College counseling class 16: Advanced Extended Class

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Transcript of College counseling class 16: Advanced Extended Class

The Resume Continued, The College Visit and Post Acceptance

Heather M. Butts, J.D., M.P.H., M.A.

Quick Resume ReviewIf you have your resumes with you, please

show them to me so we can go over them!

Resume Guidelines – Remember!Limit your resume to ONE typed page!12 point font8.5 x 11, high quality paper

Interview PrepMake notes about why I want to attend this

college.Make notes about my academic background

and high school experiences.Make notes about my life outside the

classroom, including activities, community service and hobbies.

More Interview PrepResearch the college by checking out its

website, brochure and course catalog.Choose appropriate clothes to wear for the

interview.Create a folder to take to the interview with

appropriate information (resume, business card, other pertinent information)

In Class Exercise #1I will select a volunteer to role play the interview

process with. We will role play the following questions:

1. Tell me about yourself?2. What courses have you taken that will prepare you

for school work in college?3. Name one strength and one weakness about

yourself?4. Tell me about a time when you handled a challenge

effectively?5. Why should a college accept you over other


Class Exercise #2List out 5 characteristics that you would like

to see in a college that you go to?

Review: Questions to ask when you visit a school!You can ask these questions of the individuals doing the

tours, financial aid, admissions, professors you meet with. . . .

Academics—How much time do students typically spend on homework?—How much writing and reading are expected?—What is the average class size of introductory classes?—How widely used are teaching assistants on your campus?—What is the average class size of upper-division courses?—What opportunities are there for undergraduate research?—How many students participate in undergraduate research?—Is there a culminating senior year experience?—Do you have an honors college?—Do you have a learning community or other freshman experience?

The College EssayPractice, Practice, Practice!!!!Critical that you do a great job on the college

essay!The Common Application College Essays are

already out – so you can get a jump start!

The College EssayDistinguish between short answers, direct

questions and general essay/personal statement

What does the school want from you – make sure you give them what they want!

College Essay TipsThink about what you want to write aboutDo you have a resume? If so take a look at it

to refresh your memory about what you’ve done. What have you accomplished?

What makes you unique or different?Do you have a favorite book or movie that has

had particular importance in your life?

Tips continuedOther topic areas:

A trying time in your life that you’ve overcome?Very substantial extracurricular activities that

you have or are participating in?Someone who has a great deal of meaning for

you and has been a great influence on your lifeDiscuss why you want to go to this particular

school and how the school will help you reach your goals/dreams (and discuss what THOSE are!)

Tips continuedYou’re stuck! You need more help deciding

what to write about:Talk with friends, teachers, family members,

trusted mentors (don’t forget about your mentors!)

Keep thinking! As long as you’ve started early enough you’ll have enough time to come up with a topic

Essay Writing TipsStart early!Write your first draft and the continue to

write drafts. You’ll need several drafts before you can finalize the essay

Have someone else read it to make sure it conveys what you want it to convey

No typos!Read it once more before considering it final

Take-aways (make sure you do this!)Make your essay consistent with the rest of

your application (if you have a 2400 SATs and 4.0 average you’re not struggling in school so don’t write an essay that says that)

You can use your essay to explain certain parts of your application, just don’t repeat what’s already in your application

Diversity is great – discuss this if it applies to you

Take-aways continuedRemember – your essay topic says a lot about

who you are and what you care about so choose wisely

Pitfalls to avoidDon’t try for tricks or something for shock

valueThe essay should tell your reader something

that the rest of the application does not tell them

Don’t go over the word limit (part of this is to test can you follow directions)

Don’t make up stories (honesty is the best policy)

Class Exercise #3We will go over in class common application

essay #3: Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

Class Exercise #4You are going to practice writing an essay!Common Application Question #2: Discuss some issue of personal, local, national or international concern and its important to you.

Introducing the timeline and checklist (much more to come!)Today we will just go over the timeline from

freshman-junior year in high school.When we deal with the timeline and checklist

we will go MUCH more in-depth and include senior year!

Timeline Freshman-Junior YearsDo well in schoolCultivate relationships with mentorsBegin to visit schoolsDo well in school!!Start to research scholarships and grant

programsCreate your resume

Timeline Freshman-Junior Years continuedGet involved in extracurricular activities you

actually enjoyReview your timeline and make sure you’re

on scheduleCreate a checklist of “to do” itemsHaving trouble in a particular area – get help

from teachers, after school programs and mentors

Surround yourself with supportive friends. If your friends aren’t supporting you then they’re not your true friends!

Junior Year/Summer before Senior Year

Review your resumeVisit as many prospective colleges as possible

and make appointments with admissions counselors and other counselors (is community college an option?)

List all the colleges you want to apply toRegister for SATsTake an SAT prep course (I.E.S of course!)
