Cold War

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Cold War

Cold War

By Justin Scott Ehrenpreis

Truman Doctrine

US policy to help other countries resist military take over.

(stop communism)

Marshall Plan

US would provide money aid to rebuild Western Europe


Soviet International Policy to help countries get rid of capitalist, imperialists

Warsaw Pact

Military Alliance between USSR and Eastern European Nations

Iron Curtin

Describes the division between Soviet Union and the West (Cold War)


The practice of threatening with massive military retaliations for any act of aggression

Harry Truman

Truman Doctrine

US President

Saw Communism as evil force

Idea “Containment”

To limit Communism

Dwight Eisenhower

US President #34

US general than President

Compared struggle against Communism of Totalitarian Government in WW2

Joseph Stalin

Leader of Russia (SU)

Brought all economic control to government

Wanted SU to be modern industrial power

Was ruthless

5 plans

Fidel Castro

Communist director of Cuba

Nikita Khrushchev

Head of Soviet-Communist Party

He criticized Stalin for crimes against Soviet People


35 President of US

Naval Blockade of Cuba

Ho Chi Minh

Leader of Nationalist Communist Party in Vietnam

Wanted to unite North and South Vietnam

Bay of Pigs

Failed attempt by US to overthrow Cuban Leader Fidel Castro

Invasion forces landed in Bay of Pigs in Cuba

Korean War

Between North and South Korea

US took side of South, Communists supported North US policy “containment” Which stops the spread of Communism

Space Race

A race to space for US and Russia for superiority

First Satellite Russia (Sputnick)

Arms Race

Between US and USSR

Race to have the best weapons (missiles, tanks, bombs)


Formal agreement between two of more nations to come to each others defense


North Atlantic Treaty Organization

US, Canada, Western Europe

Nations formed by military alliance


Government spying on another

Berlin Blockade

An event between the super powers

US and USSR had different aims for what to do to Germany

A divider of Communism

What was the Cold War?

Was a state of tension and hostility among nations (US and SU)

No armed conflicts between rivals

How did US try to halt spread of Communism?

Truman Doctrine


Why did the Cold War last so long?

Lasted more than 40 years

The conflicts arose like Korean and Vietnam War

Where there any positive effects as a result of Cold War?

Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, NATO, Warsaw Pact, Berlin Airlift