Codes and conventions of a double page spread

Post on 07-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Codes and conventions of a double page spread

Codes and Conventions of a Double Page Spread

By Niamh Doherty

On masthead the title of the article has its own unique font from everything else from the page, also it includes a coloured background and is spelt with capital letters which all can make the writing stand out even more. In addition to this, this can catch the reader eye in which can make the reader take interest in the article. On the other hand, he masthead can reinforce what the band is about and what they do. Therefore, for this article the title is ‘TEEN SPIRIT’ in which can have an effect on the reader if they are a teen themselves.

The main image on this double page spread takes up the whole page and is used as representation of the band. Moreover, some of the band members in the image use direct address, which is used as it I welcoming and creates a bond between the magazine and the reader.

Interestingly, the double page spread includes a drop quote which appears half on the main image and the other half on the article. In addition to this, the quote is write in capitals and is a different coloured writing to all of the other fonts on the page which can make the quote stand out more. Although, another thing that makes the quote stand out is that it is bordered which makes it more visible and is one of the first things that the reader will look at before reading the article. Furthermore, the drop quote also includes the persons name who said the quote which is effective because it informs the reader that the source is valid and truthful.

Furthermore, the double page spread also includes a drop cap which is an effective way of grabbing the readers attention because they add personality and visual strength to the page. Initially, the Drop cap is also a different colour to the text so that is stands out to the reader exactly where the article starts.

On the other hand, the double page spread also includes a colour scheme. A colour scheme is used to make everything not look scruffy and so that it looks clear and will not confuse the reader. In this magazine the colour scheme consists of three colours – red, black and white. In addition to this, the colours best reflect the genre of the band in which the article is about, which in this case would be rock.

Moreover, on this double page spread it includes an introduction to the article under the title/masthead and above the article itself. This is used to persuade the reader to read on with the article. Interestingly, the introduction has changed the colour of the bands name; they have used this to illustrate who the article is about. Also in the introduction, they have used full capital letters make is stand out and be more clear to the audience.