Coldnomore Wordpress Com 2011-12-09 Learning to Know Lacey t

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Posted by holliston2012DEC 9

Learning to Know Lacey: The Tragic

Life of Lacey Gaines

6 Votes

Let me start off by saying I’m sorry for those who are

offended that I am covering Lacey Gaines’ story. By many

accounts Lacey was a beautiful woman who loved her son

and was trying to make a better life for herself.

Unfortunately, she chose to fall in love with a man who

would later abuse her, many times viciously. 10 years her

senior, Daniel Sanchez and Lacey had a relationship that

led to the birth of their son Conor when Lacey was 16.

I’ve seen documents showing that she was trying to get








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away from Daniel, looking for shelters and help. Sadly

Lacey lived in fear in the years leading to her vicious

murder. So far, no one has been arrested. I’m not saying

Daniel had anything to do with this. Because I don’t

know. But friends are starting to speak out. Those that

were close to her at the end of her short life loved her

very much. And they have a lot to say. These blogs are not an indictment on how Lacey was

raised or what her relationship was with her parents when she died. Frankly, that’s irrelevant.Based on what I’ve seen and heard, Lacey’s parents did quite a bit for their daughter and

their sons. But the fact remains, Lacey is gone and no one knows who committed this crime.

I will get into the details of that horrible day on December 7, 2009. But first I want you to hear

about Lacey from her family and friends. Some will make you laugh, others will make you cry.

This was Lacey’s life.

Lacey’s Aunt Cherry Simpson

I remember 

when Lacey 

came to visit

us with her 

 parents and 

brothers. She

was youngmaybe 8 or 9 

yrs. and she

wanted to go

 fishing. So we

all booked 

 passage on “The Fishing Fool”. Lacey was so happy she walked 

 gracefully across gangway to the boat, singing “We ain’t leaving




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’til we’re heaving.” Oh she made me laugh.

Now this was a big boat and there were 6 of us and an extra

 gentleman who happened to be a Priest. Lacey I and the Priest

were fishing side by side. The poles were heavy and held as

many as 9 hooks. I worried if we did catch anything we’d surely 

be pulled overboard. But not Lacey. She was catching fish

 faster than anyone else on the boat. I remember her leaningover to me and whispering low, “Wanna know my secret, Aunt

Cherry?” I said, “Sure, what is it? – thinking she was going to

tell me she did some fancy hook maneuvering.” Lacey leaned 

in closer, “I pray,” then she grinned this big grin with a twinkle

in her eye. She was some special little girl. She’d steal your 

heart the moment you laid eyes on her.

I know she’s in Heaven right now pulling in some big fish with

her G’pa Charlie.

“PRAY ” for Lacey. “PRAY ” they catch her killer.

We had gone fishing at 6am, I had bruises under my arms from

holding that pole. Lacey was so excited about her catch she

wanted to cook it right away.

So we drove back to Aunt Cherry’s to cook the red fish. Lacey 

thought I could do anything. But I can’t am a terrible cook. I

looked for my trusty Betty Crocker cookbook and it said to

bread the fish.

Well I didn’t have any breading. But I had Capt Crunch cereal so

that’s what I used. I told Lacey it was Aunt Cherry’s secret

ingredient. I can remember her little eyes just looking at me

in such adoration and she was going to keep that secret.


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Thankfully it turned out delicious.

Later that year we flew up to Chicago for Christmas which we

always had at Lacey’s. Her Mom made red fish that Year. Lacey 

leaned over to me and said “It’s not as good as ours Aunt

Cherry, she forgot the secret ingredient….Capt Crunch!” She

was such a beautiful adventurous girl. When I think of Lacey I

know she could have become someone great. It’s so sad.Christmas is going to be forever changed for so many. I miss

her greatly.

Posted on December 9, 2011, in Cold Cases, Crime, Domestic Violence, Lacey Gaines and tagged Cold

Cases, Justice, Lacey Gaines, Murder. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.


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Truthseeker | December 9, 2011 at 3:40 pm

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Aisha Khan


Alexander Edwin Shaw IV

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“We ain’t leaving ’til we’re heaving.” that is a hoot! And it’s how I feel about the

police finally solving this case.

So I am…“PRAYing” for Lacey. “PRAYing” they catch her killer.

  1   0 Rate This

Lacey was so special. And you are so right about there not being anything she couldn’t

do. I can remember getting a flat and her changing my tire like a pro. She always was

offering to do work on my car. Said she grew up in her dads garage and how he taught

her how to work on cars. I can still picture that smile of hers that would light up the

darkest room. I can remember all of her words of wisdom and inspiration. How when I

first met her she immediately acted like my bestie. That was lacey though…..she loved

everyone and seen the good in everyone. You fell in love with her instantly….I’m now

all alone in my pea pod…..we always got told we were 2 peas in a pod because of how

alike we were.

special friend | December 9, 2011 at 5:24 pm

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Family won’t comment unless they feel like they have to defend themselves. That’s

what they have become of a small town.. . I’m very glad this story focuses on the

point Lacey and her murderer. She deserves justice. And no one will ever know what

she went through especially if you have never been in a v iolent relationship nor lived

her life day to day….Hopefully one day the truth will be told.

Truth | December 9, 2011 at 9:55 pm

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Darlie Routier

David W eatherfordDawna Natzke

Domestic Violence

Ellenville NY

Erik Stirling Cross

Gail Palmgren

George Clooney

Haley Barbour

Imaginary Dinner


Jaliek Rainwalker

Jenny Owen Youngs

Joe Helt

Joseph Kony

Katie Fitch

Lacey Gaines


  0   2 Rate This

I agree that this story should focas on finding justice for the murder of Lacey

Gaines. That is 100 percent what I believe needs to be done. However makingsly comments, such as “the family won’t comment unless they feel they need to

defend themselves” is exactly the kind of comments that takes the focus away

from finding justice for Lacey and creates this snowball effect of unprodcutive

behavior. Maybe if we could avoid these kind of derogatory comments every one

could work together for the purpose of Lacey. Something I just believe everyone

should think about before they post something…… But that’s just my opinoin…..

 Jessica | December 10, 2011 at 2:48 am

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It’s true Lacey grew up in the corn fields far from town in Grant Park, IL. She

was the youngest and only girl. She attended a Luther Day School most of her

life. In her teens she changed school. She met Daniel at the restaurant she

worked at – her Aunt’s and Uncle’s. They didn’t like Daniel and fired him due to

his many dalliances with most of the female staff and of course Lacey.

Her website has a long list of condolences from all over the world and lists all

on-line media coverage. It also has a light a candle link to remember Lacey and

videos of her as a child.

This video was made the day after Lacey was found murdered by someone who

never knew Lacey but was also a victim of domestic violence. Lacey’s death

effected her, as s he felt, it could have been her, at one time in her life.

TruthSeeker | December 10, 2011 at 6:59 am

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1 month ago

LAPD Shooting Anything That Moves

1 month ago

Former Police Officer on Rampage in LA

Lacey death has touch many people please take to time to visit and see for your

self and thank you for caring about Lacey.

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This site also received many negative personal emails:

As your post moves it’s way across the internet I was sure family and or close friends

may come out and speak up. They have a kind of wall of silence around this case.Which I won’t lie, has bothered me.

I appreciate your putting up with nasty remarks and I apologize for them happening. I

think you speaking out on this helps not just Lacey but helps to change and educate


Lacey has a website where you can find all media

coverage and condolences from around the world.

Goodall | December 10, 2011 at 7:50 am

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I would love to help with anything I can by sharing this story on FB and hopefully

someone will REPOST and that will keep going along with strong prayers. I know I’m

 Jessica Lloyd | December 20, 2011 at 11:12 pm

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