Coffee with Cait Mcmahon

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Transcript of Coffee with Cait Mcmahon

Celebrate Living History 1

FEB 11 2015


So it is round three of the challenge to have coffee with

experts on social networking site Linked In.

This time we met Cait McMahon who is manager of trauma

and resilience programs at the Australian Broadcasting


I decided to invite one of my journalism interns Melissa Haber

from Swinburne University to meet Cait and learn how to

interview war veterans from an expert.

Words cannot describe how exciting it was to score an insight

into the world of journalism at the ABC.

We were so lucky, that Cait decided to give us a tour of the

ABC and we got to see a newsroom in action.

It is funny the studio looks so big on television but in person it

is a small space, kind of resembling the studios, which the

students use at university.

I loved that we got to see where the reporters worked and

even the cameramen having morning tea before their next job!

Celebrate Living History 2

Soon we were headed to the canteen where we ordered our

coffees and found a comfy spot to chat.

I started to explain the student internship program, which I

created three years ago to document stories of seniors.

Then I chatted about the war veteran’s project, which involves

journalism students around Australia documenting stories of

veterans from the past, present and future.

Cait stopped me and asked, “How are you funding this

project?” I replied I’m the main funder; this is something that

I’m really passionate about, because I get to use my university

degree and most of all mentor journalism students.

Then Cait mentioned one of her friends who may be able to

help with potential funding or even advice on interviewing

military personnel.

Anyways Cait started chatting about the DART CENTRE FOR

JOURNALISM AND TRAUMA and mentioned some great

resources such as the News Media and Trauma video, which

showcases a wide range of Australian journalists recounting

experiences and lessons learned while covering traumatic


It is such a great video that covers real life experiences of

journalists in the field and how they coped with situations such

Celebrate Living History 3

as horrible car accidents. Some of the journalists had no idea

how to deal with the trauma and instead of talking about their

experiences drowned their fears at the local pub.

We got chatting about creating a comfortable space for the

veteran to be interviewed in. Cait told us to make a plan, make

sure the interview is set up to ensure the veteran feels in

control, it is the simple things that matter such as making them

a cup of tea and explaining in detail what the interview will

involve. Even asking the veteran where they would like to sit

develops a form of trust.

Sometimes the best thing to do is set an interview up for

success ask if there are no go zones and any concerns about

what will happen during the meeting.

One of the fears from students is what to do if the veteran

starts crying or becomes angry during the interview, which is

very relevant as some of the memories being brought up may

be quite distressing.

Cait’s advice is to simply ask if the veteran would like to stop,

some veterans may find it a relief to cry and let it all out.

If it gets too distressing, Cait says to ask if the veteran would

like to call someone to help.

Celebrate Living History 4

Sometimes being angry can open doors, if you ask simple

questions such as “I can see that your angry, I’m sorry for

your anger, would you like to tell me about that?”

Make sure you keep in your role and acknowledge that we are

all human with feelings and emotions.

In regards to what happens after an interview, Cait says to

always fact check before you publish. It sounds obvious but if

you publish an article with the wrong information, it may cause

offence to the veteran you interviewed. Journalist Sharon

Mascall-Dare has created a great Anzac Day Media Style

Guide as part of her PHD, which covers interviewing veterans

in detail, this guide may come in handy if you are concerned

about military lingo and history.

Some of the ethical issues may be if the veteran zones out

and starts talking about something they may wish not to be

published. Even though they have agreed to an interview, they

may not realise that this information will be shared on a large


Sometimes it is best to send a copy to the veteran so that

facts can be checked and if there is something in there that

they wish not to share with the public, then they have the

ability to say so. Even better is if you can meet up over coffee

and discuss the article.

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Cait mentioned Story Corps, which is an American project that

aims to inspire people to record their story in sounds. Story

Corps is such a great initiative and the website has some

fantastic questions that can lead to amazing content.

All and all it was amazing to meet Cait and learn of the great

work she does at the DART centre, I can’t wait to pass on

these important tips to students involved in Celebrate Living

History internship program that’s for sure!

Cait McMahon, Melissa Haber and Bev Wilkinson at the ABC canteen