Cold war topics

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Cold war topics

The First Berlin Crisis-(June 1948-May 1949)

• In 1948, the three western controlled zones of Germany's(US,France, UK) were united, and grew in prosperity due to the Marshal Plan.

•The West wanted the East to rejoin, but Stalin feared it would hurt Soviet security.

• In June 1948, Stalin decided to try to gain control of West Berlin which was deep inside the eastern sector.

•Stalin cut road, rail and canal links with West Berlin, hoping to starve it into submission.

•The West responded by airlifting in the necessary supplies to allow west Berlin to survive.

• In May 1949, Russia admitted defeat and lifted the blockade.

The Second Red Scare-1947-57

• Causes:• Julius and Ethel Rosenberg Trial

-Found guilty of spying for the Soviets-executed in 1953

Causes of 2nd Red Scare Cont.

• The Iron Curtain surrounding Eastern Europe-1945

• The USSR detonating their atomic bomb-1949

•China becoming communist in 1949

• The Korean War starting in 1950-Domino Effect

• Stalin’s actions in Germany-Berlin Blockade

USSR’s First Atomic Test-1949

Chiang Kai Shek vs. Mao Zedong

Chinese Civil War




•Mao Zedong and the communists win

•Chiang Kai-Shek flees to Taiwan

• Taiwan is who the US and the United Nations recognizes as China until 1972

•Richard Nixon visits China in 1972-Detente

Alien Registration Act of 1940 (Smith Act)

•Made it illegal to advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government

•Required all non-citizen adult residents to register with the government

•Approximately 215 people were indicted under the legislation, including alleged communists, Anarchists, and fascists

•Prosecutions under the Smith Act continued until a the Supreme Court decision declared law unconstitutional in 1957

Senator Joe McCarthy

McCarthy and McCarthyism

• Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957) was a Republican Senator from Wisconsin

• In 1950, he gave a speech where he claimed to have a list of 205 Communists in the State Department

•No one in the press actually saw the names on the list, but McCarthy's announcement made national news and caused panic throughout the country

•McCarthy became one of the most powerful people in the US

Supporters of McCarthy

1. Republicans

2. Catholics

3. Conservative Protestants

4. Blue-collar workers

5. Joseph and Robert Kennedy

McCarthy’s Downfall

•McCarthy’s downfall finally began in October 1953, when he started to investigate “communist infiltration into the military.”

• This was the final straw for President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who realized that McCarthy’s movement needed to be stopped

• In late 1954, the Senate voted to censure him for his conduct and to strip him of his privileges.

•McCarthy died three years later from alcoholism.


• The practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.

House Un-American Activities CommitteeHUAC-1945-1975

• This organization went after directors and actors in Hollywood

• The committee believed that films were spreading communist propaganda

• They set up hearings to investigate the movie industry

•Hollywood Ten• Each man was found guilty and sentenced to spend a year in

prison and pay a $1,000 fine

•Blacklisted Directors/Actors/Actresses

Charlie Chaplin

Berlin Wall-1961

Why was the Wall Built?

•What did the USSR want?


Brandenberg Gate and Checkpoint Charlie

Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down That Wall…..June, 1987

Berlin Wall Comes Down-November 9, 1989

Bay of Pigs-April 1961

Fidel Castro-1959-2011

Bay of Pigs

Bay of Pigs

•What was it?

•What was it’s goals?

•What were the results?

•How did it hurt President Kennedy?

Cuban Missile Crisis-October, 1962


Range of Soviet Missiles Launched From Cuba

The Compromise

• The Soviets would remove their missiles from Cuba

• The US would promise never to invade Cuba

• The US would secretly remove our nuclear missiles from Turkey within six months

Thirteen Days

• Be able to describe what happened in the crisis.

• Be able to describe the different choices that Kennedy had to choose from in dealing with this threat.

• Be able to explain the compromise that was reached to end the crisis.

• Be able to explain how this crisis was an example of brinkmanship.

Mikhail Gorbachev Comes to Power in USSR-1985

Perestroika and Glasnost-1985

• Video

• Perestroika-Restructuring of the Soviet economy and political system• More democracy• Free elections

• Glasnost-More openness of the Soviet government and for it’s people • Free speech and press

INF Treaty

Berlin Wall Comes Down-November 9, 1989

What impact did the Fall of the Soviet Union and Communism have on Europe and the World?

• 1. New countries broke out of the USSR

• -Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan

• 2. East and West Germany re-unified in 1990

• 3. Rise of democracy and capitalism throughout Europe

• 4. Wars and Ethnic Cleansings-Yugoslavia(Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia)

• 5. The world became more unified and more interdependent

• 6. The rise of radical Islamic groups-Taliban, al-Qaeda

• 7. The United States emerged as the singular major power in the world

Boris Yeltsin-President of Russia-1991-1999


•Why did the US win the Cold War?

•Why did the USSR lose the Cold War?

1. We had close ties with our Allies and the USSR didn’t.

2. China started siding with us after 1972.

3. The Soviet economy was in shambles whereas the US’s was flourishing.

1. Huge deficit2. High inflation3. Corruption4. Social problems5. Shortage of basic needs(food, housing)

4. The strong anti-communist presidency of Reagan.

5. Gorbachev’s willingness for change and reform.

1. glasnost and perestroika

2. admitted Soviet mistakes

3. took blame for the Cold War

4. communist system had failed

**5. allowed Eastern Europe to do what they wanted**

6. Arms Reduction Talks

1. SALT, INF, Reagan-Gorbachev meetings

7. Soviet Mistakes

-invasion of Afghanistan

-ignoring social concerns

-spent everything on military

Post-Cold War

• In the 1990’s, the world seemed to be a much more peaceful place

•President Clinton closed down numerous military bases around the country reducing the size of the US military

•9-11 caught the US off guard

Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary Join NATO-1999

Putin New Leader in Russia-1999-2008 and 2012-??

Russia vs. Ukraine-2014-15

• Ukraine wanted to join the European Union but leader did not want to as he was Pro-Russia

• Ukrainian leader is forced out

• Russia moves troops in the Crimean Peninsula and annexes it after Crimean voters vote to approve annexation

• The United Nations declares this act by Russia as illegal