CodeWeekEU 2016 - Guidelines for Librarians

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Transcript of CodeWeekEU 2016 - Guidelines for Librarians


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8 simple steps to engage your library usersin EU Code Week

Toolkit for Librarians


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What’s in it for your library?1. Be ahead of the curve – coding is rapidly

becoming part of the basic skills set necessary for the EU job market

2. Respond to demand - in every community there are people that want to learn coding and other digital making

1. Advocate for libraries – help to put libraries in the spotlight as major digital skills providers in EU communities

2. Be part of a Europe-wide coding movement – pin your library on the European coding map and make your library’s activities visible to wider audiences


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Is coding for everyone?What is coding?

Coding is like a recipe: a set of instructions that your computer understands. Coding is what creates computer programmes, applications, websites, games and more. See why the creators of Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter and others

think that coding is a language we all need to understand.

• Even little kids can play coding games – it is fun, simple and logical, and provide them with basic principles of coding to develop in the future

• You don’t need a computer to learn to code – there are plenty of coding activities on and offline that can adapt to your infrastructure, audience and resources

• Anyone can lead a coding activity– you do not need to be a tech expert to lead a coding class – simple games and tutorials can be managed by volunteers


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1Take the initiative and organise a Code Week event in your library

3 Set a date

4Choose the theme and the activity

2Choose the right place

5Add your event to the map of Europe Code Week events

6Manage your event

7Fill in the feedback form and get your certificate of recognition

Competition time! Share your event with Public Libraries 2020 and win!8


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1Take the initiative Organise a Code Week event in your library

It is up to you to organise a Code Week event! Pools of resources to choose from can be found @Europe Code Week!

You can tailor the event to your needs and to your target group, exploiting the many examples and resources available online.

For instance, you can organise a hands-on coding experience, invite an expert to show how they use code in their work, invite students or kids who know programming to teach you and others, do a tutorial, watch a video, or plan the coding activities for the rest of the year.

Code Week is entirely made by people like you!The success of your event depends only on your motivation and engagement.


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2Choose the right place

If you have a computer room, use it, but you can also go without it. People can bring their own laptops or you can code off-line! You and your library are the only essential elements for making a Code Week event. The room is not.

It is possible to organise coding events without an internet connection and even without a computer. So feel free to choose the venue which is more comfortable and accessible to your users.

Coding can be done even outside with paper and pencil, or chalk.


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3 Set up a date

Schedule your event soon!

Try to choose a date between 15 and 23 of October – which is the official Code Week - but if it’s not possible, feel free to choose another day…

Schedule your event at a time that is good for the participants.

If you want to involve young people – organise your event after school hours or during the weekend. If you want to involve parents – you may want to schedule your event in the evening or during the weekend. If you want to involve people who don't work and elderly – you probably have more options during daytime.


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Choose the theme and the activityYou can invent your own method, but you don’t need to be original. There are great formats and resources that you can re-use. Your Code Week event could even become a regular coding club!

If you have never organised a coding activity, this page is for you. You don’t need to be an expert. If coding is new for you, your curiosity will motivate and engage your users and you will discover with them how fun it could be.•Do you have an internet connection?Start from playful and intuitive online resources which provide simple video tutorials: Hour of code, Scratch, ScratchJr• Do you have computers without internet?There are very good off-line tools: Scratch offline•If you have no computer…Invite someone to share his/her experience or just use paper: Cody-Roby

The Code Week website ( has loads of resources in different languages that you can explore.



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Add your event to the Europe Code Week mapBe proud of your event and add it to the Europe Code Week map together with thousands of other events taking place worldwide. 1.Go to 2.Click ADD (

1.Sign in with your account… (next slide for step 4)



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6 4.Fill in the form with information about your event and submit.

IMPORTANT: libraries have been given a special hashtag that should be included along with the details of your event in the description box #LibrariesCodeEU



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6Manage your event

If you have previous experience with coding events you probably don’t need any advice.

If you have no coding experience you can work with your participants and partners to learn with them and from them.

What really matters for the success of a Code Week event are engagement, curiosity, and fun.

Don’t forget to count the number of participants and - if authorised - take pictures and videos to be used for storytelling.


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7Fill in the feedback form and receive your certificate of recognition

Right after Code Week you will get an automated message in your mail box.

The message will provide a link to a feedback form where you can report the number of participants at your event.

Upon submission of the feedback form, an official certificate of recognition will be generated for you.

Print it out and share the satisfaction of having contributed to Europe Code Week 2016!


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Take part in Public Libraries 2020 competition


Public Libraries 2020 is a project initiative that advocates for public libraries at EU level. They want to see how great your Code Week EU event was! Send a picture or a short video along with a few lines of description that captures what your library did during Code Week EU. Do this by:

•Sharing on Facebook and tagging @pl2020 or posting straight to our page•Sharing on Twitter and mentioning @LibrariesEU •Send us an email to and we will share on our social media

The most creative entries will win a Makey-Makey kit delivered to your library by your country’s Code Week ambassador or a Member of the European


Full details of the competition can be found on the PL2020 website.



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Main web site

Events map




Public Libraries 2020

Twitter: @CodeWeekEU #CodeEU

Facebook: codeEU


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1Take the initiative and organize a Code Week event in your libraryIt is up to you and this is the best contribution you can provide to Europe Code Week.The success of the event depends only on your motivation and engagement.

3Pick a date and schedule the eventTry to pick up a date between 15 and 23 of October. If possible, organize the event after school hours to include young people.

4Choose the theme and the activity Feel free to invent your own method, but you don’t need to be original. There are many great resources that you can re-use. You don’t need to be an expert. If coding is new for you, your curiosity will motivate your pupils.

2Choose the right placeIf you have a computer room available use it, but if you feel that it’is complicated, go without it. What really matters are people, not rooms!

5Add your event to the map of Code WeekName your event and add it to the map of Code Week events.Raise curiosity and expectation.

6Manage your eventIf you have no coding experience take the part of your users and learn with and from them.Don’t forget to count the number of participants and, if authorized, take pictures and videos to be used for storytelling.

7Fill in the feedback form and get your certificate of recognitionRight after Code Week you will be asked to report on the number of participants.A certificate of recognition will be automatically generated for you.

Guidelines for librarians

Competition time! Share your event with Public Libraries 2020 and win!8