Color Pres Cal

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Calendar that features 12 months of U.S. Presidents.

Transcript of Color Pres Cal

SEPTEMBERWILLIAMTAFTLife September 15, 1857 ~ March 8, 1930Term 1909 ~ 1913

Sixteenth Amendment

Titantic sinks

Dollar Diplomacy

Standard Oil Company brought down

1909Used the military and

diplomacy to help promote business

interests overseas

On the night of April 14, at 11:40 p.m., The Titanic struck

an iceberg;

just under three hours later,

at 2:20 AM, on April 15, 1912 the

ship sank.

The United States Senate

investigation reported that

1,517 people

perished in the accident1912British ocean liner struck an iceburg and sank in the Atlantic Ocean

1930Allowed the United

States to collect income taxes

1911End of the monopoly due to the new anti-trust laws

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11 Terrorist Attacks (2001)

18 President Filmore signs Fugitive Slave Act (1850)

Panama Canal

Spacial Theory of Relativity


Construction of the

major shipping canal

connecting the

Atlantic and Pacific


Albert Einstein discovers a new physical theory on

motion-changing physics to this day




Construction of the Panama Canal

was one of the largest and most

difficult engineering projects ever

It has had an enormous impact on

shipping between the two oceans

replacing the long and acherous route

via the Drake Passage and

Cape Horn at the

southernmost tip of South America.

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Life October 27, 1858 ~ January 6, 1919

Term 1901 ~ 1 909


Life November 2, 1795 ~ June 15, 1849Term 1845 ~ 1849

Gold Discovered

Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo

Mexican WarConflict between the United States and Mexico over the Texas territory

1848Ended the Mexican War. The United

States acquires California, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona, and Colorado


1849Feverish migration of workers into the area of a dramatic discovery of commercial quantities of gold in California


The California gold rush led directly to the settlement of California by Americans and the rather rapid entry of that state in the union in 1850. Successive gold rushes occurred in western North America, gradually moving north: the Fraser Canyon, the Cariboo district and other parts of British Columbia, and the Rocky Mountains.

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9 Berlin Wall falls (1989)22 President Kennedy assassinated (1963)


Apollo Project Underway

Cuban Missle Crisis

Kennedy Assasinated

1961Nasa plans to conduct manned moon landing missions

U.S. discovers missle bases being built in Cuba

The president was shot on Novemer 22, 1963 in Texas by Lee Harvey Oswald

United States became concerned about the political orientation of Fidel Castro’s government, and therefore Cuba was a major focus of the new Kennedy administration when it assumed

power in January 1961

John F. Kennedy was fatally wounded by gunshots while riding with his wife Jacqueline in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. That Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, an employee of the Texas School Book Depository in Dealey Plaza

President John F. Kennedy announced this goal in 1961, July 20, 1969 by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin during the Apollo 11 mission

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13 U.S. declares war on Mexico (1846)

24 Opening of the Brooklyn Bridge (1883)

Life May 29, 1917 ~ November 22, 1963Term 1961 ~ 1963

6 President Ronald Reagan (1961)

30 President Monrue signs the Missouri compromise (1820)


ElectromagneticTelegraph Invented

1832Device for transmitting written messages without the physical transport of a letter

1830 The removal of American Indians

to the west to make room for more American settlers

The Removal Act was strongly supported in the South,

where states were eager to gain access to lands

inhabited by the “Five Civilized Tribes”.

President Jackson hoped removal would

resolve the Georgia crisis.

While Indian removal was supposed to be voluntary,

in practice great pressure was

put on American Indian leaders to sign

removal treaties.

Indian Removal Act

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Life March 15,1767 ~ June 8, 1845

Term 1829 ~ 1837

Cold War Ends

Gulf War

Period of tension

between the United

States and the Soviet

Union comes to an end

1990Conflict between

Iraq and the United Nations to

free Kuwait


In December 1989,

Gorbachev and George H.W. Bush declared the Cold War officially

over at a summit meeting in Malta.

By then, the Soviet alliance system

was on the brink of collapse,

and the Communist leaders of the

Warsaw Pact states were losing power.

Seven days after Iraq invaded Kuwait

on August 2, 1990,

The United States started to deploy

Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force, and Coast Guard units

to Saudi Arabia, while at the same

time urging other

countries to send their own forces to the scene.

Life June 12, 1924 ~ Present

Term 1989 ~ 1993


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11 Washington becomes the U.S. capital (1800)

19 President Rosenburgs Executed (1953)



Life July 4, 1872 ~ January 5, 1933Term 1923 ~ 1929

Stock Market Crash

Civil War in China

Lindbergh crosses Atlantic nonstop

In two days, the Dow Jones fell an average

of 23%

Conflict between the

Chinese Nationalist

and Communist


First pilot to make a

nonstop solo flight over the


The Orteig Prize,

a $25,000 prize offered for the

first non-stop flight from New York City to Paris

spurred a great amount of interest worldwide.

Either an eastbound flight

from New York or a westbound flight from Paris

would qualify.

Lindbergh's accomplishment won him the Orteig Prize;

more significant than the prize money

was the acclaim that resulted from his

daring flight.

On Black Monday,

the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 38 points to 260,

a drop of 12.8%.

The deluge of selling overwhelmed the ticker tape system

that normally gave investors

the current prices of their shares.

Telephone lines and telegraphs were clogged

and were unable to cope.

This information vacuum

only led to more fear and panic.




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2 President Garfield shot (1881)

15 President Carter gives Crisi of Confidence speech (1979)

Social Security in the United States is a social insurance program funded through dedicated payroll taxes called Federal Insurance Contributions Act. The Social Security Act was drafted by President Roosevelt’s committee on economic security and passed by Congress as part of the New Deal. It would encourage older workers to retire, thereby creating opportunities for younger people to find jobs, which would lower the unemployment rate.


1935 Provided benifits to

retirees and the unemployed

Promise Roosevelt gave to help releave the people and the economy during the Great Depression


President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave a sequence of programs and promises he initiated between 1933 and 1938 with the goal of giving relief, reform and recovery to the people and the economy of the United States during the Great Depression.

“New Deal” Begins

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Social Security Act

Life January 30, 1882 ~ April 12, 1849

Term 1933 ~ 1945

17 Persian Gulf War begins (1991)1 Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Lincoln (1863)


Term 1789 ~ 1797Life February 22, 1732 ~ December 14, 1799

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1789First 10 amendments to the Constitution-protecting the rights of all citizens

1789-1799Political and Social upheaval in France

French Revoltion

Cotton gin invented

1793Machine quickly and easily separates cotton fibers

Created by the American inventor

Eli Whitney in 1793

to mechanize the

production of cotton fiber

The invention was

granted a patent on

March 14, 1794

The cotton gin was credited for

increasing assets in the

American economy

Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion and Petition Right to keep and bear arms Conditions for quarters of soldiers Right of search and seizure regulated Provisons concerning prosecution Right to a speedy trial Right to a trial by jury Excessive bail, cruel punishment Rule of construction of Constitution Rights of the States under Constitution

Bill of Rights

8 President Grover Clevland signs Dawes Act (1887)

20 John Glenn orbits Earth (1962)

DECEMBERWOODROWWILSONLife December 28, 1856 ~ February 3, 1924

Term 1913 ~ 1921

USSR Forms

Selective Service Act

WWI Begins

By the end of WWI,

some 24 million men had registered,

and some 2.8 million had been drafted.

More than half of the almost

4.8 million Americans

who served in the armed

forces were drafted.

The war was propagated by two major alliances.

The Entente Powers initially consisted of

France, the United Kingdom, Russia

and their associated empires and dependencies.

Numerous other states joined these allies,

most notably Italy in April, 1915,

and the United States in April, 1917.

Global military

conflict that resulted in

over 40 million


1917Union of Soviet Socialist Republics emerged from the Russian Empire after the Russian Revolution

7 Pearl Harbor Attacked (1941)20 South Carolina secedes (1860)

1917Required all males,

ages 21-30, to register for military



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Civil Rights Act

Six Day War

Life August 27,1908 ~ January 22, 1973Term 1963 ~ 1969


segregation in

schools and

public places

Conflict between the neighboring countries of Eygpt, Jordan, and Syria

In reaction to Israeli-Syrian tensions,

Egypt amassed

1000 tanks and 100,000 soldiers on the border,

closed the Straits of Tiran

to all ships flying Israeli flags or carrying strategic

materials, and called for

unified Arab action against Israel.

First conceived to help African Americans,

the bill was amended

prior to passage to protect women in courts,

and explicitly included white people

for the first time.

It also started the Equal

Employment Opportunity


It became illegal to compel

segregation of the races in schools,

housing, or hiring.

Powers given to enforce the bill were initially

weak, but were supplemented during later


6 Hiroshima bombed (1945)

13 Berlin Wall started (1961)



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Lousiana Purchase

Lewis and Clark

828,000 square miles of new United States land

First American overland expedition to the Pacific coast

The Louisiana Purchase encompassed portions of

15 current U.S. states and 2 Canadian provinces.

The land included in the purchase comprises around 23% of

the territory

of the United States


“Left Pittsburgh this day at 11 o’clock with

a party of 11 hands 7 of which are soldiers,

a pilot and three young men on trial they

having proposed to go with me throughout the voyage.”

This was said by Meriwether Lewis

in his first journal entry on the epic Lewis and Clark

Expedition to the Pacific Ocean.



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12 Civil War begins (1861)

30 Lousiana Purchase treaty signed (1803)

Life April 13, 1743 ~ July 4, 1826Term 1801 ~ 1809