COLLEGE SPARK WASHINGTON 2012 Community Grants Program

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COLLEGE SPARK WASHINGTON 2012 Community Grants Program. LOI Webinar 9/27/2011 9:30 AM 9/28/2011 2:00 PM. AGENDA. Overview College Spark Mission Areas of Focus Types of Grants Available Application Timeline Online LOI Budgets and Financials. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of COLLEGE SPARK WASHINGTON 2012 Community Grants Program


2012 Community Grants Program

LOI Webinar 9/27/2011 9:30 AM

9/28/2011 2:00 PM

AGENDAOverview College Spark Mission Areas of FocusTypes of Grants AvailableApplication TimelineOnline LOIBudgets and Financials


We’re here to make the College Spark application process clear to you today

Please ask questions along the way or in the future

Grant Request Overview0




Support Requested Grants Awarded0


College Spark Mission College Spark funds programs that

help low-income students become college-ready and earn their degrees. We make grants to organizations and institutions throughout Washington state that are helping low-income students improve their academic achievement, prepare for college life, and graduate from college.

College Spark Areas of Focus

•Academic Preparation•Connecting Education to Career•College-Going Culture•Alignment•Enhanced Data Systems•Educator Capacity•Dual Enrollment

College Readiness

•Retention/Persistence •Gatekeeper Course Completion •Transition from pre-college college level •Avoiding remediation or improving

placement score•Policy analysis and improvements Retention

and Degree


Types of Grants AvailablePlanning GrantsCapacity-Building GrantsResearch or Evaluation ProjectsCoalition-Building Projects

Selection Criteria Mission alignment, low-income studentsSustainability, strong partnershipsEvidence based improvements OR innovative approach coupled with assessment strategy Learning opportunity Improving programs, organizations, or systems

Assessing Impact Capacity-building, serving students directly

College readiness: academic indicators (grades, test scores, attendance)Degree completion: Student Achievement Initiative momentum points (retention, progress through pre-college, gatekeeper course completion, degree/credential) Increases in college knowledge and/or mindset; other social/emotional indicatorsMust include a baseline or comparison

Assessing ImpactCoalition-Building: a comparison that assesses improvements in members’ effectiveness or capacity. Planning: range of individuals involved in the planning; will plan be used to improve program, organization, or system? Evaluation/Research: Generating new knowledge about what works in college readiness/completion.

Application TimelineRFP released on 9/19/2011LOI Webinars 9/26/11 and 9/28/11LOI due by 10/17/11

LOI is an online form. In addition, two hard copies of the LOI and attachments must arrive at College Spark by due date of October 17. Packet must be printed from completed online LOI form.

If you will be invited to submit a full proposal, you will be notified by 12/19/2011Webinar for invited applicants on 12/28/11 and 1/4/12Two copies of Application and materials due to College Spark by 1/27/12; packet must be printed from completed web application.Grant awards announced April 23, 2012 May – June: Finalize measurable objectives and distribute Grant Agreements

Online LOI

•Project description•Target population, geographic regions served•Project cost and amount of request•Focus area (Readiness, Retention/Completion, or both)•Grant type (Planning, Capacity-Building,

Research/Evaluation, Coalition)Contact and

Application Type

•Percentage of persons served that are low-income and how you verify that

•Program history•Project description: what are your activities and

outcomes?•If applicable, partnerships or systems-level

improvements planned•If project does not provide services directly to low-

income students, explain how they will benefit

Detailed Project


•What will change as a result of this program or project? •How will this grant improve your program, organization,

or system? •How does this program or project relate to College

Spark’s focus areas and funding priorities? Impact and


Budgets and Financials

Organizational Level Finances

Program or Department Level Financials

Project Budget• Allowable expenses• Broken out by year• Include other funding

sources• Describe how remaining

funds needed will be secured including pending and planned sources of funding and decision dates

QUESTIONS and COMMENTSRachel Clements 461-5480


(206) 461-5326