Codes and conventons of social realism

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Codes and conventons of social realism

Codes and Conventions of British social realism. By Lucy Harper

To make a social realism film these are the codes and conventions i will need to make sure i include when making my British social realism film.

The actors i use cannot be professional. This is because if i used actors that are well know then it would make the film seem less realistic, however if i used unknown actors this would create a better sense of realism to the audience as the audience would more likely see them as actors rather than real people, not just this but British social realism films will have a small budget and will not be able to afford big A-List star actors.

Non-Professional Actors

example of non- professional actor.

Location shooting

British social realism films can not afford to use big studios like hollywood films, they will use real life locations such as streets, city's, parks and council estates, when filming. Using these locations will create a real life effect, so will make the film more true and real to the viewers.

This is an example of a British realism location shot from ‘This is england.’ This location shot is a small street in lenton that i am familiar with, therefore making this scene look real to audience.

Wide Shots Wide/ Long shots are typically shows the entire object or human figure and is usually intended to place it in some relation to its surrounding. During British social realism films wide shots can effectively be used, as it helps the audience have a better understanding of what is going on. They will use a range of camera shot however wide shots are important in British social.

This is an example of a wide shot used in ‘This is england.’

Self improvised script.

Sometimes, in social realism films self improvised scripts can be used , this can create a high degree of . They also deal with everyday real life situations, such as crimes unemployment and poverty.