Colonies introduction

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Colonies introduction


Essential Questions

Were exploration and colonization positive or negative for the development of the world?

How did the colonists interact with the natives?

How did the “mother countries” interact with each other?

What are some of the long-term effects of colonization?

How did the mother countries choose locations to colonize?

What is coloniztion?

Colonization is the practice of a country installing a settlement of it’s own people on foreign land

It has political control of an area

Colonization means the same as

Imperialism, where one country has political or economic control over another.

Why Colonize?

Most European countries believed in Mercantilism: that the wealth of a country is measured by the amount of precious metals they have… like GOLD!

To make more profit in colonies $$$

To get natural resources (wood, fish, sugar, tobacco)

To promote trade

To search for GOLD !!

To create manufactured goods for sale

How Did They Do It?

Set up a trading fort or an invasion army

The mother countries had better technology and weapons, like armor, metal swords, muskets, and cannons.

They forced the natives into slave labor or imported slaves

They imposed taxes on the natives

They stole land from the natives

Organization of Colonies

Mother Countries helped establish: transportation, medical services, and communications

This gave them more control over the natives

Natives not trained in leadership. They were purposefully kept uneducated, and therefore, dependent upon the mother country.

How the money was made…

Colonies collect

raw materials and send home to Mother Country

Mother Country

manufactures the raw


Mother Country sells the

manufactured goods

back to the colonies

(and other countries)