COCKTAIL DE REMISE DES PRIX COOP - Concordia University · 2018-09-06 · INSTITUTE FOR...

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Transcript of COCKTAIL DE REMISE DES PRIX COOP - Concordia University · 2018-09-06 · INSTITUTE FOR...



Thursday, May 21, 2015 . 5:30 p.m.

LB Atrium, SGW Campus



Jeudi 21 mai 2015 . 17 h 30

Pavillon bibliothèque, campus SGW

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17 h 30

Arrival of guests - start of the cocktail . L'arrivée des invités - Début du

cocktail dînatoire

18 h 15

Opening Remarks . Allocution d’ouverture


Co-op Awards and Certificates of Recognition . Prix et certificats

de reconnaissance coop

Honorary Faculty Speaker . Conférencier d’honneur – corps professoral


Honouring Designer of Award Sculptures . Omage au concepteur

des trophées

Employer Recognition Awards . Prix décernés aux Employeurs

Honorary Employer Speaker . Conférencier d’honneur – employeurs


Student’s Choice Awards . Choix des étudiants

Honorary Student Speaker . Conférencier d’honneur – étudiant


Employer’s Choice Awards . Choix de l’employeur

ALEXANDRE QUINTAL CO-OP STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD In recognition of his academic achievements, outstanding performance during his

Co-op work terms, and remarkable contributions to Co-operative Education, Jason Azzoparde

is the 2015 recipient of the Alexandre Quintal Co-op Student of the Year Award.

As an enthusiastic advocate of the Co-operative education model, Mr. Azzoparde has

promoted Concordia University and our Co-op Institute at interviews, through photo

advertising and on the University’s website. The list of awards and recognitions he has received

over the years is very impressive. Having passed 5 actuarial exams, he will soon obtain the ASA

(Associate of the Society of Actuaries) designation, a rare accomplishment for students at his

level. Additionally, while maintaining full-time academic status as a Co-op student, he played

quarterback on the University’s Stingers Varsity Football Team. He also actively volunteers his

time to share his varied experiences and advice with junior students as well as tutoring and

assisting peers on a regular basis. His commitment to hard work, academic excellence and

community involvement makes him a well-rounded and exceptional individual.

Mr. Azzoparde was also a recipient of ACDEC’s Gilles Joncas Award 2014.

PRIX ALEXANDRE-QUINTAL DE L’ÉTUDIANT COOP DE L’ANNÉE En reconnaissance de ses excellents résultats universitaires, de son rendement exceptionnel

dans le cadre de son stage coop et de sa contribution à l’Institut d’enseignement coopératif,

Jason Azzoparde reçoit le prix Alexandre-Quintal de l’étudiant coop de l’année 2015.

Ardent défenseur du modèle d’enseignement coopératif, M. Azzoparde a fait la

promotion de l’Université Concordia et de l’institut coop dans des entrevues et des photos

publicitaires, ainsi que sur le site Web de l’Université. La liste des distinctions et des marques

de reconnaissance qu’il a reçues au fil des ans est impressionnante. Ayant déjà réussi cinq

examens d’actuariat, il obtiendra sous peu le titre d’associé de la Société des actuaires (ASA),

chose remarquable pour un étudiant du 1er cycle. Par ailleurs, tout en maintenant son statut

d’étudiant coop à temps plein, il a occupé le poste de quart-arrière au sein de l’équipe de

football universitaire des Stingers. Bénévole enthousiaste, M. Azzoparde donne de son temps

à titre de conseiller auprès d’élèves plus jeunes et leur fait connaître ses expériences variées.

Il agit en outre comme tuteur auprès de ses pairs et leur vient en aide régulièrement. Son

dévouement au travail n’a d’égal que son engagement envers l’excellence universitaire et la

communauté. Nul doute, c’est une personne remarquable, aux multiples talents.

Enfin, M. Azzoparde est aussi titulaire de la bourse Gilles Joncas 2014, décernée

par l’ACDEC.


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Au nom de l’équipe de l’Institut d’enseignement coopératif de l’Université Concordia, je

vous souhaite la bienvenue à l’édition 2015 de la soirée de remise des prix coop. Le temps

est enfin venu de prendre une pause et de réfléchir aux nombreuses réussites de nos

stagiaires ainsi que la contributions de nos employeurs des douze derniers mois.

Cette année, nous sommes ravis de pouvoir remettre près de 9 000 $ en bourses à

nos étudiants. Nous tenons à exprimer toute notre gratitude aux employeurs pour

leur générosité.

Par ailleurs, nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer que 2015 marque le 35e anniversaire

du programme coop de Concordia! Nous sommes bien placés pour continuer de promouvoir

notre offre et multiplier les avantages déjà nombreux dont bénéficient les employeurs et les

étudiants coop.

En outre, cette soirée nous permet de témoigner toute notre reconnaissance aux

employeurs de renom avec qui nous travaillons, qui sont issus d’une grande diversité de

secteurs. Nous leur savons gré de leur apport et de leur soutien.

Nous sommes très fiers de notre équipe coop, qui consacre tout son temps et son

professionnalisme au profit des stagiaires et des employeurs. Enfin, merci à nos directeurs

pédagogiques, membres de la haute direction et partenaires communautaires : c’est grâce à

leur contribution que nous nous démarquons.

Nous espérons que vous profiterez pleinement de la soirée. Célébrons ensemble une

année remarquable, jalonnée d’expériences coop positives!

GERRY HUGHESDirecteur, Institut d’enseignement coopératif

On behalf of Concordia University’s Institute for Co-operative Education team, I would like

to extend a very warm welcome to our 2015 Co-op Awards of Recognition Event. This is

our opportunity to pause and reflect on our many student and employer contributions over

this past year.

This year, we are thrilled to be able to distribute close to $9000 in financial awards to

our students. To our employer sponsors, we extend a special word of gratitude for your

generous financial support.

We are honoured to mention that in 2015 our Concordia Co-op program will be

celebrating our 35th year of operations. We are strategically placed to continue to promote

our Co-op program and expand for the many benefits our Co-op students and

employers enjoy.

This evening allows us to express our sincere appreciation to our valued employer

partners, who represent a diversified variety of organizations whose valuable support and

contributions are greatly appreciated.

We are very proud of our co-op team who through their dedication and professionalism

continue to provide many benefits for our Co-op students and employers. We are also

fortunate to work with Academic Directors, Concordia Executive management and other

Concordia community Co-op partners whose support and contributions are making a


We hope you will enjoy yourselves this evening and celebrate with us a remarkable year

of positive co-op experiences.

GERRY HUGHESDirector, Institute for Co-operative Education


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JEFFREY SACKSNER, B. ENG, MBA Senior Manager, Operations Strategy and Strategic Sourcing

Pratt and Whitney Canada, a United Technologies Company

Jeffrey Sacksner is a Senior Manager with Pratt and Whitney

Canada (P&WC), located at their head office in Longueuil,

Quebec. Jeff and his organization are responsible for developing

and executing Operations and Supply Chain strategies that help

grow P&WC’s global leadership position and drive value-chain

competitive advantages. Prior to the above, Jeff led the Strategic

Sourcing and Supply management of P&WC’s largest new engine program.

Jeff has over 20 years of professional experience in both aerospace and telecom

industries, having held senior management and leadership positions at multinational

corporations including Lockheed Martin and Nortel Networks.

In addition to his full-time position at P&WC, Jeff is a part-time lecturer of Strategic

Management, International Business and Entrepreneurship at the John Molson School of

Business, Concordia University. He was a recipient of the Distinguished Teaching Award and

has been featured in multiple Concordia University articles.

JEFFREY SACKSNER, B. ING., M.B.A. Directeur principal, Stratégie opérationnelle et approvisionnement stratégique

Pratt & Whitney Canada, une société de United Technologies

Jeffrey Sacksner est directeur principal chez Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC), dont le

siège social est situé à Longueuil, au Québec. M. Sacksner et son équipe sont responsables

de l’élaboration et de l’exécution de stratégies de gestion des opérations et de la chaîne

d’approvisionnement. Ces stratégies contribuent à consolider la position de leader de

P&WC à l’échelle mondiale et procurent à l’entreprise un avantage concurrentiel tout le

long de la chaîne de valeur. Auparavant, M. Sacksner était chargé de l’approvisionnement

stratégique et de la gestion de la chaîne logistique dans le cadre du plus important

programme de nouveau moteur de P&WC.

Fort de plus de 20 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans les domaines de l’aéronautique

et de l’industrie des télécommunications, M. Sacksner a occupé divers postes de haut

dirigeant et de cadre supérieur au sein de multinationales, dont Lockheed Martin et

Nortel Networks.

Outre ses responsabilités à temps plein chez P&WC, M. Sacksner est chargé

d’enseignement en gestion stratégique, en commerce international et en entrepreneuriat

à l’École de gestion John Molson de l’Université Concordia. Titulaire du Prix de distinction

en enseignement, il a fait l’objet de nombreux articles publiés par l’établissement.


JASON AZZOPARDEJason Azzoparde is studying for the Bachelor of Science,

Specialization Actuarial Mathematics/Finance at Concordia

University. He started his first work term with Intact Insurance and

then completed his work term at Towers Watson in Montreal.

A natural leader, Jason Azzoparde is certainly one of a kind.

His résumé expresses his commitment to hard work, academic

excellence and community involvement. He is always available to

help others, share his experiences and provide helpful hints. His

commitment to excellence is at every level of his life. The list of

awards and recognitions he received along the years is impressive. Having passed

5 actuarial exams, he will soon attain the ASA designation, a rare achievement for students

at his level. He has been on the Dean’s list with a grade point average of over 95% since

he entered the program. All his supervisors have raved about his performance at work.

Jason Azzoparde étudie à l’Université Concordia en vue d’obtenir un baccalauréat ès

sciences avec spécialisation en actuariat et en finance. Il a effectué des stages en entreprise

à Intact Assurance et au bureau montréalais de Towers Watson.

Leader né, Jason sait incontestablement se démarquer. Son curriculum vitæ témoigne

d’ailleurs de son ardeur au travail, de l’excellence de ses résultats universitaires et de son

engagement communautaire. De plus, Jason est toujours disponible pour aider les autres,

parler de ses expériences et donner des conseils pratiques. Il s’est voué à la poursuite de

l’excellence dans toutes les sphères de sa vie, comme le montre l’impressionnante liste

des prix et reconnaissances qu’il a reçus au fil des ans. Ayant déjà réussi cinq examens

d’actuariat, il obtiendra sous peu le titre professionnel d’associé de la Société des actuaires

(ASA), chose remarquable pour un étudiant du 1er cycle. Depuis qu’il est inscrit au

programme coop, sa moyenne dépasse les 95 % et son nom figure en permanence sur la

liste du doyen. Par ailleurs, tous ses superviseurs vantent son rendement au travail.

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BENOIT-ANTOINE BACONBenoit-Antoine Bacon is the Provost and Vice-President, Academic

Affairs, at Concordia University. He is an alumnus of Concordia,

where he completed his B.A. Honours degree in Psychology. He also

holds an M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in Neuropsychology from the University

of Montreal, and he has completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the

University of Glasgow, UK.

Upon returning to Canada, he taught for one year at Concordia

before joining Bishop’s University. At Bishop’s, he served as Chair of

the Department of Psychology, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science, and Associate Vice-

Principal of Research.

In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Bacon has continued to teach and to

be involved in research. His work in cognitive neuroscience centers on the links between

brain activity and perception in the visual and auditory systems, as well as on multisensory

integration. He is a member of the FRSQ-funded Center for Research in Neuropsychology

and Cognition (CERNEC).

Benoit Antoine Bacon est vice-recteur exécutif aux affaires académiques à

l’Université Concordia.

M. Bacon est diplômé de Concordia, où il a obtenu un baccalauréat (Honours) en

psychologie. Également titulaire d’une maîtrise et d’un doctorat en neuropsychologie de

l’Université de Montréal, il a effectué des recherches postdoctorales à l’Université de

Glasgow, au Royaume Uni.

À son retour au Canada, il a enseigné un an à Concordia. Puis, il a assumé à l’Université

Bishop’s les fonctions de directeur du Département de psychologie, de doyen de la Faculté

des arts et des sciences, et de vice recteur adjoint à la recherche.

Outre ses responsabilités administratives, M. Bacon continue d’enseigner et de mener

des recherches. Ses travaux en neurosciences cognitives portent principalement sur les liens

entre l’activité cérébrale et la perception dans les systèmes visuel et auditif, ainsi que sur

l’intégration multisensorielle. Il est membre du Centre de recherche en neuropsychologie et

cognition (CERNEC) que finance le Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ).


ALEXANDRE QUINTAL CO-OP STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARDTo recognize and reward the academic success and outstanding work term performance

of a top undergraduate Co-op student.

LE PRIX ALEXANDRE-QUINTAL DE L’ÉTUDIANT COOP DE L’ANNÉE récompense le meilleur étudiant coop de premier cycle pour sa réussite scolaire et

ses résultats exceptionnels durant le stage.

JASON AZZOPARDE (Actuarial Mathematics)

THE CAFCE QUEBEC AWARD: THE GILLES JONCAS SCHOLARSHIPEach fall, to promote co-operative education and to recognize the work and achievements

of these students at the academic level as well as the professional and social level, CAFCE

Quebec awards the Gilles Joncas Scholarship, valued at $1,000, to one college student and

one university student who have journeyed with great distinction through their training in

the co-operative program. Gilles Joncas is known as the trailblazer of co-operative education

in Quebec.

PRIX ACDEC QUEBEC, BOURSE GILLES JONCASDans le but de promouvoir l’enseignement coopératif et de reconnaître le travail et les

réalisations de ces étudiants, tant au niveau académique qu’au niveau professionnel et social,

l’ACDEC-Québec décerne annuellement à l’automne, la bourse Gilles Joncas, d’une valeur

de 1000$ à un étudiant de niveau collégial et à un autre de niveau universitaire qui, pendant

leur formation, auront cheminé avec grande distinction dans un programme coopératif.

Gilles Joncas est le précurseur de l’enseignement coopératif au Québec.

NOMINEES . LES MISES EN NOMINATION JASON AZZOPARDE (recipient, Actuarial Mathematics)KELVIN ZELT (Software Engineering)LAURENCE BERTRAND (Business Technology Management)

CAFCE STUDENT OF THE YEAR AWARDSince 1994, CAFCE (Canadian Association for Co-operative Education) has chosen a

student each year to receive the CAFCE Co-op Student of the Year Award (CSOTYA). This

award recognizes a wide variety of achievements -- job performance, academic performance

and responsibility, and particular contributions to their co-op employer, Co-operative

Education, and the community-at-large. The award is presented to a college and a university

Co-operative Education student. The two winning students are celebrated during National

Co-operative Education Week.

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PRIX DE L’ETUDIANT COOPERATIF DE L’ANNEE, DÉCERNÉ PAR L’ACDEC Depuis 1994, l’ACDEC (Association canadienne de l’enseignement coopératif) décerne son

prix de l’étudiant coopératif de l’année. Cette récompense vise à reconnaître un large éventail

de réalisations, dont le rendement au travail, le dossier scolaire, le sens des responsabilités et, en

particulier, les contributions à la bonne marche de l’entreprise de l’employeur, à la promotion

de l’enseignement coopératif et à la vie de la collectivité en général. Le prix est remis à deux

étudiants en enseignement coopératif, un au collégial et un à l’université. Les deux lauréats

seront honorés au cours de la Semaine nationale de l’enseignement coopératif.


BERGERON FAMILY UNDERGRADUATE CO-OP SCHOLARSHIPIn memory of Mme Françoise Laurette Presseau To recognize an active, well-rounded, undergraduate Co-op student whose contributions as an

ambassador of experiential learning include demonstrated academic excellence, leadership and

commitment to Co-op.

LA BOURSE D’ÉTUDES DE PREMIER CYCLE DE LA FAMILLE BERGERON En souvenir de Mme Françoise Laurette Presseau Récompense l’étudiant coop de premier cycle, impliqué, aux multiples talents, pour ses

contributions à titre d’ambassadeur de l’apprentissage expérientiel, pour son sens du leadership

et son engagement à l’égard de l’enseignement coop.


DANIEL HARRISON INTERNATIONAL WORK TERM GRANT To encourage participation in international work terms by helping to partially offset travel

and other expenses.

LA BOURSE DANIEL-HARRISON DE STAGE À L’ÉTRANGER Encourage la participation à des stages à l’étranger en aidant à compenser partiellement les frais

de voyages et autres dépenses.

OLIVIER NGUYEN (Computer Engineering)

DEIRDRE ANNIS MARK AWARD FOR TRANSLATION STUDIES Awarded to a Co-op student in Translation for high academic standing, excellent aptitude for

translation, and a sense of social responsibility in their extracurricular activities.

LE PRIX DEIRDRE-ANNIS-MARK D’ÉTUDES EN TRADUCTION Est attribué à un étudiant du programme coop en traduction pour ses bons résultats scolaires,

son aptitude remarquable pour la traduction et son sens de la responsabilité sociale dans ses

activités parascolaires.


MARTHE CATRY-VERRON AWARD OF EXCELLENCE To recognize and reward outstanding students in the Co-op Program in Translation.

LA BOURSE D’EXCELLENCE MARTHE CATRY-VERRON Est octroyée à l’étudiant qui s’est distingué lors de ses études dans le programme coop

en traduction.


STELCNER FAMILY PRIZE To provide recognition and incentive for excellent students in the Economics Co-op

Program at Concordia University.

LE PRIX DE LA FAMILLE STELCNER Offre reconnaissance et encouragement aux meilleurs étudiants du programme coopératif

de l’Université Concordia en sciences économiques.


RSW AWARD OF EXCELLENCE IN ACCOUNTING FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL BUSINESSESRecognizes an Accountancy Co-op student who has demonstrated leadership abilities

in school and on work-terms, and shown why he or she will be a better accounting

professional as a result.

LE PRIX D’EXCELLENCE RSW EN COMPTABILITÉ DES ENTREPRISES Récompense l’étudiant coop en comptabilité qui a su démontrer ses aptitudes au leadership

en classe et pendant son stage, prouvant ainsi ses capacités à devenir

un meilleur expert-comptable.


PFIZER CANADA CO-OP AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE IN ACCOUNTANCY AND FINANCEAcknowledges two outstanding students in the Accountancy and Finance Co-op programs

who also actively participate in volunteer work or extra-curricular activities promoting

healthier communities.

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COLLINS BARROW ACCOUNTANCY CO-OP AWARD OF EXCELLENCERecognizes a senior Accountancy Co-op student with a strong academic background,

and promotes excellence in the areas of accounting and tax.

LE PRIX D’EXCELLENCE COLLINS-BARROW POUR LES ÉTUDIANTS COOP EN COMPTABILITÉ Récompense l’étudiant coop avancé en comptabilité et doté d’une solide formation

universitaire, et favorise l’excellence dans les domaines de la comptabilité et de la fiscalité.


CO-OP MENTORSHIP AWARDTo distinguish a committed Co-op student mentor who has given back to the Co-op

community, helped others, and has been innovative and creative in mentoring

other students.

LE PRIX DU MENTORAT COOP Récompense l’étudiant coop engagé, qui accepte d’être mentor pour redonner à

l’enseignement coopératif ce qu’il a appris, en aidant les autres étudiants et en se montrant

innovateur et créatif dans son mentorat.

LAURENCE BERTRAND (Business Technology Management)

CO-OP STUDENT AMBASSADOR AWARDTo acknowledge a Co-op student who has been a strong advocate of and vigorous

ambassador for Co-op, going above and beyond to help promote the Co-op program as well

as guide and integrate new students.

LE PRIX DES ÉTUDIANTS AMBASSADEURS COOP Récompense l’étudiant coop qui s’est montré un ardent défenseur et un ambassadeur

enthousiaste de l’enseignement coop, ne ménageant aucun effort pour contribuer à la

promotion du programme coop et intégrer de nouveaux étudiants.

ALEXANDER KMEC (Accountancy)

LE PRIX D’EXCELLENCE PFIZER EN COMPTABILITÉ ET EN FINANCE Récompense deux étudiants exceptionnels des programmes coop en comptabilité et en

finance qui participent aussi activement au travail bénévole ou à des activités parascolaires

favorisant l’amélioration de la santé des collectivités.




Identifies a company that has been a true partner and participant in the experiential learning

process that is the foundation of co-operative education.


Prix attribué à une entreprise qui s’est montrée un fidèle partenaire en participant au

processus d’apprentissage expérientiel, fondement de l’enseignement coopératif.



Acknowledges an individual who has been truly committed to Co-op. It is “from the heart”

and characterizes the appreciation of everyone at the Institute for Co-operative Education.


Coup de cœur du personnel de l’Institut coop à l’égard d’une personne hors du commun,

dont l’engagement pour les programmes coopératifs ne se dément pas.

NADIA MAZZAFERRO (Bombardier Aerospace)


In appreciation to those Co-op graduates who have made inroads and championed the hiring

of Co-op students within their organizations.


Témoignage de notre reconnaissance à l’égard des diplômés de l’Institut qui ont percé sur le

marché du travail et ont parrainé l’embauche d’étudiants coop au sein de leur organisation.


STUDENT’S CHOICE AWARDNominated by the Co-op students themselves, this award recognizes employers and

supervisors who have had a significant impact on the students’ overall work-term

experiences and their professional and personal growth.

CHOIX DES ÉTUDIANTSPrix décerné aux employeurs et aux superviseurs qui ont eu une influence considérable sur

les étudiants au cours de leur stage ainsi que sur leur épanouissement personnel

et professionnel.

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RECIPIENTS . LES RÉCIPIENDAIRESPAOLO BISCEGLIA (Pfizer Canada) Nominated by Brianna Guarneri, Valerie Taschereau, Emily O'Connor (Accountancy, Finance)

HENRY DA COSTA (Immersion Corporation) Nominated by Arnaud Songa-Cote (Software Engineering)

RYAN ANGELO & ROBERT DECKELBAUM (Eat It Up Media) Nominated by Philippe Latreille, Melanie L'Heureux, Alex-Sandra Gosselin

(Marketing, International Business)


MEGHAN AHMED, Bombardier Aerospace Sara Irene Imbriglio, Mechanical Engineering

MARWA AKEF, Scotiabank Darmila Srikanthavel, Accountancy

ALLAN ALVALOPEZ, BMO Andrew Wesley Graham, Accountancy

RYAN ANGELO, Eat It Up Media Alex-Sandra Gosselin, Marketing

RYAN ANGELO, Eat It Up Media Philippe Latreille, International Business

RYAN ANGELO, Eat It Up Media Melanie L'Heureux, Marketing

JULIA ASSELSTINE, MUHC Nicole Yeba, Journalism

SIAKA BARO, Genetec Venelin Koulaxazov, Computer Engineering

KEVIN E. BARR, Transport Canada Isaac Jason Paonessa, Political Science

LOUIS BISAILLON, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Gregory Rocha, Marketing

GIANCARLO BISCEGLIA, Yellow Pages Mahdi Hosseininia, Computer Engineering (Master's)

PAOLO BISCEGLIA, Pfizer Canada Brianna Guarneri, Accountancy

PAOLO BISCEGLIA, Pfizer Canada Emily O'Connor, Finance

PAOLO BISCEGLIA, Pfizer Canada Valerie Taschereau, Accountancy

MOUNIR BOUCHAAR, Bombardier Aerospace Antonin Picou, Industrial Engineering


GUILLAUME BOURGON, Pepsico Beverages Canada Michael Sabelli, Mechanical Engineering

SOPHIE BOURRET, BCE INC. (Bell) Duy Bach Nguyen, Accountancy

SHAWNA BRATIN, Ruby Stein Wagner Nicholas Chin, Accountancy

DIANE BURSEY, Pratt & Whitney Canada Gurpal Kaur Grewal, Mechanical Engineering

ANTOINE CASIMIR, Novacap Javier Hernandez-Cotton, Finance

ROSE-ANNE CHABOT, Societe De L'assurance Automobile Quebec Georges Zorbas, Translation

BRANDON CHONG TAI, Bell Canada Esther Peterson, Finance

MELISSA CHRYSSOCHOU, Mega Brands Laura Lamberti, International Business

DEBORAH CROSS, Perform Center, Concordia University Molly Dodds, Marketing

HENRY DA COSTA, Immersion Corporation Arnaud Songa-Côté, Software Engineering

MANUEL DARVEAU, 8D Technologies Jordan Rooks, Computer Engineering

JOHN DE PRETTO, GE Transportation Maria Jose Grasso, Mechanical Engineering

ROBERT DECKELBAUM, Eat It Up Media Philippe Latreille, International Business

SEBASTIEN DELVECCHIO, National Bank Of Canada Frederic Latulippe, Marketing

GERALD DESFORGES, BDC Olivier La Forge, Finance

CRISTIANO DO VALE, Fidelity Investments Canada Simon Albert, Finance

ANDREI DRAGOMIR, Pratt & Whitney Canada Megan Grace Battley, Economics

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LINDA DYER, Concordia University Xuan Xie, Human Resource Management

CATHY FAULKNER, Bombardier Aerospace Anthony Belanger, Building Engineering

CHRISTOPHER FLYNN, Enterprise Rent-A-Car Lina Fong, Marketing

ENZO GABRIELLI, Horizon Capital Holdings Sami Samir Hassane, Finance

ALEXANDRE GAGNÉ, Multi-Prets Commercial Andre Mukeba Mulumba, Finance

GENEVIÈVE GAGNON, Revenue Quebec Savannah Goyette, Translation

GENEVIÈVE GAGNON, Revenue Quebec Kelly Oliel, Translation

YAN GALARNEAU, Bombardier Aerospace Carolina Andrea Restrepo, Industrial Engineering

MAXIME GAUDREAU, Big Bang ERP Jignesh Patel, Software Engineering

MARC GERVAIS, Agriculture and Agriculture-Food Canada Oumou Keita, Marketing

MELANIE GILBERT, Peak Financial Group Virginia Law, Finance

ELLIOTT GILLESPIE, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Elisabeth Daigle, Marketing

NATHALIE GODIN, Transport Canada Alexandre Hureau, Anthropology

MARK GOREN, Nexalogy Environics Rawan Hassunah, Economics

JUSTIN GRENIER, Aerotek Andrei Zolotuhin, International Business

FABRICE GUEROUT, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Jacques Manirabaruta, Mechanical Engineering

CAROLINE GUERRU, Sanofi-Aventis Canada Inc. Carelle Khairallah, Human Resource Management

STEPHANIE HALLEY, Yellow Pages Group Mathieu Gilli, Business Technology Management

CLAUDIA IANNETTA, RBC Christina Christou, Finance

KAPILA JAIN, Pratt & Whitney Canada Lisa Drudi, Mechanical Engineering

ERIC KHOURY, Ericsson Matin Mansouri, Computer Engineering

JULIE LACROIX, AGAC Giovanna Arcuri, Art History

MARIE-PIERRE LALANDE, Sanofi Melissa Abruzzese, Human Resource Management

ISABELLE LANDREVILLE, Sylvestre Marketing Vishal Sooknanan, Marketing

ALLISON LAPIERRE, Era Environmental Consulting Company Mona Ebrahimi, Civil Engineering

VINCENT LEPAGE, Td Insurance David Tagliamonti, Mathematics

MARIA MANGIOCAVALLO, Roynat Capital Lea Roth , Finance

SAL MARIANI, Scotiabank Zachary Carmel, Finance

SHABNAZ MOSTOFIPOUR, CGI Montreal Harpal Dasord, Finance

MARIE NAKHLEH, Backstage Commerce Inc. Conrad McDougall, Marketing

TANYA NASEHOGLU, Bell Mobility (Bell Canada) Elias Lolei, Information Systems Security (Master's)

JOHN ODELL, Transport Canada Isaac Jason Paonessa, Political Science

ASHLEY O'DONNELL, Pratt & Whitney Canada Mariam Javed, Marketing

DOMINIC PAGE, Bombardier Aerospace Artiom Spinu, Finance

LILIANA PERRELLA, Sanofi Melissa Abruzzese, Human Resource Management

ANDRE PLOURDE, Adobe Mayank Kumar, Quality System Engineering (Master's)

NICOLAS RICHERIOUX, Institut Armand Frappier Richelle Smith, Chemistry

18 19


GEORGE RIOPELLE, Broccolini Construction Toronto Davinder Dhillon, Civil Engineering

MARIE-EVE ROBERGE, Pratt & Whitney Canada Sarina Pinzarrone, Accountancy

ROBERT ROCHON, Matrox Sumeet Sharma, Computer Engineering (Master's)

KYLE ROGERS-BRODEUR, Pratt & Whitney Canada Christiano Bianchet, Software Engineering

SCOTT ROSS, Cognisens Inc. Amr Mourad, Software Engineering

JEAN-CLAUDE ROZON, OHL CanadaYoko Yanagumura, Civil Engineering

JOSIE SCALIA, Fednav Limited Alina Tiltu, Accountancy

CATHERINE SINCLAIR, Ottawa Art Gallery Teodora Dimitrova, Art History

JAN STAHLENBERG, BNP Paribas Aaradha Goyal, Software Engineering

BENOIT ST-LAURENT, Public Health Agency of Canada David Blondeau, Translation

BENOIT ST-LAURENT, Public Health Agency of Canada Aurelie Burelle, Translation

JOANNA SZYMCZYK, Bombardier Aerospace Cristina Epifani, Industrial Engineering

STEVE THIFFAULT, Interdigital Amine Mhedhbi, Computer Engineering

MARIE-CLAIRE TURCOTTE, Intact Michelle Tam, Mathematics

VINESH UMANEE, Peak Financial Group Virginia Law, Finance

RAUL VALVERDE, Concordia University David Pacheco, Supply Chain Operations Management

RENEE WALKOM MUNICH, Reinsurance Ling Chau Dang Nghiem, Actuarial Mathematics

NANETTE WYNNE, National Bank of Canada Jill Sinclair, Translation


EMPLOYER’S CHOICE AWARDIn recognition of outstanding Co-op students who performed beyond expectations during

their work term and who have made significant, tangible contributions within the company

or organization.

CHOIX DE L’EMPLOYEUR Prix décerné aux étudiants coop qui se sont démarqués au cours de leur stage et ont

apporté une contribution concrète à l’entreprise ou à l’organisation.

RECIPIENTS . LES RÉCIPIENDAIRESVICTOR LEBLANC (Finance)Nominated by Michel Marcotte (Provigo Inc.)

MATHIEU GILLI (Business Technology Management)Nominated by Stephanie Halley (Groupe Pages Jaunes/Yellow Pages Group)

NIKOLA PETKOV (Actuarial Mathematics) Nominated by Yan Desjardins-Beaurivage (TD Bank Financial Group/ Groupe Financier

Banque TD)

NOMINEES . LES MISES EN NOMINATIONADAM ABERBACK, MarketingNominated by Stacey Gartner, Sterling Card (Payment Solutions)

DILANI ABEYWICKRAMA, Mechanical EngineeringNominated by John Race, CN Supply Management

JOE ABI NADER, AccountancyNominated by Delyana Kirilova, SNC Lavalin Inc.

GIOVANNA ARCURI, Art HistoryNominated by Simone Rochon, AGAC- Contemporary Art Galleries Association

DIEGO AROXELLES, Business Technology ManagementNominated by Frederic Hamard, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

VARTOUHIE (ROSE) AVEDISSIAN, MarketingNominated by Sam Asmar, Carrefour Jeunesse-Emploi de l'Ouest-de-l'Île

JASON AZZOPARDE, Actuarial Mathematics/FinanceNominated by Carl Larose, Towers Watson

GORDON BAILEY, Computer EngineeringNominated by Pascal Potvin, Ericsson Canada Inc.

20 21


MICHELLE BARBAGALLO, Biochemistry Nominated by Laurent Sabbagh, Vertex pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

ANTHONY BARBARO, Accountancy Nominated by Patrick Bonneau, Deloitte

ALISON BEAULIEU SHERPING, Art HistoryNominated by Michelle Joannette, Canadian Guild of Crafts-Guilde canadienne des métiers d'art

JORDAN BELLEMORE, Mechanical EngineeringNominated by Julien Frachon, MDA Corporation

DAVID BLONDEAU, TranslationNominated by Benoit St-Laurent Centre de la biosûreté (Agence de la santé publique) NICHOLAS BOUDREAU, Electrical Engineering Nominated by Virginie Dupessey, MDA Corporation

AURÉLIE BURELLE , TranslationNominated by Benoit St-Laurent Centre de la biosûreté, Agence de la santé publique

AMELIE CARRIER LESSARD, Industrial EngineeringNominated by Giuseppe Colletti, Bombardier Aerospace

AMELIE CARRIER LESSARD, Industrial Engineering Nominated by Michael Coleman, Bombardier Aerospace

ANDREA CARTILE, Industrial Experience Mechanical Engineering Nominated by Sebastien Laplante, L'Oréal Canada Inc.

CARLO CEFALONI, Finance Nominated by Julie Trudeau, MAAX Corporation

CHRISTINA CHRISTOU, Finance Nominated by Claudia Iannetta, RBC

LÉO COLLARD, Software Engineering Nominated by Anne Raby, Ericsson Canada Inc.

DOUGLAS CONOVER, Mechanical EngineeringNominated by Jerome Savaria-Carriere, Dassault Systèmes Inc.

SARAH COUTURE, Human Resource ManagementNominated by Marie-Eve Schubert, Shriners Hospital for Children-Hopitaux Shriners pour


ANDREW DAFOE, Mechanical Engineering Nominated by John McDougall, MAAX Bath Inc.

NATHANAËL DAGANE, Political Science Nominated by Csaba Nikolenyi, Concordia University

OLIVIA D'ANGELO, Actuarial Mathematics/FinanceNominated by Vicky Allard, National Bank Financial Group/ Groupe Financière Banque National

SÉBASTIEN D'AUTEUIL, TranslationNominated by Pascale Schmitt, Lionbridge Canada Inc. CASANDRA DE MASI, Journalism Nominated by Vincent Frigon, Equitas

PATERSON DESHOMMES, Software Engineering Nominated by Gabriel Pablo Szraibman, Ericsson Canada Inc.

DAVINDER DHILLON, Civil EngineeringNominated by George Riopelle, Broccolini Construction Inc.

JULIAN DI BARTOLOMEO, FinanceNominated by Robert Deckelbaum, EAT IT UP Media

CYNTHIA DI LIELLO, Mechanical Engineering Nominated by Brian Terry, Weighpack Systems Inc.

BENJAMIN DIANO-BROWN, Civil Engineering Nominated by Isaac Nobre, Brasco Désembuage

KATHLEEN DICAPRIO, Marketing Nominated by Zineb Ahnou Ghouila, Uni-Select

MOLLY CATHERINE DODDS, MarketingNominated by Deborah Cross, Concordia University, Perform Center

RYAN D'ORAZIO, Actuarial Mathematics/Finance Nominated by Yuan Xiu, Manulife Financial

LISA ANN DRUDI, Mechanical EngineeringNominated by Kapila Jain, Pratt & Whitney Canada

PATRICK DU TREMBLE, TranslationNominated by Sylvain Millette, Versacom

SAMUEL DUPRAS, Computer Science Nominated by Sebastien Pierre, FFunction

ANDREW FITZSIMMONS, AnthropologyNominated by Stéphane Bruneau, Parcs Canada/Parks Canada

LINA FONG, Marketing Nominated by Christopher Flynn, Enterprise Holdings

NATACHA GABBAMONTE, Computer Science Nominated by Herve Lange, Autodesk, Media & Entertainment

PEDRO GARCIA FONTOVA, FinanceNominated by Eleonora Forero, Qube-4D Ventures

KEVIN GAVIN, Sociology Nominated by Mary McCarthy, Atlas Coal Mine National Historic Site

MATHIEU GILLI, Business Technology Management Nominated by Stephanie Halley, Groupe Pages Jaunes/Yellow Pages Group

22 23


MICHAEL GLADSTEIN, Business Technology Management Nominated by Eric Garat, Air Canada

ANDREW WESLEY GRAHAM, Accountancy Nominated by Allan Alva Lopez, BMO

SCOTT GRAINGER, Finance Nominated by Mark Goren, Nexalogy

DEREK GREENBLATT, Mechanical Engineering Nominated by Viken Torikian, Bombardier Aerospace

FATIMA HALIMI, International BusinessNominated by Jayne McNaughtonJayne, The Cai Global Group

SAMI SAMIR HASSANE, FinanceNominated by Enzo Gabrielli, Horizon Capital Holdings Inc.

MAHDI HOSSEININIA, Industrial Experience Computer Science (Master's)Nominated by Giancarlo Bisceglia, Groupe Pages Jaunes/Yellow Pages Group

SAMANTHA HRIVNAK, FinanceNominated by Louise Grenier et François-Xavier Lemay, Banque de développement

du Canada

ALEXANDRE HUREAU, Anthropology Nominated by Laura Cliche, Equitas

SARA IRENE IMBRIGLIO, Mechanical EngineeringNominated by Meghan Ahmed, Bombardier Aerospace

DANY IANNANTUONI, Civil Engineering Nominated by Stéphanie Roy, Ville de Dollard-des-Ormeaux/City of Dollard-des-Ormeaux

TIFFANY IP, Software Engineering Nominated by Amélie Meunier, Behaviour

MARIAM JAVED, Marketing Nominated by Ashley O'Donnell, Pratt & Withney Canada STÉPHANIE JÉRÉMIE, Political ScienceNominated by Laura Cliche, Équitas

CLÉMENCE JONSSON, Human Resource ManagementNominated by Rose-Anne Duguay, Standard Life Assurance Company

CLÉMENCE JONSSON, Human Resource Management Nominated by Natacha MaCrea, Standard Life Assurance Company

FARIHA KAMAL, Building Engineering Nominated by Md Ibrahim Knoedler, Manufacturers Ltee. SONIA KHARCHI, MarketingNominated by Ryan Angelo, Eat It Up Media

THOMAS KEARVELL, Industrial Experience Computer Science

Nominated by Leyla Kinaze, Ericsson Canada Inc. OKSANA KIM, AccountancyNominated by Tania Lee, PricewhaterhouseCoopers

EVANGELINA KONTIS, Software Engineering

Nominated by Anne Raby & John Christopher, Ericsson CanadaCHU KIM LY, Accountancy Nominated by Lion Saad, Bell Canada STEVEN LABRANCHE, Mechanical Engineering Nominated by Jerome Savaria-Carriere, Dassault Systèmes Inc.

OLIVER LA FORGE, Finance Nominated by Gérard Desforges, BDC

FRÉDÉRIC LATULIPPE, Marketing Nominated by Sebastien Delvecchio, National Bank Financial Group/ Groupe Financière

Banque National

VICTOR LEBLANC, Finance Nominated by Michel Marcotte, Provigo Inc.

VICTOR LEBLANC, Finance Judith Payette, Provigo Inc.

HANNA LEVY, Supply Chain Operations Management Nominated by Kene Ilochonwu, Suncor Energy Inc. XUE PING MA, Sociology Nominated by Eric Shragge, Immigrant Workers Centre

SAHAR MADDA, Industrial Engineering Nominated by Marco Beaulieu, Bombardier Aerospace

MARC-ANDRÉ MAHEU, Finance Nominated by Mathieu Céré, BDC

CARMINE MIGNELLI, Economics Nominated by Julie Sturrock, Bombardier Aerospace

ALEXANDER MUKHERJEE, Finance Nominated by Isabelle David, MAAX Corporation

PIRATHEEP NAVARATNAM, Actuarial Mathematics Nominated by Julie Ricard, Concordia University

JADE NG, Actuarial Mathematics/FinanceNominated by Deborah Hayek, Dash Computer Solutions

DUY BACH NGUYEN, Accountancy Nominated by Sophie Bourret, Bell Canada

ANGELO NORCIA , Actuarial Mathematics Nominated by Josie Vardaro, Artitalia Group

24 25


DENIS NOSKOV, Supply Chain Operations Management Nominated by Dylan Parker, Johnson & Johnson Inc.

PASCAL NUAMAH, Finance Nominated by Craig Strachan, Fidelity

SARAH OWEN, Finance Nominated by Catherine Noye-Marcovecchio, Scotiabank

NICOLAS PETIT, Marketing Nominated by Rina Calabrese, Citi Financial Canada Inc.

NIKOLA PETKOV, Actuarial Mathematics Nominated by Yan Desjardins-Beaurivage, TD Bank Financial Group/ Groupe Financier Banque


DEVON PHELPS, Sociology Nominated by Olga Perju, Coop Le Milieu

ANTONIN RIVER PICOU, Industrial Engineering Nominated by Mounir Bouchaar, Bombardier Aerospace DAVID PATRICK PIEDIMONTE, Supply Chain Operations Management Nominated by David Antaya, Pratt & Whitney Canada SARINA PINZARRONE, Accountancy Nominated by Marie-Ève Roberge, Pratt & Whitney Canada

AHMED POPAL, Computer EngineeringNominated by Hessam Ghiassi, CAE

PATRICK PRIEST, Finance Nominated by Jeffrey Sacksner, Pratt & Whitney Canada

SHAHRAD REZAEI, Industrial Experience Software Engineering Nominated by Leyla Kinaze, Ericsson Canada Inc.

CHANTALE ROBILLARD, Software Engineering Nominated by Mathieu Cambillau, Morgan Stanley

JESSICA ROMERA, Journalism Nominated by Patricia Kearns, Breast Cancer Action Montreal (BCAM)

LEA ROTH, Finance Nominated by Maria Mangiocavallo, Roynat Capital Inc.

LEA ROTH, Finance Nominated by Catherine Parent, Roynat Capital Inc.

JÉRÉMIE SHAKER, Software Engineering Nominated by Albert Ng, Grass Valley, a Belden Brand (FKA Miranda Technologies Inc.)

JILL IMOGEN SINCLAIR, TranslationNominated by Brenda Anderson, National Bank Financial Group/ Groupe Financière Banque National

DANIEL SINGER, Finance Nominated by Christian Turgeon, BDG & Associés

KIRANDEEP SINGH, FinanceNominated by Lebbar Mehdi, SNC Lavalin Inc.

SUMANPREET SINGH, Industrial Experience Software Engineering Nominated by Saurabh Patel, Scotiabank

BENJAMIN SLAPCOFF, Computer ScienceNominated by Kees Rijnen, Autodesk, Media & Entertainment

FÉLIX SOUMPHOLPHAKDY, Software Engineering Nominated by Mudur Sudhir, Jellysnow

RAPHAEL STEIN, Computer Science

Nominated by Iddo Gino, Rapid Software Solutions LTD

DAVID TAGLIAMONTI, Actuarial Mathematics/Finance Nominated by Nicole Neveu, Pharmascience Inc.

DAVID TAGLIAMONTI, Actuarial Mathematics/Finance Nominated by Jody Cohen, Pharmascience Inc.

DAVID TAGLIAMONTI, Actuarial Mathematics/FinanceNominated by Geneviève LaPlante, Pharmascience Inc.

KIMBERLYN TAGUE, Accountancy Nominated by Melanie Plouffe, Canderel Management Inc.

SEAN THOMSON, International Business Nominated by David Nemes, Bombardier Aerospace IVONA TOPALOVIC, Accountancy Nominated by Nava Knafo, National Bank Financial Group/ Groupe Financière Banque


MATTIE VADRAHANIS, MarketingNominated by Marie-Eve Danis, Ubisoft

RAPHAËL VALLIÈRES-IBRAHIM, Supply Chain Operations ManagementNominated by Shant Karabajak, BMO

HELEN WATTS, Art HistoryNominated by Adèle Benoit, Black Theatre Workshop

JULIE ZHU, AccountancyNominated by Beverley Lisiecki, Transcontinental OKeefe Montreal

YOKO YANAGIMURA, Civil EngineeringNominated by Mercedes Mangas, OHL Construction Canada Inc.

MARC-YVES ZWANENBURG, FinanceNominated by Monique Tawil, BDC

26 27


Adam AberbackDilani AbeywickramaAlexandre Achim MartinezMéghane AudetVartouchie AvedissianAhmed BakkarLauren BenamorLaurence BertrandVincent BoucherMarie-Hélène BusqueOleksiy ByelovAmelie Carrier LessardChristina CefarattiDavid ChanNicholas ChinChristina ChristouKevin Chung-Yuen-Fat Elissa ColucciAline CzarnobaiJonathan D'ArienzoHarpal DasordJason DesranleauMolly DoddsShany EngelhardtEwa FilipekAshley FrankelJonathan GouliarisMichael GurmanSara HaddouFatima HalimiYoni HazanNamig HuseynovClémence JonssonHannah KelletAlexander KmecKarlene LaCombe

Tiffany LafleurLaura LambertiElizabeth LaughlinThuy Mong (Lina) LeHanna LevyMélanie L'HeureuxJacques LiDang Nghiem Linh ChauElias LoleiChu Kim LyBassimina MadiTahirah MassopAnaïs MeilleurJessika MericVictor MetzgerAmine MhedhbiAlvy MizelleAndre Mukeba MulumbaChristopher MukherjeeAlexander MukherjeeAryeh NissanDmitri NovikovDavid PachecoDeven PatelJonathan RomitaMonica RowGregory SevioraJoshua ShamlalTimothy SmithAndriy StorozhukValerie TaschereauEdouard Hon TseKaren Vo HoangJennifer WilsonRoselyne WongChengwei Zhao



Prof. Tara Ramsaran


Dr. Satoshi Ikeda


Dr. Steven Stowell


Dr. Zhenhua Zhu


Dr. Sébastien Robidoux


Prof. Jonathan Lessard



Dr. Mustafa Mehmet Ali



Dr. Rajagopalan Jayakumar


Prof. P. Karen Langshaw


Dr. Michael Sampson


Prof. Jay Mannadiar


Prof. Barbara Shapiro



Dr. Henry Hong


Dr. Mehdi Farashahi


Dr. Andrea Hunter


Dr. Sandra Betton




Dr. Raul Valverde


Prof. Harold Simpkins



Dr. Cody Hyndman


Dr. Pablo Bianucci


Dr. Graham Dodds



Dr. Jamal Bentahar


Dr. Danièle Marcoux


Dr. Christine York

28 29

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Co-op ad_bil.indd 1 08/05/2014 1:58:52 PM



Gerry Hughes


Chen F. Huang



Alain Villemaire



Natalie Roper


Leslie Hughes



Lynn Bergeron


Melissa Clidaras

Samantha Hamer


Nadine Benjamin (Economics, Mathematics,

Quality Systems Engineering, Translation)


Alex Bottausci (Finance, MBA)

Sally Craig (Human Resource Management,

International Business, Marketing)

Fred Francis (Building, Civil, Industrial,

Mechanical Engineering)

Gail Knafo (Computer, Electrical, Software

Engineering, Computer Science)

Richard Melkonian (Accountancy, Business

Technology Management, Supply Chain

Operations Management)

Lucia Plescia (Art History, Biochemistry,

Chemistry, Physics, Journalism, Sociology and

Anthropology, Political Science, Computation

Arts, Design)

Dr. Christine York (Translation)

30 31


DESIGN . CONCEPTION: CESAR REZER – Bachelor of Fine Arts (Major in Design)


The growth is the representation of the main achievements in life

that need a balance of time and energy in order to be successfully

accomplished. The orbits are the reflection of results from a healthy

growth projection, which energy in function of time can generate.


Dans la vie d’un individu, l’essor évoque de grandes réalisations, dont le plein

accomplissement exige un mélange parfaitement dosé de temps et d’énergie. Ici, les orbites

reflètent les résultats de la projection d’une saine croissance, que seul peut permettre le

dynamisme considéré en fonction du temps.


Outstanding is a piece that reflects synchronized choices from a

path taken, which can be visually highlighted from everything else

surrounding it. It also draws attention for its stance in the same

environment as the others.


En tant qu’objet, « Excellence » traduit les choix synchrones qui jalonnent les sentiers de

l’existence. Mis en valeur visuellement par tout ce qui l’entoure, il attire de plus l’attention

par la position qu’il occupe dans l’espace collectif.


A synchronized cooperativism is essential for shaping the society

in a solid and organic way starting from its inner development. At

some points it intersects with its concepts and desires. It can be

determinant for future paths, also resulting from this bond.


L’établissement d’une société selon une structure organique et stable repose avant tout sur

un coopérativisme en synchronie, et ce, dès son développement intrinsèque. De-ci, de-là,

il intersecte concepts et ambitions. Son rôle s’avère déterminant dans la percée de voies

d’avenir, issues elles aussi de ces croisements.


Each individual has its own digitals and footprints for the growth of

a society. Each person is a thinker and contributes by exchanging

experiences with your own essence that will also be an attribute for

a group or a new kind.


En matière de développement social, chacun laisse son empreinte, la trace de son passage.

Poursuivant sa propre réflexion, toute personne contribue à l’avancement de la société

en partageant les expériences qui forment son essence même. En définitive, l’individualité

incarne l’un des attributs d’un groupe inédit.

Thank you for the support of opens the first dedicated 3D printing and 3D scanning retail store in

Canada with over twenty-seven 3D printers to serve you. Located in the Faubourg de

L’Île Shopping Centre, 101 Cardinal-Léger, in Pincourt, Quebec, now anyone can have

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1550 De Maisonneuve B lvd . W. , GM-430

Montrea l , Quebec H3G 1N2

514-848-2424 ext 3950

coopins t i tute@concord ia .ca

C O - O P . C O N C O R D I A . C A