College Bulletin 1932 November

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Transcript of College Bulletin 1932 November

�acific lLut1leran Q!ollege jiulletin

C!Cllristmas 1932

Pacific Lutheran College Bulletin Puhlnhtd qu.:.rtcrlr b}' Pauh, Lu[huun AII�Jli.!. at T�(..,nn :iJnd P:.rkl;)nd, W.a.liih1neton F' ntNrJ l"

I'cond·d U m"lctcr April Zb. 1927, .ll tbto po .. toHiC-t· iU T:acom;l. W'\'IIhlngton. undror du' .\l.t of AUJ{u I 1�. IQI2.


WE WALK BY FAITH. 2 Cor. 5,7.

No. 3

Pacinc Lutheran College greets you. dear reader, at thi� Christmas season, in

faith. in hop" and in lov . For " now ahidetb hith. hope, chariey, rllest: three;

hut: eh.· greatest of these I."; charity" (1 C r. L3, 13). Yet' WI." walk h�' faith, not

hr sight." and we lahor, chat: we may he accepted of the Lord (2 Cor. 5, ')). May \ nu have ;t truly hlesst'd Christmas. and may you enjoy a ew Year vf grace. with .1 return o( onfidencc and an increase of faith!

"For we walk by faith." Through faith the fathers "f old time "ohtained a

gnod report" (Heb. II. 39) and accomplished the will of God. � r exarnpk, through faith they "subdued kingdom-, wrought rlghteou ness, btained promis s,

�toppcd the m uth f Ii os, quenched [he violence f fire, escaped the edge of the sword, OUt of we�k.ness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to

Hight lhe armies of the :tliens" (Heb. II, 33. 34).

Wr of Pacific Lutheran Collegt· recognize th· 'lbLigation imposed Up n LIS by

the Faith "f our faehers, who also wrought righteousness obtained prom.i. es, and llut of weaknc.s were made rr ng Il1 founding and huilding Pacihc Lutheran College by faith.

WI: or Pacific Lutill:ran College would carryon in tht same spirit. and hI'

the ,rune faith maintain our ,erVlCe uncurrailed. No man'r what s:tcrifices this may

�nrai l . we want to be found fdithfr4l,-f ull of faith and hithful w th.e end.

[!tl'"I"" IIIIIlllllllIlfI"HI"IIIII""""I!I"""'"IIII"'"""'11"""""'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''"1111111"llIlltllllllll'"llt'"IIIIIII�

'c,,: The Developmen. A"od,';on Membe"h;p L;" l,c"" which W had hoped to print in this numher of our BULLETIN, will, we trusc,

appear U1 a lacer number. Our of 8tOO members, bom one-third arc active.

@i., •• , •• ,." ." ..• , .•• ,.," " ',." ., .• " ••••. ,., ••••••.• , ••.• " •.•••...... , •• , •.. , ..... " .......... , ••• , •.. , ' .• , ••••••• , •• " ., .• , ' ,. , ., •. , •••.•• , •• " .•••• ,. @


Green is th� olor of hope. Green is one of the colors of Christma�. The

Christmas·tree is evergreen. Jesus is the hoped-for Savior, and we 3rc saved hy

our hope in Him. Moreover, "we know that all things work mgether for good

ro them that love God, to them who are the called ac ordmg til His purpo e" (Rom.

iI. ZR). And s\) we f Paciflc Luthera n College. too, are confident! awaiting th·

dawn of a new and hetter day.

Emblematic of thi� hope are the res lution� reprinted below, as adopted unanI·

mously by the American Lutheran Conference, November 17, 1932 at Milwaukee,

Wisconsin. They herald the dawn of a new day of better understanding and greater unity in the Luthernn Church.

I'/I('ili,' I.IIl/l1'rIllI r:((I/,.�,. IlIrklllill/. If I/.Ihilll-'.In"

1-\",,.,,1/, ,-d: 1'h", 1If! Ih(' bfl,'/'>; 0llfl"',' find ."Ialisli( .... SlIlulI;'fled (/l1 d if I I-it'll" (1/ rIll' 111 't'flt'

"I 1/11' prl's'(I/ .,;tll111inn, " " I/fI' I'fl'ptU('" /11 exprt'." Ih,' Upi"ioll Ihlll f'(II'I/ir 1.Il!lief/II'

(IIII,'!'!,· III P(lIk/anti. IfllShil1l(lolI. IS ".,senlwl I" 1/'" prop",- do'lI'llIJilllPlI1 IIIIr/ hl'u/III)

/.:' 0,,-111 oj (lin J.lllrht,rtlf' ,-IlfU rIll" 0" III,. Pltr'ij;(' rml-" . and it f.\ "f'ft"1l !('("OIHflU,,,d,,,!:

((f) Thol Il lJ1tJ/!.ttJlJ/ "j /11ur(' ('uml"I'fl' f IJujJt'ffllr(lfl hc u""rkt,t! (Jill IlI'tll't"t'li

fh<..t rOllsll.'tuell! 111)(/;('.\ IIj tl,,' tm('r;;"(l]1 /,,,,11(,(01/ (.'Ul1j"(('flrt'. (fill""

l)(lrlit"lI/arl\ !J('lll'f'ell fhr' Amt'n�nllJ J.....U(hl'lll11 ("huu'h_ Iht' Al1,C!.II.�/(/fI(/ S\//",/. IIflll 'th., NO""";;I!I/! I.Ii/harm eh"r,·".

(1,/ ThaI Ihl' IIlmn' I!lf'nli(},,�rI ('''"I'''IIlIi''TI " f lll/l {,! 1",,,1,,,, ,onlr(ll ,,[ Ih,'

In.'uilllljoll IIlId .,/aU/lt! "ljlft'.,,\ JISt"/ in -"/If h ('CJllfUlIl('d !ifll/{J(';t/I Slifl

jlfJrt w' is llt't"f'.,'Sar) to the {Jt'fllutrlt!trl 111 aiTllt'flflftn' of the insti'uti"n.

(() ThaI (he: (flU1nll,rialtol/., uj fhe Ihr�t'flJltf uj(lrv-fflI'lIlinn('(/ h",li".\ III' Ih" .\Ul;;t!t'l uj /lIllhl'/ fle/itJli(Jlion.� 1II'ltrt!(!fl tI", TJtuJic'\ C()!l(,tTIlI,d,

rtf, That ,Itt· ... cht/ul ('oJ/lil/uf' Itl (JIH'rfl{f! us al jU"'.q'lIl (1$ (J JUlIi(lr (.'flll(·�I' aurl tbfll an) fI/(/jllr ('han{f,I's in tl,,' Ill/ure h� m,,,/,' fln/r un flit' lUI"';" (lj "do( (Ifio"llf rt,'[ c/U{III1 ('II Is in ,h., .,/(1/.1' oj Ir/L�hiIlMtll" (lnd rI.' Ih,' TIl"'" oIL"€' (:Uf/!('f('/lrt' lila,) ITc/llire. flnd (is Ihe IlfJilil.r tlf Ih,· .'U/'llurl­

;11{! 1J()(li('.� Will ,"'IlIIiI.

(I) 1'hol 1111' Amel ;"Uf/ l.lIlh'.'Ulfl {.tJfI!t'f'f!nrc ('.\"Ill'/' .... -" il .... rlflf)ru'ifJliOI/ (lj

Ih(' studr (f{lfi pIon /,rt'.H·Tltt!d by reprf's.�·nlal;rtr.\ oj /J"ri/i,(' {.atllf'lon

('ul/f'J!,(' jm rtll ..... ill,t! fll II d .... /(11 pn.' fill'''! oj ;,utl'll/nll/l,x.... find IIII'


1, .. 'n Ilu' rc'flli�lIlitJll of 1111' pl(/n. /J/'(,flll.'ij· i! iflrulrrs jiflf/f/(-;(// (OINIIII/flU'fll:,,- If" I ''{"UIII'

IIIt'lIti /hi, .. plrrfl til ifs IT.\jll'('t;l't' ('U/1.'l ifllf'T11-ie ... frll l,(uflntl)/l' ,"urrs.;dff(ui{lll lin" "u'" fnrf"�r iJl"filJr. 0 ... they mfl\ find 11fJ .... ,ib/(, ;f/ r('lalioll It! Ih';1 IIlt"n sitlllll;flfl Ih /l·t.·ff tl ....

,h,' IIt·"d, IIj tid.. jOlll! (,III''I'PI;SC.


Red IS the color of love and of sacnhce. Therefore red is the dominant Christmas color. God is love. In God's Word. love and charity are often synony·

mous. S in I Cor. 13, 13: "And now ablderb. f31th, hope, charity, these three ;

bur the greatest of these is charity ."

In thcse runes of all time$, "let U� not he wcary In well.domg" (Gal. 6, 9). Our fellow. men nced l1ur love.

"God so loved thc world, that He gave Kis only·begotten Son, that who�oevcr

he!H�veth in Him should nm perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3, 16).

"We kwc Him, because He first loved us" (1 John 4, 19).

"Let brotherly love continue" (Heb. 13,1).

"I have showed you aU things, how t.hat so bhoring ye ought to support the

\\t!ak. and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how HI! said, It IS more

blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20, 35).

Says Charles Dickens, at the close of his priceless "Chnstl11;JS Carol": "And so,

as Tiny Tim observed God bless Us, Every Onl'!"

1.01',· dil'I7lC, all lure excel/mg. Joy of hean:n, to carll, COIIIL' dow,,!

F�x ;" IIJ Thy humble dwelling, All Thy f<1ilhful lIleTC/t1 .-rOll'I/.

JfIll>, Tho/( ,(rl ali colllpaHlOll, Pure. Imboulldcd love ThUll art,

l'isit In lVllh T by sal, <1/;0'1,

Biller en'r), trembling heart.

In the spirit of ChrIStmas, may we nm urge you tu send a Christmas offering [0 your Church? Without such gifts the work must suiter; and it should nor! As

far as the NorwegIan Lutheran Church of America is concerned, the need i�

, cry great. Pacific Lutheran College, for ('x3mplc, has had to do withom the l'mergency appropriation of �14,581.35 and has already accepted one ten-percent

CUt in its regular appropriation, with more cuts in prospect unless gifts of love

greatly increase.

And ma�r we not ask you, in the spirit of Christmas, to help make up chis

shortage at Pacific Lutheran College by actively supporting our Development Association. whose logan is, "At least a dollar at least once a year?" "ror G d

lovech a cheerful giver" (2 Cor. 9, 7). Pacific Lud1eran College carries 011 through your love.