Colour and typography of music magazines

Post on 04-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Colour and typography of music magazines





Dark blue is usually associated with knowledge and power. Blue is usually associated with rock music. It makes the magazine look strong and looks good against the black and white, black is mainly used in the magazine front cover which matches the genre of the music published on the magazine. The white writing stands out against the black background as it contrasts.

The masthead is the same font as the anchorage text and part of the taglines, this is in a solid, bold, simple text which is easy to read and doesn’t give the impression that it’s an expensive magazine.An other style of font has been used to make the magazine not seem boring and to entice the right audience in. All words are sans serif to advertise the magazine to more lower classes.

Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, leadership and courage, this is a strong connotation for this magazine, as it is seen as a ‘strong’ magazine. Red has also

been used to attract the viewers attention.The black and white indicate that the magazine is

advertised to the older, mature audience and contrasts against the red to make it stand out, it also looks attractive

to the viewer.

The masthead is different from all the other text, it’s

the biggest text on the page and looks sophisticated in

comparison to the other ‘plainer’ text. Some text is

plain and bold sans serif where other text is in serif which adds contrast to the

magazines typography. The typography makes it

clear that the target viewer a more mature

audience and as it is advertised to all classes.

Pink goes well with the yellow colour and pink is usually used to sell magazines to teenage girls. The bright colours also entices the right audience in to the magazine too.Yellow connotes joy, happiness, sunshine, intellect and energy. Bright yellow is an attention getter, which is why it has been chosen as the anchorage text as it is more important than the rest of the text. Yellow indicates honour and loyalty. It evokes pleasant, cheerful feelings. Yellow is a spontaneous colour, this may make the viewer feel the urgency to look at the magazine. The black and white also contrasts against the bright colours.

Bright purple is usually used to promote children’s products, purple used with pink is a feminine colour. It’s a bright colour and the

younger audience would more be attracted to it.Pink has also been used as it is usually used to advertise to

younger girls, the black and white has also been used to make the magazine look a little older so it is advertised to younger teenage

girls.This magazine is advertised to the younger audience, specifically

girls. The purple and the pink match together and makes the magazine front cover look appealing to the demographic audience.

These are very bright colours which stand out to the viewer.

Orange combines the energy or red and the happiness of yellow, represents enthusiasm, creativity, determination, attraction, success and encouragement. Orange is a symbol of strength. Orange also corresponds to domination, pleasure and a thirst for action.The colours highlight a certain degree of masculinity to the magazine and makes it look more classical, expensive and sophisticated. The magazine cover is very dark and the white and orange brighten it. This magazine seems to be aimed at the higher classes and older ages. The typography in this

magazine is sans serif which is easy to read and looks bold and powerful.

This also hints at the masculinity of the magazine yet the

simplicity of the font makes it look

sophisticated but still appealing to all classes

and ages. The font is different sizes which also

varies and separate it.

Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is usually connected with royalty. It

symbolises power, nobility, luxury and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is also

associated with wisdom, independence, creativity and mystery.

Blue usually connotes health and healing, knowledge and power. Blue is usually associated with masculinity. The blue colour reinforces the fact that its aimed at a

older age group, it also represents how cool and relaxed the magazine is.

All typography is sans serif, it is mostly in capital letters and bold. This is to express the genre of music the magazine promotes. The masthead is the biggest text on the page as it is the most important. The font is bold as it is easier to read and looks strong and almost shouts ‘read me’ to the viewer.

Black stereotypically connotes death, evil and darkness yet the more positive connotations elegance, power and mysteriousness. Black usually has a negative connotation, black contrasts with any colour and combined with different colours gives a different feel.

White is associated with innocence, purity, goodness, light, cleanliness and safety. It is also the opposite of black, the two main colours used in magazine, these contrast against each other to create a balanced effect.Black and white are very

basic colours and mix well with other brighter colours, this usually promotes the magazine to more mature readers and viewers. Black and white are opposites and contrast very well against each other and look good amongst other colours.