Codes and convenntions of music video

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Codes and convenntions of music video

Music videoCodes and


What are codes and conventions?

OCodes are a system of signs which create meaning.

OConventions are the habits or long accepted ways of doing things through repeated experiences, audiences become familiar with these.

Purpose of codes and conventions

O It allows the audience to become familiar with a certain genre as they become familiar to see certain things within a music video.

O It ensures that a certain text works well and fits into genre.

O It provides a structure that the audience can understand.

O To ensure the lyrics of the song fit in with the video of how the audience expect it to be.

TypesO Technical.O The way the equipment and technology are used

to construct meaning.O Camera angles and shots

O EditingO Sound

O SymbolicO Meaning created beyond what is obvious to see.

O Mise—en-sceneO Lighting

O Costumes

Camera shots and angles

O The way the camera is used when filming for a music video is crucial.

O It can create different effects by the different angles used and the camera movement.

O Every music video uses a variety of camera shots , angles and movements.

Camera shots and anglesO Crane shots

Often used in performance based videos to show the character on stage or from above. This is because the crane allows the camera to hover above/around the stage/artist this allows a variety of different angled shots to take place.O Pans/tiltsThese are often used to move between characters or members of the band .It is also used to show the location.

O Close upsThese are shots that are used to focus on one area of a person or location often a person’s face or a window. These often focus on the performer while they are singing or showing emotion. In narrative they are often used to show emotion and expression.O Tracking shotsThese shots are mainly used in narrative elements to follow a characters movements across a location.

O High angle shotsThis is done by placing the camera above the artist looking down on the object. Often used to create a feeling of weakness.O Low angle shotsWhen the camera is placed below the artist looking up at them making a feeling of strength.

EditingO The editing process in music videos

takes a lot of time and is a crucial part of music videos. The lip synching definitely needs to be edited so that the musicians look as though they are actually singing the song at the exact same time as the music playing.

Common editing techniquesO Jump cutO Footage which is used to match what is said

in the lyrics of the music .O Split screensO CGI effects to show impossible outcomes

such a super hero moves and flying.

SoundO It is very essential as it can add extra effects to

the vocals and instruments through post production.

O In some music videos the sound can be faded or paused for an artistic effect.

O Diegetic sounds can be used either in the beginning or the end of the video like traffic or people talking which can help the authenticity of the music video.

Mise-en-sceneO This is an important feature in pre-

production that sets the screen for the genre of music and the performer.

O It includesO Props

O LocationO Costumes

O Hair and MakeupO Lighting

PropsO Props enhance the viewing

experience by making the music video seem more eccentric or small things that are needed to complete a set to a believable standard.


O The location and scene of a music video cannot only show the audience where the artist is but can also decide about the genre.


O The costume is usually used to represent certain characters in different ways.

O Different artists also wear different clothes to represent what they are portraying in the music video.

Hair and makeupO The way an artist hair is done for a purpose it shows the

characters personality or to attract the audience.O It is important that the appearance of the actor/artist is of

good quality as they will be viewed by the audience.O Hair and makeup can be used in many different ways for

many different reasons.O For example bold and bright makeup with big hair can be

used o show a person is fun loving and glamorous making the artist stand out.

Lighting O Lighting creates different views by the way the scene is lit.O It allows the audience to recognize the genre and style of the

music video.O A bright light draws the viewers attention.O Sometimes natural and artificial lights are also used in the

music video.

Mise-en-scene of different genres

O JAZZ O Hip hopO R&BO PopO Rock

Jazz music videosO Contains bright lights and are often

performance based on huge stages.O Costumes include suits for men and

sophisticated dresses for women as well as classy hairstyles and bright makeup.

O The overall view of these videos is to portray sophistication and elegance.

Hip hop music videoO Use quite dark colors , simple

settings and portrayals of women to show their sexuality which appeals to males

O The majority of hip hop music artists are males.

R&b music videos.O Similar to hip hop videos as they

contain simple settings and many show women dressed in revealing clothes.

O These videos have an element to portray wealth and power through the use of cars and jewellery due to the costume and setting.

Pop music videosO Feature the use of bright colors ,

flashing lights ,creative settings and backdrops.

O Appeals mainly to the younger audience as many pop artists are young and express themselves through the lyrics of pop music as well as their costumes that make the musicians look innocent and the audience can relate themselves with the musicians.

Rock music videoO Have dark colors throughout and use

simple settings.O Many videos contain the use of music

equipment such as drums and guitars.O There is a lot of emotion in the videos

through the characters and musicians facial expressions and normally they do not portray happiness as they relate the lyrics and meaning of the song to the story line and emotions.

The End