Codes and conventions of a magazine

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Codes and conventions of a magazine

Codes and Conventions of a Music Magazine

One main image of artist – biggest image on the page and tend to have their eyes to the audience to draw in their attention, text is never usually found on the main image or the artists face in order for the picture to stand out

Barcode – usually low down, either horizontal or vertical and usually on the bottom right hand corner of the magazine

Masthead – it goes left to right, either all the way across or left aligned Magazine title – quite large and usually at the top left corner, but can be partially

covered by text, if it is a well known magazine, also the title is bold Price, date, issue number and website – tend to be located below the barcode, or

the website can be located under the magazines name Colour scheme – usually consists of 3 or 4 main colours and no more, they also are

never clashing colours and are very simple Sublines and cover lines – they are usually ambiguous and on the left and right sides

of the magazine, also the subsidiary images are there so if people don’t want to read about the main story they are attracted to others and link to the stories inside

Positioning statement – either above or below the magazine title and tend to brag about the magazine

Title font – it is usually plain, bold and unique to the other writing on the page, in order to create brand identity

Buzzwords – these are words designed to attract the readers attention, such as “free, new, extra”

Puffs – they are shapes that are used to highlight something interesting on the page Shot types – main images have different shot types, usually if it is a band it is a

medium long shot, therefore the whole band can fit in

Main image of Beyoncé, a popular artist.She is using direct address to entice the audience, there is also no text directly on her face, therefore the picture stands out.

Barcode – has the date, price and website of the magazine and is at a low corner of the magazine

The masthead on this magazine only has the magazines title, as the magazine is well known enough not to have to promote itself, it also goes all the way across the magazine

Title – it is large and takes up the majority of the masthead space, therefore it stands out and allows it to be well known

Colour scheme – 2 main colours on this magazine, mainly white and her hair colour, they don’t clash and they are simple dominant colours

Sublines and cover lines – give an insight about what is going on inside the magazine, however this is just about the main artist as it is a special edition for her, however she is very popular so will sell

Main cover line – tends to be the name of the artist, so that it catches the audience’s eyes and want to buy the magazine

MastheadThe masthead is at the

top of the magazine and usually either goes left to right or is left aligned, it contains everything such

as the title and positioning statement.

The masthead contains the title of the magazine

which can be partially covered, if the magazine is well known. The titles font would be bold, plain

and unique to create brand identity.

Main ImageThe main image is usually an image of the main artist the magazine is covering. The

picture of the artist will usually use direct address so that it

draws the audiences attention to the magazine. Also, usually

there is not any text on the face, so that the artist is seen, so that the magazine can sell.

Moreover, shot types are important, if it is a group for

example it usually is a medium long shot, so the whole group


Medium long shot of

a band.

Sub lines and cover lines

These are used so that if the audience is not a fan of the main artist they can read about another they may like. However, they tend to be ambiguous so that the reader is forced to want to buy the magazine

to read about it. The sub line tends to give information about the cover line, but not enough so the reader instantly knows what the

article is about, in order to sell.

Barcode, issue, date, price and website

The barcode of the magazine is usually low down, either horizontal or vertical and is usually at the bottom right hand corner of the magazine. Also, usually near or on the barcode is the issue number, date, price and

sometimes the website of the magazine.

PuffsThese are shapes on a magazine

used to highlight something interesting or important in the


Name of artist

The name of the artist is usually the main cover line, this enables people to see it instantly on the page and if they are a fan they will then buy the magazine, as their favourite artist features largely in the magazine.

Colour SchemeThe colour scheme usually consists of 3 to 4 main colours, this is so that the magazine stays simplistic and so that the colours do not clash.

Red, light blue, black and white.

Red, light blue, black and white.

Red, white and black. Pink, white and yellow.

Main Cover line & sub line

The main cover line and sub line are the biggest on the page, as it is the feature article and must entice the audience to want to read on. Therefore, they will usually have the artists name in large, bold font, with a quirky description of them and or have a quote from their article alongside this, such as Beyonce’s article quoting “No one can define me”, this is uplifting and makes the reader want to look inside for why she is saying this or such as Lana Del Rey’s article quoting she is “The Saddest, Baddest Diva in Rock”, this is not necessarily true to some, however it is catchy and again captures the audience.

PugThese are used to catch the readers eye, it is placed in the top left or right hand

corner. They usually state what interesting things can be found in the

magazine, in order to give insight to the reader and sell the magazine.

Subsidiary images

These are small images featured around the

magazine. These are used as if you do not like the main artist, then there may be a

featured article about another one you like. They

are used to entice the reader by giving them an insight on

the rest of the magazine.

Strap lineThis is a subsidiary heading or caption in a magazine.