Colonial America and Christianity

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Colonial America and Christianity

Colonial America


Society and Popular Culture:

In April 10, 1606 King James I of England

authorized eight Englishmen to colonize America. This

starts what we know as the Colonial America.

Europeans came to America

to increase their wealth and

broaden their influence over world


They came from a variety of

social and religious backgrounds.

Society and Popular Culture Cont.:

The Spanish were among the first Europeans to

explore the New World, however, the English were the

first ones to really effectively bring Christianity and to

settle permanently.

At the beginning, since the settlements came

looking for work they did not have much time for

recreation, however, this changes with time.

Society and Popular Culture Cont.:

Diversity was an American characteristic

Political and Financial:

The first colony was founded at Jamestown,

Virginia, in 1607.

It was a money making venture

In some cases such as Virginia and

Massachusetts, the colonists flourished with the

assistance from Native Americans.

Grains such as corn kept the colonists from


Political and Financial Cont.:

In Virginia, tobacco provided a valuable cash

flow. This was very good for the materialistic society

that America had started to become.

In 1620 the Mayflower ship transported 102

English Puritans and Separatists, to Plymouth,

Massachusetts, a journey of 66 days. in the same

year the Pilgrims establish their own government.

Political and Financial Cont.:

During the colonial America time period many

battles and conflicts happen in Virginia between

colonists and American Native Indians

In the spring of 1630, John Winthrop led a fleet of

11 vessels and 700 passengers to the Massachusetts

Bay Colony. Winthrop is known for his famous speech,

“A Model of Christian Charity.” He wanted a “city on a

hill” which basically was a city that would be watched by

the world.

Political and Financial Cont.:

The colonies represent a lucrative source of

wealth and trade.

Navigation Acts regulated colonial trade and

enable England to collect taxes during this time.

During this period Cash Crop Plantations and

the Slave Plantations were established


Many of the people who settled in the New

World came to escape religious persecution.

Anglicanism was the

religious choice, however,

people were not very religious

since religion took a back seat

compared to making money

Religion Cont.:

The Pilgrims, founders of Plymouth,

Massachusetts, arrived in 1620.

In 1649 the Toleration Act was passed,

allowing all Christians religious freedom.

The Quakers were a Protestant sect

founded in England whose members believed

that salvation was available to all people

Religion Cont.:

In 1730 was the Great Awakening. The Great

Awakening was an unorganized movement that

widespread very fast, this movement was of evangelical

Christian, people were getting saved. Church was not

just a social thing anymore.

The Original 13 colonies


1st Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by John Smith and other colonists

backed by the London Company, at Jamestown.

1609/10 is a period in Jamestown Colony history

referred to as the Starving Time

Virginia Cont.:

In 1612, was the establishment of a tobacco

plantation on the James River by John Rolfe

In July 30th 1619 was the first meeting of the

House of Burgesses.

In 1624 Virginia was made a royal colony

New York:

2nd Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by the Duke of York and other colonists

on Manhattan Island.

Classified as one of the Middle Colonies.


3rd Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by John Winthrop and other Puritans, at

Massachusetts Bay.

Combination of church and state, church was the

place to worship and vote. People were not allowed to vote

unless they were members of the church, so many people

went to church just so they could vote.


4th Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by George Calvert, Lord Baltimore and

other colonists, at Baltimore.

It became a heaven for Catholics

Rhode Island:

5th Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by Roger Williams and other colonists,

such as Anne Hutchinson in Providence.


6th Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by Thomas Hooker and other colonists,

at Hartford.

New Hampshire:

7th Colony to be established in Colonial


Founded by Captain John Mason and John

Wheelwright and other colonists.


8th Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by Peter Minuit and New Sweden


North Carolina:

9th Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by the Virginia colonists.

South Carolina:

10th Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by eight British nobles with a Royal

Charter from King Charles II.

New Jersey:

11th Colony to be established in Colonial America.

Founded by Lord Berkeley and Sir George



12th Colony to be established in Colonial


Founded by the Quaker William Penn and

other colonists.

In 1682 the Quakers Settle in Pennsylvania


13th Colony to be established in Colonial


Founded by James Oglethorpe and other


Georgia became a royal colony in 1752..

Georgia Cont.:

It was a place for prisoners, mainly for


This became the center for missions

work. One of the big names is John Wesley

who founded the Methodist church


Alchin, Linda. "Colonial America Time Period." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 11

Nov. 2014.

"Colonial America (1492-1763)." Colonial America (1492-1763). N.p.,

n.d. Web. 09 Nov. 2014.

"Historical Eras." Historical Eras. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

Claudia Richard