Bidders If you are consideringbidding on this property lien, you shouldunderstand that there are risks involvedin bidding at a Trustee auction. You willbe bidding on a lien, not on the propertyitself. Placing the highest bid at aTrustee auction does not automaticallyentitle you to free and clear ownership of

the property. You should also be awarethat the lien being auctioned off may bea junior lien. If you are the highest bid-der at the auction, you are or may beresponsible for paying off all liens seniorto the lien being auctioned off, beforeyou can receive clear title to the proper-ty. You are encouraged to investigatethe existence, priority, and size of out-standing liens that may exist on thisproperty by contacting the countyrecorder's office or a title insurance com-pany, either of which may charge you afee for this information. If you consulteither of these resources, you should beaware that the same Lender may holdmore than one mortgage or Deed ofTrust on the property. Notice to PropertyOwner The sale date shown on thisNotice of Sale may be postponed one ormore times by the Mortgagee,Beneficiary, Trustee, or a court, pursuantto Section 2924g of the California CivilCode. The law requires that informationabout Trustee Sale postponements bemade available to you and to the public,as a courtesy to those not present at thesale. If you wish to learn whether yoursale date has been postponed, and, ifapplicable, the rescheduled time anddate for the sale of this property, youmay call Priority Posting and Publishingat 714-573-1965 for information regard-ing the Trustee's Sale or visit the InternetWeb site address listed below for infor-mation regarding the sale of this proper-ty, using the file number assigned to thiscase, CA08002086-13-1. Informationabout postponements that are very shortin duration or that occur close in time tothe scheduled sale may not immediatelybe reflected in the telephone informationor on the Internet Web site. The bestway to verify postponement informationis to attend the scheduled sale. Date:August 27, 2014 MTC Financial Inc. dbaTrustee Corps TS No. CA08002086-13-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614949-252-8300 Amy Lemus, AuthorizedSignatory SALE INFORMATION CANBE OBTAINED ON LINE AT FOR AUTOMATEDSALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL:Priority Posting and Publishing AT 714-573-1965 MTC Financial Inc. dbaTrustee Corps MAY BE ACTING AS ADEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TOCOLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATIONOBTAINED MAY BE USED FOR THATPURPOSE. P1110371 Published Colton Courier9/4, 9/11, 09/18/2014 C-4616

Petitioner or Attorney: BrianaRocha, 14596 Glen Oak Pl.,Fontana, CA 92337.Superior Court of California,County of San Bernardino, SanBernardino District – CivilDivision, 247 West Third Street,San Bernardino, CA 92415-0210PETITION OF: Briana Rocha,FOR CHANGE OF NAME


Case Number: CIVDS 1412685TO ALL INTERESTED PER-SONS: Petitioner: Briana Rochahas filed a petition with this courtfor a decree changing names asfollows:Present name: Clarissa RoseWalker to Proposed name:Clarissa Rose RochaTHE COURT ORDERS that allpersons interested in this mattershall appear before this court atthe hearing indicated below toshow cause, if any, why the peti-tion for change of name shouldnot be granted. Any personobjecting to the name changesdescribed above must file a writ-ten objection that includes thereasons for the objection at leasttwo court days before the matteris scheduled to be heard andmust appear at the hearing toshow cause why the petitionshould not be granted. If no writ-ten objection is timely filed, thecourt may grant the petition with-out a hearing.NOTICE OF HEARING Date:10-16-14, Time: 8:30 Dept: S35The address of the court is:same as noted aboveA copy of this Order to ShowCause shall be published atleast once each week for foursuccessive weeks prior to thedate set for hearing on the peti-tion in the following newspaperof general circulation, printed inthis county: Colton CourierDated: AUG 22 2014JOSEPH BRISCOJudge of the Superior CourtPublished Colton Courier9/4,9/11,9/18,9/25/14 C-4614

T.S. No. 14-2890-11 Loan No.60623999 NOTICE OFTRUSTEE'S SALE NOTE:THERE IS A SUMMARY OFTHE INFORMATION IN THISDOCUMENT ATTACHED 注:本文件包含一个信息摘要 참고사항: 본첨부문서에정보요약서가 있습니다 NOTA: SEADJUNTA UN RESUMEN DELA INFORMACIÓN DE ESTEDOCUMENTO TALA: MAY-ROONG BUOD NG IMPOR-MASYON SA DOKUMEN-TONG ITO NA NAKALAKIPLƯU Ý: KÈM THEO ĐÂY LÀBẢN TRÌNH BÀY TÓM LƯỢCVỀ THÔNG TIN TRONG TÀILIỆU NÀY PLEASE NOTETHAT PURSUANT TO CIVILCODE § 2923.3(d)(1) THEABOVE STATEMENT ISREQUIRED TO APPEAR ONTHIS DOCUMENT BUT PUR-SUANT TO CIVIL CODE §2923.3(a) THE SUMMARY OFINFORMATION IS NOTREQUIRED TO BE RECORD-ED OR PUBLISHED ANDTHE SUMMARY OF INFOR-MATION NEED ONLY BEMAILED TO THE MORT-GAGOR OR TRUSTOR. YOUARE IN DEFAULT UNDER ADEED OF TRUST DATED9/15/2005. UNLESS YOUTAKE ACTION TO PROTECTYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAYBE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE.IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANA-TION OF THE NATURE OFTHE PROCEEDING AGAINSTYOU, YOU SHOULD CON-TACT A LAWYER. A publicauction sale to the highest bid-der for cash, cashier's checkdrawn on a state or nationalbank, check drawn by a stateor federal credit union, or acheck drawn by a state or fed-eral savings and loan associa-tion, or savings association, orsavings bank specified inSection 5102 of the FinancialCode and authorized to dobusiness in this state will beheld by the duly appointedtrustee as shown below, of allright, title, and interest con-veyed to and now held by thetrustee in the hereinafterdescribed property under andpursuant to a Deed of Trustdescribed below. The sale willbe made, but without covenantor warranty, expressed orimplied, regarding title, pos-session, or encumbrances, topay the remaining principalsum of the note(s) secured bythe Deed of Trust, with interestand late charges thereon, asprovided in the note(s),advances, under the terms ofthe Deed of Trust, interestthereon, fees, charges andexpenses of the Trustee forthe total amount (at the time ofthe initial publication of theNotice of Sale) reasonablyestimated to be set forthbelow. The amount may begreater on the day of sale.Trustor: JOSE M. ROGEL, ASINGLE MAN Duly AppointedTrustee: The Wolf Firm, A LawCorporation Recorded9/23/2005 as Instrument No.2005-0712129 of OfficialRecords in the office of theRecorder of San BernardinoCounty, California, StreetAddress or other commondesignation of real property:943 WEST C STREETCOLTON AREA, CA 92324A.P.N.: 0274-152-36 Date ofSale: 9/12/2014 at 1:00 PMPlace of Sale: At the main(south) entrance to the City ofChino Civic Center, 13220Central Ave., Chino, CA.Amount of unpaid balance andother charges: $317,655.72,estimated The undersignedTrustee disclaims any liabilityfor any incorrectness of thestreet address or other com-mon designation, if any, shownabove. If no street address orother common designation isshown, directions to the loca-tion of the property may beobtained by sending a writtenrequest to the beneficiary with-in 10 days of the date of firstpublication of this Notice ofSale. NOTICE TO POTEN-TIAL BIDDERS: If you are con-sidering bidding on this prop-erty lien, you should under-stand that there are risksinvolved in bidding at a trusteeauction. You will be bidding ona lien, not on the propertyitself. Placing the highest bidat a trustee auction does notautomatically entitle you tofree and clear ownership of theproperty. You should also beaware that the lien being auc-tioned off may be a junior lien.If you are the highest bidder atthe auction, you are or may beresponsible for paying off allliens senior to the lien beingauctioned off, before you canreceive clear title to the prop-erty. You are encouraged toinvestigate the existence, pri-ority, and size of outstandingliens that may exist on thisproperty by contacting thecounty recorder's office or atitle insurance company, either

of which may charge you a feefor this information. If you con-sult either of these resources,you should be aware that thesame lender may hold morethan one mortgage or deed oftrust on the property. NOTICETO PROPERTY OWNER: Thesale date shown on this noticeof sale may be postponed oneor more times by the mort-gagee, beneficiary, trustee, ora court, pursuant to Section2924g of the California CivilCode. The law requires thatinformation about trustee salepostponements be madeavailable to you and to thepublic, as a courtesy to thosenot present at the sale. If youwish to learn whether yoursale date has been postponed,and, if applicable, the resched-uled time and date for the saleof this property, you may call(916) 939-0772 or visit thisInternet Web site, using the filenumber assigned to this case14-2890-11. Information aboutpostponements that are veryshort in duration or that occurclose in time to the scheduledsale may not immediately bereflected in the telephoneinformation or on the InternetWeb site. The best way to ver-ify postponement informationis to attend the scheduledsale. Date: 8/12/2014 TheWolf Firm, A Law Corporation2955 Main Street, 2nd FloorIrvine, California 92614Foreclosure Department (949)720-9200 Sale InformationOnly: (916) 939-0772www.nationwideposting.comFrank Escalera, Team LeadNPP0234904 Published Colton Courier8/21/14, 8/28/14, 9/4/14 C-4559

from the date of firstissuance of letters as provid-ed in Section 9100 of theCalifornia Probate Code.The time for filing claims willnot expire prior to fourmonths from the date of thehearing noticed above.YOU MAY EXAMINE the filekept by the court. If you area person interested in theestate, you may file with thecourt a formal Request forSpecial Notice of the filing ofan inventory and appraise-ment of estate assets or ofany petition or account asprovided in Section 1250 ofthe California Probate Code.A Request for Special Noticeform is available from theCourt Clerk.Attorney for Petitioner:Elisabeth Kempe-Olinger290 North 10th StreetSuite 222Colton, CA 92324Published Colton Courier9/4/18,9/11/14,9/18/14 C-4617

Office (909) 381-9898 • COLTON COURIER LEGAL ADVERTISING • Fax (909) 384-0406Published in Colton Courier

C-4588Fictitious Business Name

Statement FBN No. 2014-0009607

The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: J AND A PRO-FESSIONAL SERVICES, 13778Ochre Ln, Victorville, CA 92394Azuncena Lopez, 13778 Ochre Ln,Victorville, CA 92394This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Azucena LopezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 28,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4589

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009613The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: RS JOHNSONCONSULTING, LLC, 2109 WildCanyon Dr., Colton, CA 92324RS Johnson Consulting, LLC.,2109 Wild Canyon Dr., Colton, CA92324This business is conducted by(a/an): Limited Liability CompanyThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in 8/28/2014By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Ryan L JohnsonStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 28,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4590

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009599The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: H MASSAGE,17122 Slover Ave. K-105, Fontana,CA 92337Min Xiang, 17122 Slover Ave. K-105, Fontana, CA 92337This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in 8/28/2014By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Min XiangStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 28,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4591

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009576The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: JPL CO., 11852Mt Vernon, Grand Terrace, CA92313James P Lankford, 11852 MtVernon, Grand Terrace, CA 92313This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ James P. LankfordStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Professions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4600

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009565The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: M SANCHEZTRUCKING, 7780 Cherimoya Dr.,Fontana, CA 92336Juan M Sanchez, 15963Manzanita Dr. Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in 7/2/0006By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Juan Miguel SanchezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4601

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009563The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: OCIT REALTY,111 N Sparrow Privado, Ontario,CA 92764Rescue Green, 160 W FoothillPkwy #105-33, Corona, CA 92882This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Joseph BlancoStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4602

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009556The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: SERVICES BYJULIE, 12430 Columbine Way,Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91739Julie A Foster, 12430 ColumbineWay, Rancho Cucamonga, CA91739This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Julie A FosterStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4603

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009551The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: SESSIONS OFLOVE, 2005 Rushmore Drive,Barstow, CA 92311Marietta Snowden, 2005 RushmoreDrive, Barstow, CA 92311This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Marietta SnowdenStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4592

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009635The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: AHALENAHOOKAH LOUNGE, 1983 SDinersCT, SAn Bernardino, CA92408Paul E Crenshaw, 27059Damascus rd, Moreno Valley, CA92555This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Paul E CrenshawStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 272014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4593

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009561The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: BELLA SPA,5460 Philidelphia St. Suite H,Chino, CA 91710Sanmei Ke, 8932 Mission Dr. #201,Rosemead, CA 91770This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Sanmei KeStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious namestatementexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4594

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009559The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: BELLA SPA,5460 Philidelphia St. Suite #H,Chino, CA 91710Xiuqin Xu, 5460 Philidelphia St.Suite #H, Chino, CA 91710Huifang Yang, 5460 Philidelphia St.Suite #H, Chino, CA 91710This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Xiuqin XuStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4595

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009552The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: STAR PARTYRENTALS, 17090 La Vesu Rd,Fontana, CA 92337Ricardo B Lopez, 17090 La VesuRd, Fontana, CA 92337Doris Olivas, 17090 La Vesu Rd,Fontana, CA 92337This business is conducted by(a/an):Married CoupleThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Ricardo B LopezStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4596

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009520The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: FONTANA PAL-LETS SUPPLY, 6826 Tahoe Way,Fontana CA 92336Nicolas Mora, 6826 Tahoe Way,Fontana CA 92336This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in 6/1/2013By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Nicolas MoraStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4597

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009542The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: HERA COOUN-SELING, 18 E State Street, Suite203-2, Redlands, CA 92373Caroline Daravi, 18 E State Street,Suite 203-2, Redlands, CA 92373This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Caroline DaraviStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4598

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009549The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: DRAGON FACEVAPORS, 4908 N Pershing Ave,San Bernardino, CA 92407Roman A Millhollon, 4908 NPershing Ave, San Bernardino, CA92407Carmen Quiroz, 2097 EWashington St Ste 1-EThis business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Roman A MillhollonStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4599

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009554The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: GLAD GRAPH-ICS, 15963 Manzanita Dr. Fontana,CA 92335Dulce C Barrientos, 15963Manzanita Dr. Fontana, CA 92335George F Barrientos,15963Manzanita Dr. Fontana, CA 92335This business is conducted by(a/an):Married CoupleThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Dulce C BarrientosStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business and

Published in Colton CourierC-4604

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009540The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: JUS TRUCK-ING, 12843 Lewis Ave., Chino, CA91710Jaime U Soriano, 12843 LewisAve., Chino, CA 91710This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Jaime U SorianoStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4605

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009571The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: EL RANCHITOMEXICAN RESTAURANT, 1734 EHighland Avenue, San Bernardino,CA 92404Calezander Investments Inc., 7555Weaver Street, Highland, CA 92346This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in 8/12/2014By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Raquel RochaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4606

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009573The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: HAZMATTECHNOLOGY, 3939 MustangDrive, Ontario, CA 91761Valentine A Erebor, 3939 MustangDrive, Ontario, CA 91761This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Valentine EreborStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4607

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009031The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: FASHFORDBOUTIQUE, 1315 Meadow Ln Apt#249, Colton, CA 92324Miesha T Sanders, 1315 MeadowLn Apt #249, Colton, CA 92324Douglas Bedford, 1315 Meadow LnApt #249, Colton, CA 92324This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Douglas BedfordStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 14,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton Courier

C-4608Fictitious Business Name

Statement FBN No. 2014-0009358

The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: CHUZE FIT-NESS, 1521 S Riverside Avenue,Rialto, CA 92376Rachas, Inc, 1011 Camino Del RioSouth, Suite 350, San Diego, CA92108This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Charles R Brightwell, Jr.Statement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August22,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4609

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009558The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: 4021 CON-SULTING, 330 North Sixth StreetSuite 103, Redlands, CA 92373Roberto J Vega, 330 North SixthStreet Suite 103, Redlands, CA92373This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Roberto J VegaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August27,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4610

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008621The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: EP TRANS-PORT, 18652 Otilla St,Bloomington, CA 92316Enrique Plascencia, 18652 OtillaSt, Bloomington, CA 92316This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in 8/4/2014By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Enrique PlascenciaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 4,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4611

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009255The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: STARS ANDSTRIPES TRAINING INSTITUTE,31813 Oakwood Cr, Yucaipa, CA92399Scott Murray, 18652 Otilla St,Bloomington, CA 92316This business is conducted by(a/an):IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Scott D MurrayStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 20,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4612

Page A18 • September 4, 2014 • CC • IECN

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008743The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: CROWN CRE-DENCE, 5060 E Montclair PlazaLn, Montclair, CA 91763Islam A Mansour, 5883 Forest OaksPl, Fontana, CA 92336RudainM Sebai, 1648 W MammothDr., Upland,CA 91784This business is conducted by(a/an):General PartnershipThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Islam A MansourStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 6,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4613

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0009306The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: DR. ANA M.GAMA DENTAL OFFICE, 647 EastE Street Ste 103, Ontario, CA91764Ana M Gama, DD.S., Inc, 647 EastE Street Ste 103, Ontario, CA91764This business is conducted by(a/an):CorporationThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in 3/18/2004By signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Ana M GamaStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 21,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4618

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008872The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: WHOLESALESADDLE & REPAIRS, 11238ALDER AVE, BLOOMINGTON, CA92316SONNY ALDANA BECERRA,11238 ALDER AVE, BLOOMING-TON, CA 92316This business is conducted by(a/an): INDIVIDUALThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ SONNY ALDANA BECERRAStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 11,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Published in Colton CourierC-4619

Fictitious Business NameStatement

FBN No. 2014-0008662The following person(s) is (are)doing business as: LENDERSCHOICE PROCESSING SERVIC-ES, 1005 W 59th Street, SanBernardino, CA 92407Virginia A Gouin, 1005 W 59thStreet, San Bernardino, CA 92407This business is conducted by(a/an): IndividualThe registrant commenced to trans-act business under the fictitiousbusiness name or names listedabove in N/ABy signing, I declare that all infor-mation in this statement is true andcorrect. A registrant who declaresas true information, which he or sheknows to be false, is guilty of acrime. (B&P Code 17913). I amalso aware that all information onthis statement becomes PublicRecord upon filing.s/ Virginia A GouinStatement filed with the CountyClerk of San Bernardino August 5,2014Notice-This fictitious name state-mentexpires five years from the date itwas filed in the office of the countyclerk. A new fictitious businessname statement must be filedbefore that time. The filing of thisstatement does not of itself author-ize the use in this state of a fictitiousbusiness name in violation of therights of another under federal,state, or common law (see Section14400 et seq., Business andProfessions Code) Published9/4,11,18,25/2014

Inland Empire Community Newspapers • September 4, 2014 • Page A19

Page A20 • September 4, 2014 • Inland Empire Community Newspapers