COGOP Newsletter Dec 2012

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COGOP Newsletter Dec 2012

Transcript of COGOP Newsletter Dec 2012


Our Mission Statement

‘Loving God and serving others’

The purpose of our fellowship is to love God, to faithfully preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to commit ourselves to Christian service.

We are committed to:

Sacrificial service – within our fellowship and the wider community

Exalting Christ – by the way we live our lives

Reconciliation – between God and man and with each other

Vibrant worship – through inspired ministering of the Word and freedom for individual worship

Excelling in love – for God and each other

Words of Life “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.”

John 3:16-17 (English Standard Version)


From the Editor… Love


Audrey Harrison (Assistant editor)

Contents Page

Words from the Pastor 4-5

Christmas poem and thoughts 5-6

Getting to know you 7

Testimonies 8-9

Crossword 10

Singles Ministry 11

Young Disciples 12-14

50th Anniversary congratulations 15

Do you love yourself? 16-17

Healthy You 18-19

Volunteering in Uganda 20-21

Reflections on Love 22

Church refurbishment update 23

CD Review and Christmas Quiz 24-25

Editorial team and Diary 26-27

Welcome to the 10th edition of Croydon

Arise. It’s that time again when the

hustle and bustle begins as we think

about what gift to buy for our loved

ones. This publication focuses on

LOVE. It was love that caused Jesus

Christ to enter our world thousands of

years ago. This event is the reason we

celebrate the season we are now


As Christ loves us and teaches us how

to love, let us give back to Him in true

worship. How about showing love to

someone less fortunate than you? I

challenge you to offer a sacrificial hand of

love to someone different.

Enjoy this bumper edition with

encouraging words from our Pastor, great

testimonies, thoughts from the

youngsters and much more. I wish you a

joyous Christmas.


Words from Pastor Paul Rochester Christians should always seek to live with an inspired amazement at the

wonder of God's love. It is important to avoid the place of complacency where

we take for granted God's love for us and what that means in everyday life. Let's

make no mistake, it is very easy to fall into that trap.

God's love is at the heart of Christianity. Out of love for us, God acted to bring

salvation through Jesus Christ so that we can now live in the power of that love.

The Bible tells us that the love of Jesus Christ constrains us because we

understand that it is He who died to free us to live in victory (2 Corinthians 5:14-

16). Understanding this constraining love and how it works in us is so important

to a successful Christian journey. God's love is poured out in our hearts through

the Holy Ghost (Romans 5:5). Although there are differing views as to what this

means, I believe it refers to God's love to us and not our love to God. Through

the Holy Ghost we experience in our hearts a soaking of God Himself, who is

love. His love works in us, consumes us and causes us to think like God. It

causes us out of love for God to dedicate our lives to Him and no longer live for

ourselves. We become agents of His love and so find ourselves compelled by it

to do good. God's love poured out in our hearts, gives us a living experience of

real security and strength which causes us to give and serve others sacrificially,

going beyond our natural abilities. We do not worry about our vulnerabilities

because we know that we are serving the living God who has our back and He is

in control of all things.

When the Bible calls us to imitate God, it does so by saying "walk in love" just as

Christ loved us and gave Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a

sweet-smelling aroma (Ephesians 5:1). We can deduce from this that we are

most like our Eternal Father when we walk in His love and Jesus Christ is the

example for us to follow.

It's time that we move beyond our weaknesses and failings to live in the fulness

of God's love so that we can be used by Him to do great things. By great things I

mean acts of love that reach out to the needs of others. It may be the person that

you need to forgive and embrace. It may be the person who longs for you to

speak words of kindness. It could be that you need to take the wrong for the


sake of peace. Whatever the specific thing that the Holy Ghost calls you to do, I

am praying for a greater level of obedience to divine love in all our lives. When

we find it hard to show love, let’s remember and reflect on the Lord Jesus Christ

and the way in which He loves us. Where would we be without His love? If,

through divine love, He had not forgiven us, how would we face the guilt and

shame of sin all the days of our lives? I would argue that it is difficult to behold

and reflect on God's love for us, in all its beauty and power, and then fail to show

love to others.

To finish where I started, take some time to reflect on God's amazing love to you

and I have no doubt it will call for a response. It will call for divine love to flow

from your life.

C H R I S T M A S ‘THE MOTIVE’ C is for the miraculous conception, work of the Holy Spirit

Mary & Joseph could not fathom their plight, their wits at a limit

H is for Herod, the King who gave orders to slay the young

His plan to destroy the babe came directly from his tongue

R is for the revelation that this babe would be great

Called the Son of the Highest to reign over the earth, this His fate

I is for Immanuel; the comfort in knowing ‘God is with us’

Immanuel will never leave or forsake us, cos His favour is ageless

S is for swaddling clothes which wrapped the babe to keep Him snug

In the manger He lay, protected from the bug

T is for Three Wise Men, they followed the Star and found the baby

Fell down and worshipped Him when they visualised His beauty

M is evidently for Mary, the chosen one of all maidens

The Angel assured her ‘Blessed art Thou among Ladies’

A is for Alleluia – Praise to the Lord, the most high!

Salvation, Glory and Power belong to our Lord; on Him we must rely

S is for our Saviour called ‘Christ the Lord’

He was born to die and give us hope, where forever life will be restored Audrey Samuels

Copyright©Dec 2009


Thoughts on Christmas … Growing up as a child, I could not wait for Christmas

to come. Being a first child, grandchild and great-

grandchild, I looked forward to all my presents, such

as new clothes, shoes and dolls; also to lots of food

and the family reunion. However, all this changed after

my conversion during my teens. After that, Christmas

took on a whole new meaning for me. The birth of Jesus became a reality and I

realised that He was born for a purpose – to save His people from their sins (St.

Matthew 1:21). The prophet Isaiah declared, ‘For unto us a child is born, unto us

a Son is given: And the GOVERNMENT shall be upon HIS Shoulder, and His



on His return not as a baby but as our king.

Sadly, Christmas has become commercialised in our society; they have left out

Jesus! As Christmas approaches, let’s pray for our unsaved family that they will

see the star that leads to JESUS CHRIST the SAVIOUR, who is the centre of

everything. This Christmas, may all find the true meaning as I did many years

ago. Have a wonderful, joyous and peaceful Christmas!

Rita Hyatt

Christmas to me means God’s answer to dispelling the spirit

of fear which was brought into the world by sin. The

announcement of Christ’s birth came from the angels who

said, ‘Fear not! For behold I bring you good tidings of great

joy’. There was great joy in Eden every day when God came

down to talk with man. Sadly since man sinned, he has lived in fear and has

been afraid to speak to God freely; afraid to wait and meet with God in the cool

of the day. But when the promise made in Eden was about to be fulfilled two

thousand years later, it was ushered in with, ‘Fear not!’ So Christmas for me

means absence of fear and the freedom to tell the good tidings of great joy that

the promised Seed, saviour of the world has come with peace and joy.

Aston Hall


Getting to know... Chris Codner

How and when did you come to faith? I came to faith when I was 9 years old. I played the guitar

and the keyboard and my parents used to take me

around to play at various churches; I was also known as

'Master Christopher'. I loved playing for the Lord and

really enjoyed meeting so many people at such a young

age. At 14 years old I really understood faith. I had a dream about a fish that

spoke to me and said "I give and I can take away". I also had the gift of healing

at this early age. I got baptised at 14 years old and attended various churches


What brought you to this fellowship? My mother-in-law, Yvonne Simmonds, invited me to this church where we

have been warmly greeted and welcomed. I really appreciated her doing that

as we were getting quite desperate to find a church where we could settle.

Who has been your biggest influence? My dad has been the biggest influence in my life. He works very hard and is a great role model to follow. He taught me how to be self sufficient. He was ordained as a minister early on in my life.

What are your hobbies and interests? My hobbies are boating, driving, music and flying.

What has been the key turning point in your life? My key turning point in life was meeting my beautiful now wife Elaine (12

years ago) and getting married (8 years ago). We have been together ever

since. We work together and support each other in business and family life.

What are you most proud of? I am most proud of my son Omarion. He is only 1 years old now but it’s just

amazing to see how he is developing his own personality and drives in life. I

will try to be for him what my dad was for me, a great inspiration!

If you could, what would you change in the world? If I could change anything in the world it would be to research the reason

behind all wars and try to eradicate the problem before any more wars erupt.


Answered Prayers

God speaks...

It was a Sunday and I was going through a troubled and stressful time. I was in church that Sunday and was feeling really down and stressed, so I called on the Lord and asked Him to help me. I asked Him to give me the strength to ‘pick up the Book’ again and to find myself back on the right path.

That following Tuesday, I happened to be in Croydon town centre where I saw some of my friends and they were speaking with someone. I did not realise that the person was a preacher until I was walking away and this mysterious man ran over to me and said, I quote, “you need to pick up that Book, don’t you? He hears you son and He has just told me to deliver this message; pick up the Book and keep believing”.

This was an experience I will never forget because this ‘messenger’ that the Lord sent was someone I had never met before in my life. I believe he could only have known what I was going through because God revealed it to him by His power. God is so good! He’s amazing and He’s closer than you know and think. Keep strong in your faith and belief in God; He will bless you as He has blessed me.

Joe Thomas

I found a new life...

I was once full of self, not knowing, not caring, not believing or understanding the power of God. I knew He existed and that was enough for me. I asked myself questions that I could not answer. I thought I was happy and living life to the full but I did not know the true meaning of life.

I began to look at my life and realised something was not quite right. I was encouraged to believe in God by my late father, sister and friends and I used to say, “of course I do”, but did I? When I met people who were going to church, they spoke and looked different. They were caring, encouraging and just hearing how passionately they spoke about Jesus Christ, I knew their experience was different to mine. So where was I going wrong? I realised I was full of self! I

‘believed’, but was going my own way. I was rebelling against a loving and forgiving God. I realised I had to make some changes in my life and I

tried to change, but I struggled. I needed someone to show or tell me what to do. I was told by my father to ‘pray’ which I did,

but nothing happened. Then I was told to be patient and


have faith. This was when I humbled myself and truly repented. I have to say this….obeying our Lord brings victory!

I started to lean on Jesus which led to my spiritual growth; I got baptised which was a beautiful experience. I now have confidence and power to overcome all things in Jesus name. I’m no longer full of self, but filled with the Holy Spirit. Yes, I have found a new life in Christ Jesus. I thank God.

Cherry Harrison

The Lord, my healer

For several years I suffered with swollen thyroid glands (located in the neck area). I had a rapid heartbeat, would jump in my sleep and felt lethargic - it was a stressful time. My doctor informed me that I could have surgery, but it may result in me staying on the medication I was on for the rest of my life. I was not satisfied with this so I decided not to have surgery and just continue with the medication. After some years, I decided to discontinue the medication and to trust God and depend on Him for healing. He healed me! For the past 9 years God has sustained me without medication. My thyroid is now normal and all the stressful symptoms have gone - all by the power of Jesus’ blood (see photos below). My experience with God is awesome! My greatest satisfaction in life is that I am loved by the Lord Jesus Christ and I have fellowship with Him every day.

God heals, delivers and works miracles. A miracle needs no explanation to those who believe in God and for those who don't, no explanation is enough. Psalms 119:71 says, ‘It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes’. Throughout my life's journey, I have experienced tribulations that have built my faith. Romans 5:3-4 says, ‘...we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope;’ The desire of my heart is to fear God, keep his commandments, stand firm in faith and read God's word that gives peace and comfort.

Joyce Jackson

before healing after healing


CROSSWORD – Love Read 1 Corinthians 13 and 1 John 4 and try this simple crossword. Let one of the

editorial team know when you’ve done it...

Across 3. Not adult behavior (8) 6. Now we see like this (6) 8. One of three that abides (5) 10. Love does this (7) 12. Some may speak like these? (6) 13. Jesus came to be this for our sins (12) 17. One day this will vanish (9) 18. Christ came so we could do this (4) 19. Pointless doing this to the body if no love (6) 20. A trait of love (8) 23. God has given us some of His ……….. (6) 24. One day will see this clearly (4) 25. Another word for love (7) 26. Love rejoices in this (5)

Down 1. This is incompatible with love (4) 2. These will cease one day (7) 4. Love doesn’t rejoice in this (8) 5. Without love sounds like a tinkling …….. (6) 6. If we love, God ….. in us (6) 7. Cannot do this if love God (4) 9. One day these will fail (10) 11. One of the gifts (8) 14. Can’t love if not ……of God (4) 15. Perfect love means we have this on judgement day (8) 16. Love never does this to itself (8) 21. We are like this without love (7) 22. Love …….. long (7)

The first person to solve the June edition Brainteaser was Hyacinth O’Gilvie. A

regular winner – well done Hyacinth!

1 2

3 4


6 7 8


10 11



14 15

16 17



20 21 22

23 24




Singles Ministries

Latest news...

The singles ministry at Croydon CoGoP is now part of a non-denominational Christian Single Support Group which aims to teach Biblical principles concerning, love, dating, relationships and marriage. One of the biggest problems with past singles initiatives is that they run out of steam after a while, usually because they are located in a single Church. Being part of this wider group means we now work with other Christian Single

Support groups, such as the Promise Christian Network and groups in other similar minded Christian Churches. Having a wider network means there are lots of resources we can now access. The resources are there to provide practical help and advice in our search for love and marriage.

Many singles are facing similar challenges, for example, wondering where to look for someone. One of the aims of the singles group is to create opportunities to meet and socialise with fellow singles that we would probably otherwise not meet. We want to keep things exciting! The Single Support Group came to visit one of our Sunday services during the summer to outline their purpose and plans, following this I was nominated as the representative for this local church. The representatives from each Church meet regularly to plan meetings/events.

Coming events… We try to organise social events every 4 to 6 weeks where singles can meet in a relaxed atmosphere and get to know each other. We also host monthly teaching seminars where we address our thinking processes.

As your representative for COGOP Croydon, please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.

Mark Pierre




Editors: Lara Olusola Perrie Rose

Love is submission – what does this mean?

Have you heard the phrase that real strength is exercising self-control? Well

Jesus Christ did an incredible thing in humbling Himself to become human so

that we can have a relationship with God. So to say that love is submission is

about surrendering yourself to the demands of love for the sake of others, as

Jesus did.

The problem is - we humans like to be in control. But true love doesn’t have

room for that. Because of sin, we choose our way over God’s way. We want to

be in charge and we are afraid to submit to God. ‘But perfect love casts out fear’

(1 John 4:18), so when we love God we are not afraid to submit to Him. Love

sets you free from fear. God is love and He has set you free.

1 Corinthians 13 outlines what love is like and how we should be:

Taken from The Message Bible:

‘Love never gives up Love cares more for others than for self Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have Love doesn’t strut Doesn’t have a swelled head Doesn’t force itself on others Isn’t always “me first” Doesn’t fly off the handle Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others Doesn’t revel when others grovel Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth Puts up with anything


Trusts God always Always looks for the best Never looks back But keeps going to the end Love never dies.’

If you look at the characteristics: perseverance, selflessness, gentleness, self-

control, forgiveness, trust; they relate to the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-

23). Let’s pray and ask God to become more like Him. As you grow, you will

find that the things you used to struggle with such as anger have been replaced

with patience and kindness. Our walk with Christ is moment-by-moment and

the love found in Him never ends because love never dies.


Be my centre,

Be the core of my innermost being,

Love come and infiltrate the deepest parts of me,

Love runneth over until I am free,

Christ at the centre,

My first love,

The Holy Trinity,

Teach me,

Guide me,

And alas I will see that Your love is the purest part of me.

Lara Olusola

My experience of youth camp this year is one that I will never forget! To be honest, at first I wasn’t too keen on going but thanks to mum’s constant nagging of ‘Roccher, you should go because it will be a good experience and you’re going to regret it’, I decided to go. As the time got nearer to go, a little voice in the back of my mind started to say, ‘It’s going to be good, amazing things are going to happen’. Then when we got to the place where we were going to stay, I walked through the door and it’s hard to explain but it was like something blew on me. I


stood in that same spot for a minute or two trying to figure out what it was and if I was the only one who felt it.

Anyway, later on we all went to our rooms and met our roommates. I was sharing with three of the loveliest youths who came from different parts of the country. You can just imagine the different accents!!! Every morning we had devotion which I found really helpful in terms of setting the tone for the day. The songs and the words made me ready to face whatever was ahead. We then had various seminars which were really good. Each day, I felt closer to God whereas before I was slipping away and losing touch with Him. It was great to talk about God to other youths and listen to a wide range of experiences and opinions. I’m glad we’ve managed to keep in touch since camp. I thank God for my experiences at youth camp. I’m ready to tell others about God and spread the good news. The fire inside me was slowly dying but now it’s back and stronger than ever!

Roccher Allen

This year was my first year at youth camp and it was an amazing experience! It was so enjoyable but we also learnt a lot from the leaders and even from each other. We could feel the presence of the Lord moving through us; we heard His voice and we listened. For some of us it was hard to let go at first but after a while we allowed ourselves to be set free as we responded to the messages and prayers. For the short time we were there it felt like we became a well meshed family. Hopefully I will be able to go to the next camp and there will be more youths that come along to be touched by God.

Nycole Reid

Our saviour Jesus Christ was the greatest rebel the world has ever known. He healed the sick, cast out demons and taught on the Sabbath day. He hung out with all kinds of low-life, the down-and-outs, quitters and the like. So if you feel that you are righteously rebellious and have not been able to express yourself, please check out a blog written by a fellow Cogop youth dealing with the causes of rebellion, problems with it and solutions. If that’s not your cup of tea it also has music, fashion and short stories (with strong Christian influences). If you are interested please go to: (Blog written by Robyn Samuel District 3 – Bristol)



We met in 1961 while Dorothy was house hunting and happened to come to the house where I was living at the time on Donald Road in Croydon. I made the first move and approached her.


When we started to have our children and build our family unit.



To show love, respect, honesty and obedience to each other. We highly recommend people to honour the marriage vow.


Most definitely love, respect, being open and having ongoing communication with each other. We are both determined to maintain the marriage vow and keep it sacred.


To continue to love, care and support one another. We also hope to travel nationally and internationally.



This is not a trick question. A lot of young women do not love

themselves. Why?

Here are a few reasons for this lie:

Low self esteem

Low self worth

Lack of confidence

Not feeling good enough

Past hurts

Although this is not an exhaustive list, they are all lies from the enemy,

Satan. “Be self controlled and alert; your enemy the devil is like a roaring

lion seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

Love comes in many forms - the love you have for your parents will be

different from the love you have for your friends, which will be different from

the love you have for your siblings, your child(ren) or for your partner.

I want to share with you that I was at a place where I did not love myself.

Although I did not realise that this was the case, it manifested itself in

destructive relationships. I thought I was doing ‘ok’, not realising I was on a

self-destruction course which meant I put up with second and third best

because of my low self esteem. I would get involved with boys who didn’t

treat me well but I thought that was all I was worth. I thought having sex

was love but I want to emphasise to you, IT IS NOT.

Once I found and started a relationship with God, He showed me that I am

worth more than gold, that I am the apple of His eye. Psalm 17:8, ‘Keep me

as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings’. I then

began to love myself. The crux of the matter is that I was heading for

disaster and I was allowing this to happen! Young women, you are worth

so much! You have to believe that! Regardless of what you may have

experienced in the past, God knows your future and that’s what counts.

You see, men and women are very different in the way they think and see

things - I‘m talking about sex in particular. I’m not saying men do not have

feelings and that they cannot fall in love, of course they do. However, we


women are more emotional and generally fall in love more quickly and

easily. When we see a young man we fancy we tend to think ….babies,

holding hands, happy families. And all that is correct, however that is not

generally the first thing on the mind of a man.

Young women – love yourselves! Do not let emotions get the better of you.

Do not mistake sex for love. If you meet a young man let him know you do

not want a sexual relationship. Be friends and get to know one another. If

he cannot wait, he is not the one for you - drop him like a hot potato! A

young man who loves you will wait and will be interested in YOU as a

woman. It may be hard to say ‘no’ at first but stand your ground and assert

yourself; let them know that no means NO. If he wants marriage, pray and

ask God for direction. I guarantee you will be glad you did wait. Remember

your body is God’s temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I encourage you to keep

yourself pure for ‘Mr Right’, your husband. Focus on school, university,

studying, work and building up yourself. Find your purpose and fulfil it.

So respect your body and don’t look for love in the wrong places. Don’t

panic but know that the Bible says, ‘All things work together for good to

those that love the Lord’ (Romans 8:28) and they do. If you are in a

destructive relationship at the moment and in your heart you know it, ask

God to give you the strength to end it. He will and you will be glad you

ended it in the long run.

My ending - I asked God to strengthen me to love myself. He did and now I

am liberated. I am free to say ‘no thanks’ to what is not good for me. You

will be too.

So try reading this article again – the answer to the heading should be a

whopping great YES! God bless you.

Joyce Drummond

Psalms 139:14 “I praise you because I am fearfully and

wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that

full well...”


Healthy You! Sickle Cell

The Sickle Effect Did you know? There is a difference between sickle cell disorder and sickle cell trait? Over 240,000 people in the UK have sickle cell trait and approximately

14,500 people in the UK have sickle cell disorder. In addition, approximately 350 babies are born with sickle cell disorder in the UK every year

Sickle cell disorder is inherited from both parents, and mostly, but not exclusively, affects people from Africa and the Caribbean

A simple blood test will tell whether or not you have sickle cell trait or the disorder

The risk of stroke in children with sickle cell disorder is greatest between the ages of 2 and 16

Sickle cell pain is also known as a crisis.

1. Sickle cell disorder (SCD) What is sickle cell disorder?

Sickle cell is a disorder of the haemoglobin in the red blood cells. Haemoglobin

is the substance in red blood cells that is responsible for the colour of the cell and for carrying oxygen around the body. People with SCD are born with the condition. It is not contagious. It can only be inherited from both parents, each having passed on the gene for sickle cell.

What are the symptoms?

The main symptoms of SCD are anaemia and severe pain. The pain occurs when the cells change shape after oxygen has been released; the red blood cells then stick together causing blockages in the small blood vessels. These painful episodes are referred to as sickle cell crises. They can last a few hours, a couple of days or up to a couple of weeks. SCD sufferers are often admitted to hospital when they have a crisis. They are given strong painkillers such as morphine to control the pain. Over time, people with SCD can experience damage to organs such as the liver, kidney, lungs, heart and spleen. Death can also result from complications of the disorder.


How is it treated?

Current research into cures for SCD has resulted in the use of bone marrow transplant as a possible cure for a limited number of affected individuals. Further treatment called Hydroxyurea, which significantly reduces the number of painful crises, is now used in the UK.

2. Sickle cell trait What is sickle cell trait?

You are born with sickle cell trait. It is inherited when only one of your parents has passed on the sickle gene, and will never develop into SCD. Having the trait means the majority of red cells in the blood are normal round shaped cells. Some sickle shaped cells may be present under certain conditions. Sickle cell trait is found in 1 in 4 West-Africans and 1 in 10 Afro-Caribbean’s and is also

found in people who originate from the Mediterranean, Asia and the Middle East. It is less common in Caucasians. Most people who have sickle cell trait are healthy. However, anaesthetics can cause problems. Always notify your dentist or doctor before treatment commences to be on the safe side.

What are the symptoms?

There are no symptoms from sickle cell trait, so it is a good idea to have a blood test to see if you have it.

Implications for marriage and children

The trait is not an illness, but if you have the trait and are planning to have children, then certain factors have to be considered.

If your partner does not have sickle cell trait, then you cannot have a child with SCD, but you may have a child with the trait (50% chance)

If you and your partner both have the trait, there is a 25% chance that any child conceived may have SCD and 50% chance they will have the trait.

If you have Sickle Cell disorder, it should not define who you are.

Carlotta Olason Msc, RSPH Health Information Office

For further information on Sickle cell disorder, contact:

The Sickle Cell Society 54 Station Road

London Nw10 4UA



Volunteering in UGANDA – feedback from Winsome Aldred

Why did you go to Uganda?

Well it’s a long story but basically God indicated

to me a few years ago that He wanted me to go

to Africa and after some reluctance I submitted

to His will. While listening to the radio, I heard

Mission Direct, a Christian relief charity, asking

for volunteers to go on mission trips. I felt

strangely compelled to go, so I signed up with

Mission Direct for the trip to Uganda to help build Winsome &group of deaf children

a school for disabled children. This school is the first of its kind outside of

Uganda’s capital, Kampala. I went to a place called Rukungiri in Uganda, along

with a team of 5 from the UK.

What did you do over there?

I helped to work on the first classroom of the school. We made ring-beams for

the roof structure – I know some may doubt this

but I have photos to prove it!!! The plan is to

build toilets, dormitories, a kitchen and 5 more

classrooms. I also visited other schools and

projects in the area. All our visits were focused on

helping disabled children, orphans and other

vulnerable people. We also took part in an

evangelistic service where we showed a film

about Jesus and gave our testimonies. Many gave their lives to Jesus during this


What impacted you the most?

One of the main problems in Uganda is HIV/AIDs which has left many children

orphaned. One of the schools we visited catered mostly for orphans. Meeting

those children moved me deeply. Many of them board at the school and when

we visited the dormitories, they had so little! Yet despite their hardships, they had

such warmth, discipline and a real determination to grasp every opportunity to

pursue their education. They received any help given with dignity and gratitude.

They have so little yet are content. I will never forget them!


What have you learned?

God always gives peace and provision to follow and perform His will.

He gave me perfect peace to go – I had absolutely no fear despite

concerns expressed by family and friends. God also opened doors (and

purses/wallets) as He helped me to raise over £3,000 in a very short space

of time. I had all that I needed and more! All I had to do was obey and He

did the rest.

One person can make a difference. Many of the projects were started by

one person having compassion and a vision of what they could do to help. I

felt overwhelmed with the needs at times and felt like the disciples when

they asked, ‘what are these among so many?’ having only 5 loaves and 2

fishes to feed over 5,000. But I remembered that Jesus said we must bring

what we have to Him, however small. He will bless, multiply and distribute.

It is right to do what we can, where we can.

Sometimes sending money is not enough – physical presence and

contact is priceless. The people we met felt that we cared for them because

we took out time to be there.

Generosity does not depend on wealth. Most people we met were

experiencing poverty yet they gave so much out of their little. The people

were so warm, welcoming and so very generous.

Is there anything we can do?

The whole school venture will cost around £35,000 but they can only build as

they get funds. There is also a local charity in Rukungiri called the ‘Rukungiri

Orphan Partnership’ run by a local couple which helps to support local orphans

so they can attend school. If you’re interested in donating to the building project

or helping one of the orphans from Rukungiri, please let me know.


Reflections on love... by Michael Selman

Where does one begin on the subject of love? It is so vast. It can mean so

many things in different circumstances and can trigger an array of emotions,

memories and anticipations when one considers ‘love’. But love, in my view, is

one of the most powerful words that can be expressed - for the acts of love, in

some cases, can be life changing and can represent major landmarks in our

lives. Everyone needs love, no matter how it is understood. It is a necessity of

life in that mankind was created to give and receive it in its various forms.

But what is love?

Well on a horizontal plane, that is to each other, it represents a passionate

desire, longing and feeling for someone; intense emotion and affection with

warmth and fondness. One would agree, with these simple definitions. There is

no evidence of ill will towards the recipients of love as love can only be known by

the actions it prompts such as: selflessness, giving, caring, sacrificing and

protecting. Love forms the basis for any lasting relationship and acts as the

ultimate expression on non platonic levels. Yet love is always tested and many

are found wanting if the foundations are not right.

On the horizontal plane, God has planned that we have meaningful relationships

secured in love and based on His love for us. Love represents the essential

nature of God. The ultimate expression of His Agape love, or unconditional love,

is in the gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, to the world. This can be described as love

on the vertical plane in which God has perfectly expressed His love for us and

represents His benevolent attitude towards man.

That God is LOVE (1 John 4:8) is an amazing fact which tells the

world how God feels towards us, yet it is doubted so often. God is

Love and He desires for us to express love to our neighbours

without reserve.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love; but the greatest of these

is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)

May you experience His love this Christmas and always...

God Bless


Building Refurbishment update The building project continues to make

very good progress. In one week, we

raised £43,000 through loans and gifts

which means we can complete most of

the work and return to the building before

Christmas. I want to say a very big thank

you to all those who have given finances

to help at this time. God has opened a

door for us and we need to recognise and praise Him for that.

In terms of the work, the whole back

extension, upstairs and downstairs, has

been plastered and we have tiled the

toilets and kitchen. We hope to get the

painters to start work in the next week or

so. The heating systems have been fitted.

We just need to fit the radiators in the main

hall. The ceilings in the main hall have

been plastered and Ricky is now building the front porch. We still have a

few hurdles to overcome with the Planning Authority, which is holding us up,

so please continue to pray about that.

I have written and spoken to Woodside Green Christian Centre (WGCC)

and they will allow some flexibility in terms of extending our use of their

building. On 23rd

December they have a carol service planned so if we have

not returned to our building by then we will need to either shorten our

service or find another venue. I am quite confident that won't be necessary.

We need to appreciate the support WGCC has given to us which is a

wonderful expression of God's love. I think that we can soon start to plan

our Christmas programme and look forward to a fresh start in the New Year.

Pastor Paul Rochester


CD REVIEW by Andreca Simpson

‘We All Are One’ (Live in Detroit) by Pastor Donnie McClurkin

I received this album as a gift and I bless the Lord! It came

just in time. It replaced the spirit of heaviness with the

garment of praise through the delightful tones of Pastor

Donnie and the beautifully added vocals of some of my

favourites, CeCe Winans, Karen Clark Sheard, Yolanda

Adams and Mary Mary. This album not only leads me into a

time of praise and worship, but it also gets me dancing (as

usual), singing and jumping to every song. It is Spirit filled and reminds me of

how much God loves me and that no matter what I’m going through there is

nothing too hard for the Lord. Check out song 5 ‘Wait on the Lord’ and song12

simply entitled ‘Purple’.

Personally, I feel that because this album was recorded live Pastor Donnie was

more able to minister these songs in the Spirit. It is encouraging, uplifting and

inspiring; he even had time to add a little fun not only singing in another

language but also playing with the vocal harmonies: go to song 4 if you are a

soprano, alto or tenor and have fun!

Each song has its own message, and keeps you listening from start to finish.

Faith, hope and love are definitely present on this album. Paul says in 1

Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love; but the

greatest of these is love”. This is highlighted in song 13 entitled, ‘When You


I would definitely recommend this album for everyone; an excellent Christmas


Andreca Simpson


Test your knowledge with this Christmas Bible Quiz... some questions are easier than others

1) What baby was born to a relative of Mary's, about six months

before the birth of Jesus?


2) What Old Testament prophet predicted the miraculous virgin birth of Christ?

3) Which two of the four Gospels make no mention of the birth of Christ?

4) Which Christmas carol has been voted the most popular one of all?

5) Joseph and Mary lived in the town of Nazareth, far to the north of Bethlehem. What

was it that brought them to Bethlehem, just before Christ was born?

6) What carol contains the line, "Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing"?

7) As well as being a gift from the wise men, at what other time was "myrrh" associated

with Christ?

8) Herod sent the wise men in search of the Baby. He told them to let him know where

to find Him, so he could worship Him too (Matt. 2:8). But what was his real reason for

wanting to know where Jesus was.














One item is out of place. Can you spot it?







The ‘Croydon Arise’ editorial team: Winsome Aldred Angi Barnaby-Ewers Audrey Harrison

(Editor) (Assistant Editor) (Assistant Editor)

The first person to complete both puzzles correctly will receive a prize of £5!

You can read an electronic copy of this publication on our website:

You will find it under the

‘Resources’ tab.


Church Diary


December A Christmas Celebration @ Churchdown Community Centre,

Gloucester, GL3 2JH


December Christmas Service 10am-12pm

31st December Watchnight Service 10.30pm

25th January Singles seminar, LCF, Lynwood Rd, Tooting

16th February Singles Games night (venue to be confirmed)

1st - 3

rd March Croydon's Crusade


- 24th March The Men's Room National Summit, Staverton Park, Daventry

Regular meetings:

Sunday service 2:45pm – 4:45pm (this time applies during church


Fasting and prayer Saturday 7:00 – 9:00am (venue to be confirmed weekly)

Alternate Wed 10:00am (venue to be confirmed weekly)

Exercise and fitness Wed 7:00 – 8:00pm at St Luke’s Hall, Spring Lane

Please contact the editorial team for further details